FOUR ' ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, . 1 927. LAATirui-nji-rL .rui.ruTjian.ari n ni "i r COOK NG 00L SECTION rwTiT-iiTiiiiiiiriiiiiwra Because it it the World's FASTEST , Because it has the SAFEST Wringer Because it washes CLEAN . Because it is best for LINGERIE ' ; Because it requires least ATTENTION ; . , Because it is EASIEST to handle ; ! t ' Because we believe these statements TRUE i ! . ; , , - Let us prove these elelms to your satis-' faction. Add to above facts that it is a RUST LESS steel tub, and will, be cause of steel hold heat longer. The agita tor Is ; BAKE. LITE, non-wearlno and the smoothest of all material, the usual four. WE ARE HANDLING THE . ! : i It has six vanes In place of i - k. u !i2uetalta CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Winchester Store. NEVER LET YOUR CHILD I SEE FEAR ON YOUR FACE LL. . f ' By Olive Roberts Barton Que "f tho Ilrst 01 the teu cora" mundmonts ol child training In, "Thou Shalt not teach linn fear." f A- baby In born Into this wdrld without kpowuig what fear meaus. It 'Is not there -dnd lt.wll not. bq until It la nut there. - t And wfibn'wo think that back of inOBt failure, back of much 111 heiilth and unhapplnoss la fear In one of lta forma, dooa It not seem preposterous that we make so lit tle effort to prevent it. i We ply a child wltU vacclnoa and serums and alt sorts of preventative treat, ment to keop hU body healthy yet we are criminally caroloas ab'out allowing things-to happen thiit make a soul-Blck. 'coward of lilm forovor. ' ' ' . . ' ' You ask how ho can' be fright ened when hu dooa not know Iwhat It .means. The development of it little. child's, mind, must, nucessarl; ly-bValftloW-ef analysis: ,:aL :tlic beginning. " H1b first knowledKO Is gained by. Instinct, a lot of It 1b gullied by pure mimicry, and Ills own sensa tion, of, unygostur? ho copies. Then comes ii psychological. word called "ttpparcontloji!' jvhicjn ' translated means u; iaa) fir6ugh! Kto."i (Ho interpret anyi f n(jw Knowledge gained In', tea ni b 'nl ' 'what . lie i al ready know i M ';'' ' i ; Ho. bears 'ti jcrtfshl llo iicroenri with fear. He 'snciT it big Hog! Ho ) : runs hysterically to his, mother. Why ' did i he not scream or : run when ho ' was a year or two' old f Because before Unit time he had not observed i consternation - on someone's face when there 'was a loud iioIbo. Because there had boon no Suggestion before that from other children or his parents of danger, coming from a dog. If you do not want your child to bo a coward, never punish bin) by shutting him -in a dark closet; ab solutely never, never hold over his hcud the rng man, the policeman, a witch, or a bugaboo of any sort. Never tell hlra a story that has In It the elements of grotcsquoneBs or djBuster, mallclouBUoSs or crime. : Never let u child' sue feu on your face. Show lilm thitt tlrd will burn und tench lilm 'ordinary cau tion. But not through fear. And never lot him henr you say, "I'm afraid!" as we are apt to do when we are iictuully afraid of nothing tajt.ali ' Tit chilli's : subequsciuus mind' seizes and -holds- rhlngB- (hilt his, conscious mind may forgot, Subconscious mintlB nro-not 'to bo foolod with. They havo a direct bearing on- mental and physical health.' V6 shi)iUd watch1 w&t we iut there! .' .'44' iJ Dr. MeKalg Visitor , i i Dr. R; I,. McKlg . Of Voilciilla In '.this.? city .for n -i'mI lioitiB on Tuesday, lou'klng iilier business al'fuii'H and" visiting. COOKING SCHOOL ECHOES I r I x I v ' White i , '. .... ."'.'..,.. .!.'! .. Featherweight y , CAKE ; if A'TeUed 'Recipe '.' 5 ! f H cup Crlsco , . '. ' , t i 3 cRR wliitca . . , t : ' I cup siiRar cup jiiilk t ' ' 2 cups flour ' i i ' ' f 1 teaspoon vanifla ( 2 tc-ispooiis baking powder ! i teaspoon salt i Crram Crisco with sugar. Stir in alternately milk and sifted dry ingredients. Fold in thoroughly stiffly beaten . crk whites. Add vanilla and turn batter into two ' 1 creased layer pans. Bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees K.) about 20 minutes. , Ice with cocoa nut or maple iciiiR, or Crisco white icing. , Crisco White Icing 2 etips confectioners lutar 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons Crisco , teaspoon almond 3 tablespoons milk 1 or lemon extract . 1 teaspoon vanilla . ' 1 - Cream Crisco with cgc and salt. Add milk and rest of ugax and flavoring. Nlix wcIL Crisco gives mc delicious cakes you simply cannot tell from butter cakes light and tender, with a fine, even texture. Hut Crisco is by no means limited to cake mak ing. I fincl that I can always depend on Cnsco for flakier pic crusts, fluffier biscuits dainty desserts and for all frying. . -v I test your cooking fat taste it. : Crisco's sweet flavor will astonish you. WOMAN'S! HOSPITAL 'Sty r-t WOMEN DOCTORS TO STAFF NEW YORK INSTITUTION DEDICATED TO THE LONG-SUFFERING MIDDLE ) CLASS BOTH SEXES WELCOME AS PATIENTS ' i .? !l Mi! Ti ,1 V ' , By NEA Service j 1 ' NEW VOIllt) Juuo 22. And 'uow wppjeu Uuclojf,, (i (tbl feuijulot age, are I iilaiinluK to' build I tht-IH I own uospltul.' ', ' ' They will be altruistic, )u their plonoiiug venturie; however. For the. largo .Gotham Hospital: it lilcb thoyi jilau will be leiiicutid to tho use ot tlio long uufferiug niiit (llle class that ( has not phough money to pity for private rooins lu' ordinary lioupiluls und yet too nmuli lo go free lu public wards. .;. ; All Patients Welcome Moreover, though women doc tors will staff the hospital, men doctors will bo privileged to bring their, patients there; Both sexes: will bo admitted, for treatment. Tho Women's lledlcul Associa tion o't New York City Is behind the Gotham Hospital pltin.. .This orgaiiimlon Is launching a drive to interest 1,000,000 men and women in backing the Gotham Hospital. " The plan Is, to raise not only for building the. institu tion but to endow It. i ! Don't Know Mother Is Slain i At Uie recent American 'Medldul Association convention the cry ing need for1 hospltalB, :wus? ..for small-salaried men aud women In the less reruunqrjttWo. professions librarians, social workers, nurs es, social wdrkerii,' feiicheis add so on. The Gotham Hospital will an sworUhfs' need; n 1 . . . . ! f ; : Women Enthusiastic Women leaders in overy brauch of work itro already .expressing .ihelr entluislusuijOvur tills venture . oyi wpmen jUobtos. Aiiong those . loyally (supporting the 'drive . 'are. ( suilt women iuuders us ex-Governor Boss, of Wyoming, Mrs. Percy V. Pennybitcker, Mrs. Harriot Sluu tou Blatch, Jane Adams, Ida Tar- bull; Jutlgo Jcad It Noli'JS lind Hr; : Josoiihiuti' bftkav.' : boctcu' incaiiBr ' Van Alstyne of New York, jlSDrotf-' idont of tho Women's Medical As sociation of Now York, ., . . . . i Prime ' movers in the Woman's Hospital campaign are the ; three distinguished women pictured at the right: (top to bottom) Judge Jean H. Norrls, of New York;, Dr. Eleanor van, Alstyne, president of. the Women's Medical Association, and former Governor Nellie Ross, of Wyoming. ' u. a 'I a i i t, 8 ' t. Si : m , W, THE WOMAN'S DAY BY ALLENE SUMNER The two children of Dr. Frank R. Loomls, on trial in 'Detroit for the muraer or nis wite, Grace, made tneir nrst appearance In' court the other day. Neither knows of .the brutal staying of the mother, they only know that "she Is gone.11 Janet Is S and Frank Ib 8. ' J-'. Leaves to Attend Sorority Meet ' Miss Elizabeth Clark, student at O. A. C., who has been visiting with her mother in this city since the closing of college, left Tues day for 1'ed.uot,. Minn.,; where -she will nttend tho Phi Beta Phi sor ority convention. -From Fequot she will go to her former home In Indiana. She will later join' . her mother in Los Angeles, where thoy are making their home, and in the fall,wlll return to O. A. C. The music for this occasion will be furnished I , : ' :; by' the i' jr i i : 0RTH0PH0MC Vicirola i : j -r . i . . i rill t IJ f 'A I ' tit it ' i ' m Hear ;This Wonderful New Victrola. One Hour of Concert ' Before, Each" Cooking Demon stration, ' - , f i ' ' ? i ? ( . ' ' V '' . i 1 1 f t i f t s Music Store Victrolas, Radios and Pianos If you want, to find out whether your friends, relatives and ac- iliiHinlaiiCea are really lnteillgont, jUBt passing bright, or plain mor ons, listen to them talk, and re flect upon it. A certain renowned psychologist who has been passing mo tune away by dodging around corners, listening to neonlo talk. says that the highest type of per son talks or Ideas; tho next high est talks of. material things, and tho lowest tnlks ot personalities. Oh como now, isn't that a bit arbitrary? If you mean just Iho "blKhest cold Intellectual type," maybe you're right, Mr. Scientist. But I nm Inclined to think thut the truly highest type, that type of person whoso vast human sym pathies mellow and comfort tho world, the people who nover heard ot an lsni or an. ology, but are tho first to hear the call of a human need, talk about llttlo or nothing but personalities, and hardly de servo the title ot "Morons." f The Baby's Name Speaking of. nainc3 and ologles. they tell us .now that the unborn child really names himself or her self. They say that when, little Percy, grown Into a big Percy, ro hukes his parents for toistlng such a name on him. he has only himself to blame as his own self, tiny and unborn though it was, dictated tho namo. And when daughter Gwenny asks : on why you Inflicted such a naino upon lu'r, tell her hat she only did It herself. It's science of numerology which ex plains all this. "His" Breakfast There's a cerlnlit time-honored old tradition which says Ihut ye nuiT spot a good wlfo by whether or nit she arises and prepares her lord and master's breakfast. The world of fiction has lone; engnged itself with (ales of slacker wives who snored on their downy couch whilst. In the cold gray hours, their belter halves either prepared a dreary meal for themselves, eaten alone In the marital kitchen or din ing room, or cine fared forth Into the unfeeling world and ate on a lunch counter stool, flunked by tither unhappy Bpcelmens of tho genus husband. husband talk in this wiso the oili er morning. "Well, I had break last down town this morning. Wile was away. Gee, I enjoyed it. 1 never feel like eating breakfast ut home, and just nibblo around, but by tho time I've hud a little air I'm hungry as a bear. That generally means a second breakfast before I go to the office. I've tried tact fully to toll tho wife to stay abed,1 and explain that I'd rather got breakfast down town, but she has been raised in tho good tradition that no real wife so abuses hot spouso as neglecting to feed him In the cold gray dawn. Seluh!" More of it Pmiirrlpfl mnra nr less with llm above. Idea Is a recent magazino article culled "Mother" by Virginia Tprhiiim Van der Water, in which. she n mother of the elder genera tion, In years, so cienriy analyses tho mother legend ot the then and the now, that she proves herself a modern In mind If not body. All mothers who just can't get the m.htt nr view nf their modern sons niwi fhuiL'liters should read this. The author hangs nil the trouble on the fact that mothers who were raised In tho old-fnshloned mother tradition, which glnrllied for per forming a natural biological func tion and living the lite she chose to live, the life of motherhood, can hardly he expected to get the point ot view of today's generation which nys that all this mother twaddle U 'sentimental bunk; that mothers did the Job of their own choosing, very often getting away with more murder on their job than other peo ple did on their jobs, und, even when they did a bully mother job. onlv doing their duly by bringing a child into tho world. It's the next, generation ot mothers who will have the right Idea. But don't ex l.d too much ot tho present gen eration! ,., -o Cottago cheese. Kosahurs Dairy. Phoue ISO. No'; vtsiole-joiiitir '".'.-'I.- ,'-. ': ' To Assist In Opening Mrs. W. n. Vlli.y, on Hie sales staff tit the iJosehurg liri.iieh stnte f n... J C. Penney company, left Tuesdav afternoon for Grants Pass where she will assist 4n tho open i, ,,, i,e new Klm-p belnK opened It amused uie much tu henr kcy the company at that place, K ft OS. 7 his tradc-mcii sm trcry shxt fit jbt rofecttcik SCHUMACHER Plaster Wall Board makes a smooth, unbrolcen surface. The sheets fit to gether perfectly and the joints cart be quickly sealed. Battens are not needed. After the wall has' been painted or papered, you cannot detectthe joints." Use it for the finest interiors, br wherever you need a wall. .. This wall board is finished, ready for de corating, when it is delivered to you. Just nail it' in place; -and -paint,, paper .or tint it immediately' .afterward. . , . , . , ; . . . . Schumacher Plaster Wall Board is designed to make a permanent, lasting wall. It is staunch and sturdy. Fire will not burn it. Dampness cannot warp or rot it. Every good feature that can be demanded of a1 wail is found in this wall board. ' Ask your lumber dealer abcutfthis better way to build walls.'1 SCHUMACHER WALL BOARD CORPORATION ' LCS AraXES SEATTLE , SAN FRANCISCO VAREHOUSES-Tacoma - Portland . Stockton . SB.f..!' ' Onlcland - San Franciico San Jost Sin Diego A New Slant I?