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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1927)
W '0- m EIGHT SHOES CHEAPER Buy Your Summer and Fall Shoes NowAIlindne!-' By going out of the Shoe business, our Shoe department these days, is a great bargain center. .The prices jire uo low that one would think we, had. suddenly gone in;o the. business of handling' cheaper, and jn.'erjor shoes. But' this is not the case- All our fine riitinc; shoes lor women, our Buster Browns for children, arid .oar high : quality ' shoes for men are marked down, however, -so thru we , may safely say "Shoes were nev;r choaper." We are closing out Shoe stock and that ' means close-out prices on-every pair! . ,-. ) Better Service I NOW YOU ASK ONE I M THE tAN8WERSj : . ( , V: Below aro the correct nuestlons for the unswers iirinlud on ifie Vd- (loriai iiago under the 'Now Ymt Ask One" heading. -1 .Wlints Maine iiillllei-.playetl old tlnnce imisic for Henry Ford? ' :. 2 What was the fate of (lurald Clmimmii, famous bandit? t. 3 Who Is mayor of New Yorli?j 4 On what grounds was it Brought to bar Countess , t'atlicart tronuthe tliiltntlj SlalesJ ' 1 i 6 What was VPuaches,"!! Brown itig's nialdcii name? i-(i-T-Wliat did Sinclair I.nwls do wllb the l'ulilzcir. julz.e , uwurded lllm forlils novef ''ArrinVsilillh" ' i 7 What Is lbs world .iu-cokI; for n. trip iiround Ihn world?1 0 8 Why did Queen' Marie short- Liberty Sun., Monv Tues.--Matinee Daily 2:15 P. M. The Biggest of All Big Comedy Hits ; ABullYEye! ARiot! A Tornado of Laughter! IVVarnerBros' prtfni. SYD CHAPLIN as OLD BILL ,'The BETTER OLE'1 !) Based upon the play by Bruce Dairnsfathcr and Arthur Eliot '" '' WARlOR BROS s&wtrMACK SENNETT, &5t$N "Smithi Picnic' 'sak s . , . PATHE Matinee 10c-25c , , rosi:igmiMiig !: Better Merehsndli E&33 en her tour of the United States, i 9 What Is the fodnral limit of ; meillclnal li(iior which u doctor may prescribe for his patients? 1 10 Whore were General Per shing's headquarters In France? 'LIVESTOCK RATES DOWN (Ain6cUtVl pim Leunl' VtfM.j ! .1 f .t . ' f SPOKANE, Wash., July 8. Freight rates 011 livestock shipped froih'Uiilon -PiiciflpbraiicliJInes In Oregon to Spoknno were reduced 12j per cent totlny, to equalize; rates) oil sltl'll 'sblnlnchts In l'orfr land.! This was .annp(iijcpd ;by O! O.t Bergsn, traffic manager of this Spokane Merchants association yliich ijade application for tho rol du'clloit.- Main llii iateii "Were not affected. as; Uicy Jiuye, been on .the same basis for Hjiokuno and I'tn'i land. Theatre Directed by Charles Reisner issn i ft-- PRODUCTION NEWS; i , . Evening 10c-35c -t- I I CONSTANCE WOULD ; UlVOKUi NICEST- ' : MAN SHE KNOWS", ' i! , 1 '. i ' (AssoclKtH Press Lrivti Wire.) '1.08 iA.N(iEI.ES, July 8 Tlio Ek- ' nnilner -says Constance Taltuudge, ! film slur, i wli:o dlsupnnlulcil In 'foreign marriages; will file HUlt foe! a divorce soon against Ciiitlala I AluHtuIr .Mackintosh, formerly of j I Hi' lirltMi army uud u native of , ticotluud. . till telling lllT plans for ; a dl-j vdrco, .Miss Talmadge said that she llll'l llOr bUSllUllll Htlll WWe good I 1 friends una thut her divorce cum-1 j plaint would contain no sensational j ! charges. It will be based, on deser-1 . lion she said. Tho decision of the screen star i to. dissolve lint International mar- rlage came, , us no surprise . lo ! IrienUit Jfot; she 'and' bar" busbutid i huvebeen I aeiiiiralcd , hIiico last September. . i - The actress and Captain MackUt-' tosh were married, , in February, j lits. When they sopurated In September .Mian 'Talinndxu said' she wsb'"Jiisi nut of love" with bur ! . husband' but xtill thought hoi was ! -"the nicest man she Knew.", ' ' i ; I'rlor to marrying Captain fack-; iliroKli 'the screen uctrcss wedded . I John I'ialOKlou, Oreek tobacco irn-1 porter. She divorced him In Juno, ; 1923. ; , i TIGARD GIRL IS I : 7 DEAD AT YONCALLA' Edith Jane Wight, daughter .or Mr. uud Mrs. Daniel W. Wight of Tlgurd,; Oregon, died Thursday nhrht fit thf lirttnn iF l,p .....I, I fl-U .U.'ll,l f,-l,tv ,,l Vnr,,...l1.. a short illness. She was born at Tlgard, Oregon, on September 15, lai3, und is tbu youngest daughter of the family. She Is survived by COMING i TO LIBERTY Sunday i as Old Bill ':'' IN "The Better l- l-OIe? ,'T ,The: biggest, of , all big . ; . conjedy hits.. SydGhafilin LIBERTY ; THEATRE Today and Saturday Matinee Daily 2:15 P. M. MADE IN FEATURING Virginia Valli Jean Hersholt Eugene A senrinr;, scorching sea of flames hem them in. They stagger through the licking tongues of fire the only liv ing things in this Hell of blinding flames. Then at last r-8 P.ntn of safety. Can they reach it? Such is tho smash ing climax of litis romantic melodrama one of the most 5we,on,?a?A-,Pec,aeu'ar'orJJir? scenes ever filmed. 1 10c ; ' Fables Pathe News 25c ROSEBURG, NEWS REVIEW. ' FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1927. Charter No. 93 REPORT 0F i The Umpqua I . v ' KUOtBUHli in THE STATE OF OREGON At close of business June 30th, '1927. , . .- . 4KHO;IU'K8 J. Loans anil discounts, includint;' it-)!iseuunts, acceptances ' or hills of exchanKft, sold with 'endorsement 01 tho bunk -; '- ' (IncludiiiK Hems shown In 2U, 30 and S2. if any) $4u2,r, .3. OYenirufis seciireit and unsecuri'd ' : none 3. 'I.'. S. thiveipuient securities owm il. incluillm? Hiosh shown In Hem's :io and as, ir any j,.,.' 4. Oilier bonds, nitrniuts and seciollles. Incluilinir foreiun Kovernnieut, slule. inuulcliial, cbrporallon, etc., lncliillUK ;tliose shown in Items 30 and 35 It any :. 225,823.77 1. Furniture uud lixtures J....: lllitil.bO 7. Heal estate owned other than bulking bouse 3,'o' 9. (ub) Cash on band in vault ami-dun from banks, bunkers : , and trust companies designated and approved reserve ' agents of this bunk 151.t72.S5 1. Exchanges tor cleurliiK houso and items on other bunks . In the same city or town as reporting bank J. 035.01 Total cash and due from banks, Herns K, 9 i 1J-. t ! ;-H- -:-' Total i f Li...:..-.., : '. K ' . - ! . - I.IAIHUTIEM lf; Cupltal stock paid hi 17' C:... r.....l IK. (a) I ndlvhled profits ...1..'. (1) Less.currelil exiielises. Interest and taxes paid none..., 5,100.00 21. Net amounts due to other hanks, bankers and trust companies v....i..., 14,57-1.91 DEMAND OEPOSITS, oilier I hull banks, subject to reserve: 23. Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits J i due the .Sluto of Oregon, county, cities or other public ' ' funds :. .; .U i , cg.9S.24 21. IJemand certificates of deposit outstanding , , ...1,059.31 25. Cashier's checfrs of this bank : outstanding payable on demand .. .. .. , 1,930.94 Total of demand deposils, uthen than bank 1 deposits, subject 10 reserve, items 23, 24, S5, 2li S022.8S2.40 TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reservo and puyuble on demand or subject to notice: 1 ' - ' 27. Time certificates pf deposit outttunding 190,822.76 Total of time and savings deposits payublei on demand1 1 or subject to notlco. Items 27, and 2 ..$1'Jii,822.7ti Total ..:..;..............;..,..:.....:..: ?939,390.16 STATE OF OREGON, County of Douglas, ss. i I, J. M. Throile, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is and belief. (Seal) i Subscribed and sworn to before me tills 8th day of July, 1927! . i Herbert p. Qliine,, Notary Public My commission expires May I, 1931. : v her iiarents, a sister, Wilmn, and a brother, Cecil. The body will be shipped to Portland tonight on train Number 14 --and interment will take place in Riverview ceme tery Portland. Mr. Wight came from Portland last night and will accompany the body, while the other Imembors of -the' family will return by autq. H. O. Stearns, fun crnl -director of the Douglas Funer al. Home Is in charge of. the ar I'Ungements.. ,' , ' I i KLAMATH WOOL- SALE' KLAMATH FALLS, Ore, July 8 One of tho largest Individual wool 'buying transactions ever ne gotiated in the Klamulh basin, In-, volvihg $175,000 and 'nearly ! 600,$ ! 000 pounds of Klamath, wool, has been consitmutcd and r)ie lust of 21' cars .'of- fleece will . bd shipped lie,t .Tuesday from Kirk.. . 'I ' The Wool haVbeen purcliased by j J. -Koshland and .company, dloston, j Mass... Prevailing price was 30 ci nts a imund. ' OREGON O'Brien Reserve District No. 12 CONDITION OF Valley Bank tiuiiuu 10 'and v .IM,tlb7.Stt ....f'J3LI,390.1tl $ 50,000.00 i..." js.iio.oii 50,000.00 true to the best of my knowledge J. M. THRONE, Cashier. CORRECT Attest: i : I). W. STRONG, , . A. J. YOUNO, '' ' A. E. KENT, ; - Directors. 11 NEGROES DROWNED 'j 1 (Auoclnted Preu I.iaud Wire.) ; NEW ORLEANS, La., July 8 -Eleven liegro flood 'refugees were tlrbwned at Port llarre today when (lie flat boat upon which they were being returned to their homes at Woodslde and Melville overturned at ' Port Barre, ' The . , . Press b arned over long distance telephone frojn Re'd Cross repre et'itatlves lit Port' Barre. ' ,: BIG It AT. TH.E, ..... GARDENS -: i ; . Winchester. , .... SATURDAY NITE Oriental Gardens Orchestra ' American Legion DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist In the fitting of Glasses. 116 Jackson St. Elite Pleaters- All Kinds of Pleating and Button Making. Phone 187-R 610 So. Main Watkins Products 120 W. Lane One-Half Block Off Jackson St PHONE 177 CHIROPRACTORS Drugless Health Center "Complete Health Service" SULPHUR VAPOR BATHS 327 West Can Phone 491 WET OR DRY The weather makes no differ ence for EIRE IN'Sl'RANCE should be carried nt all times. We offer reliable fire insurance service to our policy holders and our service embraces all lines of fire and nutotnoblle Insur ance. May we be of service to YOU? G. W. Young & Son LOANS 11 Cutis 8t. Phone 417 Dance t; NEW TODAY A6HHY broccoli idanls; Joe, Har vey. I'hone F4. ( HOUSES and wagooTor sale. F. E. JJates, Alex.ander Addition. ilhOCCOl,! "plants' for.' na', J per JWiil C. J. Swlf). I'liuny 14F33. LOST Easte'rii Slat' lilii.KlnUer please return to News-Review' 1 office. Reward. ', ' ' .SflREP FOR SATSnTTnTdalnH' (j-atn, 3 years old, ?20. Jj Robert t .McKay, Hrockway, Ore. ' IIROCCOU, plant t'nr Hull. AkIi. by's No. 1 and 2j also Jtruses. F. M. Curtis; Phone' 8F4; WANTEDBoSMers and Ut-320.W. Washington, Mr., and:, : Mrs. E. C. Herfick. ' ' " '' ' IF.YOI have a little nalnt lob tr"v a aallon of our Ji 85 i.r iuiiov. Kreen label iniiir. - fleiinlMrmi. aeii Co. 7T fa 11 iKnaTinrtiK-finu- Call 278, the Stephens.- St. Store, when you have fruit vegetables or eggffor "are. ': S ? FOR SALE Four-Inch Jackson .cenlrllugal iiumii with 80 feet ot V : Pipe and fittings; V. A. Burr, R. is. i. jvo. z. t'lione 342. " : OR SALE 1921 1 Johnnie. Over land, good buttery, tires good, has J927 license, 32.60 full price. C. A. Lockwood Motor Co. AFTER THE Sundiiy drive; try a chicken, dinner at .the' 1'ollyanna jCafe at Mynle Creek. Well cook ed, well served., You'll, like It RABBITS FOR SALE 1 tl- . i(eT gian baref doe, 2. 8 rabbits t .weeks old, 30c each.; Can .- see -them tt 1114 West 1st St, No(th 'Side. Phone 49tf-R. ' .Millwork : Lumber ; Boxes Window and Door. Screens , Cement Lime Pluster ' -! Complete stocks. - - -Coen Lumber Company -FOR SALE Model '320 Packard --sedan, 13,000 miles, upholstery and paintl like new, latest' typo high compression motor. Address 'Box KV. FpR SALE J, J. Case , broccoli planter, good Condition, $50. Al- ? so -broccoli- plants, Kruse seed. ;W. A Burr, R. F. D. 2. Phone 342. .'.i !-'.. .- FOR iSALE Model K16' Special . GMC truck with cab, "and body, new pneumatic tires ull around. Mtight up in Bhane for imme- . ,ll,.,u A,l.l.-..un Tl..v V .. .' ...Jll.-. -T . .---- '- wriiKiyY, mne-nair nine Routh or. . Canyonville. Cunyon Tavern an ideal place for the Sunday din' '-ner. Best of service, foods and 'J music (Try it Sunday. .,t ; ;- j: li,.- i , a . BOR , 1 SALE LateT , model tan; i dard Six Studebaker couch, fivs ; good tires, new in May, 1926; vrun 18,000 miles., This car is a : bargain. -Address Box KV. 1 FOR" 64LEi92"67Big; Six -Studii - baker 5-passenger sedan, 120 ; inch wheel-base, new last Do .'Icembai'. iRubbatv body; and-motor - In -first - class. - shape. Address Box KV. : TRADE Apartment bouse in" Cor vallis, 5 blocks from business center on Puciric highway, in coine' $102 per month, for Rose- . ,bui'K residence or business prop erty: J. C. Gerety, 420 Perkins Bldg. Phone 065. Troublesome . Feet - Welcome . Wilbur C con's Footwear Special measurements give you an unusual fit. We will be .glad to show and try them on. Roseburg Booterie - IRVIN BRUNN Shoes that Satisfy and Fit Your Feet Perkins Bldg. Roseburg, Ore. MAJESTIC Today and Saturday Matinee Dally 2:15 RIN-TIN-TIN IN . "Tracked by the Police" RINTY'S LATEST AND GREATEST Comedy "The Midnight Bum" International News 10c i 25c ANTLERS - THEATRE Tonight, Saturday, Sunday "Girl Sliced in 20 Pieces" "Impossible!" NO! JUST ONE OF THE 100 NEW MYSTERIES OF RICHARDS WORLD'S GREATEST MAGICIAN Seats Now on Sale ROSEBURG UNDERTAKING CO. Established 1901 ! ' V V ' i M.E. HITTER, Manager ' ; ; ; - .; i ? Founded and Maintained on Efficient ! l Service and CourteiT hon 2M , Llcenaed LadJ ; Oak and Kane 8ti. Embalmel , 1 FIVE ACRES OF RIVER 'BOTTOM Truck land; Just outside of city Jlmlts; at a Price that will surprise ypu; on a paved road '100 ACRES Highway (runs ; past door; running ! j'reaju through . place; 30 ! acres of farm land; balunce Pood' PasturB: " fenced; I' flly adapted for sheep large barn; water piped into house and baj-n; .plenty of fruit apd garden, For $5,500, pne-balf cash, balance on easy ierms. See N. Rice of RICE & RICE. 1 : r "T- WANTED TO' RENT Modern fur bished house. Write ; Box 375, , Rpseburg, Ore.,i. J' ;' --. FOR"S ALE Dod ge touTiri g. "Tudoi Ford sedan, Btar roadster and a : Ford touring. These, curs are all .io fine condition and- ready to go. Priced cheap, and terms. See them at Stanley's -Highway Gar- age, North Jackson, St. FOR SALE-i-200 acres, 12 in cul tivation, 120 tame grass. Team, Wagon, : plows, 'harrows, good Ford truck, 20 goats; best sheep .and turkey snow in the country for the prlce. $2600, terms. See .my ageut, L. a ..Maddux, ,404 N. Juckson St. - v j - - THE FAIREST LOAN WE HAVE jEVERNOWN! What the Fed- eral Farm' Loan, has- done for the (farmer. our1 long term, easy pay jriient 'mortgage does for the -borne; owner. It eliminates ' the expense and anxiety of repentdd , renewals f your loan and pro jyides' for a monthly payment .C-cnvprinir tll-lnnlnpl u,t.1 ln,n..n... fyhich automatically pays off the 'Stoan. Umpqua Suvings and Loan ( Association, Douglas Abstract mug. r Antlers Theatre 3 BIG NIGHTS STARTING TONIGHT ! Nights' at 8:15 Matinees at 2:30- l; .;.. . ; . rt i i t ; i Bargain Matinees Saturday and Sunday; NOTE-j-A-Pozeris of live' baby rabbits given away free, to the children at the matinee Saturday. - Bring the Kiddies!. Lots of(Ft;ee Toys and Candy too! ''!,',. . ! ' ? '. ' I ' -J i ri- Camlng here' after big Vecord-breaking-tour of eastern cities and the same laVge production intact that nlavs Los Anqeles. 6,San Frapcisooi Portland, etc.. : l i t '.i .' , f.i . . 1 ueyond All Question the Largest and Greatest Girlesque -.- ,. - Necromantic -Extravaganza of All Time : .. . . Weird! Uncanny! Spooky! Gasps! Surprises! :J If You Think You're Thrill Proof, See: A real massive $2.50 road show production at popular summer prices greatest amusement value ever brought to Roseburg. The Wonder Show 10 Head of Live Stock 40 100 18 Stunning Beauties, Assistant Magis, Me chanics. Electricians, Artists and Musicians Aid In This Stupendous Exhibition. NOTE The management positively guarantees this to be the greatest, largest and most gorgeous show of this nature ever brought to Roseburg. .ASK RICHARDS about your Business Affairs, Love, Sickness, . Lost Articles, Marriage, Journeys, Investments, etc. FREE-vBaby Given Away FREE a real live baby o good parentage and 11 monthB old. PRICES: NIGHT 50c, 75c, $100 , MATINEES: Adults, 50c, Children 25e POSITIVELY A GUARANTEED ATTRACTION BARGAIN NIGHT TONIGHT This Coupon and One Regular Paid Ticket Will Admit Two . i ' ' People Tor.'ght. SEATS NOW ON SALE :li'tli ; OOOR TONIGHT ONLY COME EARLY LARGE CROWD ATTENDS WOOLWORTH OPENING l The Y. W. Woolworth 5, 10 and ; 15 cent store opened today with a public reception. Nothing was 01 I fereil for ssIh but throughout, the' j day the doors were opened and a large crowd inspected the store- nnd the stock of goods. Entertainment was furnished by an orchestra. Bal loons were given the kiddles. Tho store is to open for .business to morrow, offering hourly specials throughout the day. NOTICE TO WATER USERS S While making repairs the water will be shut off Sunday, July 10th, from 3:00 to 7:00 a. m. affecting all residents of North Roseburg. ' THE CALIFORNIA OREGON . : POWER COMPANY " . CHILD PLAYS WITH MATCHES RECOVERY IS DOUBTFUL a (Aiuoclatcd Preu Leased Wire.) PORTLAND, Ore., July .8 Mar-' guerlte 'McGlllls, C, was so badly burned today while playing wilh matches at her home that hospital attendants feared she could not re cover. . ' -' '- COMPLAINT IS BOOMERANG , (Associated Press leased Wire) PORTLAND, Ore., July 8. When a woman in an oullying section of' the east side called a policeman to' stop youngsters shooting fir'o; crackers 'today, saying she feared.' they would start a f Iro in rubbish; in her vncant lot, two policemen; ordered her to clean up' the '-proper- tx.n compliance 'With a city ordi nance. C ' -j O- r t. U Back from Portland "' I V.. Ihla mnrn.' ing from a brief trip to Portland where he was looking ufter ness affnlrs. ' ''. : ''-': ' ' World's Greatest Magician And His Big Company Laughs, Roars, Thrills, Girls, Music, Mystery, Splendor! of the Century Bewildering Wonders 1 00 18 4: irrmwuH