ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, MONDAY, JULY If, 1927. SEVEN r i V f ?TtTiT.M.T.T.T.f.T.I.I.I.I.T.T.t.T Let a Kodak Tell It! IEASEBALL! .The story of the great open spaces it a wonderful tale when told accurately by your Kodak Take a Kodak With You on the Camping Trip You can get the Kodak at this store that will meet your need, from the small one to the large size, and the price is just right. We want you to come in and see these Ko daks you will find some of them in the window. Get yours and a supply of films and be ready for the next up-river drive or the trip to coast points. You'U enjoy it more. ' s CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. I WMWITOB CLASSIFIED SECTION ALL NEW ADS WILL BE FOUND ON BAfcK PAGE FOR SALE ASHBY broccoli plants. Joe Har . vey. Phone 9F4. DROCCOL1 plants for salo. iC P. Conn. Phone 6F33. FOR SALE Wood, $1.75 per cord. A. Pearson, ; Elgarose, i HOIISES ana wagon orsalerF."B. ratosAloxander Addition. - imoceoLT plants toi'luSL Frank Brown, West Roseburg. 25 HEaS fat ewes forsaleT ft per head. S. D. Ooff, Oakland, Oi;o. BETTER milk for less, 3 "per - quart per month. The Buttercup, 260-J. r FOR SALE Oat andTetch hayTn shock. Phone Koscoo Marstcrs, Wilbur, Ore. , . FOR" SALE Three ,."good"1nhch. cows. Lida Harrington, Yoncal la, Ore. 1 -S"HEEP FOR SALE One Delaine ram, 3 yenrs old, J20. Ji Robert : McKuy, Brockway, Ore. 1 BR'O'CTTOTl "plants for sale, A"sB" by's No. 1 and 2, also Kruses. V. M. Curtis. Phone 8Fi. . TRUCKS, trucks trucks Ford I trucks for sale or trade for pleasure cars. Hansen Chevro let Co. ; FORD TRUCK with Ruckstcll axle and steel cab, 1024 modoi. Pric- ! ' ed at' illS.-i-Hausea ' Chovrolet. Co .. . . . FOR SALE Model 320 Packard sedan, 13,000 miles, ' upholstery and paint like new, latust type hlRh compression motor. Address Box KV, care News-Review., foil JSALEour-inch Jackson centrifugal pump with 80 feet of pipe and fittings. W. A. Burr, R. V. D. No. 2, Phone 342. . FOR SALE Model K16 Special CMC truck with cab, and body, new pneumatic tires all around. Right up in shape for lmm diuLG I work. Address ; Box KV, care News-Review. FOR SALEW:7l.asr"bfoccon planter, good conditioir; ?50. Al so broccoli plants, Kruse seed. . W A Unrr U W Tl 9. Phnno ' 342. FOR SALE Late model. ; Stan dard Six Studebaker coach; five good tirea, new in May,- 1926, run 18,000 miles: Thia car" is a bargain. Address Box KV, care News-Review. ' FOR SALE192T Big Six Stude baker 6-passenger sedan,' 120- . inch wheel-base, new last De cember. Rubber, body and motor in first class shape. AddresB Box KV, care News-Review, . YOUR CHOICE of 5 river bottom farms all under irrigation and cultivation, fronting on river and highway. Aiso- dairy cows and milk route. Inquire of own er, Geo. P. Martin, Rogue River, Ore. SUTHERMN LAND BARGAINS All the holdings of Balfour Guthrie & Company have been turned over to E. G. Kingwell for disposal. These tracts are now being disposed of at real bargains. 1'hone E. G. Klngwell, Sutherllu. - - FOR SAL or exchange for town property in Tulare county, Cali fornia, 5-room house, furnished, hot anil cold water, electric lights and bath, wood shed, gar age; lot 60x120, good garden. Inquiro or write to 923 West First St., Roaeburg, Ore. E. Toll man. V - FOR RENT BEST apt. In town for money; close in. 331 S. Main. FOR RENT 6-room bungalow, uiv lo-datc, fruit and garden. Phone US. FOR KENT 6-room mbdbrn bun-! galow. Close in. Call at Rose burg Apta. FOR RENT Two-Voom furnished .house, 57 per month. See eleva tor man at Perkins building. FOR-RENT Nice" modernsubur ban linuso and some outbuild ings. F. C. Ournec. l'hono 33K23. WANTED I Cafe- COOK WANTED Roseburg teria. HEM WANTED Combination kitchen man. Terminal Cafe. WANTED 100 head of young ; ewes. R. Fate, Myrtlo Creek, Phone HOi. WANTED Boarders and roomers V.-. and Mrs.":. C. Herrick. I I 33 WANTED Sewing by day or hour. Phone 619-R. Mrs. M. K Pearce, Kohlhagen Apts, WANTED Engagement as use ful companion In business . or housekeeping. Apply Mrs. Ire land, 24ft N. Rose St. : WANTED Two-foot laurel and .. black oak, also slxteen-iuch old growth body fh Also., some used ' lumber; and used hose. Address "S. O. S." care News-Review. , : ; 1 LOST LOST Eastern Star . please, return to. , office.' Reward. pin. -Finder News-Review FOUND FOUND On . highway, woman's ' suit coat. ' Owner' may, have same by calling at this office, Identifying and paying for. ad. H FOUND Old stylo gold brooch. .Owner may have same by call- Jng at this office and identify- lng and paying for ad. J MISCELLANEOUS ; ! r-r" WILL cara for children afternoons and evenings. Mrs. H. Barels, phone 308-R. , ; CAR OWNER Don't Iorget to call 553 when in need of auto '. parts.',' Sarff's ' Auh I Wrecking House. ' ' s Big War Picture While Warner Bros.' production of "The Better 'Ole," starring Syd nl hi ii ml H i rfftrl hv (Mini'lt'ii F.;Roisner, which is at the 'Liberty today, has been hailed as pne ol' the greatest comedies ever filmed, it is also one of the big pictures of the World war. z Unlike most war pictures,- evtry bit of "The Better 'Ole," whicn is the pictunzatlon of iiruce Liatuis father's world-famous cartoons and stage-play revolving around the character of Old Bill Busby, the British Tommy, is staged in the war zone in the front line BrIUsn trtnehes or in the French village ov countryside just behind them. "The Better 'Ole" is in no seiue a.biirlesque. Everything is afc near ly technically correct and llkij the real thing over there, as real Ciei man and British soldiers who serv ed during the war, an unlimited amount of research, a French tie signer and several military techni cal, directors could make it. Noih ing is far-fetched or ridiculously improbable. Relsner has simply taken Iho war as it was, left out as much of the tragedy as possible, and empha sized its humorous aspects. ANTLERS THEATRE Wynn's "Rubber Heels" a Lively Load of Laughter Don't - tell a soul but "Rubber Heels" is due to sneak into town tonight. Ed Wynn's comedy of a correspondence school detective will be flashed on the Antlers screen and present the famous Rtttgn comic as a Paramount star for the very first time. Wynn's long career needs no recounting. He has been in vaudeville and musical revues for more ycara than you have fingers and bus yet to appear In a single "flop!" That's a record any player might well be proud of. "Rubber Heels" Is the amusing talc of Amos Wuit. Amos secures a position in Tennyson Hawk's de tective ogncy but doesn't Inst long as he soon finds things that aren't quite right. In reality Hawks is the leader of a gang of thieves who take jewelry while posing as detectives In order to ob tain the rewards offered for the return of such property as they steal! Later. Amos derides to do a bit of 'free lancing.' He contracts to guard a chest of valuable for eign crown jewels at a society func tion and is getting along rpmark- nbly well until Tennyson and hist friends get busy. Then the fun i begins and doesn't 1ft up until Amos finds himself drifting down iihe St. Iawrence river with Niag- tain Falls wafting to receive him i with open arms! Anindul, piano tuner. Phone ltt-U "Better "Ole" I STANDINGS OF LEAGUES (By The Associated Press.) Pacltic Coast W. L. P. Oakland 64 43 .538 Sim Francisco -l 57 4 .638 Seattle ... 56 48 V53S Sacramento :. 66 51 .523 Portland 51) Mission 4. .4S1 .458 .455 AM .033 .625 .566 .525 .474 .413 .403 .364 Hollywood 49 68 Los Ankeles ii So National Chicago ; 48 28 Pittsburgh 45 2T St. Louis .. 43 33 New York 42 38 Brooklyn 37 41 Philadelphia 31 44 Boston 28 43 Cincinnati 28 49 American New York ' 58 24 Washington 45 32 Detroit . 42 35 Chicago 14 37 .700 .684 .645 .543 Philadelphia - 42 27 .532 5" i I30, 408 Clevelaud 34 45 St. Louis 31 45 Boston 19 08 247 LEADING PLAYERS OF BIG LEAGUES (By The Associated Press.) ; Including games of July 10. National ' Batting Harris, Pirates, .387. : Runs Horn8hy, Giants, 70. Hits P. Waner, Pirates, 115. Doubles P. Waner, Pirates, 24. Triples P. Waner, Pirates, 14. Homers Hornsby, Giants, 15; Williams, Phillies, 15; Wilson, Cubs, 16. ' . Stolen bases Frlsch, Cardinals, 24. Pitching Meadows, Pirates, won 11, lost 3. American Batting Gehrig, Yankees, .398. Runs Ruth, Yankees, 86. Hits Gehrtc, Yankees, 124. DoubleB Burns, Indians, 33, (" TripleB Manush, Tigers, 11. Homers Ruth, Yankees, 29. Stolen bases-i-Sisler, Browns, 16; Tftvener, IJIserB, 10.-: , ' . Pitching Ruether, Yankees; won s.uost.a. ' ' f r i c MAJOR LEAGUE RESULTS i (By the Associated Press).' Another reason w-hy the Chicago Cubs are leading, tho i National league has been. added to a: grow ing list:. Eddie Pick, rrecently nc quired by Mnnuger Joe McCarthy rrom.the Kansas City Blues, liroko up a pitchers' battle in Brooklyn yeBtorday with a line-drive. Some BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES I "uffiii. ivtv wouiom't W vk To f w . 7 f NOW Ooti juw THINK op what Vou fT ftS'SS f N6' n, '.iuW f Tu' or aTl C ' ' ' But wh4- Mmik iTHt WoRE. HtTO ? jj '' l FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ' We'USee! ByBlosser Cri ' "I f I1-L60CWR70 7AC3'S ) fZ OSSlE t " ft ( WELL.MV OOCLE L -1 7 . , b..v ' HAyS'c DoiV BAQO AM' AAiM rxvorLk ABoo?-) 0tXSM.7ASS CLEM'S PoMV IS SRAV I MJ'VJS iii-Vtv!,'. ALUUISAT- AO- R6Hr. I bovclaiaa- S&m$ i7f h i riS''6!SV- Lm r-rffl'fl TAeoywoe Iji' SALESMAN $AM , Safety First! By Swan W 909 opvMe we gooo VtA ocT 1 rw,Sot DOrVT WfvHT 6osH, ) foH.Hefie's SowerwNfi- A WOWT 1 MtV) SfWS OotU6,R fo. W ) HERe LOOK-IM' OOU-ftR'S VIORTW O' UOLUy- OOtfT USGBJUt eWTHlMQ-TaUUKS DO ME ife? ( CfNU'T GO IM evRTWOftM T SPeUD POP. P CftSH POPS'. WW OOM'TCHfc 6L0V) )KNOW WHfVT (SfT OML 7A (S , 1 GOOD, y-- SVHtAMIN' TICLI run. The Cubs won 1 to 0. -. -. The Pittsburgh Pirates were Idle,! ... ii. fi,i..u vinmru fnoreaiimi that team's margin lu first place to' full game. Virgil Karnes let the St. Lou 1b flhniunlnn f'nnllnala with nna til .T """'." " T.". 7 1 ! , T V . me ultima wuuiiuB, o iu w. . ov. Louis came back in win the next 7 to 3, behind Bob Mctlraw's eftec- the Western L'ulou cable offlco at tlve twirling. j 4u lhoad street. New York City, The Gehilg Ruth home run mara- to the office of Iho Pacific and At thon was interrupted in Detroit lanllc Photos, Inc., with a suiaii by Earl Whltehill, whoBe southpaw package. slants gave the Tigers a to 3 'l'n package contained a roll of victory over the Yan'u. paper tape, some 360 feet long, Washington made It five straight , live-eighths of an inch wide, and from the Cleveland Indians by win-' Perforated cross wise with a luultl nlng 10 to 9 In seven innings. Rain j " of tiny holes. Mfnnneil the ffamn. The Athletics I won a slugfeat from the Browns 14 to 11. The Boston Red Sox lapsed jnto an old stride at Chicago and Ray Schalks team beat them 4 to 1. COAST LEAGUE RESULTS (Bv the Associated Press) The Oaks tightened their grip oi iirsi piace yesiemny Biiuouuuui.y0f( appeared In European dbw('""",u,"s"-." " win over Portland, 6 to 6 and 2 to ,,,. ouiy a few hours after the 1 lhe evening at this village at the 0. Batteries: mi-si game; ruigueo Couch; Ponder and Yello; Krause, Could and Read. Second game: i Yerkes, Couch and Fischer; Boeh- ler and Read. . , . ... , Hollywood went into a tie for sixth place by downing Los An gelos twice, 12 to 11 and 4 to 3. Batteries: First game: Hamilton, Cunningham, Plercy, Smith and ... . MT I" Hainan, , m erB Mulcahy W. Murphy, Jacobs and, D. Murphy. Second game: Pet- ers, Plercy and Saudberg; Teach- out and Agnew. . Seattle walked off with tho- series by trimming the Missions twice, 9 to 4 and 8 tb 4. Butteries: First game: Knight and iyrrennl; Barl'oot, Eckert, Ludolph and Wal - ters, Whitney. Second g a m e: Brandt and Jenkins; Christian Lesley, Bryan and Whitney. ,i :rX: bm a K tr A n rwl A fn'KVHpll. !. Batteries: First game: . Mit - chell, Martin nnH n,,B-nf SllPn. Vinci and Koehler. Second game: Mails and Varfjas; Riachac Koehler, T 0 . , . . Eat barbecue "andwlcnes and tve forever. Brand's Road Stand.! HOW GIRLS LOVE! to keep that ugly shine away with" this new wonderful Trench Process tik-i i Am ni IPrevenlBi large . pores stays' on' longer vory pure and flnt gives ' signals are received at tne uisiant , or not Idepends a lot on the man the skin a peachy look. Keep your end of tho cable in .'ho form of a, ner 'In which his personal linon is i. complexion young -and attractive with MI3LLO-OI.O. Get this mar velouB new face powder today. Nathan Fullorlon, drugglBt. . Cottage cheese. Koseburg Dairy Phone IS. ' "v, '.. r-- . , . . BiH Knows ;A, ,r " lll'M SnfMtE.-Jf r U V ByMarUl HOW I INDRFRC.H ' j jijri'rnp o a duc uirDC rrllj 1 UliK ftrHi WEJxE. SENT OVER CABLES .. . .... ,,, , While New York still thrilled ...I.I. -1. ... .1. ..... ..... V"'1."1 "ew V" J: 7 "! "'.' UM 01. j.uuis- uu reacueu raris, tt'..thi. nt nB. nn luml linn, rm motorcycle msssenuer sped from hm m. imc, " a papers were on the streets with actual photographs of Llndosraa and bis plane landing in Le Bour get aviation field outside Palis, During the days that followed other cabled photographs were published pictures of Lludbergn receiving the plaudits of enthusi astic thousands-' in Paris, Brus sels and Loudon, and still lalor there were views of Chamberlln and Loviue iu Berlin. Similarly, pictures of the Lindbergh recep tions in Washington and New pictures were taken. These pictures , were actual pho- tournnhs transmitted over the At- uiutlo cables by the Bartlane metU od, developed by H. G. Bartnolo- mew of the Loudon Daily Mirror, and Col. M. D. McKarmno. affili ated with the Paciflo & Atlantic Photos, Inc., New York. Tile procesB is Intricate, but in tensely interesting. It consists vs- , couvol.slou , ua ordj ' 1)hotogriipli into a five- unit telegraph tape, anu tne repro- j uucUon ot lno photograph from the : tul,e attBl. Ule u,0 sgnua havo uooll transmitted telegraphically.. riratt tlie photograph is printed 'oa metul sheets In such a munuer aa to give tone differentiation. .Thls Is obtained by making live prints of varying density from tho same negative. These prims con- slst of conducting and- insnlatlus and shaded of ule original I The metal prints are t lilnced ul1 "Dlren .v.w. each of which has a needle In olec- , 1"',I1.lutlon 'contact with tho rec , or(1 . Cyliuder-typo phono- ' graph. The needles are connected ; " , , peituralot such as is used in automailc leio- grnphy, and the perforations made In this tape, as the cylinders ro tnto constitute a record of lh picture. i . . Tho tape is then delivered to the Western .Union, and Is ; tmnsmlt tod exactly as If It wore an ordl- nary cable message, over tho . h.h .iu..) TA,-mnllnv tvnft rnblos recently laid In tho Atlantic, lhe perforated tape identical ;wiiu uio original Benuiug tape. The received tape is taken1 to the Bartlane machine and run through the reproduction appur.v tus. A high-poworod light Is pro jected thrdugh tho holes o! 'tho moving taps so that It registers uim Photographic mm, and the picture Is built up on the film In accordance with the record of the nut a pnoiograpn is bdoux ao niUUles,mttd the cost . U til the neighborhood of J100. The Bartlane system is sua- well as Permalloy cables, and la actually In operation between Now York, Chicago, Washington and other largo cities. SIX NATIONS TO BE REPRESENTED IN 24 MILE WATER DASH (Aunoiitnl Treat Iacd Wirei LAKE GEORGE, N. Y.t July 11 Swimmers of six nations will complete In a 24-mile swim In Lake George tomorrow. Nearly every sta In the union as well as Canada, Belgium, Ger many, Norway ami France, Is re presented In the Hat of 140 en trants, who include tour conquer ors of the English channel. The race will start at Hague, at the lowor end of the lake, about Jack Dempsey wilt hold head ot the lake. Among the favorites are Ernst Vterkootter, massive German who swam the channel; Ernest Moore, Jr., Meyer Mendelsohn, 19-year-old Montreal swimmer marvel; Sam RIchardB, Jr., Boston, and Mrs. Lottie Schoemmel, Ethel Hei'tle, breast-stroke - chnmtilon and Ethelda Bloihtroy, Olympic womenB champion. : Others In tho list of competi tors are GeorgeB Michel, French baker and holder of the record for the English channel swim; Charles Toth, of Boston and Henry F. Sulli van, of Towell, Mass., both of whom have bested the channel Owing to the cold water of the lake, which is ted by springs and perplexing crosB-currcnts, there is some basis for the belief that none will finish the marathon. Prizes aggregating 810,000 have - posted with 5,000 to the wl. ner. INTO THIS I MR You want sporiesy LAONWl-V P0N6 r I tost call us up and - u V&UVE BE&UN " - - - j j Whether a man Is well groomed laundered. We want to toll you this, Mr. Swetldresser, tlmt at' this hiundry de luxe you will find com plete satisfaction. '- ' Roseburg Steam Laundry Phdno 79 ' - 1 " Roseburg II r YOU WANT aO I MSM-; I LMONDRV P0N6 r ToiT CALL UA UP AMD -1 gIfl.aMIITr'TtIItI)iS&K FOR BEST PRICES 1 g On water systems, pipe and. fittings, farm machinery, feeds and seeds See Us First We Can Save You Money . FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE AGENT8 FOR FAIRBANKS MORSE & CO. Roseburg Now Located at Washington Street and 8. P. Tracks. FARE WELL AT THE (Annclatttt I'nm U-nKd Wlw.) WASHINGTON, July 11. Con gress, absent from Washington , during tho period Hint American alrmon have added bright places to aerial History, probably will re turn to the cupltol this fall with an car more sympathetically In clined than ever toward 1-eu.uosts for lunds for aviation purposes. While tho legislators last session provided more liberally than uaunl In authorizing flvo your building programs for the army and nnvy air services, and also ill creating assistant secretaries In the ' war, nnvy and commerce . departments to look nftur aviation activities. It is expected that tho needs of avia tion will be studied more euro- Oakland fully than ever this winter. It Is regarded here as certain that there v. Ill be no disposition to curtail either of the two building progrnniB, one of which 1 contem plates delivery and maintenance ot 1,000 first class fighting planes lor the navy at the end of three yours and the other looking to provision fur 1200 planes for the army at the end of the same period. From exprossiotiB that have been made here aud there about the country on the Lindbergh, Chnmberllu-Levine, Byrd and tho Hawaiian flights, It is obvious members of congress have been paying close attention to -'What has been going on in the air, and those that have Bpoken have had only words ot praise and admira tion. Acting Chairman Jones of the house nillltury committee, at the present is absent on an Inspec tion tour that contemplates a. visit to all army aviation posts along the Pacific coast, Hawaii, Panama aud the flying fields of the south west. He said before departing that his trip was for the purpose of studying needs of the army air sorvlce with a vlow 1 of drafting legislation for , the coming con gress. Fresh Vegetables They're always fresh and tho best quality the market affords it ; they come from ECONOMY GROCERY i'The Store .That -Serves .You Best" 444 N. Jaokson St. -, ; .,, Phone 63 1 ' ; 1 O. L.'Johnson-i S 1