TWO KOSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1927. BOMHNIimilUWHHMBHHMM The music for this occasion will be furnished by the New 0RTH0.PH0NIC Victrola i 1 1 ; Hear This Wonderful New i - Victrola. Qne Hour of. Concert ; Before Each Cooking Demonstration. Ott's Music tore YiQtrplasJ 1 ' Radios ' !';nd ' ' Pianos ' ' ' ' SEE ! 1927 W HZ A Service vif fa Ben Iiucien, Burmon TMIS H A3 HAPPENED inn Ii'IiIIjIb uxiieliuii'lilx, vivisac I To the queer lllllu Huutli Amurl- i tliui, anil iliat Hurt of tiling on the : can .town of 1'urtu Vcnli-, ill we:,t ! juuglu animal, and uomu of Ilium I central Uracil,, u town IrinKuil ityfgo further him) buy lie'a been us- U'M K, tin niimiug JiiiiKie, cornea an mi nuiuun dimiikh. Ttiey tinuk e h elderly American, Ijuculn Kuuuul ly, U lUlUOU ('lieilllHt. An ufr of niyatery Heems tu hunts some Kurt of Uevll tloctur anil Is trying to mix bouIh and all that Burt of native hocus-pocus. They'll over the jilyeo. I hid liiijiro.s.slin i Hweur lo you on their milieu 1 In accentuated when Hie uortcr they have any that they've heard who handles N'unnally's Kriprf ! plercins Hcrennis coming from his hints or strange deailis Unit have i fnzenUa ai nlitlit, and those with oeciirreil mid mumbles iilooiuy inO'lilioro vivid liiinKlnutiuim will add idiocies. ; I t '';';'! that they've seen four-headed dov- lu I lie barber limp, Ui'e baiber, ujlls find rln-lm-utlilnK buts bit; as slruiiKu, dark man with an Oik-:;-1 men Nylin; over the roor. ltauk lal cast to his oyi's, 'kiicuIch tolnonsenKe of course, for the most Nunually, who thi n recognize liliu I'ait, but I don't blame lliein much, as Vilalia, known to h!in as I "It's dlllicult to see howling ue Vilak, ,a fiiilpw. American, llu unlit , mor.i wlien you're standiii); on the Vilak what lie is iluluir In' l'oi to I turner ot l2d and llioadwuy In HORSE, MULE 8hjOBT4CiE j i decline ' of 17 nerj co'nt.sliioejliiao. ' ' : r ' ' ' Unless breedliiK lie re'suineii, the JamiKJy 1, 11127, according to esti- j I'" reduced 'Ml or pw'cent lit the mates of Ihe nepiirtnienl of Awl- next five years. That will menu fultiire." The figure, represents n an acuteislilirliiKM on .farms, i Mi,rriTTrr.wKr.TinT MRS. CHARLES HEINLINE ' 1 iUTeMerbfPian6 'u,; 1 ahdHdrindhy ":,t-!h Qtudlo Open' 'Alt' Summer During Morning Hours. Verde. To bis aiuazement, vilak says he sent for him. The barber business, lie ex plains, selves to couceal his real activities.' 'Hi 'imd'liis coushl. El-' le llarberiy, need atislstaiice In Kc-IIJiik ut Die root of ii myslery that already has coal several lives and threatened Kliso's. Vilak la liiterrunted with news of another death and. he and Nim- I nally basleu to the spot where the vlutini, 'louy, illurbetta, : one of Ulise's foremen, lies on the wound, nlmoKl ill Iby Jqel of I.iuiey I'olls, another' foreman, who uilmlts liuv inK hil li i in wllh a club. ; iiarbeUa seenis to --be in a fctrbpK" S"1'1 Pi Paralysis. .He dies, uflef a'ccusiiiK' I'oils, and Vilak ilHtonisbus , Nllnliiilly by (leclarluK lila' belief that I'olts'was not the murderer. NOVV BEGIN THE STORY ,i,,1t, QHAI'TKIl.V... The chemist Razed' at Vilak in bewljiloruioul, , ''Hi" f'f Tony said -Ho(s did l( aiiil Polls admits it himself. How can there be any iouht or doubt when taets lire as clear as that',1' , , . . lion t foi'KoL 'ihoro are two kinds ot fuels," Vilak responded. "T!q liinalble onea tht y:y.i cp.ii sea, ami hear, and the .inlanulble onus which yon can, neither see nor hear, but only - feel. This Is a case where the latter , are . oh vlr.usly the more :lniportant." : rl'jrr-wno er wlio do you b.elluve Is Hie murderer iiKaiu?' "Amiln, mini clier, I ausiver tny uii'as are depioimbly scaiily . , "y-ou was -or i'rentlns, perhaps? Er Prentiss?., Haven't youj any idea of what's happened to oiiiko lilin ' look aha net 'so. Sa- Rboms and 2.1CohlhBgor-B!c, Plipnc, fj26-R ...-. that you have heard - ; f Mrs, Clara Mifler Sexton eminent Pomestic Science authority explain all abotit the superior quality of Calumet Bak ing Powder at the free cooking school why it produces better results more delicious and health ful foods and have actu ally seen with your own eyes the light, tempting and evenly raised bakrrig3 it produces, iiMi V Hil; ."NT ..rflrU THE WORLDS GREATEST BAKMG POM If you were one of the few who did not attsnd this cooking school, it is not too late to learn how Calumet simplifies bak ing and improves foods. Try it. You will find that it wasn't the skill of the expert demonstrator that produced such wonderful results it was Calumet quality Calumet's infallible action. You will find too that you can produce bakings every bit as good every time you use Calumet. The Double Action of Calumet provides proper leav ening force and gives you de pendable baking protection. DOUBLE ACTING Imrana a ha kmc oowdcr with two lc.lvenlnu unit.. One bcln. to work vehe n Ihe douf I, I mltrd. the other waiu for die het of Ihe oven, then both unit, work together. Order a c.n (ooee. Vf th. baking powder that ! employed by the beet cooke in America CALUMET. New York City but It lakes very little effort when you're swallow ed up In the jtuiKle of Porto Verde. He Kitzed -it the old man, who was UKnin fumbling in his pocket. "Vou'ro u nuisance. Haven't chang ed a bit in len years. Always hav ing toi'u pockets and letting your matches get down into Boiue ob scure lining of your, coa,." Ho drew out two boxes of mulches. "I'uc these in your pocket, and don't lose them. Clutches are val uable down here. After which lec ture I'll leli you thai the al'luir of this afternoon iins made me do--cltlo to go out to Prentiss' place touiglu to do u Utile investigation. Would you like to come along? It may be jusf bit dangerous. Ser iously, quite dangerous." The chemist's: sprfglilliness had returned. "IJecause you're u tow years er younger you're not so ur superior," lie replied amiably. 'After, all, I've faced enough er-w perils ill a laboratory not lo fear a man merely because he lias u er- singular ioMiead. .Moreover er insurance statistics give mo ten more years lo live, "nil 1 detest tatkitlcs. I should gieuily eiuuy proving lliein wrong. At what hour do we er siari?" Vilak pulled placidly at his cig aret. "Ailer .'I've Jiune again on a fruitless mission- to try lo induce my cousin to leave, and, more im portant, introduce ' you to her. When it's ' dark I'll change my clolhes u bit and meet you. i al ways go out there, is a Mr.' Davis, her attorney, a person I've invoiH ed for convenience 4iud who has i. secluded house up the road on some of Eilse's property,' wlii'ro 1 can make: Ihe change without creating suspicion. Wouldn't he just the thing lor barber lliggs lo he .spun at the hoiiHo of Hie ginud' senoi'llal Nor-to be too Intimate Willi' you, for that matter, so Bo a bt. careful when you meet mo at the hotel in public. Though it probably would' n't maku a panicle ot difference lo most of the natives, because ' tiicy iiii.nk an Americans aro macl.uiny- I ... .' I ' ' I us lo got started, The chemist stared, then, smiled sheepishly. "Yuu take too iiiauy -er liberties wllh ttie. Too many llbeitles. What shall I er wear?" ; "Come just as yon are. We can pick up storm boot:;, heavy gloves, ami a pistol ror you ut my eoustu s. What sort of u raincoat have you?" ' "One of those er oll-clqlh ones, like the heavy army ones." "That'll be just tile thing. Bliili It with you." The chemist gave a parting flllln of his handkerchief to the dust on Hie waslistuiiil. then locked out of the window. "Why must I wear a raincoat? The stars are shlnlue Very er brightly. It's loo hot lo wear a raincoat." "Observe, iny dear Naunv. Hint I alstf carry a raincoat. We won't need them until after we leave my cousin's. Then they will be vitally necessary. Perhaps perilously necessary. No, I'm not going to tell you why. It's no uso nsking. t'ome on now. Don't bother arnutid uny more. Or I'll make you smoke anoruer ot my cigarets. (To be continued.) rjunnally meats tha beautiful Elite Marberry, and a fresh mys tery l encountered. Read the next chapter. SOLDIER RISKS LIFE TO AID CAUSE OF MEDICINE ', SAN FRANCISCO, June 23 Al hoiigh warned by a,rmy physicians that inoculation, experiments would cause much suffering, Private Jack Kibbe submitted himself for tests to develop scientific data in the control of dengue fever. The, weeks he Iny III In the Ma- RUM SHIP AND GOVERNMENT CUTTER PLAV HIDE-AND-SEEK BAN FRANCISCO, June 23 A game of hide-and-seek pu the high seas was in progress 630 tulles off the California coast today, wllh the United Klatcs coast guardcut- ler Cuuokla as "it," and the fa mous old steamer Mulaliat, be lieved by federut authorities to bo hunting a place to hide long enough to turn over to American bootleggeru some tbousautf-odd cases of liquor. The oluluhat, formerly the Ma honey, on which Jack London sail ed when he gathered material for "The Sea Wolf," but which since hud reputedly become a rum ruu ner, left Tahiti, In the South Scub, several weeks ago after clearing for Ilrltlsh Columbia. Her cargo was reported to be between 1,000 and 2,000 cases of liquor. J lie Malahat earned ber title of "Ghost Ship" because Bhe slipped phantom-like past coast guard na- trolB, and never actually was caught landing liquor, although for yeui-B she has been reputed a rum ship. If her liquor ca,rgo was In tended to quench California's thirst, as officials assumed, tle old steamer has lived up to. Iter record. -o- WON'T BE HME "You are sentenced to penal sor- vllude for three years. Have you anything to say?" "Yos, sir; wjll you toll my fami ly not o expect nip back to dinner until 1930." Uuen Humor, Madrid. nlla hospital gave army scientists necessary knowledge of the mal ady lo reduce the fever rate from 80 to less than 20 per 1,000 in the enlisted ranks in. the Philippines. Budget lepei way. unite yos,. satanie? 1 Ills oi' eyes appear a.V though 'lie weV woiSiin'g soinu; 'evil spell 'iiiimi uveryihilil; at Which ' lie looks." Suddenly 'he' jerked :oiit the cigaret he had placed in his mouth a mo nieijt before, made a wry lace, and snatf Iiltlorlyi ''' " ' ' . "'lint's' ;thd ,'inatterV' ' drawled Vlluli. "Too powerlul 'lor' your AugloSaxou blood?" He chuciilcd. "Ydi) doii't wish a bit ot bond hut lo VP ll'ol'f? No? I Well, lliat's the -tiilvnlltugo of having several, race! speeding through your veins, increases 'your pleasure:) ; eiior inoitsly. To niu Ibere's nothing like ;if lltni-'l)etdi'yrtr n'g;oi)d ;siuoiio."" ''He' pressed1 Jiluoihi.n-''sect1ou of the gulden dragon. It opened, dis closing a number of liny pellets. Onu of Ihesu ho extracted and thrust Into his lnouih. "1 agree wiih yjiji that Prentiss hasn't ex actly itlio ! , drawing-room manner. Curlninly Ije appVurs to-be a man who lifts' lost his soul. I'ersonally I fuel ralber poslllve Ibat he's con nected hi some way wllh these ter rible tragedies, hut I've little to base It on. "1 do know Unit anyone who ti les to bu concerned In ills a flairs, even with llie 1: !: :tl ! I or? t intent, raf ters., As I think 1 mentioned to yon, -some time ago, l-lilsc got in terested In him largely because of lhat old feud which existed lie Iweeii, llielr lutllera. Uy some le gal technicality II seemed that the mini which out 1'reilllss developed I Alter u few hours spent thus, ho tor h fnzeniln turned out actually .begun unpacking his luggago, and o belong lo Ihe .Marberrys and 101-1 happening lo place a clean shirt lues lather always Insisled thai j upon it table, lound thai it Inaluut- i lento was noiniiiK liil a poach- ly look up a gray smudge ot dust . , 'c.llae wauled to havo you lav at Hit! lazunda, but Ijwon't permit It, tor a day or two ut leiiBt. It's'' probably ciuol to you. but I'll see liioro or you closer at Hand. 'Clinrin-: Ins girl, lilise. Hut too; determin ed to he comfortable" f think you'll like her. 1 should say wo ought to get there about eight. stay an hour or Iwo nnd start, from there lor our visit to'. Prentiss. I'll call for you about 7:30. We'll ride out,, or course. A lew liniments later they had descended to Mm valley and separ ated, Vilak to return to his barber shop. Nunually to examine with academic interest the sundr de posits ut Ihe edgo of u tiny lake which sparkled a short distance from Mm river. His Inspection completed, the chemist sauntered to the town, marveled ugalu at the view er the hill l-!o;ic3 carpeted wllh Ihe green ot the jungle and the white mountains rising far off in Ihe distance, entered his room, and bulsed himself with some doc uments and books ho took from I his bag. 4JiWs s an easy tas me rggy Ji wT3!? Wiordlv wav. You have the Coining within your budget is an easy uisk me rgg' Wicjdlv wav; You have tti privilege to personally ' choose the size ant) quantity to suit your needs at prices to til your Duugev Saturday June 25 1: Kellogg's Bran Flakes $itil7$ ' Jarhac Libby's halvesrin hiavy U-o!r i, 1 yaVltCa syrwp, large can ; ' ! tfa Ti Tomatoes 2 large cans 23c Minced Clams Preferred Stock, best on the market. 2 flat cans -. 38c Economy Fruit Jars 1.03 T-kllif ;t De Luxe Toilet Tissue, 3 rolls Shortening 4Airp"u's Vegetole- 69c Peanut Butter tSSS 23c ineaiiu to get BALES aV. TKMES THOSE OF ANY OTHER BHANCij anil tiled uveiy him out. "Hlise didn't want Mm land, and as 1 told you. rightly thinks laniily lends arc preposterous In thin yup poirodly eullehlened ceulury, so lie went out lo his house io ex lend the olive branch, and do any thing lor him I h a l she could. lie saw her cnnilug. hanged all, the shultcrs and doors so that Ihe house was sealed, and though she knocked repeatedly for 2u' minutes, made no sign ot being Inside. The nexl day she wua walking aiolu Ihe road and he alliuist ie,lo her down wllh his Iioisk. She was ciMlaineihat Mils wann't an accident bill a deliberate attempt." Me grunl.Ml. "1111111- I Just hap pened lo Iblnk. She told uie the nt her day silo was going out llieie yesterday to try again. This new ut lut-li may be one or Ihe results." lie chewed inedilatlvely a moment, Mien went on: "No om talks to him now except the keepers or the little shops where be huvs his food on hM line vltills to town. He honored my eslablishineiit mice. Lately bis trips have been 'heroin Ing fewer and fewer until now they've nr.ielteallv censed ir ,. what cau-ied hlni to resign by request from the ni'iiei i rmii.leof years ago. we might have clew. And then nualn u.. mlqhln'l." "The -er blocks and Ihe In Hans sceui.feniftillv ul'uii.l r 1,1,,, Yes fearfully." Wouldn't veu If nu v.,.ie a poor superstitious native who be lieves that when Ihe sue. gees down over a mountain Hint Ihe mni lain has niton II? Some or them have veneer of ChrhManitv but H's mlchlv thin, .lu-i remctehor thai. Cnimtln,; ,e,,r Tonv to hiv. lour mill e,ve ilicl slme' Plellll-is leu been here. The lli,.r n,,., . also In wnvs aln,t i,,,.,),,, .( . " I hlx. You iinililn'l lure en,. ,,r he Porto Vcleins I,, ,.r i.j. I olaee at mchl f..,- all u, Cr-M mv i'ous.,v, f;ir,ijn. "A lot of them say lie's porform from the uible lup. luvesiigatiu lie discovered thai every pleco of luiiilture In thu room was similar ly coated, llorritied, be took out his pocket humikercliiel and gin gerly set aliouL cleaning tile room. .So absorbed was he in thu task I that lie lulled lo hear a llglil knack ! outside and only looked up when I the door opened and a (all, otrik-i lug appearing stranger clad In u ! riding sill,! stood at his side. Ho j Blurted. "I er beg liardun," he siaiinnered. "You were looking ! for me?" . "Yos," the stranger replied hluut-, ly. "Stop being cleanly and Nordic' Hilt! Dill mi vniif leit A i,e,l cel. I entlst like yourself ought to know.'M belter llian tu let a suit and a tritle j of makeup fuol you, ll'a time tor I I Savora S eman s new mustard, preparation, per bottle !7c Salmon tlSt f1 Sa,R,on' 15c Pickles Del Monte sweet mixed, picnic size can, 2 carts 25c .4 V I! RSJi A. Profit by Others' Experiences IN our many year's specializa- j tion in the treatment of Piles anil other K ret at and Colon ailments, we ! ; have collected a vast amount of data of ' the utrooM bnpftt lo anyone so arttcted Much at Hits valuable Information, together ilh ktlvkr, i tuitje and ll personally tinned rrconls of tiores of fnrntr tvMfCnt, I cotiUno.l In n lOO- Rook, which we will H-nJ VKKK to anyone rnulinulL D54itcd lit ih famouetnaiwunZl- ri mcinoa ot realms tit iim t clmlvctv In the Dtan ofllcr In Forth tid. Seat 1 1 and San Fran cUrn- alto our WKITTKN i ASM-NAMK of lt l i!C-s- i fvllr tMMted or t-Tl' MKn R. KU. Wtlt for thU lluok today. Lux Toilet Soap pr. 7c Silver Nut gt: doe' not ?r.umble,49c Dromedary Dates 23c 2 pkgs. for 45c with pitter free. Oranges piulcy' 25c Crtffpp "P'Sg'y W'ggly Special," Of-. VUUCC Delicious Aroma, lb OOir. CMAS'.J We deliver all orders of $5.00 or over free, Sugar excepted. On orders of $2.00 and less than $5.00 we deliver for 10 cents. 300 West Cass Street Roseburg, Ore. DEAN.M.D..Int WRTlANDj OmCE flf AN UD6. 5tS MAIN Olh"rOtfitti- Scnttltr lllMillMHIMlillli arfrt" San franritt-n rniiwMiiii-J, its just Dure country milK Kept fresh "and sweet for your table and every milk d'sh- Bor' den's pvaporated MilH is always safe and con venient. You'll like it in coffee; SB Made in the Northwest A tall can of Borden's (with an equall part of water) gives yai( four cups of pure rich nUk. fSVAPORA.TED MILK 1eIe!.teTeTeyeIeTeIeIeTeTeTeTeteIeleIeleIIeIo:eIeieIeIeIeIeIe.IeIeIeli,lIeI.lelelelereIeIeIe: Because it is the World's FASTEST , Because it has the SAFEST Wringer Because it washes CLEAN Because it is best for LINGERIE Because it requires least ATTENTION Because it is EASIEST to handle , . -Because we believe these statements TRUE WE ARE HANDLING THE wearing : and the smoothest of all material. the usual four, ' . It has six vanes in place ot CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The. Winchester, Stqre, . CieteIeIeIeIeI.IeTeIoIeIeTeTreI.MTeI.MeWeM 19c 1 i a reTeTeTeTeTeTeTtWeleMelel.IereTelelelelel.IeTeleTerelefeTeTeleTeft Milk & Gream USED IN THE News-Review Cookingf School IS FURNISHED BY The Model Dairy USE OUR CLARIFIED MILK It Is Pure And Healthful, Phone 44F-I1 ' Coen Lumber Company MILLWORK LUMBER BOXES BUILDERS HARDWARE GLASS PAINT ROOFING SHINGLES CEMENT See our stocks, our equipment and our facilities to furnish you whit you want, when you want it, at reasonable cost. AGENTS SHERWIN WILLIAMS SPRAYS TKeieI.I.lxeIeMeTeTgererae!gleIeT;.T. BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME WITH Heath & Milligan Paints GUARANTEED TOO SATISFY Made to Beautify and protect the exterior cf houses, barns, garages, etc, Now is the time and let us help you solve the paint problem. ZIGLER-CRAVEN HARDWARE CO. PHONE 2 ROSEBURG, ORE. Quick Drying Lacquer In Many Colors