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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1927)
SIX ROSEBURC NEWS-REVIEW, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1927 Business people appreciate the convenience of a carefully pre pared, rigidly followed sched ' ule. When you travel by Red , Topteatiet, you're fureof being able to keep your appointment I TOP I're sure of being able to make full use of yoor time. ..and . you're lure of a rapid, comfort able journey which leaves your mind and body unwearied and eager for the tailu of the day . JUDGE SAWYER SLATED TO SUCCEED DUBY, IS REPORT FOItTLAND, Ore., July 7.In fnrmutlon Mint Governor J. Ij. Pat terson In considering ' appointment of Judgo Hubert W.. Sawyer,: of Himd. uh a member of the stale hlKliwuy cmnmlimion, in plane of 'Governor Walter Wlllinm Puby, of Baker, chairman ! ypai'B at,'0, of the commitmlon, who has offer ad to resign, wait published here today. J.iuby was appointed by M." Pierce four FILM STAR TO APPEAR IN PERSON AT ANTLERS sWB"3IaC This Car hM can 4Umd what vTrantmlMlon I WTTSviVi M IS! '37 J V Starting M v Lighting- v Ignition v Battery vTlrtl . v Upholstery vTop FORD COUPE Like new. . -CHEVROLET COUPE Nearly new. j CHEVROLET LAND AU Nearly new. j DODGE TOURING Good condition. Several Chevrolet and Ford Tourings and trucks priced from $25.00 and up. Easy' terms can be arranged. ' ' HANSEN CHEVROLET CO. t ' . - r ' ; ' 0 ' r . ' ,' " ' , i ' , v-.l Its bite mm joy 7 12 41C Danger is not only -through , trantmio aionofdiaeaBegerms; but also by infeo I tion caused' by , scratching the itch inst spot. Fly-Tox kills ' mosquitoes, ,i WIU not stain. " Ewy htlU ivaranUut. I IFM cidc i fiat itti ,cfnlp;l. i Millotv nniiut of jnoiuitui ficicatcn iy I J' 'kills ' fitt MOTHS I Mosquitoes It:. t f w ) ) More thari 3000 1 I ! " II Preferred Shareholders :m ' ' . y l I'. I .' t V 1' ,.. J i ; CALIFORNIA OREGdM POWER COMPANY ; Ask r YOUR Copy this Attractive Book Containing sixteen pages of pictures and facts, illustrating and describing the properties of The California Oregon Power Company, the booklet' shown above is yours for the asking. It is packed full of informative facts about this progressive public utility company. Its charts present a striking picture of growth. Its pictures illustrate modern plants and properties, built and- maintained for the service of the public. The capital supplied by thousands of investors goes directly into the construc tion of permanent, useful public utility properties. A large map illustrates the wide territorial diversity. It tells how you, too, may become a partner in public service by investment in the Company's prefer, red shares. Write or phone for your copy today. The California Oregon Power Company OFFICES, Mcdford. Grants Pais. Roscburg. Klamath Falls -Oregon Yrcka, Durumuir -California fin i.iw wjjMiwpv w'w..r-j,yy;!fyfvW-'''''ll-'W''-:g m Barbara Dale, noted film star, who will appear In person Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Antlers theatre, in connection with the show of Richards, the famous magician. Miss Barbara Dalo, the dainty little screen star, will appear here In person three days starting Fri day at the Antlers with Richards, the world's., greatest magician and his mammoth show. , Miss Dale has had leading rolos with Betty Bronson, Konald Coleman, ; Pola Negri, Richard j)Ix, etc., and jusl finished work in ."The King of Kings" for Cecil De Mllle. Richards also has other noted artists with him as Jack Penewell, the famous radio and phonograph artist; Mis8jUlB son OI Mr, an'a Ml.s.'Ge0. Fra. In the school here several years ago. Mrs. Delete Harper, "who has been quite 111 with appendicitis Is able to be about again. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Froggat, of Portland, are visiting at the home of Mrs. O. I.. Willis this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bebout,' of Bend, former residents here, spent several dayH this wk visiting old friends before going on to Bandon lor a camping trip. Mr. and Mrs. Boad Frletag and son Delevan, ut Klamath Falls, spent the 4th visiting with friends and relatives here and at Canyon vllle. B. B. H. Manning, editor of the Riddle Enterprise was a Canyon. ville visitor Tuesdny. Hay Webber, who has been em ployed at Loon Lake near Scotts burg, la here this week visiting relatives. . . J. W. Hnckett, of Anaheim, Cal., arrived Tuesday and Is a guest at the home of his sister, Mrs. H. A. Crow. He Is accompanied by a friend, Dr. T. T. Shaw, of Modford. Rex Ilorton, who Is working at Pelican C'lly, and Mr. Nixon, of Klamath Falls, came la Saturday to spend the 4th with relatives. Mr. Nixon's two small sons are boarding at the home of Mrs. O. M. Acker. Ed Hart and. family motored to Ashland Sunday und spent two days enjoying the beauty of ilthia park. Mr. and Mrs. Prultt.'who reside near Grants . Pass, and their son, Blaine, attended the evangelistic meetings here Sunday. Their son. C. A. Prultt, who was formerly In business here, Is now at Gold Hill and Ernest Prultt Is In business at Vlrnonia, Oregon. '. Darrel Carter and Opal McClane accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Cas per, of Canyonvllle spent Monday at Diamond Lake. P. T. 'Harrison, of Medford was trauBactlng business here the first of the week and went on to Eugene Tuesday accompanied by C. F. Sow- ersby. . Relatives have received Invita tions to the wedding of William West Frate'r, who will be married next. Sunday to Miss Catherine Lashly, of Seattle, Wash. West Is Jean Lewis, Miss Marion' de Mor teo and others. The show Is the largest production of the kind on tour as. two carloads of scenery and weird effects . are used to stage the show which Is In three acts and 19 big scenes. : 'Around the County NEWS FROM GLENGARY AND VICINITY . ;, TELLS CONCLAVE I , (By The Associated flress.) SEATTLE, Wash., . July: 7. I The Fourth of July 'has come and gone once more. All' the Glengary people celebrated the day lii Borne way. ' ' ' ' Mr. Rustbad and family returned home the Fourth after a visit In California. .. : . Teachers have a right to lobby hi I ,, a" M1's- u- c- Groves spent state leEislttturcs anil there are the Fourth at the homo of their .state, legislatures and there ocaaslons when It Is "imperative that the-rlght should be exercised-," J. Hurbert Kelley, executive secre tary of- the Pennsylvania State Ed ucation association, told delegates to the National Education associa tion convention here today. "The teacher has as much right to lobby : In thb legislature as a doctor, ot" ia'jit engineer,?' Mr. Kel ley said. Ho added that teachers' 01'gnnlzntlons have ns much right to maintain committees In state capitals dpring legislative sessions as labor, grange and other organiz ations, but that It was not always expedient to exercise that right,' "Teachers' organizations as a whole are hlthruistic In their pur poses but to date the positive achievements of far too many of them consist of tax measures, .sal ary schedules, tenuro acts and re tirement systems," Mr. Kelley as serted. "These results, in the public mind, savor of advancing the interests of teachers rather than of promoting tho education of the child. "These good objectives could have been obtained Willi less criti cism had teachers . emphasized higher qualifications for them selves. They should focus their at tention on cotlHtruclivo work, such as right procedures by the fodornl government In eilucallonnl matters, by slnte and locnl boards of educa tion nnd by state department staffs, and equitable distribution of public funds to give every child a squnre denl. "By promoting the general ed ucational welfare, by fostering pro fessional zeal and by advancing ed ucational standards teachers will win tho rospect nnd good will of Ihe tax paying public who. In turn, will gladly, through Ihelr repre sentatives in the legislature, enact tho provisions which will make them comfortable In their work. Salaries, tenure, and rellrement al lowances will come ns a by product of qualifications, efficiency nnd professional spirit. It wo nlm at the former wo make recognition of tho latter tardy and efficient." Eat barbecue snndwlcbes and live forever. Brand's Road Stand. OLD APE'S SKULL LONDON A skull that Is n mill ion years old Is the latest claim before scientists who are forever wrestling with Ihe problem of "the missing link." Tho skull, excavat ed at Bllnspur, in the foothills of the Himalayas of India, was the discovery of Guy Pilgrim, superin tendent of the Geological Survey of India. The skull was that of a fos sil ape, o . CAN'T CARRY ON Guardian (scolding): I must ngive with your aunt, Joan, wo rather hoped night clubs would be Ihe last places you would go to. Joan: I can assure you they are. Ihey leave you just enough en ergy to stager bark lo your cot. Passing Show, London. son. C. Walter Groves. ' j S . Miss Davidson of Portland' Is visiting at the C. W. Groves home. Clinton SIcGhehey has returned homo from Prospect where he has been visiting. . : . . ' Tho Vacation Bible school clos ed Friday evening with a splendid program nnd Miss Turner and Miss Young, who conducted tho school, returned lo their homes at' Albany the same evening. We were very sorry to see them go as a splendid work was being accomplished, h Mlss Harriet Groves : and her friend, Miss Davidson, left last evening for Portland, Miss Groves to study music nnd Miss Davidson to bo employed In a hardware store. Lee Morrison returned from his trip to Portland Thursday evening. Floyd Betts-hna an Infection In his eye again and expects to go to Portland soon for treatment. X. Y. Z. t RIDDLE LOCALS Mrs. Harold Gllbreath, who has been spending several weeks vis iting her mother, Airs. E. T. Mor Inn, at Portland, returned here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. c. Coote and son, Alfred, left Inst Saturday for onioiii 10 remain v.ntll after the nn. Walter Amspoker and Abner i-ogsdon were Rosebtirg visitors i ue8day. Hon. O. W. Riddle, commandant of the Soldiers' Home Roscburg was iransncting business here last Ra'urday. Mrs. Max Kimmel nnd son, Karl, returned home Monday after an extended visit In Portland. Doyle HVirper tit Jlosebure Is visiting relatives here this week. Miss Mabel Marcum, who has been living with her uncle, O. G. Marcum the past winter, left Mon day for Merldlau, Idaho, to Join her parents for an Indefinite stay. Mrs. Ld Frances and three children, of Portlnnd, are guests of her sister, Mrs. J. M. Cornutt, this week. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. C. King and daughter of Los Angeles are here visiting at the home of Mr. King's sister, Mrs. Paul Gary, They wilt remain several weeks. rof, B. A. Berry and wife and daughter, Betty left last Friday for Seattle to visit with relatives. While there Prof. Berry expects to attend the N. E. A. convention. Mrs. Evelyn Delter came up from Ashland Saturday to spend Ihe 4th with her brother.' N. S. Cornutt and family. Mrs. Delter Is attending the Ashland Normal this summer and will return to Portland this fall where she Is a teacher In the schools. Mr. and Mrs. E. Agee and two children of Redmond. Oreeon. who j were making an auto tour over the state, stopped a few hours last Wednesday to greet old friends here. Mrs. Agee will be remem bered as Winona Wood, who taught ter and has many friends here to wish him happiness. The bride and groom will spend their honey moon visiting relatives here. Mrs. Lester Crow came up from Marshfield Saturday to visit a few days with relatives. Lester Crow and his friend, Rex Brown, came Sunday and they with the H. A Crow family spent the 4th at Green valley at a family reunion of the sparks family. .. i Mrs. V. G. : Madden .and their three children, of Toklo. Japan, have been the 'guests of .her Bister, Mrs. Walter Amspoker the ' past week. - She left Friday for Eugene to visit relatives. Miss Frances Frater left Friday afternoon on the Shasta Limited for Berkeley, Calif., where she will attend school at the university ror a month. , , Miss Rosamond and Lillian Log don- and Elma Miller spent last week end at Bandon beach on a camping trip. Fay Horton left Tuesday for Tiller, where he will be employed this summer on the road work of the forest service. - W. T. Mellor and family spent tho 4th at Mnrsht'Ield and nenrby resorts: ' Marjorle' and Margaret Wilson also spent the 4th at Marsh-field., Bert Yarbrongh, who has been section foreman here for a number of years, has traded sections with Alfred Howard, of Talent and mov ed his family there the first of the week. Mr. Howard has moved his family here. G. E. Alkins and , daughter, Janice and Lafe Atkins and wife took a motor trip Sunday and Mon day to Klamath Falls and vicinity. They attended the rodeo at Chllo- nuln and also visited tho 'rule Lake section. Kirk Lawrence, local boy, who recently joined the aviation ' de partment of the U. S. army is now stationed pt Wheeler s I f ioiu Hawaii, and writes that he Is en iovine the life to the fullest. Mrs. P. W. Did tel. who recent ly underwent a serious operation at Portland is reported to be get ting along nicely and will be out ol the hosnltal in a few weens Mrs. Ernest Riddle has as her enest this week her mother, Mrs, hla Bethus. and her brother, Clar ence Puminell and three children, of Richmond. Calif. They will visit In the northern part ot the state before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox and daugh tnrs. Crvstal. Esther and Roberta of Newberg, spent Monday at the C. F. Sowersby home here. Mrs. E. W. Riddle is very 111 at her home here with pneumonia. Dr. E. B. Stewart was called Tues day on the case and Miss Mildred Nichols Is the nurse In charge. Prof. B. G. Thompson entomolo gist, of O. A. C. his wife and two children, and C. A. Riddle and Win. Kennedy, of Albany, spent several days the first of the week cnmnlne in the vicinity or Kiuaie. The men were very enthusiastic over archerr and spent most of their time while here hunting squirrels with bow and arrow.' Among those who attended the celebration at Brockway from here were Al Thompklns and wife, Hulet Ash and family, C. 'C. Conkle and family, Robert Gll breath, Wm. Ramsey and family. O. I.. Grant and wife, Helena, Er nestine, Maud, Richard and Merle Riddle, Mrs. O. L. Willis, Glenn Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Froggat, O. V. Logsdon and wife, Abner Logs don and Mrs. Addle Nichols. B. F. Nichols and family, Pete Dldtel and wife and Elbert Ball and family were at Oakland. H. A. Slelert and family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bradstreet celebrated at Grants Pass. X. X. MEN LOVE CANDY CHICAGO A recent survey of Chicago druggists, cigar stores and confecllonera showed that of 9123 steady customers purchasing can dy, 66 per cent were masculine. FIDELITY It It well said that: "Without fidelity a boy's acceptance of hie responsibilities Is insecure and his faith is turned to fear." Do the right thing save and be thrifty have on account with this Bank. - 4 Interest Paid on Savings , Accounts. TheRosebuiNational Bank Kosebur,tJre. MORE BLUEJACKETS IN CHINA (AEsoelotfil I'reit Leaied Wire) SHANGHAI, July 7 Advices from Toyko state that dispatches received at the Japanese foreign office today told of an agreement reached at Tsingtao, Shantung, last night, by which the United States would land 1,000 bluejackets there and Great Britain send a contingent from Shanghai., The advices said that the agree ment was reached at a conference of the British, Japanese, German and American consuls at Tsingtao. . JOHN W. COCHRAN ILL ' . ? (Auoclatifl presi Lean) Wlro) PORTLAND, Ore., July 7 John W.- Cochran, chief deputy United States internal revenue collector, is seriously 111 at his home here with pneumonia. He haB been ac tlve In Oregon politics mnny years. Devil's Food Cake A delicious recipe by a popular domestic science expert H cup Crisco . ' t eggs beaten separately . g cups sugar gV4 cups tour . ' ' ' i sq. chocolate. In 1 cup . Yi teiupoon mk!a m Yl cup of boiling water; let alia .. sour milk , mcr two minutes H teaspoon salt Cream Crisco thoroughly. Add sugar gradu ally. Add egg yolks beaten thick and lemon colored. Beat well. Add a little flour, then ciocolate and water alternately witli rest of flour. , Add sour milk, and soda. Fold in whites of eggs. : -i : ,. Bake in moderate oven for iforty-five minutes. ; Icing . 1 cup sugar K cup hot water . Boil to soft ball. Pour one-third syrup- over 7 ;, ' . two well-beaten egg whites. Continue beating .' while remainder cooks until it spins a thread. Add to egg mixture.- Add one teaspoon vanilla. ' Knreaa over caxe, wuen cool This expert says: !(' f , eaU them can tell they were made without butter. ' And tbey stay ireau ana aeuaous a wuuucnuujr ivug uuw.. . ""; , for FRYING " . v ' ', for SHORTENING - "i ) ' :; ;:, ': I-.'"-" trd-mrft far gnwlar s&ortaaJaC for uAKE MAKING Q ISO, by rtav GhUi O., Ootid uj Anew FRIGI DAI RE now priced so low almost every liQme. complete for only $ JO. g.OJ.OATTOM. OHIO NOW, at a time when more Frigidaires are in. use than all other elec tric refrigerators com bined, comes the announcement of 'a new model. A .model priced so low that almost every home can easily have the convenience of dependable electric refrigeration. In every respect it's a genuine Frigidaire made throughout to exacting General Motors specifications. The new model is now on display at our salesroom. See it. Examine its construc tionits finish its capacity. . Learn what r. small deposit on General Motors terms puts it in your home. Come in today. FRIGIDAIRE aovrr o r t c r n . t , r o ' J. C. BERG " Frigidaire and Delco Light Products 313 N. Jackson St.