Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 27, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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"jfHfH-H f i ' j&OSgBURC NEWS REVIEW, MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1927.
J A careful bank's first consideration
is the safety of its depositors. As
, a, financial pilot it must steer a safe
course, alert to sense danger, and
! ever ready to protect with its, ex-,
i i perience and knowledge. ;
This' Institution offers you the safeguards of
Its 'service and counsel In all financial
, - ' - matters.
' ' ' ESTABLISHED 1928
i I
H. C. STEARNS, Manager,
- Notwithstanding the elaborate equipment of the Home
and efficient service, the cost of burial is no more.
Phona ,112
Pine and Lane 8te.
' v i . ' HI r l - t j
, (Cbrirlrhfna from pngo' 1.) !
titer 'fllglU, iweighBi s4,600. pounds,
th6fiflt1iplutia 4,732 poitnilB. ;
The' Fokker. huu a .crulBngi rn
dins of 3,000 miles, Smith?, iilnne
3.250 miles. , ' . ;. ,
' Lieutenant Maltland said hov ex
pected to complete the , flight in
about 2'i or 27 hours. Snimlth sold
lie planned on reaching tlK! Island
In 24 hours and could 'jbeut tho
Army plane even tfj lh latter had
several Jhrmrs ;len,d.
' The a'linV; plane la oxpected to
consume about 30 gallons of gnso-
J To?ay and . Tuesday j
Matinee Daily 2': 1 5' ' '
u Comedy '
The Three Big Fat Boye
" A Ton of Fun In
Our Unofficial Ambassador
Mat. 10c-25c Eve. 10c35c
i Coming Wed. and Thurs
"The Cruise of the
Jasper B."
. and Special Pictures of
America' Greatest Disaster
the Mississippi Flood
Lady Attendant
" i ' NOTICE ' ' '
On and- after July first tho
undorfllgnod banks I of Ruse
burg will open at ten' o'clock
Insteud of nine as hereto.
fore, and close at the ' usual
hour of three o'clock, ,
' The . . Itoseburg National
Bank. ., ,
The Umpnua Valley Dank.
. The Douglus. National' Bank
, The;.Fist State, &, Savings
Dunk. ... j ...
, ,
; If you ard Interested in a
Rood, clean paying business In
JlosobuiB.i wo .luive 1 four - .to
chonso from. It will tnko
WfiOO each to handle, two of
those;, 17,000 to , handle- tho
llrd,;, and $01,000 to handle
(lie fourth. No trades, .. Our
ads only appear once. ,. ..
see n. nice of' mci & rice,
fine ah hour. , Tlio smaller compef
lfiB monoplnnd to consume 12 Kali
tons an. hour. .
' Smllli'plttilne'd to fly' his plane at
about 88 miles, an ;hoiir lor the
first 1,000 miles and 115 miles an
bom- tjierenftcr. . The Fokkor waa
expected to make about .tho same
Blurting spocd and finish at about
121i miles an hour. ,
In Honolulu today tho .navy
threw a cloak of Beerecy about the
preparations . of . Richard . Grace,
former ' naval .reserve ofrieeis
wnose irans.racuic piano - - waa
locked In a' guarded hangar ut
Peurl harbor after tiavlng made an
nppurently successful 'teHt fjligbt
yostorilny. Tho tlmo of the con
templated hop off was not mado
known. 1 . ;
. Ernest Smith gpt htB plane ready
for test fllglits Inst nlijht after
working ' feverishly - ivlth' a larga
force of meclinnlcB. lly sotting tt
sti'AUUons imco ho expected' to conn
petd all preliminaries and ho ready
for the take off before sundown.,
In splto of the fact that Malt
land nnd. llegenborgcr announced
they did not contemplate: a ' take
off before tomorrow, tho Impres
sion that they would make an
earlier start than that caused
Smith's forces to work at frantic
,- Although tho chnpees: of flrnce
and his navlgatoi,) Lieutenant 10a
ton H. Koger, for n take off from
the Hawaii, end . today were un
known hero, Smith was conceded
to have the best chanoe to be the
llrat to get Inlo, the air, because
the army fliers must await General
Patrick's approval of the plane
before they can go,
SMITH To Mr. and Mrs. Har
voy Smith, of (llendalo, , iMondny,
June 27. 1927, a daughter. - r
Hero aro the answers to the
"Now You Ask One" questional
printed on the editorial page. ;
1 Flies eat liquid, food only.
2 Only malo grogs and toads
3 Rabbits live In burrows nnd
their young are born naked nnd
blind. Hares do not dig burrows
and their young are born wllh hair,
iinii wnn eyes open.
4 Rattlesnakes can strike a (lis.
tanre almost equal to their length.
6 The bat. the bear, jumping
mouse, chipmunk, woodchuck,
skunk and raccoon hibernate. .
jO Zymurgy is tho brnnch of
chemistry relating to the process
of I'ernientntlna In tho making of
alcoholic liquors.
7 The District of Columbia oc
cupies territory once part of Mary
land. 9 Tho mint value of n iron
:otince- of tine gold is IW.CT plus.
ju Nov8fla,.wuh .over. 900. acres
to every Inhabitant, has the least
dense population. '--.... j I
1 1
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Amort and
daughter, Vera Jean, and Olen Mc
Allister returned to Itoseburg this
morning from Diamond Lake
where they spent the week-end.
Mefore they left tho resort snow
had. started to fall and there was
a six-ini-n covering on the ground.
un arriving nt the liomosile dlB-
inci nonr the lake. Mr. Amort and
Mr. .McAllister found that their
summer cahin, which tlmy erected
last year, had been total! v rieul rov
ed. Tho structure hod been welglit-
eu oown ny tne snows during tho
winter so that when a nearby tree
fell, the building was smashed with
the exception of ono side of the
wall. Their canoe and equipment
stored In the cabin hnd been splin
tered to bits and were a total loss
The cabin belonging to Mr. Ixj
Mosb of riiants Pasa had also heen
destroyed and numerous other
utructuros had been damuged by
the snowfall tho past few months,
iney rounu.
Tho heavy snowfall this year
Is almost' unprecedented In. tho
lake district, It Is reported, and, the
lodge at Diamond Lake with oilier
concessions and buildings have
been pushed out of shape as- a re
sult of the snow piles drifting on
them. The Inhabitants at the
lodgo are reported to have had a
hard time savlng': the structure
from being smashed.
The Itoseburg party went Inlo
the homeslto district' by vny of
Union Creek but found tho road
blocked between-the lower end of
the lake and the cabins and it was
nocessnry for thein to leave the
car and: cover the' remainder of
the distance by foot, as the melting
snows have made the road to the
homeslte district impassable tor
cars. ' The lodge and resort on tho!
other Bldo ot the luko can be reach
ed by auto, however. Joshing -is
good now at the lake arid a num.
her of tourlBt, mnny from Califor
nia' were at the reBOrt. tho Roseburg
people reported. Six inches of
miow had fallen when they left
and they returned via' Klamath
Kails, although they understood
from information at tho lodge that
the roail by Way of- Union- Creek
would bo passable in unite ot the
new snow covering.-1 ''. '
, (Continued from page l.;
Hons, nnd other hnlldlngs- In the
community seriously damaged.
' I orrent' Sweeps Stores
The -floor-Jn the drygoods do-
pertment of the H. n. Pone store
collapsed when the torrent hit tho
building nnd it Is'bellved that most
of the slock was lostju Hardware
supplies' and; sporting goods In tho
Store: of -Nelson H.' Jones were
badly dnmuged when the water
rushed through the building.
'' The water was over the floors
la many of the' homos nnd carried
away lawns, shrubs and other pro
perty. : I : ' "i
Traffic over tho highway was de
layed about two hours and then
routed over a temporary bridge
approach across Dry creek. ':
Weston ls located In tho one of
the heaviest wheat producing sec-
lions in the stnte, but it Is believed
that most of tho crop dumnge waa
confined to the draws and canyons
tending Into the foothills.
An electric storm accompanied
the downpour.' '
Damage Is Costly
WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Juno
27. Sevoral hundred thousand
dollai-B damage 'was done by tho
series of cloudbursts which last
evening occurred on tho western
slopes of (ho Blue mountains In
Oregon. Walls of water from four
to eight f eet high swept the
towns of Arlington nnd Weston anil
ruined crops, bridges and high
ways. Livestock of all kinds was
washed away and drowned.
A cloudburst over Couse creek, a
mile above Milton, flooded the
banks of tho Wnlla Walla river.
Bridge approaches were washed
out and a number of Wnlla Walla
business men up the river picnick
ing nnd fishing, were mnronned
there all night. Attorney (leorge
j Roberts caught a fawn In his arms
us u wns wasneu neyoml tho flood
Milton Region Suffers
Two hundred feet of the flume
ot the Milton power plant was
washed out and tho town Is ob
taining temporary power from a
Diesel engine. Tho dnmnge to tho
plant wns estimated nt $5000.
W. McKcnzle nnd fnmilv on
Couse creek were forced to the
unper story of their house, from
which they wero rescued bv rapes.
An Island In the Wnlla Wnlla river
near Milton was flooded and a fnni-
I lly named Chnpmnn living on It
nan n narrow escape.
Garden lands near Milton were
flooded and tho crops destroyed.
Dry creek canyon between Mlltnn
nnd Weston nlso wns flooded, with
nriuge, nignwny and crop damage
Cottonwood creek canyon suffered
Wednesday Night
' June 29
Proceeds for benefit -of the
Dlllard Ilmckway -ih of July
Celebration. , ; '
1 ' 1 Musle by
, , , Pica's Dance Players , , .
similar damage. . . , - .
The storm seemed to sweep eaat
ward from the coast around the
fringe of the illus mountains, will)
cloudbursts all along the. way, the
greatest series' of them ever known
Hero. Tho fury of the Blonn pass
ed on eastward 'before reaching
join crecK, uuovo, mis city, and lite
'loucbet river above . Dayton, ul-
iiiough heavy. ruins occuied there
and Bomo damage, was', dona - to
wheat in :the foothill regions by
Weston Lois Is 150.000
PKNDLETON. Ore... June 27
Damage from the Weston cloud
burst 1h estimated at approximate
ly tau.ouu. accord iik to rlL.m,.u
given out mere- today. Several
business houses directly Jn . the
path of the wutor suffered htiivllv
i mm nuurine torrent -raged,
?7r-T-King Dodo, pygmy 19 Inches
inn, aged as, .who has. becn:a fea
ture hero In a sldeahow, died yes
terday in the arms of 'the aword-
swallower. King Dodo's rejl name
was jonn Taylor, and his home waa
at Los Angeles.
Dayton Echo
South Carolina Is stirred over
loss by Prof. i.Willlami G.v Btirtjln
(above) of his job at professor of
sociology at Winthrop : College,
hock Hill, S. C. Belief by Bur
gin in 'evolution theories ahd a
speech he made denouncing child
labor In cotton mills influenced his
opponents, it is charged. ,
"High Jumper"
Mrs. Beatrice' McCarthy, -22,-Is
a "Jumper'! who uses no parachute
Twice she has leaped botH times
from a third story window. : The
first Jump was in San Frart'clsco.
The second was In Los Angeles,
when she attempted to elude a
posse of police that sought to ar
rest her on a burglary charge.-'ln
her last leap she suffered a slight
ly bruised lea and ran. for 10 blocks
before she was apprehended.
When Lieut. L. J. Maitland,
Washington and Milwaukee flyer,
leaves the Pacific coast on a non
stop hop to Hawaii, Lieut. Albert
F. Hegenberger (above) probably
will b him patsangerv- - The -two-
are to make the attempt In, a triple
motored Fokker.
111 'jV -'4
;VQ' . -
Robert Parker Miles Gives Fa
mous Lecture at Chautauqua.
"Tallow Dips" the platform clas
sics which will be given at the com
ing Chautauqua by Dr. Robert
Parker Miles Is one of the most fa
mous, it not the most famous lec
ture being glvea by any living man.
fronaoiy -tne lata Russell II. Con
yell's "Acres of Dlamouds" was beti
tr known, but it Is doubtful if any
other speaker of modern times has
bad a wider audience than Dr. Miles
with his famous "Tallow Dips." :
Twenty years ago. Arthur Bris
bane, New York journalist, aald to,
Robert Parker Miles, then pastor
of the Ravenswood Presbyterian
Church; "Give up your pastorate.
Become religious editor for the New
York Journal. Here's a real field
for you, a ministry with action!"
' Later Jamea Whftcomb Riley
wrote a poem in which he made the
following statement: - -"So
iwe hazard1 the conjecturo,
That the test of a good lecture i
May best be made -it measured ot
:- by. Miles'."! ... .,
Mr. Miles' title as special editor
ialist, and investigator for the. New
York Journal was not an empty one, was given absolute freedom
in his battle for righteousness.
He whipped the American . To
bacco. Company to a standstill In a
vigorous campaign agalnBt the sale
of cigarettes to .minors and Presi
dent Jas. A. Duke of Duke's Mix
ture fame, lost a cool million os a
result. 1 lie solved the famous Oul
deusuppe murder case wbea all
other clue's bad failed by a simple
sermon a't ' Queen'a" County ' 'Jail,'
which so Impressed u suspect1, mat
a' complete confession followed. He
tleunod up notorious ' ounce 'halls,
such aB "Tho fit of Blood," and'
"Suicide Hall." He fought the opium
traffic,' checked wliite slavery, mor
ally' renovated the notoriously lnde-'
cent theatres of the day, and waged
a releutlesa warfare ugalust gam
bling.1 He lbvestlsateu-nerBoiiiiiiv
and hlB powerful expositions, nmuo
even more tfrrceful by the cartobni
Of the late Homer Davenport, with
whbrtt he' worked, 'will 'ever be 'a
mohunte'm to the lite and works of
Robert Parker Miles.' -i
j His ministry: 'bowever,"did 'bbt
Stop with' his New York newspaper
work, bo grebt 1 was his success la
reaching men s hearts 'that he was
Bout on two lours around the world,
and on those trips her galued 'ad
mittance to, and bud long talkB with
Gladstone. Balfour. Bismarck,' 'Leo
XIII. President carnot.' King Ed
ward. Kulser Wllhelm; and others,
most of whom are -now gathered' to
the 'groyshadoWB. - ;i 1
Tlio: funeral of Raymond F. Nbr
ria, who died. Thursday evening
his home. in. North liend,. was held
Sunday nfteruoan nt 2 o'clock',! tit
tht Peterson. Funeral. Home.,
Mr. Norris'waa well known .In
t Roseburg. , having lived here. . far
several years; . He and his family
moved to North. Bend four years
I niail eai-nar by the North "Bend
postofflce. since 1925., He leaves
a wife and two sons.' ' - :.-
Myers electric water systems at
Wharton Bros, f i . :
; ' American. -
: At . Chicago " i : i . i v.r. h! E.
Cleveland. .. ..2 ,7(4
Chicago1.. : ....-.;.7 13-. 1
' Hutterlos: lludlln, Kuit nnd L.
Sewell; Lyons' and McCurdy.
ADD AM ERIOAN '....I..... Li.
At New York It. H, E.
PliUndelphlu,:! S.;;.i.;;;.:.2- i7 '1
New -York .. .;;..L..;....i.;.i..O 5(1 ?1
i Batterieel Elimkd, : Johnson arid
Cochrane. Perkins; Ritether, Thom
as, Pcnnock nnd Grnbowskl. ,.
At Boston' ' M V R. II. E.
Wash Ington, ..LI....Z..9 1 1 ; 3
BoBton .. "...i.:.... i,....'..8 '15 2
Batteries; -- Lisenbee, Marberry
Burke, Braxton and Ruel; ,Rnfflng,
Hurries and Hoffman. j :
At Detroit R. H. E.
St. Louis 2 6 1
Detroit .. .....4 6 1
Batteries:'' - Nevers, Jones and
Schaug; Gibson and Woodnll.
; : National. , '
At Philadelphia , ' . R. H. E.
New York .. .; 0 6 1
Philadelphia .........16 9 0
Batteries: Clarkson. Grimes and
Devormer; V.'illoughby;and Wilson.
McCormlck-Deering binders are
made with either McCormlrk or
Doerlng binding heads. We have
Uiem in stock. Wharton Bros. ,
The funeral of the late Mrs. A.
B. Foster was held Sunday at the
chapel of the Roseburg Undertak
ing company. The. services wore
attended by a great many sorrow
ing friends and relatives Und there
were many beautiful floral offer
ings. Jnterment! was In 'the I. O.
o. F. cemetery. . '.
McCormlck, Deerlng, Champion.
UMano,- .Milwaukee,. Osborua . and.
other hay machinery parts at
Wharton Bros. :
FOR 8Ai MilchJ jjoat " giving" 3
quarts dally, l'bone 471-L.
SLAB ft'bbn'7orBal'e. J' per' tier
, lp"3-ter lots. ; Phone 47-F15. - -
5-room modern house,
electric range,
' l'bone 81 t il.
furnace, gurugo.
HIGH school girl wants woik.dui'
i lng summer. -Write Audrey Pop
' ler. HI. 2, Box 126.
FOR SALE Royal Anue and Black
'Tartarian- cherries. - A. J. Bel
lows, West Roseburg.
FOR ' SALE Chester White male
hog, 10 mos. ,old. C. W. Hess, 1
mile west of Canyqnville.
THE FAItMPRiTMuiual Fire Ro
ller Association writes Insurance
at cost. i. ,M. (Tuthlll, Agent,
GOOD HuBky Droocoli' plants for
- Bale,-Ashby strain, S. W. Leake-,
Dixonvllle. Phon 10-F23, eve
.' nlngs.; ; . - - '
FOR SALE Homestead rellnqulsh-
', ment;, 100 acres,, 2 mjlos from
: highway. Pay for Improvements.
' Inquire 219 N. Main St.
FOR SALE Boat and trailer, $2.r;
1926 Ford ItoadBler. $250; 1926
Ford coupe', J375. Inquire 1023
Winchester St. '
LOANED ; FREE Wltn eacn "Bav-
Jngs account opened we loan one
ot our - Home ' Savings - bunks, "I
!, FirBt State and Sayings Jank.
FOR SALE Hotel In good comiT-
tion and dofngi good business.
For full jiartculars- wrRe' T. E.
Smith, Prop., Wallowa, Ore. j
FORDS All kinds Tourings,
Coupes, Sedans. At very unusual
prices.. See these, at the ChryB
ler Garage, 527 N.' Jackson St.
FOR SALE Modern 5-room houee
at 225 E. Oak St-' Want house
moved from present location." If
you' own a lot, Investigate. M
E; Rlttrir: i "
Fflil ,S'ALFrrOR TRADE 15:PaBsen-
. ger .winton Sedan,, good, repair.
wnnt nave you .7 Also good val
ues in furms or' city 'property
Chas. Kyes, 826 N. Jackson St.
TWO 7-yenr-old Jersey cows for
sale.' bedrock nrlcej - Phone 3202.
FOR SALE A purebred Holstein
bull calf for $25. Address box
165, R. F. D.1, Roseburg, Ore. .
keeping them In-one of the safe
deposit boxes In our strong
vault." Double lock ' boxes. First
State and Savings Bank, r
HIGH GRADE floSr coverings ' as
low as 6 cents per square foot!
We have 35 different, patterns
to choose from:' See us and get
an estimate on your floor cover
ings. We are always glad to
serve you. Powell Fumitui'tr Co.
FOR SALE A splendid furnished
live' room nouso, close in, on
. paved f street, 'cheap, and ;:will
take wood as ' 'down : pnyment,
bnlnnce leasy1 terms. J. G.-Gerety,
420 Perkins Bldg. Phone- 665.
LARGE No. 8 Cooki btove,' used
rocker, kitchen cupboard, second
hand dishes, good oil stove; 7i
by,; 9 used cougoleum rug, : useil
bedstead and springs'. See: these
at Powells Furniture' Store.
MORTGAGE LOANS without brok
erage. We rnake monthly pay-
! ment loans oh '' improved city
property. Consult our mortgage
department regarding the refi
nancing of your present loan.
Umpqua Savings and Loan As
sociation, Douglas Abstract Bldg.
GIBSON Refrlgeratora aro roal lce
savors.'. You can buy: 'cheaper
ones tor' less money but you enn
not; buy better- nt any price; .We
give Ice free; alsb a 4-plece glass
cooling set. ' See"ns before 'you
buy.C Remember 'O-I-b-a-o-n does
not spell Cheap.; Powell Furni
ture Company. . ,-.
The San Francisco Bank
520 California St. (and Branches),
, ; San Francisco , ;
For tho quarter year ending June
30th, 1927, a dividend (ins been de
clared 'at'the rate of four and one
quarter (4J) per cent per annum
on all deposits, payable on nnd af
ter July 1st, 1927. Dividends not
celled for itre added to the deposit
account and earn interest from July
1st, 1927.' Deposits made on or be
fore July Slth, 1927, will earn inter
est from July 1st, 1927. .
WM. IX NEWHOUSE, Secretary
.' for the choicest ;
51 money. Terms of 5, 7 and
10 years. Liberal repayment
privileges. Straight loans. UBual
commission charges. Prompt
Bervlce. If you need a loan or
are refinancing see us.
G. W. Young & Son
116 Cats St. Phone 417
, . Specialist Id the fitting of '
11 Jackson St
Drugless Health Center
' "Complete Health Service"
827 West Casi Phone 491
' Watkins Products
. 120 W. Lane "
One-Half Block Off Jackion St
"--"PHONE 177
? f ' 1 " Establlihed 1901 '' . '' '
". ; M. E. BITTER, Manaper ; : j
j it r -, ' .''''..-'' 1 ' :
' Founded and Maintained on Efficient f.
j Service and Courtesy I
fhop IH f"'!, ' ' :-' , Ulcented Lad)
Oak and Kane Ste. ' " , . ; , ' 1 , . , Embalmel
i . ' '-.
' fOontlpued from page l.V . -
to finance a; veteriins'. .memoilul
building, Yi -' '. ,-H
j To arise 'the basic stflto iiix rata
levy to $3,600,000 , ...
V To levy un Income tax. ' 4
1 To give tho state tax commission
supervision over local assessments.
I To close Nestucca bay to com
mercial fishing. , '
' We wish to thank our many
friends .for their kindnesses and
also for the beautiful floral offer
ings during the illness and death
o( our loved one.
I We pay cash or dry cascara hnrlt.
Wharton Bf os. I ; ( ; i .'
fCnntlnned from pie 1.) .
war betweea the two nations might
later point a way. to solution of the
immigration problem, which , is
known to have wounded the Jap
anese national dignity. '
. Franca. Ital Mann Rapt,
I Aliudihg tilths British' aUem'iMs
t;o re-open the Washington 4renty,
Mr. Gibson declared it wotild bo
a great mistake for the powers to
haver the i Washington -edifice tum
ble about their cars in an endeavor
to make (what ' woitld ceiftainly Tie
a lopsided re-arrangement, since
both France and Italy were not par
ticipating actively in the present
conference. .
Arrangement's wer0 made' "today
to have the French "Informer," and
Italian "observer" present at all
committee maellngs, -thus eliminat
ing anvi Possible i'lmnressl'on nn
heir, part tlia't tbe.-ar'e being shut
will, Ul.lip ll lHl nip iitnutimiuiw.
Admiral, Hilary P. Joiie's of the
American, delegation . fsaldi toijay
that the experts were' striving' to
reach an .agreement as. to , what
type1 of warship would not be;.
In :his opinion
no restriction would ;be placed on
such ' VeRsels "as river- gunboats
used In China,-and mln'e sweepers.
Tho fire department was called
out yesterday for tt fire at -the W.
1,k'''"'' "'' '' REG, PRICE-. OUR PRICE
9x12 Winton Velvet. 65.00 $45.00
9x12 Palisade
Axminsters ; -. . .$60.00 $40.00
8.3x10.6 Spec. Madison
Axminster ........ $55.00 $35.00
27x54 Velvet, all wool S 4.50 $ 3.25
We Also Carry Large Stock
. ' Linoleums
I Powell
238 N. Jackson
Matinee Dally 2:15
Showing first Kene of Cnamberlinitarting his New
York-Berhn flight. Also Lindbergh in Brussels and
London. '
Matinee 10c-2Sc
Pi 3Iiud((K home In Edehbowerj
The firei started in the attic and
filled the building with jrouimes of
unokc,. although there waa Utile
Jlnine, Neighbors buttled the tiro
with garden hose until the arrival
af the ipiiill city flro truck- provld,
ed equipment for reachliigA.the
rnpf, whop holes were cut thriitigli
enabling tho f Ire -flgliters tot get
the water at tho . source, af. the
flames. The building was not biul-
ly damaged.-, j.
t Myers, pumits are reliable and ro
pairs are easy Ux get. Sold by
Wharton Bros, i .
(Auoclntnl Prom Iau-ri Wlro)
PORTLAND,- Ore., June 27.
With the peak of the Oregon straw-,
berry season at an end, govern
ment estimates . placov the year's
yield a( about 18.000,000 quarts.'
LocaL 'fexperts'' place the figure,
much higher.
As a matter of fact, It Is Im
probable that accurate figures over
(Will jbo available as many growers
have not harvested their cropB for
lack of a profitable, market.
Packers have been compelled to
notify growers holding contracts
,11101 they cannot receive addition
al berries until tho storage temper
ature has been, lowered to the re
quired margin if safety. The ro-
; sultant losses must be borne by
j tlie .k'106 the,r contracts with
packers protect the latter from
conditions arising to prevent their
acceptance of the crops; . ,
' (ARMH-lated ProM J-aacd ilVIn) .
SALEM. Ore., June 27. Jnmoa
H. Grayson and Frank Clark son
tnced liuKlamatli; conntv to sorvo
life in the' state prison for second
degree murder, and George Way.
sentenced also in that , county to
do Hlms for seycri years for ' man
slaughter, .were all "dressed in" o,t
thef atate prison yesterday. v.
) '-; jfAiiotUtia Km LaK.d'Wtte) I t'i
. ..MARSHFIELD, Ore. June 27-r.
Mrs; Sarah Haughton, of Myrtlu
Point, has received two one dollat
bills in tt' letter from a man who
said tho money was to pay for a
meal "which she furnished him 24
years: ago when he passed her-4
place as one of a party of three
trnmps. ' i 1 ' - . -. - . i
Furniture Co.
Evening 10c-25c-35c