w0 ' RQSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1927. - t II II - -rr ISOCt&BTY. BY GRACE CARROLL All Contributions to this Pane Society, Women's Cluos, and Personals Should Be Telephoned to the Society . Editor by Friday of Euch Week. , . wiih the golf luuniiiinent nt j llll Villi.!) Ollimil iriliniiiin . tercsi of it number from Rosabei- In uildiliun to the twenty-man - mam from tlm Koseblllg C try Club, winch will participate In 111 tourney with those fnnii thu cor- valliH Club, wives or several ut , (lie members planning to attend -1 - the elly will seem quite dcsorLed lor the dny. The advent ut mil summer wenihor brings il,inn enoh week-end lor a short trip lo the const for many folk, or III': day out of town at some cool mid Imitli g 'ulcnle spot, where frolic may be Iiitil In the river or I lie men of Hie jinny find pleasure In fishing. , " Kvon IIioiikIi many 1110 engaged ill preparing lo leave I h eliy for Illo season lo eslnbllHh llieniselvos lit country homes or co'.lnitcri i m the seashore, or are on vacation trips, there lias been plenty id Boclal life lo mnke the past few weeks entertaining, anil ospeeh.lly this week which has been a : round of plensurublo niialrs. , Ntive" hi!s June Boemod so fop '.' ular a time for weddings na Ibis ' year, almost endless being, the 'mliningos of the past Lwo weeks of interest generally 'n Roseburg. and numerous more approaching at tlie end of the month. Katherine A. Merrill ,: and E. R. Kenny; Wed This Week , , ; ; i At a tiiiiot wedding cerciiinuy marked wllh tho simplicity, of. the beniilH'til Kplseopal ; service, the hiarrfiigu'of Miss Katherine Alice Merrill,, daughter of Air. sand; Mrs. Charles' H. Aterfili; or' Itosc'hurg, 1 and Mr.' Mugabe; ll Kenny, son of . : Mr. and - Mrs. i J. J.' Kenny, of ." Lcnnu, was Solemnized on Wednes day afternoon at St. George's ICpls eopnl church. . ' '. ', j llev.' Ernest , Poller Runtlolls Vend the sorvlco n't 4 .o'clock bn t fore it Hmnll assemblage of, nll- mate friends anil members of Iho families of .Iho bride and biido- groom. ... Hie church was decked In . lm; presslvo whltu, Hasler , lilies and 1 ' ' roses, combined wllh' fern, I'diin ' tug a half spiny as u. background to Iho clinnci'l. which was suffused 1 -1 with the soft glcnln'of canileliihra whoro Iho mipllnl vows were ex changed. ! Allss yernlin Kohlhagen was the " tirldc's only atlendaul. She wore ' a pale green, Hat crepe gown el--J" aboraled with while npplliiue and wore a close fitting but to orres- pond. Her corsage was' of sweet peas In paslol shudes and inuiden hair fern. Lloyd I,. Kenny of t.eona, a brother of the bridegroom wna best man. . The lirltle' wore . a charming model of rosewood georgetle, com plimentary lo her allrnc.llvo type. Her-'hnt -was a close fining cliui- ,eau In lam and rose and her shoes . and uccessorles completed Iho on .....'-noirihlc In color.' Hop coot was of black anlln, distinguished wllh capo and tan and while calf trim- mine. She wore a corsugo ot Ce- -ell llruimer roses, sweet peas and fnrn. " 11 liumedlately following Ihe cere "mony Air. nnd Mrs. Kenny left on a -motor trip to points north. Their " tour will Include Portland and Sea side mid later Health1. Al the end of three weeks lliey will return hero lo make their home at 215 Moiilh Aliiln street, the attractive .!' Eager home, which Mr. Kenny has purchased. .The bride Is a graduate of Rose- lilll'g n IK ll school lining a ineniiier .of Die class of Hill. For the past several years she has been employ - ed In thu manager's office al Hie Rosehiit-g branch of Ihe Pacific Telephone mid Telegraph compaii Shu ia a young u ennui nt chnrmliig personality and lias a wide circle of friends in Koseburg. Air. Kenny, loo, Is well known' In Hid city heluK prominent In liuxl nesa r rcles. He is manager of ino' Douglas CrtMlllit' association nnd T'.iSucretary 01 1110 iioseoun; !"i'i " ,?"nnts association. OL While Hie uniirlagn Is not 11 com- ,"il!ito surprise 10 .Ihe couple's friends lu Ihe illy, umir wciiuiim date had 110I been announced 1 any but niemoers 01 110111 uuuim-it ;,"anil the even! has caused a flurry Mf Interest among Ihoso who know .iiheiu Intimately. o 'Matron Entertains ' M. O. A. Club Airs. Jim McKay aniiiigid a iileuBunt afternoon for Ihe nicin- hni-n of the Al. -a. A. Club ot Eden- 1 bower one day Ibis week. Hie group enjoying. Ihe afternoon In formally, Included In the list were Iho l...,lH,iieK Geo. Al. Illoklo, I 00K Piiwera. Allison. Bell. m.. I Jniias. E. G.. Cbiske, K. . I'lnake, Alary Davis, .Mlllhollnlid. , J Ilultler. Woods. Allen, the .Misses Pearl Jones, Myrtle Davenport, Ne , sda Davenport. ...... i 0 - Rev R E. Crook has opened a summer home on Hie Wright nro-,-i mi 1 lie Curry estate a few miles from the city, where lie and -1. his family niil.uiwno uie . ends during the season, 1 woe k- Former Rdseburg Maid Weds Glendale Man At a (inlet wedding ccreinrfny in Kilgeno, Allss Killh 1'owell, daUKli ler of -Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Powell, former residents ot itoseburg. be came I lie bride of Mr. Curl J. Mother of tileiidalo on Tuesday morning, June J-l. The brine is a slsler of Mrs. Hsiiicy Hugh (Kate 1'owell) if fcu geue and rJarl 1'owell of mis (i.y. Him is well known in itoseburg, having attended the schools ' here and griiiliiuilng Iroiu Hie ' high school, later intending the ' Uni versity or Oregon, lrom wlllc.h she was graduated about three years ugo. JAir the past two years ir so sue has been one of the instructors at tho Clendale schools. . . ' Mr. Kclhor Is a member bf a prominent .family al tllen'ilale! He Is Hie sou of Airs. Selher, and the lulu C. O. Set her, and is a cousin of i)r. A. F. Mother of Kugelie. The collide will reside at (ilen dale, near where Air, Mother, Willi his brother, manages a large ranch. Approaching Wedding to Be Pretty Event One of Ihe lovely weddings 'of 11,.. ..,., I, .l.x.lolh.ir alll,llv ffllltl the usual In lis selling, will "be 1 '"" rveil. . (. (; Unit of MIsb Uorolhy Winston, Hidden were the Mesdames J. A. dallKhlor of Mr. and' Mrs. ' Fred M ood, Harlan Moore, John Travis, Winston, and Mr. l.avorne Lander, I A-. W. Helmbolt. E. C. Cloake, Ken n ,,r. Mr ,wl vra. inhii l.amler. i nelll Cloake, C- E. .Mailis, Jake ruesilay' evening, June ZK, ut 8 o'clock. The ceremony will be an evening out door affair, the setting being on the lawn at the country homo ot Ihe bride's parents al Winston, ! Allss Winston has chosen as her attendants, her sister, Allss Norma Winston, who' will , be maid; of honor,, and Alias Theliiia Kiml.lj as bi'ldesmniiU ; Utile -Ulah , Agnes WIiihIoii, a cousin ot Hie hrido ol-1 oct will bo the flower r.. ,1 - I John Lander, Jr., brother ot Mr. I. under, will be hcsL mini, and Ken-; uelli Winston will- hu uslieiv j Allss Wlnslon was a member of Iho l'l"l graduating , class of Iho Itoseburg high school and Is ti till-1 onled young woman. , For tho, past t Ihreo years she has been assist-1 nut kindergarten and Dunning In structor at the Heinliuo Conserva tory of Music. Mr. Lander intend ed school In. Itoseburg... Holh mo members ol' families well known In Itoseburg. i . Pretty Home Wedding to Be Solemnized Al a quiet home wedding al the bride's pnrenls' In Ijiurelwood Allss Kdiiu IVrrln, daughter ol' All', and Airs. A. 11. Perrln. will become Iho bride of Air. Joe Alnllhews al II o'clock Humbly morning w Mb only members ot Ihe family pres ent. The bride-eloci will be intended by Allss llnra Larson, who has been lu Ashlanil Ihe past year at- ii. mllue the Southern Oregon Nor ninl School. Guy Perrln, brotliei of Allss Pen-In, will bo best man A wedding breakfast will f.ol low the ceremony. Allss Perrln Is an. allrncllvr voting woman and Is a graduate of lloseliurg high school. She at loaded Ihe Oregon Normal School ami later was a slildeill at (I. A. ('., where she has ninny friends. Air. Matthews Is a resident ol l!mpiUa. where he has a large ranch and Is well known. 0 n, I r retly V-hurcli 1 Wpddincr at Elkton On Sunday afternoon. June u. idle nun rlage of .Miss Alalgaiet lAlvrllo Sawyers, eldest dauglilei id .Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sawyers of I Elkton, and Alls, lle.orge W. How : in ii n of lteedsiort was solemnized .III Hie Methodist Episcopal church 'at Elkton. llev. Grace Driver, pas , h ,, ..h n, ,1.,,. j ,,,.,.,,. , ,hl, ,,r;.s,.m.(, ,,f 1111 us-1 - .ihliii:e of two hundred guests at ; o'clock. The church was beautifully dec orated with flowers of the season, " roses 111 pink and white preilnnilii-1 "lining and forming a pretty Belting : for Ihe ceremony Before Hie hmir for the service: Miss Luclle Schllll, nceoinpallled bv Allss Lena Driver, sung "In Joy I or Sorrow." and Airs. John Sawy ers played Ihe wedding march. Allss Uorolhy Gates, as urines. ,.i,i n-,-., o r,-,,..lr ni- i,n, .-iriie de chine over lose. Jacob Sawvei's. bun her ot Ihe bride, was best man The bride was lovely In n flat crene model of nnrlcol. She was ,.lv..n In miit-i li.i-n liv b..r fillliei. Alex Mawvers. . The couple will make Ihelr heme a( lleedsport. wheie Air. HowiiHin Is In Ihe employ or Ihe I nonius Pain Shop. . Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. Ii. Ware and fninlly spent hist week end on a motor trlii to Vancouver. Washing ion. While there ihey vlslleii Ihe Pythian Home. Mr. Ware Is Chancellor Commander of Alpha Lodge, Knights of Pythias, Rose bury. Lnroiile home they were guests of friends lu Porllaud. OlCIlII iwuauaugu and Ellen Braden Wed at IMaricopa A nmrrliig'.' of Die week of In terest In itoseburg ami Eugene circles was Hint of Miss Kllen llnliien, daugliier of .Mr. anil Mrs. C. A. llriiili'ii of Maricopa, f al and (ileiiu ('. Kaihibaugli, son of Mr. und Airs. (!uy 1'. Hadabaugb, formerly of liosebuig. now making their home in ICugcne. The cere mony was solemnized Wednesiluy, June IS, at Ihe homo of the bride's parents at Maricopa. Mr. KailahaiiKli wan a member of tho Wii gnuiualiiig class of itosebura high school and was prominent in literary circles. HOiwuii a variety of oilier cut flowers was president oi uie miiuciii inm 1 Association in bis senior year and following griiduatlon attended Iho University of Oregon, there taking a course lu journallsni. Ho is well known In newspaper circles, hav ing lieen employed as reporter on Ihe NeHs ltevlew slalf and Is now employed In the Eugcnu itegister ol flees. . ..... The bride is an attractive young woman mid has many friends in Eugene, having boon a student at Ihe Eugene Hlblo university. The collide will make Iheir home lu Eiigone. i ' 1 i Visiting Matron Honored at Porch Party! ' Mis.' ilalpll 'Hell arranged a lovely porch party at her home last Friday evening in coniiiliuienl to lier mother, .Mrs. J. 'A.' Wood' of Orange, ('alll'oriila, wild Is heri I house guest, nsklug old rrlends ot i tho honor guest, who rormeriy re j sided In Itoseburg, having made j her homo hero f tibcul f',vo ycarr I t!. M... ,ll,.n..ul,. 7'll,A evening, Taneii. wnn games, anu Jones, C. W. Cook. (Ieo A. Hickld F. A. Slowart, Alary, Davis, Hill Alarslihanks, P. W. Cook, Curtis Cullilna. C. H. Calkins, C. , E. Wen be r, Fpiiik Calkins, T. II. Bryan, H. II. Williams, John Ewell. J. A. Wood, Ifl. McKay, ' powers, Ellison, Alullbollaiid, Allss ' Hazel Mnrsll bauUs, Alias' Pearl Jouus. . ' ,: SOCIETY I SMMSTS MIND THEIR P'S On All Hands These ' Days It's Print, Plaid, Pleat, Pastel IV113. n. r. ituse iviih. cuwin ivi. rubi. i, unu itiis. nuuoii i. n,nau, 1 . : BY OETSY SCHUYLER I N E A Sorvlcs Writer NEW YORK. June .IS.- Society, -Mrs. Holiert Livingston ClarU id eouiso. Is minding Us l"s ami 1 son sponsoied the print, In a soft Q'B Ibis spring. Hut It dees seem : pastel shade of Ihe popular or al. If It Is slnwing Hie runner. !'hld. wllh liny flowers In wisteria For prints, plaids, pleats and 'mid green 011 It. A three piece cos pearls were seen oven whore n' mne II was, of sumo soi l new IconttV III Iho races. Not lo lllell- !llon "pliable fabrics. And pique In the form of vests and blouses. And of coinie i.nslel colors! Kalini n Hrown. chose a plaid, a i siiiklng lilalii. In fact, lor her silk.- i en wuol labile suit 111 giavs and j black on a white background. The ,.,,( was fullv seven eighths lengih. '11 i ...Mil :il I,,,. I.nx iniil alvln Willi! ! one huce pouch pocket on 'ihe 1 IkIii side w blt'll gave ample spare lor M-(ue cards, eigaict ca-e and sn on. j Silver White B!ous Her l.ht hid side box pl-.'ats The blou-;e wu; a llve white, us was l lie hoslt'iy and irtoves. She wore a sniiirt tell nirl'iin, wllh a cilcubir Haie running acioss til" top lrom car lo ear. It was worn low over her foivluad. jusi let. in; her eyes peep out. Her black pa tent leather pimpf had cut stesl Matrons and Maids Asked fpr Luncheon , and Bridge. Wednesday For thii ! aecund of a series of most delightful ' nl'turuoon uifairs at which lliey aru entertaining groups of friends, Mrs. 11. C. Wud- II, Airs. j. f . JiaiKer khu .wis. i (i. Hroudway urranged a one o'clock liuu:lieon und bridge party i for Wednesday. Fllty six matrons and maids were bidden lo the Wud-1 uetl home, which was aliructivuj with musses of lovely flowers in , pastel colors, charming appoint-1 numiu in Hi,, luncheon tables cor-1 responding with the arrangements 1 of bluebells, roses and sweet peas I 1 lne rooms. ; AsEll!llllK ,vi.,.e Mr8. Kro(1 ik. . ii(.iw(.l, Mrs. ,!,",,''., (ieo M BrauV A. Al. "one Mis. Oco (.'lias, W. Wharton and Alias Ueij trude- Hast. 1 Fourteen tables of bridge were In play lu Hie afternoon. First prize was won by Airs. Clnlr K. Allen und second by Mrs. W. S. Jost. The crjnsolntlon prize went to Airs. Foster Hutner. Bridge and five Hundred at .Club Benefit June 24 The rooms formerly occupied by the Heinllne Conservatory of Alusle in the Kohlhugon building will be the scene ot a most enjoy able and restive alfalr on J rlilay evening. June 24, when the Ilusi- ness und Professional Women's Club has arranged for a benefit card party, the proceeds lo ba used in club funds There1 will be tables for both bridge and five hundred, each member of the club to be respon sible for players for one table. Quaint ideas will be worked out by each of Ihe club women for the tables and at the end ot play re freshments will-be served. Mrs. S. L. Kidder Is "general chairman of the affair. :T " ' i; r? ' " : (Mrs. J.'M. Judd ami twA daugh ters, the Misses -Jessie .and Eld less Judd, have been spending tho weilK In 1 Portland i and' Seaside. Thoy: will return lo; Itosebjirg next fee5q! J! ,i - -lnickles that hardly mis.-ied lieinil Colonial lu their quaint shape. ein o 01 siik iii.u ciiiuK uec iiik- !' "' shimmered In Ihe sun. wuaisew uutn ultra I Iter coal Had ll sluiwl collar Hull ! ' unite new, and flared sleeves, : A" absence ol conlrastllig color . h the delicate material added i ''hie lo her costume. So ninny 1 1"''" nowered materials nils sea "Oil SOl'Ill doomed to itu-if '. diiinly chaim by having a gaudy l.l, .!,,. ,,..n ,.. Vstci- three ef llieui nestliiiK ' lug a narrow banding. She wore , Ha dots In gold and silver, ailer on her Vhoulder looked as If they' pearls lo give a gleaming touch to naling and the Vneck was out must be real flowers. Site wore : her beig" frock. bned In banding o dots, as was an onbid Milan hat villi medliii.il Turquoi Leather the rmtlom of Hie circular skirt M.-.I brim turned down all around. Another nnart separate coal I Flowered chiffons, black, holao Mil silliest ,iawav In the beck, i'ote.1 recently was a lurjuuiso blue and colored laces and while seor Its 'hmdlec was a shaded ribbon leather sports model that Mrs. Belle with diamonds are among th car, lng !1 the t s of her print- George L. Redmond affects for n.os, f,sh,onaMe for - evenina ,.,1 ,., -motoring, lis collar Is of beige fur . wear, skills are circular, tiered. M,s lt.liil,, Al. Post. Jr.. walking and she wears a smart belie felt or draped, with , full Inserts, will. her. had a smart flesh-color- hat. Alelal rings are used Instead I'U. as 1 said ih he beg nning ,-! u-i o.u-. tte bkms,. will, a double ; of buckles lo close the coat anJ'H seems to be plaldi, pleats and ( plcited j.-.bot on It with her blue Attractive Affair 1 Honors Couple I One of Ihe attractive 'evening af ! fairs of the week honoring Allss Oertrude Wlckham and Mr. Hugh Whipple, whose marriage will be an event of Wednesday evoning, June 29, was at Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Taylor on South siephena street, a surprise kitchen i-hower lielng arranged for tho honor guests by a group ot their intimate friends, Cut flowers in grucoful baskets and vases transformed the rooms where tables were placed for five hundred following the shower. Al the close of play high honors were shared by Mr. and Mrs. AIcKlhlll- ano consolation prize went 10 Mr. and Mrs. Catching. CoverB for luncheon were placed for Miss Oertrude Wlckham. Air. nno sirs, joe ueeis, air. ami airs. (irant Osborn, Mr. and -Mrs. Hoy Catching, Mr. and Mrs. Ned nixon, Air. and Airs. Herbert ). Qulno, Air. and Airs. Chas, M. AlcElhlnny, Air. nnd Mrs. Fred L. Strang, Air. Hugh W'hil'P'e and the hosts. Mrs. George Wharton. the .Misses Verna Carothers, Alice Ue iand and Hess Wharton spent last Sunday as guests of Air. und Mrs. Waller G. Paul at their country homo at Dixouvllle. . , ', . i ' Former Roseburg ; ' : Man Weds Kansas Maid Announcements rec dved In the j malls this week of Interest to a i milliner in uie ciiy was me mar-!rt rlage of Allss Katherine Erna Pen - nor. the daughter of Air. and Mrs. r,,"';t,PHnr,'i0 Newton, Kansas, and Air. Harold It. Barton, formerly of Roseburg. .. qhe wedding was an event of whose marriage will be solemnized June 7 at Newton. Mr Barton Is 01l June 9 wa3 al the home of well known here, wllh his parents j Mr alld M,.s, Charles Olson, at El and two lirothers having made , meotBl we3t of this city, on Sun Roseburg his homo five years ago. ,,av evening, a group of one hun After leaving this city he went to d,e, friends of the honon guests Kansas, entering the state col-: assembling as a surprise. -, lege, where he completed. . his j A mock wedding was an. eiitei' course this June. ; talning part of the evening' and af- Atr. and Airs. Barton will be at ; terward games and music were di-!--me In Alberquerque, New Mexi-1 versions. A miscellaneous shower co, in the fall. ' "-. : v : -: -t The Misses Afny Kiley pnd Hel en Russell of Eugene are, visiting here- at the homes of the latter's slsler, Mrs. Herbert I). Qlline, and aunt, Miss Mattie Perry.- ., ' i k i tailleiir. a flesh-colored silk hat nnd hosiery to match. She wore pearls, a lovely strand ot slightly pink ones. The new- pliable velvet sport co'U had a sponsor In Alia. II. P. Hose when she strolled down Park ave nue enjoying the first real sun shine New York has seen lately. II was perfectly tailored, with no trimming, depending on lis svelte lines for chic. And of course II was perfectly Justified tn doing so. The Utile fresh violets she wore looked chnrnilng against the gleam- log creen of Ihe sport coat. Her lint was a huee picture hat i'of a darker gieen. with n matching i velvet ribbon bow lying flat lurulnut lis minor bl 111 ami form tighten the ruffs. The same de Matron Bids Club for Luncheon Arranging a charmingly ap pointed one o'clock luncheon on Thursday Mrs. Chus. U. Wade In vited the matrons of her bridge club to her home on South Ste phens .street. Masses of fragrant cut flowers were used in the rooms. Following luncheon table3 were cleared for bridge. At the end of the game honors were held by Sirs, irvln Ilrunn and guest prize was received by Mrs. Albert Alicelll. Included lu the group were the .Mesdumes Albert Alicelll, Hlrney It. West, E. H. Thurber, Irvln lirunn, A. J. Hochradel, S. G. Sel lick, Fred Schwartz and tho host ess. Mrs. P. Sinlcair ,t i ii v,iuu i iubicss Mrs. Peter Sinclair invited the members of the Garden Valley Women's Club to be her guests at her home on Thursday - afternoon. Following the usual business meet ing an afternoon of informal visit ing was enjoyed.' Allsses .Margar et Ferguson and Georgine Sinclair, assisted the hostess in serving re freshments to Mrs. Ed. Hrown, Airs. K. A. Calhoun, Airs. Donna Ferguson. Airs. R. S. Hutton, Airs. W. I). Love, Mrs. Gurney McDan iel, Mrs. A. Nlilny, Airs. J, Erwin Page, Airs. Fred Parrott, Airs. Hugh Ritchie, Sr., Airs. John Sin clair, Mrs. Anna Wood, Airs. J. L. Potoin und Airs.: Leslie John. i - i- t ji 1 v-ouple Complimented I at Affair This Week -i A ,nte,.esUllB affa arranged , w k to cobmllUnleIll M,8 m. I . ,, ., MH,,hnwa. for the bride-elect followed, JViiss Perrin t receiving many lovely gifts. , ' s' Assisting at itlie buffet supper were 'AIra. .C. Ji .Lundeen, Airs. L. L. Alarsters amj ilia. Cj R. Holm- -quist. . . - Kathryn Brown vices decorate her pull-on gloves of beige. Aliss Judith Smith advanced something new In pleats tho other day when sho woro a Tuxedo suit of ' brown small checks with tan background that had fully a ilon en pleats across the left side and none elsewhere. They were stitch ed to below Iho hlpltne and then flared jauntily when she walked, giving the clever one-sided touch. Commsnctment tor Polka Dots 1 note that polka dots have grad uated into evening wear, a fact ! proven conclusively ny uie clinrm- , big dark blue chllfon hlouse Mrs. I David Wagsiatr wore at a dinner last ween, us sleeveless upper - : poruon nno iiaiiii eiiiiiuniiereo imi- - prints tor sports. ' Two Maids Honored , by Group of Friends . For the pleasure of Allss Violet Heed, who Is leaving soon lo make her home at Clatskaule, and .Miss Katherine Alontgomery, wno will leave to take a summer course at the University of Oregon, a gruup of thtrty-tive of their! friends, meniDers of the Young People s ' society of Ihe Bible Standard Mission, called ut the Reed home for a surprise and to bid the two maids adieu on Wed nesday evening. .Music and interesting games comprised the entertainment and at tne close of the evening refresn- uieuu were served, Allss Helen Casey has been spending the past week ill Port land as the house guest of Miss Naomi Scott. Miss Scott is plan ning to return here In the fall to open her own music studio. Children's Day Pageant Impressive A spectacular and pleasing Children's Day pageant was en acted Sunday evening at the First Methodist Episcopal Church by the Junior Department of the Sunday School. "Gretchen's Wondrous Adven ture" with Patricia Neal as "Orel- chen" was found and transformed in , an nudum led garden lull of real Howei-B. Fairies, with Janot Flkencher as queen fairy, elves and the rose, forget-me-not, blue bird, daisy and butterfly, each told in what way they try to make the world beautiful and happy. Four tiny flower girls scattered rose petals for the approach of the queen, .Alary Deli Ueddes, whose attendants were Margaret Dent and Aladcline Doosenberry. The Spirit of Education, displayed by five girls, gave to Gretchen a bright outlook for the future. Hoss Knotts represented the board of education of the First Methodist Episcopal' Church, and the far reaching .effects of free scholar ships which help many boys: and gins to a higher education which otherwise would not bo thelvs. Aluch credit is due the committee which presented this interesting pageant. Several numbers from a four-piece orchestra were enjoyed. .-..'.',- Club Meets for, , , , ; Social Afternoon ' For the meeting of tho Northslde Sunshine Club Thursday, Mrs. 11. S. Nichols, asked tho 'members to her home, arranging an, lntormal afternoon: following 'the business session. ' At , the close refresh ments were served.1 '- . Enjoying tho uftcrnoon wore the Mesdames Joss Hicks, club guest, Virgil Bush, Ed Alarsters, Geo. Alarsters, Fred Bowen, L. W. Li es, Robert Chilson, James Bart- ley, Lucius Alarsters, Clair Petitt, Roscoc Alarsters, B. F. Chilson, Wm. Fisher, and tho hostess. Umpqua Squaws Hold Last Meeting of Season Closing a very successful period of activity, the I' urn cm a Suuaws held the last meeting ot the season c.. p.J., on Alonday evening at the homo ot lore employes Airs. Lymon Spencer, disposing of Have Enjoyable Picnic various matters pertain- Quito an enjoyable evening af lng to Hie part taken by the organ- far 0r Thursday was tho out-door lsation in the Strawberry festival. ! picnic in which added guests, During tho evoning the group i m.mhn nr iho airr m.,i was entertained by the series of moving pictures taken during t he vunuua urnivni uvuius, I. xl.,! Ness, showing Iho picturt'g. The organization will no', meet lif-il,, unl.ln r,-i,i,t en Hi.,1 I...... i l,.,ra und! autumn. he 'il Picnic Tuesday Is Delightful Affair A very enjoyable affair ol' the nV. ,i , ii ii , l' i , ?.h.?."k ..,hi? l":lK?m Church, South, enjoying a picnic at the Macon Smith homo at Win chester. Swimming, horseback riding, and games were Ihe dlve,Mlons of the afternoon and evening. In cluded In the gr.iup wero the .Misses Virginia French, Maldlc Gilbert. .Mario Nelson. A!nitie Smith, Agnes Pierce and Fay Ogle, ltev. and Airs. ('. S. Coberly and .Mr. and Airs. Macon Mintli. Mr. and Airs. L. L. Crocket two daughters left mid-week Diamond - Lake, Air. Crocker be- lng deputy game and fish warden there. Airs. Crockor nnd the two girls are remaining at the resort during Ihe season, returning to Itoseburg In tho fall. Annual Club Supper Delightful Affair The annual club supper of the Bell view Club held at the country liome of Air. nnd Mrs. P. W. Heck ley at DIxm.vHlo was a delightful afralr of last Saturday evening nt 6:30 o'clock. A number of guests were Invited In addition to the club members and their families. The long table, from rhlch the buffet supper was served, was placed under the trees on the lawn. In Ihe evening a huge bonfire was built, lending a festlvo air to the scene. Hntertalumont for the evening consisted of a song by the little Misses Koslund, and a violin solo by Rowland linear. W. G. Paul talked Interestingly of his travels In India, Korea. Japan and oilier countries of Kurope. One especially entertaining part of his talk dealt with the mysterious dis appearance ot the crew o' the ship. Atarie Calesla. a sailing rcssel which left a port In Alnlne about forty years ago. nf whom no Hate has ever beeu found. Mrs. Virdin Hostess for Delightful Bridge-Luncheon OI tne week's larger social af fairs none could have been moro ' delightful than Iho ultrnetivu briage-luncheou on Tliursduy fur whlcn Mrs. T. B. Vlrdm wo host ess, arranging It as one of a series of affairs at which she will enter lain groups ot prominent matrons and maids. Cut flowers In dollcate shades predominated In the rooms and corresponded wllh the luncheon appointments. Assisting were Airs. H. Clay uarey, ,ur. o. u. Kidder, Mrs. J. K. Sawyers and Allss Gertrude Rast. Six tables of bridge wore in play following luncheon. At the end of "tne game Airs. A. A. Wilder received first prize and Mrs. B. L, Kidder second prize. w Young Maid Entertains Friends Betty May, the young daughter of Mr. and Airs. Fred Boyor, ob served her ninth birthday anni versary on Tuesday by inviting a H group of small friends to the Boy er home for the afternoon. Pleasure was found at the river and Informal games wero tho en tertainment. At the close of the afternoon refreshments were serv ed at an exquisitely appointed ta ble, centered with a bowl of pink sweet peas and fern. The guest list included Margaret Murphy, Jean Mary Murphy, Clara Alary Hagar, Phyliss Becklcy, Vera Thelma Lovelace, Carmen Love-7 lace, Vincent Murphy, Eddie Buy er, Dee Boyer, and Freddie Boyer. Miss Evelyn Quine will spend the summer months at the Oregon Caves, one of the attractive sum mer resorts of Southern Oregon, . there having charge .of' a studio for the summer. Aliss Quine was accompanied south last week by her parents, Mr. and Airs. Geo. K. Quine, who have returned hero. Afternoon Program at W, C, T. U. Meeting A most interesting patriotic program in connection with the observance of Flower : Mission Day was , held at tho meeting of the Roseburg W. C. T. U. on Wednes day at the home ot Mrs. G. W. Riddle.,- , Airs, J. D. Osborn presided at the meeting and Mrs. E. Woodcock led the devoiions. The regular business session preceded the pto- gram; which' was arranged by Mrs, J itoyce Busenbark, Tho t,i-nfm nnimo,! will ihn song, "America,'' by the meriibei-iU( of the organization. Mrs. Busen bark gave a very entertaining talk on the origin of Flower Mission Day. Two solos by Airs. Willis Alyors, accompanied by Mrs. C. S. Heinllne, ' were enjoyed and Aliss Joyce Busenbark gave two read ings. , A talk, the tftcme belnc Flower Altsslon Day and patriot ism, was given by Mrs. Wm'. Aus tin. The assemblage sang the na tional anthem at tne close of the program. Refreshments were served by u committee ot ladies. maimBer of ' tho Roaeburg J. C. PeIlney company store . particlpat- - ,i The group motored to an at 1 "JE... 'Z V' tractive picnic spot below, the luwitniivi uiv.iuiuti ilea. IV iuuiiea- ter, holding a 7 o'clock picnic supf per. The evening following the sup per was spent informally. Includ ed in the group woro tho Ales dames Elsie Williams, Anna Dab- ney, Air. and Airs. W. D. Wiley, , Air, and Mrs. A. J. Caraway, the Misses Mabel Schlndler, Ruth Jen nings and Lotus Knight, and R. H. Smith, W. B. Strawu and Veile- monte Morris. Cooking School Evoking Interest A great deal of Interest is bo- ' lng shown by tho housewives ef Roseburg and vicinity In the fin j electric cooking school lo be con iducted by the News-Review starl nnd ' ,n ' Tuesday afternoon. T b e ,l)r ; school Is lo be at the Armory ami i-iitsNes w in oo nem eacn auei noon at 2 o'clock. The schoo. will (Continued on pa go 3.) FLAPPER FANNY SAYS:' mi MO. U. ft. WT. OCT. Garters are ijt ndmirrd cause thry work sixteen bourn at stretch. f