ROSEBURC NEWS-REVIEW, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1927 rmrrmrramjimrnn mmm n nnxiFj Somebody Is Always Taking the Joy Out of Life By BRIGGS micpicrJuM wsites FOUR YOU D5C'D? To BE A BUT Ybl FOOLISHLY I AMD FiR-ST ( CrtRC II- I , 1KJi"ivrA f.i LEwe; it,ontop-op' 6Tve helps tAKs. ojg. mRea J. i y i tm . Hot weather foods For every occasion. Our shelves are com- LJ pletey stocked with fresh supplies of summer specialties de- f-3 pendable varieties at prices that will meet with your approval. SUGESTGIONS SATURDAY AND MONDAY; JULY 9 AND 11 V POST TOAS TIES 3 pkgs.. 25c POST BRAN OQn FLAKES 2 pks Z 0 U KNOXGELA- 1 Qn TINE Pkgs I Ob S. O. S. 6 pads of Steel Wool saturated with a cleaning soap OQp ideal for cleaning aluminum utensils. Large pkg. .. awUU ECONOMY CAPS 2 doz.... CAMPBELL'S BEANS KCn "With the rich To JJu mato Sauce," Q Q ft 3 cans ZOu CREME OIL OCn SOAP 4 bars ZjU PINEAPPLE Libby's Sliced, packed in rich syrup No. 2 cans, C C n 22c; 3 for 1...0JU TOILET PAPER -Sqft Sanitary tis sue 1000 sheets to the roll - ij On 6 rolls 'Mb i , -, ; - j i' h: i" ( CITRUS SOAP SPECIAL 2 large pkgs. Citrus Washing Powder for 49c, with 2 10c pkgs. of Citrus Granulated Soap FREE. ' Reg value 70; I Qn nu lur i w v Saye 21c. ? i $ 1 j i WESSON OIL J Qp quart can ... LARD-Pure, in bulk', SHORTENlNG'Best Vegetable, in J Qn bulk, 3 lbs .lrlJb ASPARAGUS TIPS-l! ; HILLSDALE 1 lb. square cans, C C ft 28c ; 2 for JJb Taking powder "Calumet, H 1 OQp 1 lb. cans .......l.ZOb. 22 lb. COn ((-( J FLOUR? Fisher's Blend, 49 lb. 00 AO ,'.v ' ' sack .: - ...... . il ;. COCOA Blopkers, finest imported Dutch,' IB. can 25c; pound can i.ljJ.;. ,';i..U.....Y...., ....... 49c DEL MONTE CORN GRAPEFRUIT Fancv Cmshv (IF. urumeuorjr, ieu w vw 2 cans .... SEARCHLIGHT MATCHES Large full count boxes, Q E n - 6 boxes Zub BROOMS 20th Century, .6 sew, .strong, medium weight. They don't make' 'em any better, only.. '. 98c 20TH CENTURY COFFEE "Improves any breakfast." Direct from our own roaster to you insures you fresh coffee at all times; Oi QC pound 43c; 3 lbs 0 I lZ J Roseburg Store 130 N. Jackson St. Oakland Store Baker-Flannary Bldg. BEATS FOCH 'NEW YORK Capt. Lindbergh Iibb 12 inciliils from overseas the Legion of Honor, Order of Leopold, British Klylnp; Cross, Lnfnyetlo Es cndrlllo medal, French Aero Club's gold mcdnl, Hclghm nero medal, tho French "broken wlniis" insignia, I lie mednl of tho Intnrnntlonl I.piiKllo of Aviators nnd Ihnt of the French Geographical Society, Spain's 'Tills Ultra" mednl unit gold honor badges from Drusscls mil Tails. This bents the honors bestowed on Mnrshnl Foch utter the armistice. DINQ, DONG, BELLI .. BROOKLYN, N. Y. "Moiling tho cat" Is to bo nn Important activity of Long Island garden clubs till.-: sumnier. Mrs. Lcroy Ilnrlon, pres ident of the Port Washington Gar den Club, urges the mensuro to f'Wp birds. E, N. Ewart, Pros. . M. E. RItter, Appraiser Carl E. Wlmbcrly, Attorney DIRECTORS 8, W. Bates, Vlce-Prei. Guy Cordon, Appraiser Chat, McElhlnny V. J. Mlcelll, Treaturer H..O. Pargeter, Secretary W. F. Harris, Appraiser 0. V. Wlmberly Uinpqua Savings and Loan Association ' ORGANIZED 1917 2 . Under State Supervision -'Earnings past two years 9?f. Earnings past 8 year 8 or better. Not a single foreclosure "or piece of property taken for non-payment of principal or interest since organization. investigate our monthly savings plan. An account may be started with a deposit of one dollar. PORTLAND, Ore, July 6. A steady gain in Oregon's farm pop ulation is being registered month by month, according to the records of the Land Settlement Depart ment of tho Portland andv Oregon Minie cnamnors or commerce. June has proved no exception to the rule and has brought reports of 74 new families settling on Oregon faims. During Ihe month of June,' 1581 letters and inquiries concerning Oregon farm lands were received by the Land Settlement office, making a total of 13,091 such In quiries since the first of January of tins year. Out of the 1203 signed question nniies returned during tho last slx mnnlhs, regarding the homoseek- crs' intentions, financial standing and oilier facts, 1131 indicated their Intention of coming to Oregon before mnny months elnpso. Out of these 128 were received In June. These signed statements Indicated that tho newcomers would have capltnl for investment aggregating $2,594,100, June prospects anticipat ing an Investment of at least $294, 100. Letters mailed by the Land Set tlement Department to prospective settlors during Juno numbered 5943 bringing "the lotnl number of let ters for the past six mOntlm to 33,285. nnd along wllh them have gone In the linlf year 17.929 pack ages of literature tloscriptive of the state and Its resources and opportunities. During the six months iust closed 340 families havo been reported to have settled In various parls of Oregon, coming from outside the state. Many of these new resi dents are cooperating heartily In encouraging their former neighbors in other states to Join them In Ore gon. In this way the number of new settlers and their investments are being constantly increased. These 340 families of whom the de partment has a record have brought Investments of approximately II -193.000. Since the first of Ihe year over 2000 people have called at the Land Settlement office In Portland to confer concerning the choice of lo cations on Oregon farms. Of these 355 came in June. The records in dicate that July nnd August -will bring a greater number than has yet arrived. , ' KLAMATH YOUTH DROWNED KLAMATH FALLS. Ore., Julv T Charles Drew; prominent Kla math rancher, was 'drowned last evening nt Lost River dam, 10 miles soulh of Klamath Falls. The young man snnk without an out crv and It Is believed he suffered, a heart attack. The body was re covered two hours later. BEND EXTENSION TO COST $2,000,000, BUDD SAYS KLAMJATH FALLS. Ore;, July 7. Total cot of construction of Ihe Oregon Trunk ' extension from Tlend to & connection wllh the Southern Pacific at Chemnult nnd cost of termlnn! properties and lines wllhln Klnmnth Falls will ap proximate $2,000,000, Ralph Pudil, president of the Great Northern railroad, said today. Accompanied by a group of Great Northern nnd Spokane. Port land & Seattle railroad officials, Mr. nudd Is inspecting properties of the nortboru lines In nn at tempt to definitely determine the location nnd size of terminals in this city. Mr. Budd yesterday denied the rumored Intention of the Great Northern to extend from Klamath Falls soulh Into California to a connection with Hie Western Pa cific. , The first Oregon . Trunk train will arrive In Klamath Falls early in 1928 If present plans do not mis carry, the rail official said. Tlit reward, of Popularity- THE QOLDEN WEST giRL stands for a coffee quality that meets the exacting taste preference of North west people. Ai a result of main taining this high quality the goJen Weil Qirl is now known in every city, village and farm ia the iorthwet. GoldeifSWest AWX Then AaWVT IS IT, A AMD SO BY ELEvEU JimaaY-RUM OUT AND GET 8IU. GRHBSf BoV OR A GIRL' J I . O'CLOCK Tt-l CARTON! ( ME A PACKAGE OF OLD TvIO MORE rAY BRAND TOO,. , o eMp-r ' S COLPS.... BETTER HAVe'EM NOT A COUGH Im) 'S tlr-1 ' PELWERED BV ARMORED V, A CARLOAD y I CAR SO ILL BE .SURE To V ''''' ' ' '''' G&'' :..E.t.i760 r ' j The Smoother and Better Cigarette not a cough in a carload Product ot P. LorilUrd C JAIL INMATE SUICIDES PORTLAND, Ore., July 7. H. W. Drnckott, 31, federal prisoner and oversells votenvhj. , committed ' sui cide In the fedoral ward at the county ju)l today by slashing his throat with a Tazor. Brackett was sentenced iMarch 29 to serve five months In the county jail for violation of the na cional. prohibition:' iiyr. Camp at Tdleyld Park. They'll Make Their Mark! ; i ,. i i Our.' tires, stapd up .the best , is none too , good these days. j i J . i f i "MILLER KNOWS RUBBER" 1 ires Roseburg Super-Service Station C. D. FIES M1IIWIIIWIMWWII Beth and Betty Dodge of Los Angeles ouaht to make their mark with a pencil like this. It Is sarc to be the largest pencil ever made. LIVE MOTOR METERS rasa i v - There are extra advantage! of having these two owls atop the radiator, In place of the ordinary motor meter. That's why three youths of Houston' Teaxt, have adopted them. Asleep during the day, they hop up and down when the engine gett too hot for com. fort and good driving. And at night they're two extra pair of head lights. . . DIRECTORS W. F. Harris, Pres. .A. G. Sutherland, H. O. Pargeter, Henry Harth Vlce-Pres. Joseph Micelll Sec'y-.Treasurer. Douglas Abstract Co. Incorporated "V CAPITAL $25,000.00 Abstracts, Blue Prints, Farm Loans, City Loans, Title Insurance. ' This Pair "y'MMJfi ' . vTratumUtton vSlartlng . vUghtina ylflnltkn vBatUry ti vTIro vUphoUtety vTop FORD COUPE Like new. CHEVROLET COUPE Nearly new. CHEVROLET LANDAU Nearly new. DODGE TOURING Good condition. Several Chevrolet and Ford Tourings and trucks priced from $25.00 and up. Easy terms can be arranged. HANSEN CHEVROLET CO. H Pi