ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. - MONDAY, JUNE 27; '1927 THREE- 1 til M.r.T.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.TTM.Tg.T.T.T.T.T BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME WITH f ;Heath & Milligan Paints ; . -lit t GyARANTEED TOO SATISFY ,, , i Made to Beautify and protect the exterior of houses,' barns, garages, etc. '- ' -; ; t:i Now is tha time and let us help you solve the paint problem. ZIGLER-CRAVEN HARDWARE CO; PHONE 28 ' ' ROSEBURQ, ORE. fl Quick Drying Lacquer In Many Colors . , LOCAL NEWS ; On Business Trip 1 " 1 f I W. B. Jones Vent to Roedsport I over Saturday to look after busl , ness affairs. ' ? $' Back from Eugene ' ; Mrs. It. A. Jones returned to this t city Saturday alter a visit ' Willi .friends In Eugene for a day or so. TDnT7VV wni i xtv h OUSTED BY PARTY (Auociatnl Prcw Lraml Wire) MOSCOW, Russia. June 27.-i- ainl violation of party discipline, Leon Trotzky and Gregory Zino viuff, once powerful figures,. the councils of the All-IiiiBsiun, com munist party, now are threatened with final (l.HiniHHal from the party. Their expulnion; has. been' asked by the praesidium of the central ' control committee, : and . inasmuch as they have been demoted, disci plined and warned severul times In the last few month., there appear ed little doubt loduy that the prae nidi urn's recommend a tiona would be followed by the party as a whole. ! ' The praesidlum based its recom mendation; umona other things, on the allegation that Trotzky and Zinovieff had engaged In continu ous attempts ('tot break party unity at a time of serloiis international complications, aggravated by par tial failure of the Chinese revolu tion and of facilitating the activi ties of anti-soviet agitations within the sovet union From Rtddte Mrs. Wilson arid daughters of niddlo, were in this city Saturday afternoon ' Visiting vUh friends and shopping' f i Visit Over Week-End Mrs. W. O. Cordon and Miss Dorothy Cordon, of Eugeno, "were In this city over Saturday visit ing 4wlth friends, , j. ,! From Olalla Mi-K Pin i-l m Oil Ivan t and d a U ch- ler of Olalla spent Saiurday. after noon m Iloseburg vismng wun friends and (mopping. Sues Indiana Ex-KIan Dragon 1 jmLmr J mam Armed with a letter from Governor Ed Jackson of Indiana, Mrs. - Nettie Stephenson Brehm of Oklahoma, former wife of D, C, Stephen son, visited the Indiana 'ex-klan dragon at Indiana state prison the tothee day and won the admlssfoifetHat Florence Catherine 11, Wae his daughter.' Mrs.',' Brehm is suing, for $12,082' from Stephenson for. the "child's .'support.! Stephenson';. Is. serving sentence' for 'the slaying of Madge Oberholtzer. EVERYTHING INCREASED! PRICE On 300 of the Nation's Great Lines on such tine cars MARMON, PEERLESS, Motor Coach as PACKARD, CHRYSLER-80. Seiberling ALL-TREADS have won an envi able reputation for GREATER TRACTION LONGER WEAR. Yet todayts Seiberling All-Treads have been . VASTLY .IMPROVED the tread Is BROADER HEAVIER at the shoulder, contains. 20 MORE RUBBER . the body strength has been : tremendously Increased 25 STRONGER BODY No other tires built contain as much rubber and cotton as today's Seiberling All-Treads. FORD, CHEVROLET, STAR, WHIPPET OWNERS Will find in today's Seiberlings the MOST TIRE ever built for SMALL CARS they will find MORE RUBBER. MORE COTTON, LONGER WEAR than ever has been built into tires for these throughout the line in all sizes, a great tire has been vastly improved everything has been in creased but the PRICE. SEIBERLING ALL-TREADS Highway Service Co. Cor. Jackson and Douglas , Phone 323 In Today . i , I Mrs. 1). Coon, resident or aiyruo Creek, spent the morning In this city shopping und unending to bus iness affairs. Leaves For -San Francisco . Mrs. Henry Jlnrth left Sunday afternoon, fob Sun Frupclsco whore the will spend several weeks Viilt Ins with friends. Visitor Saturday M rs. T. Troxel of Winchester was a visitor In Roseburg on Saturday, spending the 'afternoon shopping and t visiting with .friends. ys. R Business Visitor " " " u n TJ.nitno. P Wtlhnr nnnnt several hours Saturday In this city V1KIWI1K llieilUH III1U llll-liuiiiB business matters, K' ': '- j' i-, i : ; .' ; ; ' Spend Afternoon ' i rni.n n rtn..n n.wl Tltllo nia. son of Melrose spent Saturday af ternoon in JluseuuiB BlluiiLMiiH uiu visiting with friends. Visitor Here Mrs. James A. Plnkcrton was In from tho rural districts Saturday afternoon and was visiting with Alends and shopping. Visitor In Town ' Mrs. H. Carnes, of Carnes, Bpent several hours Saturday visiting with friends nnd ntteniling to busi ness affairs in this 'city i 1 . From Umpqua ' 1 ' " t Mrs. F. Good of Umpqua was a rtoaeburg visitor . Sal urdny after noon and was shopping irtid 'attend ing to business affairs, i i . i Visits For Afternoon Mrs. Oscar Backlund of Melrose was In this city Saturday after noon vlsitinu with friends and at tending' to business affairs. ' - Visitor Saturday ' ' ' 1 Mrs. Zona Lynn, of Melrose, was a RoBeburg visitor on Saturday afternoon and was shopping and at tending to business affairs. Visitor Saturday , - T?n,tnl,.l,. Gnlitli.lrrt wna'. th fl-rtlll the rural' districts on Saturday niiij- spenc Hie ui lui iiuum iihikiiu; uiiur business' affairs and trading. i . Hutchisons Visit ' ' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hutclilsonj of Elkton,-. were In Roseburg Satur day afternoon visiting with friends and attending to business affairs. Spend Week-End Mrs. H. J. McDonald and son, Kenneth, of Portland, spent the week-end in Roseburg visiting at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. S. M. King. Recuperating from Illness Harry Burr, deputy county cleric, who has been 111 of an attack of influenza for tho past two weeks, has recovered and was able to be out greeting friends Saturday. Here From Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Oleim Rndabaugh, of lEugene, spent Sunday and to day In Roseburg visiting with friends and relatives. Mr. Ilaua baufih Is employed by the Eugeno Register. Enroute Home Mr. nnd Mrs. Will C. Jones and family orMedford stopped over In this city Saturday to visit at tho home of Mr. Jones' mother, Mrs. M. A. Jones. They were enroute home from Salem. Visit at Payton Home Mrs. James T. Goodman and two children of Salem, formerly of this city, spent last week here visidng at the home of Mrs. Goodman's parents, Mr. and Mrt. M. C. Pay ton. They were Joined here Sat urday afternoon by Mr. Goodman. Miss Meyer Home Miss Ruth Meyer, who has been visiting for the past two weeks at Portland and Eugene, returned to her home In this city yesterday. Sho attended tho Rose festival In Portland and then visited for a week with friends In Eugene. Marriage License Issued I : A marriage license . was Tssueu Saturduy to Kermlt Muetzol of lirockway and Alicu J, llolllugs worth,' (Jlnllu; r ; 1 ,f From Yoncalla v Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Wilson of , Yon- cnlln motored here (Ills : morning nnd spent tt fow hours transuctinK' business and shopping. From Tiller : , i . Mrs. C. F. Rltter nnd two chil dren of Tiller spent Saturday af ternoon In this city visiting unci at tending to business mutters.' , '' , . . j - Baptists Hold Picnic1 j : An nil day pienfe was hold uj; the members of tho rjuntist church and their families on Saturduy, several carlouds going to Llnd biom's Grove near this city.. t A picnlc.'dlnnor ,wus' enjoyed utn'oon und in the afternoon nllf sort's' of races, .high jumping contosti and horseshoe pitching games.' wori) participated In by those attending. From Eugene J. M. Lamb, district plant chief of tho Pacific Telelihono and Tele- Kinpn company, nnd Mrs. Lamb of Funeral Vesterday , ( 1 Tho body of Josoph Van Slclcle, who passed away, at 'Salem lust week, arrived In Roseburg yostor. duy and the services were liold Sunday ufternoon at the Roselpug Uudeituklng Chapel, arrangements being conducted by M. K. Klttpr. Eugene, visited here over Sunday. .T.TWWTW'M''TTfrM Electric lawn mower's, $(l!i.(K) at Wharton Bros." ' i Here from Olympia Mrs. Gertrude Clark, of Olympia, who bus been visiting relatives at Eugene, has arrived ' here' to spend a few days visiting with her son and wife, Mii and Mrs. J. E. Clark,! befuro her . return, to Wash ington. ' ' '"'.''' .' Back rom Trip :Frnnk Trumble, local boxing, pro-1 moter; and fainlly, Teturijed yestor-j day from a lengthy uuto trlpllnlo! Iiluho and Washiugion. While . away Mr. Trumble took occasion: to look up u number of boxers in i various communities and has ar-' ranged for a number of good matches to be presented during tho coming fall and winter . i LARGE INCOMES . PAYING HEAVIER PORTION OF f AX I I . i NEW I RAGINE THRESHER FORDSON SIZE 20x32 $650 at Your Ranch (Continued from page 1.) Idaho 6.845 170,91 Illinois ..i..i....245,943 64,791,507 Nyw York ..i.y.459,199 252,157,834 OroROii" 20,694 1,787,922 Pennsylvania ....22,105 73,3(14,345 WnshlnKton .... 47,891 2,717,102 Rnrden Sco tho now Yauglmn tractor at Wliarton Bior. Going to Berkeley M. S. Hamm, fiunnrlntcndent of schools at Marshflold, formprly of noscburK, passed throuRh the city yestorday, accompanied by Mrs. Harnm, on the way to Berkeley, Calif., where he will attrnd the summer school session of the Uni versity of California. Error In Name In the society section of the Newrt-Revlew Saturday an error was made In the announcement of the coming marriage of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Chase. The name should have read Miss Helen Chase Instead of Miss Dorothy Chase. The mar riage Is to be an event of Wednes day afternoon of this week. Sutherlln Boy Praised Larry French, of Sutherlln, who Is now pitching for the Portland Beavers. Is winning a great deal of praise from sport writers for his pitching ability. Tie has been a recruit twlrler for Portland, but I tnl year has been showing such irood work that he Is beginning to (be used regularly. A large picture I of Larry with an accompanying j stnrv, appeared in Sunday's Ore 1 gonlan. THIS YEAR BRINGS A REVUE:- , U ' I ':') :' i i Charfeuqua Keeps Up -to -the -Minute in Entertainment Features.1 t ; . ti This thresher is fully equipped, self-feeder, wind stacker, folding type, weigh- AVERAGE CAPACITY PER HOUR: Wheat, 40 to 70 Bu; Oats, 80 to 150. , This is Your Opportunity to Save $450.00. Do it now. ' C. A. Lockwood Motor Co. I'T'I'I-M'H B w. 7 1 A Attorney J. H. Napier, of Kla math Fulls is suendlug the day in Roseburg on legal business. , Visitor this Morning Mrs, Albert Kronko, of Garden Valley, spent the morning In Rose burg visiting I'rlonds and shopping. Neal on 'Trip Forest Supervisor Carl B. Neal loft this morning on an inspection trly to yolf Crock and Steamboat. From Dole ' ' ' Mr. and MrB. A. Jones of Dole were In Roseburg this morning visiting with friends and atend Ing to business affairs. ' 1 1 Visits In Eugene ' Mrs. F. A. StoWart Svent td Eu gono Sunday to spend the day vis iting UB the guost of Mrs. A. Bo gnrt.; .' . ' , '- j :" Return to Eugene MIbs Helen F. Russell and Miss May Riley returned to their homes In Eugono Sunday after spending a week here visiting ( with ( rela tives and friends. i' I ho tu-7 Chautauqua la briugliiE a l!i7 program. One of the out standing features of the ontortnin mont world In the past two years has been tho Increasing popularity Df what Is known as a Revue., This roar's Chautauqua will bring a Ra dio as a part of tho program. However, a Revue as it has been given in the cities has often times been subject to crltiiinm on ac count of the typo of enlertulnment offered. Tho Chautauqua Revue that Is being given this year, Is the kind which has achieved popu larity among those who Insist that tho entertainment bo kept clonn and those who appreciate quality rather than mass production In their entertainment. Tho Lucille Elmore Rovuo Is led by a dlmlnutlvo Broadway stur, who secured her training under Fred Stone In "Stepping Stones." Fred Stone is famous throughout Amer ica as tho 'Christian Comedian" and has long siood for cloan enter tainment. At tho same time, when bis show. Is on Broadway Jt Is gen erally harder to got seats for 11 than any other theatre in town. Miss Elmore , has learned Just how to build a program of the Stone type which Is sparkling in Its com edy, swift moving in its action and thoroughly above criticism 111 every respoct. Her own numbei-B are al ways received with a storm of ap plause. ' Anothor notable member of the Revue is Stewart Churchill whose Marimba playing has been a sensa tion whoruver this young wizard has appeared. Tho present tour It his first trip to the far Western States. Western audiences have seen somo good Marimba peoplo 1 their time, but unless all predlc tiuns fall, Churchill's playing win be remcmbored for many a duy. The Lucille Elmore Kavuo with its interesting lnnovutlons is an other example. of the reason thnt Chautauqua has been Increasing Id popularity - during the last twe years, especially, In the larger and moro cultured centers- Symbol of Permanent Peace 1 I ' f' " ' f i f I i H 1 J t h P'i 1 Cooleys Visit . im unit Mm. P. Mendo Cooloy of Garden Valley were visltoi-B In Roseburg Saturday. afternoon and, wero shopping and transacting bus iness, .-i ; i , i V - - From ' Oakland ' i - hi,. n,,rl Mi-a Vtl-fi-ll Wtlnnv. nf Oakland, .were Roseburg visitors Saturday, artornoon and were at tending to biiBlneBs matters and shopping., 1 From Salem " ' ". ' L. O. Horrold, of Salem, arrived here Snturday evening and Is spending a few days looking after business affairs In tins cuy anu at Camas Valley, where ho has an Interest In a mint farm. May Locate Here " t w M.uin nt MnillHnn. Wis consin, arrived In ROBoburg yes terday and Is visiting with S. J. Jones. Ho may locato horo If a sullublo location Is found, i . , V; Back From Portland J Mrs. W. H. Carter and children, Druco nnd Tholinn, who have boon spending the past two weeks In Portland visiting MrB. Carter's sis tor, Mrs. .Myrtlo Dechtold, relurnod home yosterdny. Mr. Carter drove to Portland Saturday and they ro tiirned with blm by auto. The first International flag day is to be celebrated at the giant peace arch at Blaine, Wash., on July 2. The arch, which spans the international boundary between the United 8tatet and Canada, was dedicated in September, 1921, by Marshal Joffre of Fi-ance. Queen Marie of Rumania officiated at similar ceremonies conducted last year. At the flag day rites this year, William Lyon MacKenzie King, Canadian premier, will make the principal address. Henry Ford has been re quested to obtain a keynote message for the celebration from Col Charles Lindbergh. Tents Tents! Powell Furniture Co OFFERS 7x 9 Wall Tents, 10 oz. heavy duck $9.00 8x10 Wall Tents, best quality $10.00 10x12 Wall Tents, all new material . . . . . . . ........ $12.50 12x14 Wall Tents, best buy : in town ..... . . . . - . .$18.00 14x16 Wall Tents, compare ; J these prices ; , ... . . . $22,00 I Also Tent Flies as low as,,. . .(.$1.35 , S -: i- - , "CAN'T BE BEAT" , :, -V; ;;;';'''". ' Says ono Ford Uattery user. That's what wo think' of thai Oonulno 18 plate, 80 ampere' hour Ford Uattery, " Quaran- teed for ono year, and selling nt $12.00 you'll find the GEN- UINE FORD - BATTERY A 'REAL BUY4-i ; real Service giving Battery.. This. Battery l Is successfully, Used on 80 per cent or the various makes of carB, lind makes a ' upuderfnl radio Battery. ' C. A.' LOCK- WOOD MOTOR CO! ' " : v .'. -:' '.',,'.-..-, , On F.lshjnft, Trlp-r . ' I W.t 6.5 Wiley, R. ! IL' Smith Anil Vellmonto -Morris, of 'this city, drove within eight miles of Steam boat Sunday for a fishing trip. Duo to heavy rain, yoBtorday they found It difficult to travel and In one or two Instances wore some time getting the car, which became mir ed down In the cloy, out of the ditch. They report a fine catch offish.- ' - POLICE SEARCH. IFOR! SLAYER! OF ! ' MRS. STEBBINS Continued from page 1.) apartment two' and a half years. She has a ten' year old daughter living In another part of town. Little Is known of the woman or her associates. Pier husband died a year ago. , , ' - . , '-,.-.. Ben Glazcr was brought back from Hood River today after he said he knew the person who com mitted the . murder. He was close ly quizzed by police Inspectors, -and- -closely -observed. and-r.then Lieutenant Harvey Thatcher,, act ing chief Inspector, suld he intend ed tor turn him-- qvor -to county of ficials for, a sanity jhonrlng. --i . '-' ' ' ' i 'o - - Binder cauvqs at. Wharton Bros. o ... Motor Here Today r Mr. and Mrs. Roy Booth and Mrs. H. F. Ogden, of Eugelio, motored hero this morning., Mr. Booth Is here on business and with the rest of the party will return to Eugene this afternoon " ' -. for t e greatest Annou ncement uin