ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, MONDAY, JULY 1 1, 1927. THREE if h Charter No. 9423 .Reserve District No. 12 - REPORT OF CONDITION OF The Douglas National Bank At RoseHurg, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business on June 30, 1827. HESOL'RCES 1. ft Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, t acceptances of otiier banks and foreign ' bills of exchango or drafts sold with In- ' dorsement of this bank (except those shown in Item Mi) 1821,705.48 2. Overdrafts, unsecured, $1042.67 , 3. U. 8. Government securities owned: . . a Deposited to circulation (U. S. bonds pur value) i 25,000.00 1) Ail other United States Government secu rities (Including premiums, if any) 309.740.S8 Total - - , 4. Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc., owned 0. IJanklng House, $54,137.00; furniture and fixtures, $25,000 7. Heal estate owned oilier than banking houso 8. I-uwful reserve with Federal Reserve Dunk 10. Cash in vault and amount due from national banks ; ;. 11. Amount due from State banks, bankers, and trust companies in the United States V (other than included in items 8, 9, and 10) : 1:1. Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank (other than Item 12) : ' - 2,275.00 Total of Items 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 242.203.44 M. b Miscellaneous cash Items ' 8,001.50 8,001,50 15. Redemption fund wlth.U. S. Treasurer and duo from u. S. Treasurer 1.250.00 Total ...:.::..;. ; . LIABILITIES - ' 19. Cnplfal stock paid th , i. 2. Surplus fund 21. a Undivided profits 23. Circulating notes outstanding ' 20. Amount duo to State bunks, bankers,' and trust companies 27. Certified checks outstanding 28. Cusher's chocks outstanding .'. Total of Items 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28 77,115.09 Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) sub ject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days): 29. Individual deposits subject to check 30. Certificates of doposlts due In less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) 31. State, county, or oilier municipal deposits secured by pledge of assets of this hank or surety bond S3. Dividends unpaid .' Total of demand .deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Deserve, Items 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 31 i .'. 1,482, 439.53 Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject-to 3(1 days . or -'mora V :jr r. nonce, and postal savings): :w. inner time deposits .I.s. Postal savings deposits Total of time deposits subject Items 35, 30, 37, and 38 39. United States deposits (other savings), including , War I 'account and deposits of United nursing officers ' t Total .' i.i mine oi uregon, county of Douglas, ss: 1, II. W. Booth,; Cashier, of swear that the above statement is and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of July, 1927.' t A. N. ORCUTT. Notary; Public. My commission expires October 9, 1927. Camouflaged Barn Conceals Still flip1! NEA X MRS. LUCY ANN WATSON BURIED SATURDAY The funeral of Mrs. Lucy Watson, who died last week, held Saturday afternoon in Ann was the ehupol of the Douglas Funeral i Home. The room wns filled by the i SAVE MONEY IN CULTIVATION with the new Improved FLEX-TRED Garden Tractor WILL PLOW, DISC, CULTIVATE, HARROW Do away with slow, tiresome wheel and hand hoes and expen sive horses. Put a FLEX-TRED on the job now, and begin aving hours, dollar and hard work at cultivating. Eaily handles 9 or 10 Inch plow, according to size of tractor. In year old sod. Adapted to any and all ordinary walking cultivator S tools and attaenments. woien ior aiuray cgnwrwwiun, ft fuel-economy and sure traction in all soils and under most dit- & ficult conditions one man does the work of four. j . Write today for free illustrated folder. ' I VAUGHN MOTOR WORKS I 480 E. Main St. Portland, Oregon $821,705.48 1,042.07 334,740.88 208,195.04 79,137.00 50,717.80 112,949.02 184,274.19 r5,C53.;r) 51,927,208,95 ? 100,000.00 30.000.00 43.471.09 25.000.00 ' 74,780.50 ', 074.40 1,000.79 945,219.47 191,252.31 337.907.75 8,000.00 i I 152,951.48 14,230.60 '- . to Reserve, 107,182.01 than postal deposit. ' ' States dls- f 2,000.00 S1,927,20S.5 1 I the above-named bnnlr tin snlemnlv true to the best of my knowledge .II. W. UOOTH. Cashier. CORRECT Attest: .7. II. BOOTH, H. L. PARROTT, II. II. STAPLETON, ' Directors. This shows how moonshine makers In Sonoma county, Cal., camouflaged one side and an end of an old barn In sight of a traveled road as a farm cot tage with sleeping porch. In set ts a view of the still worth S75.000 and capable of produc ing 250 gallons of 170 proof al cohol a day for San Francisco wholesale gin dispensers. Be low is the other end of the barn, uncamouf laged. The operators slept In tents some distance away. many friends of the deceased and there were numbers of beautiful floral pieces. Dr. Frank B. Mat thews officiated and Interment took place In the Masonic cemo- tery. H. C. Stearns was in charge of arrangements. - R LOCAL Mist Hunt Visitor Miss Laura Hunt of Suiherlln spent Satunluy iifiernoon in Rose burg visiting with fi Inula uml Hliopiilng. ' From Dixonville It. Half jeld or Dixonville spoilt Heveml hours Kutunltiy hm visit ing unU looking after business mat ters. , i On Business Geo. Wagner nntl J. "Wagner of Looking (thiHH spent Hev.mU bourn Suturduy in thin city, transacting bUBiiiess and trading. Former Residents Visit i Max Coombs and wifo, former (residents of Rosolnirg, now located in Kugene, were visitors in Hose tlmrg esterday.1 i Arrives From Salem L. O. Herrold of tSalem was an arrival here Sunday afternoon and Is looking after business inter ests for a brief time. To Ashland Mrs. K. M. Kennedy. and daiigh lor of this city left, this morning for Ashland to spend the day en joying a visit with friends. Business Visitor' H. K. Ourney of Winchester was in tills city for n few hours on Sat urday and- was looking after busi ness affairs and trading . From Oakland ' Hugh Miller of Oakland was a Hoseburg visitor on Saturday, spending the afternoon attending to business affairs and trading. From Canyonville Miss Bess Clough of Canyon ville was in this city Saturday af ternoon visiling with friends and attending to business matters. Back From Portland ,' Ray. B. Compton. locnl attorney, returned here this! morning from Portland where he spent tlie week end attending to business '.affairs. Craftons Back From Portland Mr. and Mrs. Jack Craflon re turned this morning from Portland where they spent, the week end visiting and looking after busi ness ;affairsj r j, j Go to Port Orford ( i Vj Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Ot ark' and son ' and MrsyClark's mother, Mrs. h. t.'Robinsoh.-Wallace'aml J. W Robinson, motored to Port Orford over Sunday. Visit Over Week End Mrs. W. O. Cordon and daugh ter, Miss Dorothy Cordon, former ly of this city and now making 4.heti? houiPi in. Eugnovevft Here over Saturday and Sunday yiHiting' friends. "Vi: Home from Medford Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Carr, of Cnrr's Variety Store, who have been spending a Bhort time In Medford attending to business matters re turned home today. From Portland to Visit Mrs. J. J. Hodges (Kulalia Hos mer and son of Portland, former ly of Hoseburg. are expected hero today and will visit with Mrs. Hodges' mother, Mrs. C. O. Hos mer, for several days. Home From Vacation Trip Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kndlcott return ed this morning from Seattle, where they have been enjoying a. week's vacation, Mr. Kndlcott Is employed by the Southern Paeiric company as trainmaster's clerk. Here From Portland Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Flnley .of Portland arrived here Sunday to visit with friends. Mr. Finley Is well known hero hnvlng made trips frequently to this city years ago, being interested in timber. They expect to return home today. W. C. T. U. Meets Wednesday A meeting of the Glengary W. C. T. U. will be held Wednesday, July 13, at the home of Mrs. Floyd 2:30 p. in.- Members are requested to take their work for the bazaar to sew for the after noon. "Perfect" Man This is George Jones, 50, San dow medal winner 23 years ago, and now Just declared "perfect" In a contest for men at Victoria, B. C, Canada, over 18 rivals. 9 i l . - I ' "t I'-.'I-'I 1! JMpr Sy NEWS Mr, Adams Visits Sidney Adams of Oakland was In Koaeburg Saturday uf lemon n trimtiuciing business and vhdting with friends. From Peel Mr. and Mrs, Oscar ShIIiiuh of Peel were in Hoseburg h1.uj.Iuk and transacting business for a few hours on Saturday. To Salem P. T. Kiimlull, division nccount unt of the California Oregon Pow er comiiaity Is spending a week in Salem visiting friends. From Yoncaila Mrs. C. Satherberu and Madelvno ! Bladen of Yoncaila. were in Jtose ! burg Saturday and overnight vinu ! ing with friends. From Yoncaila Mr., and Mrs. .T. J. Cockoram of Yoncaila spent Saturday in Jtosu burg visiting with relatives and at tending to business affairs, Here From Portland Air. and Mrs. J jeer Avery of POi't land arrived here Saturday hlglit Mr. Avery will look after biisim affairs here lor a few days. Staffords Visit Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stafford of Oak land were in Hoseburg Saturday afternoon visiting friends and , at tending to business affairs. Davlsons Visit . Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Davison of Oakland were iu this city visiting Willi friends and transacting busi ness on Saturday afternoon. Home From Bandon ' Dr. 1h C. Church and family, who I HUTU uci-ll 1U-1UI1UK lite WL'Uli at Bandon enjoying a brief vni:u- i ivmi i uiui m-u iiuiiiu j uatui tiny , Visit Saturday ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brothers of Melrose were in Hoseburg Satur day afternoon visiting with friends and looking after business aftuira. Home From Beach . Dr. and Mrs. B. R. Shoemaker and children returned Sunday from Bandon and' other beaches where they have been spending the past week. . , v : , Is At Coast--; 3 t Dr. Geo. Ji Bacher left'Saturdivj? afternoon for Bandon, to visit wifli his family, who have been there for a week. Ho will return hero Wednesday. 4 'i ; . ' 1 : Back From Coast1 ' ,( , Dr. and Mrs. H. CJ. Church ami family returned home Sunday evening from Bandon and coast points ,whfrq . .ley : havq, , bi spending a week vacationing. Left For Tacoma Mrs. Frank B. Matthews and son left this morning for Tacoma where they will spend the next few weeks enjoying a visit with Vela Uvea and friends. Resorts Listed Three Douglas county resorts. Bos well Springs, Idleyld Park -and Diamond Lake received mention In a special feu t tire article in the Sunday Oregonlou. Visitors In Town Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Talbot t and son and daughter of Canyonville wero' In this city Saturday aller noou attending to business matters and shopping. Back From Idleyld Mrs. Clair K. Allen and children who have been spending a week at Idleyld, where they had a cot tage, returned home Sunday even ing. Dr. Allen spent the week end at the resort with his family. Back From Coast Trip J. H. Wolford and family retunn ed yesterday from a ten-day auto trip.- They went over the Roose velt highway into California and returned by way of the Redwood highway. From Riddle Lee Kellar of Riddle was In town on business Saturday. Mr. Kellar has been appointed fore man of the Azalea fruit company, at Riddle, an orchard owned by outside men. The orchard consists of prunes and pears and the out put Is mostly sold locally. Returns to San Francisco Kdgar Lewis, who has been visit ing here for the past few days leaves tomorrow for his home at San Francisco. Mrs. Lewis and their two children will remain iu Hoseburg for the summer wllh Mrs. Lewis' father, H. Wollenbeig. To Oakland Mrs. Kdw. Houseolder of Hed Uluff, Cal., who has been visiting here as guest at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Houseolder for sev eral days, went to Oakland Satur day night to spend this we'k with her mother, Mrs. Margaret Kincait, alter which she is leaving for her home. Visiting With Father Mrs. Harry Chenoweth of Valle Jo, Calif., and Mrs. Myrtte Hend ricks of Aberdeen, WaHhinton, are visiting at the home of their father, C. W. McAllister for a week. They came here for the wed ding of their sister, Miss Iris Mc Allister, and Koyd Uruton, the ceremony taking place today. Visit Over Saturday Mrs. C. A. His of Portland and Mrs. W. Walters of Eugenn arriv ed hero Saturday, joining Mr. Hh, who is superintendent of the K. W. Wool worth comtiany store It. Oregon, and Mr. Walters, mana ger of the store at Kugene, vho have been here assisting in iho opening of the new store. Mrs. 'M ! and Mr. and Mrs. Watters rettini ! ed home Sunday evening and Mr. I His went to San Francisco, whm-e ! he will attend the district meeting I of the company. "William" Billy -Powell, former student of Oklahoma University, took part In bathing revues 'in Oklahoma and California. That gave her an Idea bathing suits. She went to Dai las, Tex., where she soon owned her own smart arcade shop and It found favor with the Dallas bath ers. Dallas folk call her "William." Here Over Sunday Kenneth Hakln and I3arl Miller of Medford motored here and spent Sunday visiting wllh relatives) nd friends. .The lutlor formerly resid ed .In Roseburg. ! t '.i Field Superintendent Visits Geo. ftllor, field superintendent of the Western Auto Supply, com pany, Willi headquarters hi Port land is here today on one of his, regular inspection trips. Undergoes Operation i Mrs. J. Allen Wjt'khani .'of this city who underwent a serious op eration in Kugene last wCnk, is re ported to bo Improving' rapidly. Dr. A. V, Sether was the attend ing surgeon. '. , . f Miss: Radabaugh Here Miss Rosalia Hadabaugh, daugh ter or Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hada baugh, has arrived from Portland .to .visit .wllh. relaliviis und . f; leuds for two weeks. MIhh Hadabaugh formerly1 resided In this city. ' ' Mrs. .Savage Visiting 'r 3 Mrs. L. t G. Savage : (Lucy Bridges) of 'Oakland, Cat., has ar rived to visit at. the homo of her mother, Mrs. Mary Krldges, for two months. Mrs. Savage former ly made her homo In (his city. Father Killed ! H. D.' Harris of this city was called to Ogden, Utah, last week by the tragic death of his father, Thomas Harris, who was killed In a runaway horse accident. Mr. Harris and his wife only recently visited the former's father, return ing here a week or so ago. Leaving For Seattle Miss Lenta WIIhoii, employed at the county court house, wilt'ieave in the morning for a two weeks' vacation at Seattle and other points. On her return home she will stop over In Salem to visit with a sister, Mrs. Monroe Cheek. Visited Over Fourth H. L. Eppxleln. and family of Hoseburg. were here for u few days visit over the Fourth, wllh Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Cuthridge at Pistol Hiver. Mr. KppKtein, who is county surveyor of Douglas county and city engineer of Hose burg, Is associated with Mr. (iuth ridge in the development of the Pistol Hiver park and camp ground. field Heaeh Independent. New Hindenburg Line 4TJJ , v t i War, statesmanship and nov the stage are the tines in which the Hindenburg family have distin guished themselves In Germany, Witness pretty Trust van Alten, niece of President von Hindenburg, whose recent debut in a musical comedy has made her all the rage in Berlin. X. HA lt" V ?1 '-.1 1 t HOW TO GET OUT-OF-TOWN, CALLS QUICKLY . "Information" will now give you the telephone number of the f irm or individual you may want to call in some neighboring city, such as Eugene, Salem, Medford, Ash land, Klamath Falls, Portland, etc. This is the latest improvement for the benefit of Rose burg patrons. It will enable you to obtain more prompt connections to nearby points. YOU WILL. PROFIT BY' GIVING THE DISTANT TELE PHONE NUMBER ON ALL OUT-OF-TOWN CALLS IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE NUMBER ASK "INFORMATION" THE (Auoclalrd l'rora lnwd Wire) TiTiFflTANl), Ore, July U. Ex cept Tor wntm'meloiiH and cliorrlos, HtlpplieH on the locul produt'Q null' l(ut WHro Ktiiiorully BcrjiRKly ntl spotterl:- "Nv vogHtiiblns -worn-offpr titlin. lHi,Ku...auiuuutHr'UllhoUKi all Hoasunablo Htnelci wero ruitroHent- Wnlornielon receipts woro the lai'Keut of llio Heitaon and down n cent', retailing at per pound. Cherrlea wore plentiful at 15c por ouih1,i two for 25c, but berry Huppliea wore lighter ttmn uhukI. (ood .otTerinKH ut atrawberrlea inarltcd up to .10c a box retail. Small and aoft berries still nro at 7 and Xc a box. Limited supplies of raspberries, loganberries and currants aro displayed at 7 and 8c a box. Oregon celery ot select, quality is plentiful at . 15 und 20c er bunch. Dutlei' and oggs' are unchanged in price, wllh receipts continuing strong enough to require storage. Country dressed meals and poul try opened slowly at fully steady prices. 1-Iog receipts were picking up front IttBt week's relative scar city. POUTLAND, Ore., Jully 11 Cnt tle and calves steady. Cars 121. Ktecrs, good $ 9.60 10.25; medium SS.SOtfi 9.50: common S7.00ifj)8.50; cannor and cutter steers $ii.00ff ; 7.50; heifers, good S7.508.50; j common nnd medium $6.007'7.50; i cows, good $7.00 ffi 7.50; common! and medium S5.25W7.00; low cut-! fers and cutters ;:i.OUfi5.25; bulls: (yearlings excluded) $0.250.75. Cutlers and medium (ennners and bolognas) $5.00fi.(1.25; calves, medium to choice (milk. fed ex cluded) J8.00ffiilO.BO; culls 'and common 5.50(8)8.00; venlors, me dium nnd choice $l().ooffi)12.oo; culls nnd common $11. Ci1 10.00. Hogs slow, steady to shade low er; heuvywoighls (250 to 280 lbs.), medium, good ami choice $9.25ffi) 11.00; inedlumwclghts (200 to 250 lbs.), medium, good nnd choice $9.25011.00; medlumwelgllts (200 to 250 lbs.), common, medium, good nnd choice $10.25ffi'11.15; lightweights (150 to 200 lbs.), com mon, medium, good nnd choice $IO.:l5ffi 11.25; .light lights (ISO to IHO lbs.), common, medium, good and choice $10.50ffi 11.25; packing hogs (rought nnd smooth) J10.5nS 11.25; feeder and stacker pigs (7ft to 130 lbs.) medium, good nnd choice $10.60fi 11.25; (soft or oily hogs nod roasting pigs excluded In above quotations.) Kheep and lambs (slaughter slock). Slow hut steady, l-ambs, medium to choice, 84 pounds down tlO.uOffi 12.50; culls nnd common $7 50 fi 10.00. yearling wethers, me dium to choice $7,000-9.00. Ewes, common to choice $4,00(j 5.50; culls $3.00 fri 4.00. vniiTI.ANI). Ore.. July 11 Hut- inr ul,.:ulv: extra cubes, city, 40 rents lb.: standards 38J; prime firsts. 371 cents; firsts 37 cents; creamery prices: Print. 3 cents ; above cube standards, bulterfat, S!il rents f. o. b. Portland. Milk stendv; raw milk (4 per renll 12.25 cwt. f. o. b. Portland. liutterfat 39J cents f. o. . ! It""'- . , , Kggs stealy; current receipts, renin doz'-n: fresh medium. ii. fresh standard firsts 23 cents;! fresh standard extras 24 cents. J Poultry steady; (less 5 per cent commission); heavy hens, 2 1 W 23 f conts; llghf 1510 cents; Mi lugs, : PACIFIC TELEPHONE and TELEGRAPH COMPANY 17 'lie ents; broilers, 1510: cents; pekfn white ducks, 20 cents; color ed, jiiomlnal; turkeys, nllvoi nom inal dressed, 87 cents lb. Onions, steady; locnl, $3.75 7.00; potatoes, J3.50fji4.50 sack. Nuts steady; walnuts 2737' cents; filberts, 10j)20 cents; al monds 2I2U cents; Brazil nuts 14 ti) 10 cents; Oregon, chestnuts 17S20 cents; peanuts 0CH11 conts. 'Cascu'rn" bark steady;' Rifffl "cents lir.;- Ordgflif- grapo' rootirnoralnal," lb.; Oregon grape toot, nominal.. Hops, 10211 crop, steady 2;i(5i2:ii conts. . . ' FARM POINTERS . ,. For too little pasture grass seedj Is grown In the Paeiric northwest, according to li. It. Hyslop, profes sor of farm crops at the Oregon experiment station. (1 rowers have sent perfectly good money year at-, tor year to the east or abroad for puaturo seed when It might well have been grown here. They could produco enough white clover, an ex pensive Hem of mixture, to supply all local needs and to ship out a surplus. ; In so far ns sugar content nnd ylold ot Oregon sugar beets In con ccrncd numerous places In the state from the coast to Snake rlver wlll grow sumir boots of yield nnd quality good enough for the fac. tory, reports the experiment sta SWIMMING SIMPLIFIED Breathing and Confidence Vital . Assets tp Swimmers BY JAMES A. LEE Athletic Director, Cleveland (Ohio)' Athletic Club mBrfs 1 8howlng how to breathe when above water, and below, exhaling I believe overy person should t.nn.u B.,.i,r, i,nr.,.Da ni.miw . ., , ", iu sw im iMivnit- u nm.'Ku'u , against drowning and affords en jjoymenl of a healthful recreation. Self-confidence Is one of tho grettieSL HHKl.lS I" IIIW ..i... , overcome this timidity by submorg- . hn f several times before I JI JfUU UIIJ ttllj" VI Wltll-I, JUU Blu,m,,tig 0 ),.aru to swim. Another asset to good swimming n ability to breathe properly. All modern strokes nro hinged with thin method of breathing In by the mouth above tho wuter anil f ATRROHS AATENTION Election and installation of oiricors at regular meet- ipg , ot Unl'pu Encumpijient . Wednesday evening, July; 13. : Three candidates : Willi be given the Hoyal Purple do- gree, IteCresluuents. I . -. -, -,. COMMITTEE. : '. ., ., ,. . tion nftor nenrly 40 years 'of trial. But moro'thun soil and climate lira necessary to ugrlcilllurnt produff tion of sugar beots. Kor success ful mnnufneturo there must be an assured volume of raw rimterluls every senso,v.! : ! ; : , Crudo powdered sulphur 09 per !cont pltfs puro Is the most concen trated form to uso us Oregon soil fertilizer, says the experiment sta tion, saving freight and enrtago. Availability for plant food is In proportion to the finenoss or sur face area, so to be properly effec tive It Is so ground as to pass through n sievo with a 30-lncli mesh. On sandy lands l!0 to 75 pounds every two or three years now seoms Iho bolter practice. I will not bo responsible for nny; debts contracted other, than by myself after this dato. HoRcburg, Oregon, July 11. 1927. WM. I'EMIIIOMTOM. Jr. swimming. At top Inhaling when face Is through nose when face Is below water. . out through tho nose Under the wnler. You can mnstor this by tho fol lowing brenlblne exercise: Enter - 'n,a ,.ir nhnut wnlnt.di.en. hemi forward with faco near tho sur- faco of tho water, tnko a deep mrillll iiiiwiikii iiiw ,nu,ii, i:M,n nn,.,i. ,,,nn .1,- t,nn, .,. ill." IIIUIHII, lllfl, ,.n 1,1,3 M'-ttU exhalo slowly through under water. tho nose I Keep the eyes open, ' Kepeat tho exorcise until fren bubbling at tho nostrils assures you that tha air is being exhaled without trouble, I Tomorrow How to Begin. i . i ;. I