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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1927)
ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1927. The Place We Call Home Roseburg, a City of Homes Are you one of them This movement for better homes is spreading all over the country east and west. Why not investigate the possibilities of such an ideal for your own family it will pay. If you own the place you are living in it brings that feeling of security that the renter fails to comprehend. Build your home after plans you may select, and stop paying divi dends to the landlord. FOUR HAVE A 0M i'fM i i i 'i I The Trowel and Float ! Monday, June 20, 1927. Special Builders Number rirorilliiRB, fellow liiiilrit-rH. linnm own ffi'H, iinrl h-i)Her-tlvo hume fjwnorH. "Wo ran out of iileriH a coiiplii of inouth'H HKll Ull'l liocifloil to Klvo tlio rendu u ri'sl, lint when the KftWH Kovlew mi-nuiiiK'i-d u HpocJul Hullilors' J'aKd we JiiNt couldn't kuop Hi III any longer. Wont ovor lo tho ('lianihor of Com-llli-n-o T h u r d n y nlKhl and aliorliid ft Knli of oulliiiHlftsni about i-MckftiiH and aro all nt to talk lJur.lflc CooinnatlvB inulknlliiK lo llio imiiltryineii of Cam- an Valley tomorrow. Hut what I dtarloil out to toll you was flomolhliiB about tho quullfy hiilldiiiK Jim-ipi-lalH wo Hell. for illstum.-o take lumi-u. wore Bold clear up to llio oyoH on tlilu product. It makes u wunnnr hoiiBO, rc-duoes tho fire ha'ard, cuts down ImfldliiK cokIh. Iluvo you Inspected I'eifecilon? Wlnli you'd drop In and In vestigate. And nay! Did you know that stucco Is one of the more re cent marks' of prog ress la tho ImlldlUK lino, Some of tho prettiest homes you sco are finished In stucco, because If Is absolutely dependable. Last year over $500, 0110,000 was loBjr. by flro. That's a pretty heuvy drain on the mttloaal pocket book. Klone-TllR construction is tho answer. Wh manu facture It hero In JtoseburK. Hefore hulldliiK, get our quotations. Wo point with pride as the politicians Bay, to tho Certain teed roofs In tills community. When you see ono, you can alwayR comment to yourself or to any one who happens to bo with you. "There's u good roor." There's nothing so useless as a hunch of - rent receipts. O w ii your own home. HOME AND A CAREER Urges Sculptress DENN-GERRETSEN CO. DR. DELAPP TO ATTEND STATE CONVENTION Vr. 8. h. DoLnpp loft yestorday for Porllnnd whore ho will attond III) annual convention of the Ore gon Osteopathic association today and tomorrow. Tho spoakors for tho progrnin nro furnluhed by tho V?slcrn Osteopathic association of which Dr. DeMapp Js president. The wostorn association Includes tho statos of California, Oregon, Idaho, Washington mid Utah. MAD BULL HAS 14-MILE ; LEAD IN THE MARATHON . (Auorlatcd Prcu Lrucd Wire.) ' ' , TRINIDAD, Calif., Juno 20. Mad Hull, Karook Indian runner from Oregon, passed through Oriole, some 2!) miles north of hei'o, yestorday, 34 miles ahead of Plying Cloud In tho 480-mile mara thon from San Francisco to Grunts I'ass, Oregon, started by the In dians June 14. ' Mellka, n ZunI Indian from New Wexlco, was noarlng Trinidad, holding third place, easily but 25 miles behind Mad Dull. Fighting Stag was near Areata, while Hush ing Water passed through Kueka at D p. m. HIS PRIVILEGE Magistrate: "You have already acknowledged that you ; assaulted tho policeman in tho manner stat ed." : - Accused: "Yen." Magistrate: "Then what do you want to do now?" Accused: "Deny It." Nagols I.nsllge Welt, Ilerlln. M ml J xttS. T!6. 1851 'A COTTAGE TYPE HOME DESIOXKD BY yr. . 1XRVX Let us tell you the secret of sound sleep YOU'LL sleep better you'll feel better in fact you'll look better when you switch to Rome "De Luxe," the Beclspring Luxurious.' No more twisted muscles or irritated nerves just the soothing, healthful sleep that comes from lying with your body in gentle and com plete balance. . Don't wait until restless sleep has undermined . your whole system. Come in and let us show you the scientific principle back of every Rome . . "De Luxe" Dedspring. Let us explain the reason for its health benefits. We have all sizes in stock. For wood or metal beds. &&lffllPlnOM C&wSSrt' QUALITY THE BEDSPRING LUXURIOUS The "De Liur" way to bIcip The wrong way to sleep jl-j . Ihfteh onlvnnf (trnnlnc RomeQit.illiv "Deluxe' iVOlCi "J tt ' "wJr 'lv by I he Home t oniny. w tin) Hcuuinc auJ nxumiucuJ it (or U(itUtul ilccp. McKean, Darby & Baldwin Complete Housefurnishers ROSEOURG, ORE. ' r Uj ii:&::5-' fflfffityil ::'i':-V:Y-::i:'ir1 s t- fa '!.1W'I I' ililifailili A great many people prefer to liavo an their bed rooms on tho ground floor, with possibly enough height In the attic for storage space only. Thoso Interested In this typo homo should And a number ot at tractive features In tho plan, Illus trated, i A scrcened-In entrance porch, to be Burc, for this Is an Ideal place to spend a quiet hour, away from the afternoon sun. This could he glazed In In winter, so as to make a sun room, at a slight additional expense. The combination living and din ing room extends across tho entire front, with the llroplace and book esses In the end. A gatc-lon table J Dcd Rodm Eco Zhou . I 12-33113. N "b'u,l"JliM,-j- 1 ." JO' hviNai Dihiiiq tox p-ir ". ,sji9 - is placed opposite,, under the high casement windows? this convenient for serving a meal from the kitchen. The kitchen has a built-in break fast nook, so popular in the small home today. Two good-sized bed rooms and bath open off a center hall. " There is a full basement, with the usual laundry, storage and fruit room, boiler rooms, etc. PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS 1 YOUR ESTATE STOP! Study your present tendencies Are you adjusting expenditures within your present income? Are you making every dollar count for something worth while, or are you diverting your pay checks into channels that never return anything but worry, trouble, and regret? Rent receipts and bills for things you don't need are poor assets to turn over to the administrator of your estate. Start now to build for the future. Every man owes his family a home, NOT A RENTED HOUSE. Buy one for your family. Many desirable homes can be bought with small cash payments and easy monthly installments on balance. Let us help you select and finance your home. McLendon Realty Company CORNER OAtC AND MAIN fShc Omenta? ZSfotc Jfor v d. Tr-v iAt 7hs s-M t I U By-marjono Hnme Dixtw) Ba Antoinette Pooliana's views are "old stuff" to America but startl- Inoly modern to Mussollnlland. Above is her ' Madonna In Delia Robbla relief; for the Christ child her daughter Maria Grazla was the model. A." Pogliana, Her Ideas and Her Art Shocked Italy By NEA Service HOME, Juno 20 Italy, where woman's plnco Is still In tho home, has ono feminist whom conversn tlves well might viow with alarm. I' or she stales revolutionary doc trines about woman's life nnd busi ness in the sumo matter-of-fact tone with which she might discuss the wenthor or any other accept ed fact. Moreover Bhe practices what she preaches. She Is Antoinette Pnoll Pogllanl, famous sculptress whose recent ex hibition In Tarls rocelvod tremen dous prnlse and who Is being urged oo exhibit In America. "Women owe It to themselves to have a homo, children nnd a career," she says. Incomplete Women "A womnn who has not exper ienced wifehood nnd motherhood Is nn Incomplete womnn. A wife nnd mother with no outside Inter est lives only half a lite. All wo men noed both. "Old shift, to Amerlcn, perhaps. Rut to Italy, the sunny land where women nro expected to excel In only one art, domesticity, It sounds new, with a post-war air of too much froodoin about It. To Madame Popllann there !s nothing iinnsunl about her llfo. When sho first exhibited under the initial A, instead ot her name, Antoinette her Imposing work, with Its masculine virility, was cmisliternil thn rreutlnn of all nhln man. Her sex gnvo Italy Its first I Jolt. An Inspiration The second came five years ago when sho married Itennto Taoll, editor of the Itessenga Nnr.lonnlo, ono of Italy's lending magazines, and continued her work. A ronl Inspiration to feminists was this ,.-,..., wlin cu-lnir linth liiiir. rlage nnd art. Motnernooa lieipiui "Why shouldn't motherhood Im prove nn artist's conception of life?" Mndanio Pogllanl naked calmly, sitting In the pleasant drawing room of her lovely villa on Home's outskirts, watching her lit. I tie girl dart In and out among the , sculptured flgims In tho studio! nearby. i "Art Is transition of life. Art-1 Ists should havo n deep under-1 standing. There Is nothing In ! creative life like maternity. In- j stead of detracting, It adds lm-j measurably to the artist's pjwer. j ! Why should I he deprived ot wife-; hood and motherhood because I sculpt? Or. reversely, why should! I be deprived of work 1 lovo be-1 cause I am n mother? Careers ! and motherhood should go hand In hand." this fine little home for you or any other design We can show you how to build your home to suit your own ideas, with but little cash outlay. Lumber - Miliwprk - Complete Line of Building Materials COEN LUMBER COMPANY Pho 121 Drive to Albany Dr. nnd Mrs. Clair 'K. Allen and ramily, accompanied by Dr. Allen's two sisters, tho Misses Marlon and Clsio Allen, who have been visitors here for a lew days, motored to PLUMBING Albany Saturday evening. The Misses Allen make their borne In that city. Dr. and Mrs. Allen nnd family visited the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Allen, Sr., over Sunday. .THE PERFECT WIFE AND HEATING OUR SPECIALTY Let Modernize Your Kitchen WM. SCOTT 116 W. Oak ESS Eat barbecue sandwiches end tire fororor. Brand's Road Stand. CORDON and BISHOP SELL PAINTS ENAMELS VARNISHES STAINS WALLPAPER GLASS, ETC. and furnish, estimates on quantity 314 Cass Phone 543. I F'sh at Idleyld Park. " 1 . tf?3P5 "Hello, what are you doing here old fellow?" ' "I'm on my honeymoon." "Where's your wife?" "Well, somebody had to stay home and look after tho shop." Tit-Bits. Let us liven up our interiors with some of the fine wares from the land ot Iftah Jongg, Puug Chow, Egg Foo Yong, untl Foo Doks. There is such vigor and im aginative vitality to the Chinese and Japanese decoration that it makes a very distinctive environ ment when carefully blended with our modern scheme of home build ing. Of course restraint and dis cretion must be used abundantly, when handling the subtle Oriental combinations of line and color. Like their precious game which is all the rage, it requires care ful thinking and planning. ' My friend, Mr. W" , has just returned from the Orient, inspired with many unusual ideas, which he lias been carrying but in the homes of his friends, a hall here, a living room there, a studio for one, a bedroom for another. Use Teakwood Candlesticks. On one side was the entrance to the living room. ' Standing like sentinels at his doorway, were two tall teakwood candlesticks, with pewter candle holders, each with its spike upon which was fixed a large square shaped candle, with black Chinese characters upon it. Opposite he had made a very in teresting arrangement of chairs and tables, with a great antique gold brocade hanging for a back ground. Teakwood chairs without arms stood between tables of the same wood, with their familiar open work borders. Each table held a Ming blue lantern, octagonal in shape, lighted, Ming bleu glaze fill ing the interstices in tho open work, through which tho light shone. I This elaboration of treatment was very effective against simply treated walls. From this beginning one might view his further work in- the living room, combining as It did so skillfully, every element of cheer, comfort and interest. Across the room two long tables stood, each with its buck ground of hangings, which vera Italian cut velvet scarves of re and gold In Oriental design, Lamps of Japanese porcelain with pagoda shades In gold stood oil one table. On the other a fat god of prosperity held the center flank ed by tioap stone "chops" for book ends. A "chop" is the official seal and stands about seven inches high, Each held a carved Foo dog. , Like an Italian Wall. , Among the interesting features developed in a studio by Mr. W ' were built-in bookshelves with red lacquer trim to correspond with a red pigskin chest. Balloon lanterns were suspended from the high ceil ing, reflecting soft light on a won derful spun-gass screen. A shrine with a life-size Budda held fasci nating incense burners placed be low the great god. For my bedroom Mr. W sug gested Pekin glass scent bottles, and lamps, such charming lamps! A quaint pair of jade trees in enamel- pots were mounted for lamps with shades of georgette in tints of orchid, heliotrope and green to match the sweet colors in the lit tle trees. Visit Over Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Harpster, ot Eugene, until recently of this city, visited over Sunday with relatives and friends here. Picnic ftt Idleyld Park. Douglas Building & Loan Association UNDER STATE SUPERVISION AND CONTROL , OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS B. L. EDDY, President. .' State Senator and Attorney at Law GEO. KOHLHAGEN, Vice President. Dealer in Livestock and proprietor Kohlhagen Apartments and Economy Market. f J. E. McCLINTOCK, Secretary President Commercial Abstract Co. f B. W. STRONG, Treasurer President Umpqua Valley Bank F. H. CHURCHILL, Director President Churchill Hardware Co. C. A. LOCKWOOD, Director President Lockwood Motor Co. DR. E. B. STEWART. Director Phvsician and Sureeon WAYNE E. JONES Manager ADMIRAL DEVEY. "The Hero of Mnnila iBny," was re warded by the American peo- pie with the gift of a beautiful residence. A home will be Write your name asd ad- your reward if you join our , . . Association. We help you fin- dre9s on lhl ePn and nnce '' mail to us and we will send you our booklet free of charge. It will show you the best way to save money. DOUGLAS BUILDING & LOAN ASS'N Roseburg, Oregon Gentlemen: ' - . " Please send your booklet. ) My Namo Is . v My P. O. address Is . My Business Is Age