THREE 3 The Best Cook in the World Would Fail Without Proper W27 U A Service HjJfJ' iBen Lucien Burmon ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1927. For Your Electric Oven Use GLASS-BAKE THE NEWEST OVEN WARE The patented improved Oven-Ware. .The Oven-Ware that carries the "GOOD HOUSEKEEP ERS" indorsement. Ask about the corrugated bottom that allows beat cir culation under vessel, and browning underside as well as upper. Regardless of the stove or fuel used, be sure you have WATERLESS Cooker, and retain in your food that por tion that is generally thrown away -with the water it is cooked in. We have proven them. CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Winchester Store ' KITCHEN EFFICIENCY Work in the kitchen is lessened by having plenty of those necessary utensils at hand for every purpose. Dur ing Cooking School Week we are specializing, for the benefit of housewives, in ' ; Mixing Bowls, Cake Tins, Egg Beaters, Granite Ware and Kitchen Ware of All Kinds SEE US FOR LOWEST PRICES RUBBER APRONS AT FACTORY PRICES GOETTEL'S VARIETY STORE Buy Your Laundry Supplies from your grocer. Economy Grocery "The Store That Serves You Best" 344 N. Jackson Street Phone 63 O. L. Johnson J. TT A NATION-WIDE f i i I ft INSTITUTION- ' .GPenneyGq COR. CASS AND STEPHENS, OPP. POSTOFFICE ROSEBURG 1 25tf Anniversary Important! The Care of the :xt . Teeth Listerine Tooth Paite, 19o . Colgate's, medium lize, 8c ,. Kolynoi, 29c Squibb'l 39o 1 25th Anniversary j Penimaid Fine Toothbrushes' ((3? Assortment at 8o Red Cross Tooth Brush, 23e Prophylactic Tooth Brush. 39e 25th Anniversary "Penimaid" Package Goods Such Variety of useful and ornamental articles lunch eon! and bridge sets, , xhil-' dren's dres s e 9 and aprons. Thai prices ran Re from, 19cto ill 98c 25th Anniversary Protection From Sum . mer Sun llind'i Honey and Almond Cramm, Sc. 39c and 89c FratilU .Hand Lotion, 29c Shopping, A i Symbol of " Civilization - ' . . 1 No one ever told the ' little woman Lurrying along Main Street with? her shopping bag under her arm, that she car ries what nations have ' fought to uphold, down throughout the ages1' the torch of civilization. What does he swinging basket hold" curtains to beautify her home, shoes to safe guard tiny, stumbling toes, sheets to make the beds of her family soft and restful. Just every day things now, yes , but luxuries denied ci!l but a king a thou sand years ago. The J. C. Penney' Company with its nation-wide organization of 773 stores is but a Tegimerit in that vast tnercKan dise '. army, struggling to bring) goods from where they are to where they are needed with the great est possible economy of time, effort and money. Every sales man is but one more soldier in the fight, that has been waged for cen : turies, to make easy the path of those hurrying feet. He is doing his .bit to uphold the stand ards of civilization. THIS HAS HAPPENED To tliti queer Hula South Ameri can town of Porto Verde, lu went central Brazil, a town fringed by dark, forbidding Jungle, comes an elderly American, Lincoln Nuu- nally, a fatuous chemist. An air of mystery seems to bang over the place. This impression is accentuated when the porter who, handles Nunally's grips hintB of strange deaths that have occurred and mubles gloomy prophecies. In the barber shop, Uie barber. a Btrauge, dark man with an Ori ental cast to his eyes, speaks to Nunually. who then recognizee hi nuts Vllaka West, . known to him as Vllaka West, known to He asks Vlluk what he is doing in Porto Verde. To his amazement, Vlluk says he has sent (or him, that he and his cbusin, Elsie Mar berry, own the Porto Verde Devel opment company, and need assist ance in getting at the root of a mystery that already has coBt sev eral lives and threatened Elsie's. . The barber business, Vlluk ex plains, serves to conceal his real activities. In the midst of bis ex planation, word reaches him that another man has been murdered, and he and Nunnally hasten to the Bpot where the .victim, Tony Barbetta, one of his cousin's fore men, lies on the ground, still alive. NOW .BEGIN THE STORY CHAPTER IV. Vllnk drew a pin from the lapel of his coat and touched the point to Barbetta's arm. The flesh did not twitch as ordinary living flesh would have responded to the ex periment, but the little Italian's eyes showed that he felt the pain. This is certainly unusual," Vi las: whispered to his companion. "I can't conceive of anything which could possibly have put him into such a state. His muscles are completely paralyzed, yet his sensations of pain aren't affected In the slightest." His blue eyes half closed and the closing accen tuated thoir distinct Chinese cast. He stood thus a moment, lost in thought, then abruptly knelt beside the body. "I think I may have it," be whispered. "Take bold of his arm there. We'll try artificial respiration. Nunnally leaned to obey. As he did so a step sounded near him. j Prentiss, the , archeologlst, came rorwaru irora me uusueu wiiena uv had been watching, the curious mark on his forehead sullenly aglow. "You can't save him," he mumbled. '"No power on earth can save him." Vilak; glanced up. peered at him on inBtant, then with Nunnally be gan" alternately lifting Barbetta's arms above his head and pressing them against his chest. There was a slight movement as of restored breathing on the Italian's lips; the pain evident in his eyes lessened. For ten minutes the two friends labored vigorously;- then; one of Barbetta's legs jerked feebly. . "I think we've won," Vlluk mur mured. Five minutes later Barbetta was staggefing to his feet. With Latin passion he shook his fist at the you, Meestcr RiggB," he burst out passionately. "Then you tell Alias Mulberry. Limey he badda man. He try to keel her like he keel me. You will tell her he try to keel her? You will tellf You will lellj" He gaspe dvlolently for breath. Vilak nodded. "I'll tell her, Tony," ho said soothingly. "Don't you worry. And he hasn't killed you. You're all right now. You're not going to die. You're going to live a long time. You'll take a long rest. Then go back to Italy niuybu and Bee your mother and futhor. Tell me what happened? The Italian shivered and clutch ed Vllak's arm for support. "I tell you. Sure I tell you. I neur my house, lu bUBhes. You know my house. Pretty house. Little red roof. Like houses In Italy. Look ing for snakes who steal my little chickens. Then I see a man creeping through bushes. I wait. He comes closer. 1 see him. It is Limey. Limey the badda, the evil Limey that I hate. In his hand is somothing. I think he como to do me harm. I want him far, oh far from my little house with the red roof. He badda man, badda Englishman, I follow through the bushes. And then I see Miss Marberry in the road driving in her cart. It is she he follows. And Uien I bave great fear for her, for the last duys have I heard him talk much aguinst her. Evil talk. Because last week Blie have make mo head foreman and not him. He climbs a tree to a limb where the loaves will hldo him. He holds his knife. But. I, Tony, I see hiB plan. When tho carriage will pass under the tree, he will Jump down upon It ami kill her." He wont on feverishly. "I cross to the road where it is not so bushy, where. I can run faster and warn lflsr. I run. I cry out. 'Ituu Miss iMarborry! Bun! Fast!' She hear. She drives fast. Too fast for him to full upon her, She is gone. Limey jumps from the tree to tho ground, lie ruiiB after me. 'What you mean by screaming like thut, you dugo blighter?' He shout. 'What you mean? What you mean?' I not dago blighter. Good Italian. Good American. Not" His voice suddenly dropped to a whiBper. His face resumed its gray pallor.' 'His grip on Vilak's arm became weak er than a child's. "He," he murmured. "He killa me. An1 he killa Miss Marberry like he killa me. Tell her, tell . . ." He pitched forward and fell to the ground. Vilak touched his wrist. "Dead," he pronounced laconically. ' ' The gendarme looked In a soil of stupid awe at the motionless body, then began to more off with his prisoner. Tho Englishman turned to the barber. "It's a damn dago blighter's dope dream," ho grum bled. "A dope dream. You just Eitchem Utensils' Staple Pieces and Novelty Items Pans, Kettles, Boilers, Bowls, Muffins, Preserves, Stock Pots, Cups, Etc., Spoons, Forks, Spatula, Steamers, Corers, Collanders, Beaters, Sifters, Graters, Etc. Beaters and Bowls Metal beater, glass bowl .40c set Large beater, brown bowl $1.25 set Beaters alone ISc to 60c Aluminum Ware 12 qt. preserving kettle $1.25 5 qt. tea kettle $1.65 11 qt. double boiler .....95c Small Wares Stainless paring knife 15c Enamel handle spoons, etc 15c Wire strainers ...5c to 35c Always Big Stocks . Of Essential! At Popular Pr'ces GAME'S A Department Store Of Variety Goods "Wher You Save" ;.T.T8HTiiaiiT.T.T.T.Tgg sneer. ' The barber smiled affably. "Sure thing. I'll remember. Then you weren't in the bushes over near his house the way he 'said you were?" "Nowhore near his bloody house. And haven't Been Miss Marberry all afternoon. I was just walklu' along the roud, comiu' back from town, when he comes up to me and begins gettln' bloody utirBty about that money I won rom nlm pliiyiu' cards. Yiou know all about that like every blighter in town does, so I says to him we'll settle the bloody tiling right now, we will. We comes over horn where we knowB there won't be no bloomin' fools to interfere and begin fight ln'. It was goln' nil right, fair fightln', fair sport, an' I was beat- In' the blighter when he outs with his knife an conios wavln' it at mo. So I picks up that club bloody quick and hits mm with it He turned und glowored ut the black policeman at his Bide. "An I wouldn't be sorry 1 done it either If I didn't have to Btay in one of their nnrsty jails. Oh, It's bloody life. Don't you forgot when Maybe they'll give you the answer to your Question about the pnrnly- , 1 baven't it. In fact my Ideas the entire subject of Tony's death are notably vague and scan ty, uscept that I'm quite positive that Limey Potts did not kill him!" (To be continued.) If Limey Potts did not kill Bar betta, who did? In the next chap ter a mysterious Investigation gets under way. , FATHER SELLS NEWSPAPERS TO PAV FOR LAW COURSE tliAV h ft lir? vmi tii nniii-r tlitir nil lin remember that if they call on-you, snid about mo and MisariHarborry to testify. You romember that and 1 11 mako it all right- with ' you. See? All he says about my kill ing him iB true. I killed the blight er all right.- But it was in self de fense. Ho was-wavin' a knife at handcuffed Englishman who had me. Anbody'd kill if someone was watched him rise as saolidly as ne wavin' a knife at him. Bloody had watched him lie outstretched, well ought to. Will you remem Then he turned to those around her?" His lip curved in an ex him and recognized Vilak. "I tell I pression between R threat and n New Train Service 'or quick, convenient, comfortable travel to Portland or to : California. New trains between Portland and Ash. land, by day northbound and conven ient over-night sendee returning in ad dition to the Shasta and the Oregonian. The popular Shasta now carries day coach for the convenience of southern Oregon travelers. . Note this new, convenient service: . 31 U 13 STATIONS 14 32 12 8:00' 8:30 1:00 tv. . Portland . Ar. 7:15 7:40 11:00 10:00 10:13 3:13 Salem ..... 5:10 5:30 9:05 i 10:49 10:56 4:25 .... Albany .... 4:25 4:42 8:20 12:20 12:10 5:55 .... Eugene .... 3:10 3:30 7:10 ; f 12:43 f 6:17 .... Creswell .... f 2:29 f2:48 12:57 C12.47 6:30 .. Cottage Qrove . . 2:05 2:31 1:33 7:12 Drain f 1:15 1:49 1:45 f 7:24 Yoncalla .... f 1:02 1:35 2:20 f7:53 ....Oakland.... 12:34 1:08 2:26 8:00 ... .Sutherlin ... .f 12:26 1:01 3:10 3:00 8:45 .... Roseburg. ... 11:50 12:25 4:25 f3:30 Dillard f 11:54 3:52 f9:30 . . .Myrtle Creek. . .fl0:42 11:28 4:05 f 9:45 Riddle ..... 10:30 11:15 ' -:00 ... West Fork ... f9:35 f 10:18 5:40 11:25 Glendale..,. 9:00 9:35 1:55 f 5:5f5 ... Wolf Creek ... f8:38 f9:14 f6:22 .... .Leland f8:15 f8:54 f6:39 ' .....Hugo f7:57 f8:37 f6:53 ' fl2:35 Merlin f7:45 f8:25 7:23 6:40 1:00 ... Grants Pass .. . 7:20 8:05 12:35 7:45 '.. .Rogue River. . . 6:55 7:45 8:02 fl:30 Gold Hill. .. . 6:40 7:27 8:28 . -. .Central Point. . . 6:22 7:08 8:45 7:35 2:05 . . . . Mcdford . . . . 6:15 7:00 11:42 f 9:00 .... Phoenix .... ( 6:00 f 6:46 f9:12 .Talent f5:55 f6:40 9:30 8:1$ 2:40 ....Ashland.... 5:4$ 6:30 11:20 ' 6:20 . . . Sacramento ... 1:00 11:50 9:50 Ar. San Francisco Lv. 9:00 7:40' 11:1$ Ar. Los Angeles . . Light cc figures AM Dark face figures I'M Buy round trip ricfceti; tave money. J. E. Clark, Agent Phone 11 Roseburg, Ore. Is lies. The policeman and his prisoner begun to movo off toward tho town. The grlmy-llhened Pren tiss, who hud moved back a fen yards from the circle of. onlookers, stopped Into thoir path. . The mark on his forehead twitched vividly .again as. ho glanced, first at the rainbow-hued gendarme thou nt the scowling captive. His Hps moved Bliglitly; he seemed ubout to speak. ' "What ees it you would- say?" the policeman gruutod. Tho question Boemcd to bring Prentiss to a decision. He mum bled somothing to himself, sput scornfully upon the ground, shrugged his shoulders and again tukiug hold of his straw buskot, which Vilak' saw was filled with cans of condensed milk, walked briskly away. A wide lane quickly opened In the crowd of motley half breeds to let him pass, while two or three of the bolder muttered a curse and after ho hud dlBappcared drew knives across thoir throats In ugly, dramatic portrayal of what they would do if they dared. Vilak and Niinnnlly slowly re traced thoir Btops to the town. For a while they walked In sllonce. Then with an effort tho chemist threw off the gloom which had eu veloped him. and begun searching onoe more for his mutches, which had again eluded him. '"Er Por to Verde ar frightens me," he!B sum. r er conioss i m gntllng old. Ten yours ago, I would have been enthusiastic enthusiastic at the opportunity of witnessing the er scientific aspects of a dcalh like that one. But this was not pleasant." Ho grew thoughtful. "Could thero be any Vir connec tion between the twomen I saw making eralgnals and this er tragedy?" "I don't know, mon cher." "Yntir or r-miulti will I leave Porto Verde now, will she not? After audi a deliberate or attack upon her life?" "I'm afraid you don't know my cousin. I'll warn her again, but It will be simply wasted cneiity. She'll be all the keener lo slay and find out what's ut the bottom of it." "Times have er changed. In n.y day a woman was a itr hus sy If Bhc did not faint at the eight i u Bcraicneu er linger Yes, faint. But even your er moilern cousin would have been affected er affected had she seen poor Iiarlretta. Havo you any Idea ynt as to the cause of that extraordin ary er pa ralysls ?" ....... ......... .. ,., iub IJin.'Hdl U a thin bronze clgaret case, a hit of M .-a-h, wiivuiHi nurKlllHnsnip lasu-1 ioncd in the form of a Chinese dm- j gon.. Ho pressed it. 11 snapped I open, exposing a row of brown I clgarets. "Stop looking ror those matches and laeo and "lavender i clKaret of yours, and try ono of ! these favorites of mine," ho Invit ed. "They're good for old mon'B nerves, f'heor you up. A little dlKOOvery I made down In tho Ma lay Peninsula on my Inst trip east. i maor inem out or pnriqun and rho grtmnd up leaf of Iho euealyp- i tus. May find them a little bitter.! But they're powerful as opium, j (Awclaled Preu Leattd Wire.) CHAMPAIGN, 111., June 23. A 31-yoar-old "newsboy" with a wife and two children has won a doc tor's degree in tho college of ; law at the University of Illinois. He is Dudley Woodbrldgo, and ho has delivered The Champaign News-Gazette since 1917. Sometimes Woodbrldgo studied as be walked his route an which ho averaged 20 miles a day. The $1600 to J1800 he earned each year uh "paper boy" defrayed most of .the expenses of his education. . Ho has accepted an assistant professorship ' of Jurisprudence at William "and Mary collogo, Will iamsburg, Vu. " M.I.I.MoI.I.M.T.M.T.T.T.T.I.I.I YOUR CHOICE OF Electric Ranges Any Model Made by Hot Point, Westinghouse Or Universal Can be Supplied Maintenance Parts for these Models In Stock Waffles We will serve Waffles Friday afternoon, July 1st, from 2 to 6 ; Get a Copy of Our Beet Waffle Recipe. ' ,J ARTHUR H. CROWELL . Exclusive Agent for Westinghouse Mazda Lamps. . Phone 611 225 N. Jaokson lIiMiIIWIIMl Mrs. Clara Miller Sexton EXCLUSIVELY AT THE News-Review Home Economic Cook ing School Demonstration, at The Armory, This Week Mel-O-Maici Butter is manufactured in Roseburg in one of Oregon's most sanitary and modernized creameries. It is absolutely pure and healthful, and a splendid food that the family and your friends will delight in. , , Ask Your Dealer for , DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY Mel-O-Maid Butter PHONE 340 Mel-O-Maid Ice Cream 1