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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1927)
FIVE seek RUGS! RUGS! BEFORE WAR PRICES REG. PRICE: OUR PRICE 9x12 Winton Velvet. .$65.00 $45.00 9x12 Palisade Axminsters ..... $60.00 $40.00 8.3x10.6 Spec. Madison Axminster .$55.00 $35.00 27x54 Velvet, all wool $ 4.50 $ 3.25 We Also Carry Large Stock Linoleums Powell Furniture Co. 238 N.Jackson p.. LOCAL NEWS gi From Wilbur- Frank Parker vua in this city looking after business affaiiB and trading tor a brief time Kridny at teruoou. HELEN WILLS ADDS WIMBLETON TITLE TO HER LAURELS WIMBLEDON. England, July 2 An American girl wears the ' wo men a singles crown of Wimble don for the first time la 20 years. Miss Holen Wills, 21-ycar old Callfornlan and three times former American champion, Bwept to the title today ay conquering the Spanish Btar, Senorita Ella Pe Alvarez, In straight sets, 0-2, 6-4. It was a decisive victory for the hard driving American girl, the climax of a march through a field composed of the world's foremost women amateurs. It put Miss Wills at the top of the tennis heap, once more ' undisputed successor to Suzanne Lcnglen, after a bril liant comeback from the illness that forced her out of nearly all championship competition abroad and at home in. 1926. j Twenty, years ago. May Sutton, now Mrs. Bu'ntly, won the Wimble, don singles but no American has triumphed in the tournament since then. Henri Cochot, conqueror of big Bill Tildcn, won the men's singles title today, del'oating his fellow, countryman, Jean Borotra in an other of his famous uphill battles. The score was 4-6, 4-8, 6-3, 6-4, 7-5. AMERICAN TENNIS STAR8 .DEFEATED IN DOUBLES WIMBLEDON, July 1 William T. Tllden. and Mrs. Molla Mallory were eliminated from the mixed doubles of the Wimbledon tennis tournament thlB afternoon by Baron Von Kebrllng, -of Hungary, and Miss Eileen Bennett of Eng land, 3-6, 6-1, 6-4. ; 1 The American team made a strong start, but Tilden's play weakened greatly lit the. second set. As in his match against Henri Cochet yesterday, he Boomed to tire and made many errors. In Shopping Mrs. Curtis Stlerwald, of Creen, spent Friday afternoon in Itose hurg shopping and visiting with friendB. Going to Klamath Fatls- - Mrs. it. u. Harney and daughter leave today for Klamath Kails, I where they will visit with friends for a few days. Left for Portland Wm. Machen left this afternoon for Portland where he will visit with bis mother and friends over the two-dHy holiday. . , , , From - Melrose r. Mr. and-Mrs. ;C. J. Lundeen, of Melrose, spent Friday uflernoon In this city looking after business mutters and shopping, t , Visiter Friday . Oeo. DeBernardI, of ldleyld, was a visitor in Roseburg Friday af ternoon and was attending to buBi ness affairs and trading. On Business Vincent Preschorn, Melrose real, dent, was a Roseburg visitor, Fri day for n few hours and was look ing after business affairs. Visitor Friday F. Churchill, of Rico Hill, was a Roseburg visitor on Friday spending the afternoon here trans acting business and trading. To Lake Mr. and Mrs. a. Willett are leaving- this afternoon on a motor. trip to Loon Lake to enjoy outing over the Fourth of July. From Glide : ; Mr. and Mia. J. D. Hecse, of Glide spent several hours Friday In Roseburg viBiting friends and attending to bpslness affairs. 5 n 'in M&l.I.I.M.M.I.T.ira.T.T.I.r.T.I.M AUCTION SALE At the Dillar Place, one mile north of Elgarose , 1 ,j . ;,' ' , ';' Thursday, July 7, 1927 '-.Sale Starts l'p. tin - ;. i i 8 much cows, five giving milk, 1 sorrel horse, about 12 years. 1 brown horse, about 9 years. - ' . ' ' -i 1 sorrel mare, about 7 years. ...- t (Good work or saddle horse) 1 oh, p. steam engine and boiler, good shape 1 3 h. p. Fairbanks Morse gas engine. 1 Champion 5-foot mower. 1 10-ft. hayrake, nearly new. 1 2-horse disc harrow. ' 1 2-horse drag harrow. 1 1 -horse garden cultivator. -, 1 Kirsten stump puller. : Household goods and many other articles. Also 4 acres shocked hay in field. Will sell at private sale 5000 feet of new lumber. TERMS CASH M. C. RADABAUGH, Auct. H- A. WOOD, Owner, II.I.I.IiI.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.IcI.l.I.l.lfI.III.T.T.W From Glendate ' Mrs. J. E. Hartle and Miss Mil dred Hartle rotumed, to Glendale Friday afternoqa spending the day hero visiting friends and shopping. Standleys Visit Mr; and Mrs. Johif Standloy, of Ten. Mile; Were1 In :this"clty for a few hours on Friday attending to business matters and visiting friends, s , , , , - Visit Here , Fred Chamberlln and sister, Miss Geneva - Chamberlln, of ; Looking Glass, spent Friday .afternoon . in thiB city . shopping and transact ing business. ; j License Issued A marriage license was Issued today lo Wallace Miles, Hosoburg, and Violet May Haskiu, Cottage wove. Kugeue Guard. Going to Portland Kenneth Clark and Bill Swnnk, of this city, are leaving early Sun day morning by motor for Portland and Vancouver, Washington, to visit over July 4. Visit Friday- Mr. and Mi's. J. P. Nlckens, of Looking Glass, wore In Itosoburg for a few hours on Friday trans- acting business and vlsltlug friends. -Leaving for Klamath Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Davis are leaving tonight by nuto for Kin math Falls and a trip through Eastern Orogon. Thoy expect to oe gono about a week. Hero for Holiday Miss Elizabeth Davidson, of Port land, arrived hero this morning to visit over the two-day holiday with friends. She will . be tho house guest of Miss Hnrrlot Groves while here. Hers from Coast Mrs. E. H.- Lahoy, formerly of this city but now residing In Marslifleld, IiaB arrived to spend a week visiting her daughter. Miss Blanche Lahoy. Hor son, Robert Lahoy, relumed the first of the week from nntlonal guard camp and Is reiuaiulng here with his mother during the coming week. To Centraila Mr. and Mrs. Ed Patterson and the lattor'a mother, Mrs, J. A. Freeman, left early this morning for Centraila, Washington, whero they will spend the Fourth with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. P&tterflou will return Tuesday while Mrs. Freemau will remain for a iongor time. Going to : Lake Frank La limit of this city and Ermel Slngloton of Glide leave to day lor Diamond -Lake whero they will enjoy an outing over tho two da holiday. What if Your PROPERTY TITLE is Defective? YOU WON'T LOSE Errors In the records, unrecorded documents, ; etc., can cause expensive Uttaation and pos sible loss of your property Take no chances . Protect yourself by TITLE Insurance POLICIES Issued through us by the Title and Trust Company OF PORTLAND You pay only one small premium. In exchange this inntitution will defend any title it guaran tees at Its own expense in court, and in case of loss will reimburse you. The COST i NOMINAL Douglas Abstract Company . . Roseburg, Oregon Going to Bandon Mr. and Mrs. C7 W. Lundeen ami Mfse Esther Ed man are leav ing in the morning for Bandon, whero they will enjoy the cele bration over July 4, WOMEN CAN NOW DO MORE Because Lydia E, Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound Keeps Them Well Fifty yenrs nso there were few ocenpatfonsrorwomen. Some taught school, some did housework, sonic found work to do athomeanda few took up nursing. Today there not open to women. Today they work In great factories with hundreds of other women and girls. There are also women architects, lawyers, den tists, executives, and legislators. But all too often a woman wins her economic independence at the cost of her health. Mrs. Elizabeth Chamberlain who works In the Unlonall factory mak ing overalls writes that she got "wonderful results" from taking Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound. Mrs. Cnnmberlain lives at 600 Monmouth St.. Trenton. N. J. She recommends the Vegetable Com pound to her friends In tho fnrtory and will gladly answer any letter she gets from women askingaboutit. Are yon on tho Sunlit Road to Better Health? Going to Portland Mn, and Mrs. A. B. Crawford, of this city and Mr. and Mrs. O. H Relchman, of Montague, Calif, left this afternoon by motor for Portland to spend the Fourth of July with friends. While in the metropolis Mr. and Mm. Crawford will visit Mrs. B. W. Bates, who underwent an operation this week, Going to Bandon Bandon will be the celebration point for many from Roseburg and surrounding towns over July 4, several parties having left Friday and a number more are planning to leave today and Sunday morning, Among those going today were Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Karcher, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Harness of Rose burg, Mr. and Mrs. James Ambrose, Sr., parents of Mrs. Harness and Mrs. , Karcher, and Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Ambrose, of Yoncalia, Mr. and Mrs. James Ambrose, Jr., of Uakrldge. . : o ' XOTH'K TO Ki:i)lTOUS In the County Court r tlto State of Orewon, for Do uirlaa CouhIv. Ju the Matter of the Kstute of amine nuwarii, jJceensiMJ. XOTIU15 is hereby Klviiij Mint (ho UiiderslRiied, James O. ltowuid. wins on mo ui. any or ovujfter, I'jJti, duly appointed Administrator of ttie abovo emitted owtuto by ordur of the above entitled Court. All peruana luivini claims njffiJnst hhJ1 ostato arc hereby required to pro sum the same to tho undurslKtipd at Hosuluii'K, Oregon, duly vurlfiid as preHerilicd by law. within six months from tho dalo of this notice. -DuU'd, thiB I"tti dny of June. li27. Administrator of the estate of Mollle Howard, deceased. NOTirB to itr.nrroits In the County Court of the Ktato of Orogon, for DuukIhh County. In tho ninllor of tho estate of H Irani Pratt, deeensed. Notlro Is hereby rlvon thnt tho mnh-rslRUod, tieo. w, Htddle, viis on tho 3rd dny of Oeeemhcr, tyjtf, diilyv appointed administrator 'of the estate of H Irani Pratt, deen ed. by the above entitled court. All persons having clUns nKlnt said estate are hereby reuetitd to present them to the uiid!tslnn'd at the office or liny U. Compln, attorney at law. Hoseburp. OrcKon, within aix monttis from the date of thfs notieo. All persons indebted to snid es tate are hereby requested to py said IndehteduesB forthwith to the undrolKned fit the office of llity B, Compton, attorney at luw, lioe burff, OreRon. . Dated this 4th day of June, 1!)27, EO. W. ltlDULK, Administrator of tho cstato of Hiram l'ratt, deceased. xotiohs to ritnniToiis In the County Court, of the State of Orison for IfoURhm County. In the matter of the estate of, Bon K. Velxtan, Ijewnsed. Notice Is hereby Rfv;n that the underwlKned bavjnff been hcreln foie by order of tho Countv Court of Do lifting County, Oreffon. duly appointed administrator of the estate of Hert K. VelKian, deeensi'd. All persons bavin elnims amilnst said estate are hereby notified to present Ihe same with vmti:ber an nexed, duly verified an by Jaw in quired to inn at the law office f John T. I.onft in the Perkins build in:? In Itosenurg, regnn, within six montlis from date of tho first publication of litis, notice. Dated mid first published June 4th, 1027, sr. M. COOPKK, Administrator of the estate of To Portland Today- Mrs. A. Mcpherson and son left this mom lug for, Portland, where thty will spend several day vis iting and on business. 1 low cootl news does spread ! Gtmonil Oasolitie Is still the best Expect d Here ' Russell Harness, who has been in Eastern Oregon where he has had a road contract, Is expected home over the week-end ami will visit his family. Place your order NOW for tho New Ford Car, C. A. Loekweod Mo tor Co. Home from Albany MrsRay Allen returned to her home in HoHoburg this morning ut ter spending tin past few days in Albany enjoying u visit wltti friends. Going to Beach ' Mr. and Mrs. J, Et Clark and two children, Nedra and Eldretl, leave tonight iu their car for Randon beach to visit over the week-end and enjoy the celebration. , Leave for San Diego - Mr. and Mrs. Charles VettorilnK, or Seattle, who have been hero for a few days' visit with tho latter's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Wright, left thiB morning for bail utego. To Dunsmulr Mrs. R. R Cook and daughter, miss iois Brands, left this morn ing for Dunsmulr, California, where they will enjoy a visit with friends for a few days. Left for Grants Pass Mrs. Fred Jteed loft ibis morn ing for Grants Pass, where she will spend the week-end visiting Mr.. Heed, who is located there with the Southern Paciric com pany. , Home from Eastern Oreaon Kudotpu Harness, who lias "been. in jSHsteru Oregon on road contract work, has returned here for few days' visit with hie family. He Is leaving next week for Tilla mook, where he will be located for several weeks. Leaves for North Mrs. Gertrude Clark, of Olympia, Washington, who has been visit ing with her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Clark, in Jtoseburg and relatives nt other points In the county, has left for Eugene to visit before her return home. - -. Go to Diamor.d Lake . Mr, and Mrs. H. Mt Pearson and son, Harry, left this morning in their car for Diamond Lake lo visit and enjoy an outing tor a few days. They will return here about Wed nesday and leave for Portland and Washington points on their vaca tion, - ; , Gocb to Portland ' ' 'Mrs. Bert G. .Bates arrived In Portland today from Rockaway Beach and will spend two days visiting with Mrs. B. W. Bates, who is In the Good Samaritan. Hospital there. She will then continue her journey to Roseburg, arriving here the first of the week. b t am very weu J 1 PiEASEO. YOU a ! HAVE DONE a ' SPLENOJDLY. i ETC. - ETC . i ml I i. Tiff' ' ' GOOD DAY MADAM General Gasoline and Parabase Oils YOUR SERVICE STATION, YONCALLA, OREGON ' In order to let tho people know there is a place in the local District where they can get SERVICE, we are putting on a CET ACQUAINTED SALE. July 1st to 8th Inclusive All articles, including Tires, a full line of accessories. Ford parts. Oils, (of which we carry PAKAI3ASE, Monamoter, Vaivoline, and Veedol), in all different Grades. Cigars, Cigarettes, Candies and Cum. ALL WILL BE REDUCED FROM 10 TO 60 FOR THIS SALE Corne in and get acquainted and save money during this sale. G. A. TAYLOR, Mgr. ' YOUR SERVICE STATION, YONCALLA, OREGON ODD FELLOWS OF ROSEBURG START WELCOME PLANS That local Odd Fellows Intend to bcgJn -mulcJug preparations for tho imUM-tuitmitiut of the GmitU Lodge of Oregon, which moots here next May, was Indicated lust night when lhreo memboi'B were nu lMiime4 lo represent I'liiletavlaa lodge on the executive committee for that event. A like number of committee members has already been choBOn from RoHeburg Ho beknh lodge, consisting of Mrs. KdUU Kelley, Mrs. Muude 1'ickens ami Mrs. Gertrude Hatfield. ' The 'Odd Feiiows chOHen last night ure J. K. picUoiib, V. T. Jackson and It. h, HuBseii, Oilier members of the executive committee will be chosen nt an eariy tinto from tho memborBhip of Dnion Encampment, Canton KobertBon and Auxiliary Robertson. This exocutlve com mittee will have general supervi sion of the grand lodge meeting nere ana will choose subordinate committees. The last meeting of the grand lodge was held at Astoria In May', at which time there wers over 6,000 visitors registered, in .that city, and it Is expected . that" an equal or larger assembly kvJU -'visit Roseburg'. next Boring dtii-lntf the sessions here. It is the hoie of local ntemliers of the order to bo' able to arrange to hold the grand lodge sp8b1ous in conjunction with the annual strawberry festival. ' : -O.i- ! ' 1 Eat barbecue sandwiches and Uva forever. Brand's Road Stand. NATIONAL WOOL SELLING 1!; ;PLAN 18' CONSIDERED (AhsocIuIciI 1'rew Ldascd Vlre-) C111CA0O, July 2 lilaus for the marketing of tho wool of tho SiP"1 Unl""' SlKtPS t''"igh a national federation composed of various wool growers' cooperative marketing agencies vrere presented today to the. American Institute of Cooperation by R. A. Ward, Port land, Ore,, general manager ot the facltc Ootyeiative Wool Grow ers. . ' The scheme contemplates the formation of regional wool market ing associations at natural concen tration points. 1'hose , various zone associations, each compris ing the growers of two oi" three states, would handle tho wool for their respective members, con centrating them at zone ware houses where thoy would be grad ed and properly processed . for market. NOTICE ' . . i . 1 will not- be responsible for any debts contracted tor by anyone excepting myself. ... JT. U WB1CIILE1N. ' ,,;- o -T- ORDER CLOSE PORTION ' CRATER LAKE FOREST WORLD WAR VETS' FINANCING PLAN AT END TONIGHT. . (Associated Prei. Leowd Wire.) , ' PORTLAND, Ore., July l.-'-Two orders dosing dangerous ' national forest areas to all persons except, by permit have been issued' by' dis trict headquarters in Portland, One" order, effective July. 40, .closes tlt), 000 acres of old burn unil wlud blown trees la the 'upper watershed1 of the middle and south lorks of Rogue river, northeast, of Medfoni and southwest of Cruler'Lnke.'The order will not affect : the Crater Lake highway. . ' la the Olyniplo forest ' hi WAsir ington,, StOO acfOBi oti cutovw--land on DuckabuBh river, wore cloted' today.'- :. ' ' - ' 1 ' .1- ,.) ' - - ' W1U clean all - kinds of wood finish.- .Carpets, rugs,, wlpdow washing. Make them look like new. Good references. Charles Danls. Phone 61-J. , (AaKicliiicd P)Ti tcatmi Wire) WASHINGTON, July 2--The' final opportunity for the groater part ot the 4,(185,170 veterans of the World 'War? holding ' war risk insurance to convert -or -reinstutu their policies ends at midnight to ntgbL While (he number of con versions and reinstatements will not be available until -after to night, only a relatively small, pro portion -of - the veterans have as yet tukeu advantage of the plan. Many of the regional offices of the veteran's bureau, which Is handling the- Insurance changes,, will stay opeu until midnight, and also all policies mailed and post marked, before- that hour will be accepted. It the policy has lapsed a certificate of medical soundness, accompanied by two premiums re spectively . at the old jaud new rates, should be sent in with the policy. ' For conversion, 'the samo premium- payments are required, : - O ; ' Parabase Siolor bll 100 per cent pure1 parafflne bas6. At Uenerul Independent Dealers. . ; 1 0- I , , , Mn MORON ALLEQEO FIREBUG 1 )- .j u--. i- . , , PORTLAND, Dre. , July l.-rrW, It. Jacobsoii, .21, twice In ttie tuu !school ifbr feeble minded, was m .the county, jail today facing a .charge of arson. He was arrested by lieputy'Fire Mai-shah McFar huuL, Moore .-and, Jloover. -iai the park blocks on it description yfur niBhed1 by the 'management1 of 1 a rooming house where a 50' -lire was BotiJune . r -y ' Plnce your order NOW for 'the New Ford Car, C A. Lockwood Mo tor Co. OUT OUR WAY ByWilliama J i.ATf'CV. ' . ) ' S . 7 III' . ' -tr vN,rt)Ct-t ONE A SOU FVi? O U& WAS 1 1 THAMh HEWING 'I'M AMON& ' FRSEWDS I WAi ffeST 'A&OIMT'? GRAB VORE. nose. . , . . win nirvi 5 TULVfe-VVATCH rr-r-itn CURW RDE , AM GsxX MORE Back broke VvATtrl rtIM' THRONED FROM HERE, 1' FEEL IT WAS V.. ft.. "1 A 1-OKCtO - LBMUlNtJ Bttt..e.PT.OTF. l27 BY WtA KRVKC, HC ' i 'J i - J . Superior in Design and Performance To Any Car Now in the Low Price Light Car Field Speedy, Stylish, Flexible and Economical to Operate C. A. LOCKWOOD MOTOR CO.