TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1927. WOMAN'SM o a.0 .. . ' SOCIETY BY GRACE CARROLL All Contribution! to tola Page Society, Women's Cluoa, and Personal Should Be Telephoned to the Society Editor by Friday of Each Week. : Savpral -cliarmliic 'visitors have Nina Carter and ' piovld d Inspiration fur imicli In'. . ,v, , . . , tlio way of pleamint and liitorninl ; Marllon Weatneriorci social antoiliilnnient durliiK Ihe! Wrl in ("Vntrpilin ' ,.,i win ,.,i,i,iv .oniiiiiixi w ea m ventraua to do so llio coming few days will) tho arrival of oilier out of town folk, somo of whom are planning ' to spend several weeka In the city us tile guests of relatives. . Thoae who have not already de serted the city for annual outings 111 (lie niouiitaiuH or vuculinlis at tho miHHhore. have cllher opened thuir suinuiur homea at which they are entertaining gliosis, or are on motor trlpa to points' of inn-eat oui of the state, ho that seemingly there will ho a lull in social ae tivlty (luring the next few weeks. Weddings continue lo he the pre vallliiK note In aoelal life and with the week have come uuuouiicu ' inentH of several marriages whieli uro especially Interesting to Roso burg folk. Mrs. A. R. Moore '. Entertains With '. .. ' , Lovely Affair . A u-linllv Invelv affair nf Thm-H. day was the one o'clock luncheon i Planned In honor of Mib. Oscar mid bridge party planned by Mrs. Carlson (Helen Day) or Spokane A. It. Moore In compliment to her who la visiting her mother, Mrs. house guests, Mrs. T. A. Wh kes Hdllh Way. The afternoon was giv . ot Portland mid Mrs. James Will- 8,1 over to needlework followed by Jama of Kugeue,. a group uf sixteen proiuineut niatrons being asked tor the uftoriioou. 7 Luncheon, ill. the llmpuiia Hotel at .the attractive country homo or . Mrs. Moore. The t rooms were brightened wilh' bowls of ' aiveet jieaa and utlier auiunie'r blossoms.' V Honors, fob thy afleinooii' went to ., ;' J'lrs; A. D. 'Abbott; and "second iiilne. was won by Mrs. Fled Chap ' man. ' (luest ' prizes were1 given Mrs., Wlckes,', ..Mrs; Williams and ' Mrs. L. W. .Joase of Portland.'' i ' ' "ti ' " ! ' '.' Mis. W. C. Smailjof. ttoaebiug Is , '.. 6i)eiidlng the week-end in Portland . having lefti Friday, to. meet a party ( Washington, I). C, and vlBll wllh ' Ibem. , Included in tho party tire' Mrs, Hairy lJlake and Miss KnUiy ;'Hiaki(, her daushler; ' and Mrs. ".' Clian. Creager. : . 1 - ' " Mrs. tieo. 'keauit'' of Houston, Texas, will uri'iye, in tho .cliy, the coming' week' to - visit with nor nloce, -Mii, A. pi.Tliromy.iind itth . or lolnllves. " i '.)..' ., U'fef'rft .. ; ,. -, Program of Early . Oregon History Given. ' : ,l An interesting program of- early, i iliugou history and pioneer Inci . ' uems was tlio fuiituru of the lieil- : view Club meeting at tho homo of . ., Mrs. Curl Husluiid the alteiuuou - of .July 1. Mrs. Fred L. SlrnilK sung several , dellgbtlul' uuiuh-rs accompanied by '.Mrs. H. C. lleli, and the Misses . Koslund sung several selections. - Mrs. i. .O. Arthur, who is Icaviug to inuke her houiu in Chtcugo, was : liresellled with a silver pie server v by her group of friends ill recugul- 'lloa of her luterest In the club. ' ' In addition tti the club members ' three guests were invited fur the ' ' affair Including, Mia. Fred Ji. ' hHvniiK, Mrs. It. C. Hell of CalU'or ulu and Mrs. Uerger of Portland. 1 ' 1 n 'it ivi 'i ; irvin jerrni wetis California Maid ,JA recent wedding of note which will bo of Interest to circles in Jloseburg ia that o Mr; livln ,S. Tel i III, son of .Mr. unci Mrs. Kalph Terrlll, former residenis uf the city, and Miss Helen M. Thoinpsou of Riverside, 'Callroi uiii, w hlch was snlclunixeiL at an .aftei-uuou cere- innilV lh, flruf of Ihu nwlh ,, I ah.. homo ot Justice George V. llol- bi'oolt In Hun lloiuailliio. The wedding was ultemled by on-' ly u small group of intlinale friends or the . bride and bride groom. William Stewart, Jr., act ed as best man and Ihe bride was Hlteuded by Mrs. Marjorie Keston. Mr. Ten 111 attended school in Rosebtng. later attending U. A. C whero he was a member of Kappa Sigma national fraternity. I moved to Modford wllh his parents several years ago and recently hux been making his homo in the south. Mr. Terrlll Is n member of the editorial staff of the Evening leiegrani at Kan Uernadino. where lie and his bride -wilt make tlielr home, O ijjt Mra.' V. H. Carter Entertains Aid Gathering For the nii'PliiiR thla week of Ihe Ladiea Alii Koclelr of the 1'lilln tlau Chuii-li .Mia. W. H. Outer Bak ed Hie memhera lo her home on South l'lne atreet Thursday. Mal-Iim-.i peiiaiulna lo Ihe niciiuta- lloa'a part In Hie hiillriiiiir "t Ihe new church wero illRcUHseil ami charily relief Work wa lukeii np. The liidloa aluo formed iiliini for u conked food Rale fur July 111. Uui-liijt Hie ariermwii Hcvcrnl peweil on article for Ih.. Iiimmr to be held In Ihe fall. A commit tee competed of Mra. Kred Tei-ry, Mra. C. M. Huaho mid Mra. f'lias. V Slanlon served to the fifteen Indies. , All uuiu)uncemen,t thla week liroviiiK un lnlaueHt lug surprise to many of the. youugur net was th-i marriage of Nlun Carter, UauKh'er of 'Mr. and Mm.. J. IL Cuinpheil, and Mm-lon Weulhei'Cord, son of Mr. and Mr. M. C. Vveatlieitiji'd, the wedding luklng plue July :i at Ci-iitiaUa, Wash. lloth the brld and bridegroom attended and graduated frou' Uohih burg high school and have, a wide clrcl of friends among the younger set. 'L'liu bride hu been ttvploytfd at lh offices of ilr, lu. M. Lenr bach and .Mr. Woatherfnrd is eni ployed at tint Highway Su'-vice -Sun Ion. They .will maku their home on Houth Piu'e street. On Thursday evening a group of their friends gave a charivari for them and at llio close , the Kroitp were llielr miosis at the Palace of Sweets. , ' : Alia. Kugeue Hampton was host ess Saturday afternoon at . her home fur a pleasurable artair she '""t twelve friends wore asked to call to greet Airs. , Carlson.- uuginio (iuurd, . , , . , , , II'- . ' $ , ' I .' ,' Visitors Entertained . at Evening Affair . ' A very delightful afrulr of last Saturday, evejnijg at SjiuUi ,Oeer Cre.ek was arranged at the Orange' hall for the pleasure at four. . yis. iters, tho daughters and, uiuoe of Win., fi, .Melton, Sr., ;tiom ucra inciilo, and the. guests, of Sherman S. Cpnlne,. frpui Sun , Fiunclscu, who ,uie apendlng n few weeks i at Smith ,l)eer Creuk. , , . , ; Tlie hall was transformed with liroliislutis uf crimson rambler rosea and while lilies Into iu pretty sotting lor thu niuslcul' i piograiu and folluwlllg Clltel'tallllleat. Ttto piognini was )iiesenle(t ' by,Mrs. C. Jl. lliillvy; wni'ihy lecturer of the Crunge," 'unif conslsted at a piano duet by .Miss Isahelle Kar cher and Mrs. liailey, ;reciiailuns by Freida Duncan .niid Calvin Smith, piano aoloa by .l.ola Dun can, Albert Karcher, .Juseplliuo Cachelln, May O'Donull, piano duet , by Kobeita.and Arlluu. McLaughlin. Tlie remainder of the . evening waa enjoyed In diuiciug aiid at the close ruli-eslimenls were served, & i;i is ' Mrs. U; A. illliard and' sou, Luwts, have taken it cottage lit. Ulleyld lor the remainder of the Sliuimi'i'. Dr. Dlllard . Will - spend I tho week-viuls there with his fam ily. . , ., ' . Son Former Residents i Veds in Euast iiiteiesllng to Ihe older resi dents or the city Is the news Of Um marriage of Wilbur Schoileld llullii, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lest or tL Ilulln, former' resldeuts ot Rosphurg now making their home In Eugene, and Minn Marlon Wynn Nagel. The wemltug wiih an veni in the evening til1 Juno 17 ut iho home of the bride's parenls, Mr. a, ml Mrs, Mnuii Nimlf, in HtMidlng; HemiHylvanla. ' Only members of the rami hen at Kudfd and Rev. V. . Mm-mtliou, vhviu oC tln lMt Kplsi'Upal . t-I.urch, reml the .ervli!,5. .iamH ot l'tiii':tvioii was best man. Tho bridegiodiu niteuded sehonl In Kugeue and Is a Ktmtiuuv ot the rnlverslty of Oregon, He r eelved a I'h. U UeKiee for grad uutu work ut till ward mid Prince ton and Is now Instructor tn plLsy- etiology ul Princeton inivurslty, Princeton, N. J.. where he and nis bride will make llielr home. Mis. Until) Is a graduate of Itiyn Mi'wr. They expect to visit the P.ieitlc coast the coining year. Mr. ait'i Mr., nulla, parents ut the bridegroom, passed through j KoKvhurg Tue-'tlay and Htop.ted er it brief lilue to visit wllh iriends on their way to ltandou bi aeh. and Mrs. ( has. U. ro- tiirnoil home- Thurtuluy eveinf? (ol lowillK a twu week'it trip tu lilulio, j vIhIIIiii; In UoUe. where llr. Wailei aneiiueil Hie ,oiuiwewi ..leini-ni meetliiB. Wlvea of Ihe phynlcluuH , attcmlintr the meeiliiK wer auesi ut vartotia dcilahttul affali-s in runaeil by "wlvea of ph.taiclaiiH of Hoise itui-lu their atuy In the city. In-, and Mi-a. Wade iiIho visited . Vellowaione Nalloual t'ai k. O Women to, Piny Golf Thursday at Country Club The woluen'a day at Ihe Kom1 hui'K Cotuiliy t'ltilr Is ni-u.vliiR an InlereHling variation of the week. Thuraduv iu'iux- net aside an the time when (he uolf team meelH fur practice. All women inelhbci-x ot the club, who ai-e luterested In the vamo are asked to meet hex: iiiui-siwi.v niiMioiia hi " chicfx jenuren anil aiiuitlonal suests, 1111111- at Ihe clubhouse to lee off Imnicdl-i heiina; Dili Iv-llvo, the moup motor alely iirierwnrd. A women' solfiimf t the Caitvonvllln I'ai-k lo ob- leam 18 belim oruanlzed to iiarllcl ! serve Iho nalloual holiday, onto In 11 tonniaineiil In Iho neari liuuira ami aiiorla were dlvoi--futurf. Luncheon will be served al aUma ot Ihe day and a dinner was noon und those wlshlnir roei-vii-. sir veil al noon. In Ihe cvcuIiik fol Hons are renucstud lo call Mrs. I.jlowiiu: the pruKraiu a nupper ia 0. Broadway at thu clubhouse, eujojed. -. SPORTS' INFLUENCE f J'rk & " ' 1 S White, -yellow and cedar: brown; long-sleeved sweat er, with a flat crepe skirt matching the lowest band. Visiting Matron Is -t. Hohoi Guest, at Picnic, ' i Mi-H.i Tom i Wharton Uind Mrs, F. H. Churchill arranged' n charming ly liirorniiil evening r iriiic on the m ilJm"ST( ."F'1," " inr" TYiiiiruni 'inline - un r iHiiiy liny iwonius for " tlio pleuHuro A. l KlJfH, an intr.'Hi.iti , ; h(?re.H llip -miest of both Mrs, She lay retiti'uiir honie tile coming week, i i ' . . , Giles! a for -Hie . nccasioji were Mrs. Ellis, tin-,, and .Mus.. N. liiee, Mr. and, Mrs'. jt,;'r'Mai',Miars. Mlsia Dorothy ' Muf'sliji-i".'. '' .Allan' 'Heieo Churchill and Hull ;Soel'. S'e :"t ' ' ' . Mfs. Rk E. Duncan and Children to Visit J: l-i- V 1 .'- Mt-H. Robert .. K,' t Dunmih , .(Cora Campbell), audi' clilUtren) uf .Olncln nati.vwho nrej expected the .coining Veeli,. wilt' lib warmly Wealed by friends' diu-lng tholr 'alay, : 'i'hey will - be guests of Mrs. Duncan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. j tuuiiMieii, ul tueu- iicuie on xiar vard avenue for several weeks. Mr. Duncan ncocmpanled hla family as far as Colorado, where they have , " ' " ... f..'. ,,. I terests- befoi-o visiting his pnmtls In St. Louis, ariur which he will return to Cincinnati where l;e is siiperinteudant of the soap depart ment ot the. Proctor Ak (huubie t'ompaiiy. Mr. Uuncuu waj form erly deau of cltemistiry at 0 A, (!. Mrs. Duncan ajid children will bo entertained by Mrs. (leorgo Neu nef, her sidter, in Portland a lew days before coming to Rosehuvg, Mrs. S. P. Cobb. Mr. and Urt. Wm. L. Cohlv Lncleii and Eldrod CoMh of Rnseburg and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Cameron nf Eug uie lot'iuett a party motoring to Crater Lake over bust weekend. The party found a one-way trntffe as ment ht'adiiuartrs. Kovern as about 1 miles from the lake (he snow had to be blasted om bv nut by dynamite. I n some places the snow was tea o;- moro feet lie. p nnl workmen wer en gaged in clearing Ihe wnv. The hike read was oihmknI July :i and a iiutiiher of earn nf lomisia wei awuiiliiK lo drive In. Ihe Hou'Iiuir people found. Since her iclllrn Mis. t'nhb lina been ilonilcileil at the Cobb counlry home ueur Kel h'BK Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trew . ... . . s. Are Visitors in City .Mr. and Mia. Jack Trew ot lie- troll. MichlKitn. who are auesta al the country home of ihe latcr'u pinenia. Mr: ami Mis. K. K. l,a llile. are lielnit wi'lcoiued bv (hell many friends ill Ihe i lly. They ar rived this week for a visit with relatlreH. .Mi-, mill Mrs. Trew vlsll ed In Kosebura during the summer last year and have a mini her o( fricuik. . Alt Day Picnic Enjoyed by Group An Interesting all day picnic was enjoyed an tho Fourth by meinbeis of the rrtwhi Icvlnn bulls und formal suits and sweaters, so insistent in Mllady'a summer demand for "something with a sports effect," even for afternoon wear. Of course this Personally, 1 spoils outfit that simplicity Instead of a studied, sophisticated effect of It, And I like white, or clear, exquisite lino and color combination giving das.i rather than bizarre figured materials. Matching Skirt, basket-weave. The fully simple, unlbed, with pntch pockets and tiny ullcd bad; culls. The skirti originates -.1 ciicular rront godet effect, giving a charm ing flare. Miss Emma Ueland . ; . ; Expected From East MIsb Emma Ueland, who has been 'spending the past winter ill New York City attending Columbia University, ia expected home this Kfnflornoon aild will apend the re - i nil,in l mnfniiVr nf tho nnnimor vlKiMnur with her parenls, Mr. and Mi's. L A;. Uolund. . , , -' ' I: A.-. Ueland. . . . ' ' Miss Ueland received the M. A.ler; Leah Ivie, waideii Mrs. G. Ba-j dosiTB in the; honifi econoiniim course -at the university and lator chaplain; iMaynie PIcltous, R. S. N. took n course at Pratt Institute. . G. ; Evelyn Hoovei I. S. N. G.; MIhs Evolyn Mayes, formerly of iTilllo Johnson, R. S. V. G.; Lucille RnHehui'K, who also has been injAntHt, L. S. V. G .; May Pyron, in- iNew York C'Uy for Ihe winter. ' tfUdliiK the uiiiversity, received tlio; M. A. degree in the course which alio studied. She will remain In the east this . year. Miss - Ueland was a member of the party leaving Hufialo, N. Y., on the Oclorarn on a recent cruise of the Great Lakes, 'h'nroute home she has visited at various polntn, including Detroit and Canadian places of interest. mtmx? Che ic li ' M i U" U Response to Demand for "Something WithSportEffect" for Afternoon Wear . . BY HENRI BENDEL , The Angora Jumper, of the .-oft NEA Service Writer variety that rolls into a tiny ball NEW YOItK, July P. I some-1 it is so sheer, Is sun yellow, with times wonder if smart America: a narrow white ribbon edging Its won't soon be attending debutante I sleeveless armlioles, the- bottom dinners in sports and neck. Large Hat The big white basket-weave hat demonstrates that the large hat can grow tailored as summer pro Is the logical gresses, its bulbous crown Is new, trend of fashions. For women grow i as is Its black flange across the -more addicted to outdoor activity ( top of its brim. Black- grosgraln each year and it la natural mat- ribbon wiuga a bow across the their taste In clolhlng rellectH it. ! Jront and edges the brim. Yellow Sportswear, consequently, grows . stockings matching the juniper are more lovely anil original as it; worn quite appropriately wilh this basks in the warming rays of pop-J suit. ularity. Coutourlers, taxing their i The long-sleeved sweater that originality, are creating most un- stands alone with no coat to coin usual and enchanting aports ct-; plement it deserves . praiso this fects. summer. 1 show' perhaps the love- am partial to tue i Uest one l nave has a natural year, a sheer pebble hand-weave ill silk -and wool. White, yellow and biowu Join hands to give it beauty und con- i trust. The white affects a deep drop yoke that includes the top of the sleeves In its scheme. The yel low forms the function of fusiui; , Coat, Jumper I show today the smartest ot the white and cellared brown with sunimer'H sporta ensembles, to my j out the shock of contrast. This is way of thinking. This is the skirt a perfect model for the tall girl o. and long coat that nuitches vriih a, woman. juniper of contrasting color. Per-i Cedared 9rown Hat haps It's a harbinger of a revival ' With this smart sweater a cedar- of the coat and skirt for afternoon j ed brown flat crepe skirt takes wear next winter. At any late It : triple-tucked box pleats, c-jiiyim; signifies the breaking down of pre-j out the mule- idea; of' the-sweater's 4 , Judlces ugainst .contrasting vklrt j color; A cowhide belt, quite simple und bodice that banlHhed ;!ie siiirl iand effective,, holds the sweater iiit? i waist yiars ago. , , , ; the waist, line. 1 1 1 ' -1 ; 1 1 This, coat suit today la of whlto The best hat for this type of Rodler cloth, a kind ot iiaiid-wovon semi-formal sweater outfit" Is a co- coat Is uellgiu-jcoa pauama mushroom that has a shape as conservative as the style of the1 costume it accompanies. It . needs only a smart pump bow. banding and edging of gi-osgrain 'ribbon to set off Rebekahs Hold Installation Ceremony ' Installation ceremonies for - the new officers or Hebeknh lodge were held on Tuesday evening, the fol- lowing officers being Installed: El lie HusBell, N. 0.; Ila Laubach. V. i n ( im-fi-udii Hatfield,, recording Jeecretarv I secrotary Kmmn Lenox, financial Isecrotary: Maude Plyler, treasur- kur. conductor; Anna Reynolds, 1 side guard; Minnie Clark, qutside guard. (U the conclusion of the. impres sive ceremony a dinner waa given, tlie members or the losing team iu a recent membership contest, en tertaining for those of the winning group. The hall was decorated with profusions of lovely blossoms and pretty favors , at tho tables were corresponding iu detail. ETHEL crt? hot," ipT m- ON THE MODE Batallored Imported this its chic'. San Franciscans ; , Visiting at Curry' Home Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. McBrlde and two charming daughters, . Dr. Mary Glover of San Francisco and Miss Lulu Curry; who have been on an extended trip through Alaska uud Canada, including a- visit - In I the 'Canadian Rockies, arrived ' to day to be guosts of Miss Curry's mother, Mrs. N. Curry, at the Cur-. ry estate near the cityy for. tb coming week. Following their stay here the party will leturh -ta San Francisco, where Mr. 'McBride is socretary of the California. Hawai ian Sugar corporation. Prior to Iwv trip north with the party, Miss Curry spout 'several jncntbs visit ing iu .the bay city, bavin gone there last fall. . ; ( Mrs. Wm. Melton', Sr.! ' ' Asks Club, for Afternoon 'IHie South Deor Creek Homo Economics Club met at the home "' 1 Slfci ,JMMt 'fciljtjaa; iwnr i '" Matching skirt and long coat, with contrasting jump er "the smartest of summer sports ensembles." of Mrs. Wm. Melton, Sr., ,on the afternoon of Juue 29 to enjoy au informal afternoon, and sew on patchwork- quilts. v s ' A short musical program by Miss O'Donueli, a visitor' ; from Sacramento, Miss iBahei Karcher und Mrs. C. H. Bailey Was -a de lightful vaiiation to .the -afternoon ahjl afterward refreshmonts Avere. served. . -i ": The, meeting for July 14 will bo at 'the home ot Mrs. Wm. Karcher. j '. & :s . ' l Mr and Mrs. A. Ei Post, former ly of Roseburg and- now making their. home In- Portland, .accompan ied by "Mr. Post's mother, Mrs. Su san M. Post, and sister, Mrs. Ken neth L. Holt, of New York City 'visited here for a. brief time today enroute to Crnter Lake by motor. They were joined in .Roseburg .by Mrs. Wpodle'y Stephenson, who-will; accompany them on the .trip;' . She wilt beaway about-a. weeki . LIBERTY THEATRE The management of Ihe Liberty (heatre believing that it is impos sible to please all of the people all of tho time Is at least making an effort to please them all some of the time. This feat Is promised today when "Flames' , will be shown at that theatre. "Flames" is a romantic story of Ihe Northwest, featured by thrills and fast action, the main dramatic moment being one of the moat awe-, some and realistic forest fires ever screened. To make sure that Ibis picture would please one hundred per cent, the producers did not slop at the story but gathered to gether1 k cast for its presentation that is truly all-slur. Four of the I most popular and best known I screen favorites have the leading j roles. They are Virginia Valli, Ku ;xenc O'llrien, Jean Halsholt ami Bryant Washburn. - LIBERTY THEATRE Chaplin "Batter 'Ole" Is His Best Yet Syd Chaplin, star of Warner Bros.- production of "The Heller '')!." which comes lo the I.lberlv theatre Sunday has scored the lilt of his career In this new picture. uic locale of the picture ia a; part of the British front In France duiiag the World war. The ' reniment has been, relieved from 1 front line duty on the ,.eve of an unexpected Herman nttack. ami has marched Into the little French ; village anticipating a good real, jsonie mo. anu pienly to eat. , j After several days some nf them j I try their hands at amateur tlu a , ti icals which Include a horse In !lhe town hall. Old Hill and his' j pal. Alt. are drafted for Ihe horse. iThe preparations and presentation ' lot the play are funny enough, hut jthat Is just the beeinning. When 1 Ihe Hermans suddenly advance and ! rapture the town, not 'paving the! retiring Brliish time to help their j , friends 0111 of ihe horse and limy find themselves Ui this masquer- i Afternoon Party Honors Matron The lawn at the homo of MIssch May and Margaret Baldwin was Ihe scene for a delightful uflur uoou party on July 1 at which they euterlalued for the pleasure of Mrs. J. O. Arthur, a popular ma ton who Is leaving soon to make her home In Chicago. The members 1 of the Stedfast Bible Class wore ! invited guests to bid adieu to tho j honoree. . , I The lawn was lovely with a va- j j rlety of arrangements of sumnreY Dioonis ju uusneis uuu biuum muies, where refreshments wore served were appointed with bowls of col orful flowers. Thirty were included in the group upending the after noon. w it Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Dinner Hosts Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dlllard worn hosts for an informal dinner on Sunday evening at 7 oclock ut their home on Kane street. Covers were placed about a charmingly appointed table for Mr. und Mrs. John Gerety, Mr. and Mrs. Bert G. Bates. Mr. und Mrs. Dillard and Charlotte Leo Dillard. Earlv Pioneers . Celebrate Anniversary Mr. Henry C. Hodrlck imd his wife, Mrs. Gertrude Putman-Hu-dilck, both of whom are early Ore gon pioneers, celebrated their gold- ten wedding at Drain last Friday, ljuly 1. The home, in South Drain, not being large enough to hold the -4 large assemblage of relatives and menus, tney gaiuereu in tno cuy park where a dinner was served. To Mr. and Mrs. Hedrick seven children were born all of whom are living. Of these all but two were present 'as follows: Mrs. Mabel Sw.earingen,. Mrs. Ada , .Ifedford, Mrs.' Lulu' Anderson and' 'Roy' He drick of Drain and Mrs. Eva Apple-' gate of Los ' Angeles, Calif. '. Mrs. Whitney, of Portland wore unable (Continued on page a.) FLAPPER FANNY -SAYS: nco. u. s. pat. orr. Ol 927 BY MEA SERVICE. (HC, A man piusuc-u a girl until ahe catches him. . ade wUhbi the Ocrmaii lines. Then the fun really begins. ANTLERS THEATRE MYSTIFIES CROWD AT ANTLERS THEATRE Richards, the famous magician, bewildered, amazed and highly entertained at the Antlers theatre last night v.lth the greatest at traction of the nature that has over been witnessed in Roseburg. Richards lived up to all his ad- Richardg Vance billing, as he carries a to" Keously staged show, that is 11 . largo as any ot the best thre" dollar musical and dramatic pro duct Ions on tour. There is an abundance of comedy, as well as thrilling mystery, and everyone . who is able should see Richards Jr before he closes his encageliicut here Sunday matinee and uight. . -;