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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1927)
SEVEN t " A COOL COOK " STOVE July days are apt to be 8teel range is hotter. GASOLINE AND OIL STOVES I do away with kitchen discomforts. We are show ing several sizes and styles of these stoves, some of which we are closing out at cost in' order to dis continue the line.' Ask for prices. CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. i The Winchester Store CLASSIFIED SECTION! All mfw A r wit I nir rnirMn on nAre Pir.c ii FOR SALE FOR SALE Quart Mason Jars', 50c per dozen, Bug MUt ' 110 YAL ANNE cherries 6e lier lb. on trees. Phono 9-F21. 25 HEAD fat ewes for sale, $0 per head. S. D. Gotf, Oakland, Ore. , BETTER milk , for less, $3 per . quart per mouth. -The Buttercup, ; 2U0-J. - i . ' ;' NEARLY new lawn mower for sale, reasonable, grass catcher ' ' Vflih H' nr'ce 0. K9 S.- Pine St FOR SALE Dry slab wood, $2.50 per tier in . 3-tier lots. Phone 47F16. , FOR SALE Pure bred yearling Shropshire renin, also a few pure bred Hampshire rams. John Abru ham, Vil!amna, Oregon. 1 ! , FORT SALEChoice February batched O. A. C. Barred . Rock - andJicRuetiuin R. X- pullets j , from accredited aiid B. W. D. ' tested' eggs: GoiiglaV Parkl Stock i Ranch, SutherUn. FOR SALE? 80 acreij S milesl'raiii Goldendalc, J mile trpm school, 65 acres -plowed) 30 Sail ; wheat, crop . included, Rood j buildings, ( fine creek, part lin-linteif. $3500, ! easy terms, ti.! Edk, Abalin,j toiaenoaie, waeii. FOR SALE 20 -acre ranch, 2 miles from- Tiller. IWHI sell Mitfonablc: . for cash or terms. Will take good automobile as part pay- mei)t. Write direct to owner Frtifik Sheridan, Red Bluff, Cali fornia. x ; ' I FOR'SALe Aegts'tcrbd" ii-year-old ".'Jersey bull; 8-year-old Jersey -,'eow; 2-year-old fresh Jersey heif or; 1-year-old Jersey heifer; (i-months-old Jersey calf; 3-months-old Jersey calf. Chester1 White (M)rpod sow; 5-months-old shoat; 1500-lb. work horse; harness; wagon; sulky" plow; iturlioys;' " clucks; chickens and -12110-lb, , work team. C. P. Cayler, Mel - ' rose, Ore. : u ' i GOOD USED CATVS 1925 Dodge deluxe sedan.'" 1025 DodKo business sedan. 1924 Dodge open touring. 1924 Dodge enclosure tourl 1923 Dodge touring. A 1922 iJodge touring. 1921 Dodge ; touring. 1920 Dodge touring. i ' ' ; 1920 Ford Rondster. 1921 Ford delivery, j ' f i f Also some Chevrolet," Nanb, . Overland makes. J. O. NEWLAND & SON '. . Roseburg, Oregon Dodge Brotliers Dealers. I WANTED e WANTED Sowing by day or hour. Phone 619-R. Mrs. M. E. Pearce, Kohlhagen Apts. - WANTED 100 bead of ewes. R. Fate, ' Myrtle . Phone 1402. young Creek. WANTED, SHEEP 500 head,. 2, 8 and 4 year-old ewes. Must be good grade stock and cheap tor cash. J. Arthur Berg, Coquillc,' O ro gon. "' : WANTED Phone your order for Fresh Loganberry Juice. Deliver ed In 1 to 5 gal. lots. Roseburg Beverage Supply House, 109. S. Jncksou St., Roseburg, Oregon. Phone 249. . - FOR RENT BEST apt. In town for money; close nL 331 SMahi. 1IODERN 5-room bungalow with garage. Inquire 720 Winchester FOR RENT 3 houses, 2" to, 6 rooms,', modern with garages. Price $!( to ?12. Phone 402-L. ' FOR RENT 5-room modern house, , . electric range, furnace, garage. Phone 312-11. FOR'ltENT Housd ami four lots in Riddle, $8.00 mo. Good well, clly water. Furniture for light housekeeping, $5 mo. Mrs. E. F. Reid, Myrtle Creek. VoR RENT Nine-room " bouse: close In. newly papered and painted Inside throughout. Page Lbr. and Fuel Co. Phone 242. LOST LOST Three dogR. Two females nud one male. Fifteen miles east, of. Sutherlln. Anyone seeing! them or knowing their where-1 abouts phone 32F3. hot, and cooking over the i ' gTI.I.TTT FOUND .'FOUND Watch. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for ad. E. S. Skidmore, S02 W. I'ne. - , -i , . ; : FOUND On hlglnvay, woman's suit coat. Owner may have Banjo by calling at. tills office, identifying and paying for aa; FOUND Old style gold brooch. Owner may have same by call - Jng at this office and . idenl,ify ' Jug and paying for ad. ' ' MISCELLANEOUS ; ! : : '. - CAR OWNER Don't "forget to call 53 when in need of auto : parts. Sarir's Autu . Wrecking House, .' ... . NEALE A. TYSON DIES AFTER AUTO K ; IS HIT BY TRAIN PORTLAND, Ore. ' July ! 2. rJ.,nlo A - 'I'vcnn riunnlv TTnlleil iptatps kiarslial I arid -World' j war the estate,) died at (mid night "last night ef injuries receiv ed Tuesday when tan automobile1 Jtt whjcji, he, was riding'was struck 'by-a"-loggiiig: train'' near Tualatin. Ho was riding in an autombbile 'Mill, .Robert .Mean?,,. Clarence P. K.nox and H. L. Mlsenbach;: en rod'te 1 to Portland from jlisen-' bach's farm nearr Carlton, Orje. 1 i J The' machine lvua wrecked-; Tho three other, nieh. wore wrenched and bruised. . . ,- ! ' . -NOTICE E !' "I will hot bo responsible for any t'debtfi,coutrnete(r ,tor by anyone excepting myself. ' ' ; P.-U-WEICHLE1N. . JAP TRAINING SHIP IS ': ! COMING-TO 0OO8 BAY ' (AKsbciatrd 'I'rcM Leased -Wire) SALEM. Ore., July 6. Governor Patterson lia been 'informed:by K. Iiiouo, Japanese consul at .-- Port laud, that the Taisei train ing ship otfciie Tolijo higher mer cantile marine, school, will -arrive in Coos Bay on or about July 20, to remain five days. Ke requests the governor to advise with Coos Bay officials relative - to facilities for the ship while there. Coos Bay will be Ihe only Pacific coast port touched by the ship on its 36th cruise. Aboard are 81 cadets, 13 officers, .. Including Captain T. Asari, and 44 seamen. Try our buttermllk ent. Rosoburg Dairy. -It's differ Phone 186. t AM VERY WE!.!. PLEASED. YOU HAVE DONE SPLENDIDLY. ETC. - ETC IGftOD DAY MADAM H- Hit U HZA Service , ; THIS HAS HAPPENED f Liiicolu Nunnslly. elderly Amerl - 1 can chemist. Is BUiuuioned to tho little Jnnglo bordtMed town of l'orto ! Verde, In west central Urazll, by his young , friend, Vllak, who is fnr llm n.ifnlii nf IiIk cousin, JOIIse Marberry, owner of a coffeo plantation aud other Dro- pVi ty near Porto Verde. several mysterious deutha havo occurred, including thut of Tony Barbel la, oue of KIIbu's furcuien, and the : girl herself has received warnings to get out of the coun try. . Vllak, who poses at times as a barber and at others up Attorney Davis, belleveB Gaylord Prentiss, a .reticent aud forbidding man, known to be an enemy of Ellse,' may be Involved aomo way In the deaths. Accordingly, he and Nun uuily set out for Prentiss'' house, which Is guarded by barbed wire fenced and avicious dog. Wise in sists on Joining them. Prentiss Bets the dog on them and Vilak saves hiB companions' lives by chloroforming It Into- unconscious ness. Returning to Ellse's plantation, they spend the night. The next morning Vilak, In his barber shop, receives a note from Nuunnlly say ing iSlise needs him. :' NOW BEGIN THE STORY : . , CHAPTER Xll Vllak crumpled the note into his pocket. "No answer," -lie said : When the laborer- had stepped outside i the- door, ho closed and locked It behind him. Swiftly be wrote a note saving that tho shop would not he opened until Uio next ! Your cousin put the er baby morning, then took his horse and , er Tlnky .out on tho porch to get rode quietly out of the town fret- the sun. She and I went out , for ting constantly because for the a few moments to look at her Bra sake of appearances he could notUMan roosters. Lett the child in urge his horse Into a furious gal- charge cf 'the, or nurse. Saw lop. , I tho roosters very plctutvpiiue. In When he had passed the' out-' litteon minutes we were back skirts, howevor, and knew, he was; The baby was gone Disappeared no longer likely to be observed, he ; like magic from itB er bed let tho powerful animal have its bed Nurse had gone In for' a rein. Stopping with a Jerk before ' minute to get a glass of wator-r hl. V.n.u.7 - ,4. n Il-nan a Wll HII -Htlt Vfla m nil IVI.ll VOH i a J..'. I tn1.lA !, a flash changed his suit,, applied a minutes or minutes I 1 o o k e'd '. fa?.enda, Joao told mo." He look bltrof roakeup.(o his face, look his t my watch Appalling erap-jed up at Ellse.and.smlleil i-easBiir-other horse' siVthat hia mount as : polling:"' - - . ,.; lngly. '';Don't worry any loiigor. ..;il Kl ....... i.l l. .lir l l.llcn'a anho linrl ane..rl- Viliilr We've Kilt tilO .' trail HOW. Welt fennt and, once more- the -well groomed Attorney Davis, sped up the road. i .. , i. ' The tree-Eirded entrance of his'i cousin's fazeuda ' loomed before ! him. -He swept Into it and down I the drive. EllBe, who had : hoard ! the hoofs' of tho oncoming horae, 1 came running up to meet him. Her I lustrohs black eves had become wan and drawn, the lids swelled i with' fears; her soft olive skin was 1 jmllid, jier Hps gray. ' f j Vlli.k vaulted' from' 'Mb ''saddle. Wo tnnir hnih her omnil imnilsHii his awij long thin ones'' with; a depth ot emotion, soldoni 'evident in liis gaunt, mask-like ' face. "Thank God you'ro all right,", jhe murmured. "What's the mattcjf?" She' started to speak, lusteuu BOOTS AND HER&pDIES s BooTS SAW SrttO HWT It) UK6 To TAV TO Vov ADC r") t- r.- DMt . I . FRECKLES AND SALESMAN $AM em I'LL BET IVOO DlDMT- ) ( B6T76R CT . ' 6S7"7tA&AR MJUATTW&y ) JO-ALBR'S- E BAD ir VOOB OVi SELF-) VHRCrreTOB ABOOT J ALVWAVS POK.I0' . IT SAVS VMAEA0 IT r- y t'- LLtm NY SA6TI-AAOD POJy" ( ;MAS7Y DISS . ) VW1LV GT , i-Zria I'M 6BTT1MS, DID ATAAE- Jfr. A&RE.' ) I SUBB- 1ST j v'p Rvwes. Be woK-riri' Tigers tumi HUHTlH' 30&SV HERS V 6SX FttO FfiOtA XW TftH COeAPMV-f FOR TRIH' TPt WOOLO OPEM UP P,GWM WfrMTep !QV 'Xf's HEfERCrf ' 0 .Spy. a Ben kucien Burmon . ' her th'm Ili o moved feebly without ' uttering sound; tears began streaming down hor cheeks. ! 'iritcady. Steady. Blise." he said duiolli, gripping her hands light - er. Then, when her repressed Bobs had r.aR.,d. Weill nil! "Take Tour i limp. 'Whatever it is we'll straight- on it out. Wliat's happened?" ')th lier liandurchief she vlprrt the Inn:, frum the blue!: circles under her eyes "It's Tinky." . Vilak s n aseive brows couM Mi! 0:1. "I'n liahyV Whai's wiong with him?" He is gono stolon." She be gan sobbing again. "What will wojho could help."' do? What will wo doV "Steady. Steady, . Ellse." His voice was gentle, soothing. "We'll- "" " reacnou uiu sup u. find him. Don't worry." . . , trees. Here, too, the prints, though . , , . , , . mot bo prominent, were visible af- Tho chemist came hurrying down , ' examluutlou. and instead the path. - Ills face too, waa ' bell.-s tho rillia ( heels bad drnwu; worry was evident In Ills! K, lh)J lln)1.ua8on8 0f a whole urawu ; worry was evident In Ills I eyes behind their wide Klaswtf. He, looked at Vilak and shook hi;i hoad.i ;'Er-apimlling,'' he said Jerkily. Appalling. . ... .... 'Tell me about It. Ellse Is wpru out." . , " T don't know much or much. No one does. After breakfast Miss Murberry asked me to stay hero today or so that I could look at tho mines this afternoon. I was very glad to say that I would '-er very glad I read most of the morning. Found a book on" Brazilian archeology. ' Most inter, eating er Interesting - j Then wo had lunch. Ono o'clock it was. 1 think Yes, one o'clock- j We had finished at one-thirty v-nrnr'l nwnv nmra llii... fit'lami 'turned to her. .tAll- right uow'".iJiave your.'rinky, Jiack bjr midnight lle aBkeil. . , , i at the latest." ,'',', '.' Jler ' Ups, "wore IgtiH 'troinblllig.!;' iTheir pouree,' two. sola ,-Qt' hqoc-. "lt's my fault he"li goiie. Nobody's 'prints, one 'that of a'hoVao' whoaoi but mine. I'll never forgive my-1 self. I should liave . kept 'watjeh over mm.i -v'4'ien it, wouldn't liOTo happened.'' , . . ,j "Don't talk Unit iway, lEllso.J'H'if not1 your, fault. It's mine far lhoM than yours. Cheer up now. Like a good fellow. We'll find him. i:tno insa oi waiciuiig m iii-imn m promise you we'll find him." j the" ever changing road surface He strode toward the house, i would permit. "Nurse ' - didn'L , nee anvono? . "But why should er Prentiss "Nurse; -didn't aee anyone? ,. .No signs of anyone having been nbdut ' yes Prdutiea, stealer-TInky ( who might have taken him?" I the, oldiman queried, las ho awk "Some marks In the lawn In front ; wardly pulled at tho reins of his of the veranda where the,- Crib, wits. Lhorse. ' . ' , - I'll show' you. iw'ybu.' T ' - '!- ' "I'll look at the bed a minute Vao AT THE " S.VtW ABcirr BEVBi-Vou AU6 1 ' HIS FRIENDS II.. Yoo BET! ii. How is ttf Jb first. It you don't mind." Bhe led the way inside. On tho porch, near tho screen from which tile protecting blind hud been lifted so tlrnt the sun could stream down, was mi infants crib of finely carv- I1' mahogany. On the shining Uuen Pillow and tho tiny white i mattress wns the uiimlslnltiiblo 1m- I'' a cnnu uuuy. . uuicaiy Vllak's eyes ranged over the bed : or a Possible finger print. Then ; Blanced at the floor and In a ! moment stepped outside. Ill the soft turf was a series of deep cir cular marks which led from the doorway of the veranda to a atrip of woods a hundred yards away." "Foot prints;" Vllak announced, studying them cloBoly. "Foot prints of someone walking barefoot on his heels so as not to make auy noise or leave more of a mark thau Ho began to follow (he prints. ! striding quicKiy over tno grass nuu b lh)J lln)1.ua8on, ,,. 1)y fo,iowlng the; , ' we,r0 ms8iBi a , 'uTwh ieh hau use or, where crushed leaf l.utl lif.ii sunn. -ui n niuw .... -j ---. .- ned In uassimt, Vllak at length reached the road, the others close behind him. Hero the prints of feet disappeared entirely, to bo re placed by the marks of horsoshoes. "There were Iwo horses hero," said Vilak, looking down Intently1; at the ground. "There aro two en tirely different sets of prints.. The animals were halted Here somo time, fifteen minutes ut (least.: The number of prints us the horses stepped around shows that." .He knelt. "Hum. That's odd. i.oou at that, Nanny.1' Ho pointed to au Imprint clearly 'marked in the mud "What does that look like to you?" The old man stooped with dif ficulty. "Like an Incomplete er horse hoof Yes Incomplete. 1 can't Bee anything else." "That's all It 1b. Just Hint. A shoo which was an Inch shorter on. ono side than on the . otlirr. It happous to bo tho shoo of Prentiss' horso.' I noticed It on one of the rare tlnys when he had ridden Into town. Part of the loft hind hoof was missing. An injury to the' ani- I mnl cot 111 nil aCCideilt Oil PrOlltlSS1 leu hum 1001 nan oueu iiik i, led clearly away from Porto Verdo, to Avnps, unriy kuuuh-iuib "ii river; f Vllak , mounted his jhoreet again' and wafted while the btlicm i hastily' obtained steeds and QOIned him. They Bet off as rapidly as ! , "llut why should v Prentis I. 'Elrafl'shuddorod. i "I don't Know whether It is Prentiss. But. - It " iiF.erdy Is Too 6REAT1. I WSE nftMrS A. SRtKT IMTSR.- .CHINA-"VrtKoooH X SWVJlCv HA H(o, A VRoMOtlOri AHO A YAR6E INCREASE IMOAVA.W Better i . ' -' A Head for Business WeCL.weLL, htx? . ) Nope,ir)rMK.m'! WwerTl (MMTCHfs " JH GOMMIV fTVV WORKIM' ? STORe rXQfttrt.litt? mlgbt be. He would do anything he could to hurt me. Anything. Because I gin my father's daugh ter. Because he thinks I want to take bis land. 1 hesitated to suy It before. I thought I'd be des cending to the level of the natives, jiut atter , day before yesterday when I went out to his bouso, I'm convinced that everything they sny Is true. I saw his face wluu he set the dog on rtie." . - (To be Continued) In the next chapter Tlnky is found, but why he was abducted Is a great puzzle to Eliee, Vllak and the old man: . .. j Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 1SI-U r- -r-O- . FARMERS HAVE THIRD OF CANADA'S WEALTH OTTAWA,- Ont., July 6 arm ors control 'more than one-third of Canada's national wealth, -a bill letin Issued :by the department pf trade aud commerce states.! , "Of a total national wealth in the D minion ostlmatod at $22,195, 302,443," says' the bulletin, "about $8,000,000,000 is in tho hands of fanners including lands, buildings, Block, and machinery, Urban real estate accounts for $0,000,000,000, the railways for $2,000,000,000 and mines, lumbering plants, fisheries, factories, and public utilities re present a combined wealth of ubout $0,000,000,000. . THIS NURSE i NOW HAS i GOOD HEALTH Praises Lydia . Pinkham's ' Vegetable Compound "I have token Lvrila E. Pinkham's Voidable Compound for some tlmp and 1 would not be Without It iu tho houae. As I am a chlltlron's nurse, I have to be on my feet a groat deal and your medicine has. helped ine wondei fully. I was hardly aple to do .my house work when I bo-; bad t tald Hi! It. and norf 1 am a strbng and Jwell woman, able to do all that ami go out nursing besides. 1 j have i also used the Sanntlyo Wash jn ml found III honollclal. "Mils' GKiirauiil: L. Swwir(,i 103 DaV s. ijt., Groeu- IleldMuaB.j '-. t.; v. I-, i, ; .... Valuable for Weakntu I i ; "I have found Lydia E. tink ham's Vegetable Compound a K'lilu aide medicine for weakae8s."-HMas. J.A Pi"ist.-ii, Bos 397,Lnucastor, Pn. ' lltlndreds bt leit'ora lllie I hose aro received by the Plnltham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., from grateful worn on who say that their health nistlmprovedfelnrA .tilting Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ' 1 Anxibus V. I lr.,1 mm ill Without! VWAAVS 7WA7.?7ALOA5 Acsoos6v? looks Line A '6' AAV AGAI IT ,OOKS LIKE A 'C VJATS yms first woeo? ou, LETS S66 JO, YB&-LETS S6 ITS BftO LUCKT'OPEH 1 up onuess Voo'Re sors) OF Pi COSTOKVER TU SlViSSiR. Paa.' tvwyUNtouil AUP.tM-V'" ",., AJS ' nam hooutwi. weuu hmmu n-Ti ' ,'AI luatv if" i. !" IWs A' l(y'6" : A '.ham too 'V " t r dK..K"wtw.iifi jirAitiaff' r . n i i i A.i'-irw.Vjii i i ivn i - i -r FRST, Owl - s KNOVJ WHeRS MM a We Thank You For your past patronage and hops that our better service at our new location at Washington and Spruce streets will ' : r please you. Se U First We Can Save You Money FARM BUREAU I COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE AOENT8 FOR FAIRBANKS MORSE & cq. Roseburg" IS LE1TERS FROM THE FEOr"LE A TRIBUTE TO GEORGE RITER ' nosEIlUHG, Ore., July 4 Editor News-itevlew: 1 am writing these Hues in commemoration of my friend, Goorgo Klter. George has t passed to tho Great Seyond. He was a good man, a clean mall in both mind aud 'body, and above the average In mentality. - -' One of the saddost thlnga in his long life was that tho awful blight of povorty overtook hliii iu his de clining days. While he could not get employment and was hungry I have paid for Ills meals. 1 have often paid his rent so thut ho would havo a Bholtur from the win ter storms. He waa always cheer ful. Under the ' most depressing circumstances norer did I once hoar him complain. 1 ' . i George has gone tho way that all of ub must go: buck to the Giver of all life; back to the source from whenco he -came, b -havo. oltiniy discerned thut nature's laws, which, are little understood, prove there is really no death. ......whatever. seems to die, reappears In another form of life. . I .am convinced that my friend still lives,. 1 shall look, for him in the divine manifesta tions of nature, and It I da not find liiin, i'shull keep on looking for 1 know thati- isoniBwhero lit . her boundless' domain onu the .eternal shores he Is there and Jb waiting for mo. i - . . -, . ,- ;-n ; . '; . W. P. OAMTEri." '; POST OFFICE INSPECTOR' ' . ' 18 GIVEN 'PROMOTION '' I '" i . -(!,,,--.-;i j 'MEDFOUD July 5-J-Cn-Hi-Mow gen! llOSt 'rlfl'lnn ' IliHlinetm. Ilnr uuvon crnintlua Willi headquarters WMM ' UC '.CCMtn Dlltn, Altui..- .iw nn Mnfu uic frt -Ai iV. i -feU? C'tAOri oveR To TH -. THINK SOrAe HoM-fiK.10 CrNtt O' 6OUMP rEEVLBlOWT-l f ACW-WEVVNOOt-Dr , ) luyI- D0A)O60OD)x-rBieD S , . '. f . J 7HMS y I J 71 y,- . OUAlitS., SI I " " J l Trieses one.! CONTErVlep Oakland in' Medford was advanced yester day by Instructions from C. ltlddl ford, chief postal Inspector for! tho Northwest, givon additional terri tory and bis main offico changed to Eugene. 1 ' ' The new asslgnment'ls to go In to effect today, according to . offi cial , reports, and carries with It an accumulation of new responsi bilities. With all tho territory In Jackson, Josephlno, DouglaB, Curry, ' Coos, Lake. Klamath and Lane counties, under his direct supervision, Jfou-gen--- will carry out an inspection program covering more than" 240 offices duriug the year. - - -NOTICE - All porsons desiring music cer tification,. should communicate with the office of the State Supt. of Public Instruction , bofore July, 15. 1927.- - .- : Signed Mrs. Edith S. Ackert, Co. Supt. of Schools. i TRAIN CONDUCTOR ON - ' -.; LAST TRIP AFTER 48 YEAR8 ON THE RAILS EUGENE,. July B When fcon. ductor Furuell of the Southern Pa. cifc loft, Eugeno on tralm number 32 , this, afternoon at 3: 30 o'olock fori pprtland,! 'y wasjjjajklnt? his last run, Jn the service ol Jilg com pany, complelin&r 40 yeurs of sea vicerT t J -' I . -.- I I'! : Mr.' Fnnuill ; in liis long ( threat ha- isodn the evolution o( railroad ! transportation, and many lntorest jjlnu adyenturpB havo been his poiv j j i ; pf rortl"1"1, ' Cottage 1 cheese. KuBeDurg Dairy, Phone 186. :' LOSES HI8 BALLAST Balldoh ' ' Vendor: "Ere niato. fypu'Jl; 'fifie tor glvo mo back Hint bob p worlh o' coppora I chauged yor. London Opinion. By Marti ai,il v.iaw lii-m. i . . incise I I TS'HttLi, MhVJlT By Blosaer, By Swan tAR.MOWCW,'") 115 Pt-GASURG To IrlAll7- CH&TERS- ft - PR0OF 5O0P- ON 00, m CRrVBS;