J ' ROSE BURG' NEWS-REVIEW; -SATURDAY; JUNE 8, 1927. nountam climbing V Kroesen , ' . COPYRIGHT.I927 W. .by NEA Ben ; Lucien Burman ' i i t . E RING OF DEATH SIX ' ? a. SPSS &. 1 : n.x Service- T H I ' thT . - ' Over the ' ' mountain I ijkO Iti w More Work Needed To Get Dempsey In SHapc , Will Fight Only If ; He Is In Good Condition . BY DAN- THOMAS ' '! I ' 1 SOPKR v RANCH. Calif.. Juno DompRoy actually la gol Uhk Into rip;lilliiK trim again. ' Sovon of his KharrhiK imrtnurB vlio linvo wallcnd out Mminp; Lhu limtoii daya will tmitify to that. All of thorn kvo tho aanfu roason (op tholr walkout. ''Wo cun't worlc with him any louRnr lm'a (tilling us," they explained to Gub wIIhoii ua they jnaiio their departures, ; "The champion," as ho la known on the ranch, appeara to bo In good condition. Two months of Btronuous work In tho luountaiiiH : have given him a coat of brouzo liko Inn. All algna oC fat arc nap Idly vaninhltig. 1 - . . ;. When I arrived nt the ranch, Iho lated lu (he niounjalua about 100 miles from Loa- Angeles, )emp Bey 'a face was covurod with u two day old 'beard. Talk about the old Dempsey that beard gave his i'acd the Bumo ' ugly appearance that need to be no well known among heavyweights. . 1 Jack iHn't as fast on hl feet a ho waa four or five years ago. . but ho Hlioua a vast Improvement over thai rainy night he fought a fellow by the name of Genu Tunney In Philadelphia. The big byo la regaining his murderous punch too something that was no ticeably lacking against Tuunoy. iJenipsey Irtu't the least Interest ed in whom he Is going to light. ' 'ur the time being all Im cures about lu getting Into shape bo that he can fight someone. To attain that goat, he is keeping live spurring partners busy all the lime, ile la neglecting all of his business (in J -oh Angeles while he loughs il up here at an ex pun no ' of flitOO n week. "I don't know yet what 1 will . do," Oeinpsoy told me. "I w ill not Hlgn Tor iiny fight until I feel enn l'ldeni in my own mind that 1 can win. I am rounding Into pretn , fair Bhape now but I still need inoro work before 1 will be fit lo enter the ring. j "Say, this Tunney won't stand a ' eliuuce when the champ puts on tho gloves with him again, " boasts Jerry tho Uroek, who haa been tho fighlur'B trainer for years. Jerry, about half Jack's alae, ircats the bfg boy liko a son. He knows ' just how much work tho "champ should do 1 mid uVsplto protests ! sends him to tho nhowms long bt ' fqru Jack la ready tu quit. ' "I have watched the champ for many yeai-s and 1 know when he's in shape. JIo had no business lo to fight Tunney before but ho looks Rood now. IT he keeps up his present paeo It will bo a far - different Mory : when lie flnd Tunney meet again." today oomebaofe :Stf r iv r m t hr , with. A grewsome ornament, mystifying, deadly. At its touch men fell in an agoniz- -ing paralysis and died. No one knew its origin. Only a few knew its terrible secret. ? It was one of the baffling mysteries of Porto Verde. Porto Verde, a jungle-fringed town in South America;' where , Elsie Marberry, a girl from the United States, encountered the enmity of, a plotting band, of, cut- throats, a murderous gang to whom killing was as casual a performance as eating orsleeping. . 'i.rv. '.'t --'- .: J "! . 1.1 A man named Vilak saved her and solved the mystery of the ring. A strange man, but shrewd and courageous. Not since Sherlock Holmes has fiction pro duced a greater detec tive character. Not in years has a more enter , taining adventure story been written than the story that introduces him "Jungle Breath," by Ben Lucien Burman. 3 ' "Jungle Breath" is a story for every member of the family. Clean, wholesome, red-blood-ed adventure. Romance. Mystery. Each chapter superbly illustrated by Paul Kroesen. t starts in the NEWS-REVIEW Monday, June 20th Watch for the opening installment! SAWMILL TO BE PUT IN OPERATION NEAR SUTHERLIN Announcement "was made. Wcd lu'Hihiy that llu sawmill owned by llalfnur, liuthrie & Co.. six miles southeast of Sutherlin. would bo ready to begin operations in about two weeks, says the Sutherlin Sim. For the, imst month a number of men have been engaged in con Ktruellnp; a log pond and cutting timber, while others have been em ployed in putting the mill equip ment in shape for operation. Walter Llaker, well known local mill man is in. charge of operations at the mill, and pcrhnps no better nt'tn for tile position could have been secured. He is fnmillnr with milt and locging operations and no doubt will handle the industry lu a satisfactory and successful manner. There are 5(10 acres of excellent timber adjacent to tho mill, which has a capacity of 20,000feet a day. About tilteon men will be employ ed. Kohert Condon returned here Wednesday morning from Vowers with two truck loads of cable and blocks to be used in log ging operations at the mill. WASHINGTON ROWING CREWS , SWEEP ENTIRE REGATTA 1 t ,vi.tlr,l l-rwi. t..w1 Wirr MAP1SON, Wis., June lS-Coach . NOTICE OF STOCK- HOLDERS' MEETING The annual stockholder's meeting of the Vmpqua Sav- lugs and Loan Association will he belli at the office of i lie Douitlas Abstract Com- i pany, . 2 North Jackson street, Itoseburg, Oregon, at 7:30 P. M. on Wednesday, June 22, 1027, for the purpose bf electing otricers anil such other business as may rogu- larly come before the meet- lug. H. O. PARGETKR, Secretary. Rusty Callow's Washington Uni versity varsity and Junior crews made a clean sweep of their races today with the University of Wis consin on Ijtke Mendota. The Junior varsity nosed out a victory over tho Uadger Freshmen u i iI.a fif.it t-nee. nml thl. VHTsitV repeated the performance In the M-nmi ntiiei ltttth were over Qi 1 2 mllo course. j i The races were a workout , of ; I tho Huskies, who are enroute lo the annual regatta at Poughkeep ale, where the Wisconsin Univers ity will be represented by the Freshmen crew. YEAH OLD ELOPER fcat barbecue sandwiches snd live forever. Brand's Road Stand. A warrant was Issued here 4 today ior the arrest of J. I. Springstentl, well known lo- cally, who is accused of steal- ing 15-year-old Lorena Wll- son, daughter of Ethel Spring- stead, the wire of J. I. Spring- stead's brother. The man and girl nre said to have left here several days ago in a light car. leaving a note that they planned to get married. The mother of the girl swore out a warrant for her brother- In law's arrest and the offl- cers are endeavoring to lo- cate him. 4 NOT A CHANCE . "Did you have words with your wife?" "Yes, I had words, but no oppor tunity of using them." Answers. Special prices on extra heavy galvanized wash' tubs at Powell's. PENDLETON MAN IS TRAP SHOOT WINNER (AMoclatcd Pi-cm Leased Wire.) PORTLAND, Ore.. June 18. M. W. Hansel of Pendleton won the $1,000 Dayton Rod and Gun club medal and the Multnomah Rod and Oun -club medal valued at J1.000 in tho first day of the 43rd annual tournament of the sports men's association of the northwest yesterday. More than 90 trap shooters participated. Hnnsel broke 100 straight targets In tho Davton event shoot-off with six competi tors, and 25 consecutive birds in the shoot-off with Seth Miller to win the Multnomah medal. Seattle,' Washington. .J. '. Other coast towns in which police said Deslys and his wife are wanted are Seattle. Portland, Salem, Oregon, and Eureka. , Fish at Idleyld Park. ; Oilstoves at very low prices at Powell's. Single bit axes, 11.50 at Powell's Furniture. COUPLE FACING FORGERY CHARGE (Arockted Ptm. Leunt Wire.) SAN FRANCISCO, Juno IS Jean C. Deslys. 40. and his wife, Alice, 24. are being held here on charges of forgery and as fugitives from Justice. Police sbIiI Deslevs forged checks for a total of $100 and that his wiro passed the spuri ous paper. Detectives declared that the couple were wanted In sev eral Pacific coast cities. Mrs. Deslys has two children by a former marriage, both living ln MAMMA SPRECKLES HASTENS NORTH TO FRUSTRATE CUPID, (AMociated proa Leased Wire.) SAN FRANCISCO, June 18 The Examiner says Adolph B. Sprcckles, 22-year-old son of the late John D. Spreckles, Jr., yes terday obtained a license in Seat tle to wed .Miss Esme Jones, of that city. The newspaper rurther declares that young Spreckles' mother, Mrs. Edith Spreckles Kenilrick, was re ported to have gone to, Seattle In at attempt to prevent the marriage. The young man was said to have requested suppression of the news of the marriage license "for a day or two." Used range with reservoir, $35 at Powelll. -. RUDE INTERRUPTION "Would yon mind getting up for Just a minute, Miss?" "Why?" . - "I want to hang up this notice, 'Wet Paint'." I'asquino,-Turin, f