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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1927)
ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. TUESDAY. JULY 5, 1927. " SIX Figure It Out For Yourself The chances are good that if you have been keeping house in an apartment or a cottage you have paid out enough in rentals since you have been married to have built a good home, and you don't have a thing in the world to show for it. Just figure it out. Advertisers Give Information You want a home of your own everybody does. You want to know about the cost or how, to finance the building. Perhaps you want to buy the lot, or it may be to inquire , nbout the furnishing of a room. Just ask the advertisers they'll know. til 0 J PCI UiT TttrH H .11 V) II K Rr?lKK nxntii r mi n hi ii ZZ The Trowel and Float Tuesday, July 5, 1927. Special Builders Number We've often won dered If Ilia fellow who attends a th of July celebration' und gets noisy ami nil tired out, really Iovoh his country liny more than the fellow who Btuys at homo mill ilium ull duy n la DVDs. Contractor F. Pat terson has his crew busy enlnrgliiK J. D Wynne's home on West Second St. A new roof of Certain toed tile color slate 'shingles Is being used to top off the Job. , We've heard of the horse that Jumped out of a clover neiu Into an adjoining, and then found that the plant he wanted was a thistle. The , snme thing otton lnuipenB when wo buy out of town. Tho fur : puBture some- : times looks the greenest, but It Isn't. : Give the homo mer chant first chance. That's all ho asks. Had a nice chat the oilier evening with I. U' Harden, l lie architect on the KhHt . Christian hurch. When ii conies to Dunning churches Mr. Har den sure knows his business and iiose burg can well bo proud of the beauti ful building they nro going to build. "I can't understand why men have to have lady entertain ers at a stag party," remarked a lady in our prosenco yos- lordny. . "Who said t li e y wore ladles?" In quired the husband. Nobody likes the piiBSlmfst and fault finder. On tho other hand, nobody likes the "Sunny Jim" in dividual who trios to make you think the sun shines 24 hours a day. Howover, wo think there is every reason to he optimis tic here in Rnseburg. There are good crop prospects and build ing Is on the In crease. We're look ing for a year of genuine prosperity. Cerlaln-teed roofing Ib Just another form of fire insurance, n bus n mineral sur face that Is fire re sisting. Can't ho set on fire by flying sparks or embers. That in Itself Is worth the price, not to mention the beau ty of a Certain-toed roof. t Everybody respects the man who owns his o w n ,h o m e. There's a Joy In unvlnir' for a home. and a real satisfac tion In occupying a home you really own. You can find out very easily what n new home will cost and how It can he paid for. About the only thing with pep enough to rise to the occasion this season of the year is the thormometor. DENN - GERRETSEN CO. FOR THE PORCHES pecorators - are, evor talking , "keynote" as it furnishing t wore V, concrete or ' symphony.- And ''' ' there' Is a relation, , a yory ; close .' duo, between color harmony and . music, composed of stress, rhythm and tone value. For porchos, the K-ko.yuote is lieauty, the stress is on conifort, the rhythm and tona ,vnluo varying according to taste, (i.. i Favor Reed and Wicker .. ' Thought' turns quickly to 'reed, ' 'flbt-o and wicker furniture for iporclies. IloBldos tho ordinary chairs and rockersi with a daven port to match, .ons-r'fliuU a sum ,har ol' other pieces of great In ,torest.; A foot rest of more than usual size, with an upholstered cushion can be so placed with a straight chair as to form aluxiirl lous chaise lounge. J Tea tlmo suggests tables, ns 'u'ally with plain wood top, and 'uracoful cither In ovals or circles. A drop-leaf tea cart Is another happy idea no ono wants to go .indoors at tea-time, ami sucn a 'Conveyance will bring all tho ac courtromentB of the tea service, to ,6no's hand, as it were., . A desk Is another pluhwint addl 'Hon to tho prncllcnl beauty of one's plnniia. Or do piazzas grow only in the South? Sneaking of Pood reminds us - of many charming painted pieces for tho menlB to bo served In tho open. A drop leaf tablo 1b a gen 'oral favorite, and can bo so Inter 'pstlng In shape when the leaves are up. Table runners nnd mats on the gnply colored surface, pot lory or flower-sprigged China, bits of colored ' glass, iui " mako good lood twice as delicious. Xhalrs of winasor iypo ClmlrB to match come In many Windsor types, or, with lauuer backs. A serving tauiu mjiuusd to every sot now, and sometimes a drnsBof 'with sneivos im mo ; play of China, natural fliilHh ! In mahogany ' or walnut makes a more quiet set, but It haB a quality of roscrve that 1b vory lllllllg " Dl't'io I'"-- Aquariums, too, have handBome , wrought iron sinnus. rmwci " era lire somewnai snnimr. alBO may bo suspended by chains. A black glass top or black and gold tablo of .wrought Iron with eltlior a marblo can. .add, a dlgnl flud touch to the loggia: V . DAILY WEATHER REPORT . U. S. Weather Bureau, locnl ol flco, KoBOburg, Orogon, 24 hours ending 6 a. m. . Itelntlve humidity 5 p. m. yes. 40 b..aih im inrhf and hundredths: Highest temperature yesterday 72 Lowest teniperniuro insi mum. 1'roclpllatloii last 21 hours .... 0 Total proclpltatlon since first month u Normnl procliiltatlon for this month 38 mini ,,.nnln frnm Rnntmnber 1926, to (Into 35.84 Avorngo preclp. from Sept. 1. 1877 33.88 Total excess from Sept. 1, 1926 -. 3 -8P Averago proclpitntlon for 49 wot seasons, (Soptombor -to May, inclusive 31.12 Forecast for southwest Oregon: Fair tonight nnd Wodneaday, nor mal temperature. AIlTHUIl W. PUQH, MntonrntoKlHt i A SMALL UULUAIAL JSUiNtjAL.UW. -iffl i ' i niruinvHlt 11V W. V. PI'Iinv -.--tv; . fl 111 if u f$zir-t;: i ' . ' . , e . I '' 'PtD kaiU 1 . s ' joxn I si&z: -33;t;ftrHwyii S I . What Is mora attractive than a 1 CH ,g U Tha P1an ls yeTT P"-a"lca aai l Jlttlo white house Bet among trees I 'ii economical, as It Ib estimated that I with green shutters and roof. This "ALL Tif the house can bo built, exclusive of 5 little home; truo colonial outside " T ' I heating nnd plumbing, with full as well as Interior details should fa-,, n , n. TvJ baBemelu- ror a m'lce tlmt nmKes ' s . V LlVlNQ toM !; Diking Vmnfi i, ,,n nUmCM vo investment B nppenl to jnnyone contemplating I l II.XII h It an ntti active investment. VBSSB. building a small home. V-1 ' jj , 1 I I ' '. L - ' -g l H : 11 n. '" i "ii. r,m' - r"'!'::'''!!' : : : Own Your Home ;0 1 CASH Your chance to pick up one of three deslr.ble homes, at less than their value, on term, you can easily afford In fact just like rent Read this astounding offer below act quick. ........ , SCENIC, ATTRACTIVE, CHEAP This splendid home In substantial nelnnborhood. Has three lovely bedrooms 'UW', living, dUdnfl room, kitchen down stairs, attractive fireplace, cool, shady front and back, Pr, half cement basement, stationary tubs claim this as your own by paying $50 down and $25 per montn. HILLSLOPE COTTAGE, OVERLOOKS CITY, FURNISHED Consists of four rooms, completely furnished, bath, basement, shrubs, "ower. galore. This Is a quiet little home for sensible couple who believe in economy, nothing lavish or elaborate Just a piam good bargain with terms of $50 down and $15 per month. CLOSE-IN, 9 ROOMS, FAMILY HOME REAL VALUE Very desirable as residenceincreasing In value, due to business expansion, large '"''.hlt",'! 'out and paid, six comfortable rooms downstairs, three up, with double plumbing buy this, rent.oui two rooms and make payments only $50 down, $30 per month. ' DON'T RENT BUY! McLENDON REALTY COMPANY CORNER OAK AND MAIN The Antique Cure Let us help you build this fine little home or any other design We can show you how to build your home to suit your own ideas, with but , i i little cash outlay. . , i i Lumber - Millwork - Complete Line of Building Materials ,' COEN LUMBER COMPANY Phone 121 , nil (he Tho local officials of tho Shell company highly endorse the now Graham Brothers truck that has been allotted this district and are permitting it to bo shown In the windows of J. O. Nowland and Son, local Dodge brothers dealers, to day and Sunday. This is the first Graham to be permanently station ed hero. Following Is the letter received endorsing tho truck: J O. Nowland and Son, Hnsebui'g, Oregon. Gentlemen: Wo wish lo advise your office that (lie 'two-ton Graham truck ve contly sold to the Shell company for service at this depot Is that you claimed it to bo at time of sale. One can not believe the change that has been made in the Doilgo motor until one lias driven It, run ning as smoothly as a six cylinder motor, nnd Willi abundant poweiv Wo feel that with this Graham truck our delivery problem In tins large territory, which we cover, has been solved with this piece of equipment. It IB nocessary lor us to carry the capacity load of four thousand pounds, and the euse with which this truck handles' over the rough roads la remarkable. We find that wo are operating at PLUMBING HEATING OUR SPECIALTY Let us Modernize Your Kitchen WM. SCOTT 116 W. Oak A year ago In tho month of June, by the light of a leering, laughing moon, I repeated my wedding vows in a daze and ac quired a wife-wlth-the-antlque-eraxe. ' '- . Our brief honeymoon was a dream of bliss, no moment would I have wanted to miss eyfen though through devious, dingy ways. I was led, by a wife-with-the-aiili-que-craze. We purchased a cottage, Colo nial. To her 'twas a castle, Ba ronial! She filled It witii truck that had seen its best days. Aiy sweet, foolish wlfe-with-theantl- que-craze. ' The old cnairs ratneu, uie tables swayed. I would not re pent tho prices she paid! But tho whims or a oriue, a iiuhuuiiu obeys, even whims of a, wife-with- the-antlque-craze ! .-. The bed which she gave mo to sleep on at night made mo swear like a trooper lust rearing to ugr.i. For the bed creaked and groaned in distressing ways and I said to my wlfe-with-thoantique-craze: "I'm a patient man an 1 I've suffered a lot but this bed is worse than an army cot. Buying old furniture never pays, I'll 3how you my ' ' wlfe with-the antlque (nue." I took her down to the furniture stores where period stuff filled entire floors, those authentic con ies in charming displays enrap tured my wife-with-the-antlque see how muca cash this Junlc Willi ralBe," I said to my wlfe-wlth-the- antique-craze. He looked at the tables, the chairs, the bed.. "Your antiques are mostly fakes," ho said. And that sad information Btill dis mays 'my wife who Is CURED of the antique craze! 'TWAS EXPECTED "I hear Hardupp's shop burned last night. They say you could see the fire a long way off. "Yes, I saw it six months ago. Tit -Bits, London,' ' f - ' r.T.T.T.T.T.T.I.I.l.r.T.T.l.T.M SpecialsToday a minimum cost, nnd at the same iimn envoi- territories: which , we u-mn imnble to cover, before, duo to the excessive costs o operating over these territories. - This truck is being used on our long hauls and over the roughest roads. . ' Wo find that wo can give better and faster sorvice to our customers With tho largo Increase in business whirl, wo hnvn eninvpd in the lust craze! few months we flnd'it necessary to "The Windsor chairs, that gate- luwe this class of equipment to leg table, these spindle beds that take cure of this largo Increase In are sturdy and stable are repro business, and with the speed of ductions , which surely amozel.? this truck, wo are able to mako i admitted my wife-wlth-the-antl-delivorles in half the time it takes que-craze. wlih nin- other enulnment. I We telephoned to the antique Yours truly, I man, "Make haste to our C. E. MKLTON. ith your moving van." house "We'll Hirsch Wies Porch Swing,' stand and " ' . canopy top. $53.00, for.: $24.95 Steel frame, khaki covered Porch Swing, . $20, for .. - -- - 16-95 Double Camp Cot, $8.75, for $3-50 Kampkook Stove, $7.50, for :.L;..$4.98 Kamp Tables, $7.50, for :$3.95 Feather weight folding Camp Beds - Side Ice Cabinet Refrigerator, $30 for. $24.95 Good Enamel Handle Brooms - ;-49c Large, small and medium Hand Sprinklers Second Hand Refrigerators, Lawn Mowers and ' Kitchen Ranges. Big Bargains for Small Prices SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY JUDD'S FURNITURE STORE y.T.l.M.l.l.l.T.T.T.l.!.t.M.I.!.M.M.I.I.M BEDROOM SUITES That lend themselves to any scheme of decoration Similar to the one pictured above Colorful, cheerful bedrooms are quite tie vogue. The colors and hand-decorations in soft colors are such that they harmonize with any treatment of floors, windows or walls. They can be had at prices which will enable you to afford to have the pieces you wish. McKean, Darby & Baldwin Complete Housefurnisher. CORDON and BISHOP SELL- PAINTS ENAMELS VARNISHES STAINS WALLPAPER GLASS, ETC. nnd furnish estimates on quantity 314 Cass Phone 643 Douglas Building & Loan Association UNDER STATE SUPERVISION AND CONTROL OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS B. L. EDDY, President ...Stale Senator and Attorney at Law GEO. KOHLHAGEN, Vice President. Dealer in Livestock and proprietor Kohlhagen Apartments and Economy Market. . . . , , , . . J. E. McCLINTOCK, Secretary President Commercial Abstract Co. B. W. STRONG, Treasurer .....President Umpqua Valley Bank F. H. CHURCHILL, Director Prcident CharchiU Hardware Co. C. A. LOCKWOOD, Director President Lockwood Motor U. r.D ir n ctpwaot rkiMM. rnvsiuan oiiu wn. &m u. hjvn, wMMut - - WAYNE E. JONES Write your name aid ad- "The Brains of Standard Oil." That is what H. H. Rogers was cnllcd. His advice was: Don t waste your time, don t waste your money, don t waste your friends." Join us dress on this coupon and nnd save nil three. ., , . mail to us and we will send you our booklet free of charge. It will show ycu the best way to save money. DOUGLAS BUILDING & LOAN ASS'N Roscburg, Oregon , Gentlemen; Please send your booklet. My Name Is My P. O. address Is My Business Is , 1 i Pi