EIGHT ROSEBURG, NEWS REVIEW. SATURDAY. JULY 9, 1927. (Cnntlnufd from page 1.) SHOE him at 2803 Hull Inlin e, .Mil IIioiikIiIoii -Kindly tell mo whoro my LailJos Aid of tin fhrlrillan Church will hold u cooked food mi If j at Mi-Kjun, linrhy and UuldwiiiH. Kutuidnv. July BRIDGE BONDS WIN AT POLLS BY BIG MARGIN (ronllniK-d from pae 1.) Hugh II. Wwoll, of Oakland, Cullf., Informs Governor I'atteraon that ho and aHHociutes plan to ulurt a commercial air line in Ore gon reniuins to be Been. Newell asks Hie governor to send him a copy of the corporation laws kov- uriilriR such an enterprise. New-; Were Never CHEAPER Buy Your Summer and Fall Shoes Now All in One! By going out of tlie Shoe business, our Shoe deportment, these days, is a great bargain center. The prices are so low that one would think we hud suddenly gone in.'o the business of handling cheaper and interior shoes. Hut this is not the case' All our fine riitinc; shoes for women, our Buster Browns for children, and ouj high quality ehoes for men are marked down however, so thac we may safely say "Shoes were nevir cheaper. " We are closing out Shoe stock , and , that means close-out prices on every pair! E Utile Kill lout her ruby ilnu e; Aiih. Vou will find the rim: on Die (loor of your bedroom iienr hoiw t'lothliiK idled up in a corner near the clot net cIohci shelf In the pantry of your mol It er's llOUHU, be Bolter Service Better Merchandise W. 1). Is my brother Hob mill living MiU wlmru Ik ho it fillvo? Aim. A lutler uddroHsed. to !!!!) Wilson Avenue, ClilcuKO, III., will bo certain of ruiteliiiiK tiiui. , P. T. Kindly tell inn when i!,llu uiinrouoiies mm iliewi will locate my hiHii fatlier who left us : ut on'- . 1 two years uko. I Concroto walls are to no built j AnB.-illo Is at present llvlnir ut ' 'HoiiK the street line on both sides, r.2J 14th Ave., IJelioit, MlthiKuii. . land the street will then bu wltlen- TIiIh Is Mr. Jtlcliurils' lust an- 1,1 "IMiib In to thn proper swer to readers or the News-Ite- level. Tho walls are to bu built lm- view, and If your answer did not Ifel In It was simply due to arriv IiiK too late for publication, as all 1 and specifications will bo secured j from the stale immediately. In ell s stationery Is bordered In black ino meantime the city engineer on ail sides, i will prepare plans and sneclflca- (Ions for the relalniiiK walls for j PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS ROSEBURG UNDERTAKING CO. Established 101 M. E. BITTER, Manager Founded and Maintained on Efficient Service and Courtesy honZ84 Llcented Ladj Oak and Kane 8t. Embalmel M. I). Will I Ret the iiosltlon :lllnH applied for? j questions wore answered In tliu I Ans. Yes, but you will havo to ( exact order received, first come wait a little lonKer for the place . first served. How ever, Mr. Rich. : than you anticipated. aids will be kIiiiI to answer jou at I the Antlers thcatie-tonlBlil, or Sun- W. II. t'nn you toll me wbero I;"" niatinee and niKhi during tho can locate my younger sister j -'"' part ot ins imiimiiuth iI'okl'v? . , inreo nour snow or amazing won I Ans. I'eggy Is now living at 2039 ; lul'H. thrills, laughs, girls, music, 1 23rd fttrent. Philadelphia, I'enn. mystery anil splendor, which made I a tremendous hit last night, as It '' v 'i wimt will our nevt riittii ' ,nB lul'gost, finest and most en 'bo a too l' """lUu-talnlMB attraction of tho kin.l ;bAnsSe'uwll. be a boy if '""' .' 'l'1!? !'. between the 17tli and 22nd of No. i " " "f i "... 7 me' ivernber. 1 i. ir-iir. -t-x- r- A "V mediately, so that the city may lake ! rsCVv I UUrt I .'I'lvniiliiire of the Keveml blllldilKT 1 ' - excavaiious which are being plan-! FOR SAI.K Wood, $1.75 per cord.! lie I. This will enable Ihn city to i A. Pearson, Klgarose. j easily secure suitable dirt to make 1JBI.P WANTKI) Combination the fills for the approaches. t 'kitchen mn. TurmliialCnfo. No time is to he lost In. getting j i.-(jiritKNT 6-room bungalow, un file work under way, the mayor ( to dute, fruit ilnd garden. Phone slates, and lie expect that It will; j.)u FOIl RENT S-rooni modorn bun galow; Close In. t'all at Hose- I!FR H. F. How much am I going to make on my last investment In California oil Hluires? Aiih. Praetfcally nothing, nn this company never will fully du velop their holding. atre ticket office wlilch will Hiire you a prompt ami private Hwer. E. II. S. When wlli I bo mar ried? Ann. I see a fairly happy mar riage for you next January in Frank W.' DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME ESTABLISHED 192S H. C. STEARNS, Manager. , i . . " .: -ri;i ju- Notliyitlistnnding the elaborate equipment of the Home and efficient service, the cost of burial is no mqre. Pine and Lane :8ts. Phone 112 i . .Lady Attendant J. U It. I mil IhiiiklnK of In vesting In silver mines in Ontar io, Canada. Is this advisable? Ans. Yes.as It will lator pay fairly good dividends. J. A. A, Will 1 sell my house here? Ans. Yes, and then I sen you going cast as planned. .' H. M. W. (Oakland) Will I over marry again? ;. Ans. You will bave a splendid opportunity early in 1929. . About ! 12. I NOW YOU ASK ONE I THE ANSWERS oil! lm possible to let tho contructs In less than thirty days. Tho council is to hold a meet ing Monday to canvass the vote I and at Hint time will make plans , lor the starting of work on tho. bridge. 1 J FLASHES OF UFE ' : ,...M.Ji tlly i ne Associaieu rn-ns.1 IM.NKVil.I.E, N. Y. Martin Al len ill his day Roared In balloons and walked ropes high in the an will! the best of 'em. Hut at the age of 80 would he take a ride in a plane? "No, sir." "Never did believe in those crazy flying ma chines.' I can't understand what keeps 'em up and I'm not taking any chances." AIDE 10 IS5T Below nro tho answers to the weekly nible iiulz on the editorial page. 1 The illustration shows Abra ham counting the stars of heaven, which (lod prophesied .should be l I.IIIUIiei K ill .Tnr.ti'u id L-An.-i 2 (lod tempted Abraham by ask ing him to utterance his son Isaac. flenesls xxii:l-14. 3 ltchekah's sons were Esau and Jacob (lenosls xxv:2G. ' A Peter and Andrew, brothers were fishermen. Matthew iv:lS. 5 The Lord stirred up liadad the Edomite against Solomon. 1 Kinks xi:14. G Benjamin was the youngest t his name one letter says Nathan j Kaliolll Hedin, director or Hie Swiv Idisli-Ainerican news exchange, just back from Sweden. of Joseph's brothers. (ieuesis xliv ollt RAPID CITY Tho commander-in-chief of the army and navy is to be Chief Stillwater or something like that, l'art of the secret about ail Indian name that Mr. Coolidge is to receive in Deadwood has comq that time you also will be able Id dispose of yodr place. ; ; ' ' r-J i ' ( L.' L: S. Will my moiher's leg trouble bo serious? ,'Ans.--I 'a'tlvise vpxpert medical atlenllon at :oncet otherwise au operation will- be necessary. Who folks G. G. (Myrtle: Creek) marry and will my Spends Week Visiting--' ' ' 'Mrs feslefle iltllor,' wfio ims been K."I3.' Ramluulst lias been' spend--, In this clly feu the'past two weeks lug tho pant week vlslllng with his visiting wllh her son and wife, Mr. family at. Melrose. He will return and Mrs. V'. W. Miller, left' Ihls Biinday to North Hend, wherri he la morning for her homo In Oakland, In business. ' ' - If'nllfornia.' ' ' ' ' I Liberty Sun., Mon., Tues. Matinee Daily 2:15 P. M. . t, , j . . . . ii' - The Biggest of All Big Comedy Hits A Bull's Eye! A Riot! A Tornado of Laughter! Warner Bros- p rt t tti. SYD CHAPLIN as OLD bill ."The BETTER OLE" in Based upon the play by Bruce Bairnsfathcr and Arthur Eliot Directed by Charles Reisner WAIUJER BROS PRODUCTION m rif or a. I a. I rTT r - - nvcr: aVfflftf fi i-Mitri - PATHE NEWS Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10c-35c : 1j. will move -to 'Salem? .Ans. The young man you are fcngaged to 'wvmid make you a fair 7 Christ healed the centurion's! servant at Canernatini Matthew i vlil:!i. 8 God changed Abram's namo to .Alirahnm. Genesis xvli:I. " .; 9 Hosea was the son of Beori. 1 Ilosea 1:1. li 10 Sennacherib was slam by his two sons.-1 Isaiah xxxvii:3S. ;.'P?I MnTIe Tf IIIATCD IICCDG - Wliilo maldng repairs the water will be shut oft Sunday, July .loth. REQUEST Af SALEM HAS , DEATH PORTENT COLOR burg Apts. ' FOIt SALR Oat and vetch" hay In shock. Phono Koscoo Marsters. Wilbur, Ore. FOH 'ItE-N't Two-room furnished house, 57 per month. See eleva tor man ut Perkins building. KOIt- HUNT Nice" modern "subur ban bcuse and some outbuild ings. F. C. Gurnee. Phone 33F2:l. FOIl KENT 2 modern houses, 4 and 5 rooms with garages, un furnished, $10 and ?12. Phone t!)2-L. '. FOH RENT 5-ioom furnished huuse with bath, close In. Price $15. Cans. Kyes, S2B N. Jackson St. - Complete stock of Sherwln Williams Sprays Including,. Hordo, Lead, Spreader, Blue Vitrol, Lime, etc. Coen Lumber Company ST)M ETHING NEW The Polly anna Cafe at Myrtle Creek. Meals like mother used to serve. Special chicken dinners every Sunday. You'll be glad you came! CANYON TAVERN serves special lunches and dinners that will please you in every way. Good music. Just mile south of Clin- yonville. WANTED Two-foot laurel and black oak, also slxteen-iuch old growth body fir. Also some used lumber, and used hose. Address "S. O. S." care News-Review. HriVTVh lliuti-ihiilnr - For 100 SALEM, Oi-h., .ruly 9 Whether i malc No Belllns. just dls fliore is'nnv slcnificanco In the ,..i, .....i nntt..ei. flxnerience black liorilf red stntlnnery on which ! , neCes9ary. Should net salary S70 weekly. . Peris , lts i liuttbnnd.' Your lieoploiwill. not sell from 3:00 to 7:00 a. ni. atTentiug all r .1 wmlilcKld f Dnunlim-v put for some tintt. ; it. J. WhaJ bponme pf. tlip deel lo Bonio i properly t wo own mmr Coll ago Grovi? Ann. You will fiiul the doo'l mtnlald among omo papers and other poi'lodidiilrt plied up on a residents of North KosoburfTi TUB CALIFORNIA. OREGON POWKR COMPANY . . MIhs Wai'Karot Shupe, of Cor-! valin, Is visitin fihero with frionds , as (lm house guest of Mm. Albert Abraham. iiiHiir, LIBERTY THEATRE L&sl Times Today ' , Matinee Daily 2:15 MADE IN OREGON BIG AT THE RAINBOW S Winchester SATURDAY NITE Oriental Gardens Orchestra American Legion Florin, Pa. OllDHR vour winter wood Old Kiowth fir $3-25 per block oak, $3. (.tuoclatnl I'resj UoUnI W'lrel PARIS, July 9. Maui-lco Drou hill's contract with Charles -1-e-vlne, under which he Is to pilot the trans-Atlantic plune Columbia back to America, runs for one year with compensation of 150, 000 the newspaper L'Auto says to day. - Expressed in French money, this amounts to 3,750,000 francs, which appears to be rather a stupendous sum to the French public L'Auto's story has tended to stimulate rather than quiet the controversy raging over the proposed flight, and the newspapers generally crit icize both Drouhln and Levlne. IAuto, which characterizes the pilot's decision as "regrettable." prints a communication from Henry Farman, veteran, airman, who con demns both men. He says ha thinks Levlne might have chosen a pilot from the large number of efficient men only too willing to go without taking the man who go, without talking the man who haa been ' training for his own trans-Atlantic flight. There are still. However, a cer tain number of voices in support of Drouhin's decision to seize the opportunity which presented itself to eet ahead of the German pilot Koennecke. who is reported to be straining every nerve to make a westward trans-Atlantic flight. There Is some division of opin ion among French fliers and air plane exports as to whether Drou. hln will succeed In flying the plane to New York, and the news, paper lntrnnsslgeant quotes Chaniberlin as doubting whether on a westward flight the machine could get farther than Newfound land, because of contrary winds which are certain to be encoun tered. The Columbia was resting again on Kronen soli today alter a lllght across the English chan nel to Croydon, England, and back. Levlne hopes to start his flight to New York within a fortnight. ! o ROD PIERCES MAN'S HEAD; HE HAS CHANCE TO LIVE (Afujclatfid Frcu l-anxl Wire) HAMMOND. Intl., July 9. raid Kosty was still cheating death lira hospital here today, the fourteenth since his head was pierced by a 2i-fuot red hot steel rod. Kosty, 37, foreman In the I.a Salle ' Steel company- hern, wan brought Into the hospital lo die two weeks ago after he was .struck by the steel rod while at work on his straightening bench In tile steel plant. The road struck him in the neck on the left side, passed through his month anil protruded 22 ' feet on the outside of his hend. Mill conscious he shouted for help and Willi the assistance of fellow em ployes pulled the remaining por tion of the rod on . tluoug.i his head. Kosty, who has been con- 1 scious ever since I he accident, ato his first full meal yesterday. '.. A jagged hole In; Kosty's lioclt more than an inch in diameter' is rapidly healing. Surgeon remov ed two square Inches of bane from his skull. X-ray examination show ed four definite skull fractures. -A wife and three children are con stantly at his bedside while ho tnlks, eats and laughs and tries to allay their fears. St. Helens Cornerstone laid tor new $35,000 Pythian. Temple. tier, I 0 per tier in two: .nil rule- half tiers. Also slab wood and oilier grades. sen Co. Denn-Gerret- WANT to be independent? Then - wfii for free sample and terri tory for fastest selling article ill. America; every home, drug store, . cafe, gareg. - soda, foun tain and bank are prospects. Ad- ; dress,. Fred L. Viol, Salmon, Idaho. 1 ' SU T H E It UN L AN fj" n ARG A IN S All the holdings of Balfour i Guthrie & Company have been i turned over to K. G. Kingwell 1 for disposal. These tracls are ! now being disposed of at real bargains. Phone 10. G. Kingwell, i Sulheliln. L FOR-SALE or exchange for town ; property, in Tulare county, Call ! fornln, 5-room house, furnished, ; hot. and cold water, electric i lights and bath, wood shed, gar ; age; lot 50x120. good garden. I Inquire or write lo 923 West First St., Roseburg, Ore. h. toll man, j THB TIME TO START SAVING is ! before you spend it. This organ ' izatlon has paid its stockholders ! !l for the past two years and j eight per cent or better for tho I past eight years. Not a single I foreclosure or a piece of proper ! tv taken lor non-payment ot in- I terest or dues since its organiza- , tion In FJ17. Ullipqua ! and Loan Association, ; Abstract Hldg. J WHO WILL GET THE; - U ' ' i AT THlj ; $ J$ Antler '.Theatre' -r SUNDAY NIGHT , This Is no pig, dog or animal,' but"5 real r live baby cf Quod parentage and 11 months oid. Who will win it? last; two days TONIGHT AND SUNDAY BARGAIN MATINEE SUNDAY 2:30 P. M. ADULTS, ANY SEAT, 50c CHILDREN, 25c A REAL SMASHING SUCCESS Savings Douglas DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist In tho fitting ot UlassoH. 116 Jackson St. CARS FOR HIRE DRIVE YOURSELF! Stephens Auto Co. 317 N. Main Elite Pleaters All Kinds of Pleating and Button Making. Phone 187-R 610 So. Main Watkins Products 120 W. Lane One-H.ilf Block Off Jackson St. PHONE 177 FEATURING ' Virginia Valli Jean Hersholt Eugene O'Brien A scanner, scorching sea of flames hem them in. They stagger through the licking tongues of fire the only liv ing things in this Hell of blinding flames. Then at last a path of safety. Can they reach it? Such is the smash ing climax of this romantic melodrama one of the most awesomeand spectacular forest fire scenes ever filmed. CHIROPRACTORS Drugless Health Center "Complete Health Service" SULP'HUR VAPOR BATH8 327 West Ciss Phone 491 10c Fables Pathe News 25c WET OR DRY Tho VPnthiT tii;i!iis no rtlffnr onrc for VUV. INSURANVK Mum Id ho r.-iirinl at all (inus. offer rt'linltlc firp iusiiranro sorviry 1" our policy holders and our ppo'ieo tMnhntrt'.t till linos of fiio and automobile insur num. Mav wo lie of service lo Yor? . ' G. W. Young & Son LOANS 116 Cam St. Phone 417 MAJESTIC Last Times Today Mntlnee Oaily 2:15 RIN-TIN-TIN IN "Tracked by the Police" RINTY'S LATEST AND GREATEST Comedy "The Midnight Bum" International News 10c 25c ANTLERS " THEATRE Today and Sunday "Girl Sliced in 20 Pieces" "Impossible!" NO! JUST ONE OF THE 1C0 NEW MYSTERIES OF RICHARDS WORLD'S GREATEST MAGICIAN Seits Now on Sale I Kim 111 1 J" FAMOUS MAGICIAN AND HIS BIG SHOW OF WONDERS Two Carloads of Dazzling Scenic Effects Special Orchestra A Riot of Laughs, Thrills, Girls, Music, Mystery and Splendor. A MASSIVE STAGE PRO DUCTION IN THREE MPARTS AND NINETEEN BIG, GORGEOUS SCENES. Ask RICHARDS about anything that is troubling you. -About love or business affairs, marriage, divorce, lost articles, miss ing relatives, real estate, health, changes, etc., etc. TALK OF DOUGLAS COUNTY 18 Stunning Beauties, Musicians, Artists, -a - Electricians and Assistant Magis, Aid in I Si this Stupendous Spectacle ' Largest and Greatest Stage Spectacle Ever at the Antlers Therate NOTE This is the same production intact that plays Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Denver, etc., and guaranteed to be the largest and most elaborate show of this nature ever brought to Oregon. A Regular $2.50 Road Production at These Unheard-of-Prices NIGHTS 25c, 60c, 75c AND $1.00 MATINEE SUNDAY 50e, 25c AND WELL WORTH $3.00 . NIGHTS AT 8:15 P. M.