SIX ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1927. BROCKWAY-DILLARD PATRIOTIC PROGRAM RACES SPORTS BASKET DINNER BASEBALL GAME A GOOD TIME FOR ALL At Brockway Baseball Field m i s& mm MWMBBMeB','eM'ifl7'M'M'',W llll MTmWf" "f T BfWW i g m V. w. i. nflVtfir . Jrs:r::esr new today mean uuuureus or uuuars It will take, you about five minutes to open an account with this bank. This ; may prove the first 9tep in accumulating a bal ance of- hundreds of dollars from the habit of making small deposits regularly. UMPQUAi VALLEY BANK a f . - , . se3.u.''S' i Mit ('uii(l)MW. ;.!wl MwinifH turned Suuluv cvcnliiK Irani Porlj Hind whera thee", spoil1. 'Frlduy and Sulurriay ,0,11 husliiesg, (-Mt. Law son piMChiiHliiK sonio' cquliimcu for IiIh iinruRu. While In tlio me mHimls I hey . also, attended, tin . fejjllvnl. ii ! Here; It lsi In Pictures "The The story which re cently Jari in serial ,u f orrn -ih the .Ojseburg News-Review iHiUHiatltlHfM THE LIBERTY ... . ' Wed. and Thurs. i June 22 and 23 LIBERTY Today and Tuesday 2 Matlnae Dally 2:18 ; ; ' j ! HE GAVE HER a iri.rn f r-r-v -r.ADTFn I : BUT that's not all. It had his. fiicture on it. He tried to get tback. and. then See MARIE PREVOST HAL ROACH 'TWO-TIME MAMA" Mutt & Jeff Mat. 10c-25c -Pathe News Eve. 10c-35c ' ! I I r i i L i-vm?K- in n 1 1 ii in ri ' ; 11 21 ! Oregon . ' ' , ,.' J T in. t ITlie rriiirflaKrt of, Mfrfs'Cnrrle 011 hort, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. It. (:. (llllii'i l, of KoHoburK, and Vornon Shrumwus solemnized ul a quiet cortunony Mummy, morning at 8 o'clock, IUiv. C. S. Coherly reudliiK I the service hefore oulyi a , Bitmll i group of t relatives, and1 intimate I Task-you to'rcmeniber the consld flionds of the , bride and bride-criition shown the Blaln; Iralninen groom nti the parsonage of, the and to give a thought to tlioli- II v Methodist, i icptHcopul ..u h u r c h, " i sown. . i ' r ! I 1 i I " MIsh J.oulse fJennlngs ;,was the ; bride's only i attunilnnti and (Menu. I CoJby 4vus' best inwi,' i FoIIowJiik the ceremony i thei couple left via the 'Coast for Washington, mid en route homo will stop In Portland, Qn their Toturn lhey. will be ut home on Kast Douglas streett Die bride Is well linnwu tlnvHQseburg, having ntteiulcul the local schools audi graduating lrom high school In 1I2I For; Ihe past year she has been employed as stenographer at I ho of rices of the C. A. Lockwood Motor company; Mr. Shrum Is the sou of Mrs. Jj A. Argalirlght, .now of Cottage drove, lie .uttendod school at (Hide mild is employed as uieclianlc at the Ci ,A. Locliwood Motor .company. . . i CHARLES MYRICK DIES TODAY AFTER LONG ILLNESS .CharleL Mii'liikl dfud lal, Ills'. homo on 117 K l.'llnl street this i inoriilug) ut 7 at jo r ut the age of 61 yoiirsj uf lei n long .Illness. Ho was'; born llji Now Yfrk, May 16, 187(1, 'ii ml caiiuf iiei'e last Septem ber., , lie .Is .survived, by.liis wiCe, Mrs. -Mary Myrlck and Ihrce umall clillilreh; iiiao two ; brothers lin.l one slstor. Lester of Portland, Frank of Philadelphia nod Mrs. Kuby Cnssldy of New Jersey. Mr. Myrlck Is a; menibei of A. O. U. W., and Ii o! O. F. lodges; also lte: bekuh and lOucampmeiit of i. O. O. F. Funorul sorvlces will bo an nounced Inter. If. C. Stearns, fun eral director, of Ihe Douglas Funer al Home Is In charge of arrange ments. Tlay rope, cubic, pulleys, hay carriers and' forks ut Wharton Hros. , NOW YOU ASK ONE I - THE ANSWERS Delow are tho answers to tho "Now You Ask One" quesllons printed on Ihe editorial page. 1 (iulscppe M. Hi'lluncn de signed the plane In which Churn lierllu and l.evlne flow to (ler innny, ' 2 Tho Samuel Ryder cup Is awarded to the chninpionshlp pro- J fesslonal golf lenin of the United ! Slates and (Heat Ilritnln. i 3 Jack Delaney's real name Is 1 Ovlla Chapdelaine. j 4 The fastest train schedule from roast to const Is 73 hours. : 5 Wllllnm II. Stout is the uvln- I tlon engineer associated with . Henry Ford.. i -i Pulmotor produces artificial breathing by pumping air into and I out of tue lungs. 7 The pterodactyl was nn ex tinct flying reptile whose wings were feuthorless membranes. 8 Psychiatry Is the study and treatment of mental dlsenses. 9 Tho aileron Is ft pnrt of nn aeroplane, usually a hinged edge of Ihe vrlng, Id Hntlk decoration first origin ated In Ihe Dutch Hast Indies. PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS visits in city Congressman W. C. Hnwloy spent lust night and a part of to day visiting in Roseburg on Ii Ih wuy homo after a trip over the Roosevelt highway. He made tho trip Houlh from Marnhfleld to Gold Beach and Ik greatly ph-used by the pYeHent condition of the road. Ho had ex peeled to take the train from ' Roseburg yesterday after noon, but motor trouble delayed bin arrival bo (hut he renutlued at the Umpqun hotel last night and left for Halem shortly after noon loday. Mr. J law ley Mated that he Ih greatly Interested tit the road program of Oregon and Ih partic ularly anxious to see the 'Comple tion or the North Umpqun project, which because of its commercial and scenic phases will undoubtedly have a particular appeal. An ef fort "will be made, Mr. Hawlcy mates, at the next session of eon gross, to 'secure a special appro priation to continue work on Ihe North 'Umpqua' road. J 1 HUGH PICTURED AS SAVAGE IN '' TRAIN HOLDUP (Cnnllnuod from page 1.) Ills arma' uprnlsed, to face the tunnel .wall, and slew hi mill dia bolical savagery, - "Counsel for defense In masterly manner wilt implore your sym pathy for this boy at Ilia bill', of the !woe of his parents. ' l Here 'never was a niurder In which Home lug relatives," i lioborts then 'roared' Hie nhtl- ollmax "And when tlio ' slaughter was over; all they could think of us 'kill and run," and 'kill mid run.' tl'hey did!" ' '. ' ' :' I ' ' Exhibits Stressed ' ' Tho special 'piWocitLoi' then dl rootod his remarks to the flight of the bandits, ' stressing1 his1 view that the 'brownish grey dap 'found a Inllo south of the outrage, "was of the same size, shnpe and color as that witnesses have testified was worn by Hugh" Do Autiemont." 'The black sultcuse,' iilso fouild nelu' the crime spot, the prosecutor declared wus -shipped to Hoy Do Autiemont from Lnkewood, N. M by his 'brother,. Verne, and "Irre vocably linked tn'tlio three defend ants by documentary evidence of the express company." ' ''The state' of Oregon has ac cepted the chulloiigo of the defense in tneir opening address, to con nect Hugh De Aulremont with this crime. ' They further told you they would explain Ihe movements . of Hugh In this' state; . We have con nectedMils defotidant' with the crime but we are willtlug for the UxplntiatIont they promised," COURT IIOUSI3, Jacksonville, Ore., June 20. The trial of Hugh do Aulremont, entorod its final stages Ihsl morning with closing sliilumenls by state and dofense. Tho court -room wnir packed and jammed two hours before the open ing of court, with scores in the court house yard, listening through the open windows to the oratory. Special Prosecutor George M. Roberts, who opened for the state. In his Initial remarks paid tribute to the "sacrifices for good citizen ship of the jury," and the quaint and historic sotting of the trial, the Jackson county court house having been erected In 18S:i. . The depar ture of the defendant from his mothers' home in New Mexico and the good reputation he bore there were then outlined. Hugh's Action Reviewed. "The testimony shows that this defendant, with his two brothers Hay and Hoy went to work for tho Sliver Fnlls Lumber company un der the name of 1C. K James. Tho prisoner at the bur denied liny re liitloiiKlitn to his brothers. That was one of the first steps in the J conspiracy charged. When Hugh de Autremont left New Mexico, he left behind a law-abiding career." The special prosecutor next de tailed Ihe days of the defnedanl nnrl Ills brothers ill the logging camp near SHverton, Ore., and de pleted Ihe .'.lames complex." "Witness Hitchcock found a 'Life of Jesse James,' upon a table in the quarters of the accused. He was arrested ns James C. Price, he lived In Oregon ns E. U. James. Thin R only circumstance that links with other circumstances. and forms a whole." Tho handwriting of tho defen dant upon a labor check and auto mobile drivers' license application, mid his movements to and from Sllverton, Oregon, were next relat ed bv Ihe special prosecutor. Tell-Tale Shot. "When Mrs. Uuell mid her chil dren and Hugh returned from an automobile trip to Mount Angel, she ssw Hoy and Hay shooting n sho'Kitn at a tree In her field. . "The pellets taken from the tree were Ihe same kind and she as those taken from the body of Coyl Johnson. They were then plnnnlng murder. Just ns they did upon the mountain." The state's narrative next took the JJe Autremonts to a Eugene, .7.' i. i .7. i.. Zuu . the background, nought artel! later found at their camps in tho. Siskiyou mnuntalnu. . ,- , t t "Udoii Sootemher 28. this defen- dant came to an Ashland Karate with a car damaged, he said by hitting u cow upon the highway. He puld for the repairs, still under the name of IC. ft. James. John Uurr made the repairs. When this defendant was brought back from the Philippines, John Harr came to the jail, and this defendant recall ed the Incident, and wus identified by Hurr. There was no denial. Hugh laughed about It." Alibi Assailed. The slate next attacked the alibi of the defense offered In the testi mony or Mrs. L. J. Johnson or ICu geno. Ore., landlady, through her apartment house register. ! "The only resistance to the slate's evldenco is this attempted alibi offered by a nice old lady a friend of the father, and his fam ily, by this register. . "Hugh De Autronionl!" shouted the prosecutor, "could not have been sleeping -,i her apartment house on the duys and dates he was paying visits to an Ashland Rurugo." Hugh Unperturbed "We next rind Ihe Do Autro nionls in the Slsklyous. The de fense will tell you It Is the custom of people lo shoot lit trees. Hut they do not shoot n troo trunk tho size and height of a man." - Hugh throughout the presentation of the legal argument ugulnst him paid, close attention to every word and' betrayed no emotion, meeting the gaze of the special prosecutor without hesitation. During the short recess, he scanned the faces of the jurors with keen interest. Roberts resumed his - urgunieiit following the morning recess and began to depict the Incidents of the morning of the crime, going In to u long description (if the ill- fated train and the dynamited mail car in which Clerk Daughcrty' mut his douth.' ,,,,..:),. Tlio .mother of Marvin Seng of nunsmulr,- Calif.1' seated with his wife and child, on u 'bench in tho front row,!broke down and wept as the prosecutor described 'tho 'jneti slain in the engine cub. ; i ' Tho .train, proceeded to Siskiyou from Ashland without mishap 'and when . the i train, wus leaving Ihe mountain station, a Mr Maiiln saw i two men, 'one' answering the doscrlpllon i lot'' i llm defendant, sneaking along cursi on u: siding. preparatory to boarding the blind bnggugo. Thoy wore caps' and were dressnd alike! Another link in the chain ol'i circumstances, t Wit nesses limy be mistaken, but cir cumstunces never alter.' "Tho course of tho train Ihrouch tho tunnel was described and, us. Ihe train halted there came a muf fled 'shot that ended tho life of Sidney L. Hales, trusted engineer, tho safety of his 'passengers, his chief thought to the ' last. Pistol Strong item ; "God moves Ih mysterious ways his wonders lo perform," "said Roberts, as ho concluded showing the .45 automatic pistol, found near the crime scene. "They sought to obliterate with a chisel the numbers on the bar rel, but they forgot tho secret num ber, It was tho tell-tale evidence that Is always left behind." Twins Hearing Portland ; ' . PORTLAND. Ore.. Juno 20 Rnv and Ray do Aiitremmit, capturcil Juno 8 at Steuhenvllle, Ohio, were approaching Portland today in custody of six men, two postal Inspectors, two Ohio depuiy sheriffs, and Sheriff Ralph O. Jennings a ml his deputy. I.ouls Jennings, of Jackson county. They were expected lo arrive Here early this evening. Charles Hlddlford. postal Inspec tor in charge of the Pacific norlh west division, waited here today for the arrival of the prisoners, whom he expected to question. It was announced that the twin broth ers would bo placed In the rMult- nomali county jail. The guards have kept close watch in a compartment through out the long trip, carefully shield- niK men- iirisoucrs irom v alters, i uue inn. oeen ni lo talk to newspaper men. Hay forks and handles at Whar ton llros. BYRD AND TWO AIDES READY TO HOP TOMORROW (Continued from page l. stop flight with Roy Smith and J. K. Sabln. of Los Angt'les, who are backing him financially. The airplane he will use. under construction at Los Angeles, is a; monoplane equipped with . a J-6 Wright whirlwind motor. 1 Harness, horse collars nnd fix tures at Wharton Bros. JOHN DREW SHOWING NO SIGNS OF IMPROVEMENT SAN FRANCISCO. June 20, Pesplto r slight rally last night, John Ihew, veteran actor, ill In a local hospital, remained in a critical condition today, hospital authorities reported. Mr. Irew is suffering from arthritis and com plications. ' Whar-I Broccoli transplanters at ton Bros. FOK SALE Medium sized refrlg e x c e , , e n t com-ulon . ' yiJ: j VOtl SALE G-room house, 'd lots, I "'ts aim Hnruouery. uau at 312 W. 2nd Ave. N. FOR SALE Fieshyoung cow, so young pfgs. Phone 34-F3. J. Mofrslaed, Dixotlvllle. FOR SALE Fine heifer, fresh soon; also Hampshire rams. J. J. Het'.s, 638 No. Pine St. THE Farmer's Mutual Fire Relief Association writes Insurunce at cost. I. M. Tuthill, Agent., Oak land. WANTED POSITION as house- keeper, neat, reliable, good cook, middle age. P. O. box Cot- tago Grove, Ore. Want a real home? See 312 Chad wick and then Inquire of owner regarding' terms Phone 460 LOANED' "FHiOB With 'eacn sav ings account opened we loan one of our Home Savings banks. First State and Savings Dank. ONE saddle horse and one work horse for sale or trade for cattle or sheep. Phone 14FI1. liny Dunning, Rt.-l, City. .j , FOR SALE Dodge car, enclosed model. Has good tires, new bat tery and in best mechanical con dition. Price $100. Phone 4 1 U-.J. FOR RENT 2 - room furnished apartment, clean land comfort able, lights, water and. phone In cluded for $12 per mo. Phono 41(i-J. . - Will clean all "kinds "of " wooTl finish, carpets, rugs, window washing. Make them look like new. Good refences. Charles nulla, Phoue'51-J. GUARD YOUll VALliAtlLKS By keeping them In one of the' safe mcposlt boxes in your slrongi vault. Double lock boxes. Firsfl : State and Savings Bank. FORSALE5 "room" rurnlslied house close III, paved" St., garage. Price $1250. Terms; Also fur nished houses for rent. ' Chas. ' Kyes, 820 N. Jackson St. ' FOU SALE 20 acres on good road good phtsterud house, a;" o d d barn, till farm tools, team,1 cow, 5 acres ' 'pear orchard, n flno hohie' for ? li00. Terms, Chaa. Kyea, S2(i N. Jackaoh St: 1 ' J ' FoirBAijbrlFacle for oil sta tion 01' garage1, -3 lot, 2 houses, garage, ' woodshed, ' hen houne, city water, electi'ld lights; ' li blocks 'front ' Main SI.' Address I1. O. !llox 108, Hend, OreRon. SHINGLES Are how lower in price than at any time within the past ten years. A good time to re-roof. See our stocks. Get our prices. ; ( ' Coen Lumber Company ' V ; SUMMER WOOD prices are now In effect. Old growth fir, $3.'J5 per tier. Oak and Laurel jit. 50 per Her. 2 tiers or more to mi- '' ablo delivery direct from woods. J)eniK!errctseu Co. , Hi:LP WAN T K I i F E M7 LK-Ia d y of fair education und some busi ness ability who wants to in crease her income. Ilusinesa en tirely new and wonderful. No canvassing. Carry It on at your own home and $5 to $10 per day, salary and commission. Send muno and address and we will " call on you. Edison Bros., Box 17, Care of News-Kevlew, REAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNI- I I TY Gnrago and service station located In good growing town on Pacific Highway. Owner has other interests compelling sale. , Well established business show lug good profits, shop fully equipped Including lathe, grind- ' era, press, welding outfit, bat tery charger, wrecker and tow ing equipment, 2 large gas pumps, oil pumps, compressor, t office equipment, stock of oils, parts, tires, and accessories, storage room in 50x80 building. Everything goi's, including real estate, for $7000; terpis to re sponsible party. McLendou Real ty Company, Corner Oak nnd Main. REnUtiEItATOliS Special" price on our White Enamel 50 lb. front-icer, three door, lots of room for ice, large place For foodstuffs. We are giving free with these a four piece glass cooling set. These fine Refrig erators are "Gibson". The high est grade. They have eight walls of insulation, nre so made to save on Ice and they do use less Ice than . cheaper makes. You will find our prices 25';'f lower than the regular market price. These we arn offering at the low price of ?-9. Compare quality nnd price before you buy. Powell Furniture Hard t ware Company. and 240 North Jackson St. IK YOU NEED TO BORROW MONEY ON A MORTGAGE inves-, tignto firs! our Pay ns you earn mortgage contract. Every month you make a small payment on account of principal and inter est, no penalties, no periodical renewals with their Irritating cosis and commissions, just n clean cut easy to care for propo sition. It is a steady conslstenl 1 "PulP and when the mortgage j matures you are out of debt, Umpqnn Savings and Loan Asso ciation, Douglas Abstract Bidg. HAVE a first class deal for a stock ranch near Glide. Modern and furniture, to feel I cheap. 1 tan match any deal. 501 Mill St., C. .Merrill. The Roseburg Country Club golf team of 2G men met de- 4 feat at the hands of the Cor- vallis golfers on the Corval- lis course yesterday, tho hilly ' links being too much for the visitors. A good representa- tion from Roseburg was pres- ent. There was no other form of entertainment aside - from golf and the local team r e- turned to this city early in the afternoon. FOR SALE 80 acres of land and 18 goats. 1 team of mares, 1 set double harness, 1 lumber wagon, 1 .set spike tooth harrows, 1 set spring tootii harrowB, 1.12 in ' plow, 1.14 inch plow, 1 one-ton Ford I ruck, $1175 cash. For in formation call at E. E. Wells farm. Olalla. Ore. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the many friends for the kind assist ance during the illness of our loved one, also for the beautiful floral offerings. . . "- - , joe dlossbr: ' EARL PARKJiR and Family. t Buy hay machines for which you can readily Kt ropalrH.. A delay nl en) tinir rtiitv lnnHM vnnr o.vmi Bomotlnie.'i :W'e . Hell the; (McCbr-l niick-DeerjiiK line of hay machines'. and binders. W liar ton Hros. o ' ' ) ' ? LEGION MEETING The hist meeting of ' Ump- qua Post, American Legion, before tho summer vacation will be held Tuesday evening at the hrmriry. i'Pry Wbe prcHent If possible. ' ' 1 a ? t t J Y i i , Every ,WeJdne,sdayl and j Saturday Night m, -4 f t Rainbow r Gardens ' i; Watkins Products 120 W. Lane ; ' One-Half Block Off Jackson St. PHONE 177 CHIROPRACTORS Drugless Health Center "Complete Health Service" SULPHUR VAPOR BATH8 327 West Cass Phone 491 Elite Pleaters All Kinds of Pleating and Button Making. Phone 187-R 610 So. Main DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist In the fitting of GlaBsee. 118 Jackson St. THE CHEAPEST MONEY for the choicest FARM LOANS Bi money. Terms of 6, 7 and 10 years. Liberal repayment privileges. Straight loans. Usual commission charges. Prompt Bervl'ce. If you need a loan or are refinancing see us. G. W. Young & Son LOANS 118 Cass St. Phone 417 DEAL WITH LICENSED REALTORS Licensed real estate brokers nre required to know the Oregon Real Estate Brokers law and post bonds with the state as a guarantee painst misrepresentation. When you deal with unlicensed brokers you take chances. See that yon are protected by dealing only with li censed realtors. DOUGLAS COUNTY REALTY BOARD I U . o . r WINCHESTER . ..Ki J Ott's Orchestra' x J m.MM 1 1 Iuiem I . i y Annual 'IT.-'-. S ; Watkins Products I ! - : t ? ; " , - ROSEBURG UNDERTAKING CO. - ' Established 1901 M. E. RITTER, Manager . Founded and Maintained on Efficient Service and Courtesy Inane 264 Licensed Udj T Oak and Kane 8t. '" . Embalmel Indian Runners They're ott, and ron their way! j f " ' 70&r$ vf-5T t ""','-'''rs 'XMJi z?&i2 ! It 111 . ; if . . I r f Zunls -from .New -Mexico, are; running the toughest, ' longest marnthon j ever attemptcd-SO.. mtles from San Francisco to; Grants Pass, Ore., lover" the Redwbod1 HighSvay- The start was made from the City Hall (June 14, Flag Day, ; witri a time limit, but Indications were that the route would be covered in much Buckand i b i t '.a j ROSEBURG, OREGON. : ; ; SATURDAYJUNE 25, 1927 Kohlhagen Yards, East 6th Street, 2 P.M. . All entries to be in place by 10:30 A. M. PUREBRED ANIMALS ONLY Secure detailed information from the County Agent's Office, Roseburg. REMEMBER THE DATE, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, AT 2 P.M. ANTLERS TODAY AND TUESDAY Matinee Daily 2:15 REX BEACH'S "Winds of Chance" WITH ANNA Q. NILSSON , BEN LYON VIOLA DANA - VICTOR McLAGLEN The greatest epic of gold and glory your eyes have yet beheld. COMEDY "SOLID GOLD" MUSIC LEGEND "ROSE OF MONTEREY" INTERNATIONAL NEWS Shewing the First Pictures of Lindbergh Landing in Paris With Giant Searchlights Scouring the Skies Matinee 10c-25c S3 Off on Marathon Eleven Indians, including three less than that time. ESS1B5K23BI Evening 10c-25c-35c m 1 1 ' f ... - 9 oissy5ale