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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1927)
ROSEBURG, NEWS REVIEW, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1927: FIVE ouRi o cm COR. CASS AND pa At Money Saving Prices 'v. r"' " . . : . TKat Is Our Service Weal : Every 'Da? In tfag Yeari ; :' Summer Drapes In Gay Pesigns At ; Uni venal Savings ' Stunning 29c tonnes S' -A--f- Jl are priced U t , cconomi- : , ' ' ?3 ; caliy. A TIT" i good se- kr-77T-riT . lection M t-S-ilH ' yard A U . Iilffl: Fine Turkish Towels; To Replenish Your Supply At Little Cost Summertime is hard oh your towel supply probably you'll need several at once, mere is an offering you'll likeextra heavy double terry towels in plain white , and with colored borders, Ony,. Ofi , each f ... uut Brassieres At Usual Savings Light weight styles foj u mm e r comfortable, I rnnl in A .. t our attractive '. '1 ' Nt V ? I $ low prices. 25c to 59c Buy A Hat For Summer Needs When the price is so low you can have a hat to match every summer frock clever summer styles for only, 98c 25tK Anniversary Hie 'Easy Way To Clean Silverware One of our own trade-" marked products is easy to apply and cleans effectively. The price is low. Work Shirts Big Values Standard size. Of in . digo - blue chambray; pocket; four button front 59c DEMPSEY PRACTICALLY IN SHAPE FOR SHARKEY BOUT . SARATOGA LAIE, N. Y:. Julvj 7. Jack Demp&py hns rounded in-; to ahapo "ovemisht" his handlers ; twllove. and is facipg the danger i ot RoiiiR stale before; tho match 'wilh Jack Sharkey July 21. j Tho ferocity of Ueinpsey's ns-1 srui.t In the two last days, coupled; with Improvement show.ii In his new flat-footed 1 style of 'attack., led Flynn to call the hnlt for ft day. Jack welshed ahout pounds yesterday, only ftvo moi'?,' than he expects Jo scale again?t' the Boston sluggrr. - Although boxing only for aiwed 'Hi5' ANATION-WIDS INSTITUTION- NNEYU). S " where savings are greatest 6TEPHEN8, OPP. POSTOFFICE Honor Muslin ity This Material of Many Uses Is Economically Priced '. Hop? ewives -the nation over are famil iar with the exceptional qualities of wear and service in our own Honor muslin. Buy now for immediate and future uses. 39 inches wide unbleached and 36 inches bleached, yard ', .". Kayon Is CooJ. For Summer Lingerie Step - ins, " .uioomers. 'chemise and; gowns o.V (rayon, for; comfort. ' ' 98c to $2.98 New Tub Suits Big Vclne Very cool washsuits, made for hard wear. One of our fea ture, offerings 79c to $1.98 : tl We Invite You to "Visit , Our "Nw Department In accordance "with our policy of offering our , customers all the best and newest products, vye have ' 'installed a complete line of '. ' ' " :- . ' ;i J PICTORIAL REVIEW PRINTED PATTERNS They represent pattern perfection because: 1. Thcyhave instructions for every step of the work printed right on the pattern in large, clear type ac the points where the actual work ; is to be done. , 2. They are cut out ready, for use and have no margins to trim away or overlap. . , 3. They have notches and - perforations cut into the pattern for marking. 4. The styles are new, smart, and authentic, and they offer suitable designs for every age aod type. 5. They contain the Picto- , grSf, which is acknowledged to be the simplest chart and best cutting guide ever devised. under the instructions of Flynn who referees all training bouts and coaches each move, Dpmpaey in two days has knnckod out two partners and has held up three others when they appeared about to drop. Tuesday Eddie McMuUen came flying from the ring In less than 20 seconds and yesterday Jack Hiltlebrand went out after two minutes of body punching. Martin Burke, retro Com and Dave Shade barely finished their respective three minutes. Flynn wants to save that vicious neas for the night of the Sharkey mplee. With a dozen rigorous ses sions nt ill on the training sched ule it a p tars that Ltempv kn R08EBURQ - Our Brand 12k It Porch Frocks ,' In Charming Styles . Clever new pat tern! in "fast-color prints make these . porch frocks un- usually attractive or the low price 98c ; i I i ii Vacation Time? Is Wash Dress Time When play is the program from morning to night girls o 7 to 14 wear cunning wash frocks. - 98c Summer Weight - Union Suits for Boys Athletic suits of checked , nainsook no sleeves, low neck and knee length all sizes at this very moderate pries) of 49c only to flatten a few ot hi fc.-worko-s at any time (o Itwi a rest on the following day. At least that is the story as- Flynu fees It. NOTICE 1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted for by anyone excepting myself. F. L. WE1CIILKIN. 1 : ANY BIDS ON GOAT? CONCOIMMA, Kami. -Jim and 'junior Laugh ey have set tip a I stork exrhange. Shares have been jsold in Baldy, a tiny goat. "We'll ;start him out lu life on a sound fi luautftil bu6U," the buys say. Dress ' Dress I No. 3882 No. 3886 JutiPl THIS HAS HAPPENED Lincoln Nunnally, elderly Ameri can chemist, Is summoned to the UlUu jungle-bordered towu ot I'orto Verde, in west central Bra zil, by bis young friend, Vlluk, who is concerned for th safety ot his beautiful cousin, Ellse Marberry, owner ot a cottee plantation and other property near Porto Verde. tSuverm mysterious deatns nave occurred, Including that ot Tony Barbetta, one ot ElUe's foremen, and the girl herself has received warnings to get out ot the coun try. , Vllak believes Oaylord Prentiss, a reticent and forbiddlug man, known to be an enemy of Ellse, may be Involved In some way in the deatbB. Accordingly, he and Nunnally set out for Prentiss' house, which 1b guarded by barbed wire fences and a vicious dog. Ellse Insists on Joining them. Pren tiss sots the dog on them and Vllak saves his companions' lives by chloroforming It into uncon sciousness.' . The next day Elise's two-year-old orphaned nephew is kidnapped. They suspect Prentiss. Vllak leads the pursuit and they follow a circuitous trail of horse tracks and finally come upon the child near a railroad ramp. NOW BEQIN'THE STORY Vllak stood silently looking on, half amused, half thoughtful. Ellse turned to him, still holding the baby. "Vou're a dear,' 'she mur mured. "I thought it before, but I didn't know It before today. I take back everything that i said about you. I was a pig. And when 1 cried and completely lost control of myself you said nothing, made none ot the caustic, sarcastic re marks that you might have made, but Instead set about finding Tiuky And found litm. It's a long time since t broke down the way I did this afternoon. But Tlnky has be come a part of me somehow." She leaned over the kissed Vllak im pulsively. , . , ; "Here, here," he said Bheepishly, taking out his cigaret case. "You certainly are upset. Have one of my Btrong clgarets and quiet your nerves." He lit one. '1 a certain ly like to know how Tinky got here. I .have a theory, but our friend the civil engineer, who is coming up now, looks as if , he might tell us a few facts." He turned to greet the newcomer, who came forward, his . dark, pointed face aglow with pleasure. "Good day, senhorita, .amlgos," he murmured, shaking hands cor dially, with-the .two men and .bow ing to the girl, "I see you the baby have once more ;ia your arms.- i, am hamiyt Most' happy." ' ; i ' ''-'It fs thflr senhorita who Is hap py." Vllak responded. ' "And she owes her happiness to you." The other gave a, disparaging Bhrue of his small, well-knit shoul ders. "It Is nothing that I do. It Is nothing. "Where did you find him?'.' Vilalc aueried. "Over there by the bushes." He pointed oft to the patch, of vegeta tion frcm which they had just come. "It is very Btrange. Most strange. We were working here, my men and I, spreading gravel along the trick where the water lias washed the eartn away we caunot do much, but we do what we can when we hear tho noise of horses galloping up the road from which you hare come. This Is notlitug. Often we hear the gallop. Many ride past this Mace. Is It not so? The horses gallop for a moment, then they gallop on again. And then we hear other horses gallop. But this also is nothing. This also we hoar each hour. But soon also we hear something which Is not nothing, something which wo who work In the wild places hear never in our wanderings, the weep ing of a child. An Indian baby, I think, deserted by its mother. I go to to the bushes to see. And there in the weeds I find It, a white baby. I am astonished. A beauti ful, baby, Bcnhorlta, a beautiful baby." . He took one of Vllak's clgarets. "I know at once when I look that it has not beon deserted. . It Is lost or perhaps It Is stolen. I am stranKer here. AIro- are my men MRS. BASSETT ALWAYS TIRED Now in Good Health by Using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound Tanslnc. - Mich. "I havo taken Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound whenever I needed It. When I first used it ! was so had I could hardly walk across the room without crying. I was tired all thetfme. I think my trou ble was coming on me for six months before I realized It. 1 read of your wonderful medicine In the paper, and my husband bought me a bottle, and arter the 11 rut few doses 1 feit better, so kpt on taking It until I was well and strong. , 1 take It at times when 1 feel tired and ft helps me. I will always have a good word for your medicine and tell anyone what good It has done me. I recommendeJ ft to my neighbor for her girl, who Is sixteen years old. and It was just what she needed. She Is feeling fine now, and goes to school every day." Mrs. K. F. Bssfxr. 216 South Hayford Avenue, Lansing, Michigan. Do not continue to feel all run down and half, sick wben Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is told by druggUts everywhere. c9 Ben Lucie Burmon strangers. I ask of one who pass es on the road if he b&B ever be fore beheld the baby, if he perhaps knows the mother. 'Ah year Bays j he at once, 'Who In Porto Verde 1 duutj not know. It is the nephew ot the Betthorlta Marberry.' ; "At once I send a man to ride swift to your fazeuda, for 1 know how great must be your agouy. He returns. You are gone, be cay a, where your servants know uoU But I know. You have gone to look l'or the child, it is not good for htm to stuy there iu the damn bushes where they aro mosquitoes which bite and snakes which kill, bo l bring him here where I cau watch. 1 fetch for him a blanket so that he will not be on the cold, wet ground I have also nephews, senhorita. Still he 1b not happy. He cries al ways, English words, which 1 can not -well understand. Ho I bring for him an orange. He eats. He is happy, Aat last I see you come. And he is very happy." Vllak lit the other's cigaret, then his own. "Mighty decent ot you. Mighty decent. Very few men would have been so thoughtful. I want to assure you that Senhorita Marberry and I are deeply grate ful." He Bmoked thoughtfully. "Y.ou didn't have a chance to see the men who were on the horses?" 'No, senhor. It is too low here. We caunot Bee the road." He look ed at his cigaret interestedly. "Very excellent, these cigaretB. Your special brand, nq aouDt." " Exactly.' Oriental.1 I'm glad to hear you say you like them. Sen horita Marberry doesn't approve." He glanced toward her smilingly. "Incidentally I haven't introduced you. My client, Senhorita Mar berry, 1 present for all your good wishes Senhor " He paused for the name. "O'Albeutara. - CarloB D'Alben tara " the other' responded gra ciously. 1 Ellse stepped forward and heart ily shook his hand. "I shall never forget what you've done for me, Jf there's ever anything that I can do or anything that my fazeuda bus which might help you I'll feel very much hurt It you don't ask for it. I hope you'll come and call on me.' , He bowed. " You honor me, sen horita. You do to me great honor." She Klauced at the men shovel ing gravel at the river's edge. "Do you think there is going to be a tlood? The river seems to be get ting higher all the time and I'm heiriunlnff to be worried i about my property over at - VUlapa,- about fifteen or twenty nines ironi nera. It's always the first to get the wa ter. I've got a good man over there, a chap named Wilson, who is 1 very good, but he's quite 111 lateW with fever; and I hate to have' him be compelled to' do all the fearful work of ah emergency such as a flood." '.- , . ' ' ' D'Albentara looked surprised. "Wilson, you say this is his name? Could It be perhapB that I know him? A little man, black hair, and large feet, who has once worked ou this railroad as an engineer?" ; "No. It's a different man alto gether. The one that works-for me is a blond and I brought him di rect from the States Do you think we'll have the flood?" , "That I wish I knew, senhorita. No one can Bay and perhaps after ward not be called a teller of false hoods. But to me the river seems rising, always. An4. it it rises there cannot but be a tlood." The stunted Indian ot the enor mous nose who had brought them from the road came forward and, grunting a few guttural sentences to him, pointed off to a group ot laborers sawing some trees. He turned to the visitors. "I must go hack-to my men, amlgos," he mur mured. "It is to me a groat pleasure to have made your friend ship. A great pleasure. Goodby, senhorita, senhor. "Don't forget to come to see me. Soon," Ellse called out blithely as they climbed to the road again.. She jumped Into her saddle, then took the baby which Vllak gently lilted to her. "Life's a queer thing," she said as the horses paced slowly toward tho fazeuda, and she leaned down, and kissed the child again. "At two o'clock am heartbroken, at five I am simp ly bubbling over with Joy. Simply because this little bit ot humanity we happen to call Tinky Is with me. Ob, I know I make a fool of myself over him," she added with a half apologetic glance at Vllak. "But I do love him. Whatever my sardnlc cousin pretends to think about the folly of human emotions In general, and tho emotion of af fection in particular. Somo peo ple can go through life with a pok er faco and a poker face disposi tion. I can't." Vllak untied a knot In his horse's bridle. "A poker face in my pro fession is at times, a necessity. 1 thoroughly approve of love ap plied to Tinky." He watched her thaughtfully as her delicate hand caressed the child. "I'm orry. I've got bsd news for you." (To be Continued) Vllak gets himself a ring In a very curious fashion, for It Is very curious ring. JENNINGS TENT SHOW ROSEBURG, ORE. FOR ONE WEEK Jennings' Tent Show will play a week's stand at Uoseburg, Ore., on corner of North Jatknon ami 2nd Ave., south, commencing next Monday night, July 11, and ondltig on July 18, with a com plete change of playH, music and vaudeville every night. "Saintly Hypocrites and Honest Sinners" will be the opening play and an a medium of advertising, nil grown ladles will be admitted FiiEE on Monday night and alt ladies attending the porformancu on Tuesday night will bo given n FHEE ticket for Wednesday ultfht. . . FORMER RESIDENT INSANE FROM RESULT CI" SERVICE DURING THE WORLD WAR ALBANY, Ore., July 7. That P. C. Sbutt, who attempted to com mit suicide in ' the Uuu county Juil severul days ago und who since then tried to butter down the jail building, is mentally defective as the result of his service lu Hie army during the World war is the iutoriiiatlun received last evening by the Democrat-Herald from his father, S. P. Shun, publisher ot the Frultlaud Banuer, Fruitland, tduhu. .The elder Shutt wrote, to get complete information about his sou's actions here. "While lu the army the boy buf fered a nervous breakdown aud was discharged from the army training camp at Little Rock, Ark., as la sane and was sent to our house, then in Ashland ,Qre., Ju charge ot two guards," the letter states. "He soon recovered from his defective mentality and since that time, nlue years ago, he has held responsible Dosltions with the Southern Pacific company in Portland and Dunsmulr and on the police force in Los Au- geles. Within the last couple of years he has frequently taken spells which left no doubt aB to hlB mental defect and weakness. (Jl course tills mad act was commit ted during one of those spelU when he was not responsible for his ac tions. For the last eevernl months he has -been in bad ahauu . mentally and about a month ago, when he was in Harrisburg. he acted so queerly that several of my friends mere notiueo me oi nis couuiuon aua i sent money ana naa mm sent up here, expecting to keen him with me. But he soon slipped away aim tne next I heard of htm was tills qreauiui news.'1 . , The Shutt family is well known In Douglas county, the father hav ing for several years edited papers tt uieuuaiu Muq until. LARGE NUMBER ENJOY BIBLE STANQARp PICNIC A large number of folk of the Bible Standard Temple and addi tional guests enjoyed a picnic on July 4 near Dillaru bridge, twenty- tour carloads and two truck loads of people motoring there early in the morning and spending the day. Committees were In charge of the sports for the day, preparation of the luncheon and entertainment; The church band played "Amer ica" as the opening number on the afternoon'a program. O.T. Royer read the Declaration of I ode no tv dence following which Rev. F. H. Crook,' pastor ot the church, gave a very interesting address on th6 meaning ot the national, holiday to the people of the United States. His talk also embraced a rellgtbua theme on the freedom from -bIii that, the gosnet brings to humalifl! Following this part ot the program the band gave a short program-ot music and afterward ;the luncheon, took place, v Games and swimming, boat riding, and other sports were diversions for . the large crow,d Place your order NOW for the New Ford Car. C. A. Lockwood Mo tor Co. . - . - . . $50,000 FIRE AT MEDFORD ; (Awoeluted Press Leased Vflrc) . -, MEDFORD, . Org., July 7.-4'lre of ; unknown origin lust night, caused an estimated damage ,ot $5(1,000 to the M. and M. depart ment store, located in the Medford Center building. The loss was due mainly to water and smoke, The blaze raged for an hour in the basement before It was brought under control. The stock, of the store was valued at 7G,0U0, covered by $60,000 insurance. NOTICE TO Clti:iITOH Notice fs horeby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint" ud by the County Court of the Htiitq of Oregon, for Douglas County, ad ministrator of the ohUUo uf llunja niln K Iiohr, dcceuMed. All pursons havlnir clalniH utfuluttt said estalu uio hereby requited to 7'uHent the duitiu lo me at the office of Chun. i- Hopkins, 417 Perkins Uldg., Koscburgv Oregon, properly veri fied an required by law, Within six months from this datu. Dated June 30th, 11)27. HAIlllllST IHR( Administrator of the Efttutu uf iJenjamln i Lohr, Docoauod. ADJIIMSTHATOH'S NOTICE TO CltHDlTOHS Notice Is hereby given tlint' the undei'HlKiicd 1ms been duly appoint ed by the county court of Doutflafl county. Htatu of Oregon, admin in tratur odxiiv estate of Kfflo Jones UllkuHon, deceased. AH pemoiie hav ing clulinn ugulnnt tmld estate are hereby required to present the same to me properly verified as by law required at ltoseburg, Oregon, or to Of or go Jones, Attorney for said etitato at room 5 and 6 Douglas Natluiutl liuiik iilUtr-i Uoseburg, Oregon, within' six months from dulu hereof. Duted June 30th, 1S27. 1HAAU U UII.KISHOX, Administrator of the estate of Kfflo Jones Uilkesun, duceascd . NOTICE; Of VtXM, SU'ITI.KMISNT Iii the County Court of tho Stale of Oregon for Dougliie County , lu Hie Matter of the KstuiQ of O. W. Lynn, deceanod. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administratis of the KHtate of U. W. Lynn, deceased, has filed In the County Court of JCJoug Inn County, Ktutu of Oregon, hur final account at such admlhintra trlx of snfd estate, and tluit Tues day, the 26th day of July. 1927, at lite hour of ten o'clock, A. M., hits been fixed by said Court as Hie time for hearing objections to said re port, and the settlement thereof. ltd ted and flrnt published Hill 23rd day of Juno, ltl!7. ZONA K. LYNN Administratrix of the Kitatu . of O. W. Lynn, Deceased. NOTIC1S TO ( Ht:illTOItS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for DoukIhm County. In tlie matter of the cfltiKu nf Alexander M. lleatty, deceHHed. Nottee Ik hereby given that tho tnidcnilgiicd by order of the-above entitled court duly made ai,d en' tereil of rerord, han been duly ap pointed administrator of the estate of Alexander M. lleatly, deecancd. ati'l has duly iiuallfh d an u h. All per no nit having claims against said entato are hereby re quired to prenent tho fame lo the undprelKned. dulv verified, at his off Irr In the Koldlers Home In Hoftchurg. Don r1 ii county, Oregon, within six month from Hip find publli-titlon of thin notlee, which la (lie 91 li day of June, 1927. . OLO. W. ftniDI,R. , Aduilalvtistur, NOTICE OP A DMINISTK ATOM'S I . AU U MjUAJM'ttUIWrV In the County Court of the Btata of Or OK on fur outri&M Count v. In tlm fuaiur oi in estate ut James W. Tiller, fleoeanetl. $otic is hruy given that ths unilerHiKned uUiuinlktiruLor. in uur- suabco ot an order of th above eiiftieu vonri in tne auovw enuueu mstfur duly outdo and entered u Llid mat dav ot iiuv. Tim. will, on and after the sth day 'of 4u,ly. U-'7, offer for sale and neli f private aie ior tan in nana an or lue right, tltlt) and Interest wnk'h the said Jantes W. TUUr had, at the time of hli death, or which his eatate has ilnca acquired, lo and to the following descriLifd rest prop erty, lo-wit: ioi nuniDerea seven (i) peimY tne irauuonui aouinwest quarter or the northeast quarter or auction twenty-one (111 In townnhlo ihirtv !8U) (jouth, range four i) west of he W illume to Aierldlun In Doutrlaa uuunif, uriun, cumtumnif, tiucoru1 in w nit) Kovermueui survey thereof. 19.21 acre. Bide for tne purchase ' pf eqtd real property will be received by nm unqpnisnra m ni reiipence, which la Ml K. Oak atreot, in itoae purg, Dpuglae county, Ureson, ou and after said sth day oi July, 1987, and the sale of taid rual DroDertv will be inadu eublect to cominnation by the above untitled court. . jjated, find first published June ai. w. ni l i cjit. Administrator of the ' eat&le of jpuiea w. Tiller, deceased. . , i . ClTATIOPf r." : y-, ' In the County Court' of the State of. Oregon for Duuglas Couuty. In tuu. mutter of tho estate of Rebecca. Stevenson, Deceasod. To Robert U Utepnonaun, Alecla King, Ueruudo U y union and J4(iy In the name of 'the, state of Ore Bon, you are hereby cited and re quired to appear In the County Court of the utute uf Oregon tor the County of pouglas. In the court tuom thereof, ti Stoiieburg, In touglne County, Oregon, on Mon day, the 1st day of August, 1927. at 1Q q'clock A. if., of that day, then and there to ahow cause. If any there be, why an- order of sale snouia not oe nmue auiiiorising me administrator of, the estate of R- oecca bieveiiion, uecouseq,. to ami the real property uf said estute- at private sale for cash In hund fur the purpose of paying the churges, expenses and claims against- suld estate, which .real prapurty- Is- de- scriueu un iuiiuwo, iu-wii.; 1 The South half of the Houthwest quarter of Sehlioli Twenty-one; the, rtorineast q uur iff oi me noriueuHi quarter of Huctlun Twenty-niiie, and tlm Kfint half of the HoillheiiSt uilur- ter of Section Tyenty, all to Town ship - Twenty-two South, Range f our vvi ot wiiiantoiie xueriumii, in Douglas Coutily, Oregon. Witness tho Hon. Uuu. If.. Qulne; Judge uf the County Court of tho State of Oregon for Douglas Coun ty, with the seul of the suld court affixed this 27th day of June, 1&27 ; Attest! IRA B. RIDDLE. . . 1 V ' County Clerk. o . . , , ' NOTICIfl TO CHfQrTOtS ' i ,.,'..rt i . - , .. - NOTICB Is hereby given that the Undersigned 'has1 been duly appoint ed, by the kftuuiity. Court of the State f Oregoih'lur Douglus County, Adk piinlutrator ofi (he eatate of Mary 13, Downing, deuoused. All persons having clulniB, against said estate lire hereby required to present the satue. to me at tho. of flee of B. L. Kddy, Attorney at Luw, Masonic Temple, Hoseburg, Oregon, prop eel y Verltied us; required by law, witltln Six months from this date. . : , i J JOHN Mi DOWNWft , , Administrator of tlie Estate Vof MAry js. -uowpms ueoeaseu. j ( f t KQ'VWWi TO OHBBlTOHg (, j V . VNotiue- Is hereby- glvetwAhaL-the undurafgnod has upon by an order of the 'Couhty Court ' of tho titate or, uregon ior jjousiaa' uoumy, uuy appointed xeoutov of the last vUl All persons having claims against saia'eaiate aro .noreny , noiuieu. n present tho same verified ns result ed by law to tlie undersigned Jsx'ecU tor at his office in RogeburttY Doug las . County, . Oregon, .within six months from the . duta or .this no tice. Dated this 30th , day of June, 1037. ": . . niSXTER RICB. Executor of the last -Will and Tes tainent of Clyde White, deceased. ADMIN I STHAT8 U'S NOTICE! . CUKIHTOItS TO t In the County Court of the State of - urcgon, ior iouaiaa uoumy. In the -matter of tlie estate of ii,Ml..m iifrli . Notice Is hereby given, that tho undersigned, was duly appointed administrator of the estate of Ab raham Qllbeaugh, by an Order made py -tne uoumy t;ourt, on mo um day of June, 11127; all persons hav Ihiif etalma nffnlnut snld entata an jiercby notified . to present the sninc to the administrator, at Days Creek, Oregon, within six: months from date of this notice, the same to bo duly verified as by law - nulrnrl. Dated and first published this 9th day of June, 1027, mwicft oiLnKAtioir. Administrator of tlie estate of Abraham Qllbeaugh, deceased. o- NOTICE, OF FINAb SEJTTbEMBNT III the Couuty Court of tlie Slate of urcgon ior uouginn uuuniy. In the matter of the ontnte of .li-nnlo Harvnv. dnennHOil. No tiro Is hereby given that tho undersigned admin Istra tor of tlie estate of Jennlo Harvey, deceased, has filed In tho County .Court of Douglas, county,. State nf Oregon, hl rinnl need lint tin iiucli admlnlH- trntor of said estate, and that Tuesday, the 12th day of July, 1U27. at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. han ibeen fixed by nald court ns tho time for hearing of objections to salrl roport, and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published this Sth day or June, 1027. T. E. HA 11 V BY. Administrator of tho estate of Jouiiio Harvey, deceased. SL1IHO.NS NO. 01UI In tho Circuit Court of the Stato 01 Oregon ior uougtas uounty. Clarence O. Huker. t'lalntlff, ' Mit he 1 Baker. Defendant. To: Alnbel Haker, tho above named diiieniiunt: In tho namo of the Htate of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pour and annwer the complaint of plaintiff filed agtilnnt you In the above entitled court and cause or before four weeks from the date of tlie first publlcutlon of this summons, and r you fa 1 to no no pear and answer snld complaint, plaintiff for want thereof will ap ply 10 tne court ior tne relict ne niunded lit nald comnliilnt. u suc cinct statement of which Is as fol lows, to-wit: Kor r derreo dlSKotvtntr the mnr rlago contrni t now existing be tween nlalntlff and defendant, and awarding to ptrilntiff an ubHoluts decree of divorce from defendant, and for-sii' lt other and further re lief as to the court may seem eqult- ante. Tlils siimrnons Is served upon yon by publication thereof oneo eaWi week for four coneoullve weeks Ii 1)10 Itoseliiliu News - Review, tl mwnp;tpor f gniieriil renin tlP published and IhhuciI regularly In Uoscblirtf. nniinlBi Conlitv. Oregon, l.v ril..i' fif tl... IIl,i .1. IV. llrtmll-l ton. JudKe of ill1 abvn entitled eotitt, inittle on llm 1 7 1 Ii day of June. 127, and you are hereby re quired to anpfar and answer the tame on pr before feiir wenks frm the date of tlm first public atlor hereof, which Is tho ?3rd day of June, 1027, , RICK A OUCCTT J Attorney" for plMln'" pn-tofflLS Addiens: ito.ebuig, Orr goo. . - KOTICE OK ADMlNItTV ATORt UALki Ok t'HOl'ttUT In the County Court Of the State of ureaoit, iur vuugtua couuty, .V utesuu. . Jn the matter of the estate of George M, lioiieiibaugu, deceased. rtuiiee is iivreuy given mat riton Roileubaugh, aduilnietratOr of the ' utttuiw of livorue M. UolleubaiiKb, Uuueuxed, will suil ut private sale ior : cam in hand an thu right, title ami itileruut of Ueurga M. iiullenbaugh, . deceased. In uuu to thu following deseilbed premises, situate in . pougiae Couuty, Oregon, suld sale to pu Muujuut to tne wiuow s riant of duwur, und also subjuut to one mortgage for the sum of 2ttu.uu uuu iiuurest thuieon amounting ito , ijUK.UU, to-wit: in r.ust tvst ot tne rvormcusi and the bouthwcut Oa) of the Northeast (), and the ooutheuat . (U) of the .Northwest of See- lion 32, Township 3o, South ltango K ' Went. ot Wlllaniittta UarliHuii.. excepting thereirom ii.D9its acres Bum iu j. ri. iioruere, on toe zutn day of November, 1U2U, and record ed In Buok si, of Deeds for Doug las County, Oregon, at page 4&S; ui so excepting 7,z8 acres suld to A, IS. border, on November 4th, 1020, and recorded lu Uook of Deeds for Douglas County, page a 8, and also excepting a road-way deeded lo Douglaa County, Oregon, us shown at page 14 or Book III, deed records ot Duuglas County, Oregon. . Bids for the purchase of said property will be received by tho un dersigned Administrator at Canyon- vllhv Oregon, from and after July 2 Kin. IWI. said property tq be sold subject to the confirmation of the Court. Dated and first published ' this 33rd day of June, 19117. 1 . . . kltpnTrodlenbaucih Administrator of the estate of . . tJuoi'ge At. Rollenbaugli, duceasod. -o- ADMIMSTHATOH'S SALE Op 7 '. HUAtt PHOI'KKTY . Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the Couuty Court of Lane County, Oregon, duly made and entered on the sec ond day of December, 1023, the un dersigned, administrator of tho estate of H. A. Haeor, deceased, will, on and after the SOth day of July, 11)27, 'offer for sale and sell, at private sale, to the hlgheHt bid der for cash' In hand, the following described real property belonging tu Bttd estate, to-wit; Lot Seven (7) and Eight (8)- In Block Fourteen (14) and Dots Ono (i) anu two (?) in uiocg irteen U6) In the Town of Riddle. DoukIus County, Oregon; , ; . . The Bale will take place ana bids may bo submitted to said admlnls-. iruior at tne iaw oil ice 0( dimea tqe- luy office or Potter King. Kugene, Oregon, rmvAT, rtARnn. - Administrator of the estate or H. A. ; Itasor, deceased. ' ; iJeT SUHMUNS In the Circuit Court of the Statu. of Oregun for Douglas County. , . , , waunams - ac to., incorpuruieu,. 'Plalntiit, vs. L. K.t Freylei1, . Ida Druyier, nis wire, ana aiso an otn er persons ;or uurties unknown claiming any right, title, esuttu, . lien or Interest- In the real jeatuiu described in . the complaint herein, , Defendautb.i ; - : .' to u. fa. x reyier, to laa r reyier, bin wire.' and til no to alt other: oer suns, or purtiea .unkpuwp clalmjnH any' right, title, estute, HQ: torest in tue rvai bsiiuo uusinuvq In the complulnt herein,-thu above numeu ueinuunis: 1 , , , In th'nunie of the State' of Ore and. euch of you, ure required to appear ' aua auewer .the complaint riied against von In the abuve entitled eourL and cause wiiuin our weeaa iruin date of thd firet 'publication ot this' summons, -or. within four wcejtu j. from thu'dato of the servlee thero ot,t tlieisuuio, be served upon.yuU: pereonally without the state of Oro- t gun, and If you rail to up p oar und answer . said complaint, tor. 'want thereof thu plaintiff will aim-- to, the court fori Che jroljof Jfhofoln; div1 niunded, a succinct statement of which ls,.aa follows? f. f ' v ; For a decree of the above entitled court quieting -plalntiffiai tltlu 111 and to tiiei foilowlng'deudribed real properly, namely: Lot four in bloca flfteun in the town of Gfendale, in Douglas County, Oregon.- Tills Buhunons is served upon you, and each of you, Known and un- known, by publication, thereof in. the itoseburg News - Review, a nowspuper of goiieial 1 circulation County, Oregon, pursuant 'to the order of the honorable J. W. Hamil ton, judge- of the above entitled court, duly made and entered on tho 22nd day of June, 1027, direct ng and authorizing that this sum mons be. published onco a wuek;fot four successive weeks and requir in b you to appear and answer plaintiff's complaint 'within four wcoks from tho duto of the 'first fiubllcatlon of this summons, which b Iho 23rd day of Juno, 1027, tho date of the last publication of this summons . being - the 21st flay of July, 1027, 07 within four woolcs after personal sarvlco hereof, if Bersonnl service of this summons e made upon you without the stau of Oregon. . " GUY CORDON, Attorned for IMaiiltlff. Rcsldeuco and postofflco : address! Roseburg,. Oregon. , ., 0 . , , NOTICE) OV VIS Alt SiaTTLK.lI ESN'f Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned Administrator of 'the estate of Lewis Ash, deceased, has filed his final account lu tho Coun ty Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Douglas County, and. tho nun. Geo. K. Qulne, Judgo of said court lias appointed Tuesday, tho 2nd flay of August, 1027, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said day In the county courtroom In the . courthouse in Rosoburg, Douglas County, Oregon, as the time and pluco for hearing objections. If any, to suld account and the settlement thereof. All portions interested In said ch talo aro hereby notified to file their objections, if any, to said account at or before the dato appointed fur final hearing us aforesaid. Dated this 2Urd day of Juno, 1027. ADDIRON H. ASH Administrator of thu Estate uf ; Low is Ash, Deceased, ' NOTICIC OF FIN A I, IIIfllUNa In tho County court of tho Slate of Oregon for Douglas County. In tlie matter of the eatate uf Howard K. Church, deceased, Not leo Is hereby given that thu undersigned administrator of tho estate of Howard E. Church, de ceased, haa filed In the above en titled court and matter the final account of his administration of said estate and that said c.ourt, by order duly made and entered, has fixed Friday, the 8th day of July, 1027, at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day, as the time, and the county court room In the court houso nt Roseburg, Doug las County, Oregon, ns tho place for hearing objections, If any, to said final account or to the settle ment ot said estate. Dated and first published June 9th, 1927. M. E. HITTER, ' Administrator or the ntalu of Howard E. Church, deceased. NOTICE OF Fll.fftn OF FINAL ACCOUNT In tho Conntv Court nf the f-tihtu ot Oregon, for Douglas County. Tn the matter of the entnte of Benjamin A. Dowell, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that' 'the undersigned Administrator nf the estate of Benjamin A. DnwitU. de ceased, has filed his final Recount with the County Court of Douidm County, Oregon, snd that the Court has fixed Saturday tlie 0th day nf July. 1027, at Die hour of ten n'cl'tek, and ttie county court room In the court 1'ouse of DoukIss enmi ty, Oregnn. as the time and pluco of hearing objection to said final n'-count, and the settlement there- JOHN W. TJOWKM. Administrator of the epiate uf Beujatiiln A. Dowell, deceaatd