EIGHT WHBtUWm I"" ROSEBURC. NEWS REVIEW. WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1927. DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME ESTABLISHED 1926 H. C. STEARNS, Manager. . Notwithstanding the elaborate equipment of the Home and efficient service, the cost of buriul it no more. Phone Pine and Lane 8ti. -I NOW YOU ASK ONE I , THE ANSWER8 . ;; Delow are the answorH 10 llio f'Now You Ask One" quilt on tlm editorial vutsev - - ' - 1 1 Charles TlroelidPn Drown, was ono of tho flint American not il- IStH. : j- 2 Cotton Mather was a famous Now Knulnnd clnrnyinun , who wrote colonial history und spirit. . uul tri'tltians. .. ' '. 3 Walt Whitman Is called "tho father of free verse;". - 4 "CiilibaKes and KlnRn" was O. Ilenry'H only full lowub novel. 5 Hester I'rynne la the , hero ine of Hawthorne's "Scarlet' l.et tor." . 0 Usbon Is thn rnpltal of " "" famous SONG-HlTl1 artners edMftfG K .''iftVti., ,;: ; , , . j : . J'i J- Clay Smith and G. E. Holmes on Chautauqua Program. '.. In ' keening with the 'ostub.lMied ol!cy of the Elllson-Whlto Chau- . uuq.ua System to bring to tho great vestohi circuit the most notable ittruotlons that can bo found, itho nnnagers announce that, tilts seu on, tlioy have secured the Smlth- . Uirlng-Holmes' Orchestral Quintette, rhich in till probability Is the best mown platform musical orguuiza Ion In the country. ' 1 ' 1 ' It to1 led by Clay Smith and O. B. Holniea, who have Ijeeit ill part lurahlp for' twenty-six 'yelirn. 1 Six- '. ecu years after tuey formed their iWn liartpoi'shlp, 'they married sis crs ' and the two partners 1 ilud holr 'two wlvos'have bo'rorno known rom coast to ceust ill concert and lilialcnl circles.' -1 ; " i M ' Clay Smltlr has composed ap Iroxlmately one hundred HonR-hlts rhich 'liuve been Bung from i-nnst o coast and then trunuplniitcd by tmorlcn'n' Jiizx bandu 'and orchea fna into Foreign lands. The band :nd nrehoRtra compoiiltloiiB ' of (U 0. Iolmcs lire' In nae by nearly I liberty TJieat Today and ThurtjayiMatlnee Daily' 2:15t t '$ t ';;','5 1 iTom here again iti one of his J' t.-'Jlll' -l i i'J i greatest hits' ; U !' ";j P.tf t I, ' Full of Humor,' Love and Action f ' i ' ;l ! ;: ,WiLUAM ANOTHER OF THE I 7tWne u-fln M In Iht. WUt Open Sfiaca l IW , I MUiNOIADnlCRniAiaTsVoNrOINPllYmSHAVU Wi H ' t T0NV. the leonrtrr hunt tW M Slnrt bi SHANNON H(E 'iTfflC ' - J.C.BLYSTONE Tnilutlun " - '-Kj H. C. Wltwers Famoue Stones "TURKISH HOWLS" 10c CARTOON FOX NEWS 25c COMING FRIDAY & SATURDAY "FLAMES" MADE IN OREGON An Unequalled Forest Fire and Four Famous Stars Eugene O'Brien, Virginia Valli, Jean Her sholt, Bryant Washburn, Cissie Fitzgerald 112 Lady Attendant D Portugal.'. . ,' ' . ' '7 "1!ik:1g' Joe"; Cannon was speaker of the U. '8. House of Keiiresentatlvcs. , . , ' ', 8 (ireut ' IlrHnln, by ' holding nibrnlter and 'the ' Suez canal, domlnntfs tie Modltorruneau. : 9 Ilustlle Day, j French "fourth of July," comes on July 14. t : 10 July was named after Calus Julius Caesar, who was . born In this month! : , I ';. . ' PATIENCE THAT'S IT Foreman; JIow eomo ; you're carrying ono plank when tho rest of the iiieii. are carrying two? workman: .Well J suppose they nro too lazy1 to - make . a; double Journey like I dd.-j-J'uKslns; Show, London. ' ? ' every band i the. eounlny . Borne of mr. umun a auuga aru. ! Borterf Miss You.h; .: -.'. .j- , ' Honeysucklei-Uabe. t i ' i i My Dreani' Baby. f r r , j When First Ii KisBcd you, Dear. 1 JiiBt Flo Glad. 1 .. ; it .. i . i f- The progranitt given by the Smith-Spring-iloliiics .Qicliastra: Quintette are of tho very ihlghe.it grade, While the fame of the: members of, the coihpany has boon, established, ,by song-hllH, ithcyi do not descend , to cheap or daptrap methods to ,.wlu the approval of their audiences. The ipiogiannroiislsta.of ,troiiibone, eolloi ivlollm Biixopliono ,uuU iVolee nunibora In Qiisemble, and vlth duets.i trios nnd eoloa.,! Bvory mem ber of tho company 4a a, soloist.. For high grade, unit al (henamo tlnio, -.tremendously, popular music, noi attraction iln recent years has been ' brought tq. 'the Went w.iUi moro certainty of pleasing and u flnor rocord liaoU of them than the Smith - Spring - Holmes Orchestral'. Quintette. 'i- : i'i : . fOi. fluents ': WISECR ACKERS i ' ft"1' , "r . ' ' - PARALYZED VET WALKS AGAIN AT SIGHT OF BYRD (Continued from pax 1.) itlve of Hodman AVanamaker, who I sponsored the America's flight across the Atlantic. I The premier chatted pleasantly for a few minutes with the airmen, Icongi-utiilullnK them on their cour age anil endurance and tile great scientific success of their exploit. Then he jilnnod the Legion of Hon or crosB ' on' Commander tByrd's breast and gave the traditional embrace, '. . J ; " The commander thanked him simply, and expressed In behalf of his comrades and himself deep ap preciation of tho warm hearted welcome they tied -been accorded in Franco and lho sympathetic inter est with which ihe French people had followed the flight, especially the last few hours of the early morning battle with the fog. Levin Would Ply Back Charles A. Levlne, who . accom panied Clarence Chamhcrlln in his flight to Germany, Intends to -fly back to New York as soon as he can find u French pilot to go with him.. Ho made tills declaration at I a luncheon given today by tho American and iirltsu correspond ents here. Levlne said that' Chamberiln, he cause of other engagements, would not be able to pilot him hack to the United Stutes: Ho added that the name of the pilot to be desig nated would be made public within a few days. Balchen Plans Flight. ' PARIS, July 6. nernt Halchen. who accompanied Commander Hyrd on his North Pole flight and his recent . trans-Atlantic air voyage rrom New York to France, is said by the Paris edition of the t'hl Tago Trlbuno to he planning a flight from the United Stutes to Norway 1n the next year. i He hopes, according' to. lho paper, -to fly from New 'York to ;Oslo, the Norwegian capital. In the naxlmum; time of fit lionl-si flying in a piiine or mo American type and Inking four men with him. The 'distance by the route lie hns mapped out over; Ireland Scotland Is 4:1(10 miles, ' Tho paper says Balchen la seek ing financial support, for tlid plan In Norway, the land of his birth, but that If he falls to get enough there,- lie ,1a, positive "he .-will; re ceive funds' from American Inter ests . - - - - - ; Grace .to Try Again,- - - MANA, Island of Kauai, llawnii, July 0. Kstbii B. 'Kogeil, mechanic for Richard Grace, the, Hollywood stunt ' flyer' 1 who crushed here Monday us Jip was slnrtlng on a flight to the mainland, and the naval mcchanica twho, had been helping him. Iinvo igono to' Hono lulu. - " lli'iico "and ' Carl C. Spangcn- Eliie'r JPleaters All Kinds' of Pleating and r-i Button. Making, i m . .Phone 187.B j 't ' BlO So.' Main Watkins' Products .' , ' .,'1120 vy.. Lane' ' ',' ' ' , ' One-Hall ' Block Off Jackson St " 'PHONE 177 . !- DR. DEAN B.' BUBAR I 1 OPTOMETRIST ' Specialist In the fitting ot 1 .. Olasses. ' ,.! ,i 116 Jackson St, CHIROPRACTORS Drugless Health Center ' "Complete Health Servloe" 8ULPHUR VAPOR BATH8 327 West Cass Phone 491 WET OR DRY Tho wuthor makes no differ ence ' for PIKE INSURANCE Rhoult) be carr lud at all times. We offer reliable fire Insurance Bervlce to our policy hoUlora and our Horvlce embraces nil lines of fire and automobile innur aneo. May we be ot sorvfee to YOU? G. W. Young & Son LOANS 116 Cant St. Phone 417 COMING TO LIBERTY Sunday SydChaplin as Old Bill IN "The Better Ole" The biggest of all big comedy hits. berger, tils rigger, stayed In Maua to rest. The monoplane will be shipped to Pearl- harbor by the first available boat calling at Port Allen, on tho fslund of Kuuul. Koger said tonight that he and his helpers will work In threo shifts rebuilding the plane. "Pres ent plans are to rebuild the plane and start, the flight to the nyi In land as soon ns possible," he said. He denied reports that he ' had been overcomo by fatigue and dis appointment when Grace wus un able to muke the flight. ; Byrd Praises Aides . PARIS, July 0. The crew of the trans-Atlantic monoplane America will probably visit Knglund betore returning to the United Stales, Commander Ilyrd indicated in ad dressing tile members of tho Anglo American Press association ut a luncheon given In honor of the av iators today. Plans for their return to tho United States wero still undecided, he said. i It seems likely, however, thut they will sail ou ' the Levinthnu next Tuesday, as was virtually de cided yesterday. Commander ilyrd, In roply to n toast in his honor, told the news papermen that all credit for tha success of t lie flight wus duo his comrades. Ho paid them remark able tribute, mentioning each by name.- ! "The throe fellowi who came with me nro moro entitled to the credit for our flight than I am," said Commander Iiyrd. "Noville, as manipulator of the wireless, es tablished a record for wireless transmission and at the same time when none of us thought we would be here for lunch with you today all three showed the greatest qual ities as fliers." THREE AIRPLANES CRASH; FOUR MEN DEAD, TWO HURT (Continued from page !.) Longvlew last nlKlit, To Probe Plane Tragedy SBATTLH, July II. Coroner's deputies today prepared- to' open an investigation lulo the death of four persons in a seaplane accident on Lake Washington hero yester day. 11 The four were killed when lho plane In which they Were riding plunged from u height of 600 feet onto the lake. 'They' urn. L.' (Or phle) Johnston, pilot or the plane, which belonged to the Paget Sound Airway company; Hoy Wolln, Seat tle insurance agent;- Fred Stmiclirt, hotel' owner or this city, and John I. Bock, employe or a ts Angeles brokerage company, 1 All ol tho bodies except that of Bock were recovered last night. Preliminary Information gathered by Coiouo'i's deputies lulled to de termine the cuuse of uccideut, JolmUloli, the pilot,,, had been flying fol' inoro than four i'oars.. NAVAL PARLEY IS THREATENED i: li .WITH COLLAPSE (Conllnued from pngo 1.) alleged fnll'uro to nroperly reqop- niae urent untiinrs ro:i9o;inyIo re miiremenlH. ' ' According' o all necotint, Mr, Oihaon lniKted lhat the United States did not vlnh to do any in Juatice to 1 1 rout Britain, but that the American delegation saw little chanco of the Heiiato ratifying u treaty which would bring cruiser strength up to the neighborhood of i00,O0O tons and prove Imit for in creased Instead of decreased naval construction. The Japanese are plainly worried over the situation.' The private conversations are continuing. U. S. Won't Raise Limit. WASHINGTON, July ti. Gen eva reports that tho naval limita tion conference had reached a vir tual deadlock over cruiser tonnage failed today to draW comment in any official quarter here,' but there 'were Increasing Intimations that the Washington government was very unlikely to accept a cruiser figure In excess of the 100,OUO ton maximum mentioned by tho Amtjrlean technical ; dele gates. It wasmiade clear that the Unit ed States looks upon the present stage ' of- the conference as still u preliminary out'. Officials did uot disclose what confidential reports of yesterday's proceedings might have come in from Ambassador Gibson. It was suggested again, however, that tho hard and fast views of the technical experts of the three powers have still to be accorded diplonuittc treatment by the members of the missions and that If the three powers are ns anxious to prevent further com petitive naval construction and to roiluco their naval expenditures as the correspondence which brought about the Geneva meeting would indicate, there should be amide room for diplomatic adjustment of conflicting views of cruiser strength. Despite this hopeful official viewpoint, however, the outstand ing factor here today was the strong impression creatod that the Washington government was not prepared to go any appreciable instance beyond tho 400.000 ton figure nnd that It was believed even that toial tonnage to be ex j cessivo and beyond the aetunl needs of any power.. CARD OF THANKS I We wish to thtink our many friends for their kindnesses and also for the beanlirul floral offer ings during Ihe Illness and death. or our loved one. .Mrs. E. P. Bnllou, W. .C. Itallou, J. E. Ballon, Win Unit,.,, I " Mrs. Waller Poole, I Mrs. Norman Fisher. Fines Are Paid Dean Wiln mill 3tti-.nn Pm.l erleksen were arresled today mi a ;rnaiRe ol possessing venison. I They appeared before Just ire of Ihe Peace Hopkins and were fin led f,0. .... - I NEW TODAY FOB RENT Furnished, house. X13 Miller St. TltAH.KRS, TrtAII.EIiS. TltAlf Kits For sale cheap at Barf fa. FOK SALE Broccoli plauls. John Wilkinson, Ht. 1, Box HI. nitOCCOI.I PLANTS for sale. Frank Brown, West Hoseburg. FOB KENT 5-room bungalow, modern, fruit and garden. Phone H9. FOB SALE Refrigerator, buby buggy, crib and nursery chuir. ! I'hono2!lD-J. . I'll V Dr. Proctor's Miracle Health Circle. Demonstrated free at 004 West Lane St. 'IiEE demonstrations treat yourself und be convinced, ut 604 W. Lane St. WE GUARANTEE Our wheel tightening work on metal felloe band wheels at Sarffs. WANTEH'"'I'0' RENT About '4 ' room modern nicely furnished house. Cull "Western Union." FOR SALE UJ-ton truck, bed and , hydraulic hoist, also rear end , for trailer cheap at Sarffs. FOll RENT Upst'air8fluTi ? rooms, electric rungo, h. and c. water; $18. 221 . W, Washlng- ton, HAVE yoiPbrdered your winter's wood? Summer prices now in effect. Denn-tJetretsen Co. BROCCOLI r)fimtT7oslde7"K.:Trly and lute Butner, $2 per thou sand. C. C. Lauruuce, Dillard, Ore. . , FOR SALK-liarley-Daviilson motorcycle and Oakland ar; car has new paint. Rose Gar age FOR SALE Boar hogs, two huge 4ype Poland China, ono t). I. C. Pedigree with each. C. ,F. Garlside, Myrtle Creek. TRUCKS, ,, ' trucks trucks Ford trucks for sate - or . trado for pleasure carii. Hansen Chevro let Co. ... FOR1J TRUCK with Rucksloll axle and steel cab, 1924 model. Pric ed at fl75. Hansen Chevrolet Co. j WH1013LS TI G H T E NED" . Watch your metal felloe band wheels and have them fixed us good as new at Sarffs. LOGANBERRIES and juice for sale, S1.25 per crato or gallon.. delivered in town. Phone 1SF15, w. j. Meredith. Looking tihiis. LUhf July -I tli at Brockwuy, a little girl's pink straw: hat and a girl's tan straw hat. Phone 22F21 or write J. J. Meredith, j-uuaru, ure. ; - . -. TRADE 1918 Ford touring in good running order,, good tires, tor good milch cow 'Vernon Jennie, one block west or River side Store. . FOR RENT Large threo-rooiii house, furnished,, renced, : good shade, . good place for child ren; $10 per iinonth.. A. M. With lace, 11-13 E.,(ith St., N. ... H LOST Rim and tire ou road be 1 tween, lioseburg nnd Coles Val ley, Coles Valley to Wilbur. Leuvo. at Commercial Abstract Co. office.. , , . . i. LOST July 3 on Pacific highway . belwoen Hoseburg - und lliaiitu Puss a brown leather Hat grip healing name of J. R. . Moore. Liberal, reward. J. R Moore, till Golden Gate Ave., San Francis , Co, C'alit. , CHICKEN RANCIP-Hoiise Willi .3 rooms, freshly papered anil painted, basement, garage, chicken housos, gooil place to ... keep cow; all lor tu per inoulil.' Prune crop lor sale on trees or lease on shares. Inquire of C. C. Groves, Hoseburg lit. 1, phone 5F35. SAVE MONEY ON YOUR MOIt'l'-l GAGE LOAN by our monthly ! payment plan. Pay oil' the old1 mortgage witli'a now one. Wo' 'have a very convenient Insliill-' luent loan plan which nut only makes payment ' easy but of-1 foots a worth-while saving to! tho borrower. Umpqua Savings i und Loan Association, Douglas Abstract Bldg. . TRANSCRIPT TIME I Change in Oregon I AFFECTS LAWSUITS (Anoclatnl Prow Leased Wirp.) ' SALRM. rit-n Inltr fi - of the defendant to conipty with ' la new law enacted bv the la ! legislature wus his undoing In the i supreme court today lit the casu of O. G. Sinrpsou, administrator of tho estato ot 1. M. Simpson, I deceased, vs. J. E. Winegar, ap j pellanl, an appeal rrom Poik ! county where It was heard by Undue Arlie r;. V,ilL-.,r . .,,,.11,... ' to dismiss the appeal was granted ;iu an opinion by Chief Justlco Burnett. I Ou April 0 Inst the trial court iwiinout notice to the plaintiff jinndo un order granting Winegar ;up to May 1, 1927, within which to serve iiml flln l,iu Kin nv nv ceptlons and until ,Mav 15 within which to file his transcript of ap peal in the supreme court. Tho abstract or record was riled Juno 1 but Without nnv ni'.loi- u.tnh,K,,a tha time in ihni ,i.u 'i-i... .... ! promo court holds that this oi lier was invalid in view 'or an net Of tile 1U27 1,'L-Ulillllrn n-ltil. . I vldes that any order must be imado within tho time allowed tor liiing transcripts nnd then only after three days notice given to the opposing parly. The language of the net la liol.l n K ; -- . ul' ,1,1.11(111- I tory and failure to give notice of ii'i'iiiniiuu mr extension or lime was fatal to the appellant. The net jiuiiiuii uie emergency clause, but I this is not discussed in the opin ion for the reason that It Is pure-! )y a legislative nitntttlm. i , The Issue under contention I the litigation is tint ,liv,.,,uu...i in I the opinion. I The feature involving the new 'law Is or St.ltP Whin im,.,,.-,.. ...... iror Ihe reason lhat many uiior- ueys are unaware ot the tence of the new law. . eXis- ' MeCornilck and Deering binders In stock at Wharton Bros. C. J. GRABB CHOSEN HEAD , OF OREGON ELKS ASS'N. (Auociatrd Pre Lea-.! Wire) : RAKER, Ore., July 6 The Ore gon Suate Elks association late yesterday selected Astoria for the next annual convention auxl elect ed the loltowlng officers; Connie J. Urabb, Baker, presi dent; Harry II. Cuslck, Albany, first vice-president; S. J.. Hnlsan, Astoria,, second vie e-presldent; Perry l)elup, Klnmath Falls, third vice-president; J. R. Thorton, Ash land, secretary. ' A change In by-laws was adopted making tho secretary elective In Btead of appointive. ', BORN WRIGHT To Mr. and Mrs. Kelih Wright or lioseburg, Sunday, July 3..1II27, at Mercy Hospital, a daughter. - o Hay rpo, cable, forks and oth er barn equipment at Wharton Bros. i STARTS Saturday Night JULY 16TH , v ; .; vt.- presenting t ; j 'The First Year" ' Frank Craven's' Famous i Dramatic Success ! Admission $1.00 ; ' ... '';!'.' - "-'i! Save money by1 buying a; Season, Ticket. -Other at-i i! i tractions inchjde ;! ! "Applesauce ' TMrJ Robert Parlcferi ', Miles' Haskell Indian I Symphonic Band Lucille Elmore Revue Clay Srriitn,1 Song Hit 'f'- ; Writer" ", ,v-' f i-:.-tj-, i "u:ia i. '-( -i. i .! and lots or others u !-.!( 1. 1. ;'.! - j Season j tickets' on fctle DAMGE Every Wednesday Night , Rainbow f Gardens ;, WINCHESTER Music by Star-Six Orchestra Your car may be wreck ed any day in a street ac cident. Insure against loss. Ask us for rates. Quine & Co. Phone 108 Masonic Building ANTLERS THEATRE Friday, Saturday, Sunday "Girl Sliced in 20 Pieces" "Impossible!" NO! JUST ONE OF THE 1C0 NEW MYSTERIES OF RICHARDS WORLD'S GREATEST MAGICIAN Seats Now on Sale ROSEBURG UNDERTAKING CO. EsUbllshsd 1901 M. E. RITTER, Manager Foundednd Maintained on Efficient Service and Courtesy hone 284 Oak and Kant Stt, FLASHES Of LIFE " (By The Associuieu I'ress.) TORONTO Having lived ES days on nothing but. water In an effort to improve her health, Mrs. j Hope Leonlough is in a rerlous , conditional a hospital. She Is i given orange Juice, and glucose Is Injected. ;','-' VPW VOIlIf Tlin blni, nf tn7 communds money befitting mynltyj TJ....I 1irt.t.,..n mill l.lu np.illltal ,-tl have signed a contract to play in , U CIIUIII III llllULIt;a Jul luilj -rruvno ; at $13, uuu n wcea. 4'aui win rci l.nl, . I. I NEW YORK Simon Rothschild, who Is dead at the age of 100, Immi grated from Germany 79 years ago and got a job In a dry. goods store at $6 a month. ' When he retired from the manufacture of- women's apparel 25 years ago his company was doing n business r $l,7l)O,UU0 annually. He once told how he played poker with Grover Cleve land. "I bluffed him once with n bob tall flush," he said. -. . - NEW' ' YORK M r s? ' Florence Brooks Alen, of Park avenue, who has a country home known as Sliin bone Shanly, thought her portrait had such broad shoulders that' it Antlers nnaMnBnBBaBBBBBMav . : ; ; ; ' THREE BIG DAYS ;; ' . ' ,,. COMMENCING , -FRIDAY, JULY 8th ! ', -Bargain Matinees Sat- arid Sunday s . - - Nights at 8:15. Matinees at 2:30.. NOTE Dozens of live bunnies, baiioons, toys and candy given away free to the chlldren Saturday matinee. Bring the kiddies. doming here after bid record-breaking tour of Eastern cities and the same large' production Intact that plays Los Angeles, San Francisco, :Portland, etc. ' . vl Beyond All Question' the Largest and Greatest Glrlesaue. ' -i - Necromantid Extravaganza of All Time.! ) ' ? ' ' Weirdl Uncanny! Spooky! Gasps! Surprises!1 ' , THE . 40 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 40 100 BEWILDERING WONDERS 100 18 Stunning Beauties, Assistant : Magis, Me chanics, Electricians, Artists and Musicians Aid in -This Stupendous Exhibition. ' - NOTE The management positively guarantees this to be the largest and most gorgeously staged production of this nature 'ver brought to Rosebui'g:- ' - ' - ASK RICH ARDS about 'your 'Business'-Affairs, Love, Sickness, Lost Articles. Marriage, Journeys, Investments, etc. j J FREE ; Baby Given Away FREE -Durlng'the company's engagement here a raal live baby 'will 'be given away. This is positively no pig, dog or animal, but a real t live bnby of good parentage and 11 months old. . , . . - PRICES Nights: 25c, 60c, 76c, $1.00. 1 ' Matinees Adults 60c, Children 25c, any seat. "' ., ' RESERVED SEATS ON SALE FRIDAY POSITIVELY A GUARANTEED ATTRACTION ANTLERS TODAY AND THURSDAY Matinee HUMANITY PAUSE A MOMENT! An Educational Shock for Roseburg FATHERS MOTHERS can you honestly answer 'Is Your Daughter Safe?' A 1927 PRODUCTION J?J.u.lfith on'y P'c,l,re of k'nd that has been PRODUCED in the last decade. Now in fourth month at the California West Coast The aire, Los Angeles. BALCONY RESERVED FOR MEN ONLY LOWER FLOOR RESERVED FOR WOMEN ONLY. Matinee Floor and Balcony 25c Evening Floor and Balcony 35c Children under 15 years not almltted unless accompanied bv . relatives. Licensed Lad Embalmel made her look as If she weighed two or three hundred; In other re spects, she was convinced, the pic ture was too beautiful. So she ordered the arllBt, George De For est Brush,-to alter it. He, Is suing her for S7.UU0 extra, unving al ready received $10,000. NEW YORK Countess Snlnv ' seems to have promised her dad. Colonel H. H., Rogers, not to elope again. When they relumed from Europe he was asked: "Is It likely; Hint your daughter will ninny again?" "t sincerely hope so," he replied. "When sne noes cumum plate marrying again the engage, mcnt will be duly announced. That Is so, Isn't It Mllllcent?" The countess smiled and nodded. Un til married again she will call her- . self Mrs. Mllllcent Rogers. , ' 'j RENO When she asked for af fection Swedish history and poetry were quoted to her, avprrod Mrs. Mildred Lillian Orion, in court. So she got . a divorce here, afler failing, to do so in France, China and Switzerland. Ortou was formerly Swedish consul-general In Manila. . , . LONDON Lady Balley ' and Mrs ! Geoggrey De iiayiian n sort of a wonus n-num. . w ..,.n,isii isooo feet in n moth plane through thunder clouds. Tlieatire BIG GALA EVENT OF THE ENTIRE SEASON ' World's Greatest Magician and His Big Three-Ring Circus of, Laughs, Thrills, Girls, Music, Mystery, Splendor Dally 2:15 I 4'