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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1927)
T ROSEBURG. NEWS REVIEW. MONDAY, JUNE 2ft, 1027. VMsKMtMffl Get Ready for Your Camping Trip Now. We Recommend the ' , SHEIK AND IDEAL TENTS ' ' because they give perfect satisfaction, are set up in a few minutes, and will shed the hardest rain. These tents will please the most exacting camper. Full line Campers' Equipment. Let us help you select your camping outfit. ZIGLER-CRAVEN HARDWARE CO PHONE 25 R06EBURQ, ORE. CLASSIFIED SECTION ALL NEW AOS WILL BE FOUND ON BACK PAGE FOR SALE SH1SUF One three year Delaine Duck. Barns stock, ?20. J. Hobt. McKay,' Brockway. MILK ' its good eluati" and 13.66 net' mo. Give it a trial. The Buttercup. 1'hone 2GU-J. ON ACCOUNT ot poor health will . sell my home; 135 acres at 935 : per acre; crop, stock and' farm tools. Pied Hand, 11. 1, Oakland, Ore. Phone26F32. PORSALB ne'glstoi:ed'""Hunip. Bucks. Would exchange for 2 or 3. O. C. Brown, Dixonville. Phone 3F25. . . ' VOR SALE Good 50-aero ranch.' Stock, implements, crop, chick ens. All cheap it taken at once. Address owner, caro News-Review. FOR SALE Choice February hatched O. A. C. Bnrred Rock and McRae strain R. I. pullets ' from accredited and B. W. D. tested eggs. Douglas Park Stock Ranch, Sutheilln; , .. . i for rent; I WELL furnished apartment, close in, rent reasonable. 331 S..-Muln. Dainty Dance :-:fr'oc;&': ' ' ' ' ' ' V ' colorful sport ; clothes , all your ' many pretty things that are beginning to sing the "Vacaiton Blues." '.j ,(.,.. ! ,. '; f I , Send them to us for dry cleaning and they'll finish out the season gloriously. W Your car mny be wreck ed any day in a street ac cident. Insure against loss. Ask us for rates. Juine & Co. Phone 103 Masonic Building You've no idea of their goodness un less you've tasted MOTHER'S BREAD, i FOR RENT Modern downstairs furnished apartment with ga rage, 428 Pitzor. FOR RENT U-H'Om house, close in on South Main St. Inquire 259S.MaInSt. FOR RENT 7-robin modern" house Borne fruit H miles east of court houBe. F. C. Gurnee, Phone 33F23. 'tUH KnuNT WUii-rooni nousa, eioBe in, newly papered and painted Inside throughout. Page Wr. and 1iel Co. Phoue 2411. I LOST t LOST New black satchel contain ing clothing and flashlight, about 4 days ago on Main street. Leavo at News-Review. . FOUND FOUND Blue flea-bitten female hound. Telford's Ranch, Happy Valloy, , . . . I'QUND Oiu'Ytyle" gold brooch'. Owner may have same by call ing at this office and identify ing and paying for ad. . 1 MISCELLANEOUS ; LAWN mowers sharpened and re paired. All work guaranteed. ruuun to. , , ,,. i CAR OWNER Dpu't forget to - call G53 when-lu uned of auto ' parts. , Sari! 's AuU. Wrecking House. ' ' 1 1 WANTED f Phone 73. I WANTED--At once,' experienced j waitress: 1 Apply Hex; Cafe, Vou ! calla. , ' WANTED 1110 head of young , ewes. R. Fate, i Myrtle Crook. " Phone 1402. " ' WANTED Fat. beef, ,vual, hogs, i sheep and ' chickens. Hides. Phone C06 or write box 465. B. ! W. Kimball. . , . WANTED Middle . aged woman I for general housework. Apply at j 127 Jackson St. or 420 Vista i - Ave., evenings. . Pure whole milk, aua It's pasi earlzed. Roseuurg Dairy. Phone 108 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Directors of Union High School, District No. 11, Doug las County, Oregon, until 8:00 o'clock p. m. on the 201 h day of June, 1927, for the erection and completion of ' a reinforced con crete high school building. All work to bo on property owned by Union High School District No. 11, Douglas County. Oregon, and j located at ' lieedsport,' Oregon. work to be done in accordance with the drawings and spcclfica- tlons No. 948, as prepared by Froe 'man & Strublo, architects, 512 ; Bank of Commerce building, Sa ; lem, Oregon. j Bids will be received on sopar jato contracts as follows: (1) Gen leral contract; (2) . heating and I plumbing contract; (3) electric j wiring contract. All bids will be publicly opened ! and road at the time above men ! tioncd at City Hall, Reedsport, ; Oregon. All bids are to be on forms fur inished by said architects and are to be mailed or dolivored to George Staples, clerk, Union nigh School District No. 11, Douglas County, Oregon, at Reedsport, ! Oregon. ! Drawings, specifications and ' bid forms may bo secured from the architects at Kalem. rtmvnn (A set of drawings and specifica tions will be on file with the clerk ! for reference only. The form of i contract and bond may be seen in i the office of the architects, i A certified check or bidders I bond for 5 of the amount of the ; bid made payable to the clerk of ! the snid district must accompany ' each bid. , The school board 'reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of said Union High School District No. 11, Douglas i County, Oregon, j ' W. G. IIOAGLAND. ' Chairman. GEO. W. STAPLES, Acting Clerk of Union High i School District No. 11, Douglas 1 County, Oregon. mitic-i; in' nvti. .n'iTi,i:iic.T I Nnttrp j h,.rM,v Kivf-n Hint th, : mi'lfi niKtieil Administrator of tin- ,-t,ti,' at r'atii v. cuviiii.T. !,,.- ; cf-itM',1. h ft!i-,l tn tin- t'oiintv fMirt of t'jnIit fnnty State of Or'-R-on. bis l-'in;i Act-oiiht ft-, mm n , A'llullilMIHlor of v.titl opiate, HlRl TlH-stlrtv. the 12th hiv of .Itilw : 1S7. -t tiie h..ui- of In ,, 1, r A. , M.. Iimk been fijied liy ,il'l t''Uirt H ; tlie lino' f,,r l."ininir ol jc-t inn to iilt report, anil the Hell lenient 1 thereof. M K. ItlTTEK. i A'tnilnl'trnfer of the Ksl.tte of Paul V. Cuvilhir, Deceived. IE CHOSEN BY BYRO HIGH IN PROFESSION!!! Noville and Acosta Fitted by Experience for Dash Across Atlantic. HAVE GOOD RECORDS Noville . World War Flier, Acosta Holder of Mark for Endurance, Also for Altitude. (Aksoclalt'tl 4'rvNI IaumiI Wire) NEW YORK, June 20. Lieut. George O. Noville, U. S. N., flight engineer and assistant pilot of the America, has lu:i5 been, associated with navy aviation. He is u native of Cleveland, Ohio, where ho was born April 24, 1800. In 1010 he was sent by the navy department to Columbia Univer sity for a course in nerouuutlcal en gineering and upon completion of the special course was commiB sionod In naval aviation in 1917. From 1917 to 1918 he was in navel aviation on the Italian front, operating from Porto Corslni, from which point was waged a cam paign against the Austrian naval base. The Italian government con ferred the Croce de Guen'tt upon L hlir for distinguished service. ' In 1920 -Lieutenant Noville 'ob tained leave from the navy .to be come superintendent of the Unit ed States air mail. Subsequently he was. appointed the government's representative' at aircraft fac tories tvhore planes for the service wore under construction.' Novillo played ail iniporlant part In tho army's around ' tho -world ;ncer cabinvto be erected In Doug flight In 1024 as commander of tho l las county. A groat many pioneer Labrador sector. - He is' primarily residents wero among those who an aviation fuej expert and was! gathered to celebrate the event. . A flight engineer for the Byrd flight.; picnic was enjoyed botwoon the over the North Pole In 1020. Ho; hours of 11:30 and 2 p. :tn. with a was second in command of tho ox-! big basket dinner at noon.. This pedition, although, he did not.niko was followed bv a program, in the jump, with Byrd and Floyd l)mi- which -the chief address was made hott.; 4rfy ,N ' I ' '! by peOrge .M. Brown, associate jus- Byrd," Beiiilettf and Noville have.1 tice of . thq Oregon state supreme sometimes been called "Tho Throe , court, , . i -' v . ),- . Musketeers 01 Aviation."; . 't he. three were pinned underneath; the! America together, when it qrashodi, at Hasbrouck' Heights; .I..'.ellln-! inatlng Bennett- from :tlifs 'summer's j plans. Byrd and NovllleV Veny in-1 Jiyed, but not as much as BeunQtti; VJ. CJ vll JLIJLC: , Byrd and Noville were nlraost irlin ;, i t Mannln RIHn 101 M . i niom juw v vgtw Otr !TK6 WH& oFTrtlKKA MOW AS ! imWKl I DE INWEO 5-v"EPtVEN cmir, AMO t'H Going to URVrcva WM BV COOKINO OlNNEt?. AV: BY FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ASureSign! ByBlosser F I'LL- 7A)iS A U20Y. ) lrr ttfflfft ( 1 1 rZ7"' r VOO1CW0W5WOS6P60PLS CT) f ,. " S ' X CAM ROD AWWIWS S. ' '- I rifir, (AO OSSIS.' LAST WEEk f! U1ELL, SI L ( SOCA A1ICE ) i.. ' ' 1 cooyo PBO to ys's J 1 (r) ) vWATtMA h ' V'ofi BICAI.O ' r- (pARBAGB.1 poAiy wEAi ae j r . - v 'looim? Jr w-s jy -y. T 6B7sjr- . M ( f ) irx zrf-J i; - Ar 4k . s i -: X-j ( i ' I ' ' JX K-- J MjmM , K "' 'jJmt n.TO'!!aaas!S'We. 6 ; . $ALESMAN SAM Oh. SamV By Swan w etcycLe -TRAe. sot it's -it - !ipo,i poiuts ;voii cvkI eiirT's Wr tt Iwi.. ... g - vrl21 Mg irrir iti : f S iM S li life Ww:A t A new cherry siouer lust ! 4 at hand. To introduce, wu have priced at 26 cts. eac h. J With these we also received a sample shipment ot larger 4 stoneis .of a retail valuA of 1.5U. . As crop is short ami ! us Blilpment Is lute lu dsllv- ory wo w 111 offer these, for thiB season only, at $1.00. ;'heBe latter stone two choi- rles at one operation get one uow as'1 offer will not be re- peated. Churchill Hdw. Co. river shortly afterward whoa try ing out a collapsible rubber life boat. - NEW v6ltK, June 20. Bert Acosta, chosen as pilot oft the America when Injuiies forced Floyd Bennett to relinquish the Place, has boeu a captalu in the United States army aud a lieutenant lnlwaa ne(1 ,l( Ro8eburB ret.eutly at the nnvv. He recently competed . ' . the navy. with Clarence Chamberlln, an en durance flight of 61 hours, 11 min utes and 20 seconds in a Bullanca monoplane at Curtlss Field. M Acosta has been flying since 1910 and In his long experience ac quired a widespread reputation for cool daring In the air. He was born, of Spanish descent,- Jfuiuttry 1, 1895, at San Diego, Calit. In 1913 he went to Camilla and became chief Instructor In the Cnundlan air forces, remaining there until 1917 when he became director of flying ami tostlug fur the United States army. Ho holds an enduranoe and dis tance rettord from Omaha, Neb., to Philadelphia, a distance of 1220 miles, covered in u. hours and 20 minutes. He also established an American altitude record at Day ton, 22,500 feel, without oxygen. - Acosta has been an nutomobile racing driver -and has devoted his llfo since his school days to design ing and building aeronautical en gines und in developing speed, both in the air and on the ground. Ho is married and has two chil dren.' : . - LARGE CROWD AT DEDICATION OF PIONEER MARKER A crowd of between four and five hundred people gathered north of Oakland yesterday for the dedi cation of tile pioneer monument i marking the silo of tlio first pio- i $ Chka. S. McElhinny i j ' "The Widow's Me'mr . iMto - -n ' . W sa.ti.xi. s: -., :- ...'-. r- -.-. , 1 1 r I - -"I . '----. ...... ' . E RESUMED SHI it Ib now thought that drilling operations at the Leeper Dome oil well west of Sutherlln will be resumed within two or three weeks, and when operations are again under way It Is the Intention to work two shifts and extend the. hole to a depth of three thousand feet or more as soon as possible, says the Sutherlln Sun. An Informal meeting of a num ber of members of the oil company wiiieu iiuie eimniH jinn niner mm tors in connection with' the well were discussed. Morgan and Spnrks of Los Angeles who were In terested with W. 0. Currier In tho drilling contract, in. a communica tion presented at the mooting in dicated their willingness and in tention of taking over the amount of interest they formerly hold with Currier as soon as tho legal en tanglements have been straight ened out. As soou aB the intorests of Currier can lie disposed of ami certain creditors satisfied drill ing operations will be resumed. L. W. Boiiesko, who Is lu charge at Leeper Dome, reports that thero Ib a very strong pressure of gas at the well which is pushing lis way to the top through approximately 1,000 loet of water. He Is confi dent that this petroleum gas In- j uicaies tne presence or on. rne actual depth ot the hole is 2016 feet and It Ib cased for a distance ot 1099 feet. Thus it is evident that the gas pressure Is coming di rectly from the bottom ; and not through crevices at the sides. J. A. Lance, an experienced driller, Is now here ready to begin work as soon as claim adjustments 'aro made. . . r . i -. -. ; Much credit is due Mr. Borleeke for the Interest he has taken in the development or oil in this vicin ity. To i him perhaps more than any one man is due the credit of keeping the work moving along in the facu of great obstacles. ; His strong fallh that a well will even tually be brought In here has kopt him right on the job for over four years, and no's still going strong. i 1 ; Camp at Idleyld JPark. ; LOCAL PEOPLE .INSTITUTE SUIT , FOR; INSURANCE 1 , ' -i ' ill i GOLD - J3EACH, 'Juno 20. Eva Miller, and Elva Wood, of Itoso- burg, ; iOrogon, ! through their at ' torney have filed suit ngaiust the . Gold Reach Packing comnanv. and itio National Fire Insuranco coin-ij i pany,l of Hartford, In the . matter j.ofilli. Insurance money. ' to be ',pald as tho result ot thp fire thnt ' i occurred last February, when I ho ' ? L : St. i-r-. i f- ;,;;lNlHfHi Cheer Up, Cora : :, A'''' ''T'' i VmV. ;BAartiid-;.' old Beaborg Cannery was burued during the flood. According to the provisions of, the suit, it la claimed that the terms ot the lease Included the : leaving of the buildings on tho j premises when the lease had ex-; plred. The lease was entered Into about May, 1910, with the Suaborg Canning company, anil ubout May, 1921, the lease was transferred to tho Gold Beach Packing company, and the original terniB of the leane wore agreed to by the latter company. About February 20, 1927, the building was practically destroyed by fire and since that time it. is clulined the Gold Beach Packing company has refused to replace tho building or pay tor any part ot It out of the liiBuranco money. The building was insured for $0,000. The pluintiffs nllege that the Gold Beach Packing company, is an insolvent Institution and they are uuablo to collect from the com pany and have enjoined the Na tional Fire . Insurance company from paying the Insurance to tho Gold Beach Packing company un til tholr claims are sutlsflod. The suit was Instituted on iMonday uf this week. ' o Cottage cheese. RoBeDurg Dairy Phone 186. ,: ANTLERS THEATRE Presenting an accurate, vlrllo and colorful romance of Alaska and Its pioneer days, Frauk Lloyd's "WindB of Chance" open ed at Hho Antlers Theatre yester day and sent the most critical film fans away shouting its praises. "Winds of Chance" Is one of tho fow pictures with the power . to sweep ono virtually off his foot. Moving along at a startling pace, this latest First National epic combines the elements of scenic beauty and spirited action without slackening its pace, and Ihore aro so mnny celebrities in the cast that the rovlewer feels that ho has been entertained by a club com posed ot stars only. LIBERTY THEATRE ' If "Getting Gortle's Garter" is not the host picture in which Mario Provost has ever Blurred, It Is next to the 'best. The vivacious star of "Up in Mabel's Room" and a scorb ot other successes, has udded ad other triumph to her long list of genuinely entertaining foles, . '' Tho large audience at the Li berty Thoulre last evening testi fied Its approval of "Gertie" In lio uncertain ;terms. From the open-i lug ''shot" to tho final flicker, It lit-, erally. rocked with laughter at the excruciatingly funny situations and tho mischievous Mario's inimitable characterization of "Gertie." Charles Ray, Is the malo lead, the ex-fiance who Is trying- to re cover the Incriminating 'garter, proves that he Is Just us good in; farce-comedy as he was In.Vrubo" ro'les. ' . t .T.MMITI.I.r.T. MOVING Will You Help Us Move? Special Prices On All Goods Until June 25 July 1 we will be in our own building on Spruce and Washington Oregon Growers Building, Barbed Wire $2.50, 80Rd. See Us First We Can Save You Money FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE ROSEBURQ AND OAKLAND --' . AOENT8 FOR ;; -' Fairbanks Morse & Co. Vaughn Motor Works Eat barbecue sandwlchus and live forever. Brand's Hoad Stand ROY CATCHING MOTOR CO. VJUl UIIUI i A iibll lUUIUIg) IWIMliy ,p i Chevrolet, 1924 Sedan, Reftnislied in Duco .$325 Studebaker, 1920, Special Touring, Reduced .,........$175 Ford, 1924 Touring .....'.........$160 Ford, 1921 Touring ..,,...;..;.:........:....,.................$ 50 i Ford, 1922 Touring ',.. .......i..........;.1........$100 , Ford, 1925 Coupe ...,.....$275 ( Oakland, Touring $100 Chalmers, Touring .......'.............$100 Nash, Touring ...,.:............,.$100 Hudson, Touring ..$100 ; ? :'.!'.:. ' . '.' , . ... ' ... . I 125 N. Rose " ' Phone ' mmm ; lViM'M it ' t . ' Single bit axes, 11.60 at Powell's I Furniture. i w 438 Roseburg, Ore. '-i ' , Buy Your - :. -: ' I laundry Supplies '.;. i-; i from your grocer. ; '''i )':' : ;": : , ' Economy Grocery "Tho Store That Servos You Bast" , .344 N. Jacksorj Strooti Phone 63 I'i'-O.jL. Johnson . .. ,