FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1927. s xr'Vjiar -Mar x h Here Are Groceries in Line With Economy The economical housewife always buys her Gro ceries at the Peoples Supply Co., where she gets best quality at lowest prices. You can do the same. Try our service plan and note the added comfort of your household diitfre. ; '. For Saturday you will want a double supply to last over the two holidays. , We offer more of that large can, broken slice . Pineapple at 5 cans for ..$1.00 Bulk Cocoa, 3 lbs. for ......... ..25c Bulk Macaroni, 3 lbs. for .....:............25c 3 lbs. Good Quality, Coffee for $1.00 Be sure and have a jar of our Umpqua Sandwich Spread for your picnic lunch, also our fresh made mayonnaise. ; , .'. " ' ; . ' ; ; i MEAT SPECIALS Beef Roasts, lb, , Boiling Beef, lb. All Steaks, lb. ... Hamburger, 2 lbs. Pork Sausage, 2 Lard, 3 lbs. ;. Compound, lb. .. . Heavy Bacon, lb. lbs. Choice. Luncheon Meats Fat Heavy Hen and Fryers PEOPLES SUPPLYHCO. Grocery Phone 145 ; , Meat Market 363 Free Delivery POWERS AGAINST ; . I Ik S. REQUEST TO ' PROP SUBMARINES j GENEVA,' July 1 Tho llmo for I abolishing aulimurluca us engines ot nuvnl wnrofnro apparently lias j not yet Arrived, for tho nuvul ex I iiurta of tho tiip.ulllo mival con ! furencii fulled todry to follow tho j American suggestion, niiiilo on the i opening iliiy of the uoiil'crcucc. Dial tho United Ktiitej' woulil he wllv ' ltiK to ftmmler aholmhlng ho t ' marine' if sueli'-anllon were- nm i . 9a Double Headline Program Seven glorious days of sparkling fun good music successful plays Roseburg, June 16 to 21 f inclusive "The most American thing in f America." Roosevelt. I Prices Low - - Values Big I Buy season tickets now and save $ two-thirds of cost. I ..15c 122c ...22c 35c 45c 50c 15c ..........30c Unlvcrujtl. It Is imili i'rilond, Iiowuvof,' that tho experts UKieed today upon tho flvo Inch gun as the largest cannon for -suhmarjues, . . Tho UrillHU delpgatos proposed creatinK two categories ot suhmar ines 'one-wllb a' niuxlmum sUo ot 60U tons, nml olher with u maxi mum of Itiuu tons, will) un ago'llm It of 15 years. Tho Americans are reported to favor u higher maxi mum size than 1G0U tons on ac count of (he paucity of American H)val hases. 11 also 'Is sulci that Vpuucho Huggesloil making1 tho afco lliuH for suhmarines Vi years; X SUNDAY AT THE I It CHURCHES I The Methodist Episcopal Church at Olllard. T. V. Alloa, ' pastor. j Sunday School 9:40 il. in. It. A. Ilerchua, superintendent. Proach- lug 11: a. in. The Methodist Episcopal Church at Looking Glass. T. K. Allen . pastor. Buuduy School 10:00 a. ni. 1 . iloiiley superintendent. Preucb- Ins at 7:30 p. in. The Methodist Episcopal Church at Ten Mile. T. F. Allen, pastor. Sunday School fit 10:00 a. in. T. Godfrey, superintendent. The Methodist Episcopal Church at Camas Valley. T. b Allen, pas tor. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. W. Heole, BuiterJuteiitlcnt, First Presbyterian Church. Corner of l.ana and Jackson streets, II.. W. Adior, imstor. Sun day school 9:45, V. C. Harding, superintendent. Miss Marjorlu Kuiht and Lester Run a oil are re pieHontiiiK our pouiiK people at the Presbyterian Voting Peoples Con ference near Grants X'ass. Tho Kd nbower Sunday School closed a very buocohhI'uI Dally Vacation lllhlo school. Much credit it due Mrs. W. h. Scott for tills profit able school. Morning worship 11. TJiJh la Communion Sunday and every member is expected to bo present if possible. There will ho a public reception of new members, and the ordinance of Baptism will ho administered. Christian En deavor 7 p. m. Topic, "What Our Government Does lor Us," Horn. 18:1-8. The Ministerial associa tion has voted to hold union eve ning services during tho montliH of July and August. Tho service Sun day evening will be held in the Methodist Church South, 8 o'clock. Ho v. Kruuk-MuUhowB will preuch tho sermon. Tho Daily VuciUiou Iliblo School at the Ulverslde school . house, un der tho management of Mrs. W. h. Scott will hold lis closing exor cises Friday afternoon from 2 lo 4 o'clock. About 40 pupils have been enrolled and an especially inter esting time has been had. All the parents and friends are cordially invited to utlend the exercises. Myrtle Creek Church of Christ. Come to Bible school next Sunday, lt'noedu you, and you need it. "Should wo believe tv rnllglun book 2000 years old?" will lie (ho morn ing sermon subject. Christian En deavor at 7. The sermon at 8 will bo "Tho 1 Destruction ' of 1 Tyro." There will bo'a gospel solo at each preaching service. Walter J3. Strum, minister; i . i ', ; i : : . ' ; : !-:;,:; Riddle .Community Church. Evnn ge)lsls . Hilly ' liiiird and Walter .Slram arc ,cpudui:ilng an evangel istic1 campaign At the Itfdflle coin lliijnlty church. Services -uro held oVoiV night except Saturday, at. 8 o'clock. A message of-vital InUieoi is delivered each ovonlng. Tlie special musical numbers aro . ar ways a. feature. Krom tho interest bolug munlfesled it seems certain that tho campaign will' be a real success and that much good wil) bo dono for tho community. The nicot ines will continue lor , three1 jor four woeUs. ... ' . Lutheran Mission, 214 E. Cass St. Mvory first and third Sunday of tho tuonth. Divine service 3 p. m. A cordial welcome lo all un churched of the city and vicinity especially to nil Lutherans. It. Truulmanu, pastor, Eugene, .Ore. - Free Methodist Church. Har vard and Umpijua streets. Ser vices as usual on Sunday, July 3. Alaku this a real day at our ser vices. You may have a bolter time on the Fourth if you have the conscious knowledge of knowing that you worshipped willi us ou Sunday. Come with your children, and encourage them to remain w ith us throughout tho entire services. They may receive something that will keep them clear of sin and wickednesH in Hie days that are to come. Sunday School at 9 :-IG a. m. JVoachliiB nt 10:15 a. m. fol lowed by a class meeting. Eve ning services 7:'lfi p. ni. You are all invited to any or idl of our ser vices, l'rayor meeting on Thurs day evening at 7:45 p. m. Otto Eu son, pusior. The International Bible Students association. Meet every Sunday at iKIS West First street. Chihl rens study at 10:30 a. m. and ndults study ut 1 l:Dn a. in. Subject for study Is '"The Elijah Work." What j is tho purpemo of this nrttrle?i What dors the name of Elijah iul- ply? Does (lod ever uso one im-1 perfect man. to represent or typify The Big Drive Still Going The High Standard of Quality is Always Maintained in Kelly Springfield We Swap New Tires for Your Old Ones. GrcAsim;, Oiling, Vulcanizing Fully Equipped Power Car Washing Machine. AUTOMATIC AIR MACHINE ELECTRIC SERVICE BATTERY. GENERATOR AND IGNITION NIGHT AND DAY SERVICE Rose Garage PHONE tW TIRES i another imperfect man? The pur-jt) se44o4eeese posu of this article U to showj e til hi God foreshadows certain; FOOD BALE work lo he Uouo by members of i w - - the new crtuiiun while on earth, I Ladies of St. Joseph's Par- that the prophet Elijah lore-shad- ! ish, will sell home cooked owed some of that work up to a foods on Saturday, July 2, at certain point; that thereafter Ihej McKean, Darky and Baldwin work was lliiluhed and was fore- Furniture store. Don't miss shadowed by another whom the J-ord used. Come and study With First Baptist Church, Jtuse and Lane. Frali k JJ. Mutiuews, pastor. Sunday, July 3. if: 40 Tiw liible school. All niembeia of llio school plot tie come out and help keep the atu nd unco above the ,400 mark. 11:00 Morning worship. The pas tor preaches on the bubject, "iiid dou Miuua." Good music. Com munion tervlce and reception of new inunibeiri will follow the ser mon. 7:00 The JJ. Y. P. Lf. lor young people. : 00 Union Sunday night service. During July and Augunt wo uiiUu with otiier churches In union meetings Sunday nights. The service this week Is at Zlcthodiat Church, South. Baptist pastor preaches the ser mon. The First Methodist Church, cor ner of Main and Lano streets, Jo seph Knolls, pastor. This is tho joyous time of patriotic expres sion. What heller way of show ing our liatriollsm than attendance at Sunday, school aud church? Whilu some will bo out of town Jet all those who remain at homo ho loyal and on lime. Sunday school at !):45 a. ni. Church and Junior church at 11 a. m. Tho morning sermon tliemo will ho "America's Uod." airs. If. E. Cully will slug a special number. TUe Fourth of July will mean more to you lf you hoar this sermon. The EpworUi leaguo meets at 7 p. m. At 8 p. in. at llio Soulli Methodist church wo have tho first of llio Sunday ove niug union services of the summer, Itev. V. 11 Matthews preaching the sermon. A cordial welcome is ex Unded to all. . Christian Church. Next Sunday morning wo uro to have a dis tinguished vlsllor with us for a short time. Ho is vlaltlns munv of our Uible schools and churches this summer. He visited our school on July 3 last year, but no one saw him. Ho is a prominent fellow hut has a bad reputation, lie a bushians of inoculating lllhlo schools with what la called agravatod Inertia, commonly known as "summer slump." Wo under stand that ho will appear in person ut the Christian church next Sun day morning to ply his nolnrious business. However, we are ready for him and will give him a hot reception and show him llio door. There will be a number in this dramatization. Don't miss it. , M.thodlst Church. South, corner of- ISaat -liaue aud South Main streets. C. S. ' Coberly. pastor. Sunday school at- 3:45 a. in. Wor ship at 11;, sermon by the pastor. u the evening thero will he a un ion service Meihodist. Huntlst. 1'resb.vl.oriun and Christian churches- liarUcipaling. Dr. Frank -I). Matthews, pastor of the First Bap tist church, will bring tho message. These Sunday evening union serv ices -will be continued throughout the months .of July and Aumist. 'al ternating the the several churches and pastors. Epwonh league meet ing at 7 o'clock p. m.. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening ut the usual hour. Women's Missionary Society Thursday afternoon. Offi cial board mooting postponed uulil July 11th. ; , ; Melrose Community Church. The best placo to celebrate, and the best way to show our respect for our flag, and our loyally to our country, Is by going to Sunday school and church, and thoro prais ing and worshipping God, aud thanking Him for this great coun try of ours, that He has given to us. Sunday school at -10 a. m. Subject, "Saul Chosen King." The theme of the lessou is, Choosing n (lood Leader, and Is taken from 1st Sniuuel, chapters 9-111-11. Head all three chapters. Morning wor ship at 11 u. m. Hev. J. O. Arthur, a graduate of Ihe Moody lllhlo In stil uto will bring us the message. Help make this a real community church, by your attendance. You will be welcome, and wo will all ho helped. Bible Standard Temple, corner of ehadwlck and Knst liouglas St., F. K. Crook, pastor. Services for Sunday, July :), begin promptly at 9:Ifi, the Sunday school under the suporlnlondency or Mrs. C. W. droves, who Is a real inspiration to the scholars and has built up Ihe siimol by her interesting methods of handling the Illbllcul subjects. Wo wish and request our members ami all officers of the church to be present on Sunday morning us the election of some new officers and I teachers will tako place and also the communion will he adminis tered, rri'uclling ut the 11 o'clock hour by the pastor and also servi ces at tllengury at 2:30 p. in. Wo an' expecting several visiting Gos pel workers from Portland anil Kucene Tor over Sunday aud they will also he with us for our picnic on the Fourth, which will take place at Ihe Itnyor Ilros. farm Just at Ihe south end of the Dlllard bridge. Wo expect lo meet at the church In n body at 0 a. in., and go tocelhor. Services Sunday eve-'l nlng tit the Temple by the Crusa - decs at ti:i"i followed by the eve-1 nnig preaehlnr; r-.t 7: IT.. Come and enjoy the day with us Similar. The ,5 program for Ihe picnic of the ; $ every item of your wnrd-l-'inirlh will be as follows: Services 'W opened by our National air "Amor-! ! ro"c from sweaters to lea." played by the Temple band. , . f , A soul stirring song service fid-1 SI aiincmg lrocks. lowed by a sermon and then an old fashioned hftsket dinner at S noon. The afternoon will be given A met- to games and pleasute fur the children. A Camp Meeting will begin In Kueenn July 21 and run to 11th. The nieeliug will talce place on the t ouutv fair grounds in smith lutt of tugene. There will be the opoort unity to buy deli- clous food tor your Sunday dinner uud for Monday, July 4tU. good places to camp and there will he tenls furnished for the entire meeting at a very reasonable sum. Plan to go cud take ia Ihe whole meeting lor you will receive a wonderful spiritual blessing. Evan gelists of national fame will be there and you are assured a treat of a life llmo. The camp meeting will he under tho auspices of tho Bible Standard church and we give every lovep of true, heartfelt, old time religion a hearty welcome to attend. JJriug your tent or if you do not have one let us know at once and wo will place your ordor now. There will be excellent mu sic by the silver band of Eugene aud good spiritual singing. There will be no fanaticism allowed on tho grounds and we expect to see a time of a real awakening among Clod's people. Como. Girls' Nose3 Never Shine when thoy uho this new wonderful French J'rocesH Face Powder cull ed MELLO-GLO. Keeps that u!y ahine away. Women rave ovor 1U superior purity and duality. Stays on loiiKur Hkin looks Uko a peach koepH complexions youthful prevents huge pores. Get u box of MKLI.O-GU) Face Powder today. Nathan Kullerton, druggist. HOLLYWOOD WAGE SLASH DEFERRED FOR ONE MONTH JIOLhYWOOD, Calif., July l. Film workers were able to go to their jobs at virtually all of the pic ture making studios , today with the assurance that their pay checks were . safe from the slash ot (.ho- producer's economy knife for ut least a month. Twelve . producers yesterday no tified the board of directors of the academy of motion picture . arts and sciences that they would ac cede fo the academy's rocomnionda tion that hitherto ordered salary cuts oX from ten to 25 per cent be withheld until August 1. In the meantime the workers themselves, through the academy, promised .to attempt to raise their .efficiency to the point where wage reductions would be unnecessary. "jPELIGHTFUL' patterns for every room in our splendid variety of genuine; Gongoleum Qold Sevii Art-Rugs. See them! . v McKean. Daj-by'& i Baldwin Furniture Co. 'ft Complete Housefurnish f$ Roseburg, Orego -m. i mmmmmm' If you arc the sort of woman who wears sports clothes for sport you'll need our help often this summer I 19 ; S For r c especially J ;S equipped to dry clean j .W4.1.W.M3iKMiSS will Every hour of the (Il day it's your best v food. Mother3i i i! I! A 1 1 tin.. General Gasoline and Parabase Oils YOUR SERVICE STATION, YONCALLA, OREGON U In nrrler In let tri nonnl SERVICE, we are putting on a GET ACQUAINTED SALE. July 1st to 8th Inclusive All articles, including Tires, a full line of accessories, Ford parts, Oils, (of which we carry PARABASE. Monamoter, Valvoline, and Veedol), in all diffeicnt Grades. Cigars, Cigarettes, Candies and Gum. ALL WILL BE REDUCED FROM 10 TO 50 FOR THIS SALE Come in and get acquainted and save money during this sale. G. A. TAYLOR, Mgr. YOUR SERVICE STATION. YONCALLA. OREGON inmn Tho official final count of Doug las county's vote at the special state election held Tuesday was completed this afternoon. Douglas county gave majorities In favor of the negro suffrage amendment, the criminal procedure amend ment, the income tax and the Nestucca closing. AH other meas ures were opposed. The final to tals on each measure were as fol lows: Negro Suffrage: yes, 1729; no 1055. School Tax: yes 1234; no 1240. Criminal Amendment: yes 1805: no 847. Legislator's Pay: yes 749; no 2009. ,, Registration: yes 1239; no 1432. Salary: yes 1274; no 1446. Consolidation: yes 814; no 1617. Veterans' Memorial: yes 695; no 1893. ' Tax Limitation: yes 440; no 2154. Income Tax: yes 1468; ho 1430. Assessment Bill: yes 696; no 1946. Nestucca Closing: yes 1326; no 1219. ' GEORGE RITER DEATH VICTIM GepiKe nitter,1 well known resi lient of this city, was found deacl this morning In his tent on the Kred Fisher place, where ho has; heen working. Mr. Hitter' worked nil day yesterday In tho Fisher orchards und in tho evening went to his tent to retire. This morn ing when ho did not make an ap pearance, an Investigation was Blurted and he was found in his tent lifeless. Death was apparent ly from natural causes; said Cor oner Hitter this morning following an examination of the body. Mr. Hitter lias no .relatives except a niece in Indianapolis and the fun eral arrangements will .not ho an-' nounced until word is received from her. Place your ordor NOW for the New Ford Car. C. A. Lockwood Mo tor Co. GIRL IN PORTLAND TELLS OF EFFORT TO ASSAULT HER (Ansociatcd Preiw Wire.) PORTLAND, Oro., July 1. Pretending to represent u down town theatre manager who hud of fered her employment as au usher, two men lured Jean Jlrlstol, 24, pretty Seattle girl who has only recently come to Portland, Into nn apartment ou upper .Washington street and attempted to attack her, Miss Bristol told police today. Slie fought, she said, but could gain no headway against them. Finally she pretended to faint. They released their holds, and she bolted into u bathroom and out of a window onto a fire escape from which she made her escape. Police thought that tho assail ants of Miss Bristol might have been involved in llio strangling to dealh of Mrs. Zell Slchhlns last Saturday. They obtained good descriptions of tho men from Miss Bristol. Fish at Idlyld Park. KLAMATH CARRIES ROAD BOND ISSUE (AwocUtcd Pretc Leased Wire.) KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., July 1 By a margin of 273 votes Kla- math's electorate nt tho special election Tuesday ratifieil Ihe half . million dollar road bond issue which wilt finance the construction i of rcrnainiiiK trunk line county I roads needed. Final vote was j 1107 yea; 834 no. Alt liouirli the city was about equally divided on the proposal, I the rural sections voted over I whelm in Kly 1" favor of it aud us- sured its passage. To Camp at Idleyld j Or. und. Mrs. Clair K. Allen and 1 children are going to Idleyld where they will have a cottage over the ; two-day holiday. OH. THAT'S DIFFERENT She: "This idnj'l at all true to life." He: "Which Is quite natural." She: "But she gets it." An ewers, Ijndon. lrnnui tkr is n nlar-r in tUf Ineal r.T.j.T.7ii?r.r.T.-iTOiir Our tires stand up thess days. Miller Tires "MILLER KNOWS RUBBER" ifla. -.-k r Tm, yrssri iia ii.m . 1 rtmv,'l,j Roseburg Super CD. r!.T.w.i.M.7.i.T.7HTTi'WTi Hiking1 : ; Surf Bathing Fishing . ' , Come to Oregon's Picturesque Beach ' and stop at BANDON-BY-THE-SEA 'AUTO PARK, Inc. , ;. . , Sheltered Camp Grounds " Phone or write for reservations ' Phone 1742 Cottages Furnished with Springs, Mattress, ' ' ' Stove, Electricity, Sink and Water. ' Rates $1.25 and $1.50 .Water and Sewer Connections : Hot and FOUR AVIATORS , REACH SHORE ON PNEUMATIC RAFT (Continued from page I.) lice, who later admitted that their information was erroneous. Rain Like Torrent The night was one of the worst of the season in Paris. Iluiu fell In torrents, tho clouds hung low and so thickly that the Bky was as completely hidden as liio earth must huvo heen to the men in Ihe plane. Contrary winds whirled about, aud us hour after hour pass ed the watchers wero sura the plane had either been lorced down or crashed at some spot in ine fields or , forests that surround Paris. Among those who naxinnslv awaited news wero Sheldou White house, charge d'affaires of the Ainericnn embassy in t.'u ob.seutie of Ambassador llorilck; Captain Richard E. White, the uavai at tache, It. A. Gibbons, oersonal representative of Hodman Wana- nianer, oacKer or tlio lllght, and government officials, i.'larence D. Chamliorlln anil chariei A. Ir vine, who knew the dangers of tho trans-Atlantic royugo also wore there. M.U YOUK, July 1 The Ameri ca .will bo repaired, Commander Richard K. Uyrd cabled Hodman Wanamakcr this Hlternoou. Mr. Wanamaker is president of the America Trans-Oeeanic coniuauy, owner of tho plane. "Deeply sorry did not reach Paris,'' said Commander Hyrd "will report details. Forced land ing. Dark night. Unavoidable. America will be repaired. Crew safe. Will deliver flag and mail when reach Paris. Regards to you." The America eurrloil tin, flccf pouch of official Irans-AUautlc air , imui. hi Huuiiiini. ine inane rap. ried n package containing two American flass for presentation to President Doumergue of France. wne nag contained pieces of the Oricinal Amerirnn flnir lv i Hots? Ross und the other was the i flag which Commander Byrd car ried on hi3 flight over the North District where they Can get the best is none too good - Service Station FIES Cold Showers III Ill Accredited Mileage - "i WASHINGTON,- July 1. ConiV ,. mandor Richard E.. Byrd wa 1 j credited today in figures coini''! I by the Geological Survey with "Jo! if oring a distauco of 3477 miles, Hi " air lino dislance between Itoosi f velt field, N. Y., and tho village o f Ver-Sur-Mer, France. if The compilation was at tho ni quest of tho National Aeronauts' association and does not tako iiv consideration tho miles covered Byrd's doviutlon from his com as a result of becoming lost lull: log. 'ine distance is less than Ik made by tho other two tran'' oceanic Mights, Lindbergh huviiJ covered 3610 miles and Chanibd uu aim L,evlne 31)05 miles. BODY SHIPPED TO MODESTO FOR BURW The body of Stonewall Wag uo was taken 111 and removed Jlorcy hospital Micro ho d! Tuesday evening, was shipped Modesto, Calif., by M. ij. Ritl funeral director ot the Rosebi Undertaking company, Tliuisi etemng. Arrangements for funeral will be made at Modej J DAILY WEATHER REPORT? V. S. Weather Bureau, loc-il-f flee. Roseburg, Oregon, 24 ho; ending 6 a. m. i Relatiio li urn ill ity 5 p. ni. yes. r.cip. ,,i menu ana nundredu Highest temperature yesterdav i Lowest temperature last night a Precipitation, last 21 hours . . 1 Total precipitation sluco first s month A Normal precipitation for 'this i month .. .. jt Total preclp. from September i 1S26. to iluln i:i Average preclp. from SojJtT. 3 JBM . .... .. t T Total excess from SepT i, ! 1926 4 Average precipitation for "iii ei seasons, (September to inclusive ....... ...? Foreran! fnp onmh,.,..,.,. tn. insemeu tonight. Saturday f ably fair, normal temriomtiire. ARTHUR W. PLO'i Meteorouv