EIGHT ROSEBURG, NEWS REVIEW, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1927. ONE WEEK STARTING FRIDAY, JULY 8th KNICKERS r:mWBl i BATHING SUITS ' ' LINEN AND TWEED 'I - H K' ; JANSEN AND BRADLEY'S vui ...dm : ' ,.!iH! ; PEQUOT SHEETING ' ,81 inches wide. PRINTED SOISETTES 59c , ; , ;;; . ; ANEwEj ..f 1FQU0T SHEETS '.'i-'viil-'Sion' ' 3JV."- ' , : ., 81x90 "'- ,; ; 39cj..kU;' j , : $1.49 PRINTED VOILES FLAT CREPES - -I ;;; -All New Patterns.; -'-v ,. . '. .."I"' ''! V .' " All Shades. . r..,r,:j:),;!39cy(i --.(,..;; $1-98 COTTON CREPES . PE(jUOT TUBING 29c PEQUOT SLIPS au shide, silk ; ' ;- v; ;: PRINTED ORG ANDIES ;mi, ..:r.......i...;....:v::,.$1.98; lagy,.:rf8c KOTBX '.':J'3l PERCALE mmmmmm- . "T-1 "- i : ; J . ..y, 7 i i -' , THE KAJIES SHOPFE iff. 139 N. Jickson.St'. FLOGGED WOMAN TELLS STORY IN GEORGIA COURT (Continued from page 1 leavo town. Tlu-n they looked nt my wouiiUk and mid ft wasn't i-noiinh, Unit they wouldn't show At tor throe duyu. "Tln-n one of Uih men told mr 'If wo huvo to do thi aguln we're Kolng to burn a K In your hack One jnun said, IasV du it right now, sh don't talk like we want lifr to, find I got the iron right : hum.' They told me I had to make my boy go to work. 'lie had town out of school only a coujde or weekn. i "They wanted to know why I didn't ko to church." . "Who Raid that?" Solicitor Oen ernl Itobert McMillan, heading the prosecution, asked. "Mr. Acree,' the witnefiH replied. Boy Also Thrashed Mrs. UowrB Bald that after who had fallen exhausted on the Htep of one or the automobiles, her fifteen NOTICE ' The Business and Profes- Bloiial Women's Ciub will hold a picnic at Maple Grove, be- youd lmpoua Park, Friday livening, July 8th. Fura will leave Klliel Wibh'n Specially bhop beiweeti 6:30 and 6:80 p. in. Bring plate, cup and poon. ,-- ? - , 11 t LOCAL NEWS 1 t ! From Melrose - . , , : A C. W. Ilugen, of Melrose, spent a brief time here late yesterday afternoon attending to buslneHS af-; fairs and trading. . i W. P. Reed Here v Warren P. Reed, of Jleedsport was an arrival here last evening and is here for the day on business year-old son, Lloyd, who fought to with the county court. ntn IIKMIUT II UIH UllUCK, was seized and whipped with the same strap with which she had been beaten. The two wore then left to make their way home. Testimony of physicians and nurses preceded that of Mrs. Row ers. They asserted she was terri bly bruised from the "waist lino to back of the knee, and there were blood clots under the skin." She was In the hospital twelve days. WOOD WANTS WAR DEPT. TO RETAIN INSULAR REINS (Auwiateil Prc-M Iaird Wire.) , WASHINGTON, July 7 Gover nor Wood of the Philippines, after conference with Secretary Davis today, declared that he hoped the islands would remain under the jurisdiction . of the War Depart ment. ' , His view was In direct conflict to tho recent suggestion of Presi dent .Coolidge for the transfer of the Insular government to the De partment of the Interior. The objection to transfer raised by General Wood was that the Phlliunine government "needs a de- j partinent with necessary strength to hack It up. . NEW TODAY Leaves for Portland I,, h'alk of the Soldiers' Home, left this afteraoon for Portland to spend Hie next thirty days enjoy ing a visit with 'friends. ' Visitor Wednesday J. B. Klrkpatrick, Drain resi dent, was attending to unsimess af fairs and trading in this city lor a few hours on Wednesday. From, Sutherlin Mr. and Mrs. Vincil Anplegate, of Sutherlin, were in this city late yesterday afternoon shopping and attending to business affairs. Mr. Cooper in ' James Cooper, Melrose resident, spent a short time in this' city Wednesday afternooa looking after business matters and visiting. - Madisons Visit Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Madison, of Kellogg, were In this city late Wednesday afternoon attending toi; business affairs ami shopping. 1 Here from Los Angeles , ' MJss Gertrude Brown, of Los Angeles, lias arrived here to visit with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, for two weeks. Antlers Theatre 3 BIG NIGHTS STARTING F R I D AY Nights at 8:15 Matinees at 2:30 Bargain Matinees Saturday and Sunday NOTE Dozens of live baby rabbits given away free to the children at the matinee Saturday. Bring the Kiddies! Lots of Free Toys and Candy too! . , ..... . .SI),rn cities I Coming nere atter Dig recora.DM--xm Anneles and the same large proaucuon mien ma - , San Francisco, Portland, etc, ; , Beyond All Question the Largest and Greatest Girlesque Necromantic Extravaganza of All Time . Weird! Uncanny! Spooky! Gasps! Surprises! If You Think You're Thrill Proof, See RICHARDS Liberty.; jTheafcre Last Times Today Matinee Daily 2:15 Tom is here again in one of his . f, . ' greatest hits t ' Full of Humor, Love and Action WILLIAM frbX fastnlt ' Smith: Jones: wife anil Loidgn '!Are they man and wfe?" ("0iAte the j contrary num. i ufsiiiB ouuw HARD BOILED ?W9 H V4uM In Iht. Wlilt Optn Sfcu i Vf HOEN CtlADnlCK-CllARlTs CONKUN-FliYUIS 1IAVTI. m ... , , TONY. Hie uwiidrrfttrtf Ilf 5nflOV SHANNON Hit J J.O.SLYJTONE o((li 111 ' ANOTHER OF THE WISECRACKERS H. C. Wltwert Famous Stones ' "TURKISH HOWLS" 10c CARTOON FOX NEWS 25c COMING FRIDAY A SATURDAY "FLAMES" gg, MADE IN OREGON Ail Unequalled Forest Fire and Four Famous Stars Eugene O'Brian, Virginia Valli, Jean Her sholt, Bryant Washburn, Cissie Fitzgerald DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST 'i : , Bpeclallst In tha-UUlng ot , i j Olassus. ', , . ' r116 Jackson St . , Elite Pleaters i All Kinds of Pleating and . , Button Making. ; j Phone 187-R , , 610 So. Main. Watkins Products . 120 W. Lane One-Half Block Off Jackson St. PHONE 177. COMING , to ' ' LIBERTY i t -.' Sunday SydChaplin as Old Bill IN ":. "The Better Ole" The biggest of all big comedy hits. NOWrYOU ASK ONE I : THE ANSWERS Below nvetho answers to the "Now You Ask One" questions on; tthe ,edttorial page. I l U. S. navy yards are nt I Portsmouth, N. H.; Uostou, Mass.; Brooklyn, N. Y.; Philadelphia; I Pa.; WuKhlnRlon, D. C; Norfolk; Va.; Charleston, S. C; Alnte Isi hand, Calif.; DrenuM ton, Wash., and .Pearl Harbor,, Hawaii. . . 1 ' 2 The U. S. 'hns 18 battleships j now in commission. i p- The U. S. navy hns npproxi : mately 8500 officers and 83,000 i men. ! 4 The West VIiRlnla cost ap proximately $22,900,000. -i 5 The United States scrapped 17 ships after the Washington . conference. 6 Pediatrics Is tho study and treatment of children's diseases. 7 An Isobar is a weather map line which passes through points of equal barometric pressure. 8 An Isotherm is a weather map line which passes through points of equal temperature. 9 Dr. Krederic A. Cook was re cently sentenced to the peniten ( tinry fo using the mails to tie : fraud. i 10 Jinricksha Is a compound Japan e so word mnde np of "jin." meaning man: "rtki," meaning power, and "sha." meaning car riage. Henco, "man power c:ii' CHIROPRACTORS Drugless Health Center "Complete Health 8ervlce' RULPHUR VAPOR BATHS 327 West Cass Phone 491 COOK WANTED Roseburg Caffl- torln. ' J AFTER planTa .for suie. 35c per , dozen. 315 S, Main or i)lione1-V. FOR-SA'LliJel'sey , (cbw. , J. Er wln Pubo, Guillen Vulley. Phone , 82P14 , , : YOUNG WOMAN of 21 wants i work In office or stni-Q. , Phone , , i!7o-j. . i , FOR SALE Three Biiod niilcli eows. Lida Hiin'liiglon, Yoncal: In, Oie. . WANTED Woman "Tor lioumswoi-k . olio morning. encli week. Phone 312-ie. ; J :- . ' '' 1 " , WANTEDotrf to .ifo lioimework nnd cookliiK. E. F. Olllvunt, ( Looking Glass,. Ore. ' ' I $75 TAKES Dodno light delivery. I Good rubber, good. battery. J. 0. i i. Ai'lhur. Phono 5.U-L. I FOR RENT Two-room rurnished house ,7 pev month. See elevator , mini at Perkins bulldiiiK. u ' MAN yanled witlftilick to haul 40 tlms wood. C. l. Muynui'd, 12G7 Umiiqua Ave.. Phono 335-R. iiUICK to" tinde foir Ford; ' good .condition, good rubber. F.. '. O. Wlukliu', Pioneer Drug Store. FOR 'SALE liroecoli plants, ... Kl'Use and St. Vlllenllne, ?2 per : box. Hurst Bios, on the Curry j Estlitu.j ! Pit lV ATE MONEY In loan on good j real online seeui'ily. G. V. ' Young & Son. Loans, 116 Cass ( St. Phone jl7. ' j WILL TAKE OOdn'AUtOBspart j payment on good Roseburg home. , O. V. Young & Son, Real Estate, I 116 Cuss St. Phono417. EOANED FREE Willi eacn sav- i . ings nccount opened we loan one of our Home Savings banks. , First Stnte and Savings Bank. i A good time to re-shlngle The lowest prices in ten years now provnil Let us quote you. Coen Lumber Company GUARD YOUR VALUABLES By keeping them in one of the sate deposit boxes in our strong vaulL Double lock boxeg. First j Slate nnd Savings Bank. FOR SALE 10 acres, South Ump-jH iuit river uuiiuiii utiiii, utfiir Winston, well Improved. Price $2000, easy terms. J. C. Gerety, 420 Perkins llldg. Phone 665. WANTED Man and wife to travel with tent show ami take small sketches. Apply at Glen-igi dale Fair croundR. G. C. Atkin-1 son. j 40 AritKS nil cnillilv- rn.nl Kmnll amount cleared. Good roomy cabin. Well. Lots of wood. $150.00 cash. G. W. Young & Son, Real Estate, 116 Cass St. Phono 417. YOUR CHOICE of 5 river bottom ! ffl cultivation, fronting on river and highway. Also dniiy cows nnd milk route. Inquire of ow.i er, Geo. P. Martin, Rogue River, Ore. (-(ere on f Visit , ) Mrs. Edw.. Houseoldor 6L Red Bluff, Calif., arrived last night; from Oakland where she hns been visiting with hor mother, and -will spend the remainder of the week; liSSB " ' BIG ' Dance 'Ki TvTHEV. i n ! p GARDENS Winchester SATURDAY MITE Oriental Gardens Orchestra American Legion - ti: World's Greatest Magician And His Big Company Laughs, Roars, Thrills, U Girls, Music, Mystery, Splendor! A real massive S2.50 road show production at popular ' summer prices greatest amusement value : ' ever brought to Roseburg. - i i ; rrjhe Wonder; Show of the Century v: ' 1 j'ty-lHea'd'of Live Stock--40 100 Bewildering Wonders 100 ' -a Stunning Beauties, Assistant ' Magis,'" Ivle- f-y 1 ?S chanics, Electricians, Artists and Musicians I Aid In Thls Stupendous Exhibition. ; 1 J-. ' ' r : 1 i NOTE The management positively guarantees this to. be the greatest, largcjt and, most. gorgeous show cf this nature ever ... .. . . ' brought to Roseburg. .. '"'. ASK RICHARps about your business Affairs,' Love, Sickness, Lost Articles, Marriage, Journeys, Investments, etc. FREE--Baibf Gin Away--FREE Durl(ng-,the company's engagement here a real live. baby will be :glvonjawayi jThls Ms positively no pig, dbg o'r anlnoalt b(it a peat live baby of good parentage and 11 months oid. ' I ' ' : i ,i i PRICES:; NJGHT 50c, 75c, $1.00 , '. ., f . i MATINEES: Adults, 50c,-. Children 25c. POSITIVELY A GUARANTEED ATTRACTION BARGAIN NIGHT FRIDAY This Coupon and One Regular Paid Ticket Will Admit Two i . i' ' : rcopic rriaay mgnt. . .j I H ,:'J ' 'seats now on sale ! ' '-' i ' GOdD FRIDAY ONLY COME EARLY at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. j Houseolder: ' ' WET OR DRY Tho wenlher makes no differ ence for FIRE INSURANCE should be carried at all times. Wo offer reliable fli-e Insurance service to our policy Jiofdcra and our service embraces all Hues rf fire nnd automobile Insur ance. Mnv we be of service to YOU? G. W. Young & Son LOAN8 11S Cs St. Phone 417 EXCHANGE Going ranch Well improved. Renting prune or chard. Will take Income proper ty and give liberal terms on bal ance. Owner unable to operale ; ranch. G. W. Young Son. Real Eslnle, 116 Cass St. Phone 417. PI.A"N YOT'R T.OAN TO FIT YOUR INCOME The wise home buyer figures for the future. If you are buying on contract, fori example and assuming a inert- gage, what will yon do when the mortgage comes due? 'This as- soclation has a plan whereby we' can furnish you money for pay-: lug off your present mortgage hy means of a loan that will call Tor a small payment each month ; that will Include both Interest' nml principal. I'mpqua Savings ; nnd Uinn Association, Iiouclasi Abstract Bhlg. . I Troublesome Feet Welcome Wilbur Coon's j Footwear! Special measurements give you an unusual fit. We will be glad to show and try them on. Roseburg Booterie IRVIN BRUNN Shoes that Satisfy and Fit Your Feet jj Perkins Bldg. Roseburg, Ore. ANTLERS THEATRE Friday, Saturday, Sunday "Girl Sliced in 20 Pieces" "Impossible!" NO! JUST ONE OF THE 1C0 NEW MYSTERIES OF RICHARDS 'WORLD'S GREATEST MAGICIAN Seats Now on Sal To Albany to Visit ; Miss Eileen HmntUon left, tlila afternoon , for Albany where ; she :will spend the next three weeks visiting with relatives and friends. c ! th r Left for Euflcne-i- ; s Mrs. L. Burroughs, former resi dent who has' beea .visiting here with friends for the past several days, left this afternoon for her home' at Eugene. children,-who have hoon visiting with relatives at Melrose left this uftornoou- for their home in Portland. Return to Portland Mr. and Mrs. Forest Monk and Returns to Medford '. Fred Brown, who has been - In this city tor the past several days visiting with relatives and friends, returned to his home in Mediord , Wednesday afternoon; He form erly made his home in this cily - t DEUSEDLY! "It's - shaky business." : ! "What ?" "Playing with dice." Answers, T.nndon. - , ? . . ANTLERS LAST TIMES TODAY - Matinee Daliy 2!15 HUMANITY J PAUSE A MOMENT! An Educational Shock for Roseburg FATHERS MOTHERS can you honestly answer Is Your Daughter Safe?' A 1927 PRODUCTION Absolutely the only picture of it's kind that has been PRODUCED in the Inst decade. Now in fourth month at the California West Coast The atre, Los Angeles. BALCONY RESERVED FOR MEN ONLY LOWER FLOOR RESERVED FOR WOMEN ONLY. Matinee Floor and Balcony 25c . Evening Floor and Balcony 35c Children under 15 years not admitted unless accompanied by , relatives.