THREff ' Leaves On Short Trip Mr. anil Mm. R. K. McLendon LOCAL NEWS iGtt Saturday for Astoria where I they are spending a few days visit-1 ing relatives and mends. ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1 927. ; 1 1 o Short Trip iMBMsMBlBlelBBaWBWaMMB Return From Beach : , , ; . , ' Mr. and lira. Irvln Uoucette and son, Richard, returned Sunday evening from Bandon bench where they Bpent the week end holiday. Home From Portland Alia. Llta Barnes 1ms . returned from Portlund where she bus bein enjoying a visit with her parents und friends since Saturday night.' Towers Visitors Mr. and Mrs. C. Leroy. Towers of Eugene, until recently residents of, this city, were in Rosebu'g over tiie week end visiting with fihiiids. From Eugene , Mrs. Jumea LeacA, of Eugene, spent the weok-end In RoBeburg visiting wllh r)ullves and friends. Khu formerly inado tier home In tlili city. From Medford . Adrian Fisher, of Medford, mo ' tored here to spend the week-end ' visiting wllh his pureuls, Mr. .and Mis. W. II. FiBher, and visit with friends. Returns From Portland , Wm.: H. Machen ( returned to Itoseburg this morning after spend iug the holiday In Portland and northern points enjoying n v'slt with relatives. . , i Visit Over Week End Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Lenox and daughter of Portland were in Roao burg over the week-end visiting ut tl:e home of Mr. Lenox's mother, Mrs. Emma Lenox. ' ' " Pack From Portland Mrs. Frank H. Churchill return ed to Roseburg Saturday night af ter unending several davs in Port land attending' to business affaii'H and visiting. ' ' Back From North Mrs. Jack Schlenker returned this morning to Roseburg from Portland after spending the week end holiday there visiting with rel atives and friends. , . . ,. Former Residents Visit Mr. and Mrs. C. Hi' Scliumaker, of Yrekn,' 'California,' visited in Roseburg Monday. Mr. Schumaker, who was formerly employed in the J.. (J. Penney .store Iu Roseburg tis now manager? of the. ;Penny store 8,t';Treka. 1 ! j IT ' ' '.till Park Company Formed Incorporation papers have been , issued to the Winchester Bay Rec ' realion Park, a coriipany formed, to develop the resort at the mouth of the Umpqua. The incorporators arc W. P. Reed, C. O. Bartley and, l.auia uartiey. Tne capital stock? is $20,000. Home From North Mr. and Mrs. Kennetli Martin mid family returned Monday night from northern points where they visited ; over," ; the ; holiday; They. were guests of Mr. Martin's par-' ents in Oregon Oily and' werealso In Portland for a day. While In the northom part of the state they at tended tho roundup at Molnlla. Marriage Licenses Issued 110 Marriage licenses Were ' Issued 'Saturday at Eugene to Louis Ver non Watklns of 1 Conistock and Katherlne Blomberg of Drain and to E. "M. Roberts of Winchester Bay und Stella Becker of Portland. John W. Maddux and Emma M. Nenietz of Roseburg secured a mar. riage license in Vancouver laBt week. STARTS SATURDAY, JULY 16 Double Program Haskell Indian Symphonic Band Dr. Robert Parker Miles Two Great Plays Lucile Elmore Revue "Chautauqua tones down the horror of acquiring a college education," George Fitch. BUY SEASON TICKETS NOW Visit at .Beach ' Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Darncs spent Monday at Bundon beach atlendlng the celebration. From Beach Mr. and Mrs. Earl Durch have returned from Sunset Reach where tbey motored Sunday to enjoy the holiday, i ' i i , Visit at Beach Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cluc'c were at Baudon Beach over the week end holiday enjoying ' thq celebration and' visiting. ! ' , Llston Bowden Visits Liston Bowden, ot Medford, was In Roseburg over tho : week-end visiting with his parents and other relntlves. i From Weed Jack Hull, formerly of this city and now of Weed, California, spent the week end In Roseburg enjoy ing a visit Willi friends. From Medford Loss Wright of Medford was here over Monday enjoying a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wendell Wright, .and friends. From Eugene The Misses Mary and Delia Mc Carthy or Eugene, motored, horo over the week end to visit with their mother and other relatives. Left For Colorado G. W. Leeper of this city left Sunday for i Denver. Colorado. where he will visit with his mother and sister. He will be uwey from this city about two weeks. Visit in Medford Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hulbert of Rosenurg arrived in Medford yes terday to spend the Fourth at the home of Joe Cave, acting chief of ponce. MedfordMuIl Tribune. , Vslts In Portland J. O. Now land motored to Portland Sunday to visit with Mrs. Newland- who is undergoing treatment In a hospital there. He wilt return home tonight. Returns to Portland- Mrs. Ivan B. McKlnncy returned to Portland Sunday after spending a ween in noseourg visiting with Her parents, Di;, i aiul .Mrs. Fred Hayues. ! i S n. Home from Corvallle , , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Araqrt and two uaugiuerSj vera 1 Jean and Geral dine, returned this morning from Corvallis .where they . have been visiting since Sunday with Mr. Amort's parents. ' Home From Beach Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Taylor and daughter, Athulie, returned here Monday evening from Bandon where they have been since Fii day enjoying ithe celebration ; ut the beach,- ' J - From Portland - ' Mrs. Verne Monosmith of Port land was here! over tho'waek end holiday; tar visit with iter mother, Mre.'L. W. Ingles, ami other rela tlvesMrs; 'Monosmlth fi.rmerly re sided iu, this city. Visit At Payton Home . ' " ' Mr., and Mrs. Frank Murch nnd two children of San Jose. Califor nia, who have been visiting here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Payton Bince Friday, left today for their home. Mr. Murch ia a nephew of Mr. Payton. 2k Headline "7 i.i From Glendale Roy Caraway of Glendale has : arrived to spend several days iu this city visiting with relatives. and friends. On Vacation Trip led Perrin, clerk nt the Ter minal Hotel, left this morning for a weexs vacation to coos Hay points and Crescent City. Visits Over Week End P. M. Blaskey. who is employed Dy toe t-opco at 'iran, ure spent the week end In Roseburg visiting vun reiuuves nnu menus. i i Visits- Enroute North i,,,o. JlllUDIl HlVItllJUlU UL I, CI It I eley, Calif., stopped over night Monday to visit with her cous ins, Mr. and Mis. Wm. M. Camp bell, enroute to northern points. Visits Over Holiday Lawrence Clemenson of Med ford spent the holiday in Roseburg and Eugene visiting Willi friends. He is employed mi the Copco power survoy on tho North Ump qua. . Arriving For Visit ' Mrs. T. M. Ollivant will have as her guest her niece, Miss . Alice! Denning, who has been teaching at Mills college and who will ar rive here at the end of the week I for n short visit. Burled Monday The funeral of the late George Rlter washeld Monday at 10 a. m., at the chapel of the Roseburg Un dertaking company. Rev. Achor, pastor of the Preabyterlun church, officiated. Btiriul was In the Ma sonlo cemetery. .'.. Leaving For East Rev. E. P. Runnells leaves on Thursday of this week for his for mer home in New Hampshire aud will visit there ' until September, when he will return to Roseburg with his wife and children, who are now iu the east. , j i L. R. Chambers Moving L. R. Chambers, local Nash deal er, announced todny that: ho is vacating his present quarters ' on Jackson and Court streets and will move to the corner of Oak nnd Main streets, giving a more cen tral location. ' Receives News Brother's Death Mrs. Annis ' M. Lucas has 're ceived the sad news of the death of her brother in Lansing, Michi gan, death coming July 1. He was the eldest of : six children, all of whom are still living and who are over 50 years of age. Here From Medford 3 : Arthur Brown ot Medford, cir culation manager for the Oregon inn iu southern Oregon, is spend ing a few days here on buslnesa. He, has been to northern points and his family accompanied him as far as Eugene, ; remaining there .to visit with relatives. ' Visits 'Over Saturday , Mlsa Dorothy Hermann was in RoBeburg over Saturday vlsitlns with her brother, Fred Hermann, and frienda, stopping over enroute to her home In Grants PasB from Marshfield, where she has been en joying a vacation since the closing of schools. VlBlt From Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Rowley ot Eugene were visitors in Roseburg today. Accompanied by Mrs. Row ley's sister, Miss Mattie Perry of KoseDurg, tney went on a liip In to Eastern Oregon over the Mc Kenzle highway Sunday and 'Mon day. They brought Miss Perry home last night and remained over today to visit frienda. Funeral Today The remains of Lewis Woody, who died at Centralia recently, ar rived in Roseburg Sunday. Services were held at Wilbur this morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. Matthews, pas tor ot the local Buptist church, of ficiating. M. E. Bitter, funeral di rector of the Roseburg Undertaking company, conducted arrangementa. Daughter Born Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Holmes of Seattle, the latter a sister of Fred Strang of this city, are being con gratulated on the birth of a daugh ter, Betty Lou, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes are well known here having visited In the city aevernl times. They formerly re sided in Medford and also in Eu gene, from where they moved to the Washington city a few months ago. Mr. Holmes received a pro motion In the Southern Pneifin company and was transferred to Seattle. Funeral Held Sunday I The funeral of the late Robert Kldd was held Sunday afternoon at the Elks temple. Rev. Runnells, of tho local Episcopal church offi ciated and the eulogy was given by Hon. J. W. Hamilton. Tho ritualistic service of the lodge was used: The great bank of flowers were tributes of the esteem of the community for the deceased. In terment was in the Masonic ceme tery. Arrangements were conduct ed by M. E. Rltter of the Roseburg Undertaking company. Visit at Campbell Home Superintendent of Schools, Wm. I Campbell and Mrs. Campbell had as guestfl overnight Monday their uncle and aunt. Dr. and Mrs. Geo. F. McCune, nnd three child :ren, who are touring the United States. Mr. McCune for the past six years has been president of I the Huron College at Huron, ; South Dakota, prior to that time ; being a missionary In Korea. With :hls family he wlU tour the states, going from here southward, and 1 later will sail from New York City for Europe. He and his family will ; visit various places abroad, In cluding Egypt and then will go to Korea, where Dr. McCune has ac cepted a place as president of the Union Christian College. Nothin: Perplexing on an Burner The selection of an oil burner is, a process of simple thought. You ,' ; know the features you want. Simply check what you want against what any certain burner offers you and when you find ; ; agreement buy. ; This simple ; process has brought hundreds of. home owners to Nu-way in . the, last few months. . Sales have been more rapid than in any past ' year of Nu-way history. 1 " ! Size ', You want a burner of the right ; size for your needs. Nu-way , offers arange of sizes andcapac-' ities that make it the efficient ; m burner! for buildings from five--, room' bungalows to fifty-apart- . ment structures.. , ' ; Simplicity You want a simple burner, one that responds with sureness to ' automatic control and one that ' has but few places where any weakness can ever develop. . i Roseburg Plumbing and Heating Company 324 North Jackson St. ; Roseburg, Oregon Phone 151 . , ' Visit at Bend Mis 11a Laubach and her uncle, C. E. Mansfield, and Miss Celia Bieck took a trip over the Mc Kenzie hlghwuy to Bend over the holidays. Return to Bav Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rlchter and family, former residents of thiB city, who visited here with the lat- ter's sister. Mrs. Clair K. Allen, and other relatives over the week end, returned home Monday. Returns North E. S. Hall, principal of the Rose School, who has been visiting at the home of J. J. Thennes on Garden Valley road for the past two weeks, left yesterday for his home In Hnrrlsburg. . : . Visit Over Holiday Mr. E. A. Gilbert and wife of San FranclBCO were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McClellan In their Kohlhagen AptB., over the fourth. Mr. Gilbert is the master car builder of the Southern Pa cific with hoadqtiarlerB at Ran Francisco, and with his family Is visiting the different points of In terest in Oregon by auto. Former Retidente Here Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Lecle nnd children of Wellington, Washing ton, formerly of this city having made their home In Roseburg jover a year ago, arrived Saturday j night to visit with friends here t until Wednesday. Mr. Lecin hss a home here and is looking after In terests while in the elty. With Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Prlncen and family, Mr. and Mrs Lecle and family motored lo the Oregon Caves for Sunday and Monday. Really, there is about deciding Oil Here Today ' Mrs. Claude Church and family, of Camas Valley, were here this afternoon aliopping and transacting business. Spends Afternoon Miss Virginia Golden, of Stither lin, spent the afternoon in Rose burg shopping and visiting with friends. Arrives for Visit Mrs. S. E. Cochran, of Collage Grove arrived Monday to spend a few days visiting at the homo of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Cochran. From Portland Roland Ageo, of Portland, former resident of this city, was an arri val here the first of the week for a visit with friends and to look after business interests. Visit at Coaet Dr. and Mm. Geo. E. Houck, of this city and son, Dr. Geo. H. Honck, of Boston, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Marks and son and dnughter, Miss Ethel Marks, formed a party mo toring to Iteedsport over the week end. They left their car there and went to Gardiner and Win Chester Bay by boat. Back from Motor Trip Dr. and Mrs. Lee A. Wells and family returned Monday eve- ! nlng from a motor trip to coast ' points over the holiday. They were at Bandon until Monday, leav ! Ing there In their car and motor ing to Crescent City, over the Red wood highway to Grants Pass and home. They covered about 315 miles Monday. Nu-way is the simplest .burner' made in which are embodied the four fundamental princi-' pies governing perfect combus tion of oils. . - i i ; .., 0 ; ':.', Safety You want a burner not only sate but one that can cause y'ou no i annoyance, Nu-way is listed as standard by Underwriters' Lab oratories. Not only that but it has devices that prevent any chance of delayed ignition with its attendant "back fire" and any chanoe of ruiningyour basement ' . with oil joking frrri j hgjyrnfeK ) Long Life pie and free frorn vibration Gov. Officers Here ' J. D. Thomas and A. P. Donahue, Inspectors with the Department of the Interior, are spending a short time in Roseburg making an In spection nt the Roseburg land of fice. Jack Shields Here Jack Shields, of Portland, former Roseburg boy, arrived this morn ing to spend the day on business. His parents and their family re cently moved from this city to the metropolis, whoro they intend to locate. Home from Washington Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Frcflertclcson and son, Walter, returned Sunday night from a motor trip lo Tacoma and Seattle, where thoy enjoyed a week's visit with relatives. Enrouto north they stopped over In Port land lor a brief lime. EX-CONVICT 18 ACCUSED (AurcUbx) rM Lmw) Win) LONG-VIEW, Wash., July C A man giving the nnmo of Jack Renfro, printer and pressman, was held by the police here today for investigation after an attempt to sell sixty spacobanda for lino type machines, and three number ing machines, to the Longview Dally News. Theft of 100 space bands from the Oregon Statesman, Salem, Ore., waa reported yestorday. Renfro claimed he enme here from Canada. Police said ha ad mitted having served a tw-o-year term in McNeil Island federal prison for a shooting affair. Po lice communicated with Salem authorities and R. J. Hendricks, publisher of the Statesman. , Listed as Standard by Underwriters Laboratories' the Nu-way enjoys a long life of service. Long life is assured, tool by the quality of accessories such as fuel feed and ignition systemwhich are. made by firms standing highest in theii respective fields. ' j Finish !f Nu-ways all are'excellehtly fink ished but there is a peLuxe fin-l j ish that fits Nu-way harmoni- I oiisly into any basement, no matter how lavishly! furnished. This finish highly, polished .brass; and 'nickel P.Q4Kfiln; enamel, in .DutahJ31ue. or Ivory,, , is somewhat higher in cost than the standard and is optional. U 'WmWrn i! ilome Vn :aHdlsee Ihls'Limple burner, that will keep your home heated without labor, dust or ij, ashes,. within a healthful range 'f , ' comfoift ', tifid'i ease iWh;y. dlonli'you? ': come int today. , V -.n'V'fH-i 4 vv4' ;' ', ,. ,'. John King, owner, of Klng'stwlll remain about a month as In Station at Coos Bay Junction, loft dland Is his boyhood home and he for Indiana yesterday morning in i has many friends there. Mrs. King response to a telegram that hia i will be ill charge of the station mother was very ill. Mr. King I during hlB absence. The McCormick-Deering Engine WILL LAST A LIFE TIME The removable cylinder, which is different from other engines, with new piston and rings can be replaced for about one-tenth the cost of a new engine. Size U, 3, 6 and 10 h. p. SOLD BY WHARTON BROS. .15 an 1 .-, (is.. this winter. Phone or :':. '':. ' : 7i I