Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 24, 1927, Page 12, Image 12

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Douglas County Women Who Attend The
News-Review Cookin
. . ' i ':.!. '. - (,! ; .'.';.., ..-. , . , ' 1 . . i '
Better Cooking
Will be still further convinced of the outstanding superiority pf ELECTRICITY FOR COOKING. They will real
ize that it is clean, cool and convenient as well as. being far more efficient and economical.
Cooking "by wire" is no longer an experiment it is an accepted fact. The fact that one out of every four domestic
( customers in this community is an electric range user i? npt only a tribute to electric cooking but also evidences
g the progressiveness of Douglas County housewives. ,
We believe that every woman in Douglas County should avail herself of the opportunity to attend the Roseburg
News-Review Cooking School this week. There, will be new recipes and tasty - foods for you to enjoy and the
demonstrations of electric cookery will be highly interesting and instructive. We take pleasure in recommending
this post-graduate course in modern electric cooking to all pur customers and friends. ;
'-' ' power, coMJWNTfy - J :.! (,.-:!. ' f 1 ' J : i ; ' i t ' I i 7 i J '! J RfSssipTry ' ' '
:..;'. :'M:''(;r!)A : ' .!'; ;; R03EBURG, OREGON u ijl-'f mmh'mkJ i'l Ip" -in p.
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From Our Sanitary
Market, will be featur
ed in t h e Cooking
Demonstrations at the
Armory for four days
this week. r
During Friday ' afternoon an
expert meat cutter from this
Market will
Demonstrate to the
assembled at the Armory the
way to buy meats and how
in ordering, they rnay get just those cull desired for
some special serving. Be sure to see this Demonstration,
and in the meantime don't forget to order your Meat
supplies from this shop. Telephone orders given personal
Best Meats at
Lowest Prices
North Side Market
I Boyer Bros. Phone 280
for the Family
. BruukluHt Cherries, cureul,
creuill, potuto cakes, spinach lu
eream. dulleato muffins, milk, cof
fee. ' '
Luncheon Cheeso fonilue,
brown hruiul unci butter sandwich
on, vegetable salad,, oriiugo Jum
bles, milk, teu.
Illiuier Fried chicken, milk
Kiavy, twice baked sweet potatoes,
scalloped tonmtoes a n d green
beaiu, head lettueo with ltoque
fort cheese dressing, frozen cust
ard, pecan liu'rKiioriles, milk, tea.
II' the dinner is wanted for a
"company" affair a strawberry
cocktail makes an Ideal first
course. Turt berries should be
slightly sweetened and genorously
sprinkled with orange juice. The
mixture Ik then thoroughly chilled
for an hour or two before serving j
Scallopod Tomatoes and Green j
Boans I
For medium Blzed tomatoes, 1-2
pound green beans, 1 onion, 2
green peppers, 2 tablespoons but
ler, 1 teaspoon Bait, 1-2 teaspooiLl
sugar, 1-S teaspoon pepper, coarse .
bread crumbs. j
Peel tomatoes and cut In slices, i
Cover the bottom of a well butler-1
ed haklug tlsh with tt Ihin layer
qf crumbs. . Add a luyur of toma
toes, beans which have beon boil
ed twenty minutes, ami finely
minced onion and seeded and minc
ed peppers. Season with salt and
peper and sugar and dot with hut
tor. "Add another layer of toma
toes, beans and sonsoning. Cover
with crumbs and bake thirty min
utes In u hot oven.
Tho beans should he washed and
cut lu diamond shaped pieces af
ter the strings are removed. Cook
in Just enough boiling water to
lug (j) venture a protest against
tho system..
There are mauy women living in
helpless protest in such commun
ities, .women who would give ; al
most nuything .to escape tho tyr
anny of the custom thai I am going
to advise them here and now as
a body to take courage aud go
fortli as they may choose, babies
In tow, without considering too
much tho consequunccs of being
seeu with their own offspring.
It would soon become fashion
able (torrlblo word) if women of
enough social influcueo would do
il. It Is about tho silliest custom
I can think of, fon a mother to be
ashamed to be seen publicly with
her baby, or her young children,
unless there Is a nurse uloiig with
cup and trailing streamers, of in
less ostentatious but unmistakable
If a woman needs anil wants .a
nurse I um far from criticizing.
I often wished 1 could have ouo
for my children, llut I know this
bud I had one, she would never
hnvo taken my place, in tho house
or qut. My babies were my ba
bies und 1 didn't care who thought
what about anything I chusu to
do for them.
Buy Your
Laundry Supplic
from your grocer. .
Economy Grocery
"The Store That Serves You Best"
344 N, Jackson Street Phone 63
0. L. Johnson
Cutworms Night Bandits
of Truck Gardens.
Poisoned Bran Formula Is Given
for Destruction of Pest
From Caterpillars.
BERLIN, June 24 Tho littlo
bee is a Kreatur economic producer
than aro all the high-sea fisher
men of Germany put together, ac
cording to the Frankfurter Zeituug.
Another striking trUmte to the
bee is the assertion by Professor
Enoch gamier oC Eiiangeii Uni
versity that "bee culture Is the
most essential branch of agricul
ture." ' , ; '
There are some 65 billion bees
Thtft land of ours la queer! What'
1b perfiH'lly good form In one
place, mtiy bo lwiked on with
such horror a hundred miles
away, that one knows not where
shos "at," regarding ine amom
! tics, If ho Is compelled to orea
Iwlonally change location. Madum
Itirumly has a different set of
j rules for each sccttou.
I For Instance In one community
1 It mnv bo quite "connue 11 fait" to
(wheel your own baby when you go!
! out, w hile in annther community j
Mho woman who trundles her own.
Infnnt to the park takes her na
'clat life In her .Hindu, ho to speaii,
iuml ends by losing it occasionally.!
In fo many places this matter j
of baby wheeling and looking af
ter one's own children has be
!come such n monster of social die
tattoo, and such n factor in tie
lenuiiilus who a who, that 1 um oj
I'utworms, foes of the truck
patch, aro night time bandits.
Their depredations show next
morning when the sun wilts the
seedling tomatoes, the cabbage
loaves, letlueo ad melons oaten
dining nocturnal revelry.
The cutworm is the yuung, or
caterpillar, ot the night - flying
moth. Hs whole life is made up
of darkness. Tho exception is ob
served on cloudy, gloom-cast
days, when iu& worm may como
from a convenient hole in tho
ground to feast upon young, tender
plant leaves and stalks.
It's a slow process, but cut
worms may bo found Individually
and killed after their night's
damage is done. Invariably they
will burrow to a shallow depth be
side tho plant on which they huvo
Cutworms can be destroyed by
using a poisoned bran bait." A re
liable mlxtuie is uue peck or five
pounds nf le-ar.; one-fourth pound
of white arti-iiic or I';irif. green;
one pint tf syrup or molasses, and
three or four quarts of water. For
mere extensive use the iiiRredients
nuiy be Increased proportionately. ,
I nlted Slates entomologists
wain that it is necessary to thor
oughly mix the poison and tho
bran so that each parti le w ill
carry enough poison to kill. The
iymp and water should bo mixed
ami then added to the mixed bran:
ami poison, mining should be
dont slowly.
The bait should be placed aloni:
ttH rows of about the basq of ihe
plant, in the evening. Care should
be taken to keep the mixture
away frrfm animal or irresponsible,
travej tn
iest Coast HSouitJg
Only motor coach service north
to Portland, south to California,
Arizona, New Mexico, Texas with
3 daily schedules. Serves all inter
mediate points stop-overs if de
sired. Great responsible system
protects you cares for baggage.
Finest glass-enclosed cars, reclin
ing chairs, heaters. Leave for
1:15, 7:40 A. M., 4:25 P. M.
7:25 A, M., 1:40, 10:20 P, M.
Phone 586
In Germany, according to the
Frankfurter Zeitung. Together fhey
produce about 3110,000 liuudreil
weight of -honey annually, repres
enting a. value of $7,000,000. This,
says the Frankfurt paper, 1b an
economic item pf no Bmall import
ance' In ah 'impoverished country
like. Germany, and. exceeds .the pro
ceeds from . Germany's nigh-sea
fisheries. .-ir'y; ' ;
'; Professor Zqnder'bases hts..Uigh
estimate of - lioon upon the fact
that billions of blossoms are .fer
tilized by them. This Is worth at
least 570,000,000 annually to Ger
many. ; Fruit trees, vegetables, the
grasses and flowers of the mea
dows all owe their fertilization
to the busy bee, whicli carrieB the
pollen from one blossom to the
other. ' , ,
See Radabaugh in action at Auc
tion House on Main St. uext Sat. 2
p. m.
U. S. Meets 60 Per Cent
of Homo Wool Need
Sheep Industry Makes Progress
With Development of High
Breeding Standards.
For Your Electric Oven Use
The newest oven ware
The patented improved Oven-Ware.'1
The Oven-Ware that carries the "GOOD HOUSEKEEB
ERS indorsement. - '- ' '
Ask about the corrugated bottom that allows heat cil
culation under vessel, and browning underside as well a
upper. i
Regardless of the stove or fuel used, be sure you have
WATERLESS Cooker, and retain in your, food that poi
tion that is generally thrown away with the water it
cooked in. We have proven them.
The Winchester Store
WASHINGTON, Juno 23. Sixty
per cent of the United States' wool
demand la met within native
shores, government data reveals.
Lamb production amply supplies
the mutton market.
Consistent progress has marked
the sheep Industry. The trend is
toward finer fleece and earlier
meat. All definite improvement,
the Bureau of Animal Husbandly
says, has resulted from Introduc
tion of better-bred sires and zeal
ous effort to retain high standard
ewes. ....
The West, premier wool section,
has developed both the quality aud
quantity of fleece by cross-breeding
the Itambouillet owe with the
Lincoln ram, great thick-coated
king of the' English flocks. The
long wool of tho foreigner and the
rugged constitution of the llam
oubillet predominate In the off
spring. Wliilo fancy prices are paid for
extremely young mill ton, sheep
raisers in the grain states ami New
England havo found It rarely prof
itable to market lambs less than
three and a halt to six months old.
.Mutton consumption In Ihe United
States averages no moro than five
piunds per capita.
Science has lightened tho work
of iho sheep-shearer.
Willi tleft stroke ho aoparntes a
sheep and his wool in five minutes.
Motor-driven clipiters give him the
speed, and scientific shearing the
ease. So armed, his average is
100 sheep in nine hours.
Kxperts have ciijped 130 sheep
in nine hours. An Australian,
demonstrating on a government
farm, rhoarcd 100.
Work in the kitchen is lessened by havine nlentv
those necessary utensils at hand for every purpose. Do
ing Cooking School Week we are specializing, for tt
benefit or housewives in
Mixing Bowls, Cake Tins, Egg Beaters, Grant
Ware and Kitchen Ware of All Kinds
is, 1
Koad Uil is a Mesi,
Think of our Clothes
Wash and Grease Your Car
-1 "I n
r-i ,
Pon't miss the big auction sale
of household goods, etc., next Sat
urday afternoon at the Auction
House near city ball.
Roseburg Super-Service Station
S c: D. F1FS