TWO w CLEAN--COOL-GONVENIENT Douglas County Women Who Attend The ! I i r : if I I Roseb Better Cooking . J 2 L i ' t M YUm PARTNERS . ' ' J J-.' Roseb 'Bettc I i I POWER COMPANY i ' t .i ! YUUft PARTNERS .' V . News-Review Will be still further convinced of the outstanding superiority of ELECTRICITY FOR COOKING. They will real ize that it is clean, cool and convenient as well as being far more efficient and economical, COOK "BY WIRE" Cooking "by wire" is no longer an experiment it is an accepted fact. The fact that one out of every four domestic customers in this community is an electric range user is not only a tribute to electric cooking but also evidences g the progressiveness of Douglas County housewives. DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND! We believe that every woman in Douglas County should avail herself of the opportunity to attend the Roseburg News-Review Cooking School this week. There will be new recipes and tasty foods for you to enjoy and the demonstrations of electric cookery will be highly interesting and instructive. We take pleasure in recommending this post-graduate course in modern electric cooking to all our customers and friends. The California Oregon Power ROSEBURG, OREGON ig School frt01ERsi PUBLIC: By ' ; a 1 1 his Wort h 1 1 s e I f MOST OF US, HOWEVER, SEEK IT BY LE"JNA L. MEANES Medical Director, Woman's Found ation for Health For NEA 8ervlce ' "Puole aren't lnliM-ostod In just lieupliiK fit thoy want to keep fit for aomotlilng for Home oml." Tllfl siuMikcr wan a man rnrnnun r , : In luillounl mill lntcrimlloiiiil health mutters. ; And lio told the tritlli, uf cmirae; but Iiiiuioilliilcly ufturwiird ho Bald: "If pooplo only knew Iho joy of real henllli It would liu. enouKh Itself but most of them do not know tluit joy and only want ft Iwi-Meats 1 3 II I I From Our Sanitary Market, will be featur ed in the Cooking Demonstrations at the Armory for four days this week. During Friday afternoon an expert ment cutter from this Market will Demonstrate to t Housewives assembled at the Armory the way to buy meats, and how in ordering, they may get just those cuts desired for some spocioi serving. Be sure to tec this Demonstration, and in the meantime don't forget to order your Meat supplies from this shop. Telephone orders given personal attention. FOR SOME END health In order to achieve, to hc cumulutu, or to keep frdm beiwg tlepcndunl." Too true! Ami so unnecessarily so! Certainly the largest propor tion of the human race are up and around doing the bus In ess of the world or trying to. Most of us claim health on that basis al though not u really honest basts for our claim. Just why? And because we have been so content to stay within thai medio- i ere health fluid, we have lost, or never had, the joy rhat our own I positive degree of health of body and mind would bring us. Wouldn't it bo an adventure a real ndven ' lureto start out prospecting In I our own selves, swinging loose unused muscles, starting our blood j to clrculato as red blood is meant to clrculule, developing an appe tite that sends us to our meals on time and bo hungry we can eat whatever our particular needs de mand, getting out In the open enough hours n day and filling our lungs full of good air and our soul full of tolerance, sleeping -the sleep of a relaxed weariness, and getting up to face the day glad In spirit, mind, and body thut wo tiro alive. Given our own positive health, the world is ours. We shall have vision to set our goal, in working, so as to bring us real achieve ment; and strength of body and mind to reach the goal. We shall also have an understanding of what makes up happiness, both for ourselves and the world about us and we shall have desire and abil ity to adjust ourselves so as to possess our own poise of soul and mind. Certainly an end to be de voutly wished for, and worth working for; an end only attained through attaining one's own health-poslllve; also an end pos sible of attainment for so many of us that we just .woe could revolt,-1 tionize this old world's behavior. I KITCHEN CLOCKS PRIME INGREDIENTS OF FOOD I FLASHES OF LIFE (Auociatod PrcM Leased Wire.) ISEItl.IN Perhups soaring to wards heaven- makes sleep less necessary. Mrs. Clianiberlln and Mrs. Levine went two days and a night without slumber, meanwhile taking part in enthusiastic wel comes by Germans in several cities and flying with their husbands. ItAPII) CITY Tim hardest boil ed group extant the metropolitan reporter falls for a "dude ranch" reaalla. Pregs representatives at the Coolidge camp ai'e resplendent in ten gallon hats, loud checked shirls and other western (movie) apparel. The same bunch eagerly sought specimens of the secretary of comnifiTR in the belief that tradesmen here wore rare coins. overlooking PARIS Fur skirts are to be au fait next winter. The proponent of" real trousers as a feminine mode, undetorred by his lack of success In that direction, brings forward skirts and jackets ot pop ular and expensive skins. Un der the Jackets would be worn soft fabric blouses. are shown between inscriptions found in the Slnat peninsula by a Harvard expedition. Deciphering between the words "ba alat" clinched the theory, say the experts. NEW YORK The "Irish navy" has been sold for $100. The sub marine constructed by John P. Holland 40 years ago lor Fenian supporters who hoped to use it against the British fleet, was knocked down for that sum to a junk man. JERUSALEM Another miss ing link has been fouud. The step between the language of pictures (hieroglyphics) and Iho alphabet BY SISTER MAHY Porliaps one of Iho hardest prob lem:! for the new and ine:vpcri I'neod cook l I hi' gauging of lime for cooking a whole meal. minutes. New potatoes will cook in' thirty minutes, while at this time of year old potatoes need an hour. If a dessert is wanted hot and J tile meal Is simple, twenty minutes To this end main- time tables Tor " " roasting and baking and boiling f f, the family sits down o the have been ttoiked out. Although ,ble- .So lf rtcake Is Planned, II, ..J will in-.xn l.lM,ihl I,i lhn'",e A'"' C,ln 00 mixed While tllC Best Meats at Lowest Prices I North Side Market I .OS ANGKLKS, Calif., Juno II, Kill tor Hovelling News-lie-view Lately 1 have been receiving the daily instead of the weekly News- Mj Iteview, and infer that the latter ft Coyer Bros. Phone 280 beginner, time tables do not slop to consider the varying age and ripeness or vegetables. t!i eon or string beans nro sup posed to rook In thirty minuter. If the beans are small that K young, and freshly picked, they will rook and be deliriously tender in thirty minutes, lint all beans cannot be fresh from the garden and us vegetables wilt they toughen, ho when we cook string beans we must allow at least an hour for them. It will take them meat and vegetables finish cooking and put into the oven to bake just as the dinner is ready sorve. The cake will bake while the family is at the table and be perfectly hot and light when want ed. New beets should cook in thirty to forty-five minutes. If they are smooth, without innumerable tiny hair-like roots and about the size ot a femall egg, they will cook In just that length of time. New carrots cook tender hi fit- KITCHEN EFFICIENCY Work in the kitchen is lessened by having plenty of those necessary utensils at hand for every purpose. Dur ing Cooking School Week we are specializing, for the benefit of housewives, in Mixing Bowls, Cake Tins, Egg Beaters, Granite Ware and Kitchen Ware of All Kinds SEE US FOR LOWEST PRICES RUBBER APRONS AT FACTORY PRICES GOETTEL'S VARIETY STORE Girls to Tour Europe-- Pearl Siilllvun Heath, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sullivan of Marcola, leaves today for Europe via Washington, D. C, and New York. She will be accompanied by Miss Ring of Roseburg. After a short stay In these cities they will sail, on the President Roose velt for France. While abroad they will visit in France, Switzer land, Italy and Holland, returning late in September, in time to re sume their school work this fall. Eugene Guard. Leaves For Nebraska ' ' Charles Hughes left this morn ing for his home at Paxton, Ne braska, after spending several months here visiting. He has been here since November visiting at the homes of his daughter, Mrs. B. W. Cooney,- in West Roseburg and his son, C. W. Hughes, at Hap py Valley tuon in tu-ontv- i.,l,,t.,u .,1.1 . .onger tliiin it does potatoes, s o . ,,,,, nwa ,rom , Bixt . ,,. put the beans on to cook before, U(0S ! even peeling the spuds. c'M'uiifmvl,r ,.P(is from thirty to 1 I On the oilier hand. If nMtmramiS i forlv-five mlmiltw I'urp ulwmM . a Is tho extra vegetable, the ' petit-! be taken not to over-cook this veg-; iocs Hiioiiiu ne put on to cook ue- stable. Kor should it wait long! fnre the itHtmrniMls hectlllsn Ihlriv iiflt.r rnnkiiii. gj nilnnles is the longest asparagus j All Iheso llitngs must be reck-! fi requires. It yon like to serve as-'nned with and each arliele of food iVpaingus cut In short lengths do (hat Is to be served must he nre-i K not add the heads until Hie rent of pared or cooked with regard to Iho the slnlks itave cooked filleen 1 other dishes. LE1TERS FROM THE PEOPLE Because It U the World's FASTEST Because it has the SAFEST Wringer Because it washes CLEAN Because it is best for LINGERIE Because it requires least ATTENTION Because it is EASIEST to handle Because we bslieve these statements TRUE TT A NATION-WIDE f mi " H 1 INSTITUTION" 8 ' J.CPenneyG). COR, CASS AND STEPHENS, OPP. POSTOFFICE ROSEBURQ Matchless House Frocks New Patterns in FineJnghams Let us -prove these claims to your satis faction. Add facta that ft is a steel tub, and will, be cause of steel hold heat longer. The agita tor Is non- WE ARE HANDLING THE : than pIcHtwri with the dally. It ho-' Iuk n much bettor, paper than lis - ; prior- would liullcato, in s!?.o, Ron oriil Hjtpomanco nml the high qual ity ot Its niHko-up especially the editorials. It is h ttuo paper, and KosehmK la fortunate in haviiiK so excellent a medium to present it to the outside world. 1 conpratu-.1 late you. WishiL you every success. wearing and the smoothest of all material, the usual four. It has six vanes in place of CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Winchester Store. Where, oh where, are Val ues like these? But then, we are the largest department store organization in the world and so we can offer these 'strikingly worthy House Frocks tailored from splen did ginghams in new styles and colors at this almost un believably low price ! All sizes. jjr 25d Anniversary Rayon Frocks For Homemakeri The particular woman' tnoice tor afternoon at home delightful jtyltj. of rayon fabrics, fine ginghatnj or prints. Outstanding val les at 98c to $3.98 25th Anniversary Print Frocks For the Tiny Miss The styles are topied frotrt her older sister's tiny turn over collars and fancy bind ings. Every miss of 2 to 6 will love them 98c to $1.98 tMTraIT7 been Uiaeoutinued. 1 urn more MRS. M. C. FREDERICK. fegrTjgFfrT