Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 28, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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, - 1 m. feyAy 'liJr , I ;
' 1 ' 't - ' '1W A W
The coast ntiard . cutter Bear. 1
k..ti h. uithctrf
whose wooden hull ha. withstood
Arctic ice. pacKs tor nair a century.
NEA Service Writer
-WASHINGTON, Juue 27-Here's
Juno almost gone and tho squat lit -
lie harknnliiiH Hear hasn't noiiiLed
her jib boom into. Iho harbor of
North along tho Alaskan coast,
native villagers aro waiting for the
Bear, waiting to bring their wivos, i
children, dogs and chickens aboard
aud remain thore until tho Bear
puffs on toward her- next port of
call.-' .
It's long past time for the Bear load up Willi' medicines and
J other supplies for the natives ami
Keep your hair ; ;
Healthy I . ;U :
brings increased nutrl-
ment to the-hair folll-!
cles and.- develops tho
lustre. r- .. .-
Its continued use helps
to preserve the hair in
perfect condition tind
make It strong and
Nathan Fullerton
The XJOsM SiOM l
Rose.ourg, Oregon
Powell Furniture Co
7x 9 Wall Tents, 10 oz. heavy
duck...'.;..: ,.....$9.00
8x10 Wall Tents, best quality $10.00
10x12 Wall Tents, all new
material . ... . . . . ...... .$12.50
12x14 Wall Tents, best buy
in town . . . . . ...... .$18.00
14x16 Wall Tents, compare
these prices .$22.00
Also Tent Flies as low as. , ... .$1.35
Incert-Cuttlna Ice away from i
rigging on the forward deck -of
thu8H B?ar-an every-day Job In the
. heave away, but the Bear has
I sailed inu la (or the last time and
the' ship that was built to replace
!BB1"' u? rUiand, is ""cecd'ag
I down through the caual to follow
the annual course o the Boar
through the Bering straits and up
tho coast to Point Barrow.
And the old Bear, which for
more than 40 years carried law,
health, education, religion, IMo
lection und thrills to Kotzebue,
Tin City, Aniyak, and . a dozen
more remote villages, is on re
duced commission. She .will J he
anchored, probably at San Pedro,
Calif., to serve as receiving ship,
training ship,, barracks ship or
what have you In the way o me
nial service.
Fifty-Three Years Old
" In 1881 the secretaries ot "war
and navy bought the Bear, which
had then seen ten year's service
as a Dundee whaler, for the expe
dition that rescued Adolphus W;
Greeley aud the survivors of his; course from Unaluska to Barrow
exploration. and the Bear cruised from 12,000
it was said then;' lis since, that (to 15,000 miles on each of her an
no one ever built a better wooden Inual tours.. v ...
ship" than the Bear. She was Many are the legends of .the
planked with six-inch oak under a I Bear of thrilling adventures, .. of
sheathing of'lronbarlc 'Svdbd; Sho'polar bears, of lonely whho men-
has u solid Iprow. 'Her timbers
athwurtship'have !beeiv .known to
l buckle twelve inches , under ice
pressure and she has run into
everything that floats without note
worthy damago except ' when ?14,
000 worth of timber was once
knocked off her, but even that
didn't t cause even a tiny leak.
Every year she's beed flipped in
the Arctic ice, but she always came
back. , '' " ': ;- - ,
. 'he Bear led the Greeley rescue
expeditions under Commander Win
field Scott 'Schley and she was the
firBt important command of this
Spanish war hero. The Bear had
many narrow escapes before Gr
ley was rescued and she has out-!
lived all her Bister '.ships of that
expedition. ;
Directly afterward, the Boar be-;
came the unofficial United States:
government in northern Alaska.
She has furnished disaster relief,
carried teachers to their stations,
toted the mail and towed the skin
boats of the King Island natives
with their season cutches of fish.'
Her eight captains have married
and divorced tho natives, handled
any disorders and dispensed jus
tice. Her ship surgeon has cared
Tor hundreds of the Alaskans and
plottett with them against sickness
and epidemics during the Bear's
She introduced the first reindeer
into Alaska, transporting them
Buy Your
Laundry Supplies
from your "grocer.
Economy Grocery
"The Store That Serves You Best"
344 N. Jackson Street - Phone 6
O. L. Johnson
The Northland, new steel coast
guard cutter which will take up
the Bear-, charity , patrol In
(Alaskan waters.
from Siberia. In 1897 tho whaling
fleet was caught in the ice and the
vtUuleis begun to starve. Three
o racers of me Bear urove 44U reiu-ueer-
1Z0U mites overland in mid
winter und saved the lives of 24
men. y
A Ship of Legends
. A few years ago it was noted
that the Boar changed shape wnen
sue was coaled. Weil, what of it?
'ear be lore last she was held in
tne Ice lor 43 days und came bacn
under sail, minus only a couple of
propeller blades aud a ruuuei An
other time she was caught in an
ice pack traveling north at 6 or 7
knots ,au hour and it seemed mat
the Bear would never return. Mhe
was. swept 1U miles past Barrow
before her commander saved her
und her. crew.; : , - . ,
Always the first of June found
her at or past Nome. She was the
first ship through after the win
ter. Jt is 21UU miles ' along her
living as- hermits on barren Inlets,
of whole; settlements fouud wiped
out by diseuae , imported, by , the
white man.
Humorous yarns, tpo, that tho
coast guard loves to tell. Of her
first . skipper, Captain Healy, and
how the natives of Point Barrow,
where only the Bear and infre
quent explorers came, named . tho
barque, "Healy.'s Fire Canoe.1.
There la the tale of Ulakak. who
had a hare-lip which led tho 'Eski
mo lady, of his choice to refuse, lus
advances. Capt. Phil Scott prom
ised Ulakak that he would bring a
surgeon to, fix the hare-lip so. Ulu-
! kale could speak decent. Eskimo
ad win the
kouI. lie did, but
the surgeon
found his . cat-gut
wouldn't work. Neither would
strands pt the lady's own fair hair.
Finally .Captain Phil pulled some
horse-hair from the tail of his
son's hobby horse, and tho ' job
was done, the lip was sewed up
and romance took Its course.
Fish at ldlyW Park. . , j ...
BALTIMORE, June 23 A needle
currying a high frequency electric
al current, a kind of 'surgical acet
ylene torch' known as the accuscc
tor, is being developed by Investi
gation and experiment in Balti
more hospitals.
This little instrument, which
opens an incision without touching
the liesh, by means of a thin blue
stream of electrical energy, al
i ready is supplanting the scalpel in
the hands of prominent surgeons.
Opening a clean incision without
dragging infection from one part
of the wound to another, autoinut-
ic cautery, and the Immediate stop-
ping of the flow ot blood aro ad
vantages claimed for the electrical
; knife.
rv4i rPnmmprrinl prnworn nnf flnlinl-
us flower stems at a slant to leave
an tno roiiage possible, since
plant food In the leal! returns to
the conn as it matures. The gen
eral practice is to leave at least
one-third of tho foliage ou each
M plant as the corn is weakened if
more ts removed. Gladiolus corms
I being not hardy, aro dug In the
Mi full hofnrn iViu trrrtntiH la frnvnn
fj Corms harvested with the leaves
: and stems attached are stored in
IV '. a rlrv ahorl nr hnaomnnt Whpn
the foliage has withered it is re
moved and the corms are separat
ed, cleaned and placed in a. cool,
dry place. Corms aro planted in
Oregon as soon' as . the killing
spring frosts have" passed.
VI H fc 6 LE AM ED
Our practical knowledge nf the
laundry busilieHR enables us to turn
out work of surprising excelli-nce.
Whenever you see. a well launder
ed, delicate shirtwaist and fresh.
attractive table nanery you should
think of IhU laundry.
r i n. -
Koseburg Oteam Laundry
Phont 7 Ronburj
NOTICE' l hereby given tht
pursuant to order of the Board of
Directors of Brockway & Dlllard
Fanners' Telephone Co.. n spevial
meeting ot the stockholders of
said corporation is hereby culled
to be held In the null over - me
Nichols Store at Brockway, lioug
lus County, Oregon, on Friday,
July 1, 1937. at 7:80 o'clock, p , m.
Said nioetluK ia culled for the pur
pose of roconsldoi'lnB a former res
olution of tho stockholders as to
method of rebuJldiug the com
tmnv's lino from Winston to Kose-
buif( to consider a plan tor rebuild
ing saui line wun nieuuuu uuuuu
or placing metallic circuiu on
poles of tho Pacific Telephone
Telegraph Co.: lo consular raei"'
ods of financing such project as
way be adopted.
Uatcd Juno 2U, 1937.
' Secretary.
Brockway & Dillaril Farmers
Telephone CO. i
Notice is hereby given that seal
ed bids will be received by tho un
dersigned until the hour ot 7:30
o'clock p. m. on tho 10th day of
July,. 1927, and immediately there
after publicly opeuod by the Dis
trict School Board ot School Dis
trict No. 21 of Douglas couuty,
Oregon, at Lower School Housa in
Camas Valley, Oregon, for an is:
sue of bonds of said school dis
trict in the amount of twenty-five
thousand! dollars .'035,000), said
bonds to be dated July 1, 1927, and
to mature serially in numerical or
der at the rate of
S1.000 on July 1st in each of the
years 1933 and 1831; '
11,500 on July 1st In each of the
years 1835 to 1M0, inclusive; and
S2.000 on July 1st In each of me
years 1911 to 1947, inclusive;
said bonds to bear Interest at tne
rate of five per cent (5) per an
num, .. payable semi-annually, prin
cipal and Interest payable at the
office of the County Treasurer ot
Douglas County, Oregon.
Bids must bo unconditional- and
accompanied by a certified check
in the amount ot $500.00. '
The approving legal opinion ol
Messrs. Teal, Wlnfree, McCulloch
& Shuler will be furnished the suc
cessful bidder.
The Board reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
, , K. J. DuW 1 UlN,
. , .' ' ;'-.'-. Clerk.
Address: Cwas Valley, Oregon.
- Notice is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City of
Rosoburg, Oregon, by , Ordinance
No. 907. nasBed by tno common
Council and approved by the
Mayor June 6, 1927, has. proposed
the enactment of tho following
amendment to the charter of the
City ot Rosehurg, to-wit:
Prnnncrf Chariar Amnndmaiit
An act to ameud. Section 33 of.
the existing municipal charter., pfi
the City of Itoseburg, Oregon, by
adding thereto Subdivision 58, to
authorize : the City of Roseburg to
construct, a new bridge , ncrosB
Deer Creek on Jackson Street and
to authorize the issuance and sale
of not to exceed thirty-Beven thou
sand dollars in negotiable bonds
of aald city to pay the cost of the
construction of said bridge, togeth
er with the necessary approaches,
retaining walls, embankments,
pavement and sidewalks and to
authorize and require the levying
of taxes to pay the principal and
interest of said bonds.
Be It enacted by the people of the
the City of Hosoburg, Oregon:
That. Section 33 ot tho existing
municipal charter of the City of
Roseburg, Oregon, as enacted by
the Legislative Assembly . or tne
State of Oregon, by "An Act to in
corporate the City ol Roseburg,
and to repeat all acta and parts
of acts in conflict therewith, to
wit: An Act entitled "An Act to
Incorporate tho City of Roseburg,"
act entitled "An Act to amend -an
Act entitled an Act to Incorporate
tho City of IlosehurE," approved
October 19, 1880; and "An Act to
amend an Act entitled an. Act to
incorporate the City of Roseburg,"
approved February 23, 1889; also,
an act amendatory of said act,
filed in the office of the Secretary
of State February 19. 1891; and
also an act to incorporate the Clly
of Roseburg, and to define the
powers thereof, approved Febru
ary 25, 1895; and to repeal all nets
amendatory thereof and in conflict
therewith,"' (which act was filed
in the office ot tho Secretary of
State on February 22. 1905), and
as amended by vote of the people
of said city at an election held
May 6, 1907, and as amended by
vote of the people of said city at
the general election held therein
on tho 5th day of October, 1914,
and as amended by vote of the
people of said city at an election
held therein' on the 3rd day of
June, 1915, and as amended by
vote of the people of said city at
an election held therein on the
22nd day of May, 1916, . and ns
amended by vote of the people of
said city at an election held thero
ln on the 5th day of November,
1918, and as amended by vote of
the people of said city at an elec
tion held therein on the 21st day
of May, 1920, and as amended by
vote of tho p?op' of ?aid city at
.an election held thereM on the
18th day of March, 1124, and as
amended by vote of the people of
said city at aa election held there
in on the 16(h day of May, 1924,
shall be and the same la hereby.
I amended by adding thd said sec
I tion 33 a subdivision to be known
as subdivision 58 which shall
I read as follows, to-wlt:
j 58. The Common Council ot the
City of Roseburg, Oregon, ts here
by given full power and authority
to construct a new bridge across
Deer Creek on Jackson Street in
said city and to construct the nr-c
essnry approaches retaining wills,
embankments, pavement and
walks and to Iksi; anil sell neco
linhln hon.l of Iho rllv nf 11n-
burg, ite irlnclpal of which shall
! not sicewl tho sum of for
j me piirjuiFo oi providing Tunns rori'J- v i mua.
j the construction of said bridge, ap-1 i E. E.
: proacbe, retaiulnj walls, embank-)
ments, pavement and sidewalks.
The bonds hereby authorized soull
be Id such form and in such do
nomlnatlons aa tho Coaiuiuu Coun
cil may determine and shall be
puyablo ns to principal one tentn
each year, commencing one year
alter the date of the Issuance
thereof and shall hear Interest at
tho rale ot five per cent per an
num, payable semi-annually. AH
bonds issued hereunder shall be
deemed concurrent and shall be
without priority as to eacli other
except as ta tue lime of payment
us herein provided aud slum be a
general obligation of the City of
Itoseburg. Tuu Common, Council is
hereby authorized and reuulred o
tuvy a tux auuuuily, in audition to
alt other taxes authorized to be lev
ied by the charter of said City, to
pay the interest ou and principal
o said bonds us the same be
come due. The indebtedness auth
orized by this chartor amendment
is in addition to all other indebt
edness of said city already Incur
red or authorized and is not to bo
considered as effected by uuy
limitations of indebtedness in Baid
charter or olsowhore. All parts of
the charter ot said city uud all or
dinances or parts of ordinances of
said city In conflict with tno pro
visions of thlB charter amendment
are hereby amended, modllled or
repealed as the case may rcQUiro
m order that this amendment may
be in effect, and that a special
election has been called and will
be held in said City for the pur
pose of voting upon said proposed
charter amendment on tho 8lh
day of July, 1927.
The polling placos where said
election will be held and the
judges and clerks appointed to
conduct the same are us follows,
Ward 1 Judges: t. H. Mynatt,
Tilllo Johnson. Ueorge Chandler.
Clerks: Klsie Strung, Mary
Bridges. Polling place: Court
Ward 2 Judges: M. 0. Rada
baugh, L. W. ingles, D. K. Sham
brook. Clerks: Gertrude Knsl, Ar
line Molllwell. Polling place: Jun
ior High School.
Ward 3 Judges: Metta Brown,
C. H. Wickkani, Bertha Taylor.
Clerks: Christine Mlcelll, Marion
Cook. Polling pluce: Roseburg
Hotel. '
Ward 4 Judges: ' S. D. Evaus,
Lulu B. McCliutock, Florence
Hamilton. Clerks: Evelyn Hoov
er, Iva Cox. Polling Place: City
Halt. -
Said election will commence at
nine o'clock A. M. and will con
tinue until six. O'clock P. M. of
saUl day but an adjournment of
oue hour at noon may be tukeu
upon due proclamation by said
'judges. . '
l'he form in which said pro
posed amendment shall appear up--ou
tho ofttcial ballots at said
election shall be as follows, to
wit: . ;
Proposed by the Council. Shall
Section 33 ot the charter , ot the
City of Koseburg be amended by
auulng thoreto uubdlvislon 58, au-
tnoriziug tne construction al a
new bridge across. Deer Creek on
'Jackson street,, aud- authorizing-
the issuance of 337,000 in bonds
of said City bearing interest - at
tlve per cent por annum, said
bonds being payable . sorlally : one
tenth eacu year, to provide funds
for the construction of said bridge
and tue necessary approaches, re
taining walls, enioaukmeuts, pave
ment and sidewalks, and requiring
the levying of tuxes to puy thu
principal aud imerest of suld
uouua, us provided by Ordinance
1NO. UU7.
Vote "Yos" or "No.'t
600 Yes.
601 No. , '
Dated Juno 7, 1927. '
City Recorder ol the ulty of
Roseuurg, Ore.
Highway Construction, Liougias
County, Oregon
Sealed bids will bo received by
the Uouitiy Court of Uouglus
couuty, Oregon, al the court liuuse
in lloueburg, Oregon, at lu o'clock
A. M. ou the 7th duy of July, l'JZi,
for construction of tlio Hockley
liridge across tno Umpuun ltiver ul
ElKtun, Oregon. Tno woi-k Involves
coiisiruciiou of two steel spuus uuu
oue approach.
No Uid win bo considered unless
accompanied by c-usli, bidder's
bond or certified cnccK lor au
amount equal to at least five (u;
per cent of the total amount of
tno bid.
A sufficient ' bond will bo
quired tur tne faithful performance
of tho contract in a sum equal to
une-nulf the tulul amount 01 the
Plans, specifications, forms of,
contract, proposal blauks, aud fun
Information lor Didders may be ob
tained al the olfice of tho coumy
clork or the county roudmaster,
Court House, Itoseburg, Oregon,
upon deposit of five miliars (tb.uu).
The right Is reserved to reject
any item or all proposals, or to ac
cept any separate item of tho pro
posal or proposals deemed best
for tho county.
111A D. ItlDIH.E,
County Clerk of iioughis County
Counly Judge
' . County Commissioner
County Commissioner
(Seal) ,
Couuty Clurk
Sealed bids will bo received up
to July ill h. 1027. by Iho clork of
the School Hoard of liltitrlct num
ber 7, of Hldille, Oregon, for the
tolloulng repairs: ,
Shingling roof, repairing guttera,
and down spouts of school house,
painting outside of building, r.vo
coats, ami staining, shingles. Plac
ing licatinir plant In shape to
- : satisfactorily In-ut the building,
- l-r iurthcr inrormatlon bco
School Clerk at Halt & Krnler
1 Kl'ldle, Oregon.
I 1 n" Hoard reserves llw right to
l any or all Diua.
Whipped Cream
Sauce is delicious !
X cup cream cup Alpine 1
& cup now- milk
deied sugar' - Few grains salb
Combine Alpine milk and
cream. Chill and whip until
atilF, add sugar and. sale, Keep .
Jn, refrigerator, until ready to ,
serve. , ,v . : :': .
-.I .. '.' u .. .'.
I t' ! i : .:: .,- I " .-.
, your
Mevti amm
WlMULEDONi vjune 27. Helen
Wills, American, tennis star and
Mrs. Kitty McKaue Uodfree, the
English champion, have both ttu-u-ed
down offers to turn professional
the offers coming from a profes
sional promoter who Is making ef
forts to obtain women players to
oppose Susanne Lcuglen. -
This snino promoter has. offered
Ylss Betty Nutlmll, tho English
school girl tennis player whose
0W . f
W llllf..sS';l XTWi ,
COMB at onpei get your FB.EB spoons before-
Thursday. No extra, trouble. No extra
expense, AH you have ta cjo 10 try Alpnve--tks
mili( with cream m every dro and save
the labels. ....... . v -.
Fop every 8 tall size Alpine labels or 16 small
ones tha.t you bring before June 30th. you
will get an exquisite Simbon . and George H.
Rogers 5-year guarantee silverplated teaspoon '
' Since Alpine kseps indefinitely vmany women
are laying, in a supply now jusc tQ-ouake sure 1
of getting six teaspoons. .-, ', 1 ' - . ;i , 1 i t ;
But i remember 'Thursday is the, last day.
Pon't miss this gift try Alpmo at once get .
tree spoons NUW h
in am drop "
pluy lins boon a fontiiro of iho Wlm- soclntod Press was informed lli!(
uludon tournament, a contract forlevcnlug by a confldentlul agent d".
J4C.000, for three yeai-B. , . .-, J Englaiul's ,most , prominent pro-
ItllnH 111L11U11 WilM IVpUlieu LU UV
'consldoriiiK the offer," ! but ' her
mother la oppo.sed to her entering
the professional ranks and- lutis
mtich as Hotly Is only 10, she is un
able to sign a binding contract, .
WIMBLEDON, Juno 27; A con
tract for SIO.000 for two yunr's ten
nis is awaiting Helen Wills at the
office of Ci B. Cochran should the
California star decide to turn pro-
fesBlonul and meet Susanne Long -
Ion In a Herles of mntehes, the As -
mr the greatest
: M :k SI!
!fyutiu! aihvrpfatccr teaspoon guaranteed or 2 yt ,
jttlrj suun away for only 8 Alpine milJ( labeli.
- j j No more ;ctir.Tniirstiuyf
Bring your Alpine.
labels to. our ,
Redeeming Station
before June 30th
' i. i to' the '
"(. ..I ..
Roseburg ';.'..iv.
-and receive your
- Spoons. '
1 (There is good' reason to bolIovo,:
however,, that the. offer, will- bu .
turned down,but thnt it first will
be referred to the stfir's father in
Berkeley, ... , f
Visit Over Sunday " :
...P. A. Mevorden und Mr. Bell' ot
Grants Pass, who are stationed
; temporarily uevoral miles south of
this city on work tor tlio tele phono
; company, visited friends hero Sat- ,
'urday night ami Sunday.