SIX ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1927. This is the final mark-down the climax to a great sale for the clos ing out of our entire shoe department. Every shoe we own must be sold. Nothing like the values now offered. ilmmtmff OF SHOE DEPARTMENT Entire Stock To Be Closed Out Now! New Prices! Reductions on all makes and even on newest styles. You will be easy to fit. Great values on Children's Shoes, etc.! NOW YOU ASK ONE I THE AN8WER8 I Waller Johnson la known at' M'Wl? Train." 1 2 .Mm. F. I. Mallory was wo ' nu n a tennis champion In Amerl j mi In 1 lew. 3 . T. Jonas, Jr., la national 1 open Kolr chuniplon. 4 Unlvenilty of Southern Call i forn la won the Intercollegiate. : track ami field championship In 1II2II. ' ; r, Zcv, winning :I13.IS00 In 23 J luces, is reputed to ho the Amorl I can horse with greatest earnliiKx. II Secretaries Mellon, liavls dither), Hoover, New and Work I were unpointed by, Hunling. j "The larynx is the orgnn of . the voice. 8 The Pons Wlnnecke comet ! will he visible In the sky this month. 9 Coral Is the skeleton I small sea animal. , 10 Nevada is a Spanish nieanliiK snow child. NEW TODAY FOR ItKNT Modern dowiwituirs furnidhi'U iiiiurlinunt villi bh liiK, 42S Plizer. IlL'SlNKtiS girl wiuiU room and board. Write X, Cure NtWrt of a word $.1.98 ., Lots of ladies' and child ren's" shoes, snewly marked down . for ' this final clear ance'. We' will helji to fit you and' you may be assured sat isfaction 'fronv ' every ' 'pair. Perfect fitting shoes, suedes, calf skins, patents and kid. ' 98c Lots of cliiltlren's pumps nnd . low slioes, and men's and women's low shoes. . Tnlte till you can carry' nnd save dollars on every pair. 49c New lot of shoes for women and small children.. These are values that only happen when a stock is to be closed Put-; ' ' ; I T .J , $3.45 to $6.95 Thcsa vnlucs Include our finest shoes, in . patents, dark and light leathers, dress or sport heels. Regular price on t''ese shoes nt pther ( stores nre up to $1 1.00. Only a close-put sale could make thoRe low prices possible . ' ' ' : $2.98 : ; This lot comprises styles in dress and sport shoes, also house shoes, that are very desirable and will suit . the most j exacting purchasers. Look these over and put by a supply 'for future. . needs. These ai;e , ladies'; low shoesi in all heels, several colors. Men's' Leather1 Slippers 1 ' iii ,1 Regular ovcry-clhy $3.00 vahlc3, light or heavy lcijherrupjca, ,tan kid up pers. F.very size. 'Wonderful value. .( -.HI ii' i . , 1 1 - " M iKwnftlflw"'' 1 H" ,BE,p-E, SERVICE ' BETTER MERCHANDISE 1 i;: ! Men's Oxfords ', i ' i $3.95 1 . Remainder 'of rrieri's oxford stock to be 'closed out 'n't 'this price. ' Marked down from: openini? sale price of $4.95. Original price tipfto $7.00. ft) These values in effect now and every day as long as they last!1 FOIt ItKNT Five-room house, partly furnished, I0 per nio. Two blocks, east or K. Clh St. K. h. Jlanirnond. DBSTvb v Fiji ci iW on f Stock of stuiwherry crates unti hal loeks 1h still complete, Denn-l-lerretsen Co. AlAKE Canyon 'J'averu for lunch or dinner. Its just one-lialf mile south of Canyonvllle. You will be well pleased with our foods und music. AFTER TUB Sunday driveTtry" a chicken dinner ul the Pollyunna Cafe ut .Myrtle Creek. Well coooked, well served. You'll like il. WAN" Simile slows. bit axes, ft. 50 ut Tar -o- Go to Portland Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook nnd fam ily went to I'ortlaud yesterday and will visit friends and ulteiid thv Itose Festival. F.l) to rent a six-room mod ern house, unfurnished or partly furnished. South part of town preferable. Address House, cure News-Jtevlew. F6lfSALE Good Su-acre ranch. .Stock, implements, crop, chick ens. All cheap if taken at once. ROSEBURG UNDERTAKING CO. Established 1301 M. E. HITTER, Manager ,.JA Founded and Maintained on Efficient Service and Courtesy hone 284 Licensed Lad Oak and Kane 8t. Embalmel E -o- Uho(1 rorrlKorator for $3.00. 7"Jcw onoaiit low priori nt Powell's. Vimilt iiMl .1 WTWT Another BIG Dance AT THE ORIENTAL garden; SATURDAY NITE mm lurs. vioiii itarreison ot Van couver, Wash.', ' who' lias been spending die past few dayH In Ilosehui'u vlslllnit wllh her broth er, L. It. Mynutt, and family, lofl this InornliiK Tor Riddle to .visit with u sister, Mrs. T. N., KlIinRor. Slid Will be at Kiddle indefinitely. LIBERTY THEATRE Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Matinee Daily 2:15 Laughs Abound in Marie Prevost's Comedy "Getting Gertie's Garter" The Ladles Auxiliary of Ihc American j,cgiou will bold 1 a m cooked food sale Sutm-unv. .Tune fl I SI Ii at MeKoun, Darby nnd l)nld- wins. . 11 8 HER BEJEWELLED ' 1 GARTER ,.- pi juM Mi: B which displayed the photo- . H VfcV 1 graph of her former fiance, Avj.; . I ' If njaj and which' he desperately L ' J i irf:?. ' 'A Ii sought to recover, caused three (?(, I, ' ' '(frl' ' I men great worry until You'll 'V V I :f'4 enjoy this delightful farce com- i'i'V,:.Ai'yj k'Jj edy, which is clean as a pin and fcji.iV j tai packed with laughs. Vab&pjU.:''.'! "getting. .5dM GERIIE0ggih GAfUE$gg- WITH CHARLES RAY, SALLY RAND, HARRY MYERS, FRITZI RIDGE WAY mama- tMI I " MUTT AND JEFF PATi JE NEWS I Matinee 10c-25c Evenings 10c-35c I LIBERTY Today and Saturday . Matinee Dally 2:15 P. M. - . ' You'll laugh on all cylinders) ; when you see Rubber Tires Many Surprises Await You in pur Ne,w FOOTWEAR SHOWING Always The New In Footwear New Patent Sandals New Colored Sandals New Step Ins New Low Heel Slippers New High Heel Slippers New Trimmed Patents Good Peppy Music i :''.:.- , ; American Legion itlii.-iu M:-i '.Jill - New Ventilating -System BASEBALL Dillard vs. Oakland At Gobblers' Field ' Oakland t Sunday, June 19 Game- Called at 2 o. m. ; Watkins Products .! 120 W.' Lane One-Half Block Off Jackson St. PHONE 177 .rar I New Black Bottom S ! ; Roseburg Booterie j j Shoe. tbay,o Satisfy and Fit IrftflEf ) perkl-BldB; or8-1 IV 41 CHIROPRACTORS ; Drugless Health Center "Complete Health Service" 8ULPHUR VAPOR BATHS 327 West Cass Phone 491 Elite Pleaters All Kinds of Pleating and Button Making. Phone 187-R 610 So. Main DEAL WITH LICENSED Ok S I REALTORS yJL tt&Q Licensed real eslnto brokiTR tMlhn. 4w5 l"'0 fl"'""' to know Hio OreKon JflfaYOaw C9&L "oal Kslato Urokers' lnw nnd post 'B, Iinmls wllh the slate ns n auaialltee An enir of the erenl Amerirnn I 'llllst Inlsroinosentntlon. lien An epic ot me great American 1(,nl wUh unl0c.n80tl brokora outdoor sport, tourins the ! ,k rh s,. Hint vou are country in a modern "Covered I protected by dealing only with It- WOKon. censed realtors WILL CLEAN all kinds of wood finish C?rpets, Hugs, Window Washing Make them look like new. Let Charley do your work. Charles Danis Phone B1-J Its packed with laughing - gns and breaks all speed laugh rec ords WITH HARRISON FORD BESSIE LOVE MAY ROBSON and JUNIOR COGHLAN DOUGLAS COUNTY REALTY BOARD DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Sueclallst In the fitting ot Glasses. 116 Jnckson SL Mack Sennett Comedy "Alice Be Good" WITH Alice Day and Eddie Quillan Fables Pathe New 10c ' 25c DANCE Every Wednesday and Saturday Night Rainbow Gardens WINCHESTER Ott's Orchestra . THE CHEAPEST MONEY for the choicest FARM LOANS money. Terms of 6, 7 and. 10 years. Liberal repayment privileges. StrniKlU loana. 'unual commission charges. Prompt flervlre. If you nHd a loan or are refinancing nee us. G. W. Young & Son LOANS 110 Casa 9t. Phone 417 -Address owner, care News-Re view. ONACCO LTNT of poor health will sell my home; 1!IG acres ut $35 per acre; crop, stock and farm . toois. Fred Hand, 11, 1, Ouklund, Pro. Phone 2GF32. Allllwork - Lunibor"lioxeii I Duilding Materials Our stocks are complete. Wo can i takn care of your wants without ; delay. I C'oen Lumber Company I WANTKI)' A glrf to do "llKlit housework as second Kirl. No cooking. Work mornings only. Phone or call residence of J. W. l'ei'kins. Corner Stephens and Mosher streets. OL'Il 20-year. J$urnl Credit farm j loan is the most simple . und least expensive loan for the j farmer. Loans made on produc ing farms. i . IlICE & HICE FOR SALI3 New 4-rooin furnish ed house, modern plumbing, large lot, free soli. , Fine gar den, nuts and fruit. Rrice $1800. Terms. Chas. Kycs, S2G N. Jackson St. ATTENTION BORROWERS ! A new city loan plan; low rate of intorest;' semi-annual payments; amortized throughout ten years; less expensive than any build- ing and loan plan. Sec us first. ' RICE & RICE : TOMMY ARMOUR NEW U. S. GOLF "CHAMP" Awhk-IuO-I I'rfM 1.poW(1 Wirr.) OAK.MONT, Ta., June 17. Tommy Armour of Washing- Ion, Scotch professional of the Congressional Country club, today won the open golf championship of the United States by defeating . Harry Cooper of Los Angeles, 70 to 79 in the 18-hole pluyoff of their tie. . LA NOTICE BUSINESS AND .. PROFESSIONAL WOMEN I Regular business nnd so- cluJ meeting tonight nt 7:30 Helnline Studio. PORTLAND TELEGRAM SOLD FOR $226,000 . I.AwM-latrd I'rt-M Li-aawl Win.) PORTLAND, Ore., June 17 T h c Portland Telegram was sold today by Referee ' SPECIAL BARGAIN On the fol lowing tires: 2SX-I.95; 311x4.75; 30x9.95; 30x5.77, Only a lew of sizes left. Harrison's Garage. , TODAY'S BASEBALL American. At Boston i R. H. E. Cleveland II 14 0 Boston J il (I 1 Ilutteiios: Iludiln and L. Sewell; Wlllze, McFadden and Hartley, Moore. . ' : At New York R. H. E. St. Louis 2 4 2 New York , 3 9 2 ' Batteries: Stewart, Neveis and O'Neill; Shocker and Collins, Clra bowski. t . . . - : 0 Sewing machines '. for Powell's Furniture store. In Bankruptcy Cunnon to Da- vld I. Lofgren, an attorney, acting as a trustee, for $220,. 000. One other bid wns re- ceived, 178,uuu, irom me w 4 Portland News. DANCE TILLER HALL Saturday Nite June 18th Good Music By NITE HAWKS ISADORE RONDEAU, Mar. D A N' C E . ; AT) , The Wigwam Saturday Nite June 18 ' Music by RICE'S DANCE PLAYERS TKAItlO 325 acre sheep ami tur key ranch, 5-room house , hen hoiiHR, barn, water piped from sprliiK to house, family orchard, for an AUTOMOUILK.- ,1. C. Oerety, 420 Perkins nidff. Phono Phone 6(i5. FOIt SALK OneTof the best little threshing machines In the coun ty tor $150, Kuuranteeil. What have, you to trade. If Interested In a new Woods Tiros: or Hn clno, write me. I can save! you money, K. A. Kruse, Roseburg. I Oregon. i ! "DO YOU'W ANT"AHO M K T . A real honest to soodness coni)lete I I new modern house, nover occupied, i Cloinuleto in every detail. If so, look nt 312 Chndwick. Itesponsible ! man ran buy this without .cash, monthly payments like rent. Phone Owner 460 mo tiknrfit'danor at-riTrc S V THKRL1N COM M UN ITY HALL SATURDAY NIGHT i 0 i. in. Admission SI. Ladles j Free. Proceeds for the Suthor j Hn Chamber, of Commerce. If I you cannot come send your ! dollar to the Secretary to help the County's Junior Ornanlza- tion which is strivinfi to boost Douglas County. v FURNISHED APXrTMKNTS I modern three room apartments; ' j sleeping porch, bath, continuous j ! hot water; extra well furnished: ' ground floor; big yard, centrally j located, best part of town; light I and wafer furnished. Price i $12.50 and $17.50. LAWRENCE ' AGENCY. 325 Cass Street, j Phone 219. ! THE FAIREST LOAN WE HAVE, EVER KNOWN! What the Fed eral Farm Loan has done for the farmer our long term, easy pay ment mortgage does for the homo owner. It eliminates the expense and anxiety of repeated renewals of your loan and pro vides for a monthly payment covering principal nnd Interest which automnticnllv pays off the loan. Umpqun Savings nnd loan Association, Douglas Ab stract Ttldg. ANTLERS, i iSUND AY, MONDAY, TUESDAY -' Matinee. Daily 2:15 RE&i! BEACH'S5 '1 1 r WITH ANNA Q. NILSSON 'i BEN LYQN VIOLA DANA , VICTQR McL AGLEN The greatest epic' of' gold and glory - v 5 ' ' 1 ' have yet beheld.1 irj your eyes COMEDY "SOLID GOLD" u ; ; MUSIC LEGEND "ROSE OF MONTEREY" INTERNATIONAL NEWS Showing the First Pictures cf Lindbergh Landing in Paris With Giant Searchlights Scouring the Skies Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10c-25c-35c 71."i ACRK KSTATK MUST BR . SOU 300 ncros In cultivation, balnnce nnstiire Intnl. On the Pacific Highway, G nilleH from good town, nfar scliool and on mail route. Crops of prain anil alfalfa Rrowincr. N'lne room house in pood condition: well and creek water: 2 barns, parage nnd chicken house: fences are mostly wire. If Interested in a large farm suitable for fanning, sheep nnd turkey raising, see AIcTjendon Realty Company, cor ner Oak and Main. HOME DAnOAIN Five foofnmod ern plastered bungalow on high way north, practically new and well built. Living and dining room. 2 bedrooms, hnth, clothes closets, modern built-in kitchen, lni'Ee lot, garage nnd woodshed. This property is easllv worth $3(100 but If you have $600 cash and can pay the balance of 11150 in payments of $15.33 per month It is yours. FOR SALE S-room residenco on South Stephens. Very attractive and in excellent location: rooms all plastered and woodwork paint ed or enameled, all modern con veniences In kitchen Including built lus nnd air cooler, bed rooms and have lnrep closets: double plumbing, 1 lots, lawn nnd shrubs. This Is a valuable property nnd is offer ed below Its actual value. Will consider trade. McLFVDON RFALTV COMPANY. Corner ANTLERS TODAY AND TOMORROW Matinee Daily 2:15 WARNER BROS.'wwtf mi) TJieGAYOlD LOUISE FAZENDA Joan T. Murray and Jane Winton The greatest of screen comediennes in a comedy that's a scream. COMEDY "MR. CINDERELLA" INTERNATIONAL NEWS ADDED ATTRACTION COX AND FISK PRESENT THEIR Comedy, Singing, Talking and Musical Act. "THE BOOB AND THE MAID" This Act Does Not Appear Friday Matinee NO ADVANCE IN PRICES Matinee 10c-25c Evening I0c-25c-35c lijaaVBBanHaiiaimHMaunaBBHHWH I oak and Main. i