ROSEBURC NEWS-REVIEW, SATURDAY, JULY 9. 1927. SEVEN 4 i 1 Let a Kodak TeU It! The story of the great open space is a wonderful tale when told accurately by your Kodak Take a Kodak With You on the Camping Trip . You can get the Kodak at this store that will meet your need, from the small one to the large size, and the price is just right. We want you to come in and see these Ko daks you will find some of them in the window. Get yours and a supply oi films and, be ready for the next up-river drive or the trip to coast points. You'll enjoy it more. CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. CLASSIFIED SECTION I ALL NEW ADS WILL BE FOR SALE ASHBY broccoli plants. Joe Hur-. voy. Phone 9F4. BUOCCOLI plants ror Bale. H. P. Conu. Phpno 6F33. t UOYALTaNNE cherries Co per lb. on trees. Phone 9-F21. HORSES' and'waRon." forsnleTPrE. Ciates, Alexander Addition. BltUUt'OLl PLANTS for ""safe. - Frank Brown, West Rosoburg. ASTEit plums for saioi 15c per . ; dozen. 315 S. Main or phone 41-Y. BROCCOLI "plants for sale,"?l per 1000. C. J. Swift. Phone 14F33. 25 HEAD fat ewes for sale, S6 per ' head. S. D. Goff, Oaklanfl, Ore. BETTER milk for loss, S3 ' per quart per month. The Buttercup, 260-J. ' :. . . FOR SALE Jersey cow. J. jar ; . ' win Page, Garden Valley. Phone i-:32F14. FOR SALE Three good milch 1 cows. Lida Harrington, Yoncal- ! 1 la, Ore. I 'SHEKP FOR SALE One Delaine ram,! J years old, 520.; J.; RpBejt .ucrvu.v, lirocKwny, ure. - BROCCOLiplaiTtsfoTaleTfslP by's No. 1 and 2, also Kruses. F. M. Curtis. Phone 8F4.i BROCCOLI plants for iale. Early and late ''Butner, $2 ., .peey thou - sand. C; C. Laurence. IDIllanl: 3 Ore, . : :r. -:.rr-''-r"-'c'r- J'RUCKS, . - trucks ; trucEs Ford , triifcks for; .sale 'or trade ' or. pleasure cars; Hansen' Chevro- ' let Cor 1 , - - : - : : - i FOR - SALE Broccoli plants, , Kruse and St. Valentine, J2 per :. box. Hurst Bros, on the Curry ' Estate, t i - S FORD TRUCK with RuckstelL axle aud stool cab, 1924 model. (Pile ! od ut $175. Hansen Chevrolet Co. - , FOR SALE Model 326 Packard . sedan, 13,000 miles, upholstery and paint like new, latest type high compression motor. Address Box 1CV, care News-Review. FOR SALE Four-Inch Jackson centrifugal pump with 80 feet of pipe and fittings. W. A. Burr, R. F. 13. No. 2. Phone 342. FOR SALE Model Kl Special CMC truck with cab, and body, new pneumatic tires all around. Right, up in shape - for Imme diate work. Address Box KV, y care News-Review. FOR SALiwrI." Case-broccoli planter, good condition, $50. Al so broccoli plants, Kruse seed. W. A Burr, R. F. D. 2. Phone 312. , . FOR SALE Late model-Standard Six Studcbaker coach, five good tires, new In May, 1926, run 18,000 miles. This car is n bargain. Address Box KV, care News-Roview. VOR SAXECliolce February hatched O. A. C. Barred. Rock and McRno strain R. I, pullets from accredited and B. W. D. tested eggs. Douglas Park Stock Ranch, Sutherlln. FOR SALE 1026 Big Six '"Stude baker 5-passcnger ' sedan, 120 inch wheel-base, new Inst De cember. Rubber, body and motor in first class shape. Address Box KV, care News-Review. -YOURCHt)ICE"'ot"6"river bottom farms all under irrigation and cultivation, fronting on river and highway. Also - dairy, cows nnd milk route. Inquire of own er, Geo. P. Martin, Rogue River, Oro. FOR RENT f BEST apt. In town tor money; close In. 331 8. Main. WANTED COOK WANTED Roseburg Cafe teria," WANTED" TO RENT Modern fur nished house. Write Box 375, Roseburg, Ore. WANTF-IVSewing by day or hour. Phone 619-R. Mrs. M. E. Pearce, Kohlhagen Apts. WANTEDfOO head of young ewes. R. Fate. Myrtlo Creek. Phone 1402. WANTEDBoardoiB and roomers at 320 W. Washington. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Horrlck. MAN wanUMl' with tnickTo haul 10 tiers wood. C. D. Maynard, 1267 I'mpqua Ave. Phone 335-R. WAN'TEIVEngagc-nient as -use ful companion In business or housekeeping. Apply Mis. Ire land, 246 N. Rose tit. FOUND ON, BACK PAGE LOST LOST Eastern Star pin. Finder please return to News-Review office. Kowurd. FOUND ' f FOUND On highway, woman's suit coat. Owner, may have same by calling at this office, identifying and paying for ad. SVUINU uiu style gold brooch. Owner may bave same by call ing at this office and identify ing and paying for ad. - MISCELLANEOUS 1 WiLIi.caro for chHdrep afternoons and evenings. Mrs. H. Bitrulu, L-hone 30S-R. . - BLTICK to trade for Kord; goou conditio, good aut)bort , F. O, Winkler,' Pioneer Drug Store. CAU uwNiim -Don't4 rorget tu IV CfTO ...1 I . J . parts. Sarlf's AuU Wrecking nouse. ' X'ftTlf'l. . riri. rittiitisifiitu -- In tlib-Oounty-tourt or tlio gluto of .Oregon, for Douglas County In" the Wttttei1 of ttroKSLuteJ bf Aioiuc tiowaru.- uecenseu. jNOTICK is.hureby slven that the uhfierfelKnod, 'Jutnea G. Howard, wua on the 4th day of October, l'J2t, clulv annointed Adiiilnlntriitnp ut thft nlinvA untltlnrl nutu In hv rtKfl.rt . hnvn nnll , l 1 " Air -rporaous navinpr claims against sulci eatato. are; nerptiy required to pro rsent the same tb: the undvrHlKncd at unneDurg,t OL-ogon, duly voiirh'd Its lirCfturfliOfl rliv ln,v. within mIv montha; frtonr, thadato of tills no nce. . -; : ' i .!?- Dated, thlin :l"Uv day, of Juno. U27. . . JAMES a HOWARD,, Administrator ' of ! the ostnto of MoUlo Uowflrd. dpecygd. . , INTO I F You WANT SPOTtEJi LAUNDRV DONE TUST CAUL Ui OP ANO- U VOUVE .Bt&ON Whether a man Is well groomed or, not depends a lot on tho man ner In which his personal linen is Inumlered. We want to tell you this. Mr. Swelldresser. that at this laundry de luxe you will find com plete satisfaction. Roseburg Steam Laundry Phone 79 Rojturg, ' GEE - I HATE TO I H ' THINK OF IT; j I KNOW MOVING E3 , WILL BE TEKRIBLf H i I JUST KNOW IT. M ; gee! Q . IMOVIMO "I Q ee Ma CJT a I TROUBLE Clih. M . TO YOU. S-JtJ M . wt-t. titr. u f I-: ) i'THiSlV g- X BASEBALL STANDINGS OF LEAGUES (13y the Associated Press) ' Pacific Coast Pet. .592 .534 .530 .529 .490 .466 .452 .400 Pet. .635 .620 .556 .526 .480 .414 .405 .360 Pot. .724 .568 .541 .538 .532 .447 .405 .243 Oakland .. , 61 43 Han Francisco , 35 48 Seattle 53 47 Sacramento 55 49 Portland . 49 51 Mission 48 55 Hollywood -47 67 Los Angeles ;-.4S 63 National W. L. Chicago . Pittsburg . ...,.47 27 ..44 37 St. Louis ...40 32 New York 40 6& Brooklyn , 36 39 Boston 29 41 Philadelphia 3u 44 Clucinimtl . -28 48 American V. L. New York 55 22 Washington Detroit Chicago Philadelphia Cleveland ..... St. Louis Boston ., .......4a 32 40 32 42 30 41 36 34 42 ..: 30 42 18 58 COAST LEAGUE RESULTS Behind airtight pitching by Bob Hasty, Oakland yesterday in ita iii the league race to six full games by downing Port land ror the tnira siruigni umo, 4-2. Batteries: French, Yerkesaml Fisher, Yelle; Hasty and Read. ' The Missions won a weird slug fest from Seattle, 13-12. putting the wlnntn. 1-nn Hirer in ttlO inltl Rfl t- torles: Edwards, Nance, SutherlanJ and uorreani, jonKins, l,uuoii.i, Eckert, Christian and Whitney. Sacramento handed the Seal's pennant hopes a setback by taking STEAMSHIP TICKETS AT REGULAR STEAMSHIP RATES 1 1 75 Offices with Interpreter, Cruises de Luxe 1928 MPniTPB R ANRAN and 'ROUND THE WORLD -TKQS-COQKfifSOM, ISJSiith Street." . fordMWj.Oce. BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES FRECKLES AND $ALESMAN $AM ' AW, Hee cotte WW ILUHCH- VLU VJftlT fVLL i-TW office .Tweu go in VDOSAV Pcvoy ) i iSArw." DEporJoui? M. I BZTCAA AK.V ) I UMCL6 ri.tM DOMV rl. jl IS AOICEH 7WAAJ J-L 7ASS POW ( P Ui" m OUT rEK &W&lr'. both ends of double-header, 11 1, and 5 1, Batteries: Firat game: May, Turpln and Rego; Kelttlng and Koehier. Second game: Mou dy, Kunz and Vargas; Kalllo and Koehier. Hollywood ran her winning streak to seven straight by tnkliiK the Angels lulb camp iu a twin bill, H I and 4-3. Batteries: First game: Percy, Cunningham, Smith, Yar risen and Hannah; Fullertou and Agnew. Second game: Wright and Walby; McCabe, Praul, Mulca by aud D. Murphy. LEAU1NU f LAYtJa OF BIG LEAGUES (By The Associated Press.) Including games of July 8. National Butting Harris, Pittsburgh, .389. Runs Hornsby, Oiuuts, 70. Hits P. Waner, Pirates, 113. Doubles P. Waner, Pirates, 24. Triples P. Waner, Pirates, 14. Homers Hornsby, Olauts, 15; Wilson, Cubs, 15; Williams, Phil lies 15. Stolen bases Frlsch, Cardinals, 23. Pitching Meadows, Pirates, won 11, lost 3. American Batting Gehrig, Yankees, 399. Runs Ruth, Yankees, 81. Hits Gehrig, Yankees, 121. Doubles Burns, Indians, 32. Triples Manush, Tigers, 11. Homers Gehrig. Yankees, 28. Stolen basos Slsler, Browns, 15. Pitching Ruethor, Yankees, won 8, lost 2. MAJOR LEAGUE RESULTS Chicago led by 1 gnmes tho Na tional league today. A pitching battlo reminiscent of baseball's earlier days marked the fight of tho Cubs against the Pir ates yoste'rtlay. Charles Root, ace of the Cub staff, held tho Pirates to one hit and beat them, 1 to 0. It was tho ninth straight victory for I Liucago. I Larry Benton, Boston's contribu tion to the Giant's pitching staff, i completed his first full game for New York when he beat Brooklyn 6:2. , - ' ' . Kont Greenfield, who wont to I Boston from the Giants In tho Ben Ion trade, pitched tho Braves to a i 3-2 victory over thet world's cham ipiou St. Louis Cardinals. ! The Cincinnati Reds won their second straight from Philadelphia, but they hatl to go 11 innings to get 1 an 8-5 verdict. The Yankees opened their west- em invasion by broaking even in a double-header at Detroit, losing the first, 8-11, aud taking tho other 10-8. . ' i Trls Speaker's batting -waB in strumental In Washington's two victories over Cleveland 7-4 and 4-3. : The, Boston Red ;Sox knocked j Ray Schalk's Chlcagoans out of j third place by defeating them, 11-0. I "Lefty' Gi'ovo allowed the I Biowub eight hltB and beat then); .7-5. ,. , , HIS FRIENDS voojusr COME amd see 17-qmcS:. OSCAR-- 1 SAMO SLJCU a Allr.P. pcyoy lJAUU r-A 9t f Ro 6tt GeT5 lH W Ko her -W VlttoLe A0Mle. LpAT , t , j ei'p ' DRAIN NEWS ! 4 Mrs. , , Freeland Young and little son, of San Diego, Calif., have beou, here the past week or ten days ou a visit with Mrs. Young's parents Mr. aud Mrs. John Benefiel. Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Mlnter aud children, of Brownsville, visited over the week-end and attended the celebration oil the Fourth, be ing guests of Mrs. Miuter's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. L. N. Whipple. Mrs. E. T. Burdett and children, of Weuatchee, Wash., are making an extended visit here Willi the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Barker. Ted Davis, local contractor and builder, has well on the way to ward completion a modern dwel ling house on one of his lots In South Drain. The house will have built-in hath anil several other mo dern conveniences aud the estimat ed cost is about two thousand dol lars. People of the town and vicinity and a goodly number front outaido points, all numbering severul hun dred, spent an enjoyablo celebra tion of the Fourth here no acci dents happening to mar the festivi ties of the occasion. A very credit able parade, of which a number of beautiful floats were a part, open ed the exercises. The first prise for these was giver, to the Camp Fire Girls, second prize to tho Junior Endeavor of the Christian Church and the third to the Sun day School of the Methodist I Church. On reaching the city park an entertaining program was given I which "consisted oft rending the : Declaration, of Independence, a i number of appropriate recitations, instrumental selections on the piano by Mrs. Moorman and an. ad-, relatives before returning homo, dress by our towusniau, Benton John Bonoflel, our: local blackJ Mires. This was interspersed with 1 smith, accompanied by his wife, the old patriotic songs. Thon fol- i wont to Bend last Sunday to visit lowed a sumptuous picnic dinner, i their son lprlaw and daughter, Mr. Tho chief sport of the afternoon ' and Mrs. Newton Traylor. They. re was tho Dull game the contending , turned home Wednesday, teams being a local nine and one Mrs. R. J. Spaldins, accompanied from Scotts Vulloy, tho former 'by Mr. Spalding's aunt, Mrs. Mary winning by the closo score of 12 to Jenkins, returned home last Sun 10. The dnv'a nrocram was con-! day from a Eugene hospital eluded with a dunce in the eve ning for those wito desired to par ticipate, a Roseburg orchestra supplying the music. Mr. and Mrs. Wampole. of Rose- burg, spent the week-end and holt- gone. : i '.. day here with Mr. and Mrs. H. A.- Mrs. Julia Ellonborg. of Portland Cool, the two ladloB being sisters. Is visiting her sisters. Mrs. John, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Swearingen ' Hedrick and Miss Emma Wag and . tho lattcr'B mother, Mrs. oner for a few days. , Margie Rowland, all of Portland, I Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Star ami I Mr. visited hero over the week end and Mrs. Arthur .Gardner, of Port and the Fourth with relatives. I land, visited over last week-end Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Clevonger, of and the national, holiday with tho rirniitn Pass vlnltn!l hnrn from Sun- luldes' mother, Mrs. S. J. Cowan. !dny until Tuesday with MrB. Clev- enger's brother, Ira Wliuherly aud Iwlfe. i ; Kimcr vvim oeriy ana wt.e anu ,tneir son citon. ot uosonurg,' i spent the evening of the Fourlh hero with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wlmberly. . .; . I I TIiIb community was Baddened I last Sunday evening on. Hearing ,'thttt. Miss Pearl Baker iWas seri ously Injured la an automobile ac- ' ' The Pony! f ITSDOWJ ) "1 ( CH! ISAr ) iS ( VMEU--AOW) DO ) . ( irs puRTVAilcS' K ' ' K ATM DEPOT" I A .i rZ ' . i ( VoU UriE.W I BOT MV UMCLE CL&V.S ) rK ,-1 The Kidder Kidded oo H(M see l C Keel. XnWJ OS '. VRtX" Y mi&wt nic& t-en-p., I.AMB8 SHIPPED ' ' Thirty-eight carloads of spring lambs were snippeti 9 noaeburir yesterday to ,,18 Saa FrttucBco and Sacra- ,, Bmrket8. The shipment consisted of approximately 4 6 600 haBlL Tney were pur. chased from Lyle Marsters, JonIl Jtohrer, Oeorge Kohlha- gen eDi gam Smltn alll were loaded at the Kohlhagen yards In North Roseburg. cldeut near Saginaw a few miles not th of Cottage Grove. Miss Baker was accompanied by Clar ence, Davis, a former neighbor In Sunuydale Valley, west of Drain, and was on her way home when the car skidded and went into the ditch and bolh parties were seri ously hurt. Miss Baker was im mediately taken to a Eugeno hospital whore she died Tuesday morning. The deceased lady, who was 17 yoars of age, was tho eldest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Baker and was a very estimable young lady, and the parents aud her two sisters who survive her, have the heartfelt sympathy of' this entire community In their bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Delk, of Portland, and Mr. aud Mrs. Albort Chrlstenson, of Silverton, spent the holiday season here, last week end, at the parental Delk home. Mr. aud Mrs. E. O. Patohen and son Archie and Mrs. George Mont gomery went to Grnnilvlew, Wash., last week for a visit with thotr daughter, Mrs. Keuuy, formerly Miss Edna Patchen, after which they expected to motor on to Oro- 1 flno. Idaho, to visit with other where both ladles underwent goiter operations about ten dayB before. Both utdleB are : making favorable recovery. Mrs. Jenkins haB returned to uer nome in n,u- -rtri-rt) ;v - NOTICE TO WATER USERS whIle madng rcalra tUo water w, be hut 0lf Suatlliy ju,y 10t,, flora 3:oo to 7:00 a. m. nffocling ull rcHidonta of Norlh Roseburg. , THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Try our buttermilk it's differ-1 1 . ent. Rosoburg Dairy. Phone 18R. 1 , , , , , Some Kick V ' " . Bv Marti I V i- ivji- ) . tin j WsWifiTiffliltrjih FOR BEST PRICES i On water systems. farm machinery, feeds and seeds See U First We Can Save You Money FARM BUREAU S COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE AGENTS FOR . . FAIRBANKS MORSE & CO. Roseburg . . Oakland Now Located at Washington Street and S. P. Tracks. FRANCE TO HAVE GOOD PRUNE CROP Latest reports from the 'Prune i d' Elite region In Franco are to the effect that the growing condt- j lions have continued to be favor-1 able and that the fruit is doing i woll, bo that a crop of average size, or probably somewhat iarg-1 or than last year is expected, ac cording to a report received in the department of agriculture from Consul Lucleu Menimlnger at' Bordeaux. The trees btvo an abun. dnnt sottimr of elums. which mi Hhe average have now reached ' about the size of Bmull cherries. On some trees a certain por cent age of this immature fruit has! fallen off but probably to the ad-1 vantage of tho remaining pluniB ' and not to nn extent likely to nia-1 terlnlly affect the usual total out-1 put. It 1b considered too early as yet ; to predict whether the fruit - Willi bo particularly large or small, and no roliable estimates are available as to probable quantity. Wlth a: continuance of favorable coudl llons, it crop between 0,000; and 9,500. short tons Is considered ")H Blblo, which would he Hnmewlutt No?e.- ii I COLLECTOR.! ! 91MM6, -.: 'J . .V; v 's4;'iA' ' 'I i ' alom'5 r ',. .-. ' I if ! DiDe and fittinfirs. ltTTVVT ! , REBEKAHS! - ! Every Rcbekah Is usked to can two quarts of loganberry juice to contribute to Grand ! 4 Lodge lntertalument next May. 0 By order of the Lodge. larger than last year. At Ihe proa lent rate ot growth a harvesting ehould begin early In August,' I which is about normal as to sou son. ... I Although now freed from all 'risks of frost, the crop may still bo adversely, affected by adverse conditions, such us too rainy or ! too dry weulhor, or dry togumio i diseases or Insect pests. On tho ' whole, however, the prospects for la good crop aro favorable. I With reference to the state of tho market in relation to imported prunes the market la at the dull period, prior to tho arrival of the ne ,wcrops and pending the comple tion of arrangements, for handling the same. It is stated that busi ness, both In the Imported prunes and In such Blocks of French li ru nos as remain, is light ut pres ent: - THIS SERVICE STORE i j . r . 'offers you ' TELEPHONE SERVICE ; 1 'DELIVERY SERVICE ' CHARGE ACCOUNT SERVICE i take advantage of them. ECONOMY GROCERY "The Store. That Servos You Bsst" 344 N. Jackson St. . Phone 83 O. L, Johnson , By Blosser By Swan It: :-- ir--