ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. WEDNESDAY. JULY 13, 1927. THREE Twenty-nine years ago Alexander Win I on, who became famous buer as a manufacturer of fine curs, shipped tilt) first automobile bo Id In America from his modest Utile faclory In Cleveland, Ohio. Ex cept motor ami chases, It lacked pracUeallyeverything the modern junior cnv possesses. . Yet it wan No. 1 of 35,000,00(1 or more motor vehicles that have heeu made since and sold to peo ple in very walk of life. Just a few days ago, Alexander Winton, still hale, hearty and re cently remarried, and still active ly Interested In the automotive in dustry, bought himself an automo bile. ' Walter F. Wright, distributor of Chryslers in the Cleveland terri tory, rather proudly revealed the fact with Wfnton's permission. Wlnton, called by some the fath er of I he automobile industry and tor years head of a concern that manufactured a high class motor car bearing his name, chose his new car from among the four Chrysler models. His selection wub one of the now Imperial "80" four-pa use user coupes,, a luxurious personal car, . Comparing the new Chrysler with the thin-wheeled, buggy-like vehicles of 21) years ago, one would think there wns n century's differ ence between them, so rapid has been the progress of the automo bile world. Mr. Win ton. who oven to this day occasionally sends an applica tion for a new patent to Washing ton, contributed greatly to that rapid development. "Yes, indeed, -we are proud that Mr. Winton chose one of our Im perial '80's' for his personal use," said Mr. Wright. "I know of no finer compliment that could have been paid the cur than that it should have been chosen by a man who built the first automobile Bold and for years manufactured a fine car that boro his own name. "Mr. Winton, you might say, spent a lifetime with automobiles, and we' are indeed proud of the fact that a man so well versed in fine car manufacturing chose one . of our products when It came to selecting a car for , his personal , use." I There's a nice present for the lucky bidder at the Auction Hoiw next Saturday. Sale starts nt 2 p. m. Performance,, , , , . Comfort and Luxury f. O. b. Detroit SjFnffs Coupe $750 Coach $780; Roadster with rumble seat) $795 Sedan $8jo; f. 0. b. Detroit, subject to current federal excise tax. Chrysler dealers are in a position to extend the convenience of time pay mtnts. Ask about Chrysler's attractive plan. All Chry sler cars have the addi tional protection against theft of the Fcdco system of numbering. DRIVE A CHRYSLER TO PROVE A CHRYSLER CORNS V f I Instant Relief br. Sch oil's Zino-pads stop all pain quicker than any other known ' method. Takes but a minute to quiet the worst com. Healing starts at once. When the com is gone it never comes back. If new shoes make the spot "touchy" again, a Zino-pad fctops it instantly. That's because Zino-pads remove the cause pressing and rubbing of shoes. Dr. Sctioll'fl Ztno-podi are medicated, antiseptic, protective. At ell Urutfviat's fcnd Blioe tlctilcr'n 35c. mScholVs XitiO'pads Put one on me pain is gone! THE ABOVE and all other Scholl Appliances and Foot Comfort Re liefs are 'to be had at the Roseburg Booterie, Perkins Building, Cass Street. By NEA Service. LONDON. July 12. While Eng land is considering either increas ing the speed limit of auto traffic, or abolishing it altogether, traffic experts are looking over the wide range of speed regulations in va rious parts of Europe. , This runs the gamut from the low limit of three miles an hour in. congested parts of Bulgaria to no limit at all in northern Ireland. The -average speed limit runs around 25 miles an hour in open country, but. for city driving it ranges from four to 15 miles. Traffic, however, especially in cities, i like Paris, Berlin, Vienna and Bi'usselB. shows thut the police ofifefals are rather lax Iji enforcing the laws. Finland has a limit of 28 miles an hour on the best roads by day, but at night- this limit Is cut down to 121 mift's an hour. . Bulgaria has gone even farther. Drivers are forbidden to moke or speak while driving . through towns br other congested districts where the speed limit is from three- to eight and n half miles, I nn hour. ' TOYSL H. L. CONNELLY MOTOR CO. 127 N. Jackson St. Roseourg, Oregon Phone 350 With production running at the record clip of more than 5,000 units daily and demand fur the product constantly attainlug'uew lavels, the Chevrolet Motor company announ ces U $2,000,000 development of its properties at Flint, Mich., to relieve congestion brought about by steady increases in output. This will include two buildings a new purls structure and a three-story office building. They will be completed by October 1, according to Charles P. Harth, vice president, In charge of manufactur ling. On the completion of the new buildings the present structures used for offices and parts will be l razed and a modern factory build ing erected in their place, asserts Mr. Burth in a communication to the Chevrolet zone office in this .territory. j The new parts building will he n three-story structure, 530 by 122 feet, und of concrete construction. The new office building, of brick and concrete, will bo 200 by 60 feet. '"Completion of the project will provide additional manufacturing facilities to a plant that is already one of the finest in the automotive, industry," commented IT, P. Han sen, the 'local Chevrolet dealer. "The rate of production Increase. showing the growing demand of the. motoring public for the Chevrolet line, may be seen by the fact that only a few months ago the factory completed an expansion program costing $10,000,000." My office VIII be closed from 11:00 n. m. Thursday, July 14th, to 3:30 p. m. July 18th. CHAS..F. HOPKINS, , Justice of the Peace. DEDICATION OF PORTLAND AIRPORT IS POSTPONED fAoftnoIntrfl Press LraitM Win-) PORTLAND, Ore., July 13 The Swan Island Airport of (he Port, of Portland will not be dedicated in September, following the na tional air races at Spokane, ac cording 'to a decision reached, when it wns found the Held would not be In condition-' for any exten sive flying this season. The. field will be the control noint, hqwever, for the Pacific Coast air derby from San Fran cisco to Spokane on September 19 and 20. This even will bring about; 50 planes to the field for a day and the damage to the turf will be slight. , Construction of hangars and IN THE Chrysler "50" "Walter P. Chrysler has upset all ideas of the quality and value that can Repurchased in a motor car priced at $750. ' . " Full-sized comfort w,ith ample seating capacity for adult passengers; ... Speed of 50 and more miles an hour with a' smoothness never before known at such price; Pick-up of 5 to 25 miles in 8 seconds; Economy, of 25 miles to the gallon; Distinctive and enduring beauty which makes you proud to own and drive it; And with these through the great Chrysler plan of Standard ized Quality dependability and long life assured by the same finest engineering design and precision manufacturing which have produced the Chrysler "60", "70" and Imperial "80". You owe it to yourself to ride in the "50" Not a perfunctory demonstration, but we are eager to give you the opportunity for a real test, you to select the route and do the driving, if you wish. Then and only then will you appreciate that nowhere else at $750 can you obtain the same performance, luxury and com fort you get in the Chrysler "50". NOTICE TO PATRONS Mrs. D, V. Allison, recently operating the Beauty She) at Rose Hotel, has, with Mrs. Grace Chuney, purchased the Itoseburg Beauty Studio over j the Itoseburg National Bunk, and will hereafter conduct the 4 latter place. All patrons will find Mrd. Allison and Mrs. ! Chaney upatuirs at the mink ! building. AppoiiumeuU may j be made by telephone. Mrs. I). V. Allison, Mrs. Grace Chaney. Phone 212-J. COURT ADJOURNS County Court adjourned last night nfter a very busy 4 session. A great deal of time t was taken up during the term by minor road matters and several of these wore'4 ( held over for inspection dur- the month. New bids are to be received on. the hoon Lake road job at the August meot- ing. . other equipment for the field, re gulations and tariffs and nil other matters relative to aviation have been placed In the hands of a spe cial committee. Want to innk'j quh k easy money? Then write Fred L. Viel, Salmon, Idaho. WHOOPING COUGH AND MEASLES SHOW INCREASE fAiwoelntort rreia la1 Wire) PORTLAND, Ore., July 13 Whooping cough and measles made an upward jump on the records of new cases reported In the state for the week ended July 9, issued by State Health Officer Strieker. Twenty-two new cases in Wash ington .county as against only four in the previous week, Indicate a possible trend toward epidemic in that county. There was a Blight Increase In t he number of cases re ported In Portland also. Jackson and Josephine county ndded the. greater part of the 21 new cases of whooping cough re ported. Curry, Rllllom and Lake showed clean bills ot health in .the matter of contagious .diseases. Only three cases of .scarlet fever were re ported, one in Morrow and two In Baker jcbunty- 4. , s. J ., t - M ' 'xfi : There's-a nice present for the lucky- bidder at the Auction House next Saturday. Sale BtarU at 2 Thj salad Today's salad is served like this. A silver tray is placed before the hostess, with two cruets Venetian glass or crystal or colored Bohemian are aty 'in; vogue right now and a silver ewer" orbowl and all the little pepper pots and shakers one ..wishes.'" , ; ; : ;; , '. She then makes the dressing French,' of course in the silver ewer. Measures and stirs and pours it, freshly blended, onto the salad. Fashionable folk consider it much smarter to dress the salad in this way at the table. And, too, a freshly blended French Dressing has a "life" to it, a pi quancy that cannot be denied. ' '. Three parts of Wesson Oil to one Doesn't This Fish are bltln'. . The old Call; of the Open Road Is working overtime apd all roads lead to the moun tains. The tent and camp outfit in the above picture from the Western Auto 8upply Company makes you want to get right In and enjoy the fun that goes with motor camping. Many additions to camp comfort'and convenience are offered this year by the Western Auto stores. (AMoWato'l .'rmw lail Win?) PORTLAND, Ore., July 13. Soiling at $2.25 per crato whole sale, tlw first of UiIh Bcanon's lo cal black be rrfPB entered the mar ket yesterday und today were re ceiving fair buyer Interest. Strawberries nro advanced to $2 por crate for the best stock. Al most no choice strawberries ate Ijnlnjf sold at retail now under 10c and the supply Is thinning nut. The onion market Is being fully p up pi led from Walla Walla at pres ent. The price has settled from 12.75 to 93 per crate nr No. 1 stork. The melon season Is oa la full accepted etiquette . Make You Want here. At retail, cantaloupes sell at from 10 to 25c each, according to size. Honeydew melons sell at about the same prices and watermelons o.' fine quality are going frutn 3 to 6c per pound. nutter and egga have undergone some slight adjustments for lownr grades. Prime first grade cube ) butter Is down a half cent to 37c, j while first grade cubes nro off a cent today to 36 centn. The price of lop cubes unchanged and the i market Is stable. Current receipt eggs are ndvnneed a cent to 21 cents. Oilier grades ore unchang ed on a firm market. j Poultry and country dressed meat ; prices continue steady at the I week's opening ranges. Demand .for meals U still a bit alow, bat of vinegar or lemon juice gives a bland, , mild dressing. Two parts of vinegar gives . '. a tart dressing.. It depends somewhat on , i tfie strength' of your particular lemon or J j ' vinegar. Plenty of salt.. .peeper!. .paprika 1 too, if you like color. ( ( i. t ,i It is deligh'tful to surprise your guests by adding little touches of strange1condi- u' ' ments. For meat salads you might like to add a bit of chutney or mustard. If you are serving a fish' salad try' a little' ketchup--'or if you choose, some Worcestershire Sauce, t But you must have a. choice salad oil. Wesson Oil is very delicate in flavor and it is so good to eat that it makes a delicious French' Dressing.:1 . -. to Go Camping? II. 1). cords now 17.65. C, : wood Motor Co. tho supply is picking up. ' PORTLAND, Ore., July IX Wheat: liHU hard white $1.34; hard while, b. s. baart $1.34; f nil or htlon $1 33; soft white, $1.33; west ern while $1.33: hard winter $1 30; northern spring $1.35; western red $1.30. Binding twine at Wharton Itros. It costs less to bind an acre, of grain with tbo better grade twine. iWesson $1.60 BA8SIERES 69o Hore's value. Corselettea, two garter brunsleres, fluvper xlrdlex, straight linen, etc., sinus 32 to 44; flue qualities. These are on sale as a real special. You will realize that 69a is a bargain price. Carr's "where you save." Another lot on sale for 39c that save you about half. ' Celebrate your inde pendence - we'll do your baking. irtTurn'c ;by heck- p j . i i I - MSf-TjTrirj I WE'LL. "DO' VOUR- Collars Gdoo mew. I WERE iUHETMlSlAUNcrafl Flrcstono i y..-a N A. Lock- J K ecT5F-T 1 I will. vi-eAie you., d It has boon estimated by tests that the average laundry takes fifty pir cent of the wear out of collars and forty per cent out of shirts. That's loo bad. Hut cheer up! This Is better than the aver age laundry. Roseburg Steam Laundry Phone 7? Roseburg