1 r I I 1 I I I i i i ' i : t- I I t " -i rnTrrrrm ;nnf jit? roseburo snews-rfvirw ; frihav mi v a . io-t - : zi rz -rri ..tz: ' - t , , j vj, i 1 1. , 1 I ! t i fTY"' READY! C New Very recent arrivals in these new Silks include smartest patterns in', mmsual plains, striking prints and all the fas . 'cinating colors and shades. They are all beautiful and ?hrjpealing. Just come jn and see them for yourself. ! 'J V- '' i''. ' j " :' '' ' ' I'i The attractive prices on these Silks are an in- j-.. , uuccmcm xor every woman to Duy at in is ume. unusually fine assortrhent.. Novelties, Bathing Suits, Gloves ; 1 ? i I f-'f ' ,!s V" and Silk Hosiery,: ' .i j, ,, .' J i 1 1! I. ABRAHAM STgTOri.iT.I.TT.WI.M.I.I.i.T.W CONTRACTION; ' ' I jLOONiLAKE ROAD ' I i li , ijOB HELD UP ' ('Continued, from page 1he "gi'eater portion of the way, - but the upper end of the road, for. which the. contract is. being 'let is of very rhenvy i, construction.- 'The district'; has been, r voting special (axes yeai" after ;year to build this road, which', has been: constructed a section at; ;time. ; Recently Jthe O. and C. tax; ref mid-gave the dis 1 Het a large suni of ' money, japd with the addition ior funds ''frqra the market road money H is expect ed that: there iyill be' enough,' to finish the ' gracta ftlils year .' and give th'e'Lobh.'Lakeieople as'tarid-ard.i:oad.-v.It ; Js:'anticlpated,5tHa1; this.- road, will liinmediately .result In consldevable' development' and . Improvement .work i' in the , Loon Lake district. ' . ' i .' j . ' , Will' Build Bridge , ;., The contract ;for the construe1 tlon" of the Blkton bridge will prob ably , be. let to J. J. Bradraun, of Portland,, who was the lowest bidder.- n This bridge will , replace ,the one washed out during toe high water in the spring. . The' former bridge was moved to Elkton .front Winchester and was - erected on piers built to' the standards of 'the state market road department. The piers proved to be too short and the water covered the bridge and washed it away. :;iv" - The new. bridge will be consider ably higher than the old one so that It will not be affected by high water In the future. The bids sub mitted were as follows: O. N. Pierce, Portland, $32,325; George F. Reeves, Portland, $35,67G; J. J. Padraun, Portland. $29,930; B. L. Crooks and Co., Portland, $37,250. The contract for the roofing of the Fair Oaks bridge, which Was damaged by the fire last year, was let to Clyde Catching, whose bid was $275. , . ., - ' Wm. Wecrtly, loogglng operator of Drlrlgp, was In Roseburg toilay looking a ft r business affairs. 1 FfH I I iiH.v v , I H 1 -I Baft - v She says she doesn't know any thing that costs so little and gives so much as Eskimo Pie. You just peel back the wrapper . and let your teeth sink into that crunchy choc'ktc coatin an' down through that big helpin" of de-lishus ice cream. Boy, how it hits the spot! And our doctor says it's great to keep a fellow strong and vig'rous, too. I'm an Eskimo Pie fan for life, yes sireel GET ESKIMO PIE FROM THE DEALER WHO SELLS MEL-O-MAID ICE CREAM FOR . . . . .-:E .'t SUMMER ALEXANDER NAMED' BY PATTERSON TO 5 SUCCEED: LEVENS ; i' 1 1 (Continued from, page 1.) lie -moved- the iadmidistrative Of fices of the MobartmeriP from Port land In Kflleni i TWonc' linma fo nl I Baker, anct It is understood he will return there. , 1 ! : i Mn Alexander! ' was formerly of WHshipgt'on; county-and-is now a deputy sheriff.! 'He ,is said to have s g6pd record :as a law en forcement i of lie ipl. - a! general change in ! the' -.personnel of the depiartmenlsjexpectejdi ' - ; ( "--! i '. r' f :. .''j NOTICE' T9!WA4-ER USERS While, making repairs the water wiU be shut off Sunday, July 10th, from 3i00'to 7:00;a.3n. affecting all residents of Korth-Rosebtirg. .. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON j , r .. POWER COMPANY FRENCH AVAITOR TO BRING LEVINE - BACK TO AMERICA ' rPotittnwp'l from nnirn 1,. wfien he embarks on the Leviathan on .which Commander and Byrd and his crew also are returning, to the United States. Drouhin will forego his pro jected attempt to fly across 'the Atlantic in a' -giant Goliath plane with Lieutenant Lebrix. i , - . As Drouhin speaks no English and Levine speaks no French, the owner of the Bellanca plane will take with him a pocket dictionary so as to be able to communicate with his French pilot. Drouhin is 26 years old. Three times he has held the world's dura tion flight record. He lost his latest record to Chamberlln and Bert Acosta. ' 1 Left for Glerdale -t ' Miss Edith Kruse left today for Glendnle wbeie she' will visit for two weeks -as the guest of Miss Fl'iio Caraway. Mother knows us kids love rim 5c LOCAL Pensions firaiitied s " i ', ', . Among the pensions ' recently granted by lite government Is one to. Stella Smith ot Roseburg tftf JHu per month. FicmQlldel-i' ' ' Mrs.'F.. Watson of GlIuV was la this city visiting and unending to business matter' (or u brief, time Thursday Cui'terooon, tt From! ilthirliij tjH'V . C. H, Fuller 6F Sutherlln: vi III this city Thursday afternoon at Unulug to - business affairs and viitilliig with friends. . From Broadbent J. I). Glbbs o( -Broadbent, Coos county, is a guest of Mr. and Airs. Abner Rice at the Wigwam Tavern near tills city. i ' i I Here From 'Eugene-r- I Mrs. F. R. Uunlap - of Eugene, former resident of this city, nr. rived tills morning to spend the day visiting with .friends. Expected From Corvallis i Chas. Shaw, formerly of tills city. Is expected from Corvallis j Saturday and will visit with friends t in this city over Sunday.' -' From Canyonvilie F. It. Graves of Canyonvilie was In Roseburg overnight Thursday and this morning attending to business affairs and visiting. Visitors Thursday Mrs. Mary Beach and 'daughter of Looking Glass were In Roseburg Thursday afternoon shopping ' ana visiting: with friends. - ' ; Vas GoltKe; Operation : Wm.iMelton. of Dixonvllle under went an operation for goitre at Mercy hospital Thursday with Dr. L. M. Lehrbach jij .ateudance.( Visitor Here ,...'.--, Roy Suaulding resident of Drain, spent several hours Thursday at tending, to business matters and Visiting' with friends in this city. ! In Thuriday-i.; , ; HGeo)- Bacon, and - son, Henry; ,qf 1-iOOKing uiass were in ituseuur late yesterday afternoon transact, ing' business and trading. In Thursday: ' ' ' C. V. Fessler oi Wilbur was .' a Roseburg! visitor: Thursday for. a brief time and was looking lifter. business taattevs and trading,. , , Left For Portland-: ; .')' Dr.iA. Berg, who Jias been visjt ing with "his motljLer, , Mrs. , 'Mary BeacH,; a'tJ LooUtfgiffilass, left oil Thursday for,.ft'ranw;in Portlnnfl. y -.;':';'.'-y.' . ; it' FlhePa!-' ':-i - .- :1 ' Fred' Perdue,' 'arrested ' Moliday for reckless- drlvirigrentered a plea of guilty-, before Recorder. Sherry iil v-nt.i n0 (nr Visit At ' Rice 'Creek . .- ('' .Mr.' and Mrs. C. ;B.Patrlclc 'of, Eugene wei'e giiests of their dailgh ter, Mis. Millard Meredith at Rice Creek: yesterday. ; ' " ,' ' .; ' , ' Home From Coast- Miss Mildred Morris, ' who lias been spending 'the past ten days visiting with friends at Bandon nnd enjoying a vacation, -has .re- turned to this city. Left For Portland Mrs. W. C. Small' left this ' morn-1 Ing for Portland where she will meet a party of friends enrouto from Alaska and visit with them over the week-end. , ' " : Leaving On Trip : Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Hotel Rose and Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Morgan, are leaving today for a short vacation trip to Prospect, Crater Lake and Diamond Lake. Visit1 At Vaughn' Home Carl Vaughn. 'Miss Lucille Vaughn, and their cousin, Miss Frances Gray.- all' of' Portland, aro visiting at " the home of "Chief of Police and Mrs. William Vaughn. Carl and Miss Lucille are Ihe son and daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn., "'"HIWPQ GATES TIRES The record set by Balloon tires in this town made thirty thousand miles, equal to 1 !4 times around the world, and still going good. Why fool with old part worn out tires when you can exchange for new ones at Carter's Tire Shop 445 North Jackson St. NEWS From Melrose j Geo. Anderson, of Melrose, spent tho morning In Roseburg; looking after business matters and trad- '"K- 5 it,.'-- il Here from Portland i , i ; i w.W: 'Street.jof . Portland,'' was lb Roseburg today- calling oil liusl .uess; -iicquaintauces, t, ; u '! ,i i Glondalo Man Visits : . I I J. Jantzer, sawmill operator bf Olendale, Bpent a lew hours In Roseburg today attending to bust- ness aiiuirs aim trading. j Expected Satuiday - ' ' Mrs. F. A. Bemis and daughter, MIsh' Adolo. llemis, and Miss Anna Slnnoli, who have been In Portland since Tuesday, are expected f home Snturday; , . ? ;i Arrive .from Rogue Rlvei ''. Mrs. Al F. Gardiner and daugh ter have arrived from Rogue Hlver to join Ir. Gardiner in locating in Roseburg. ' Mr. Gardiner 1b chef at the Terminal Cafe. t H Repair Bridges ; 5 A crow of five men from' -jlhe stale highway- departnient weM working on the Winston bridge 4'eii tofday, filling cracks in the deep ing asphalt and making other I re pairs. , . . '. j i uivurco uraniea ' A divorce was granted bv' Judge Hamilton today to Sylvia J. ; Pal mer from Hiram Pnlmor. Cruel nnd Inhuman treatment was charged by the plaintiff, who was represented oy Attorney m. '. nice. ; I . I .. ,(, . :, ; .... i '! ' , Home From Idaho J , Dr. audi lira. Charles B. '.Wade returned home Thursday night af ter nn auto trip to Idaho and Yel lowstone National park. They wori! in noise ror the Northwest Medi cal meetingithe latter part of June. . i t Home From Klamath ? 'i Mr. and Mrs. ; Joel Johnsonl of Melrpse returned home this room ing after spending ; several i days visiting lit -Klamath Falls. ' They ma(le the trfpi dver tha new line out 6f Eugene'.' ' ; , ' : i i Here from Portland , C. E., O'Halloran, of Portland, was an - arrival -here last evening on business., With J. C. Ponslor of this city, he-left this morning; for the Silver Peak Mine near Riddle. '.:.- ' : ' 'i' i ' I 1 Leave .for Colorado , ij j , Mrs. A. E. Sprague, of thisolty, and- her son and wife, Mr. pnd Mrs. Sprague, ' of Prospect; jiave left on, a , motor trip to. Colorado. They 'will' visit In Denver fori' sev eral weeks. . . . ; . i ' , .. , . 1 -,sr ' sS; -Here from Salem ' .':' .' 3 i ,1 -Lieiitenant Ralph E. Wilsoft.?and jiio'llier,' Mrs. W. E. Wilson, pt Sn lera,, have-, arrived to visit at- tho home 'of -Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Leedy. fT.hey . are brother, and mother of Mrs,' Leedy. . , i . To Visit at Perkins. Home ' 1 : ' Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Perkins, of Portland arrived today to visit Willi the former's mother. MrJ. '.T. Ellen' Perkins, and brother, J. W. Perkins. ' While here they will be guests at the home of the latter. From . California " ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swnrtout.' son and daughter of Snn Francisco, woro guests of Mrs. Frances Drake at Myrtle Creek yesterday. . They were returning home from a visit at Washington. ; 'Mr. Swartout is a nephew of Mrs. Drake. s Hero From Portland Miss Almlra Porter returned thin morning: from Portlnnd whord she was called on business the first of tho week. Miss Porter arrived here a short time ago to locate nnd will have charge of the dining room nt the Rose. Hotel. j Visits at Morris Home R. C. HuM of Turlock, Oil., top ped over Thursday and visited at the. home of Mr,! ami Mrs. CJ. I J. Morris on his way north. He Will visit with friends near Eugene, la tor continuing on his way to Wash ington, and Idaho , . Home from Seattle Mn, Harry Whipple and daugh ter. Miss Annette Whipple, have returner! home after a six day vis it in Seattle. There they attended the N. E. A. convention and en route home stopped over in Port land to visit with friends. WIFE OF GOVERNOR HARTLEY HURT IN AUTO COLLISION (OnnHniiPd fmm tines 1.) Rolam) Hartley, wife of the gover nor of Washington, was Injured In an automobile accident eleven mllpa south of Seattle last nlcht. At the hospital, It was found that Mrs. Hartley's Injuries wore con fined to a half Inch cut over the right eye, and minor bruises. With Mrs. Hartley In the auto mobile at the time of the acci dent were Governor Hartley, their daughter, Mary, and the Hev. and Mrs. h. O. Hogers, of Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. Hogers is a sister of the governor. None of the occupants of Ihe machine except Mrs. Hart ley were Injured. A state highway patrolman was driving the car oc cupied hy the governor and his party, who were enroute from Seat tle to Olympla. The accident occurred, the gov ernor reported to police here, when his automobile was struck and knocked In the ditch by a ma chine driven by A. W. Groteseld, who said he came from Missouri. The governor's car was badly wrecked. Oroteseld was placed In the coun ty Jail hero on. an open charge pending Investigation of tho acci dent. , ONE WEEK STARTING FRIDAY, KNICKERS LINEN AND TWEED l Lot .... ..;.:....... 1 Lot, values to $5.00 ,. PRINTED 75 NEW PATTERNS Per Yard ' 39c PRINTED VOILES All New Patterns. 39c COTTON CREPES 29c SILK BLOOMERS .(.-. , , i : j . ' ' . ' I ' : All Shades Silk '. . ..'';'."' ' ... . I .1 -I. ' ! '"'-' ' I Gordons, special ;.:w--. KOTEX Special BAN JOHNSON IS OUT AS PRESIDENT AMERICAN LEAGUE (Continued from pago 1.) necessary to lay down the bur dens und responsibilities incident to and necessarily connected with the offices of president, secretary and treasurer of the Aiueiican league. In accepting his resigna tion, effective November .1, tho American league extends to Byron B. .Johnson its good wishes and good will." : o TODAY'S BASEBALL American First game R, IT. K. New York S 14 3 Detroit H 30 2 Batteries: ituclhor, Thomas, Glard, Shawkey and Grabowski; Stoner and Woodall. R. H. K. Washington 711 1 Cleveland 4 15 2 Batteries: Hadley, Braxton and Ruel; Uhle and I,. Sewell. National Brooklyn 2 9 1 Now York 12 2 Batteries: Doak, Clark and' Hap greaves; Benton and Taylor. It. H. E. Chicago .. 1 H i Pittsburgh 0 1 1 Halteries: Root und Hartnett; Meadows and Gooch. R. II. M. St. Louis 2 10 U Boston 3 10 2 Butteries: Haines and O'l-'arrell; Greenfield and Gibson. 18 MONTHS FOR FORGERY (Aw)(iated Frew l.eav) Wlru.) PORTLAND, Ore., July 8. (lien O. Rust, Ii2, was sentenced in fed eral court today to 18 months In McNeil Island alter pleading guilty to forging the name of Sandy Olmstend to a United Slates treasury check at Klamath Falls. OH DEAR! A Birmingham lady, who hns had eight husbands, attributes her suc cess to the fnct that she Is an ex cellent cook. We do not for a mo ment suggest that the real reason may be the very opposite. Humor 1st. o DESPITE IT 4 "Would you mind looking after my car?" "Sir, I am Ihe mayor of this $1.98 $2.98 SOISETTES 98c $1.98 49c THE LADIES SHOPPE 139 N. Jackson St. town!" . ,' "That doesn't mnttcr. You look to me to be an honest ninn," Dunr Humor, Madrid. DING, DONG, BELLI BROOKLYN. N. Y. "Belling the cut" is to be an Important activity of Long Island garden clubs thin summer. Mrs. Leroy Hurl on, pres ident of Ihe Port Washington Gar den Club, urges the measure to c:ive birds. - PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS AND "HER TATTERED ENSIGN" f7! "Old Ironsides" goes Into drydock at Boston to bo reconditioned from funds contributed by schoolboys and girls everywhere In the land. And as the water falls away from her historic sides the "tattered en- ion" of which Oliver Wendell Holmes ung poetically back in 1828 still waves on high. Saluting It from nearby were a presidential volley of 21 guns and (Inset) Secretary of the Navy Wilbur, surrounded by hiah officers of the army and navy. BATHING SUITS ' ,'JANSEN AND BRADLEY'S : 25 off PEQUOT, SHEETING 81 inches wide. 1 ,' : 59c PEQU0T; SHEETS 81x90 $1.49 FLAT CREPES , , AH Shades. $1.98 d PEQUOT TUBING . . ,. 42-inch , j PEQUOT.SLIPS SpellaV.. .!., IILlJ.!,!- ' PRINTEDORC.VNDIES All new patterns .. PERCALE Per yard DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME ESTABLISHED 1926 H. C. STEARNS, Manager. Notliithstnnding the elaborate equipment of the Home and efficient service, the cost of burial is no more. I Plna and Lana 8ti. AUTO TRUCK KILLS CHILD (AmootatMi viru uil wire.) . VANCOUVER; ' Wash.. July 8. Grace Kvelyn Bottomeller, thirteen JULY 8th 39c 79c 14c Phone 112 Lady Attsndant months old daughter of Arthur, Hot- , I tomoller, was killed today wtierf Bha I was lilt by a truck driven by Carl I Tetir. The track In tho nronaVtv ot Ous Tetz, h merchant nt. Hazeldell. STILL WAVES; (NKA Servire. Ilomitn Itiirpnut