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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1927)
ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW,-. ;. TUESDAY; JUNE 2fi, 1927,. THREE 4th of July Dress-up Sui Men's Adler Collegians made breasted ggestioris ; 5 ' 1 Gordon Hats '. ! ': Felts that feel good, snap brims and curl brims.. ": The latest colors. ' Collar attached, neckband, and collar to match. ;; v :- Sf Sweaters l ' ; i l -'' . T i iv-'. ' , .. - Jus,t the thing' for dressup. Sleeveless or with 5 i sleeves. See them in our window. , ; Neckties and Hosiery s Fancy Silk in'the stylish' colors and designs. . You will like them. ' Take a Columbia Knit Swimming Suit on . lttM'JrJ-i1f'HIy6ur Vacation.? f SPENCEft'S A Man's Shop ,; "Mad Bull" Is Marathon Champion Footsore, but happy, is Mad Bull, Karook Indian, who won the 472 mile Redwood Highway marathon from San Francisco to Grants Pass, Ore. He left the city by the Golden Gate at 10 a. m. on June 14, and arrived at his goal at 12:16 a. m., June 22. A crowd that rivaled In size and enthusiasm the one that packed the streets of Grants Pass on Armistice night welcomed the champion runner as he trotted over the finish line. Little Fawn, beautiful Indian princess, gave Mad Bull his first reward a kiss. He was given $1000 cash as the main prize. Other awards and honors are being planned forhim. Flying Cloud, also a Karook Indian, took second place. He was nine milts behind when the champion broke the tape. Meilka, 63-yeaiold Zunl Indian, finished third, while Fighting Stag captured fourth place. NINE YEARO ON MOTOR " CINCINNATI, O. Alfred Schmlt ker. automotive inventor, says he lms completed work on an air- DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME ESTABLISHED 192$ H. C STEARNS, Manager. r ' " ; : ' : i i ' .; ' . . ; , ; . . Noth withstanding the elaborate equipment of the Home and efficient service, the cost of burial is no more. Phone Pine and Lans 8ts. Suits in single and double models. - i. 1 (it ('''11' ' cooled motor weighing only 200 pounds and having only 33 major parU. He worked nine years per fecting the motor. 112 Lady Attendant LOCAL Visitor In Town Dr. B. F. Devore of Oakland spent several hours Monday In this cliy looking after business affulrs. From Cllde Mrs. J. L. Casebeer ot OUdo spent Monday afternoon visiting with friends and shopping In this city. , i . , . , , . . Visitor Ffom Melrose Mr. and Mrs. G. Dynge of Mel rose Bpenl Saturday afternoon visit lug and; attending to business af fairs In this city. ; Business Visitor Sidney Helllwell of Myrtle Crook w as a visitor' in Roseburg Monday for a few hours and wiib looking after business affairs. . j i , ; Visitor. Monday . ' Vincent Preschorn 'Of' Molroso was In this city for .a few hours on Monday and was looking after busi ness affairs and visiting. . - i Visitor Today ' f Mrs. A. E. Lelghton - of Myrtle Creek was In noseburg this morn ing visiting with friends ami at tending to business matters. Mr; Page Visitor ' 'J. Erwiu Page, Garden Valley res ident, was In Roseburg for a few hours on Monday looking after business affairs and' visiting. From Wilbur " . ' ' ' "i : : iMrs. Beu Irving of Wilbur was a visitor' 'In-' Roseburg Suturday af ternoon and was shopping and at tending to business affairs.; ; ; . S ':;'., . ' .; J r Home From Eugene 1 5 J ' t 1 ' 1 Mrs.' C: M. Butner has1 return'etl to this city from Eugene t where she spent several days last week enjoying a visit with friends. In Monday ' ' Tom Olltvnnt and son, Donald, of Looking Glnss, Epent Monday afternoon In this city visiting and attending to business matters. From Olalla : Earl M. Ollivant and Miss : Nell Olllvant . of Olalla were In Hoser burg Monday afternoon attending to business-affairs and shopping. ; Visitors Here 'i i , Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Matthews and baby of Looking Glass were here late Saturday, afternoon visiting' friends and attending to business affairs. .. .. , - ' v Back From North' Bend i c Mr. and Mis. H. T.. Bloom of Roseburg' attended the 'funeral' 'of Raymond F. NoriiB inNorth Bend, Sunday afternoon. Mr, uioom Be ing one of the- pall bearer, at- the funeral. ... ' -. ,- ... ..... Here , For Summer s . Mrs. Thora Balrd and (laughter. Miss Virginia, and Miss Billy Ho mier, of Oakland, Calif., have ar rived to visit at the W. S. Conine home nt Soulh Deer Creek, for the summer, - Visiting) In Cottage Grove Mrs. Carl Murphy and little daughter are- In Cottage Grove visiting at the home of their moth er and grandmother. Mr. Murphy will join them there at the end of the week for a visit. Visiting At Koenlg -Home- Miss Caroline Koenlg and Mrs. C. J. Deloughrety, of St. Paul, sis ters of J. G. Koenlg. are visiting at the home of their brother In this city. They expect to remain here for a -month or six weeks. Visiting At Conine Home Mr. and, Mrs. Ivan Vanatta and daughter ot Los Angeles ana Miss Jessie Vanatta of San Fran cisco are spending a f ow days visiting with W. D. Conine and oth er relatives at South Deer Creek. Leave For Portland- Mrs. R. P. Norrls and two sons of North Bend, spent the night with Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Bloom, leaving Ihfs morning for a week's visit in Portland -with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. R, Arms. YOUNG WOMEN MAY KEEP WELL By Taking Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Here) is Proof Bt. Paul. Minn. "Here is a little advice 1 would like to have you put In the papers, ' Mrs. Jack Lorber ter of 704 Dell- wood Place wrote to the Lydla E, Pinkham Modi. cine . Company. "If young women want to keep their health and strength for the next thirty years of their lives, it is best to start In right now and take Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. I bave tried the Compound myself and received fine results." In de scribing her condition before taking the Compound, sbe writes, "I was afraid in my own bouse in broad daylight, I used to lock tbe doors and pull down the sbades so that nobody could see me." One day a booklet advertising the Vegetable Compound was left on her porch and she read it through. In so doing, she found a letter from a woman whose condition was similar to her own. "I bought the Vegetable Compound," Mrs. Lorberter con tinued, "and bave had fine results. The condition I was In made ma a burden to my husband. Now I ask "How Is bousekeeplngr'and he says, "It la Just Ilk being In Heavenl" NEWS On, Business H. B. HaHlings of Wilbur spent several hours Monday in Koseburg looking after business affairs and trading. Visitors Monday Mrs. O, ' Kessler and son of Umpqua spent Monday nftornoon visiting friends aud shopping in Roseburg. ; t ' ; ' Visitors Monday 1 Mr. and Mrs. J; L. Farquhar of Milo fere in this city .Monday and were -transacting. , justness and shopping. ; .-;'?:. ' Miss Kranti Visits - Miss Klva Krantz of Wilbur was shopping and visiting with frlnnds in tills city for a brief time Mon day afteruoop,. ' . ; ! ' i , From' Dlxonvllle ' - '! Mrs. L. Blakely of 1 Dlxonvllle spent several hours Monday in this city visiting friends ami attending to business affairs. ' From Myrtle Point S. A. Steuer and Fred Mc.Mulien of Myrtle Point were arrivals here Monday afternoon to. visit with friends for a few days. ' From Dillard ' ' Mrs. V. N. . Rust of Dillard Tvns a visitor In this city Monday after noon and was shopping and attend ing to business mallei's. .... . , , V- Visitor Monday Mrs. A. E. Matthews of Myrtle Creek was in Rosoburg Monday for' a few hours, visiting with friends and transacting business. From Looking Glass- Fred Chamberlin of Looking Glass was looking after business affairs ' nnd visiting Willi friends in this city Monday for' a rew hours. From Idaho ., , Mrs. J. F. Clahby or Wolsnr. Ida ho, arrived this morning and will spend a few da'R visiting with rel atives nnd friends a few miles east of this city, . -i i. . - ' . I Visitors In City ,.-. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Barnard and family of Bingham Canyon, Utah, are stopping over In Roseburg for a few days., Mr.: Barnard, Is, a bush liens man of Bingham Canyon ami is a member of the Kiwuuis club. Here From Eugene- Mrs. ; J. H. Blaylock and baby and Miss Carmelita Blaylock of Eugene, formed residents of this city, arrived here this morning to visit with Menus until Friday. Going to 'Coast Dr. and Mrs: H. C, Church nnd family are leaving at the end of the week for' Bandon to spend a week visiting ns guosts of Mrs. Churcli's brother, Loren A. Davis. Mrs. .Drake Here ' ; Mrs.. Frances Drake of Myrtle Creek, was a visitor in the city yesterday. ' Mrs. Drake Is known as the oldest resident of her sec tion having lived In Myrtle Creek for 52 years. Arrived Yesterday- Mr. and Mrs. Asher Ireland ar rived in Ashland yesterday from Nehalem, Oregon, and have taken up their residence in the R. L. Reed home on Church street, for which they traded property In Portland. Ashland iulngB. , , Expected For Visit '' Mrs. Amle Antels of Wenatchee, Wash., is expected here Thursday morning for a visit with her fath er, E. Standiford, for a few days. Mrs. Antels formerly made liar home In this city.. She has been on a trip to Colorado nnd Is en route home. . Shoulder Injured ' Mrs. Stonewall Cawlfleld sub talned a painful Injury yeslerilay evening when Bhe feol from a step. Her shoulder was badly bruised nnd possibly fractured. Dr. Hoover was called to treat tho Injury nnd will make an x-ray examination to day to determine whether or not the bone has been broken. Enroute Los Angeles Mrs. Anna Hnlgate and daughter, Miss Cecil Hnlgate, and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Frank Holgate, all of Sutherlln were visitors here this morning, being here to meet Mrs. Hoigate's son and wifo. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Holgate, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Holgnte.are on their wed ding trip and are going to Los An geles. , Attend Family Reunion Mr. and Mrs. Leslln Lilly, Mr. and Mri. W. Tom, Mr. and Mm. Carl W. Schlooman and llttlo daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Schloeman. Mrs. J. O. Flook and Mrs. A. P. Fulkerson nnd sous were at Lebanon yesterday to at tend the annual Ruble relatives re union. It is estimated ICO mem- bors of the clan assembled at Le banon for the occasion, a number of them coming from Washington and other distant points. Corral lis Gazelle Times. Car Goes Over Embankment Glenn Callen nnd Day Shupe. both of this city, escaped any seri ous Injuries Sundav when their car went over an embankment near the boundary line near Steamboat. They were on a fishing trip and left their car at Williams Creek, walking the remainder of the dis tance to Steamboat. The heavy rainfall Sunday had made the nar row road quite slippery and on Ihelr way home their machine skid ded and went over the embank ment several feet The car was left there and as soon as the road has dried out enough for travel will be brought to this city. Coon Wrangler y- ..." f : ,(:: '.' r - -' t s t I 3 ThlB cowboy has a'queer pob of wrangling..'. .His quarry la none other than Becky, the White House raccoon, stretching her legs in the Black Hills after the long journey from Washington. Rebecca dotes ou the Black HIllB climute. .. , From Medford t- ! f- ' vr. ft. nuuKtm m mi-mum wtm 111 Roseburg over Monday attending to business affairs, ' From; Pdrtland J j ' Kenneth liny of Portland was In Roseburg this morning calling ou business acquaintances. : Mr.' and Mrs., A. Mlddlelon of Hood-Rfver wero In Roseburg over Monday, the former looking after business affairs hero. From Myrtle Creek f i t -Miss Graoe 'Stephens and her mother, MrR. Fannie Stephens, wore visitors In the city from Myrtle Creek today. ' ' r f ij Visitor This Morning ' Mrs. P. C. StromqulBt of Melrose was in Roseburg this morning shopping and attending to business ?'.rfii!IIiili!UIItf Home From Seattle Mrs. William Agnew of South Deer Creek retureud to her home Sunday after spending the past six weeks In Seattle enjoying a visit: with Mends. -Home From Portland MIsh .Elizabeth Williams has re turned to Roseburg after spending a week In Portland enjoying n visit with trlends and relatives and nt tending the Rose festival. , , ' Enroute Coast- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mclnturff of Marshfield stopped over here this morning for n brief time to visit friends on their way to the coast from Portland, Mr. Mclnturff is h prominent attorney of the coast city. ... i U. P. STAGE LINE , STARTS JULY 1ST 1 (AukwUImI PrM'lamli.Wfro) PORTLAND, Ore.,, June 28. The Union Pacific will start Its motor stage lino between Portland ' and Pendleton on July 1. This was an nounced today by Gonerul Passen gor Agent Cundlff. The subsidiary company handling the stages Is known as the union Pacific Stages, Inc. ' . ' - , Five modern motor buses accom modating 22 passengers each will bo placed In service.' Two will be operated each way each day. Stops will be made at all the points enroute, and the fares will be on a competitive basis with those of other stage lines. Tile company will use the motor stage torininal at Sixth and Salmon streets. U. S. INCREASES MARINE AND AIR UNITS IN CHINA (Associated Press Leased Wire.) TIENTSIN, China, Juno 28 A detachment of 500 American mar ines with five airplanes, haB been. landed at HBigho, midway between Tientsin and Taku, where aviation headquarters are being establish ed. One thousand additional marines and twelve airplanes are expected to arrive from Shanghai In a few days. o support colonyjof When ants find food supply in your home they rwurm to thstt spot. They must be killed. FLY-TOX kill ants. Em St Mellon hmw) if JmomiMJ KdrS'ch S7 JUj KssiSKS rdlanlHS a. KILLS rtns, motrs JJM)irroa fCJtlJU llJMllmrhVT STEALS CAR BUT Clyde Corrjett Steals Cai From Contractor on Loon Lake Road . - Job. Clydo Cornott. of Toledo, atrost- ed recently for the theft ot a car belonging to Constublo Dillurd, and who has been serving a sentence of six months, Is again in Jail on a new auto theft charge. While working as a trusty on the Loon i.nne roau lie stole a Chrysler car belonging to Contractor Holmes, who Is In charge, ot tho construc tion work. Before leaving the Loon Lnko district Cornett cut the tolephono wires, but word was quickly sent out and the roads leading to tho highway wore guard ed. He attempted to drive out the Little Canyon road and was nick ed up by Deputy Sheriff Leas and brought to RoBeburg. Cornett was one of a auartetto ot young men who 'recently came to Roseburg In a car stolen at Portland. Ho and a partner, after abandoning the Portland car hero, stole a car belonging to Constable Dillard and drove to Salem where they wore captured. Cornett was brought back to Roseburg. whlln tho other three were taken to t'ortiand. He was arraigned bo fore Justice ot the Paace Honkins and was sentenced to six months in jail, and together with the other prisoners waB put out at road work In the Loon Lake district. Evidently tiring of the labor ke de cided to take French leave and tried to make his getaway In the contractor's car but auceeded only in getting back to his cell to face a more Berious charge. According to Sheriff Starmer he has a bad record although only 21 years ot age. He has served a term In the state reform school previous to the present trouble. INDICTMENT HITS ,; , OIL CO. SECRETARY I ' ' ' ' 1 ' "!'' V- (Auoolatrd Trpn leased Wire) LOS ANGELES, Cal., June 28. A. Swanson, assistant secretary of the Julian Petroleum corporation, In charge ot the New York .offices ot the oil concern, was named by the district attorney's office today as appearing, in a new batch it seven Indictments .returned by ttje grand jury In the Block over lssilo investigation, . , . . . , . , , i : WESTON DIGGING ITSELF OUT OF i FLOOD DEBRIS 1 (AuoclatM Prcia Leased ' Wirt-) ' PENDLETON. Ore.. Juue 28 Weston waB today digging Itself out ot tno deuriB of the Sunday af ternoon cloudburst Which resulted in ffiO.QOO damage , to, business houses,! homes , add I surrounding crop areas'. Mud washed down by tho water' stood two -feet -deep in many of the homes and business buildings, : Offers 'of -asBistance wore declined- by .the Weston ueo- ple, who experienced "tlieir first cloudburst in history of the city. The torrent which lasted a halt hour, Bwopt several hotlsoB from (heir foundations nnd .completely ruined the Interiors and fumlturo besides destroying stock of several stores. AUTO ACCE8SORY MEN TALK EXPAN8ION OF MARKET (Associated Press Isseil Wire) POHTLAND, Ore., Juno 28.! consideration of n greater market development for automobile acces sories aud equipment was before the Automotive Equipment associ ation convention opening here to day. Harry f. Moock of Chicago, man ager of the greater market devel opment division of the association, waB the principal spenker. Tlie association expects to spend $750,000 over a period of three years In an educational merchan dising program, . o , TODAV'8 BASEBALL NEW YORK, June 28. Lou Geh rig, larruping Yankee first base man, drew up within one homer ot Babe Ruth's mark today by smash ing out- his 23rd circuit clout of the seuson In tho third Inning pf the game with Philadelphia. Pas chal was on base and Johnson wan In tho box for tho Athletics. It .was Gehrig's 100th lilt ot Iho Ben son. American. At Dostnn n .11. E. Washington .4 4 g 2 Boston .. 0 2 1 llatterles: Crowder and Iluel; Lundgren, Wlngfleld and Hofnian. Klrst gatno At Detroit n. H. E. St. Louis .. :. ..3 10 4 Detroit 9 13 0 latteries: Zachary, Falk and Srhnng; Carroll and Woodnll. 0E8TITUTE MOTHER TURN8 OA8 ON FIVE CHILDREN AND SELF (Associated Press Leased Wire.) 4 NEW YORK, June 28 The prospect of having to place her five children, ranging In ago from two to 10 years, in an asylum prompted Mrs. Mary Freeman, a widow of two months, to turn on seven gaB Jets In her home In White- stone, L. I., last night. Neigh- bora smelling gas called police this morning and the O six were found dead In two beds. I-W.M-WWIWsIWi Week-End Sale ' 20 fine frocks in plain and prints in silk and georg ette, just the thing for your vacation wardrobe.' Price $1475 Wash Frocks in Voile and Prints, Junior and '- Misse9 and Ladies'. Prices $225 to $7.95 : , m , ,.; ,;. i - : Blouses in Crepe de Chine and , Washable Broad cloth, white and colors. $135 to $5.95 ... ,- MARKSBURY STORE ' ; .:, " ? i.' - ft - i Marriage Brings "Blue Skies" It ID I 5 0 ;j . (2 ! jj : ksss4BslsslaiX'A9ssssstek t''.OV' tf ;iAX2tatM ' .''t,:''W l: I. KMy ' There will be "nothing but blue skies from, now on" for Capt. and Mrs. Arnaldo Marson. . For their marriage by a San Frariolsoo Justice of the peace has ended a domestic tangle that wrecked two of New .York's .most voonservatlvot famlllea. ' Mrs. Marson, the? former Mrs. Isabel KeyB'Buroh,:ieft.hsr husband to run away to the Paoiflo coast with Capt. 'Marson, the dashlrfg Italian wafr not. " The wedding cere mony is expected to quash the Mann sot charges under which they were both, arrested, '; The newlyweds plan to make San Francisco their new 'homj. ''' 'j'-; i- f ' i.' ,.' .;.. . '' ' , S ': ' t , . .' - ' Entrancing Music; i U ; Famous Plays ; ; Bubbling Fun ; ' i Inspiring Lectures ALL COMING TO Roseburg, Inclusive Dr. Robert Parker Miles ' "Applesauce" Dr. Alexander Cairns Allpresi All-Star Co. The Scotti , You set it all on a Season Ticket for less than one of the plays would cost anywhere else. IrJHagS&ggsISHS ma at July 16-21 Haskell Indian Band "The First Year" Lucille Elmore Revue Ned Woodman Junior Chautauqua 6 :',.' 1 V ' - t lie iJV.y 3' -ft" sir- If