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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1927)
4 81 J; six ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1927. FIRST PICTURES OF FLIGHT TO HONOLULU llr '! ' " -5 y . t fi -?! f V 5 ,;-fW ..I.. 1.1. I, , , til V 1 wVi .Zl'-A f , ' . . 1 f IB an if la AM at- .' X 4 4 A.7 --I The U. 8. army Fokksr plane wai first to span the Pacific by air, and NEA Service, Inc., was first to bring back to the mainland pictures ' Illustrating the success of the flight. This photoradiogram, flashed thrjugh the ether over the ocean hours ahead of any competition to the News.Revlew shows the FoKker landing in Wheeler Field, Honolulu, wth soldiers and civilians rushing to It. (Copyright, 1927, by NEA Ser ;lce, Inc.) . - ' . C iJZll. . 77 Here is the port of Honolulu, objective of the army plane and of other flyers entered In the August prize flights across the Pacific. J Just as the clock registered 7:15 a. m. on June 28. the army's trans Pacific plane passed In front of the 8an Francisco Union Ferry build. Ing. (Copyright, 1927, by NEA Service, Inc.) Above is a general picture show. Ing he more than 7000-foot runway , of the Oakland municipal airport ; . on Bay Farm Island, from which the army plape took off on Its Pa ciflo flight. , t Is the longest run Way In the world. Below Is a pic ture of the Fokker Just rising from . the runway on the start of Its flight. Dual control whoels and Instrument board of the army Fokker pound for Honolulu., Sprno Idea of the complicated aparatus now used In flying operations can be gained from the illustration. , ' Jtiefl This is the "Travelair" plane ot( Ernie Smith, air mall pilot, as it came to earth on Bay Farm Island after an accident in the air follow ing a start on the trans-Paclflc flight. Smith won praise for the skillful manner in which he brought the heavily loaded ship to earth. Below is Smith, stumbling deject edly away from the plane, i k2 1 ns. r ""wfcn This Is Richard Grace, daring stunt flyer of Los Angeles, now ready to hop from Honolulu to San Francisco or Los Angeles, rivaling the army ship winging its way to ward Honolulu. f. mmmmSm iih!-ii!mb) This Is the giant trl-motored Fok- V ker plane of the army, handled by i Lieut. Albert Hagenberger, left, the navigator, and Lieut. Lester Malt- land, pilot, successful In making the '' first non-stop flight across the Pa- ciflc ocean. 4 Te '""V Fokker plane on the start of Its trans pacific hop passes directly over the Crlssy Field hangars, where other aircraft of the army are housed. (Copyright, 1927, by NEA Service, Inc.) With almost the clarity of an actual photograph, t his photoradiogram sent from Honolulu to San Fran cisco for NEA Service, Inc., and the News-Revlew, sh ows the army'i successful Pacific filers, enthusiasti cally greeted an dwlth the traditional "lels" about th elr necks. Moitland, the pilot, Is at the left, Hegen berger, navigator, right, (Copyright, 1927, by NEA Ser vice, Inc.) 'TP "Til 9' -A t LOCAL NEWS : Leave for Diamond Lake F'rnnk v. Cliaso mill throa sons li'ft I his mnrnliiK by unto for Dia mond Lake to upoml tln liollilay !uJo.vlnu an outliiR nt the resort. ' Go to McMlnnvllle- I Mn. Mllh-r ami Mlaa Kslhor i Miller nro leavliiR for McMlnnvllle I where (hey will visit over July 4 wiiii ineir iiiiiiKnier nnil slator, Mm. John rerono. To Lakevii SIIsb Kerne Iteymors left last hlKlit for Jjikevlew, OreRon, where she will spend the week end vis ltU.IT her imrenls, Mr, iind lira, c, (J. Heymers. , Leaves for East ; Mrs. Flunk W. Cliaso left this moinlriB for Wisconsin, there vla Jllns wllh relnllven in (lie south ern and central pnrls. Hho will nlxo viHlt In Illinois anil will be away about six woeka. On her return she will travel tho soulhoin roule. Leaves for Salem- Mis a Killth lUnonistrom, of rayclte, lilnho. who has bi-en vis ItliiK here at the home of her sis ter. Mrs. ('. A. Coflell, left this morning Tor Salem (o visit with t'rleiHls, j Back From Lake Mr. anil Mis. V. T. Jaekson re turned last nlKht from DUmnn.l hiko whero they have been enjoy InK a short online. They were ac companied ny Mr. anil Mrs. Otto Huff, of Snlem. Mr. Huff Is pro prietor of a Salem garage. They report a delightful outing and slnto that (he fishing nt Diamond lake is now nt Its prime. To Beach Today Mr. anil Mrs. K. O. Tronello and son, John, Miss lleulnli Parker, Miss Marguerite Kest, Mr. anil Mrs. rail Kost, Joe Pest and Louis Kest left loiluy for Hnndon lo spend July 4. Visiting From Nebraska I Mrs. Stella Miller of Nebraska is visiting In Hoseburg n( (he home ! of her son, Frnnk Miller. HOLIDAY LURE CAUSES CITY TO LOOK DESERTEED Kublls Visit Mr. and Mrs. K. K. KuMI were here from Portland visiting over night Friday. Fine Assessed John 11. Stamlley, arrested on it ennrgo or tuning to stop his car before entering n highway, whs fined 5 and costs today after en tering a plea of guilty before Juj (Ice of (he Pence Hopkins. (Continued from page 1.) Enroute East Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henlh anil two children, of Mnrshricltl, stop ped over here n few hours to day anil visited Mrs. Heath's broth er and wife. Dr. and Mrs. H. O. Church. The party are on a motor trip (o eastern points and will be away about two months. They will visit In New York City and Bos ton and points In Virginia and Florida and will also visit Yellow, stone National Park. They plan to return home via the southern route. v Going to Lake Resort A number of Rosehurg people will be nt Diamond Lake for out lugs over (he holiday. Among those planning the trip nre Mr. and Mrs. Virgtl Hush. Roy Hutliam and J. S. McDonald and party. Rlter Funeral Monday The funeral of the late George. Rlter will be held Monday at 1(1 a. m., at (he chapel of the Rosehurg Undertaking company. Rev. R. w. Achor officiating, lnlerment will lake place In (he Masonic cemetery, i linhlir nfrnrml on Dm, man an.! tries nro being made In the open races. j The Gobblers, assisted by Ray j Adams, having given a grca( deal i of time (o completing the details' for this celebration anil have kept ' uppermost the desire to provide en tertainment and comfort for nil : who attend. Kvery minute of each! day will he crowded full of enter-' taming features. Band concerts will be provided at frequent inter vals In addition to (he concerts in conneclion with (be rodeo. Then ench evening except Sunday, thoro wilt be jitney dancing, and also an athletic show and special motion picture performances at the thea tre to provide en(ertainment. Monday morning (here will be a patriotic program with a special ad dress by Rev. Frank B. Matthews, pastor of (he Roseburg lluptlst church. Many people nre taking advan tage of the camping privileges pro vided nt the city park and will re main in Oakland tor (he full three days enjoying (he many at(rac(ions (o be offered. For (hose who prefer an old fashloncd celebration Dlllard and Vtrockway nre holding ou( an in vlladon for (he Fouiih. The (wo communities are cooperating In sponsoring a program for Monday. The morning Is to be given over to a patriotic meeting, siartlng with a concert by (ho Dlllard band. The program opens with the concert at 10 a. m. follow-ed by patriodc songs. special selections and readings and! an address by w. o. Paul of South Deer Creek, one of (he best known spenkers of tho county. A picnic, dinner will be enjoyed between 12 and 1 o'clock and (hen (here will be a fine program of sports and con(ests Including foot races, free tor all saddle horse races, broc coli cart race, and numerous other stuiUs, wi(h prizes offered (he win ners. A baseball game between the Dlllard and Gleudule teams will be a feature of the afternoon, and it is expected that (his will be one of (he fastest games of the season. In addition to ihese big ce!hr:v tions many communities are ar ranging picnics In which resident; and their friends will join, where an may get toge(her for a general good time, and many Roseburg neo- ple will enjoy (hese, where an op portunity win be offered for a visit with friends. CRATER LAKE ROAD OPEN Visit Over Friday Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Walker, of Seattle, were TisKors over night Friday In (his ci(y and were re gistered at (he Umpqita Hotel. Mr. Walker is co-owner of (he Moore Hotel. They were enroule home from a mofor trip (o California polnfs. (AnocUtfii PrtM Leued Wire) : MEDFORD, Ore., July 2. Word from Cra(er nadonal park received this forenoon in Medford from Su perin(endent C. G. Thomson, slat ed that the road through the park is now open all the way to the lodge, but with only one way traf fic control from Anna Spring camp to the lodge on the rim. The latter section through the park will proth ably continue to have one-way travel for at least a week yet, be cause of the heavy snow. The Crafer lake stages are running dally in bolh dlrecdons from Med ford and Klamath Falls (o the lodge. GRACE POSTPONES FLIGHT MANA, Island Kauai, Hawaii. July 2. Richard Grace, , avialor from, the Hollywood movies, post poned his flight undl tomorrow for the California mainland after two unsuccessful attempts to put his monoplane inlo the air.