ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1927. rve FLORENCE SINNOTT TO TEkCH AT MILWAUKIE UNIVKRS1TY OP OREGON, Eu gene, June 30. Miss Florence UlnnutL of Rose burn has been ap pointed uh Instructor tn music In Uiu high school ut Miiwaukla, Ore. MIsb ' tilnnott received her degree from the university this your, Ituvlng majored in music. Hho whs placet! In thin posit ion by the appointment bureuu ot the Univer sity' of Oregon. Pure whole milk, aua U'b past BErlxad. Uoseburg imiry. Hnouu ibtt VANDERBtLT DIVORCE PARIS, Juno SO. Mrs. William II. Vauderbilt was granted a di vorce today. The decree was ren dered by default. NOTICE Bids for audit of Books of School Clerks of Douglas County will be opened July 7th, 1927, by Boundary ,Hloard. Boundary Board reserves right to reject any or all bide. Sfgnod: . MRS. EDITH S. ACKERT Co. Supt. Schools. NOTICE OF SPECIAL CITY ELECTION Notice Is hereby given that the Conunou Council of I ho City of Roseburg, Oregon, by Ordinance No. 907, passed by. the Common Council and., approved by the Mayor Juno! 8, 1027, has proposed the enactment of ', the. following amendment to the charter of the City of Roseburg, to-wit: Proposed Charter Amendment An act to amend Section 3!i of the existing municipal charter of tho City ot nose burg, Oregon, by adding thereto Subdivision 58, to authorize the City of Roscburg to construct a new bridge across Doer Creek on Jackson Street and to authorize the issuance and sale of not to exceed thirty-seven thou sand dollars In negotiable bonds ,of said city to pay the cost of tho construction or snm nriuge, logetn 1 or with the necessary approaches, retaining walls, embankments, pavement and sidewalks and : to authorize and require . the. levying of taxes to pay the principal and interest of said bonds. Be It enacted by the people of the tho City of Roseburg, Oregon: That Section 33 of the existing municipal charter of the City of Itosoburg. Oregon, as enacted- by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, by "An Act to in corporate the City ot Roseburg, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts In conflict therewith, to wit: An Act entitled "An Act to incorporate tne city or itoseourg, approved October 3, lS72i- and an act entitled "An Act to amend an Act entitled, an Act to incorporate the City of Roseburg . approved October 19, 1880;: and, "An Act to amend an Act. entitled an Act to incorporate the City of Roseburg," approvod . February . 23, J.S8D ; also, an act amendatory , of Bald act, filed in the office of tho .Secretary of Stato February- 19, 1891; r and Vjilso an act to incorporate the City 'of Roseburg, and to define, the powers thereof, approved Febru ary 25, 1895; and to repeal all acts amendatory thereof and Iti conflict therewith," (which act was filed In tho office of the Secretary of Stato on February 22, 1905), and as amended by vote of the. people of said city at an election held May G, 1907, and as amended by vote of the people' of said city at the goneral election held therein on the 5th day of October, 1914, and as amended by vote of the people of said city at an- election held therein on tho 3rd day of Juno. 1915. and as amended by vote of the people of said city at an election held therein on tne 22nd clay of May, .1916, and as amended by vote of tho people of said city at an election held thore In on the 5th day of November, 1918, and as amended by vote of the People of said city at an elec tion hold therein on the 21st day of May, 1920, and as amonded by vote of the people of said city at d an eloction held therein on the 1 18th dav of March. 1924. and as amended by vote of tho people of said city at an, election held there in on tho 16th day of May, 1924, shall bo and the same io hereby amended by adding the said sec tion 33 a subdivision to be known as subdivision 68 which shall mud ns follows, to-wlt: 58. The Common Council of tho City of Roseburg, Oregon, Is here by given full power and nutnonty to construct a new bridge across Deer Creek on Jackson Street said city and to construct tho nec essary approaches, ret .lining walls. embankments, pavement ana sme wnlka and to Issue and sell nego tiable bonds of the city of Rose burg, the principal of which shall not 'exceed the sum of $37,000 for the purpose of providing funds for the construction of said bridge, ap proaches, retaining walls, embank ments, pavement and sidewalks. The bonds hereby authorized shall bo In such form and In such de nominations ns tho Common Coun cil may determine and shall be payable as to principal one-tenth each year, commencing one year i afler the date of the issuance thereof and shall bear Interest at the rate ot five per cent per an num, payable semi-annually. All bonds issued hereunder shall be deemed concurrent and ehall be wllhout priority as to each other except as to the time or payment aft heroin provided and shRll be a general obligation of the City of Itosoburg. The Common Council is hereby authorized and required to levy a tax annually, in addition to all other taxes authorized to be ley led by tho charter of snlrt City, to tinv tho tnternst on and principal come duo. Tho indebtedness milh- ortzed by this charter anii'iiuim-m Is in addition 'to all other Inciebt rdness of said city already inciir rnd or authorized and is not to be considered as effected by any limitations of Indebtedness in said charter or elsewhere. All Tris or un ,.hfn.- nf sabt rltv and all or dinances or parts of ordinances ot said city In conflict witn rue i'kh visions or inis cnanei . u o,)n,l tnodirled or X h mnv reonire la order tliat tills amendment may be In effect And that a special election has been called and will be held in said City for the pur-' pose of voting upon said proposed charter amendment ou the, 8th day. of July, 1927, v . - ; 'the polling places where k fluid election will be held and the judges and clerks appointed . to conduct the same, are as follows, to-wit: Ward 1 JiidgOBl" L. II. MyuatK Tittle Johnson, George Chandler. Clerks: Klslo Strang. Mary Bridges. Polling place: Court House. Ward 2 Judges: M. C. Itnda- baugh, L. W. ingles, D. R. Sliuni brook. Clerks: Gertrude Ilast. Ar- line Holliwell. Polling place: Jun ior High School. Ward 3 Judgos: Motta Brown, Taylor. C. H. Wickharo. Bertha Clerks: Christluo Mi cell!, Marion Cook. Polling place: , Rose burg Hotel. Ward 4 Judges: S. D. Evans. Lulu B. McClintock, Florence Hamilton. Clerks: Evelyn Hoov er, lva Cox. Polling Place: City nail. Said election wllf commence at nine o'clock A. M. and will con tinue until six o'clock P. M. of said day but an adjournment of one hour at noon may be taken upon due proclamation by said judges. Tho form In which said pro posed amendment shall appear up on the official ballots at said election shall be as follows, to- wlt: . Proposed by the Council: Shall Section 33 -of the charter of the City of Roseburg be amended by adding thereto subdivision 58, au thorizing the construction of - a new bridge across Doer Creek on Jackson Street,, and authorizing tho issuance of $37,000 in bonds of said City bearing interest at five per cent per annum, said bonds being payable serially ono tonth each year, to provide funds for the construction of said bridge and the necessary approaches, re taining walls, embankments, pave ment and sidewalks, and .requiring the levying of taxes to- pay the principal and interest of said bonds, as provided by Ordinance No. 907. , Vote "Yes" or "No." 600 Yes. ' ' " '' r t ' " ' " 501 No. , ; . Dated June 7, 1927. HAROLD E. SHERFY. - City Recorder of . the City Roseburg, Ore. Of AiOTICB OF AU.M1.MSTUATOWS iHvl Or- U&Ai, l-itiii'.it'l' i In. me .CuditLiJOUVL hi fltftto11 oi urugon, lor, JJuuglus County, r in tne matter of tho .estate or George At. tjojieiibaiign, docuase'd. notice is neieoy given mat Jiton Hoiicuuangli, uiliiiiiutiUtttur ol mu etiiiinj ul oeorgu Ji. . iiuiienuaiigii, tlecUdSCU, Will ui private sale iul cun in nana uil Kie riui, uiie ami luteruSi ol (jlmi'HO Al. iiollellDuugn, uutuuaiid, in uuu lo iho iuuuviiib desti-itii-a premises,, slliiaty in Dougias County, Oregon, said saio to no subject iu tnu widows riytu ol iiowor, and also subject to one mortgagu for thu aula oi IUuU.uu and liiiercst thoreon anioumnig lo i os.ou, tu-wll; rue Kast .&) of the Northeast CV4J. unu tne auuthwesL ty,,) ut tne Asoi-theast' and thd aouiiieast 'A) oi ttie jortliwcHt VA ) of Hod lion HZ, Townsiup ilv, Huutli Kaiigu a wosi, or w inauiutiu niunumn, excepting, tlieruiroui Xl.U'JUS . uciew sold to J. JJ. itorders. on the 2Uih any oi iNuvciuucr, tuzu,. una recoru- ua in iwok' ai, or -ueeus lur uoug las Coumy, Oregon, ut page Ian; m so excepting 7.ti acres sold to A. K. Boruors. on November 4th. 190. and recorded In ,Hook S2, of Deeds toe Jjougias uounty, page. vs. ami also excepting u roiid-wuy deeded lo uougius county, ; Oregon, as shown at page 11 oi Hook i'D, deed records of Douglas County, Oregon. Hida for tliu purcbahe of said property, will bo received by the un dersigned Administrator at Canyon vllle, Oregon, from and after July LMh, l'J-'i, said property to be sold subject to tho continuation of tho Court. Dated and first published this 23rd day ot '.lune, 10-7. KIAON UUIXHNBAL'GH Administrator of the estate of Ueorge M. Dollcnbaiigh, deceased. OTICK TO (ltKDITOUS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned bus been duly, appoint ed by tlio Cpimty 1,'nurt oi the Stato of Oregon, Tor. Douglas County, ad ministrator of the estate of Benja min F. Dohr, deceased. All persons having claimB against said estate are hereby required to present the same to mu ul the office- of Chas. F. Hopkins. 417 Perkins Whig., Bnsehurg, Orerjon, properly veri fied as re(in 1 red by law, within six mouths from this date. Daied Juno 3uih, I'J 2 7. . llAUKIKT LOHJt, Administrator of the Estate of Benjamin F. Lohr, Deceased. AUMlMSTUATOlt'M NO' ICK TO (JItl,illT(Ml.a Xotlco 1b hereby given that the undersigned bus been duly appoint ed by tne county court of Douglas county, State ol Oregon, adminis trator of the estate of J-Jffie Jones (Jtlkeson, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against suid estate are hereby required to present the same to me propurly verified as by law required at lloseburg, Oregon, or to George Jones, Attorney for said estate nt rooms 5 and 6 Douglas National Hank Hldg., Hoseburg, Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Dated June aoih, 1D27. ISAAC U U1MCKHQN. Administrator of the estate ot Kffle Jones (iilkesun, deceased NOTin: OF FINAL 5 HIT 113 It 13, VI' In the County Court of tne state "of Oregon for Douglas County . In the Matter of the Estate of G. W I.vnn deceased. Noti-e I- hereby given that the undersigned administratli x or tne Krd'iKi tt G. W. Dynn, deceased, has fiied in the County Court of Doug las County, Slate of Oregon, her final account as such administra trix of said esiate. and that Tues day, tho 2.lh day of July. 11127, at llii- hour of ten o'clock, A. M., has be-n fixed by said Court as the time for hearing objections to sulci re port, and the settlement thereof. )(tt"d ami first published this 23rd day of June, Jf27. SSONA tl. KVNS Admin Intra trlx of the Estate of O. W. I.ynn. Deceased. AIJMINtSTKATOH'Jf SAM3 OP II 13 A I. I'HOPKHTV Notice Is herrby frivon that by virtue of an order of the ounty (VmiU of lame Couniy. Oreffon, duly made and entered on tho sec ond' day of I N'cemb'T, lii-fi, tho lin dersiKiierl. ndinlni"ti at or of Iho ,.f II A IliiKor. flreemteu. Jh and ni ier inc u ""y IHT ior naiir himi h'-h. )it private s:iie, to the. blshest Hin der for eash In hand, (be following d.-q.ribed real properly belonKlliff to said i"late. to-wlt l".l Seven (7) and Kinht (S) In tlU k Fourteen (111 and J"!" nn (1) Mid Two ill) h Ploek Fifteen fir.) in tb Town of Iliddle. Doimlas CViosni!'rwH,,taltP plar and bids IK llltimlMI'l l" nmvi Mini" r at ttie law office of James vHt'.n. rV'vebtirff. nrciron. nr at Inw nffle of J 'otter e i i-:10n cut icon. j. Lugenf. oitgon. ftimR. A,tniinitrator r-t the etat of H. A. Basor, deceased. CITATION In tho County Court of tho State of Oregon for Douglas County. :- , In tho matter of the, cstata of Rett ecru Stevenson, Deeetmcd. - To Robert L, Biepheuson. Alocla King. Uerlrudu L. Uuulou and May l'Vykort, Greeting: , " In tho nume of the a Into- or Ore gon you are hereby cited and .re quired - to ain'i'ur in, the County Court of thu state of Oregon fur tho County of Douglas, In tho court room thereof, in Rosc-burg, In iimivltiu I'.iiintv nriirnii. on Mon day, the 1st day of August, 1U27. tit 10 o'clock A. M.. or that duy. then ami tbero to show uutlse. If any lliLro he, why un order of milo should not be madu itiithorwing tne mini iiiiulrninr (if 1 bi (Hlllto of Re becca Stevenson, uecwnura, i ami tho roal property of said estnlu lit private sole for cash in hand for the purpose of paying the churges, expenses and claims against said estate, which rtrnl property la de scribed as follows, to-wlt: This South half or the Southwiist quarter or Section Twinty-omi; the, Northeast quarter of tho Mirtneunl quarter of Section Twenty-nine, and the East half of tho Southeast quar ter or Section Twenty, nil in Town ship Twenty-two South. limine Four West of Willamette Meridian, in Douglas County, Oregon. Witness the Hon. Geo. K. Qulne. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas Coun ty, with tho Heal or the salt! court affixed this 27th day of June, 11)27. Attest: IHA It. Ill DOME. , County Clerk. NOTICE TO CltEIllTOIiS Notice Is hereby given, tlrat the undersigned has been by un. order or the County Court of tho Stato of Oregon ror Douglas County, duly appointed executor or tho last will and testament of Clyde White, de ceased. , i . t All persons having clalnis ngnlnst said estate are hereby notified to present tho samo verified Ah requir ed by law to the undersigned Kxccu lor at his offlco In lloseburg. Doug las. County, Oregon, within six months from tho date of this no- Dated this 30th dny o- 3uno, 19J7, DEXTRll RICK. Tivomitnt nf thf lnst will and Tes tament oi uiyuo wuiio, uvt'vupi'u. XOTICia TO CHiaDITOKH NOT1C13 Is hereby given that the ii'iii)oru(irtiori bill been dulv aDDOlUt- mi hv inn t!nuntv (Jourt of the State oi uregon. ior uougiua iuiuuj, u miniMi nitnr nr inti .t'Niuiu oi .tiui 3 13. Jowninff. deceased. All persons having claims against said este.te 1 are; hereby required to present the same to me at the office of B. 1 Kddy. Attorney at Iaw. Masonic Templo. Hoseburg. Oregon, properly verllied as required by law, within six mouths from this date. Dated June 16th,. 'l'-7i ' i -' ' JOHN M. DOWNlNd, Administrator of tho Kstate of Mary ifl. Downing. Deceased. : . a : ' NOT1C13 OF AllMIIVISTllATOH'S JSALfci OF 1113 A lj ritOl'l'UTY In the County Court or the Stale of Oregon for Douglas County. In tho matter or tho estate of. James W. Tiller, deceased. -vNdtlco Is hereby given tht ; the undersigned administrator, in pur suance of an order or the above entiled court In the above entitled matter duly made and entered on the 2lst day or May, 1927, will, on and after the 9th day of July, 1927, offer for sale and sell at private sale ror cash In hand all or Ilia right, title and interest which tho said James W. .Tiller . had, at the time or his death, or which his cstato has since acquired, In and to the following described real prop erty, to-wit: . Dot numbered seven ' (7) being tho fracttohnl'Houtliwest quarter .of tho northeast .quarter of section twenty-one (21) in township thirty Cttn sniitli. run cc a four H). west of the WilUiidcte Meridian In Douglas couniy, uregon, coiuainiag, uceinu' ing to tho government, survey tlwtrnnf. 'S'l MR nnrna. ; niAa for Iho nilrchaso nf said real property will ho received by tho undersigned at his residence, i which is 2iii 13. Oak street, in Hose- j Inirir 1 iiuij1iih count. V. Oreiron. on I and after said 3th day or July. 11)27, and tho sale of said roul property will bo made subject to confirmation by tho above entitled 1 court. ' Dated and first published June ni. i'j. in i '(, Administrator or too estate of Jumes W. Tiller, doceased. notice to cheditoiim In the County Court of tho Stato of On. if on for Do o it las Co till tv. In tho matter of tlie estate of Alexander iscatiy, oeceuseu. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned by order of the above entitled court duly niado . and en tered of record, has been duly ap pointed administrator of tho estate or Alexander m. JJCitiiy, ueeeuseu, and has duly qualified as Such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present the same to the undersigned, duly verified, at 1) is office in the Soldiers Home In lloseburg. Douglas county, Oregon, within six mouths from thu first publication of this notice, which is : tho 9th day of June, 1927. GEO. W. KIDDLE, 1 Administrator, i : o ADJUNlSTjt.iTOIt'S NOTICE TO i CltEIHTOltS la the County Court of tho Slate of; Oregon,, for Douglas County. In the matter of the ostato of Abraham (lilbenugh, deceased. Notfco Is hereby given, that the undorslgned. was duly appointed administrator of the estate of Ab raham Gilbc'ituh, by an order made by ttie County Court, on the filh day of Juno, 1927; all persons hav ing clalnis against said estate are hereby notified to present the sniifo lo the administrator, at Days Crxk, Oregon, within six months from dato of this notice, the same to bo duly verified as by law re quired. Dated and first published this 3th day of June. 1927. LOWES GlLBEAUnH, Administrator of the estate of Abraham Gllbcaugh, deceased. O- NOTICI3 OK FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. In the matter of the estate of Jennie Harvey, deceased. Notice? Is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the estate of Jennie Harvey, dec-asf d. has filed In the County Court of Douglas county. State or Oregon, his final account as such adminis trator of said eslnto. and that Tuesday, the 12th day of July, 1927. at the hour of ten o'clock a. in. has been fixed by said court ns the time for herlng of objections to paid report, and the settlement thereof. Dntd and first puhllshed this 9th day of June, 192.. T. E. HARVEY, Administrator of tho estate , of Jennie Harvey, deceased. MITH K OK Mli;HII'l 'S AI,M In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oreffon for Dounlas County. Rrnent D. Itlddle, TMnlntirf. vs. ilorriH H. Ilrown and Gertrude M. Drown, Iefendants. Notice Is hereby Klven that un der and by virtue of a writ of exr c.utlin nno order of snle Issued out of the sbove entitled court In t!e nbovo en Hied eniiso on the t.M h day of May, J!i27. Ih favor of the above nnnied plaintiff nnd nvalrn't. tlie above noinrd def n Hants, wlii' li said exrut Ion and order of snle commanded in to -!')! Lite hereln flfter described real property for thf purpoitp of sal isfy itifT faiil Judgment nnd decreo In the iim of fortv-fo'ir hundred twentv dollars (lM2nMl) with in terewf at sevrn per cent from the 2"rd day oft of I it- Miiv, l27. and tin furttier fiim of four hundred dollars fllft.t.nfi) t fornys fees, and thr coti and di. biirwenienls of said pint taxed at forty and 2T.-100 dollar (H0.2.'.t. Nov therefore. I will, r.n Frl Viv. the lut day of July. 127. nl 11 oVIo'k A. M. at th courthoUB front door In Hoseburg Do us i at County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the high est and best bidder for cash in hand all the right, title and inter est which tho bald defendants ot either of them had on the 2 3rd day of November, 1921, or have at any time thereafter acquired In and to the following described rtml prop erty rltuated in Douglas County, Ore BOi;, to-wlt Tho southwest quarter of the southeast quarter .(SWU StiVfc) and ttie noutheast quarter of tho south-, wmst nuurter (SKU KWU) Of t?e: tlun thirty-two (32), township (30f south or range, six tuj west ot wii lamette Meridian; and Lots two (2) and threo (3) of section fivo (5), township thirty- one (31) south of range six iti) west of Wlllnmutto Meridian In Douglas County. Oregon, contain ing 1615.21 acres, more or less. And I will apply the proceeds of said sale, first, to the payment ot thy costs of said sale and the costs and disbursements of nam suit including attorneys' reus; ana second, to the payment of thu amount due plaintiff on the above mentioned Judgment and decree with accruing Interest as aforesaid. Dated at itoseuurg. uregon, hub 25th day ot May, 1927. Sherirf of Dough. s County. Oro- gon. NO TIC 13 AND SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Stuto of Oregon for Douglas County. Douglas County, a body poJitle and corporate or thu tituio ot Oruifon, Plamtltf, vs. Wisconsin & Oregon Timber Co., Q. i t banborn Co., Vera. li. Calkins. Andreas Hhem, E. M. Meade, Jotm M. and Dallle Palmer, it. f. John son, Anna Burk, E. C. Denny, . Anna Uees Oonllsk Estate. J. J. Delaney, J. A. liuchanan, Kdua CraiKliead, Southern 1'aclllc Lo. ' Wnliio II. Rhenium. A lid row All i derson. Frank U Mortlson, Julia, ' 1', bp ears, Alonzo Ulrto;i, Ueo. 1 . Miller, A. Diana, Alonzo Glrton nuiiitm .1. w. Moman. J. N. Mor gan, John Portorfleld, J. F. Duse uo jmma juoivinnuy, i. j. uuw 1 son, J. U Watson Kstato, John il. r'..hliiv Chun . Maun. H. J. . I'onhi'nn. JnniiiH Ilooke. Clllvkll M. Crockott, Emma llnnsom, It. 11. ' Coshun. Ida A. Bates, John W. ; Xilchtonborgor, Title & Trust Co, of Portland, Oregon, Jas. A. How land, J. O. Hoyt, Ora 11. Porter, dnrlo f. nrnner. J. II. Borders. Maurice Abraham, G. H. Alkens, May D. Macey, J. N. iinusay. a. ; t sitownri Jrtim B. Stewart. Mary , K. Dillard. O. Morrison Sr., J. O. Morrison Jr.. C. A. Yernberg. I'. ' P. Starkey, E. E. Dyov, It. O. Har rell, Leona Abraham, Ellen M. Inhlnnn HiinniH MnttllGWS. 11. O. Parse ter. J. E. Harper, Robert T.'i.l.l fohti Tlenl Kstato Co.. Glen- dale Realtv Co., Maurice and De ona Abraham. Sol Abraham Es iDm m w .tnhnHon. Oliver V 'Perkins. W. R. Taylor, Peter Tiinm Kntntn. .lobn O. and Drew 'Bayless, Joseph Caster, J. J. Har old, w. T. Rldff'owny, Chas. ' enknonn Worhflt M. OllVOr Ct al A. J. Adams, James Black, Lucius lin.ll, 11. 11. U. woou, jeruine Soper, Arthur Clarke, Sunnydale Orchard Co., J. I. Jones, Cnipqua Packing- Co., nnd each and every firm, person or corporation named in the following list as being tho owner or owners, according to tho tax rolls of DouKlas County, Ore gon, or tracts and parcels of land, lots and blocks therein described and following their respective names, and to each and every per son,. firm and corporation owrlng or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have any interest, lien or claim therein, and also an other persons and partloa un-, known claiming' any right, title,' estate, lieu or interest in tho real estate hereinafter described. Do, fendants. L. i To Wisconsin & Oregon Timber Co., G: P. Sanborn Co,, Vora If. Cal kins, Andreas Ithem, R. M. Mcmlo, John M. nnd Dalllo Palmer, II. P. TAhntnn Anna Rnrlt. E. C. Dcniiy.l Anna Rees Conllsk Estate, J. J.. Do lanoy, J. A. Buchanan, Edna v'nJP'' neua, aoutnern j-acuiu o vnm II, Sherman, Andrew Anderson, Frank D. Mortlson, Julia P. Spears, Aloiro Glrton. Geo. F. Miller. A. Diana, Alonzo Glrton Estate, J. w. Morgan, J. N. Morgan. John Porlor rield. J. F. Lurc Co., Emma McKIn noy, I. E. Dawson, J. I. Watson Ks tato. John F. Cnhftlln, Chas. F. Mann, R. J. Cochran. James lloiilto, Calvin M. Crockett. Emma Ransom, R. H. Coshun, Ida A. Batos,. , John W. I.lchtenbergcr, Title & Trust Co. or Portland,' Oregon, Jas., A. llowland, J. O. Hoyt, Ora IT. Por ter. Aurlo M. Drnpcr. J. IT. Borders. Maurice Abraham, G. R. Aikons. Mnv D. Macey, J. N. I.lndnnv. A. J. Stewart, Jean B. Stewart. Marv E. Dillard. G, Morrison Sr.. .T. G. Mor rison Jr., b. A. Yernberg', P. P. Starkey E. E. Dvrr. R. G. Hnrrell. lieona Abraham, Ellen M. Robinson. Detmls Matthews. H. O. Pargeter. J E. Harper. Robert Kldd, Cobb Real Estate Co.. Glendale Realty Co., Mnurlce and T.oona Abraham. Sol Abraham Estate. M. H. Johnson. Oliver W. Perkins. W. Tt. Taylor Peter Ulnm Estate, John C. and Pppw Bavless. Joseph Caster, Harold. W. T. Rldgewnv. Chan. w. Sampson. Herbert M. Oliver ct nl.. A. J. Adams. James Blnck. Tuclus iinii ti it r Wood. Jerome J. Soner. Arthur ClnrKo. t-iunnyonie Orchard no.. J. I. Jones, and ump qua Packing Co.. and to ench and everv person, firm or corporation In thr. fnllnwlmr llflt Rfl be ing tho owner or owners, according to the tax rolls of Douglas County. Oreiron. of tracts nnd parcels of land, lots and . blocks therein de brined and following their respec tive names, and to rnrh and every person, firm or corporation owning or claiming to own. or having or claiming to have any Interest, lion r.r- finlm therein, and also to all ot h or persons and parties unknown Hnlmlnir nnv right. til IP. est at lien or Interest In tho real mutate hereinafter described nnd described In the complaint and npplfcation for judgmnt and decree norcin, ue fendants, . Notice nnd Piniiimiiis TX'TIIE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, Yon. nnd ench of you. ns owners. claimants or holders of an Inter est, lien, claim or estate In and to tho herolnarter described real prop-, erty situated In Douglas County, Oregon, nn-J all persons Interested In the property hereinafter de scribed, arc hereby notified that Douelas County, a duly organized county nnd body politic nnd corpor ate under and by virtue of the Con Ktitutlon and laws qf the state of Oregon, the plaintiff above named, is tho ownor and holder of certain certificates of delinquency, bound In book form, as required by law, issued to DouKlau County, tlie plain tiff herein, on the flth day of Oc tober, 1323. by the sheriff and tax collector of Don iclns County, Ore gon, and filed hv him on the 2nd day of January, nil. In tho office of the county clerk of Douglss County, Oregon, for the delinquent taxes for the year upon and Including nil the property on tho rolls or said sheriffs and tax col lector's offieo for said yenr, upon which no certificate of dHinquetiry had previously been Issued, and containing all the property upon which taxes aro delinquent for said year. That the description of the prop erty Included In s;ild certificates of delinquency, tho name or the por son or persons on tho tx rolls in the hands of the sheriff and tax collector of Douglas county, slate of Oregon, at the date of the first publication of this notice and sum mons aw the owner or owners of said real property, If known, and If unknown so stating, nnd tlie t'dal tax, Interest, penalty nnd rowts due on said Clh dny of October, loun, the date of th" Icitnnre vt said i-ertifientes or delinquency. Is as follows, to-wit: WISCONSIN OREGON TIMBER CO.. present owner lot. 3-4, hVi, HW'-i see. 30 T. 20 H. R. D. C. M03 lusiifd to DouKlss County. Oc tober ft. K23. amount due 14.23 with Interest tn.;rtso at 12 from satd date. n v PA XRHRrJ profnr own- tr NT'S i,c -14 T. 2 P. R. S W.. D. C. 10 issued to Douglas County October 6, 1923, amount due S3.93 with lute rent at fiym uid date, .VERA B. CAI.KINS. present own er uud. H Nli NKK see. 11 T. SO S. R. 10 V., D. C. C40Q Issued to Doug Ins County October i, ltf-3. amount due 114.46 with intercut at V from said date. AN DUE AH It HEM, prosont owner tiWVi aec. 4 T. 20 B. It. It W., D, c. 6-Dt) Issued to Douglas Coun ty Ou(obur li, li)a3, amount duo 12.3a with HUoredl ut Vr tom sald date, , K E. M. MEADE, preBoiit owner 8WJ4 E',i see. 25 T. 20 , It, H W., D. C. 6I1U Issued to Douitlas Coun ty October tl, 1923, uuiount due 1.30 with Inter tint at D:X from Bald date. . JOii.i M. and DAi.UK PALMER, pi vaeiiL OviUum Ol At. At II. V ol. ft uii U... U. C blJU lUucd 10 XJOUg- aue iu.yi viiu iniuiust at, i-Vo uiu saiu Uuie. it. P. JUiriAEiON. brueent owner Nbl4 tiWi ueu. au '1. Zl to. 11. 0 v.r DiJl ISSUUU lO UUUKIUli A.UUU iy uctobur o. lHaa, umuunt aue Mi v.un liuoruut at isvo iium utvt dat. , . AiSfsA .yuitiv, preBont owner aw sec. 3ti T. 21 a. U, 4 VV., D. C. tHlia tubued to Douglas County October amount aue wun in terest at l-c7o from said dato. tu. u, UfcNW r, preaont owner unit. Interest in bW'A ueo. 30 T. il ti, U. ft W., D. C, 6U0 Issued to Douglas County October ti, 11 2 a, uinuuut due 3it.6! with intureat ut - trom sam date. ANNA Itb&S CONLISIC EST AT 13. present owner uud. 1-6 interest la aee. s i. zi a. ij iv.. u. j. uiji ttfsued to Douglas County October t, amount auo wiui in terest at l-';5. from said date. J. J. DEDaNKY. prosent owner KE4 see. Ul, T. 1 t. R. J- VV. u. u. fi44 issuea to uouuiau lou ty October 0, 1923, amount duo y,58 with Interest at 12 from hb Id date. j. A. mjciiAKAN, present owner NEU NWU NWW. SEA. NEI4 3t! T. 22 S. il. ! W D. 0. OIOU Issu ed to Douglas County October lu23, amount duo 2&.67 with inter est at 12 from suid date. ' EDNA CRAIGHEAD, piesont own er lot 6 of R. S. Annlegate Estate. D. C. 6460 Issued to Douglas County October 0, 1923, amount clue ? 26.88 with interest at, lZK'o from Bald dato. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO., proa- ont owner ai. s& is, vol uu-uju u. and M. & B. Vol. 66-33 D., In sec. 10 T. 22 S. 11. tl W.( D. C. 0467 issued to IJnue-laa Couutv October 0. 1U2.I, amount due ju.CO with interest at 12Vo from said dnto. 1 SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO., preB ent owner M. & B. Vol. 64-93 D. In see, 14 T. 22 S. It. 8 W.. D. C. C471 issued to Douglas County October 6, 1923, amount duo $8.80 With In terest at 12 from said date. WALDO H. SHERMAN, present owner lots 8-9-14-15-10-10-17 in sec. 16 T. 22 S. II. 10 W., D. C. 6478 is sued to Douglas County October 6, 1923, amount duo $51.12 with inter est at 123, from said dote. . ANlJltrJ w AiJii.ioUi, p reseii i owner lots 4-5, pt lot 12 in see. S3 T. S2 a. u. 12 w., v. u. issuoq to Douglas County October 8, 1923. amount due $58.70 with Interest at 12 from said date. FRANK L. i MORTISON. oroscnt owner NEU sec, 22 T. 23 S. It. fi W., U. U. d-ibv lssuoci to iuiiKian v-uuii-ty October 6, 1923,- amount due $2f.70 with Interest at 12 from said date. i , JULIA F. BPBAKS. present owner NWVi see. 22 T. 23 S. IX. 6 W D. C. 6190 Issued to DouglaB County Oc tober 6, 1H23, amount duo $26.70 with Interest at 12 from said dato AI-ONXO G1HTON, present own er NE'A NWM. NW4 NEW sec. .22 T. 23 S. R. 7 W., D. C. 6492 Issued tn Douglas Coiintv October 6. 1923. amount due $8.56 with lntorost at 12 trom sam uato, , J ; x.nN7.rt H1RTON. riroscnt owner WV. NKV. sec. 21. lots 6-12-13 BftC, 26. all in T. 23 8. 7 W., D. C. fiJdfl . to Dntiirln Coimtv. UL' tober .o, .iaaa, amount . uuo tj.ou with .interest , at 12 from said rintn. GEO. F. Aiiijiisit, present owner M. & Tt. Vol. 78-464 D.. in son, 29 T. 23 S. R. 7 "VV,, D. C. 6104 Issued to Douglas county tjcioner o, mi;., amount due $1.30 with lntorost at 12 from said dato, A. DIANA, present owner NWU REH NE'4 nee. 27 T. 21 S. R. 5 W.. D. C. R502 Issued to Douglas County October 0, 1923, amount duo . $9.06 with merest nt 12 nom saia date. AT.ON7.0 lillfl'ON KNTATi'i, preii m nwnt- nnd V. Int. In SWV, 8EU and und. Int. 'in SUM SKM. att In nc !R T 24 R. R. 1 D. H. 0506 Issued to Douglas County October B. 1 if l; il, amount nuo wun ur terest at 12 from said date. J. W. MORGAN, present owner nn1 U. lnl In RXVV. SKU and UOd li. Int In RV.lA RRW. nil In SCO. Efl T. 24 S. R. 7 W.. D. 'C. 6507 issued to Douglas county . October . ' amount due $t.60 witll lntorost at 12 from said date. , J. N. MORGAN, und. U-lnt. tot t, NR'i sec. 33 T. 24 S. R. 7 W., D. C. 6r.o8 issued to Douglas County October 6, 1923, amount duo $8.21 with interest at 12 from said date. ALONZO OTRTON ESTATE, pres ent owner nnd. h int. lot 2, SJA NEW sec. 33 T. 24 S. R. 7 W., D. C. 6509 issued to Donglns County Oc tober 6. 1923, amount due $8.21 with Interest nt 12 from said date. JOHN PORTI3RFIEDD, present owner tind. U lots 8-4-5, NE'i SW14 see. 34 T. 24 B. R. 7 W., D. C. flSlO Issued to Douglas County Oc tober 6. 1923. amount duo $8.60 with interest nt 12 Trom snld date. J. F. LUPK CO., present owner certificate of title 2412 covering lands In sees. 8-9-16-17 In T. 25 H. R. 4 V D, C. 6513 Issued to Doug Ins county October 6, 1923, amount duo $12.50 with Interest at. 12 from said date. EMMA MeKINNEV. prosont own er NB4 NW Vt, N'j NE' sec. 17 to 25 S. R. 6 W., D. C. 6518 Issued to noiiirlaft Gountv October 1. 1023. amount duo $23.85 with Interest at 12"i. from said date. I. K. DAWSON, present rV1n'r sn! SFV. HWU sec. 20 T. 26 3. R. 7 w.. n. C 6r27 Issued tn Douglas County October 6, 1923, amount n $.1.83 with Interest at 12 from said ante. J. li. WATSON F STATE, frepent owner lots 3-4, SW 14 NVtf. NW4 SW'4 ttcc. 4 T. 27 S. rft 2 W.. D. C. fii3l Issued to Douglas Conntv Oc tober 6. 11123, amount due $53.1 R with Interest at 12 from said date. JOHN F. CAHMiJN. present own er E"A RW'-i, KW14 8W'4 F" . H T. 27 R R. 3 W., D. C. 6532 is sued to Douglas County October 6, 1923. amount due $50.52 with inter est at 12 from said date. CHAS. F. MANN, pre-ent nwne NWU SE'i NE'i (10 n.t sc iS T. 27 H. Tt. 7 W.. D. C. 6512 !mi?d to Douglas County October 6, amount duo $2.17 with Interest at 12 from said dflte. R. J COCHRAN, present rwner M. R. Vol. 6-440 D.. lot 1. N'. 1"t 4 blk. 5, looking Glass, see. "5 T. 27 S. R. 7 W. D. C. fi:,U Isiue-l to DotiRlas fount y October C. amount due $2.a0 with Intercut at 12 from snld dnte. JAMES ROOK E. present owner KVS SEW nee. 21 T. 28 S. R. W D. C. B5I9 Issuer to Douglas Ctonty October 1923. amount dn ?26.''0 with Interest at 12, from wild date. J. A. TlUCIIANAN. prcufnt omur K'A SWi', see. 21 T. 28 H. It W., I). C. (1550 Issued to DnugifiH Countv Oetober 6. 1923, ninount lo- '.'f..90 with Interest nt .12 from ald dnte. CADVTV M. CROCKETT, pre-nt owner WA W". sec. 2o T. ! f. 11. 4 W D. C. flr,3 Isptifd to loiglrs Co'inty October ft, 1923, amount ''or $28 SO with interest at 12 ',6 from said di'le. EMMA RANSOM, present owner SWV( n,r. 34 T. 29 H. ft. 4 V.. D. C fir.r, lurl to DoubIhs Conntv Oc tdfr 6. T23. sinontit due $46 le with interest, t 12, from said tl ' If CfiSIICV, present owner VKI! St'H sec. 70 T. 2ft M R. fi W P. C, ".fil Isfird tn Doiigln cnni i fVtobr 1 t"o'Jut d'lf - 12 from laid with Intercit at date. ' IDA A, BATES, preaeht owner M. & li. Vol. Ot rt'lilK, 111 Hubs. Jb and 27 l 2 it 8, it. 6 D. C. t6ti4 lunued lo Douglas County October i, iaj3, amount due $4.3i with in terest vt iab trom said dato. John w. icutnui'Jiiiiior, pri'swiit owner M. & li. Vol. 7a-asy u.. In sec 14 T. M 0. H, 0 W., U, C. SCttitt issued to DuugiiiH County Oc tober u, la3, amount uuu a.tii with tniurest at l2fi tioiu suid uulo, j TlTt-E & TltUbT CO of I'ottland, Orugun, pt osunt owner tift aw Sn sou. Si T, H9 Is.' R, 7 W., D. C. 667U Ibsued to Douglas County October 0, Iviii, ainouni duo $JU.i Willi In terest at 12 from said datu. JA. A. HuWLAND, present own er XSE14 sec. 23 T. a H. It. 7 W.. D. C. tb7t Issued to Douglas County I October 6, .V923, amount duo tbt.Uu with interest at l2e front said date. J. O. HOYT. Present ownor Wl ' NK'A hoc. ifu T. zv a. it. 7 w., D. u, Mi i A Issued to Douglas County Oc tober t, 11123, amount due with interest at lin from said date. OKA II. PORTER, present ownor WVj bW4 hvc. 14 Tt -I -b. il. 8 W., D. O. tf7-t issued to Douglas Coun ty uctouer t. lltid, uuiount due 17.4 with iuiui-ust at Xil0 from suid date. AUKtK M. DRAPER, present owner UE sue. Ji T. -i d. It. 8 W D. C. 65i5 Issued to Douglus Coun ty October ti, 13, uuiount duo $49.37 with Interust tiioiuon at 12(:'si from suid dute. MAURICE AmtAlIAM, present owner tift bEU sec. Sti T. 29 . It. I W., D. C. tfu j H tsiued to Douglas County October 6, amount due $3u.ii2 witli Interest ut l20 from said date. J. 11. BORDERS, present ownor M. & IS. Vol. 6U-IM D, 111 see, Hi T. 30 S. It. 5 V D. C. 0rtt7 issued to Douglas County October U, 11)23, amount duo $4.52 with Interest ut 12 trom said dute. MAURICE AURAIIAM. present ownor M0,i SE&, lots 3-4, all in seo. 34 T. HO t. It. .6 W,, D. C. CT'SU Issued to Douglas County October u, lvza, amount uuo wun in terest at 12 from said date.. & R. Vol. 77-114 I In sees. 27 and 34 T. 30 S. K. d W D. C. 0592 is sued to Douglas County October 6, 1923, . amount due $9.03 with inter est at 12 from said dato. MAY D. MACEY-, present owner und. 46 Int. In S V I uuc. if T. 30 a, It. H W., D. C.C590 issued lo Doug Ins County October 0, 1923, amount uuo 9"i-"u witn inturest at 12 irum sum ouie. ,j. n. LINDSAY, present ownor NW4 SE'i sec. 0 T. 30 a, It. .8 Y D. C. 6f97 issued to DoukIus Conn ty October 6,.. 1023, amount dno $19.70 with Interest at 12 from said date.. j. n. dindsay, present ownor NWU ,SW seo. 20 T. 30 tt. R. 8 W D. C. 6598 Issued to Douglus Coun ty October 6. 1923, amount due $24.45 with Interest at 12 from said date. A. J. STEWART, und. 2-B Int. in lots 1-2, SEK NWU, BW4 NIC "4 sec. 8 T. 31. S. R. 4 W.. 1 C. 6599 Is sued to Douglas County October 6, 1923, amount duo $14.28 with inter est at 12 from said dato. JEAN B. STEWART, present owner una. z-u int. in tots i-x, siva NWli. SW!i NEW sec. 8 T. 31 S. IL 4 W.. D. C. 0600 issued to Douglas County October 6, 1923, amount duo 114.27 with Interest -at 12 from said date. MARY E. DILtiARD, prosont own er SV& MW, rJMi BW'A BOO. B 'I', 31 W. tt, i W., U. AJ. 6002 issued Douglas County Oiitobor 0. 1923. amount duo $10.59 with lntorest at 12 from Bald date. 1 f- O. MORRISON Sr.. nrcsont own er S'j SEVi sec. 8 T. ,81 S. R. 7 W., n. p. fififia tsniied to noo irin noun' tv October 6. 1923. amount duo $15.70 with interest at 12 - from said dnte. , J. G, MORRISON, Jr., present owh er NU Nl see. 16 T. 31 S. it. 7 W. D. c. 6004 Issued to Douglas Coun- tv October d. 1923. ninount duo $37.20 with lntorost at 12 from said dato. . . j C. A. YERNRERO. nreBOIlt own nr nnd. .1.4 Int. in NWV. unn. 34 T. 31 a It 7 W.. D.,C. 6(105 IbsuoiI to Douirlaa Countv October 0. 1923, amount duo $34.88 with interoBt at 12ca from said dato, F. V,. STARKEY, prosont , owner und. 7-? 4 Int. In BW'i soo. 34 T, 31 S. R. 7 W.t D. C. 6006 Issued to Douirlaa Oountv October 6. 1923. amount due $18.70 with lntorost at lZCsi from said ante. E. E. DYER, orosont owner und. Int. in B'j SK'A. NE4. E NE4 SE4 flee. 6 T. 32 S. It. 4 W., D. C. 6G09 Issued to Doualns Count v Oc tober 6, 1923, amount duo $6.43 with Interest at 12 from Bald dato. II. G. HARRELU present owner M. & B. Vol. 08-245 D In sees. 20 and 21 T. '32 S. R. 5 W., D. C. 6610 Issued to Douglas Counly October 6, 1923, amount duo $12.35 with in terest at 12 from said dato. MAURICE ABRAHAM, present ownor n v 14 kw'A less 3 ncres, in hoc. A T. 33 S. II. 0 W.. D. C. 6016 Issued to Douglas County October u, jMZi, amount uuo z.ui wun in terest at 12 from said data. Li'JUNA auuaiiam, present own er S', S NE'4 less 2 acros and less part sold for cemetery, In sec. 6 T, 33 S. R. 6 W., D. C. 8617 issued to Douglas County October 6, 1923, amount duo $22.94 with Interest at 12 from said date. ELDEN M. ROBINSON, present owner lots 25-26 blk. 1 of Bogard'B Add. to Roseburg, D. C, 6621 Issued to Douglas County October 6, 1923, amount due $2.07 with interest at 12 from said- date. DENNIS MATTHEWS, lots 3 td.7 fncl. of Thornton's Subd. lot 17 bllt, 2, Roseburg, D. C. 0023 tssUod to Douglas County Octobor 6, 1923, amount duo $21.38 with interest ot 12r', from said dato. If. O. PA1UIETER, present owner BU lots 21 to 24 blk. 17. Kinney's Add. to Roseburg, D, C, 0025 issued to DouglaB County October 0. 1923. amount due $30.35 with interest at from said date. J. E. HARPER, present ownor lots 1-2 blk, 11. 1st Add. to Kin ney's Add. to Roseburg, D. C. 6628 Isnuort to Douglas County October 6, 1923. ninount duo $4.88 with In terest nt 12 from said dato. ROBERT KIDD, present owner J lot 6 "1K Millers Add. to Rnse- County October 0, 1923, amount due $2.17 with Interest at 12 from said date. MAURKE ABRAHAM, presrmt owner lols 3 to 6 Inch of North Lnwn Terrace, Rosohnrg, D. C. 6631 Issued to Douglas County October 6, 1923. amount duo $21.12 with inter est nt 12V, from snld dato. COBB REAL EH TATE CO.. pres ent owner lols .16-37 blk. 1. Walte's Add. to Roseburg. D. ( nn:i3 issued tn Douglas Conntv October 6, 1923. amount due $27.32 with interest at 12 from snld'dnto. GLENDALE REALTY CO., pr-- ent owner ni oiock &. inis 1 10 Incl., 9-10 In block 6. nil block 7, Gendnle. D. C. 6043 Issued to Dnug- lns County October 0. 1923, amount due $2M.44 with interest at 12 from sld dato. MAURICE ABRAHAM. nresent owner all block 8, Olendnte, D. C. 664 Issued lo Dmifrlns fountv Oc tober 6. 1923, amount due $36.97 with interest at 12 from aald dnte. MAURICE AND LEONA ABRA HAM, present owners nil blocks 9. 10. Jl, 11. lols 1-2-3 and 7 to 12 IncJ. In blk. 13, Glcr.dnlc, D. C, 664f. IsHii'd to DnugifiH Cnunlv October 6, 1923, amount dun $ir..10n with in tcrcet ot 12 from snld dnte. MAURICE A MB A HAM, nreoent owner lots 9-1ft.11 blk. IS, Glendale, D, r. 6116 IfHiicd to Donglns Conn tv Octnbef 6, 123, fiipount due $1ii.0ft with Interest at 12',f, from said dnte. GLENDALE REALTV CO., nrr ont nwier lot 9 btk. 19. tot 7- 9-11-13 blk 21 nnd lots 2-3-4 -7-H-9-1" blk. 22. Glendale. D. r. 6.r,l Issued Douglas Conntv October 6. 1923. nmonnt due I' Jil with Interest at 12' fmn as mi ute. OLNDALW RKArTV Cn., nrca- ept nwncr ntm .1-6-9 Mir. 21 nin dale. T. r. nr.2 jind to Douglna j fount y O'tnher . 1921. n"rt'int due 11 in wim interest ni li'A irum an"1 il1". I OLW.'DALE REALTT CO., prtnt owuer bile. 24, t&; 26,' if "M "88,1 Qlendale, D. C. 665$ Issued to Doug-1 lua County October 6, 1923, amount? duo $148.42 with Interest at 12 from said date. BOD ABRAHAM ESTATE, pros ont owner all blk. 29, (Rendale, D. C. 6954 issued to Douglus County Coluber 6, 1923, amount due $35.43 with interest at 12 1 frum auld date, . - . M. It. JOHNSON, present owner lotB 5-6 blk. 30. Glendule, D. C. 6U56 lHBUod to Douglus County October 6, 1923, amount duo $18.73 with In terest at 12 from suid date.. GLENDALE REALTY CO.. Dres- ent owner lot 1 blk. 30. lots 9-10-11-18 blk. 30. all blk. 31. uil blk. 82 less lot 1 and k-BB 50 ft by 100 ft., all blk. 34, Glendale, D. C. 6050 IsHUcd to Dolicias Couutv October 6. 1923 amount due $00.09 with interest at n iroin saiu uaie. GLENDALE REALTY CO.. nrasent owier blks. 35. 26. 37. 38. 39. Qlen dale, P. C. 6657 Issued to Douglas county uctouer u, ivu, uuiount. uuo $53.83 with Interest at 12 from suid dnte. 1 ' OLIVER W. PERKINS, nresent owner lot 7 i) ik. 1 Hamilton a Add to Glendale. D. C. 6&5S issued tt DoukIub County October 6. 1923. amount due $2.00 Willi Interest at from said date. W R. TAYLOR, n resent .Owner M. & B. Vol. 77-613 D Myrtle Creek. D. C. 6662 Issued to Douulas County October 6. 1923, amount due 3.u wun interest at iz iroin suid date. , JOHN C. and DREW BAYLEKa, nresent owners lot 6 ulk. s Joan sou's Add. to Myrtle Creek, D. O, e tsu 4 iHsuea to lJouirins county Oc tober 6. 1923, amount due $3.51 with miorest at iz iroin sum unte. lnli"JT PARTIi'H itrxuAtit Own. or lot 14 folk. 18, Ueadsnort, D. C. 6605 Issued to DtiiiKlaa Conntv Oc- tobnr laa, amount uuo. f-.-w witn interest at 12 from . said date. : 1 j. j. hakui.u, nreBent owner iota 17-18-19 blk. 9, Huthorltn, D. C. 0607 lsBiicd to Douglas County October 0, 1923; amount duo , $7,u witn in terest ut 12 from snld date. w. t. HiDUEWA x. nresent own er lot su oik. j&, Htituoriin, v. u. Q671 issued to DouKian county Oc tober 6. 1923, amount duo $2.08 witli Interest -at 13 from suid date. w, T. RIDGEWAY. nresent owner lois ai-as 0111. i&. Mutuor in. u. u. nft7! iBHtied to Douirlaa County Oc tobnr a. lsna. u mount nuo with Interest at 12 from said dato. . CHAS. W. ; HATHlJHOr?i DlOSOllt nWnar lot 5 blk. 2 Pint "B. Hull! orlin Land ' & Wiitor Co. tracts. D. C. 6678. Issued to. Douirlas County October 6. 1923. amount dun 413.18 w tii interest at 12 from sum dute. - ,1, j.. liAitgiiii. prosont owner east pari 01 101s 3-4 uik. a, jjl W. Co. Plat "D,", D, C. 6681 lBSlied tn Doiifflna Couutv October 8. 1923. amount due: $14.81 with interest at 13 irom saia date. - . IERBEHT M. OLIVER E l. A L, preaont owners lot 17 blk. 1 Plut j. s. l. & w. co.. u. c. oaae is sued to Dougius county uctouer 1923, amount aue an.iu witn intor ost uv H'n irom suia uaio. , A.' J. ADAMS, present owner lot SO blk. 1 Plat "J. fi. U & W. Co.. D. C. 6087 Issued to Douglus County October 6, 1923, amount duo $2.97 with .Interest- at 12 , from , said dato. jam us BLiACic. -present, owner lot 7 blk. 2 Plat ' M. ' S. L. & W, Co., D. C. 6691 issued to Douglas County October 0, 1923, amount due $9.60 with Interest at r J3 rojn Bald date, - . . Ducius iial.1i. .present owner M. & B. Vol. 78-629 D., Wilbur, D. C, fififti 1(uniid to Douirlaa County OC tnber 6. 1923. amount duo S17.90 with interest at 12 from said date. , R, H. C. WOOD, present . owner lot xu oik. u, j-tosoDurg xioine wi Phncrt TrsclH Pint "A D. C. 6703 chnfd TrsclH Pint "A D. C. 6703 issued to Douglas Couhty October ti. iviii, amount auo fi.'u wun iu Inrnnf nt W.Of- frnm an Id dnto. I .Tin ROM TO ' T. i BrtPinn. nresent owner lots 3-4, Plat ''GV'i Hoseburg Homo orohard Tracts, u. c. ew-i is Hued to1 Douglas County October 6, 1923. amount aue fsz.vf. witn inter OBt nt 12 frbm said dnto. ARTHUR CLARKE, present own or lot 27 Fiat "i" Tract u nose burg . Orchards Co., D. C. 6708 ! sued to DotiKlas Connty October 1923,. amount due $2.62 with Intor est nt 12 from said dato. HTiNMvnAT.n iirifiHAnn co. present owner lot 68 of Sunnydalo urcnaras, 14. j. tuvv issucu nnu o-lns Conntv Oetotier 6. 19' amount due $K.98 with intoroflt, at 12 from said date; J. I. JONKS, prosont ownor M. & B. Vol. 79-21 D., D. C. 6716 issued to Doiiclnfl' Conntv October 6. 1923. amount due $5.58 with lntorost at 12 'A rrom aaid aate. UMPQUA PACKING CO., present owner 300 ft. by 400 rt. m, 11. vol. fln-SS7 D.. D. C. 6717 Issued to Dong- Inn fiiinlv flplnhur 6. 1923. amount then duo $1066.63 with , lntorost thereon nt 12 from nald dato. PETER TTLAM ESTATE, present owner lot 12 blk. 7, Johnson's Add. to Myrtle Crock. D. C. 6663 issued to DonalnH County October 6. 1923. amount due $2.98 with Interest at 12 from said date. That tho respcctlvo. plats nnd ad anions nnove moniioneu roir 1 tbn nlntn nnd additions on file an of record In the offlco of tho cnunty cierg or uougins t;ouniy. urnnon. .That the several sums heroin nbnve net forth bear. Interest nt tin miA nr twolvA ttnr rent nnr annum from tho dnto of tho .Insiianca of said ccrtiricateB of dellnqueney, to wit. the ntn nay ot yctoner, 1 wait. And vnii. nnd nneii nf Vnil. such owners, clulinrintfl or Iiolderi nf tin Intercut nr estAtn In find t( the hereinabove described real property, and each and every po nnn fit-in or cnrnorntlnh named I the foregoing ilst as being the own er or owners, nccoruing in ino in rolls of Douglas County, Oregon, o trnctn nr rid rccln nf land, lutn ail' blocks abovn described and follow Ing tneir respective mimes, nnu enci nnd overy person, firm or corpora tion owning or nininung i" own. or having or claiming to have any In terest, lien or claim therein., nnd a!so all other .person n or pnrtles unknown claiming any Interest, right, title, estate or Hen In tlie real property nbovo descrlhed, nnd nil persons Interested therein, nro hereby further notified to ho nnd nppenr within sixty dnys nfter the dnto of the find publication of this notice nnd summons, exclusive of the dny of snld first publication, and defend thn ftetlnn or pay tho amnnnt due, ns nbovo shown, to gether with accrued Interest frnm the dnte of the tHHiinncn of snld cer Oflefites of delinquency nt the rate of twelvo per cent per annum, and costs, nnd you are further notified to serve n copy nf your nnnenrnnce or answer on the undersigned nt tornev" nlnintlff. nt his of fice mid postofflce address below Stilted. ( And you hre further notified tlint. In ense of yodr failure so to do, judgment nnd decree Will bo render ed herein foreclosing tlie Hen of snld taxes, interest, penalty nnd costs ngnlnst ench trnet nnd parcel or innn. lot nnn iiiwk or rem prop erty above described for tho re spective f urns and n mounl s dor nnd rhnrged ngnlnst tho same for tnxeH, as hereinbefore set forth, with penalties, Interest and cosls. snd ordering thn sitle nf ech traet or parrot of Iniid, tot nnd blor-k of renl property for the snt Infsctlnn of the sums so cliarged nnd found to be due ngnlnsl It re jipectlvctv. us provided hv Inw, nnd si nraved for In plaintiff's com plaint nnd PppUrnllnn for lodgment nnd decree now nn file In IIH" nurt nnd caue. referenco t' Whi'h Is Yon nro further notified Hint the plnintlff will nnplv to tlio enurt for snr-h ntlier relief ah mnv be Jts-.f. proper, meet and ftqultuMe In the premises, . , I ins summon" 11 ihmhihim'ii, i't- 1 miaiif to tho prnvlnlons of Inw and tli ultihilM nf Dm llite nr OretTi In Mich enses ptnde nd provided, nnd th dito nf the first pnbllca tlnn "r this nHee nnd uinmon Is the 19th dav nf Maw. 1127. . All prnf f mid pnpra in Ibis prnceedln mnv bo served upon Ibe iim1tHn1'l f' rrrev for P'lt't'f f. raiding within thu atat ot Ot- gon, at the office tind bostofflca d uroaa ueiln below mwiiilooud. District AttorhtiV und AUornoy for i'luintiti. itesideiKu and potil ulilctt address: itusbuigp Oregou. HI'MMONlf Ml, S1U1 In tho Circuit Court of the Htuta ' ot Oregon tor Douglas County. Cluri-llce O. Baker, l'la ntlii. vs. Mabui iniKor, DofeUdunt. To: Mabel BuKur, the abovu 1 uuiiivd . dutundum: in tlie nume ot tne statu or ore- : on, you me hereby reijiiired to 1111- pour und answer ibu eumpiuiut ot piaintut flad against you in thu , uuvu i-nmifu court- unu ciiuhu un r befoi'u 1 our weeiiv Hoai thu dato lh fiiHl nubl cation of thlWM umuiouH. and If you fait to so ai) -: 1 car auu unswur. sum cuiiiiiiaiiiL,'1 nlnlnt Iff for want thereof will u-.,l ply 10 the court for tho relief dui niiiuueti 111 sum cuiuuiaiui, u suc- luct siuteincut 01 wiiicn is an 101- - lows, to-wlt: Kor a decree dlssolvlnnr tho mnr rlagu . con' tract .now exuding be tween nlafntiff und dclendunt, and awurillug to plaintiff an absolute ecrce 01 oivorco irom ueieiumni, nd for such other and l'urtlier ru ler uii to the court may seem euull- uble. - .- This summons is served uuon voil by publication thereof once, each , Week ior four consecutive weeks In thu Roseburg., News - Review, a newspaper of general circulation- puuusned and issued rcguiuriy- iu i Hoseburg, Douglus County. Oregon, by order of thu Hon. J. llumll ton. Judge of thu ubovo entitled court, made on tlie 17th dny . oJC June, 1927, nnd you aro hereby re-, lUired to aniiear uud answur lliu same on or before four weeks from the date of tne first publication . hereof, which is thu 23rd dav of. : June, 1927. RICK & OHCUTT 1 Attorimvs for Plaintiff, t Postofflce Address: Roseburg, Oro II on.. ' . . . ) , . 1 ' SUM. II (INS Th tho Circuit Court of the Stato of Oivgon for Douglas County. i Wadiinms & Co., lncoriiortitod, Flolniia vb. Ii. ,E. Wroyler,. Idil . Fruyier, ills wife,' and also all oUirr, or persons. , or parties, unknown . claiming any right, title, estate-,,' Htm or inmt-i.ju in tho i-tnl UHtitto 'dcsei'lbed In tho complaint herein., (DufendantB., . ' , . ! - . : 10 l. e. lToyior, to Jua i Toy ior, bin wit'o. and aiso to all uthur nor- solis or puriles uhknown ciaimlmr 1 any right, tltto, tistato, Hon or. in terest in tlie real ustuto . ucscnueu In. Hit) coinulnlul liuruln. tuu. ubuvo iiuuicd defndunts; - in th uauio ot the State oc uru gon, you, and cue h uf you, ure.. lu-rcby required t to appear uud answer thu complaint Died ugulnst you in tho nbuvu entitled couu and . . cause within lour weeks from tho duu of. the first publication of tins from, the -date of. mo. service there- , of, If the samo bo served upon, you personally without tho statu, of Ore gon, and If you fall to appear and., answer Bald .complaint., ior. ' want mureOE inu piuintui win apn'- lo. . thii court for tliu relief therein de- mandtsd," a succinct statement - of . . wnicn is as ionows: , Kor a decreu of tho nbovo entitled. court quieting plaintiff's title In and to the following described roal... property, namely: Lot four In block - iiliueu 111 1110 low n 01 uionuaie,- m,, Douglas County, Oregon. This summons 1b served Upon you, . and each of you, known -and. pn-. known, by publication tneruor in . the - ItoBuburg News itevluw, a . newspaper of general ulreiilHtluii publlshud -at Ruseburg, In Douglaif , County, Oregon, pursuant to thu order-ot the honorable J. V. Hum 11- -ton, Judge of the ubuvo entitled court; duly inade. .'und entered on tne zznq any ot June, mzt, unccif lng and autnorlKlug tlint this' Binm i ?ions bo published onuo a week for our Buccesalvu weeks and -requir t lng you to appear . and a now of plaintiff's uompiulnt ' .within ,' tour wuuas irum luq. uuic ui uiu iirni.i. publication of this summons, which, Is the 23rd day-of JUiiu, 1927, tho date of the last publication uf this summons,: being 1 thu Hist day - ol - July, 1927, or within four weoka aftur- rpursonaL service heroof, - it personal service uf this sumlnoiiB be made upon you without thu -situiu 1 ot Oregon. . , Attorney for 1'lalnUff. 1 Residence and postofflce addr'JHSl.i ltoseourg, urugon. , 1 O- Noi'icE of i'i,Aii HEt"ri,b.Mi;,'r 1 , Notice is hereby given, that th-i i l undersigned Administrator ; of tho . esiate of Lewis Ash, deceased, -hatt-i filed his final account in the Coun ty Court of the Htato of Oregon, , for DouglaB County, and tho Unit. Gcp. K. Quine,. Judge of said court., has appointed. Tuusday, the 2nd day of August, 1927, nt lu o'clock In thu ' forenoon of mlA dliy ln t,1Q county courtroom in tho courthouse In 1 Itosoburg, Douglas County, Oregon, na the time nnd place for liearlug objections. If nny, to snld account and tlio settlement thereof. . . All persons Interested In said es tate are hereby notified to file their1 ' objections. If any, to said account . at or before tho dato appointed for1 final hearing as aforesaid. Dated this 23rd day of Juno. 1927.'- ' . . ADDIHON II. AMU Administrator of tlio Estato of ' Lewis Ash, Deceased. A'bth'H OF FlIVAt SETTI.KMISNT In the county Court of the fltuto of 1 Oregon for Douglna Couniy. . Tit tho mot tor of the estate of Ah ner Itlddle, Deceased. Not Ire Is hereby given, that tlio ; undersigned administrator of tho. estate of'Abner Riddle, deceased,, has filed In the above on titled' court his final uucount ln settle ment of said estate, and by order , of said court duly mado and tercd of record. Tuesday, tlio Gill dav of Jillv. 1 927. at 10 o'clock ' Hi m. In tho. county courtroom In tho courthouse in Rosuburg, Douglas' County, Oregon, has been fixed an the time and plnco for hearing hb JcollonB if nny tu siild final nc- COlint, BllU ior mo buiumhuiih l"'rC"r' O. I.. OHAST Adinlnlslralor. NOTICE OP t'l.VW. IIEAIUNtl In the County Court of the Stul6 of Oregon for Douglas County. In the matter of the estate of Howard K. Church, deceased. Nolh Is hereby given that Iho undersigned admlnfstrntnr of tlio estate of Howard E. Church, ecu aid. has filed in the abovo on titled court and mntter the final account of bis nduilnlstrntinn of nld nstnto and that said court, by order duly made and entered, bus fixed Eriday. the 8H1 day of July, 1927, nt the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of snld diy, hs tho time, and the couutv court room In the court hoime nt Roseburg. Doug lna County, Oregon, na tlio placo for hearing objections, If any. to said final account or to tlio settle ment of snid estate. Dated nnd first published June Mh- m'- m. k. nm-Ku, . Administrator of Iho estate of Howard E. Church, deceased. MIT I 14 OI-' MUXU OP flNAh ArroiiNT . , . Tn tlie Conntv Court f Iho RtalO nf rregon( for DniiRhiH County. tn the matter .f the estate of Reiilamln A. Doweli, deceased. v,.t ( Iu hot-i-lii- a'. ven. that tho the . undersigned administrator of nuli. re r.r llcnbimln A, Dowell, lias MUM! IMS IIIUM n-nmii with the fount)- fourt of DoiikIhb Cnunlv, Orcgnti. nnd Omt the Court luis fixed Haturdtiy the 9th day nf Julv. 1927, at the Imur of e o'ctnek, nnd Iho conntv nmrl mmn In the court boue nf DnnRtna conn tv. Oregon, nn the time and plnco "T hen ring nbfectiont to suid final iievuunt, and the aottlement there- '' JOHN AV POWELL, Art'!n!Vrir "f th" ant of Benjamin A. Dowell, deceased.