SIX" : ct : ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1927. EIGHT OIL WELLS ;,). Buy Your i ' Laundry Supplies ' from your grocer.' ' Economy Grocery "The Store That Serves You Best" ' 344 N,' Jackson Street Phone 83 0. L. Johnson V i rtm Ifhiml nidtotffd I Jo 10 Hiliunmy hniV (inntit Hip (IfiV tihoil'nlllU 1111(1 On Business - P. J. liursflor Melrose was a vlltnr lb this cify : oil Hutunlay, spending the-' afternoon looking af ter hiislin'HH Interests and trading. E3BQSB1 leliire No. 302 Measure No.302 on the ballot for the special election to be held' June 28 is a con-, stitutional amendment which provides that the 6 limitation provision of the Oregon Constitution may apply to the Portland School District as it now applies to all other school districts throughout the state. ' '' This measure 1 affects no other dia trict in Oregon than the Portland School District and Portland residents will appre ciate; yiour sUpport. j ' ,' VOTE 302 YES V PU. oIv: by C. It. Hollowny , (AuorUtHl Iimt Wire.) LONG IIEACH, Calif., June 27 Firemen of Long fJeaeh and Oil company employee reinforced by a part of the Los Angeles flro department today stood in battle array in the Almaltos IfelKlits oil field to prevent new outbreaks of a flro wlilcb last nlsht burned j eight wells and badly damaged the rigs and equipment of several oth er wells. . Two oil Innks in the area which were burning early this morning mnv lirill nvt.i' nnri pfliiKe rn lin re. ! newed Iho battle against the fires j which wero brought under control ! last night. IJumago was said to exceed 1 ,000,000. j Two oil workerB ' were burned i severely In the opening blast which ! Ignited a new well of the Julian i Petroleum Corporation. A gas leuk was blamed for the explosion, j The well was burned within ton minutes. Two wells of the California- Eastern Oil company were saved by firemen but would be threat, ened again if the oil tankB nearby boll over. Although' the fire was burning yet this morning, the leaders of the lire fighting forces said it was confined, to the flame seared area and only tho boiling over of the tanks would cause further damage. Fish at Idlyld Park. mm CT.TjfcrST.T.T.T.T.VT.T.UI.I.Ut.ltl.l.l.l.Ul.l.I.I.I.H H :K0Y: CATCHING MOTOR CO. - Ford, 1926 Truck; Coot $800 new ....$425 i " Gardner, 1922 Touring', fine looking ..j.:........,.; $275 Chevrolet, 1924 Sedan, Refiniahed in Duco :...........$325 Studebaker, 1920, Special Touring, Reduced : ...:,."...$175 t Ford,s 1924 Touring $150 Ford, 1921 Touring ..:...$ 50 Ford, 1922 Touring ................:'......:.....:.$100 Ford, 1925 Coupe ........$275 . Oakland, Touring ;.........(;;;.$100 Chalmers, Touring - .....$100 ' Nash, Touring :.:...,.,.;.........:...,.,! .......$100 ' Hudson, Touring : $100 .1125 N.Rose Phone 438 Roseburg, Ore. MOSCOW, iJunef 27 For the first time since the revolution the total cultivated area In the Soviet Union lias passed pre-war figures. I Alexis Ivanovitch Itlkov,- chair man of the Peoplos Commissaries, told: the All Russian' Congress of Soviets thut while the total yield for the year 1020 was only 92 per cent of that for 11116, the last pro revolution year, the sown area ex ceeded the .total for that year by five per ceu., !(.v'' ' 'Ho 'announced 'that mechanical cultivation of .the land showed a marked Increase lie estimated tho mini beY'of ' (ractUrtf 'fh use through out the union at Hi, 600 and said the production - of agricultural ma chinery exceeded pre-war record by 20 per cent. Like progross, he continued, 'was shown in- industrial development, and bo expressed' the opinion that the present year would see more mnrkd results. Funds allocnted to Industrial projects for 1927 total 340,000,000 rubles (in round num bers J170.000.000). An agricultural machinery fac tory is to he built at ltostov-on-Don, a tractor factory at Stalin grad on tho Volga, metal works at Kerch on the sea of Azov and at Magnet mountain In the XTrais and an oil rcflnUig plant nt Tuupse Jn the Caucasus, he snld. arrTr--n-n"T Protect Oregon's Interests Duty Demands We Conserve Our Natural Resources VOTE "YES" TO SAVE OUR FISH AND GAME VOTE I 322 X YES and close the Nestucca to Net Fishing. Douglas County Sportsmen's and Game Protective Association $ $ $ $ 4 $ I $ I $ $ $ $ 4 $ :? $ I $ $ $ $. 'ays-June 25 to 3065. Days Merchandise from all departments of our store and worth up to $2. uniform price of SLOP. Here are a few of the values. 00 offered at a Trimmed Hats $1.00 Any hat in our store, values up to $5.95, your choice now at $1.00. Water Sets $1.00 'Pitcher and 6 glasses, plain thin blown.;' Just what you need for summer use. Pictures $1.00 New popular subjects and old masters. A clean - up sale, values to $2.00. Hat Boxes $1.00 ! Those popular carry-all boxes, i each . with stenciled design. Special $ 1 .00. , u, , , ; Men's Merc Hose 4 Pair $1.00 Fine " mercerized ' socks, solid ' colors, all sizes. Lay in a sup ply at 4 prs., $1.00. ... . . - Ladies Rayon 2 Pair $1.00 , Our new Arrowhend hose, ray on to the top. Finer quality, longer .length. Try them. Infants Sacque $1.00 '. Fine knit sacques and sweaters, , just what baby needs for sum ' mer wear, $ 1 .00. ,t ' Sport Hose . ; 2 Pair $1.00 New . number, ,silk plate on cotton . wide rib, summer sport hose, all colors. Rayon Special $1.00 Bloomers, step-ins, slips, panties, , etc. Good ' quality, oo, Carr's special, $1.00. Children's Hose 2 for $1.00 Dress hose, rayon plated. Our regular 59c Arrowhead, 3 ' or full length in colors. Cups and Saucers 6 for $1.00 Best domestic, plain white cup and saucer. Replenish your supply $ 1 .OP for six. Towels 8 for $1.00 Hand towels in turkish and huck, plain white and fnncies, 8 for $1.00. ' : .yy.-. Blanket Dolls $1.00 Baby dolls, singles or twins, composition head and arms, crying voices. Dress Goods K 3 Yds. $1.00 , Foulards, charmeuse, shan tung, voiles, etc. Values 37c to 60c yard 3 yards $1.00. Aluminum Preserve Kettles'$1.00 Large 1 2 qt preservers, I J and 2 qt panelled percolators, double boilers, etc., $1.00 each. Blackboard $1.00 Large easel blackboard, roller picture top. Amuse the kiddies by the hour. . Voile Dresses 2 for $1.00 Kiddies dresses, . nicely trim med, various colors and sizes. Here's value.' Phono. Records . 4 for $1.00 Any Radiex record, '1 0-inch double face, your choice; 4 for $1.00. Hurry. '; , '',;';." .Silver Trays $1.00 Usual $1.50. to $1.75 .silver plate and brass trays, bowls, cakes, etc. Only $ 1 .00 now. Mama Dplls $1.00 Large doll, about half price at $1.00,, Also baby dolls in blankets, etc., $1.00 each. Chiffon Hose $1.00 pr. Our Arrbwhead chiffon hose, silk to the top. Introductory special at $ 1 .00 .pair.'. Box Paper $1.00 Parchment finish, double size box, has both cards and paper. $1.00 buys a box. 81x90 Sheets $1.00 ; Dandy nice quality sheets," full size, are very ilow priced at $1.00 each. Ladies Unions i 3 for $1.00 Knit unions, lace knee, fancy tops, just the thing for sum mer wear. English Prints 5 Yds. $1.00 Fast colors, beautiful patterns and serviceable material. Now ' is the time to buy. . ' Jap Umbrellas $1.00 Choice of any Japanese; oiled paper umbrella in our stocks for $1.00. Values $1.75. y Toy Cannon $1.00 Cast iron cannon, shoots rub ber balls. Comes with targets. Let the kiddies have fun. Aluminum $1.00 $ 1 I 4 $ $ $ Dish,, pans, ' pails, heavy . .aluminum $1.00 each etc., , good, i Special, at , .;.! ",'MH "-v- Aprons 2 for $1.00 Gingham. aprons, shoulder strap style, bound all around. Big values. i Ship Book-Ends $1.00 Beautiful ship or buddha styles $K75 ; values. Now, ,$1.00 pair.-'. ' " . .! ; Suede Slippers $1.00 Pair . Women's all -suede leather house slipper. Come in various-1 colors. Tokonobe Ware $1.00 $1.35 to $.1.75 values in vases, jardiniere, flower bowls, etc. Your choice $1.00. Nearly a hundred other big values Come and save. CARR'S DOLLAR $ 4 $ $ $ t4 $ SALE I it $i$i$i$i$i$isi$i$iisisi$i$i$r$rsi$iii DODGE BROTHERS SIX IS PodKO llrotlu'is new sx cythuler four-door himIiih more tlmn Uvea tip to tho minpiiny's estuliliHlu'd repu tntion for building comftirtable mo tor ravs, ntH-orditi to J. O. New lnntl Innil OodKo Urothcrs denier. ; IVrsnns who lmv riddrn iiy the new ncdiin have been lavish In lirnlstiifi the coinfnrt of thn Rpatn and the beauty of tho upholstery, he snys. "I)odKe brothers ears have for many yenrtt been ronsplcuoua for . their hlsh baeked seats ami com . forlable upholstery nad these fea tures nre even more pronounced In the six cylinder sedan thnn they have been in the past In tho four ryllnder line. There is abundant room lnlde for eomfortable ridinp ; and frequent ehniiRe of posture ; during lonir drives. "Head KnitiK, assist enrdn and ' tonneau rarpet nre anion tho con veniences. Vanity and smnklnc sets are unostentatiously but conven iently located. Arm rests nre at the proper height. Handles for lowering ' rear quarter windows, are so plac ; ed that they do not catch and tear j the cIothlnFT. Window mouldings I and dah boardthe latter with its attractive, group of instruments tinder g!asa--aro of metal In wal nut finish." HOT FIRE AT MYRTLE CREEK RAZED RESIDENCE THREATENED OIL TANKS A hot fire razed one of tho South ern Pacific cottages near the de pot on Monday afternoon, snys the Myrtle Creek Mail. The cottage was the dwelling of Ramlere Rod rlquez and Juan Mendoz nnd wife. The two men are section employees of the Southern Pacific company. The fire started Inside the house, nnd was, supposedly, caused by faulty cooking appnratus. It blazed fiercely and the building wns burned to Its foundations in thirty minutes. It stnrted shortly after one o'clock p. m. Tho city fire siren sounded the alarm. The local townspeople turned out tu good numbers to assist in extinguishing the blnae. The fire was too far advanced to hope to save the buitd Ing when the hose cart arrived, and the hfse wns used to sprinkle the surrounding buildings and to put out the blazing embers of the burned cottage. Aside from the economic loss re sulting from tho burning or the building the fire did no great dam age. The occupants escaped unin jured. The fire wns the focal point for considerable hnxlety, however, for the locnl manager of the Stand ard Oil company. The oil ami gas oline storage tanks were within fifty feet of the blaze while the garage was but a scant ten feet away. The fire blistered the white paint on the storage tauks In great patches. PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS CHERRY GROWERS Expect To Load a Car of Cherries Bings and Royal Annes Tuesday Wednesday June 28-29 SEE ME AT ONCE FOSTER BUTNER