Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, July 11, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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An innovation hns junt neon In
, troduced In ltosebtirg which will
materially speed up long distance
' telephone connections Willi other
I mini h In 111 la vicinity.
Arrangements have been coni-
ploted by llio telephone cnmpnnv
so Hint "Inloriuulton" will when
Miii ini onu mnri
S qJ if f W -1 d w ."1 IV 1H Wb n ' Mir loj nJ
... :. . . . I
!; Bnve lnToday. Rosebiirg's Tire Headquarters J;
y FmD V-:' :'v:;: ROSEBURG, OREGON ;v r'!r ; -;;ii-;i ;V FORDSON p :
ALLPRESS all star artists to give concert
Chautauqua Erings Trent For Music Lovers
fi ntiLik ,. r-f V ViWs 1 w M
l'opL In mm of inn moral essays
nnop declared thai "Light quirk a of
mtiMtc, broken ami uneven, makHs
the boiiI dance upon n jig to
hnveti." Longfellow said that "Mu
sic Is the nul versal IniiKtiage of
mankind." yhakespeare'ifi Ideas on
tho subject of musie, nnd Its uni
versal appeal are Hinted In the fu
men 0-ilirrnm "Thai the man who
hath no munle in himself, nor is ;
not mured with concord of sweet
Rounds Is fit for trensou, stratc
f:cmn nnd spoils,"
Cerlnln If Is that mintc is com
intt into its own in Amertcs as
never before, Tho nnlversnl appeal
i - i . i.-- K. ,.,. ... i
y talking machine, rad,, and the !
ability of the people generally to
hear mor good concerts than ai
any previous time In American his
tory. The Chautoqim movement h
had ft 1-irgn part In promoting the
taste for good music ami tho 1S27
FUPiimhty coming her 1b bringing
fplciK.irt artists, whose cnucei'ts
will bo a treat for the local music
One of the notable events of the
Don't put off any longer
summer driving
requested give the telephone num-1
I bora of persons or firnlH listed ill,
oilier lending centers of tho Pa-
licit northwest with which Rose-1
burg him- frequent conservations.
I Manager J. It. FairlngUm says
the method works thla way: It llm
business man or resident culling i
from here can givii the number
Willi which he desires to talk In
another clly, his call goes through
iiulckly. If lm doec not know tho;
out-of-town iiumher, all be now I
'hits to do Is to cull "Information",
jnnil ask for It. "Inforliinllon" .will!
give Jt to htm.
! Then having obtained Ibo mini
: her, be can proceed to place the
'call' In Ihe usual way. Ily making
a practice of using nnmhers In re
! questing long distance connections
jllme and money will be unveil the
wwek will b Ihu concert given bv
AllprusH All Slur Company, Thie
comitituy is led by Thus. Allpress
violinist, who studied in America,
lu 1 guidon and on Ihe continent at
Uerlin nnd Lelptcig. While in Lon-dou-he
studied and taught the new
scientific! violin methods which
such nuslurs as Aner, Brodsky,
John Ihiua, Drilta, Kliuna, Sauret
mm .imnaiisi say is me nuwi exiru-
onliimry method of the age
The program to be given by th
ADpress Company Includes a very
extenslro repertoire of new and old
melodies, original settings for Stan
titirri Over i ores. Khapsodles ai.d
UHvenes. rmssicai componmnns or
! Tu " pop,,.l,,r!
numbers of Modern times.
Mr. AllpresH Is an exponent of
the newer school of American mu
sie which believes that all credit
should he given to the old masters
nnd their nnmhers Interpret:! in '
the spirit In whti-h they were fcrrt-,
ten. but at th same time believes
that the newer music which es-1
presses the spirit of Modern Amer
le should also bo given its place!
In the artistic 11(6 of tho country of i
today. 1
patron, according to Mr. Fa rr fus
ion and the result, w ill bo a more
profitable ,uso of tho telephone
"Wo are putting this convenience
at the lUspnsnl of the telephone
iikoi'b of this city," Haiti Mr. Far- j,
rlngton, "because wo know, from '
the studies we have made, (hat tho
customer who given the number in
placing IiIh long distance culls,
quickly recognizes tho ndvanlnge
of doing so. Wo aro endeavoring
to make it as simple and easy us
possible for him to secure (ho nunt
Our bel'oi'o calling."
FLOGGING WOMAN I planned, however, to call special
(luncheon meetings at several in-
TOOtlOA, Ca., July 11. (A. ',)jtervals whenever some important
W. (i. Aeteot principal of tho jmaltrr nrises heeding tho attention
Stephens County High School wat)j(,E He (.'liaiiibcr of Coinmcrce mem
round guilty by a Jury Saturday ot;lws. The regular luncheons will
uhhuuII and battery in connection be resumed again in September.
with the flogging June 2 at jMra.-
AiiHiey iioweiM.
The schoolmaster was tried on
a charge of assault with intent tu
murder. Sentence was mn passed.
Mrs. How era and her son Lloyd
wore taken from their home here
by a masked and robed bund ol
men into-the country and IIokrc.I.
They told her they were whipping
her because of "immorality" and
because you do not go to chuien.
Five men were Indicted for ihe
flogging, lour or whom remain 10
be tried.
Try our butiermllk It's differ
ent. Koschurg Dairy. Phono ISti.
LONDON. July 11 a Heater dis-;
patch irom Shanghai savs than ,
.1 . ,.!,, Usher, American master . ncc,,sslirv ;,,, ,
o the steamer I hie men. who i8 ,v,a, is lllok(Mi ,,,, as ,.,.,
.apt lied y piialea tvvo weeks ago, I ialioii, for the slain official was
reached Ichnng salely on Satur- regarded as n bulwark of the Free
day, after having escaped from his i suite cause, lie hail onlv ri.tiipi
. , ied to liul.lin last Friday from n
. iKiniii ii mis inai i :ipiniu ;
; Msber, who was held for
, ransom, refloated the t'lilrlim-n,
hud gone ngraitnd about thirty
'miles from iebnng. The advices
jsald the Japanese owner of Ihe vos
; sel silll was In Ihe hands ol' the
Fish nt Idlyld Park,
PKNW.KTON, Ore,, July It -A
harvest wage stale for workers
In the fields of CmatfUn county
will be discussed this afternoon at
a mi-etlnic of wheat arowcrs at the
county grain nursery nenr Helix.
It has been two years store a wace
st ale has been in effect, in this
Many transient laborers are In
I'endteton a waiting the harvest , ment of commercial aviation and
season whi,h Is expected to he gen - demonstration of the feasibility of
era! by the L".th, Many combines; an air mail route from Now York
are (.tartiug today. Indications direct to Spokane prompted pro
are lor u crop above the uoiuial. nioilca of the .National AU Derbj
will save you money f
The weekly I'orum luncheons
which have been conducted for
several months' by Ihe Roseburg
Chamber of Commerce are 10 be
discontinued as regular events dur-
fCnnMniied (mm nnge 1.)
embraced his wife and child, and
said .farewell to friend. ami co
workers in Ihe Free State cause.
Shortly before the end, he raised
himself from his pillow to say: "I
urn dying at peace with my ene
mies, I die for my country. I go
to join Michael Collins."
One of the friends at the bed
side remarked; "Kevin, while
there's life, there's hope."
"Ah. there is no hope," he an
swered. "Hut I was always n bit
of die-hard."
Ireland's Strong Man
Tho Frev State cabinet was call-
i.engue of Nations confi-i en,- at
i (ielieva. lie had conducted 11 vir.
oiims count rv-wide campaign In
neiiair of the government candi
dates lu ihe recent parliamentary
At one time. O'lUiigins was a
staunch supporter or Lamou de
Valera. (he republican leader, and
duriiiK the disorders heroic the
siuning of the treaty creating the
1'iee Slate, he was arrested end
placed in jail in lie) fast. When ftiu
tteaty was piomuluated. hnwcvW.
he became an ardent worker for
ihe tree state and was made min
ister of justice In 1D23. Shortly f
terwards his father was shot dead
by armed raiders in his own home.
SPOKANE, July 11- KnrouruKe-
Setting the Tires you need
Our special 10-day offer
from Roosevelt Field to tho Spo
kane airport Sept, 20 to 22.
More than $50,000 to finance the
Derby ami for piizoB was sub-
L-frll.uil ).v tiiiofnauo man rxt tlta
cily. '
iMiiionui jveroiuiuitc association
approveu the transcontinental
I race. At the same lime it authoriz -
eu a similar coniesi nom aau
Francisco to Spoknne together with
nuuoiuu air races coiisisuiib 01
speed contest here Sept. 23 and 24.
All are to determine supremacy of
commercial or military planes.
The idea ot developing commer-
clal aviation was carried out In the
conditions lor the New York - Spo -
kane race, which provide lor day-
light flying and overnight stops
at fields points for a commercial
or 1111 air mall route.
The Hoseburg Chamber of Com
merce is cooperating with tho
state chamber and other commer
clal organizations in au effort to
secure government permission for
the construction of a surface tram
way to Hie summit ot Mt. Hood. A
private development company at
Hood Hlver is prepared to build
the tramway as soon as, the per
mission of the government is ob
tained. The commercial organiza
iimis reel that this svstem for con-
jvoylng passenger to the summit of:
tine mouiiiiiiii wuuiu iuuitov
'l.., t..n..l Ilta .lutn Utlll Wnilll
therefore be ot benefit to all com
munities. Telegrams were sent by
the local Chamber to Senator Mc-
Nary nnd Representative Hawley
have been received.
U. S. Wenther Bureau, local pf
flee. Hoseburg, Oregon, 24 hoiirj
ending 5 a. m.
Relative humidity 5 p. m. yes. 33
Precip. In Inches and hundredths:
j Highest temperature yesterday N2
iLowest temperature last night 61
j Vrectpitatton last 24 hours .... 0
Total precipitation ainco first
month 0
Normal precipitation for this
month .. .
Totnl preeiu. from Soptember
11)26, to date 35.90
Avrmte precip. fusui Sept. 1,
1S77 - 33.96
Tot- I excess from Sept 1,
1326 - 1.94
Average precipitation for 43
wet seasons. (September to
.. .... i i -t i
I nay, inciifsivH
i Forecast tor southwest Oregon:
Unsettled tonight and Tuesday,
mild temperatnvp.
1 Meteorologist
; 1 I i
(By The Associated Press.)
i wmw LriNnnM rutin An ohe-in
three on a 492 vard hole is thuHhat it can stop within twice
1 jHteat ft;ut of
heavy hitting
I von tip- . lUiinvDon D font I KiW
York'., metropolitan woman's golf
champion. Two mighty smashes
with woort3 ami then she holed a
. mashie niblick shot
sam has a new battleshin of the
!(,.., it has six machine guns in
( f0ur armored turrets and can carry
1 2400 pounds of bombs and a crew
jof six.
RL'SKIN. Fla. Daniel Hollo
way, bass fisherman, is thankful
that hiB boy, Horace, can make a
good cast. The father was out in a
bout 100 feet from shore fishing in
the Little Manatee river and fell
overboard and lost consciousness.
The son could not swim. He .made
cast . from shore, the
caught in the father's clothing and j says Don C. Mote of the expert
lie was pulled out. . ! meat station. In badly infested dis-
1 " I tricts the attacked .trees are com-
PERRY, N. Y. A curfew for pletely defoliated unless protected
cats is desired by the Garhead bv control measures. Death to tho
Kennel Club. It has petitioned the tree results if the ravages of the
towns supervisors, pointing out i beetle are not slopped. . ,
that dogs must be confined at i .
night while cats wander all day To be successful sugar beet fac
killlng birds, then howl at night torles n,ust have plenty of beets
and koep dogs awake.
niomiuui.i. iic.iuxiiQ, i. j.
and telephone numbers galore nave,
been writte nail over his Spirit of
St. Louis. A coat of silver paint is
I thtit irtm n-n-vnrl n-ttti li-nlfa mt
the shock absorber. Lots of boys
Your car may be wreck
ed any day in a street ac
cident. Insure against loss.
Ask us for rates.
Quine & Co.
Phone 108
Masonic Building
for your
! looking over tho plane before' it
:as locked lip, copied some of the
; - -v ;
' "WASHINGTON Now . comes a
TjdeVice for reversing a propeller as
soon as a piaue anKnia, in oiuer
. Its
length. A patent has been Issued.
Camp ac Idleyld 1-ara; j j :j
(AssoclAtcii Prtui Leased Wire)
LONGBEACH,- Wash.,- .luliy 11
Miss Edith Capps, IS, 'of Pe Kll,
Wash., was a surf victim' ut Long
Beach, Wash., yesterday when she
stepped into a crab hole and
Eat barbecue sandwiches and
live, forever.' Brand's Koad Stand.
Elm trees of Oregon face destruc
tion by elm lent beetles unless rad-
hook'ical control measures -are applied,
for a long run and must have them
apv ugenn nnlnl.'nnt fl ' II LI .
sl professor of farm crops at
IlIlieSlthn rtrnnn nvrorlmnntal olhlln..
Kn ,n n,,,iUi' tn rinht 'i
So in addition to right soil
climate, farms nnd farmers
plenty of labor and transportation
, ' . j
lit along with these things fuel, wa
iter and limestone may be had
without excessive cost, a success
ful factory location Is indicated.
I The commonest form of white
clover for pasture mixtures is the
'common white or little Dutch sort.
;It is expensive but might well be
grown in the Pacific northwest in
i eluding Oregon, says . tho experi
ment station. It Is sod-forming
long-lifed perennial with many
leaves and trailing branches thai
strike root at the joints. It is
quite hardy and but little troubled
IwUh pests or disease. It is wide
ly distributed over the United
States and is found in all moist dia
j tricts of Oregon.
Several thousand acres of Ore
' gen small grains have been certi
fied, by the experiment station
every year sinco 1!1S rosultlns in
! great improvement of the type of
grain produced. In some counties
Improvement from certification ha
been so ereat as to make further
certification work unnecessary. In
other pnrts of the stte the need
for certification Is pressing. Cer
tification may bo undertaken by ap
plication to the county agent.
Many crops of little value are of
ten widely advertised a ad planted,
says H. A. Scbotb of the experi
ment station. As soon as their lack
of worth is found out advertising
and sales slow down or stop alto
gether. This dormant period often
j lasts only a few years when again
sone enterprising person or firm
will renew the advertising and
make frequent sales.
Chaa. S. McElhinny
"The Widow' Friend"
Oregon Life
Maionlo Bldg. 101 N. Jackion
For Wiltmg
A suit that has been newly
dry cleaned seems to fairly
float around your body it is
so light and fresh and crisp
ly cool!
It certainly does make a dif
ference! Tell us to call around regu
larly for your dusty, droopy
summer suits we'll put pep
Into them and keep it there!
SJ ft
Celebrate your inde
pendence we'll do
your baking.
3rvTi-i civ l
- ,V i " a '