Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 17, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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burg, and with O. A. Bonebrake Is
supervising 8 o me improvement
work in the forest distrlcL They
have beeu chiefly concerned with
putting In six foot bridges across
the North Uinpqua between the
boundary and lllabee, the primary
purpose of these bridges being to-i
-', I
"'" I ' iiwwiiijiiljifTrjMiaw, 1 I,,, 1 ,1 I
' :T1p-"4f .'.V -
accommodate lire rignters lu the
service in getting across the river
when necessary,
Oilcans, 6 gallon, galvanized, spe
cial this week, (1.00 at Powell's.
'-''.V': K
Watch the Food
You Eat
What a relief for mothers to know that when they
put on a meal for the family that has been prepared
from Groceries and Vegetables from the People's
Supply they are the finest and most wholesome
to be had. . i , , . 1 .
. Strawberry season is about over. We expect to
, have a load , of canning berries Saturday, Get
ycurs early. ' .
.Fancy large Lemons, Saturday only.'doz.... 25c
v Bluing,- per bottle ...i...... 5c
;3 lbs. good quality Coffee .'..J..' $..1,00
; ; . ; Meat Specials ,
Beef .St'ew, 'lb. 15c
Boiling Beef.'ib. ,l2l2c
All Steaks, lb. .....j. ...... .22c
Veal Stew, lb. :........1212c
, Hamburger, ? lbs.' ;.35c
; Pork Sausag?; 2 ibsV.;.;.;l:..:.:.;..;..t.:.:.!iL!.:.!.4'5c
; Medium; Bacon, !lb, !:i.!.:,.'.,'.i.i.!;.i i.'..',.2&c
Compound, lb. yx.... 15p
' ! TJARGE Xsortment of LUNCHEON I
Grocery Phone 145
r r -, , ; Free
) AiwOfliiM Tim UhkiI Wire)
I'KWDI.ETON, ' Ore., June 17
Sftooix iir, Iiu'koi liuinburu Blurted
IgruKliiK on tho -Umatilla forout
liuiKHH yentnluy. J. R Irwin, far
out HiipGi'vlHor, ciHlJtiiiitod ' tlinL 12G,.
SMILEand a wave of the hand
QolJcn West girl
again brings to you the iucsmkc of coffee
excellence. Whole-heartedly, she bidi
you drink the cup of its delicious con
tent, Kafjcrly, she invites you to try thil
famous beverage, that you too may learn
the delight it has been giving to count- ,
less others for almost half a century hero
in the I'-iciftc NorihuciL
Atio try '
QoUen West f fa
'JlUek Orangf
'i'tkat nd
. Meat Marftei.363
000 sliuoii-Koiilil cni-u on thurorest
milium this minuiKir, und iibuut Vi,
000 huuil o horuus and cilUlo.
Eat ' (jnrbeeue oniuhvlchog and
Uvq torovar. j JJrand'g Roucl Stau(
Fish til. Idlijyld Park.' !
iamous cot
famous name
1 Jk. .
War Against Poland Would
Involve Other Nations
Attempting Aid in
Serious Plight.
(AwUH.'lMtial i'KU J.tIUt4 )iirv.) '
(JIONUVA, Juuu 11. 'I'lnue stops
to iiruservu tho peace of Kuropu jii
tho pruuf'tit troubled situation
have bei'ii ilucidud upon by the
represuntittlvus of .the Locarno
treuty powers atlendhiK the
JeuKUe of nations council session
hero, a spokesman for tho Germ,
an delegation declared today.
Great ilritain, 1 Franco ' (lormaiiy
ilelglunt and Italy, he said, had de
1. To niako individual t rlendly
1. To mako iuiilvidual friendly
l'ollsh Koverntuciits to do nothing
to endaiiKor the peace of their two
2. That tho powers should mako
Individual representations to the
Soviet concerning the wholesale
executions In Itussla, pointing out
that theso were causing uu unfor
tunate Impression abroad, .
3, To adviso both Jugo Slavia
and Albania to adopt a concilia
tory attitude and settle amicably
the Incident of the arrest, of a Ju
go Slavian legation dragoman
which was followed by i'uplure of
diplomatic relations. .
The Ueruiau spokesman donled
that Foreign Minister Streseniann
bad been sounded by the Jirltlsh
lorelgn secretary concerning the
possibility of troops passing
through Herman territory in case.
liussia attacked l'olanu. Germ
any, lie added, was maro anxious
about Franco - German relations
than about tho Uubho-PoIIsIi situa
tion; believing the latter not dang
erous. Germans Displeased
The Germans, he continued,
wore going back to Herliii doeply
disappointed becauso they bud
only been able to got vague prom
ises that tho French troops in tho
Uhlueland would bo reduced in
numoer. The liorlln government,
he Bald, wanted more than prom
ises. It appeared tbnt .the popula
tion :of the! lthlneland would be
come incensed at tho continued
presence of a foreign army, hence
the belief that Fia'iico-Gorinnn re
lations were more delicate than
Russo-Folish. . . , i i
-The - French, ho charged, were
raising questions about the actual
legal fulfillment of minor treuty
poiuts, Buch as conversion of; mili
tary barracks and demilitarization
of the I'msslun, police.. Gurniany
would sell or ponveit, the, biuracks
as soon as . possible, , ho .asserted,
and a bill coucerqing the . police
was now before the relchstug.
As lor tho dismantled military
works Ton: the- Polish' frftfitliM-; iliri
spokesman salil ,lt had been sugt
gestod that an American olficep
be oloctx'd to vorlfy the dlsuiantl-
lnv t
Tho rfionch, however, had 're
fused nils suggestion and the
Germans, acting in the spirit of
I.oearno, would uccopt u French
Under these' circumstances, tho
spokesman wont on, it would bo a
bad timo to raiso the question of
using Gorman soil lor tho passage
of French troops to Itussla in Ihe
event of possible though unlikely
Itusso-Pollsli hostilities, bocauso it
would, mean that Germany, being
.overrun by, French troops, would
occupy the anriip position In lie -Blum
during. the world wiuv
Galvanized screeu wire at Pow
-Karl W. I.ovorldge, of tho forest
service, Washington office, who is
making a sluily analysis of ranger
district work covering throu rang
er districts in Oregon, has just
complet d two weeks of intorost.
ing study on tho South Umpqua
district near Tiller, going over that
district with c. F. Hitter, ranger,
and Forest Supervisor, Carl B.
Mr. I.overidgo went to Grants
Pass Thursday afternoon and from
there will take up tho Chetco dis
trict In tho SIsklyous, afterward
spending two weeks in tho Batos
district near Maker, in Eastern Ore
gon. At Grunts Pass he will he
Joined by A. O. Walm, assistant dis
trict forester from the Portland of
flees, who. passed through here
today. They will he accompanied
lu the t'beleo district by forest
supervisor illlllngslea, of Grants
Lawnmowers and garden hoso at
t ()
O. C. I leaser and II. N, Matthews
are conducting truing schools for
short term men In the forest ser
vice at the respective rangers' Bin
lions and at the supervisors' offi
ces at varlmiB points In the coun
ty. The men have Just come from
Collage Grove where they com
pleted n school of training and
will go to Tiller to conduct another
one June 20 and 21. A school will
be held at Steamboat on Uie North
Umpipm also, the dates being
Juno 2:1. 21 and 25. F. 11. llnind
age. rhalrman of the board of lire
control of Ihe forest service, of
Portland will be present at each
of the meetings.
T. P. Hymi, Mialneer of thv ili8 -
irict f(mst oftico is itmllug sonio j
time nt the district uear Kuse-i
(Aneoclutitd I'rvu JtUMl Wire.)
POUTt,AND, Ore., June 17. The
local produce market was steady
tbls morning, with plentiful sup
Idles of all seasonable fresh vege
tables ut attractive prices.
The strawberry market contin
ues steady at attractive prices to
home cannors . Good local berries
are ofturod at retail as low as Sc
per box and $1.25 per crate. The
going retail price for large good
quality berries la at 8c per box,
2 for 15. O nllio wholesale mar
ket, Gold Dollars move for from $1
to $1.15 per crate, while Marshals'
bring from J1.25 to $1.35.
Sacked now white potatoes are
offered at from 6 to 6Jc wholesale
Mutter and egg prices are un
changed from yesterday. The fresh
country dressed meat and poultry
market continues sluggish witli de
mand slow and hens In over sup
ply. . ' .
Hogs aro around 14c for top -und
veal top is at 17c. Demand) show
ed signs of greater strength this
PORTLAND, Ore., June 17
Doer steers, 15ff25 cents higher.
nu-ers, goou sa.uui89.7fi; medium
$8.25 9.00; common $7.008.26.
Hogs steady to shade easier.
Sheep and lambs look about
steady; lambs, medium to choice
81 lbs. donw $11.0013.00: cilia
and common $8,000)11.00; year
ling wothors." medium tn ehnlon
BOSTON, June 17 Tho Commer
cial Bulletin tomorrow will say:
"There has been a fulrly good
movement In wool on tho local
market during the past week and
prices aro showing distinct ton
dency to, rise: in fact, soma ilns.
cilptions have been marked up a
half cont to a cent a pound and
the fractional advance has been
paid. Tho fact that the mills are
buying more freely- and that there
are wider inquiries for tops and
yarns la indicative of a bettor sit
uation-. In' the' goods market. The
wooion mills are , finding a
fair volume ef biiBineBs on
whole,; although It is not so
distributed. -
"The foreign markets aro 'all
against tho buyer, East India sales
in J.oiulon being up par to five per
cent. 1 In - the west, buying con
tinues steadily and values are
showing 'an upward tendency, al
though no markod changes are re.
4r.tii(l Job toe week.
"Mohar Is steady 011 moderate
trading' j 1
Tho Commercial Bulletin wll
prnii -me lonowing, quotations;.
Scoured basis;,- .: , 1 , :
Oregon; Northern.-
flno anil lino medium clothing 00
tin; valley, No. 1, 90j96. Mohairs:
Original bag averago 12 months,
Oregon 8 ft) $5. , , ; ?
TOItTLAND, Ore., June 17-
Butler: Extra cubus, city '391
cents; standards 311 cents; prime
firsts, 38 cents; firsts cents.
Creamery prices: Prints, 3 cents
above standards; buttorfat, 40
cents f. o. b. Portland.
Milk steady.' . Baw milk (4 per
cent), $2.25 cwt. f. o. b. Portland.
Buttorfat 40 cents f. o. b. Portland.
Eggs: Current" receipts 20 cents
dozen; fresh medium, 18 cents;
fresh standaril first 21 conts; fresh
standard extras, 23 cents. Steady.
Poultry steady; (less 5 por cent
commission), heavy hens lli$?u
conts; light 12rl3 cents; springs,
nominal; broilers, 15()10 cents;
peklu whilo ducks, 20 conts; col
ored; - turkoys, alive, nominal,
dressed 37 cents lb.
Onions steady; local $3.75(57.00;
potatoes $3.50 4.50 sack.
Nuts steady. Walnuts 2751)37
cents; filberts 1920; almonds
24(h 26 cents; Brazil nuts 14 i in
cents: Oregon chestnuts nifuOft
cents; peunuts 911 cents.
Cascara bark stoady, 8 cents
pound; Oregon grape root nominal.
Hops steady; 192U crop 23(-232
Canvas hammocks $3.50 ut Par
LOS ANGELES. Juno 17. Will
Rogers, film western player and
mayor of Beverly Hills, movie res
idential suburb, underwent n ma
jor operation for removal of gall
stones at a hospital here today.
Attending physicians said the pa
tient's condition was "satisfac
U. S. Weather Bureau, locnl of
fice, lioseburg, Oregon, 2-1 hours
ending' 5 a., m.
ltclatlvc humidity 5 p. m. ,
yesterday .19
Preelp. In inches and hundredths:
Highest temperature yesterday Nil
Lowest temperature last night 5S
Precipitation, last 24 hours 0
total precipitation since first
of month
Normal precipitation for this
month j.o7
Total prei'ip. from September
1, 192H. In date 35.42
Averago preelp. from Sept. 1,
ISm :tJ.S6
Total excess from Sent. 1.
Average preetpatlon tor 49
wet seasons, (Sentrnilier to
Mnv. inclusive 31.12
For Southwest Oregon: General
iy inir nniigiit and Ha tun u : nor.
ARTHUH W nrrii
" ' ti ' i" . 1 i ' -
k ," : mX "
l : w , r J
-,A new, informal photo of Charles Lindbergh, wol'jd's hero,
jvliic'hxrelleots the youth's unique personality. ' "
(Continued from page 1.) '
in full operation by January 1,
The men representing tho Cham
ber of Commerce ' in the canvass
are: J. A. Harding, Hotel Umpqua;
F. C. Six, Union Oil Co.; Dr. N.
II. Nerbas, dentist; Cbas. W. Clark,
photographer; H. D. Cpen, Coen
Lumber Co.;. Herbert Quine, In
surauce; Maurice NewJand, Dodge
Agency; J. A. Demi,; Derin-Gerret-sen
Co. ; A. J. Hochradel, T. . H.
Ness, B. R. Shoemaker, pbiyslcian;
D. E. Can-, Variety Store; W. B.
Strawn, J. C. Penny Co.; It. L.
Whipple, attorney; E. B. Kenny,
Douglas County Creditor's Ass'n.;
J. Jt, Farrlngton, Pacific Toleprono
and Telegraph Co.; J. E. Wharton,
Implement dealer;, G. V. Wimber
ley, baukor; J. E. Clark, agent S
P. Co. JIany members of the P.
C. P. P. have agreed to accompany
the men from Hosoburg to assist
in explaining the many details of
tho association.
The thirty-seveu Douglas county
members of the Pacific Coopera
tive Poultry Producers are as fol
lows: Frank Borter, Buena Vista;
Harry Ci Boyle, Looking Glass; E.
A, Burroughs, Green Station; G.
W. Burt, Happy Valley; J. II.
Clark, lioseburg; J. I. Calligau,
Drain; L. S. Compton, Drain; Walter-Cook,
Oakland; H. L. Cowles,
Drain; V. P. Cunningham, Drain;
D. C. Davis, Drain; H. E. Ourney,
Winchester; Holloway & Son,
Drain; C. K. Holmqulst, Melrose;
J. W. Howard, Happy Valley; C.
E. Banning, lioseburg; Theodore
Jemlson, Leona; W. D. Love. Rose
burg; Boscoe A. Marsters, Wilbur;
E. M. JIathls, Dlxonvlllo; Monroe
Nance, Winchester; Nelson Bros.,
Hosoburg; Otto A. Olson, liose
burg; J. Erwin Page, Wilbur; W.
O. Patterson, lioseburg; It. B.
Pickens, Sutherlln; K. O. Powell,
Leona; Italph F. Sands, Wilbur;
W. 11. Simmons, Buena Vista; A.
H. . Solle, Youcnlla; Frank L.
Stroller, Dixonville; George Tel
ford, Happy Valley; Harold Wells,
lioseburg; Arthur Wooloy, Leona;
I, . 1). Roberts, Camas Valley; C.
V. Hagan, Melrose; llathkey, Ca
mas Valley.
Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 189-L,
(Continuod from pnR( 1.)
wuuo direction, and as if nu ardor
htul been issued, they come to a
stop at a grniu field and begin
Poison and Fire Used
Mans most effect ivo weapon is
poison composed of bran, saw
dust, moiassf's, an'tylacotate and
arsenic. Already thirty Ions have
been used, with known heavy totl.
A grasshopper burned was used to
Rood offect while tho different
armies were bunched, but. with the
grasshoppers on the move, the
burner could not cover tho terri
tory. When the 'hoppers ore moving
2.50! to a wrain field, poisoir is: inefiee.
ttvt, it must ht distributed while
tthey arc feeding.
j KKS are laid in hatt Ulng beds
I from one-halt inch to one nnd a
i half inches In depth. Hatching is
j induced by warmth. Top layers of
HttKs were batched several weok-H
' Ago, but only uuw have the euu
rays penetrated to tho second lay
er and once again 'hoppers' are
swarming out of the egg beds like
ants from an ant bill.
Huge Area Menaced .
It Is not only Immediate damage
. We're malfing up a Krause's Marsh
mallow Cook Book that will be unique,
in that the only recipes to be printed
must be original creations of the house
wives of the Pacific Northwest.
We want yours amone them, nrinterl nvr vnnr' F..n nlm
&ou n?ve everal- send them alon8 to he Marshmallow Cook Book Editor, care
Tru-RI" "cuit Comnanv- Spokane or Portland r - r-r-.
All i i.
We know they're absolutely the beat. We'd like
to have you phone us your next order.' Yes, we
deliver. Note these specials;
North Side Grocery !
Saturday and Monday Specials ;
Swift's Premium Bacon, lb. ...... -42c
Swift's Lard in I lb. cartons, 3 for SSc
Navy Beans, small white, 6 lbs. for 50c
Good Rice, 3 lbs. for ...25c
Bulk Macaroni, 3 lbs. for ........:.25c
Honey, 5 lb. pails, 75c; qts., 50c pint jars.... ,...30c
Good Lemons, per dozen '. ;J 25c
All kinds of Fresh Vegetables of .the Season, .
Reasonable. North Side Grocery
Jackson and Winchester Sts. - . Telephone 153
to crops that concerns government
and state agricultural agents. It is
the menace of the future.
Uncontrolled, the insect' hordes
would take 20,000 acres of forage
and grain this year. But next year
their numbers would increase
many times the increase from
year to year,-- with weather conditions-favorable,
is ope to f0 and
their throat would extoiid to tho
entire Klamath basin.
Let us give an esumate on lino
leum for your floors. Powell Furni
ture Store,- 238 North Jacltson St.
Entry Blaatks
Will Be Found Only
One Pimd Tists
of Krause s Marshmallows. One of these Entry
Blanks MUST accompany every recipe submitted.
Competent judges will decide on the usability of
each entry. For every recipe that we can use vou
will be paid ONE DOLLAR and given a full
pound can of Krauses Marshmallows FREE,
Full Pound Tins 60c
tn Bulk, pound 60c
Small Tin 20c
Small Cartons .10c
' J.' W. Payne, a reqent arrival J
from .Condon, Montana, who a;
short time ago purchased a 10-acro
tract 2 miles north of Roseburg,
is going into the commercial poul
try business. He has purchased
700 pullets, eight weeks old, from
W. R. Seig and expects to add to
the flock, planning on having- about
1,000 producing hens by the first
of "theyear. He is constructing the
necessary .buildings and providing
the needed equipment to handla
this business.
in the
Sold Everywhere by
Druggists. Confec
tioners, Grocers.
jj.... ft m