Cooking School Section c3& .OS3EBTOS Conoitdttlon of Tht Evening Newt tnii The Roieburg Review t(DOUGLAS CPU NT X An tnelepenefent Mewepipert PtibSlihed tar. the Beit Intsfeete of the Psepl, VOL, XXVIII NO. 51 OF ROSEBURQ REVIEW ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1927. vol. xvnt NO. 126 OF THE NEWS Ml JV IfL Pages 1 to 4 IMH SPONSORING CLASSES FDR BENEFIT OF HOUSEWIVES 1 ROSEBURG 'WD HEUIBY WCIMTY The NewsRevlaw fi'CB electric cooking school will open tomorrow Afternoon nt tlic Roaeburg Armory. The program will begin at 1:30 o'clock and tho cooking demonstrn tlon and lecture will start at 2 p. m., lasting about two liours, Mrs. Clara Miller Sexton; expert home economist, will conduct the school under the auspices ot the loseburg News-Review, ar.ii her series of lectures and demonstra tlons will continue over Friday, making four days In all for the school. The Btliool is entirely free. There Is no registration fee and registration is not required. Each lecture will be complete In itEclf, so that housewives who find It Impossible to attend the entire series can he assured of full value from each that they do attend. A model Itllclien is being set tip on the platform in the main audi turitim at the armory today. Two automatic Hotpoiut electric ranges will be used to expedite the prep aration of the lAany articles (Mi's. Sexton will make before her audi ence. A complete new program has been worked out this year by Mrs. Sexton, and in each of iter demonstrations she will t present n.any recipes and, hints of value to every hotisewluv There will be some special feature - every day which no one will want to miss. Use Lecture Plan The school is to be conducted on a lecture plan, with Mi's. Sex ton illustrating her lectur eby an actual demonstration, . showing Just how various foods should be prepared, and giving recipes for new dishes; Mrs. Sexton Is "well qualified for- tills work having graduated - from the school of home economics at Oregon Agrictti jtural College, following her school j work with two years of aetmO ex I perience In conducting cooking schools similar to the ona vslilch j the Nsws-lteview is sponsoring this i week. f The News-Review feels that a school of this idnd will prove si i great help am! benefit to the housewives of Roseburg and the I nearby community, and it is with j that purpose la mind that the school has seen planned and ar ranged, - j Baking Contest Friday j The school win culminate in a jeake and pie baking contest in j which the women making the prize winning entries will receive very valuable prizes. It is expected that hundreds of cakes and pies will he entered as the prize of fers make the contest exceedingly attractive. The first nrl?. In the cake section will be a fine miio- matic Motpoint electric range, while she saeontl prize will bo a big electric coffee percolator. In addition to tnesa prizes there will ba tt number of very valuable met'- Jchiimlise prices, which ttiil lit an nounced nl a later date. In the pie i baking contest there will be a Pre jmier yaenum sweeper ss first ; prize, with a. number : o other awards for other winning cnirleB. AM cakes , and pies entered in j the contest will be turned over to the Campfire girls and Hoy Scouts ; and a sate will be conducted fol lowing the school, Ail of (he pro ( cceils "from tile sale of the cakes land pies wilt be used by the boys land girls to puiehsiso kitchen j equipment and other necessary j supplies for their summer camp which will be held at Wolf Creek ?next month. PLANNING VACATION CAMPAIGNS i By Gfcve Roberts Barton j I VtietUEsm For ths ehEht' jnecstis j jusi the opptisEta Ufiuatiy frtr the j j mother. I j The quiet peace wiih whkti &k j has been ahte o fio it hem t her dutfcti from eiatu-tfifrty until taiv witt tto toituer be hore( &d fort three nioEiEhs more cir it, she E fttues mhitautre prtitdorttortftitti with j the nsitiof! anxiety of EhutKE'S e i the streets i The idea way, of course,, would! ha to find some ontet spot in thai country a ltd ipfe lite chUdreu run loose. Rut t costs moi'o Own & til- f .tie, cvott (n go lo "soma quiet j bekh." Kvoei there es usuutty I Ttiere are two suisvffrg. Muthor will &nhw huvg to. h? a I siiiif S t or ft fffctFOf'ifh 'may say ev t wy ntoEhor htt in have-Bixt ten shitiK. We RhtiH make k eevesi j wen, fak;fJK it tav kiauIq- ths ro:G qz muriyr is wot io her iSKinic. A Kuttci'At then shg is. anti ft be very, vorv wins ntiH nwrttt Jtfof'- ets ate (hfs. They know th&t ehft firen mttst he bitsyE They kttnw thai unicK, litKs, itettds ami bini.Gs hove to be mavEiEg atntost evpry It:tK drcrr.Gi! that Mothe.' K'nJijTe. Tho viAhl ttlntply !:::b fo I;o silvan riomethinir to do that will kesp him! acuve. . ' ..... . . . I There's ihe hficlf-yard! Soitiei phso hvnr-iH and a carpnnior! j Pie-to KhunRDl In ft reinurkRblvi short time one m&y have a Bfte-j pw, n hftt'jgflntftE lutr, a nlftUtigi I boa:(;: a nw!r & ccd a sand tax f.vp Ireaii of CJsJ;4. WkUhr De;jAiimTit ia h&hai'. G- ais &&t r Washington, for ;sitp;e OirtcSfOfjs for Siakmg theca I thriiKB and, others. Perhaps fattess ep.a do !t 5:; the It th&T ". iB;; cncuiL rsiiiF perhisps thre j Ot' trtiir fmjjiee crei go Eog:eF.he j whern there iff room end each f6R ; rSb:;!ti jrt-we; the pIsyihiagsT ; :lccs c.iet s. ::t:e, but Itt phoi-P-igEfuphs, ttftd r&dtos, ansi n&w nj i wale. Yom- child wiil have & e!uit fHsS win kopu ii!m biisy t;i easiiKier ff mu&t frfefids and he'mufit have Qtxerctffe..' Hemesiiber ? thrtr. Let hlvn help to iitake the thisiec there's an idea. gfraf too, A set o cjiifxnser tools ajfd soehs ptne boariI ere about the first thtoK1? V& Kive a bov. 0 KIT n1! F 1 BMPttffA CHIEF S ij HARB WHBAT4I! sesesufis, ose, Used Exclusively in All Demonstrations by MRS. CLARA MILLER SEXTON in the i " . News -Review Cookie 2 chool Armory, June 21 to 24, Inclusive Roseburg, Oregon