FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1927, :pr ' f fi .'.!s y 1 ;7iM i 4 ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW limed Dally Except Sunday by Th New.Rvlew Co., Ino, ; HmWf ( Thm Aaaoclntvd lrea. The Associated Press U exclusively entitled to the use for republi cation of all newa dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In IDIS paper ana w ait local news puuimnea nerein. All Hunts or republica ns tlun of special dlnpatchos herein are B. W. BATES... BERT O. BATES.. Entered as second clans matter Moseburg, Oregon, under SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally, per year, by mall . Dally, six monlliB, by mall Pally, three months, by mail . ....... Dally, single month, by mall , , : dally, by carrier, per mouth ROSEBURG, OREGON, SAFE AND SANE HIGHWAYS- It took'twenty yfeara of good httrd campaigning to got a Fourth, of July tliat showed even a semblance of sanity. The campaign now has been fairly years the cannon cracker and been brought from major action to minor skirmish propor tions. Before the safe and sane propaganda began to take hold the fifth of July list of ble to the site of the hospital roster after the Battle of the Argonno, ' . " . Though the fire cracker fatalities are now counted iii hundreds where once they were counted in thousands and tens Of thousands, there is a new menace to life and limb which in the last few years has threatened to equal the fire worts terror in its most malignant form. ' This is evident in the growing passion of American peoplo to take theni Belves out and get themselves run over by street cars; ihter Urbans, steam trains and automobiles. Pedestrians and -motorists alike suffer this weakness, for Americans now seem to call rid holiday Complete unless there is a death list for the day after.. The fifth of July, the thirty-first of Mayy arid the Tuesday after Labor day ai'o perhaps the three blackest days Oil the calendar, but iany bright Sunday when the roads are good will give the Mon day newspapers that terribly trite headline, "Family Killed in Crossing Accident," . If the American people have sense enough to listen' to the preaching arid follow the practice of the campaign Against dangerously explosive fireworks, they should be in telligent though to : listen to and practice the doctrine of safety and sanity on the highways. ..... It takes a killjoy bf the worst variety to tell people that the' Only sure way to avoid trouble on a holiday-crowded highway is to stay home, but some such drastic command ment seems to be the only plausible solution,. Between the firecracker, and the automobile, the firecracker seems to be the less deadly bf the two evils.' , Only 8000 suffer injury or death from fireworks every year, while the automobile ac counts for over 20,000 deaths and 500,000 injuries annually. If we Wust make the Glorious Fourth a holiday, why not make: It a holiday from the customary killing? ': . .'.!: 1 b i -i THE WOMEN STILL PURSUE, i" ,1 - -V Granting that the ladies are entitled to the vote and Hint they have their- place lit politics, it seems a dead shame that the female politicians, cari't leave some symbol of man's for mer glory as a man's revel at which he can enjoy himself and still kid himself that he! is bosii There is, however, to ba no such lucki - ' ' - ? .r' ' V i 4 The handwritlrig oil the" wall was written large in box car letters at White Plains, N. Y., the other day, when the Women's Republican club hit't the Westchester County Board of Supervisors on tho greensward arid played 'em a game of bufeebitll. This hofal'lotis and insidious event will 116; dpubt become a custom, for the silk-stocking vote must be couxed tilling. It's too bad. - ' ! , :. Time was when the baseball gillne between tho county courthouse and tho city hall was a man's game, in which nly the flabby male office-holders could indulge and acquire Charley horses and stiff arms. There was refined political eUMsitig in those days, and tobiiiico eating alid divpi-s other Inanly sports. ' . - . . ' But the times, as Shakespeare said, are out of joint. The bid order has changed for something that is beyond compre hension. Politics used to be a game, but now it's an art. ;. With new radio wave lengths scheduled to go into effect soon, and with numberless dissatisfied stations colled to strike as soon as the new regulations go into effect, it is fairly certain that the radio situation will be much of a jum ble all through the remainder of tho year. Test cases will naturally result from the action of the dissatisfied stations, and unless the supremo court, which will eventually have to decide upon the whole matter, speeds tip its serenely amb ling wheels, there is no hope for clear air for some time to come. The, commission has probably done as well as any body could have done. All the listening-in public can do is bide its lime, as it has done in countless other red tape mud dles, and hope this tangle will not last too long. 0 : Tho G. O. P. has j ut the soft pedul on all third-term talk. ' Here's a suggestion : Why not call it the non-stop pres idential record. Eight golfers out of ton arc married, according to tho 'statisticians. Maybe that's what they mean when they talk about hazards. 0 A woman who ha? had eight husbands attrilmlos her matrimonial success to her cooking ability. We do not iko to question her. . 0 The soviet government of Russia has forbidden importa tions of razor blades. If it Mas lawnmowcrs that would be news. 0 Some day there's going to bo a tidal wave. Then some of those ladies oil the beach are going to got wet. 0 Baseball isn't such a simple game after all. There's usually a catch in it. 0 Water's good enough to drink, if you take it in the right spirit. also reserved. -President and Manager -Becrotary-Treasurer May 17, 1920, at the post office at me Act or March z, lavs. i.14.00 2.00 . 1.00 .60 - .60 MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1927. well won, and in the last few sky rocket casualties have dead and injured was compara PPUNE mams 3?euTt5!.T5,ATES) 3 QODD yENINa YOLKS' On acct. of tho 'Heavy rains and The inclemency Of the weather Which makes 1 Bein' out of doors - Most disagreeable , No one broke out Of the county Jail ' i Over the week-end. i The backyard gardens are be glnnln' to turn out like the neigh bors predicted they would. , . . A travelln' salesman stopped in the village over the weekend and was forced to pack his handbag hurriedly after tryln' to spring a gag oh a local waitress who'd al ready heard it. . ' 1 Its hard to tell which is the wust the clatter of a lawnmower at 4 a. hi. or the honkln' ot a saxo phone at the same hour. . The voters will go to the polls tomorry to mark their X's, most of us wohderln' what we're votin' fer. Most of these smart guys who claim to be bored to death at a good ball game will starid fer two hours and watch a steam shovel. It's beglhnln' to look like there'll be enough 4th of July orators to go around. . Professional' athletes aren't the only ohes who have a tough time keepln' in good shape. There aro professional bathln' beauties. - Tho lea.'on fellers returned yes- tiddy from the Medford gatherih' Imbued with the spirits of '27. A popular fallacy, .usually cher ished by annoying wives, Is that a man can get as much physical good fVECfe'S NOOB. from weedfn' a garden aa from playln' eighteen holes of gawlf, , LAFE PERKNS SEZ My notion is boys ain't never too big to be licked as long as tneyre smati enougn to give tneir mothers any sass." . J FARM REMINDERS Cultural practices that uld In control of straw berry root weevil In Oregon aro not to be neglected, saya the experiment station even though nnnlicutiuna of poison bait pliow promiHo ot giving good re turns. Soloetioii of good vigor ous planlH, use of fertilizers turn cover cropH with rota tion hell) by kooning tho imuua in condition. Weeds not only harbor tfiseanes and inncctH , harmful to garden tlnnta hut iubo Hlurvo and lmde hem and Htmll the flower effect. Successful gardnoi-H remove weeds, roots and nil ntttl turn them under or othorwiNO destroy them to give tho phintH full benefit of noil nutri tion nud direct riiyti ot aunllght. For beat results In Oregon poul try Is allowed 4 miuare feet of floor-snaeo per fowl for teh aver age size flock. Tho apace per fowl Ih reduced In largo flocks and In creased In small ones. Annual seedlings and biennial perounlal plnute need wator on hot days and will respond readily to frequent weeding and cultivating by producing stronger growth and tlioreforo better flowe.s, says the O. A. C. campus florist. A lean flat fuco, without wrinkles and u bright eyu are iiullraliui.H of the laying hen. A hen whlrh ap pears to be masculine Indicates n pour layer. DAILY WEATHER REPORT U. S. Went her llureau, local of' tlce, Itosehurg, Oregon, 2i hours ending 6 a. m. Helatlvo humidity 5 p. m. yesterday Sti Preclp. In Inches and hundredths: Highest temperature yeslorday ft!) Lowest temperature lat night 61 Precipitation, last 24 hours 31 Total precipitation since flit month 65 Normal precipitation for this month 1.07 Total preclp. from September 1, IDlIfi, to date Hii.TS Average preclp. from Sept. 1, is77 Total excosH from Sept. 1, 11126 2 .6$ Average precipitation tor 4!t wet seasons, (.September to May. Inclusive :tU2 Forecast for Southwest Orrgnii: Kalr toninlit and Tuesday; Warm er Tuesthty. AitTiiuit w. rrcnr. Meteorologist DR. NERBAS DENTIST Painless Extraction Gas When Desired Pyorrhea Treated Chime Mnonle Pldg. I Trip to Summit Made Wed nesday Despite Difficul- ties Offered by Clouds and Wind. The noscburg lioy Scouts, who are on the Vitus Camp trip In the Three Sister dlstrlcv, were the first to rrach the Bummit of the Middle Slxter this year, accord ing to word rocolved from tho boya here. According to B. A. Urllton, scout executive, who waa tho lender of the trip, writes that tho trip waa the hardest ho haa ever made, and he has been to tho auinmlt of the mountain on num erous occasions. Tho boys are foavlng today fqr Sparks Liiko, by way of Bond, mak ing tho trip by auto. Tho lake la south or the Throe SlHters, and Is very hieur . tho South Sister. They will not get to go to Diamond Lnko as they planned, but will come back by way of tho Wlllam elto Pass,: returning to Rosoburg Thursday. . t r Regarding the trip up tho moun tain lust Wednesday, Claude I'nt lorson, ono of the boys who made tho climb, writes aa follows: , "Wo got up at ton minutes before 2 O'clock Wednesday morning and had breakfast and loft for the Slslor at 3:30 a. m. Starting out Iirlt (Urltton), lost his tracks sev eral times, but, found them again. The miow waB soft and made It hard to travel. We had to go on tiio north side of the mountain because of the soft snow on the other side. When we were about two-thirds of the way up we had dinner and a nap, which we sure needed. From then on the real climb began, with banks of clouds passing us and making It hard to see. It was also hard to walk be cause of the wind. ' ' - "About 10 o'clock we could just seo the top, with tho wind blowing between 85 nnd 70 miles an hour, so by this timo wo had all. fours digging like everything trying to make headway. About ten minutos after 2 we- finally reached the top with large banks of clouds pass ing us with the wind as cold as Ice. ; "If you, could have seen tho top of the mountain you would have thought thero was a large mass of rocks up mere ror we wore all huddled . together trying to keep warm. "Whnn Hrlt looked nt the book va found that wo wore the first to bo oii top in 11127. We stnyed just long enough to got our names on Ihe book nnd our moving pic turps Inkon nnd then, Oh Hoy, how wo mil one lor ino ouom. we!0nonng of a branch nanklnir at a- slid most of the time and tlioro tion at Roseburg. Some delay has wua one place wo slid over a half , been experienced duo to the fact a mile. I that the survey is being made by "Wo enmo stumbling into camp 'experienced poultrrmen, who have ready to drop at 7 o'clock. It was I only limited time to devote to the sure n hard day. Wo cooked Borne-' work. Chamber of Commerce llilng warm to eat ami then nuulo members nro supplying transporta for bed ami we sure did sleep like . Hon. but the task of enndnntlne logs. . "Next morning we came tumb ling out of bed Boro and stiff, our faces were red and swollen,, noses about twice normal slzo, but the most unusual thing was Hint Gor don Gedney reduced, about twenty pounds. Wo nil had n hearty breakfast and took It easy, playing games of horseshoes nt which Hrlt Is Ihe champion. It was cloudy and rnlned some during tho day, so botoro we went to bed Brit, made somo hot lemonade." Mr, Ilritton writes that the np plications ror the Wolf Creek camp may ho left with O. U Johnson nt the ICconomy Orovory or may bo mailed to Mr. Iliitton's address, It. D. 1. The boys had a swim I n Ilelknnp springs Thursday nfter- j ,oon. completing merit badge 1 ' ' . . noon, swimming tusts. CARD OF THANKS Wn wish to extend our most heartfelt thank:) to tho hind friends who assisted us in the long illness of our Hoar Mother, and for tho flowers which wore presonleii at her death. May God bless and pros per each and every one. MHS. IIKSSIK W ATKINS, MRS. C1IAK1.KS WATKINS, nnd family of Canyonvlllo. IE LLU i, 'S FOES, IS OUGHTS VIEW (Amnriitri) TrrM ImlmI WlrM MEXICO CITY, .lime 27. "ltmnp nnd WuJI street" are held by (Jfii eral (Mneroti, who has announced Mb cniid!d:iry for president, to be bur8 to consider a plan for rebuild tin' headriuurtera of the enemies j 1U( inQ wilh motalllc circuit of the Mcxlrnit government. He or placing metallic circuits on innhes the rhutfe in a Htatement j poloa of tno paciftc Telephone & outlining bis phillorm on the varl- j Telegraph Co.; to consider moth- ouh qiipsuniis, nmn iiium ihu inn extemnl. with which tho century m tint deal. General t thregon, emphaslrlnt: the distinction between what, he re ferred to us "honesl" American capital of Walt Htrrtd, which lie said snKRht "to promote crises and conflicts In nnd with Mexico," pledged himself to facilitate In vestments in Mexico bv nil honest American 'capital willing to help in developing the country. He warned, however, that ho would not coi'utenance investment by "Im perialistic Wall street capital." As for the religious que;-uon, no servers nee a clear Indication tiiHt.- If General Obregon comes into power, ne win not uevmie itom suuia oi I'resiaent Lanes, u ib Out-Volleys Army -t f- , bum rtrr t. . Hit r. v; ' -ttt' ' XM : 'i . . ! I j ' , - " ',,f1 NhJA biii-vicu, Washington llureau Commander W. 8. Anderson, U. S. N., exchanged tennis shots with Colonel Wait Johnson, U. S. A., at the army-navy net matches In. Washington and outshot him. And the navy won the cup with which the commander is pictured here. contended' by these observers that Ohregon's demand that tho clergy absolutely respect the regulations of the Mexican government is no different from . the demand of Callcs. . , ' .. POULTRY SURVEY Good progress is being made with the poultry survey conducted by ihe noseburg Chamber of Com- mercc. Almost wilhout exception evoijfpoultrynian visited linn aign- od up as a member of tho associ ation, and it is believed that there wlH eventually bo a sufficient num ber, of hens listed to permit the tho survey is leftOtntlroly to the poultrymen who are more thorough ly Informed on the proposition. It in-Hoped that the tnsk may be finished soon in order 'that work may bo started on tho packing plant so that It may be In opera tion by tho first of next year. . : , I NOW YOU ASK ONE Five About Nature Tho first five questions today were prepared by' tho American Naturo association.- Answors to all tho questions nro found on the back jingo. 1 Can files ont Bolid food? 2 Do both male and female ,r"K ' 1 V' S-W lint nro tho differences be- fwppn rn ihlfn nn hnrpa? 4 flow far can rattlesnakes strike? 6 What animals In tho United Slates hlbornato? 6 What Is zymurgy? ' 7 From what stato or states was land taken for tho District of Columbia? 5 In what salo Is ML Vcrnou, Washington's homo? ' 9 What is the fixed mint value of a troy ounce of pure gold? 10 What stato of the union has tho least dense population? NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING NOTICE Is hereby given that pursuant to order of tho Hoard of Directors of Urockway & Dlllnrd Farmers' Telephone Co., n special mooting of tho stockholders of Bntd corporation Is heroby called to bo hold In tho hall over the Nlcholn Store nt Urockway, Doug las County, Oregon, nn Friday, July 1, 1027, nt 7:30 o'clock, p . m. Said meeting is called for the pur pose ot reconsidering a former res olution of tho stockholders as to method of rebuilding tho com pany a line from Winston to nose- mj9 0f financing such project as may bo adopted. Untod Juno 20, W. 1927. E. IIERCHKTt, Secretary. Bwckway Ulliaril Farmers' Telephone Co. Mvviri-: or tiinliTsiKnt-il ((( of 1- vi t, ffrrrn.KMKXT n-ifl'v Kivi-n Hint thv Ailmlnlut tutor nr. the nil V. Cuvlltlrr. IV fltMt In the 1'tiuntv d. ha I 'our t of KHuttn C'mmty S(n il- Kituil Api-ount nn Kldto I nrcnit. hi: A'tinllilotrmnr of faid rstiit mid Tufsdav, ihe i-Jtli day uf July. ii; the hour nr 1" oVIn. k A. !.. hiin ti-cn fitcd tv snltt Court ns 1 limn I",,- l1.,rltllr nh litxt Inn In saHl report , and tho nvttlimcnt , llmrenf. fiTTPtt -Atm1nlstrittnr of tl.e Ktu of ivui v. Cuvuiier, uecoaaeo. m StOOf UAL The pelicans and . Tinymltes were BUrely funny looking Bights. The blackness from the smoke cloud made them dark as they could be. 3aid Scouty, "I am not so keen for soot. I wish that 1 wore clean. I'm glad that we're u p In the air where no one else can Bee." Then downy snaDDed. mid deep sighs, "the soot Is getting in my eyes. 1 feel just like I'd crawled clear through a stove pipe full of dust. Let's hope the wind will blow It loose: For soot like this we have no use." 1 The oth ers all agreed with him, with very deep disgust. Thoy sailed alone r.n hour or so. jltst praying that tho wind would blow, but everything waa very still with not a trace of breeze. The Tinymltes kept peeking out from wnere tlioy rode, and looking 'houi. Tliey hoped that they'd fly lew enough, to hop off In some trees. But all the nellcana staved hlulf. Then everyone heard Car,, cry, un look, below. What's that I Bee? Wo've passed away from laud." . And sure enough, not. far below they saw a little brooklet flow. Said , Connv. "Clae. If we could wash that BUrely would be grand." Just at this moment everv bird. as If what Carp said they'd heard, began to drop down toward the stream. Tho Tinie all were glad. Said Scouty, "bere's where we all got a ducking 'till we're soaking wot. I'll bet the water's chilly, but at that 'twont be so bad." Tho pelicans then swhnnerl down low and Clowhy shouted. Horo we go." And. aa thev hit the water it Was quite a thrilling scene. The birds dove In and out T 15 H- STILLAT LARGE PARIS, Juno 27 tieon Daudet, royalist leader, M. Doleat, another royalist, and the1 communist Se ihardt for whose benefit the gates of Santo prison were opened dn Saturday, were still at. liberty to day and the government was work ing energetically to obtain a clue aa to how the wardens were trick ed into releasing the three pri soners. A number of witnesses have been questioned but no light has been shed on the hoax, which has caused much laughter . at the expense of the government. Some of the newspapers declare the affair is doomed to remain a mystery unless M. Daudet's royal ist followers decide to tell the story. The police version is that a royalist ( Representing Mmset as M. Surraht, minister of interior, telephoned orders to the director bf the prison to free the men. As a consequence, the director, M. Catry, has been dismissed but the newspapers insist that he is be ing made the scapegoat; that the blame lies higher tip. A report that M. Daudet was to appear at J?erpignan estorday to preside at a royalist party conven tion led the local authorities to mohollze all the gendarmefe of the region, but it proved to be a fake alarm. PRUNfe CONTRACT READY SAN JOSH, CttL June" 57 A joint committee representing Cali fornia pruno growers and .packing corporations, after holding 86 meetings during the ' last six months, announced today ..that a OUT OUR WAY OH tO, . COME HERE 1 4 MiMi W. I M N M-m .umish it. ... y COCHRAN PICTURES & KMICK (READ THE I UKY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) (Kjalu a dozen times or so; rind clean , - then the Tinymltes soon noticed (The Tinymltes meet a Princes that they are were washed lip In the next story.) new contract to bind packers and producers for the distribution of tho 1U27 prune crop had been drafted and would be submitted to the packers next Tuesday. The terms provide for the or ganization of a Becond growers' cooporativo, to form the California Pruno Marketing company, with tho power to sell all prunes under contract to the cooperatives. The contract will bind the pack ers to buy prunes from the market ing company at a uniform price, set by the latter., ; YE ED fLAYS SAFE The publisher of a newspaper in a nearby city had been recontly threatened with a libel suit by an indignant citizen because of an erroneous statement . rogardliM him which had been permitted to. get into print. The editor decided he had better read up on the law of libel, and after much study he came to the conclusion that the weather was the , only . . subject about which he would be safe in making positive statements. There upon, he determined to steer clear of legal embarrassment ii the fu ture. The next morning the read ers of th society column of his pa per were greeted with strange re ports' of social functions) of which the following is a specimen: ."A woman giving the name of Mrs. J. C. Jones, who is believed to bo one of the society leaders of the city, is said to have given what purported to be a 'reception' at her home yesterday afternoon. "It Is understood that-a consid erable number of so-called guests reporte dto be ladfes distinguished In local society, were present, and some of them are quoted as say ing they enjoyed the occasion. "It is -claimed that Montagni Bros., caterers, furnished the re freshments, said to have been served, and .the Bon Ton orches tra the alleged music. "The hostess is said to have worn what was alleged to toe an expensive pearl necklace, which she dechlred was given to her by Mrs. J. C. Jones, a gentleman with whom she Is said to be living, and 1 J l i ne cp" A, it t t.. . . l, MCnc u htm -si-rvw i A MACHINE SHOP BOSS HOWl" ROKl A MACHIV4E. SHOVvJ NAPOUOM HOW TO SOLDIER . . tU' HEAD Bit A' TART6.0 T kaake aboshim' FER HIS AUTO BUT" OKIE, 7 HNrlH HANDS WU.HAWE TbJ .-M HANDS VMILU HAMETb Ilirri FINISH T tLC r CELEBHATE4TH I BIO PROGRAM "Bandon-By-the-Sea extends her hospitality 'generally and to vlsl ors especially In the form of a week-end vacation in observance oi the Fourth of July," said Itay 'Mo Nalr speaking for the Uaudon . Chamber bf Cbmttierce, who are sponsoring a celebration for ; thq beach resort city. "This is an ideal time of yeai to visit the beach and- a . plcnia luncheon or supnor inevitably fob lows a hike along its sandy stretch. es.' With this in mind, - tho com. -mittee for the holiday plana has arranged to . serve coffee, sugar and cream to parties picnicking at the city park, Monday. .This is without charge. Ed Capps, J) C. Page, and G. R. McNnir compose the committee." ; "Besides the natural out-of-door attractions ot beach and woods, and mild temperature, thero will be the added diversions of band concerts ; by ' the Bandon Concert Band, dancing every day at tho Silvor Spray Gardens, including a big niardl Bras ball Monday night, an opportunity to swim dally In We coma Baths, the heated salt witter plunge, and two big baseball games, ono on Sunday afternoon, and ono on Monday. Thore will also be water and land sports and races, particularly for tho young er folks. But best of nil, is the opportunity to relax on the warm sands of the seashore and forget for the moment the ' cares of tho dally routine." I who, it is generally believed, is her husband." Kirksvlllo (Mo.) I Teachers' College Index. By Williams V Ol NAPOLEON COULD DO Ih MANUAL. OF ARMS , BoT WOO'LL HAJEfO ADMVT HE. VJAS A GENIUS AT" KEEPlN"-rH' BOVS SOLDIERIN1- 2V1J-VX1FLI o Ih' Bulls agemius at KEEPlN' EM FROM X J i'l-i