ROSEBURG NEWSRF.V1EW. MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1927. THREE For Your Electric Oven Use gEStfe GLASS-BAKE THE NEWEST OVEN WARE , The patented improved Oven-Ware. The Oven-Ware that carries the "GOOD HOUSEKEEP ERS" indorsement. Ask about the corrugated bottom that allows heat cir culation under vessel, and browning underside as well as ' upper. Regardless of the stove or fuel used, be sure you have a WATERLESS Cooker, and retain in your food that por tion that is generally thrown 'away with the water it is cooked in. We have proven them, CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Winchester Store THE WOMAN'S DAY BY ALLENE SUMNER A HUT TIME UJJYL1JNU SEE OUR Belding-Hall Refrigerators MINERAL FELT INSULATION A Combination of Mineral Wool, Hair and Asbestos, ' Making a Perfect Dead Air Insulation. The Best Refrigerators for the Least Money. ! DEMONSTRATING '" -', Quick Meal Kerosene Stoves . Quick Meal Kerosine Stoves and the Loratne Burners. ;L6sb Fuel, -Less Cost, Better Service Sterling Kitchen Range, White Enamel Back and High Shelf, this week only .....$49,85 Builtwell Bed Davenport, $107.50 for. 98.65 Beautiful Velour Davenport, $69.50 for 53.85 'Round Oak Dining Table and 6 Leather Seat Oak Chairs for 23.95' Kitchen Cabinet for 11.95 Wash Tubs .l.:..'.L ,....87c, 93c and 98c Each Wash Boards ....... 47c and 57c Each Paramount Steam Washers A Large Line of Second Hand Furniture. SEE ME BEFORE YOU BUY . YOU TELL 'EM : WE SELL 'EM ... .. m 'CHEAP . - .. Judd's Furniture Store! (.T.T.I.T.I.M.I.I.I.M.I.I.I.I.IW.I.I.I.I.I.M.M Urates are hard-hearted and stingy. Old maids always want "a little more heal" lu lliolr apart ments. Old people are tho moat generous with tip. Tbese obser vations couie from one Hurry Miles, who, uftor years ot exper ience as an apartment bouse jani tor, has just' written a novel about hie tenants. The book la culled, "Ob. Janitor." He explains bridal stlugluess ou the grouuda that brides, not belug accustomed to apartment house living, do not know enough to tip. Old people, however, having "been around some," remember the janitor. And here's a poignant observation "Persona ot small Incomes live beyond their means. The less In come one has, the more Inclined ho Is to be a snob." ....... Racing Pigeons Released-- ' 1 , A band of 20 fast racing pigeons, j Kgent hero; last week 'by. the. Ever: -' ir. eth-AVaelbyrKaolnB -.KJ?lgeeBrS&N)i' wore .released by J. JS. Uont, Joou' agent of, the American Hallway Express company, here Sunday morning at 6 o'clock. This makes tho .thtrd band of racing .pigeons tb-be-eleasedliero - this- spring. The. birds are. reported to. have made, a' fine start. hi Roseburg News-Review Free Cooking School AT THE ARMORY June 21 to 24 v Don't miss it. You can't afford to. Every minute will be crowded with interest ing facts about new baking methods and demonstrations will be conducted by one of America's foremost Domestic Scientists CLARA MILLER SEXTON You will be astonished at how easy and how sure baking is when you follow the most modern systems known to the world's great chefs who use ; . : THE WORLD'S GREATEST DACiiNC POWDER You will also learn all about DOUBLE ACTING BAKING POWDER How it simplifies baking how it is now possible to prepare your dough and bake whenever you get ready. Take advantage of the valuable course of instruction. Learn how to prepare a greater variety of foods and more nutri tious foods. MAKES BAKING EASIER TWO WIVES A. passing strange wedding cere mony occurred in Chicago a few days ago when wife numbor one acted a,s bridesmaid for wife num ber two. Neither was there hair pulllng nor the "dirty lookB." Stranger still, perhaps, is the atti tude of wlto number one who, though learning that her husband was a bigamist, forgave him, di vorced him, and helped him straighten out his tangle ot self made woes by marrying the girl whom he had duped into believ ing he was a single man. Maybe this wob noblllt? of -character. Then again, maybe it was a desire to get rid of a noxious pest onco and for all, ., Speaking, of weddings, here's a novel suit. Joseph Hassatt of Mount Vernon, N. Y Teoently sued somebody or other for $50,000 who hit him with a car. Joe based his BUlt on the story that because of injuries sustained he lost his memory he forgot that he was to meet a certain girl at the church on a certain date and make her his blushing brum, and that be cause ho did not do so, the humil iated girl now refuses to marry him at all. And. who can blame him, even If nil the wise-cracking husbands will chortle something to the effect that he doesn't know what he was spared? THE CLEAR TRACK Mrs. Evangeline Lindbergh, the mother--of the New York to Paris flier, explains much of her son's attitude towauds the oerlls of Ufa. On the day that Charlie hopped off she went to her chemistry class room in the Detroit high school where she -teaches, asking the principal to see that no reports of her sou's progress were given her, as she wanted to be able to have her mind on her job. The ability both to desire a clear track for the job in hand and to be able to get It, is often hereditary and is perhaps the biggest trait a child can be given. . "COOK THIS!" The latest! Jf you're dieting you take youi diet viands right along with you to your hostess's luncheon, tea or dinner party. Which means, I think, the death knell ot entertaiulgu, for what's the use? at has been bad enough for the last few yearB for a hostesB to plan her luncheon for days, to Blgh -with relief and Pleasure at her perleot luncheon menu ' of creamed mushroom soup, sweet broad salad, hot buttered rolls, and a parfnlt with little cakes, only to have her guests Bit down, look dismayed, nibble the saltlues that go with the soup, and Bay as each viand is passed, "I'm sorry, but I'm dieting," RUDE PIGSI That, say I, is bad enough, but when they begin brlneine their special concoctions and ordering the hostess to cook them, that, say I, Is too rude to be overlooked. If you're dieting, live in private, and ntop jour uouoies to yourself. You're no more interesting than a woman who tells all about hn nn. erntlons, as you try to regale the gathering with a detailed account of the demi-ouuees von lmvo innt A nice little old lady whom I know gave a tea parly the other day. It was a red letter day in her life. For a week she tolled in her hot kitchen, making little fruit and nut cakes that improve with age, little cookies, meringues and macaroons. Came the day. One solid hour's conversation of nothing but, "My who in the world could eat rich things like this? My, they look de licious, but I wouldn't dare! Can't I Please have Just a tiny uubut tered cracker?" i - . I tarried when the other guests had gone. The little old lady was in tears. She figured that just two of her hand-made delicacies had been eatenV "Rude pigs'" I said at their retreating forms. Why don't they stay home if they feel that way?" THF. nOOn HI IV J 75 per ceut VlM compared with w -w jlujlt I mai, year. PAYS-IN THE KITCHEN By Olive Roberts Barton 'In an old colonial mansion, we were permitted to. see;,tius.pMU1(4t: cnon. jvever ugain will I the good - old days! ' Oh, yes,' it looked lovely! Romance and sen timent hung from every Bpit, and dresser hook, but any 1927 cook would go no farther than the sec ond flagstone, If indeed she re cognized even then the fact that she stood in the holy-of-holies that one of the F. F. V.'s called a kit chen. She would, in good high school vernaoular "beat It." Whut kind of a Btove did they have lu the good old days of '76? mono! Merely a great gaunt fire place hung with kettles and forti fied with hooks on which to hang more kettles! At the Bides were Iron supports for spits. SpitB of an sizes, kinds and conditions. Big enough to roaBt anything from a turkey to a cow. I guess thev didn't have chops in those days ur uweoiureaus or cnicken a la king. I didn't see a frying pan around. Well, to leave the spit-fire and approach one of the dressors! There were three of these. A dres sor means a sort of- shelf with cupboard above. Pewter and cop per and copper and Pewter and back again. "Shades of Mother Hubbard," said I. "AH tills to polish every day? Where is the tin and aluminum and enamel and oven-glass?" It looked beautiful (and so did the old Spode plat ters) but think of the work! No water, of course! Out to tho pump for that. Nothing to burn but wood. There was no coal or oil or gas no railroads to get anything there anyway. And no electricity. Wood meant business, too. Hewing, sawing, chopping, drying all sorts of things. The. whole mngniflcent place spelled work, but tho kitchen most of all! And In that house had been entertained princes of Eu rope, presidents and diplomats, It was always full of company. '1 here were no grocery stores for mllea. Everything was raised on the placo except sugar, coffee, spices and tea even their own meat. But that kitchen! The Declara tion of Independence should have hnd an amendment by the cooks of 76! . , . .: - Eastern Oregon Conditions ! The Union Pacific System's weather report covering its east ern uregon Held at the clost of June 10 is here summarized: Hood River, no damage to crops by re cent storm; soil In. good cnnrtltlnii with plenty ot water? fruit in trnnrl tnlk 0fT-w"ui""'". uHiwa, sunicient: juuiniiue, . pasture , good; straw berries and vegetables all right. Madras,- ample moisture; pasture fair; grain looking fine. Redmond, good grain crop; potatoes plnnted, with large acreage; sufficient wa ter in prospect Condon, soil and moisture satisfactory; dairy stock in good shape; the . wheat fine, lone, Heppner, Pendleton, La Grande, Enterprise, a 1 1 report similar encouraging conditions, with present promise of a prosper ous agricultural year. Kill the Codling Moth Orchardists are advised by Comity Agent InBkeep ot Clacka mas, to apply the first codling moth cover spray as soon as pos sible now, as the adult moths have been flyJng about for several days. Powdered lead arsenate is the standard control material. The usual dilution is two pounds to 100 gallons of spray solution. In those regions where af.h?.M.M.MI.I.I.I.M.I.T.T.T.M The Best Cook in the World Would Fail Without Proper Staple Pieces and Novelty Items Pans, Kettles, Boilers, Bowls, Muffins, Preserves, Stock Pots, Cups, Etc., Spoons, Forks, Spatula, Steamers, Corers, Collanders, Beaters, Sifters, Graters, Etc. Beaters and Bowls Metal beater, glass bowl .40c set Large beater, brown bowl $1.25 set Beaten alone ...15c to 60c Aluminum Ware 12 qt. preserving kettle $1.25 5 qt. tea kettle .......$1.65 1J qt. double boiler .........;........95c Small Wares Stainless paring knife ..15c Enamel handle spoons, etc 15c Wire strainers 5c to 35c Always Big Stocks Of Essentials At Popular Pr'ces CARE'S ffli4Mra8BnawnBM M.I.W.M.W.I.I.T.W.T.WI.I.IW.WII.I.ra A Department Store Of Variety Goods "Where You Save" M EN U S for the Family By Sister Mary. Brealifusl Stowed rhubarb, ce real, cream, French toast, nyrup, milk, coffee. ' Luncheon Creamed sweetbreads in rice cups, Bteamed asparagus, cream cheese 'and orange murma- lade sandwiches, lemonade. ' Dinner Broiled perch cucum ber sauce, potatoes au grutln, new beet and cabbage salad; straw berry frappe, orlsp vanilla cookies, graham rolls, milk, 'coffee.' A rather dry cream cheese com bines more satisfactorily with mar malade for a sandwioh filling than a moist cheese. Preserved ginger is delicious with cream cheese for a filling, too. Whole wheat, nut bread or plain white bread may be chosen. Strawberry Frappe. .- One quart strawberries, . 2 cups water, it cups sugar. Combine eugur and water and t-boll - five minutes, wash liiii 'huH Derries. l'ress through a slovo and add . to Byrup. Cool. Pour Into mold, pack in throe parts lee lo ono part rock salt and lot stand one hour. The mixture should be froz en to "much.' Serve with whipped cream sweetened with powdered sugar and lightly flavored ith van illa. Uarnlsh with, two or three fine Btrawberrles. (Copyright, 1027, NBA Service, Inc) the lead arsenate should bo in creased to three 'or four pounds -to the 100 gallons. National Grange Head Spedks Louis J. Taylor of Columbus. Ohio, master of the National Grange, has been in Oregon the paBt week, visiting several local Granges and attending the State Grange -at -Corvallis this week. In an address In Portland last Friday, Mr. Taber made a plea that Amorl- can-grown farm products should be bought for food when subslon- wornry apploB arevanco contranlB are signed by -the particularly difficult to prevent, U. S. government, Instead of for- STATE MARKET AGENT'S LETTER ALES a1. TIMES THOSE OF ANT OTHER BRAND- (By Seymour Jones) ., I Prof. K. L. Kent, statistician of O. A. C, Bums up the Oregon fruit I possibilities for 1027 as follows: ! Apples, 60 lo f!5 per cent of Innt I year's crop. Pears, somewhat light-1 i er than last year, large alzes be-1 Ing expected to develope. Prunes ; about 60 per cent of last year's j i production, but sizes promise to I no mrger. Cherries, a light crop '. Is expected, hardly 25 per .cent of last year. Htrawberrlen, a heavy j crop. Loganberries, after thei heavy of last year and the winter ; Injury lu many fields, the crop this year may not reach 50 per cent of 1926. Raspberries promise a 70 The music for this occasion will be furnished by the ' New ORTHOPHONIC Victrola Hear This Wonderful New Victrola. One Hour of Concert Before Each Cooking Demon stration. Ott's Music Store Victrolas, Radios and Pianos elgn-grown. food produotB. Prganliatlon and Co-operation Speaking of organisation and co operation, Hie Weekly Market' Bulletin, of Concord, N. H., wisely; stateBi "Organisation tpr 'mar keting of produotB doea not end with marketing alone. It has an effect on production, and a suc cessful cooperative 'for marketing Is sure to lift the level of efficiency In production among its members. Co-operative marketing promises to be the form of organisation that will have the first and perhaps greatest Influence in turning the American farmer away from indi vidualism. Co-operation means sinking of selfish, individual inter est for tho general welfare ot the community, or for the association, of individuals organized for some specific purpose. If the co-operative movement is to Bticcoed, there must be a broad, generous inter pretation of the term. . Co-operators must' be loyal to each other and to their organization." Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hiney, former ly of Roseburg but now Of Portland land, spent tho week-end in this city- vlBltlng .with Mr. - Mlney's brother, Charles lilhoy, mid l'uni- . ........ 1 your choice of Electric Ranges Any Model Made by Hot Point, Westmghouse Or Universal Can be Supplied , - Maintenance Parts for these Models In Stock Waf f les We will serve Waffles next Friday i ' afternoon from 2 to 6. ' t ' Get a Copy of Our Best Waffle Recipe. ARTHUR Hi CROWELL Exoluslve Agent for Wcstlnghouao Mazda 'Lamps. - Phone B11 .' ....... . . 226 N.. Jackson iT.T.TiTg.T.- ;.i.i.ii.TTi.m Mrs. Clara Miller Sexton EXCLUSIVELY AT THE News-Review Home Economic Cook ing School Demonstration, at The Armory, This Week Mel-O-Maid Butter is manufactured in Roseburg in one of Oregon's most sanitary and modernized creameries. It is absolutely pure and healthful,. and a splendid food. that the family and your friends will delight in. ' Ask Your Dealer for DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY Mel-O-Maid Butter PHONE 340 Mel-O-Maid he Cream