EIGHT ROSEBURG, NEWS REVIEW, TUESDAY, JULY f2, 1927. 1 Tiaraari 1 ........ - mrVK'msL Here are dozens of Dollar Day items that will crowd our store for the rest of the week, beginning tomorrow. Every department offers its share of bargains that are truly phenomenal. You have found us offering big savings in the past you can expect even greater savings here. Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday Half-Silk Prints II yds. . ... SJOO . 98c Organdie U yds. . .. $1i00 45c Eng.' Prints Fnst color Oj ftrt 3 yds $IUIJ Kotcx ' ' !SJijOO 35c Eng. Prints 4 yds, for ..$1 00 Hope Muslin - ' 95c I i yds. Closing out nt The . 34c Fast 3 yds. 1.00 6 yds. fo $1.35 Jap Parasol ench .. SIlOQ All-Silk Hose ' dark shades '(M fin 2 prs. for . l) I lUU Silk Camisoles' Formerly $2.00, now Dn sale M ff 2 for 0 I lUU 45c Voiles 81x90 $1.25 I pr, Were now Moth .$1.00 3 yds ench .. SHOES see our close-out values I All Sizes I MARRIAGES IN I, : - MONTH OF JUNE Dn nu; u;rr i The month of June Just past fell Hllghtly bolow tho usual figure in I lie way of mnriingo licenses. Tho record average Is slightly nioro than -ono license per day, but dur ing tho mouth Just pust only 27 licenses were granted, according lo figures nt tho utrioe of County Clerk I. II. Riddle. July, however, Is stnrtltiK off well, with eight li cences Issued since the first the mouth. DANCE Every Wednesday Night Rainbow Gardens WINCHESTER Music by Star-Six Orchestra WET OR DRY Tlin weather makes no differ ence fur VWiK INHUltANCK should bo carried at all times. Wo offer reliable flro insurance service to our policy holders and our service embraces all lines of fire and automobile insur ance. May wo be of service to YOU? G. W. Young & Son LOANS 11 Cms 8t. Phone 417 VALLEY MAN Rayon Crepe ' Men's Dress Shirts with Collars $1.00 All Ladies' Wool Tail ored Suits i Ladies Wool. Skirts Slightly out of date. materials .. $1.00 50c Eng. Prints 2 j yds, for $1.00 $1.00 Ironing Board Cover and Pad ' ..$1.00 pkg. 25c Standard , " ' Ginghams 5 yds, fui . SliQQ Devonshire Cloth 3 yds, for . SI iQO Soisette color r. M f or . 0 I t for Windsor Crcpoi r 4 yds,, for . $1 .00 Pillow Cases &L,JW $1.50 Hat Bojr ' Traveling Cases Large size 1,00 Seamless Sli.eels; j st.oo Sucdc Gloves for .a $1.00 Girls Kahki Organdie and Voile Blouses Uresses $3.50 $2, .. ... $1.00 values now 36x36 Luncheon . Cloth and 4 Napkins ' Proof Cedar Bags ho set I Better ServiceBetter Merchandise j HARVEST WAGE FIXED BY I UMATILLA WHEAT GROWERS I PI5NDI.10TON, July 12-Umnlllla county giain growers lit a meeting' yesterday adopted a wage scale fori the 11127 harvest season. Drivers ' anil sack sewers will receive jr. u day for 12 and hi foot cut com-. bines and $11 for 20 Toot combines. Mender lenders will receive 15. seperator tender $li and $10, cat erpillar drivers SO, straw haulers f9. conks, up to ten men S3, assist. m nn i ....yituu t ofnt cooks, $2, roustabout $11, sack Jlg $1 for 1(1 tool combine, $G for iu tool continue, machine hulk drlv lug $:i.r,0 lo U, 'whenl hnnling two trips 51. This scale was' set as the minimum, bul larniers may vary. It is thought, however, thai these figures were the most acceptable. DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist In the fitting ot Olnssee. 116 Jackaon SL Elite Pleaters All Kinds of Pleating and Button Making, Phone 187-R 610 So. Main CHIROPRACTORS Drugless Health Center "Complete Health 8ervlce" 8ULPHUR VAPOR BATHS 337 West Cam Phone 491 g g Ladies' Satin Hats Former price $3.50 now '.. ' $1.00 15 Dresses Linen, broadcloth and voiles, formerly 51,00 $1.00 1 Lot Silk Blouses Formerly up to $12.50, on im nn sale, each . V I sUU C9c Baronet Satin ,$1.00 1 1-4 yds 49c Fast Color Suiting 3 yds. for....S1.00 All-Silk Kose New 'shadi the pair .. $1.00 Outing Corseletics $2.50 and $3.50 ::'i2........$i.oo $1.00 Men's All silk. Ties $1.50 $1.00 1 IANlTn HPI n JAmlUK "tLU AO Tiir iii i rn J inc. ru-llh lleunell was slain because In a call on her neighbors she discovered Miss llrownell hail been killed. o Physicians to Meet The regular meeting of the Douglas County Medical associa tion Is to be held at the I'mpiiuA hotel tomorrow evening starling at t p. in. NOW YOU ASK ONE THE ANSWERS Helow are the missing to tile "New You Ask One Hons nn the' editorial pagr lug words are printed In letters. 1 The Centaur has the head of a MAN and. the body and leg of a 1 1 1 1 Its 10. 2 Clarence DAUROW was conn, sel for John THOMAS SCOl'KS in (lie DAYTON evolullon (rial. 8 The MOHAM.MKDAN relig ion is predominant in Islam. 4 -WASHINGTON was "first In WAR. First in l'KACK. rlrst In the IIKARTS of Ills countrymen." f- Joseph SMITH founded Mor nuuilsm, which now has its head quarters in SALT LA K K CITY. G The Australian capital was moved from MKLllOl RNt: In iCANltKRUA. ! 7 Moses was found along the N1LK by the daughter of PHARAH. S - NOAH Webster compiled the dictionary; DAN1KL Webster was a lawyer. , 9-The HAYFI.OWKlt Is the ' presidential yacht. 10 Commander I.ANSDOWNK lost his life In tho w reck of the jSHKNANDOAll. nn w for iLHtUU W ' r i ! entire stock being closed H, WJraPSra out! All prices! -i---"1. -i . '! i tot. t 1 j - j oa; i khz. OF TWO WOMEN! y- 1 ClLl x-ZzZl (Contlfiupd rintn nnce 1.) k i s . r ! I ' (jues-Miss-fa pi 1 11 1 i i AND WIKfc INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT I'cter Iltircli, aged about 80 years, in ttutlcriiiK from bad cuiu M ubout the head und luce and inter A jjiiI injuries, and lila vile received Huvere orul.sea and minor cuia when their cur uh wrecked Suu - day urieinoon in u common wall n a!?.""'.'! "f,,;V"u' l"u,llil11 on H" 3 Itoos Hay highway. ..... ...... . ",jinrifii mat zu lninanH, mostly heir car hut escaped aci'lous ! cJ,idi en, liad recently parted with Jury. J he tourists, whoso namea ; ,Jr 1(m3,8 Mt ,e w . UKeucy could not he learned, were not In-! iinu,.it:,i i,-,,,.... n,Pu0 ..;. 'Jural. .Mr. Hurcli and lilH wife. , were taken to the Camus Valley more- imtneu.a cry to lowtn? tn accident and Ur. R J Wamscott was summoned from Hoseburg to attend them. liutli are retried to he i little Improved today. Dol l machines were totally douiollslied. -1 o I INF SHORT wCV., CIRCUITED AGAIN BY WHITE PELICAN (AkswIiiIciI I'rcM liific'd Win-) KLAMATH FALLS, Oru., July VI. A whlto iK'linui threw Klani atlt Falls into durKiifHS )ut Jiff;lit for nearly an hour, i KlyiiiK into two powor lines on 1Ak rivor, tho Kieat whito bird caused a Hhort ciicuit which din a bled ono of the two main city lighting circuits of the Calirornia (Jn'Ku Power Company. Needless to nay the bird wiih instantly kill iud. ' , i "The name thing litis happened I tfi or 20 tlines IhiH HOttHon, jmrll- , eularly in the CliHoqmn s-ctlo i, division i V. Dt'lzt'll, aHsistatiL manager of the power company..""4 P'l3eu mru u military siege said today. "The birds m so big a!i '.llu result of yesterday's earth- that they hit two power lines ui!qu', . once causing the short." , Bt,Ieets were fill0(1 v'llh 0 crowds, the people hesitating to cimr-rnv nc wuitc i enter Hie houses in fear of a re 3UKljfc.KY Ur WHllfc. occurrence ot the eartlniuako und MAN COMES TO AID Possible collapse caused by a weak hfl A-T-L. tvniANIC enlng of the foundations' As the K.LAMAIH JlNUlArNl) hours passed, however, a calm at- i mosphere was returning to the PORTLAND, Ore., July 12. i "city of peace." Tonsils of tile Klamath Indians I A scientific record of tho earth are followlu glheir lauds. They urojiuake, made by seisniograpliic ap- I paratus in Telnvlva, shows that CARS FOR HIRE DRIVE YOURSELF! Stephens Auto Co. 317 N. Main Phono 582 LAST TIMES TODAY Matinee Daily 2:15 The biggest of all big comedy hits of the year. When ycu hear that loud roar of laughter all over town you will Liberty LrnrtW thnf it rOiinprn'"" K"'ernnient can produce! wealth. ainow uid.i li toiiieb.w,.,,,,!,, Iie slll(K ,s Iirortllcl.,i uy ,10 from the syd Chaplin , OLD Bill etter'QIe" few UimdH KneM THMIU MllNU ARMH fVtUS IVl JWiCI KM Mack Sennett "SMITHS .PCNCZ PATHE NEWS ' Admission: Matinee 10c-25c Evening I0c-35c Coming Wednesday and Thursday "YOUNG APRIL" I'n.lt'il rrom trie l! LIBERTY Si rare, rnai-t-mW ?&iim -i mm. w Wabncb Bros, anient i TIRES . . 3"x31 H. v. FlrKton cordn now J7.II5, C. A. l-ock- wood Motor Co. iv - mUMm. i,r,,iT In. u-l.ll.. . .M., c.nice U llolm.-a, staiinl'lc tn r,,,. ih o,.v.,n 'c,.i.,-,...i...iu - 'ia. - ,oclutlou, who returned today I from Die Klainuth iciervatlon, re- ' hcI,,.,.,,!,., , g0 im t, m I ,.rtnc0. Noxt to ailing tonsils, tho n.ost i )pruvai,., aik.,lon llmunK tlo , Klumulhs has been found to he ,.na. Thirty.four ot tho 4S j(lm ' Byell W(,r0 ,(Xum. I,.u ,luv0 boell foull(1 l0 bu vi(.llrt,H ; I'rellmlnary operailous have been i performed In five canes. I Twe'tty-eiKht tuberculosis cases 'and five suspected cases also have bue" "m'"i- j EARTHQUAKE'S DEATH TOLL IS . BELIEVEVD 300 (CoiiHiiwil from pnee 1.) houso fell nt Mount ot Olives and rivo women lost their lives at Ain Kurlni, the modem name of the place where, according to tradition, John the Uaiul.Ht was born. People Still In Fear .MOUUSAUOM, July 12. 'Jewish Teleirrauh Alienor. The nlil rliv l0lly '"id the appearance of hnv- i lie. earthquake moved from norlll i to south. j Tho Allenhy bridge was damag I oil at both ends. The Greek Cath jollc church ot the Holy Sepulchro j'nas been declared unsafe because lot the cracks In (lie walls. Tho roof ! of the chemical laboratory of the Hebrew university on the Mount of j Olives collapsed. j The government house, located nn the Mount of Olives, was badly damaged. The rooms' of the higr. commissioner, l.ord Plunier, and Lady I'ltimer, who nro on vaca tions In England, wore wrecked. One of the three Indian women who were killed In a hotel in Jeri cho has been identified as tho wile of Sir Said Abdul Raouf. Her companion perished with her. PROSPERITY DUE TO BANK RESERVE, ; , , ,,IS REED'S CLAIM f Atuuiftntea Prctt Lpa.sw Wiro) ATLANTA, (In., July 12 Ad dresHiiiK a Joint session of the (li'oi'Kia legislature here today, Senator James A. Iteed of Missouri ascribed "whatever there is of prosperity today" lo the federal reserve hnnkiiiK system, aiid gave to Die Democratic party the credit for' the origin and perfection of the syst'.'in. Tho senator disputed "tile great boast of tile present administra tion that it lias produced a condi tion of prosperity," and stated that Dpopli' under given fnvomble con di( inn.s. Jiere lie referred speci tii'Jilly lo the advimlages of the fed eral reserve system. Speaking of the prosperity claim. Senator Ree;i Ginled that the present ndnilnistra- tion was run for and by tho weal thy class. He devoted a hire part ol his audr'.'i'n lo revlewiiiK inel de'ii of sf.iiiulal and corrupt use of money in polillcs for mapy years past. AMERICAN MARINE FIXES TIME LIMIT FOR REBEL LEADER (AwtitplatiHl l'ri'M I.t-aFctl Wlro MANAGUA, Nlcnragna, July 12 Major O. D. Hatfield, command ing a detachment ot United States marines, has sent an ultimatum to tile rebel leader, General Sandiuo, who has been occupying American mines at San Fernando, to lay down Ills arms 'at l-M Ocotnl by S o'clock of the morning of July 11. (ieneral Sandfno was notified that In case of bis refusal to obey Iho order nu attack would he niniln upon him by joint American, and Nlcuraguau forces. Tile general was appealed to in the name of his patriotism lo lay down his arms in order to save the lives of his soldiers. General Sandlno, who originally was a leader in the Liberal army which recently laid down Its arms, has been operating the American mines, assessing luxes and main taining his forces nt San Fernando. He Is reported lo have a force of 1,000 men an I four machine guns. TURKISH DOGS SPEND SUMMER IN TRAVEL SCl'TAUI. Turkey. July 12 in, Turkish villages along Iho llo.v phoius, a dop's life is that of a sailor. When n villupt becomes "over houmb'd" with street dotes, the village fathers, loath lo kill, aa the Koran dictates kindness to ani mals, charter a ferry boat and slip n load of dos derelicts across the straits tn pomp villano on tlu op nnsltc shoro. The villagers on the other side ferry back, adding a quota of their own. The orip:a! exporters retaliate. game of battledore and ahuttlo cock wjiKen yearly he jie and Asia. FARM CONFERENCE WILL ASK TARIFF FOR AGRICULTURE (AW)riutvJ I'rr-E Jok.) Wire) ! ST. PAUL, July J2. Resolutions prepared tor HUbmi.-ision to the . uoriliweMern atricuUurul confer ence will Inclutle u demand for j Tulleiit npplicullon nt protective I tariff to agriculture and eniietnient into law uf the aicNary-HauKen ! bill, or a measure embodying its ; principles. j The resolutions were .prepared by a committed of 20 headed by ! Congressman Charles llraml uf Ohio. j Thero was no suggestion In ad 'dresses at the opening of the con I fe.-ence yeHterday for any substi itute for the principles of the -Me. Nary-Hiiugeti bill. Instead, the Hes siou was a continuous roaflirma tlon of those principles and an In sistence that llnly he put Into tiny remedial legislation. Congressman Ollhert N. Ilau'-rcn of Iowa, co-author of the bill, pre dicted Its passage next winter in both houses ot congress, and in event of another veto by Presi dent Coolldge, Its re-passago over thut veto. ' Dr. 13. W. Kllgore of North Caro lina, president of the American Cotton Growers Exchange, a speak er today, pledged again the sup port of tho cotton growers "in a fight to victory for full equality for agriculture." THIEF TOSSES HIS LOOT INTO GRASS (Associated Press Leased Wire) PORTLAND, Ore., July 12. Po lice hint night recovered the jewel case containing ?1,000 worth of jewels belonging to Mrs. R. K. Weible, of Fargo, N. U, which had been stolen from an automobile Just beforo Mrs. Weible left for the Union Hlation to entrain fur California. ' The thief evidently had been afraid to retain the loot when bo discovered the valuo of the jewels and hud thrown the case into tall grass, where it was found by a woman and turned over to the po lice. ' UNION COUNTY SPUD CROP OUTLOOK IS VERY GOOD (Aiwwlnti'i! rrcua Lcimutt Win-) LA GRANDE, Ore., July 12. A survey conducted by G. R. Hy slop, O. A. C. extension service expert, indicates that tlio potato outlook in Union county is very bright. Mr. Hyslop reports that of all the fields he inspected for cer tification, only two failed to pass. Ho declurcs that Union county will raise enough certified seed pota toes for its own use this . year, which will be the first time this lias been achieved by Grande ltonde farmers. Cherry picking will begin in Union county this week w ith pros pects ot slightly less than a 50 per cent yield, duo to injury to bearing wood during tho winter. The' qual ity of lliu cherries, however,' is above tho average. bMARKE (ARSociutf-U 1'n'ss Ix-ummI W Ire. I PORTLAND, Ore., July 12. The increasing firmness of the local egg market is shown by a full cent Increase in the price of extra and first grades to 25 and 2-t cents, respectively, on the dairy exchange. Other grades are un changed. Production among farm flocks has falleu off under Iho in fluence ot the summer moulting aeason. The butter market is steady at firm and unchanged prices. Local hoi. house tomatoes, the best on the market, bring 25 cents per pound now. The Dalles field stock, of high quality, brings $3.50 to SI per box here. Cantaloupes and all kinds of berries are firmer as the fag end of tile production season for these fruits nears. Canners' demands for the fresh berries have taken Llein off the fresh market to a large ex tout. Poultry and ' country dressed meats were about steady at this morning's opening with supplies sufficient for a slow demand. PORTLAND, Ore., July 12. But ter steady; exta cubes, city, 40c; standards, 3MVc; prime firsts, 37ie; firsts, 37c. Creamery prices: prints He abovo cubo standards; butter fate, 39ic f. o. b. Portland. llutterfat. 391c, f. o. b. Portland. Eggs: KxtruB up lc; current re ceipts, 20c dozen; fresh medium, lllc; fresh standard firsts, 24c; firsts, standard extras, 25c. Poultry steady: (less 5 per cent commission); heavy liens, 21(fr23c: light, 15'irlllc; springs. 17c; broil ers, 151 lfic: Pekin white ducks. 20c; colored, nominal; turkeys, alive, nominal, dressed 37c lb. Onions steady; local, $3.751i 7.00; potatoes 3.50fr4.50 sack. Nuts sleady: walnuts 27(fi37c, filberts, 19fi20c: nlmonds 242(ic, Urazil nuts 141i'16c: Oregon chesl unts, 17uo20c: peanuts, Ofnllc. Cascara bark steady, SfrOc lb; Oregon grape root, nominal. Hops steady; 1926 clop 23?23ic. PORTLAND, Ore., July 12. Cat tle aud calves fully steady. Hulls. i (Kood yearllnss excluded), $6.00? (t.yn; cutters und medium (can ners and bolopnas), $4.5(fi?6.00. Hops stcai . Slaughter nigs (f)0 to K10 pounds), medium, good and choice $10.,'0fi tl.50: feeder nnd stocker pigs (70 to 130 lbs), medi um, good nnd choice $10.50 11.75. Sheep nnd lambs steady. PORTLAND, Ore.. July 12 Wheat: HUB hard white $1.35; jhard white, b. s.. banrt S1.34: fed eration 51.13; soft white $1.33: 1 western white $1.33; hard winter. $1.30; northern spring $1.3"; west j ern red $1,30. j CUT GLASS VASE 15c RpecinI lot of fine glass vaKs, I beautiful cut patterns, 6-inch size ;15c; S-lnch size 25c: and lO iech ; size 50o. Also 8 and 10 Inch amber j glass vases at 15c each, ihiy nt ( It'arr's "where you snve." j Facilities and Stability Those who appreciate modern fa cllities combined with unquestion ed stability will find such a satis factory combination at this Bank, which will be pleased to welcome your Checking Account. TheRoseburNalional Dank Rosebtir,Ore. NEW TODAY I FOR SALE 30 feeder pigs. Mrs. O. E. Smith, Glide, Ore. WINDOW washing and "house, cleaning. Churlie Danls. Phone 51-J. . FOR SALEr-Purebrcd 0.I. boar, 20 monllis. old. V. M. Ire land, Olalla, Ore. FOR'SALE Medium size refriger ator, excellent condition. Phone 299-J. FOR SALE R. I. Red "pullets, hatched March 1st, $1 each.' J. R. Matlack, DlxonvJUb. FOR RENT 2-room furnished house, $7 per riionth. See ele vator manjat Perkins Dldg. FOR RENT A fine modern 7-room house, well located. J. C. Gerety, 420 Perkins Hldg.J'hone 665. FOR SALE Registered and grade Angora bucks from non-shedding sires. W. G. Paul. So. Deer Creek. WANTED Feeder hogs "from 75 to 125 lbs. In wt. Phone 1F32 or write Phil Strader, Dtxonville, Ore. WANTED 50 young ewes, "black faced preferred. Strtte ngo and price. W. G. Paul, South Deer Creek. WIS can. dispose offall kinds" 6r household goods aud farm ma chinery for you at the Auction House. See us. . SPECIAL SALE !2Jnch pillow cases, hemstitched scallops und design, 75c per pair. 105 Cass St. H. M.Love. i FRUIT in quart jars for sale at 20c quart. Inquire for J. 13. Rus sell, West Roseburg, Star Route, Morten Ave. WANTED Clean cotton rags, suitable for use in garage. Bring them to Harrison's Garage, 136 South Stephens St. F YOU WANT-Agood paint ts priced extremely low, , "V FOR SALE Breakfast sot of table and 4 chairs, sewing ma chine, oil heater, mattress. 1114 Corey Ave. Phone 452-R. WANTED S2800 loan on small river bottom farm close in. Act - nal value $6000. First mortgage. Address "Loan, - care news-iie- view. EXCHANGE 30-room hotel with beds, dining room, well furnish ed, for house and lot or small much. Address Box 39, Cottage Grove, Ore. FOR " SAL7 7-room lidiise."fuli basement, i acre sandy loam soil. Fruit and shrubbery. Price $1600, very easy terms. Chas. Kyes, S26 N. Jackson St. FOR- SALE 225 " White" Leghorn liens, Tancred; 21 Anconas; 1 and 2 years, good breeding . slock, 60c this week. J. F. Cole, 419 E. 1st Ave., N., Roseburg, Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN We make loans on business, residence or acreage property, or for building purposes, or Improved plan. Douglas Building & Loan Asso ciation, 147 Jackson St; A FINE little fruit farm can be bought for three fourths Its real worth. A couple of good us ed cars a delivery and a tour ing Fords or Dodge can bo . turned in on the deal. Address "J. S.," care News-Review. MORTGAGE COANS vTthout broF- erage. We make monthly pay- ment loans on Improved city John Marvin Dean and Dr. Tlinin property. Consult our mortgago j as J. Villers as speakers. department regarding the refln- anclng your present loan. Ump qua Savings and Loan Associa- Hop. Douglas Abstract Bldg. iit cmsaiuoa but. iu. mis pa - per and watch result. You'U aurt , ANTLERS LAST TIMES TODAY Matin se Daily 2:15 EIMiVY&SI CHBTER&JNKLIN : A0OH lUMOR iSt l. uitKY Ed Wynn as a "Rubber Hseled Gum Shoe" and Chester Conklin a the master mind of crookdom! COMEDY Liege Conley in "WHO'S MY WIFE" MATINEE 10c-25c EVENING 10c-25c-35c I IS An Important business deal was consummated today when Mm. Inez IJ. Strunge sold the HosebuiK Beauty Studio to Mm. D. Y. Alli son and Mrs. Grace Chancy, both purchasing a half interest in lite shop. The new owners took Imme diate possession and are planning to put In a few improvements. Both Mrs. Allison and . Mrs. , Chancy nre experienced beauticians "4 and marcellers, and have handled ' beauty work extensively. For thu past year or so Mrs. Allison' has been operating the Rose Beauty Shop at the Hose Hotel and prior to that time owned the beauty studio at the Terminal hotel. Mrs. Chaney came to Roseburg from Myrtle Creek, where she has been ' in charge of a beauty shop operat ed in connection with one of Iho barber shops. All lines of beauty work wll be handled by the new owners In the studio and the business will be conducted in tho same satisfactory manner as here tofore. ' 8 AMERICANS WILL QUALIFY FOR GOLF FINAL IN BRITAIN ST. ANDREWS, Scotland, July 12. Eight Americans, led by Hill Mellrorn, with 146; Bobby Jones, 147, and Joo Kirkwood, 148, nro certain of qualifying in the liridsli open championship. -13111 Mehlhoru returned another 73 today tor. j iER"'egato of 146 to inoso Jones out f the leading American position by slnglo stroke. Melilhorn's low aggregate held for only a little 11 however, for the British amll((,nr ttu, C),rll Tolt,y, came in lowest figure. Close on 'Policy's heels were C. I'A. Whilcombo, the Urillsii profes sional, Willi 14u, and the French man, Rene Goli, with 117. i nore are ina piayors. unaries :,Mavo of Flushing. N. Y.. and Re Rcr Wethered, the British slur, i,oth witli 161, failed to qualify. Other American qualifiers are: Jim Barnes, 153; Larry Nathholtz, 153; Walter Keanctt, las: 'loin Stevens? 158, aud John Anderson, 158. Charles Mayo, who turned in a 161, was on the borderline and It i was uouiiitut whether he would hu I among the qualifiers. Young Edwin Haley, Jack Red mond, Johua Crane and Frank Sweeney were out of the running. OREGON BAPTISTS MEET IN PORTLAND PORTLAND, Ore., July 12. Tho Oregon Bnptlst state convention will meet tonight at the Hlnson Memorial Baptist church. F. G. Leary, president, will give the opening address and the Rev. Wil liam H. Robins of Pendleton will preach the convention sermon. More than 300 Baptists are ex pected to attend. Last night the annual meeting of the Oregon Baptist ministers' con ference was held at the church. Dr. C. O. Johnson of Tneoma gave the address. Today the ministers continued their meetings with Dr. The state laymen's council and the women's missionary society met tins atternoon. There's a nice nresenl for tbe lucky bidder at the Auction Units" next Saturday. Sale starts at 3