Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 01, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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Issued Daily Except 8unday
;-'.. . Mrwlfer mt Til
The Associated PruHx ii exclusively entltluil to th use tor republt-
wiuu- m IMI flaw uiBimiU(- ureunruiu ti ur ijul uiuvrwiH ureuueo jn
tulaj papur and to all lufal news published herein. Alt rights of republica
tion nf mierlal dispatches hernln ara-aUu rMervd
11. W. BATES
' sintered aa second" clut, matter
i--- ' , KOHeuurK. Oregon, under th Act uf March 2, i7S.
Dally. Per year, by mall
Dally, six months, by mail
Dally, three mouths, by mall
Dally, slugie month, by mull -Daily,
by carrier, per month -
Weekly-News-Review, bv mall.
Hos eSur g7"5Be g on,
;. ; Somehow this life Is full of disappointments, and our
oldest and fondest illusions all get smashed up sooner or la
. ter. ,
. This gloomy remark is caused by a little story from
Tulsa, Okla... whei;e chorus girls, went on strike because their
; wages of $15 weekly were not enough to Jive on. They woii
th'e strike and a $2.i)0 raise. ; ,
Thus i perishes another illusion. ' ;
;:. We had always supposed that more' matters like food
and drink wore not among the major worries of a hard
working, chorine. Never having enjoyed any first-hand in
formation oil the matter, wc had imagined that the life of
the chorus girl was just fane round of fun; in the evening,
dancihff .aljou't behind, the footlights and later on, mebbe,
gay parties and all that. ; .';. t ;
... , Bub it seems that the chorus girl, like all the rest of its,
bitcn has a hard time keeping the wolf from the stage door.
"the life i of it ..chjaTila feirl is a hard one," one of the, Tul
sa fair ones is quoted as saying. "You see, we have to iiave
ilecelit street wai'di'obes so that when the iilidienee sees us j
on the street the character of our. show Won't suffer. Clothes
cost money, and when you; finish' paying your board and
room at the end of the week arid replenish your stock of cos
metics, there is little left for
AhcT another; adits' : j
'tljese stoi-lds about this
. .he bunk; Since I have boon in the chorus I hitvejeard a
lot about the 'hist life,'' but the only Mace I find land sneed
is. in the girls trying to make their weekly pty checks cover
the ground ftltey'taust coVe''! ? , i'!.'' j f !!"' ' I
wen, mo; ue :iu oonienow,
more, tyheri, wis sit in jthe Kudience at a musical show; can
we pi'et'eiid 'that the gayiy clad (or otherwise)1, damsels
ugia inc iuumijMiM aro are-ireu ouueuues., vve suau ue
oppressed by the, thought that sortie of them, doubtless, need
ilioes, and that others have iibt.hiid a square meal ail-week.
' - It's r'eally too bad. , ', " ,' ' I ,
1 1 f ts i i ' ' i j " i ) 1
v: The pen, as tho old saying "lias it, is mightier tltn the
sword. And so is the typewriter.. 1 ' '
'4 JCh fhinescj (atjoniist forces khow jthis', and' conse
quently are sweeping everything before them. , . ., Ll , '
'I . Why did Shanghai fall? , By force of.arins? Not at all.
Propaganda did the trick. The fighting for iossession, of
jUniihai.; hK jb'ebh: 'Wild. ?cp5hpare'd Willi the battled bt'thb
World .war. - Shanghai fell because the propaganda, of.tlie
Nationalists had Undermined it from within. , . , , . , . .
i In China today the pen is winning more victories than
the feword; Considering the magnitude of tho dperatidns,
the bloodshed is surprisingly light. .
t 'r Cliina has learned the value, of propaganda.. ; ' ..
I (Aiwl(el .-a Lnmi Wire.)
' NRW VOI11C April 1, Tho Hon
ors Hornsby slock tannin appoiiml
hoadod for. tho court today. After
brhiKliiR IiIh lust lioulilnul, Iridic
KotiHh, tu'idor u tliio.-yci'u' contrai't.
.Miumni'i', ..John WcCniw pi' tho
(Hunts came out Jn dmhiiiro lo tho
orders of John ' A.- HoyilW, piosi
dent "I I lie nntlnnal li'iivui'. with
'till limiouiicenieiil that he Intended
to play Iliirnsby, reKardlcim of
whelher Holers, sells his slock In
tlio St. l.ouls Canllimls. .
. ."Ilornshy ciinnot pluy vlh Now
Voilt while iKildlni; one eighth of
the stock In the SI. l.ouis club."
said lleydler., "1 .ln-lU-vn 1 will
lmvo (he supiKHt of the hoard of
directors In this stand, i yen to the
extent of ileren'dliiK my position In
u roui't of law."
., , lioush, lust of the melnipolitiin
jiiajor leauite holilouls, cano . into
the fold nsliide ll continrt whiih
In said to rail for an uiiiiiiul suliiiv
nf $a2,000-Jll.niio ninre than the
Cluuls offered him In his ordinal
Ralvanl.ud sei-oeii wire at Tow
ell's Futnilure 8tnre.
rtlnntr ncc-r crrp'
L-rlVJUOC. tvCol Ollt.;dh
l.w,M-lHlr,l l'nM l.-i,M.l Wirr.)
Wiiiinvi-i'.iv .. .1, 4 ,
dent C'oolhlge now has an oppnr
tiiulty lo "look over" somo or the
Sites whlih liavo been offered him
lor 11 Hummer residence in the
w est.
A movlo mini who has slacked
his Judgment alongside the presi
dent's hi picking sites has pictured
a half dozen in riv., ,1lfr,.,-..t
slates, and plan-d the liiciures al
inn oispnsai oi Air. am .Mrs. Cool-
1,1,.., ..l, ,. .1111 u... .. .. '
lei'llon of a summer homo. Tho!"'
tditures show sites In Colonido.
ouih I'aRotn, Wyoming. Wiscon
sin and Michigan.
fA. iitlnl I'l.-m, ,.-nw-,i !1,
BAI.K.M, Ore., April 1 -The
r:gniiiion of jess Hayes from the1
State Klsh ('ouiniissioh was re-1
. reived, nt the olflce of Governor
I. 1,. PhIIcimih hern this morning. j
H'".i;mi(lon were already 1111 ,
Ltud (rum W. T. Lakm and John j
by Ths Nws-Rvlsw Co., I no.
Aamiolatrd I'rena.
-President uutl Muwigur
May it, 1920, at tli pom office at
- 2 00
- 1.0P
- .61)
per. year
F rid'Ay1, APRIL "XSZ
the glad rags.'
loose life of the .'chorus are all
i we re sorry, to near it. xno
. , , I
C. Vouch, tho other two members
of Ihu coininissloii. . , . '.
J rAuiucUICfl PnM lrf.i'd .WIW-.)
i LONDON, April-1 l.loydft learn
od from Clhrultar today that the
lliitlh steanier Atithor .frmh Liv
erpool for ('ali'iitln collided elKht
miles off Gibraltar with the Hpau
luii sleuiner, Vaeliilo durliiK n fog.
Half the crew (if the .Spanish
sleuiner wci-o plcheil up but. IS, men
are inisslitK and a iinval tUK Is
setirehinK for Iheui.: .;
'I'lie. Aulhor, leaking at tlio 1'ore
peak, is makliiK its way to lilKml
lar. , .' ;
dt'rtho t expri'Sh oifr 'icm't
ft'lt Itmiika to tho miiti v rrinul;'
unit iii'llihuiH' tor their lu'tp and
bcjHitinil floral nfturi:iKS ihiritiK
tlio HlfknoHS anil clout ll uf our bf-
lovi'rt wltu ami moth(r.
J. 1'. (UiHttir. , .
Himic M. Jonkiny,
flam k 1jil7.i
Hurry 10, l.utz.
f.tiwliilnl I'ri-w Vri)
Kl.AMATIt l-'AI.I.S. tire., April
1 Klamath was subjected to ll
real April l'ool's Joke today when j.
.s n, .,1,1,1 luur. ini-iies 01
Kronen ami every in-
- allon of eoiilluued i- t o ruiv
weath. iti-imris rroin outlying ills
I tril ls tell of snow ol' depths rang-
"'K two to ten Inches.
f (.,t,cl4l Prcw i.pmiM WIlV.)
1-tiS A.'i:i--.l,l:tt. April 1 -Mushy
Cnlhihnn will ,li,.,l 1,1 .i,lr ,
ivelterwelghi ehnuii.lonshlii ncalnsi
Spug" Meyers, of Idaho. May 3I.
"hliago. his manager, Kddlo
" " uniuy. .MeverH,
l,l,.....l,..l l lll, l ,.., 1, J
- "111 Chli-nuo last month. .
lAM.x-ut'-'l ii.m i.,-tn,,i wirt-.i -PAKIS,
April 1 The Pi-anro-nerimin
war hatchet was buried a
few inches deeper today. The
Pin Is police ordered the proplelors
of several tnotloii picture houses
delete Iho ''Insulting" word
"lloche" from a film now showing
11 ml rvpliiti! It wild "Alleuiaud"
'he Preach word for "Uernmn."
ThQ bill collectors'
Now realize that
April Fool's Day
, Isn't so much
Of a. Joke. , , ,.
;,,F'lnstan.ce, hevlng pity the poor
collector who drops In the sanc
tum of. a practical joker, and ac
cepts a scegar on a day like this,
.An' then agin, imagine his cha
grin when he visits the next place
and, gets booted In the seat o; the
pants. ... . .' .'
;. An' even' the' poor, down-trodden
wife, hands ilm a 'rubber dough
nut fer lunch, . : ' 1
' ' '' ' ! ' ' '
I But we hav no pity fer the bozo
who thinks--it funny to pour glue
in the telephone. - , ?
: ' 4 4 4 i -
' And If a kid of ourn "salted the
gravy with molasses .he'd git ho
derndest lickin'. he. ever had even
If we did lister do those foolish
things when yet a young sprout.
4 4 i ,
But worst of all Is the nuy with
the idee that its a wow of a joke
to set the alarm .clock fer 3 a, m.
i 4 fr . .
. Pickln' up a fat wallet on April
1. la one of the best ways to be se
lected as the World's Greatest Sap.
. But dang their hides, we'd like
to find the wiseacre who filled
our derby full of flour today I
"Well let's all git on our over
alls and no over to the Days of
49 and the bam d,1nce
armory tonight."
Nol ice Is hereby given that
undersigned has been duly amioinl
ed administratrix of tho estate of i
Mary 10, Kidder, deceased, and all I
persons. hivrlnit claims against nal.l
estate aro required to present them
10 1110 duly, vol II led as required by I
law, at Hosehurg, Oregon.
six montlis I10111 dine
. "seuui'K. .Oregon,
in.x-ii ..I I . ,
Adnilni,stralrlx of the eslate of-
... i-, . ,
''"" ' Mddi
deceased. . i .'
V. W. Waters of Coilau-e Grove 1
Grove j
w as an arrival here Thursday ,.. 1
ning mid Is visiting and atiendlng
to business nfiiilts in this city.
Home for Convalescents
Semi Invalids given best of i-are.
Kxpoctmtt nioihers glwit every
toiislileiiilliji!. Checilu) sur
loundllivs. lieasonabl" rates.
Phone 70-J
ajm ii Am-i h urn
3 , -iiwi:tAIGQrif itriftf
Why Didn't Someone
Think of the Ensemble
Before? , '
Tho world has Ions given loo
ninth thought to women's ap
parel and too little to men's
(appiuiise)-. ' f - , '
llm now wo liavo the ENKEM
lil.E (but only 'at llarth's 'J'ou
Kery) a real service to men
who value Kood appeuranoe.
The K.V.SH.MIILB Is the arraiiB
Iiik of Aid, masculine apparel
Suit, Shirt, Cravat. Ilelt, Hoso.
and ' Hundkorchlef in croups
that harmonize in color and ef
fect with the features of tho va
rious, types of individuals. '
Vou buy your oiitlio : outer
wardrobe at one opeiatiou. and
thus , are assured of apparel
with which you can dwell In
peace and contuiitment. ,
Suit' :
Shirt ..:....
Cravat ....
Belt ...'.
Hat ...........
.. 2.50
.: i.oo
.. 1.00
.. .70
.. 0.00
Complete Ensemble $46.60
Ur, Boy aild Your Girl
The Parent
. V D'ln will answer all slfened letters perlalnlne to parents' '
i probleniawllh their boys and. Klrla. . Wrltw-s' names are never
printed. Only qin stioiis of . general interest answered in this
column, but all luu.-rs will be answered by mall If written In Ink
ana a stump, ,-lf-nWreti!tl envelope la enclosed. Address Arthur
Dean, lu care of The News-Itevlew. i , , ; . ,
Yesterday, Today; and Tomorrow oven 'though With silken cords. ' '
"Hut; Mother, yon iloVi't (iiidor-1 "Instead of tho ' mother passing
stand "tin! -yoii' Viiovor'' did and 1 Judgment' on the daughter, it's the
iinvdi-J' will. I 'Tho-'ollier girl's- are daugliter who sizes up mother. An
doing lt,'wlryi fhouldn't I?' I've gots on worthy And unresponsible niolli
ideas of my' own and why iiliouldn'tf er who : Inlks at and punishes her
1'ioiiou lnein.' .... .
hccnrs to me we liavo heard Ibis i
nelore. It na:i hi-i'ii said siuco tho!! mother linderstands' what is be
lirst diliiKbter drew away from tile, hind all these flings ot spirit, the
first mother. An ! no matter How
Bi-eai liioiiiprH llnuorstnnuiug may
be, 'every girl In 'hot- early teens
will: go on repeating It world with
out end. ' ' ,
Uiidei'staii'illiig' 'anil - misunder-!
atanillng nitlt In tk will each have
non-imiieiBtandliig. d a 11 g h 1: e r s'.
'i'here'is ;io 'discrimination. Tlio
only - difference '-being that the
mother who knows what it Is all
about does not box the girl's curs
anil send her to bed with the final
iling. "I'll have none of your sassy j
1111111.K'.. ,tn Mir;, as you are UI1-,
tier this roof you'll do as I say."
Yesterday our little girl. Tomorrow-
our young woman. Ent to-'
day she Is breaking down the bar
rier preparatory for a leap 011 her
way to full maturity. II is the per
iod during which. In some wav or
oilier she must ,lireak the bond? of
the family must shake off . .the
luimis however loving and wise'
thai would fain hold her hack, and
fare torlli alone to find herself as
an individual. Tills does not mean,
of course ihat she no longer needs
the care .protection and help oil
her older, or that Iho family
should soon lose its hold upon her
alfections and Interests. Hut .il
dors mean that her psyehoioglt til
needs aro different. her mental
and emotional altitudes are chang
ed. Her face is toward tho fu
ture lite Is rushing to meet her;
phi' is heroine a Parson,, with
needs, feelings. Ideas ot her own.
lion't tool youiself Into thinking
merely of her physical changes- ami
developments. It Is Life that bursts
upon her bewildered horizon -life.
myierious. alluring, beckoning lo
her from a thousand angles,
stlrauge feelings flood her soul
feelings of yearnings and iisplia-
tlou, stretchings and strainings ;
ufti r sonielhlin; she knows nol ,'
w'hat; her own sm.illnes, incom-1
pleteiu-ss. overwhelms her.' Soul
I destroying loiillncss. and a villi!
llm j need for contact with noinethlng.'
someone, whoito greatness
"flow around her Incompleteness,"
possess here. Sh" de.-'tres to give
j lierseif wholly, not only to he
ied, us lit -childhood, but to love.-1
lo rise lo supremo heights of sncrl
itii - e and devotion.
ier uuulh-r and thai misunuer-;
;plimiandi,i,ir mire only
irrliat! Noililng could he morel
niiwise man the
" , . . ' 11 . '"" ".V1 " V"
', uin im- Mil a .i.-eio -
, V., . i
, . '. , ' , ' , , V !
...... . .. .. . - . - . "i ;
for hrr eftorts lo assei t j
her own personality only succeed ! High gr.ide lawnmowers at l'ow
In oniflnnliig her opinion of, their ulrs Furniture Store.
iiiiinuii. iu oiiueituiiiju anu 111 w iu- i
riling Ihe ltri., h wlih-l, ,f I,,.:
! rvltnbiy separate one senetation
ij Ii'pmi another. - ,
I, How nbniil Iho sweet and loving '
tnolher? Imliiliog lite girl's every '
v lllm and luling her bv appeals to
I her love nu sniiuthy ror "your I
!tineri:iciiiK moliirr'' does no better, j
It-he is tctterlcf her uoue the lt-bn.
ter of Midas" by
Ahrie Austin tb Be New
Fictioti Offering.
Uriusual Situation Created
by 'Author as .Back
ground for Tale of
Human Emotions.
What would you do If a nililioh
aire ottered you a Home in uia
Vaiucial leHlueiice for a year wun
ait tue money jou waieu to spehu
lor carrying out your anus auu
purposes in life? vtouid you use
llio oppoliuiiiiy to good auvuntnge
woulu a i,i-ove to oe the louuuu
tion of -a career or would you
waste It and would it spoil you?
This Is the basis lor "Dijiignleis oi
.Miuab," tlio new serial to start
.Monday in the Uosebiug News-lie-
WOW. ' . ,' ;
' "Il;nulil,rrf nf Ml.tiiu" li A..i,
Austin, is expeeleu to 'be . one of
the most popular serials ever or
fered by :icv. simpers.. It js lust be
ing released by tne N Ii A service,
'Winch Is noted for llio excellence
of its fiction, ll. is tho .story of
three beautiful department store
girls, a boy who .renounced a. for
tune to . make . his own way a
strango contest, and the curse that
was laid ou four lives by a mil
lionaire's gold. , ,
in llio heart o .Billy Wells stir
red ii . great ambit ionto bo a
concert violinist, in her dreams
.laugliier as though she wore eight
years old soon loses out. If tho
N daughter rediscovers the mother of
hor dreams a woman In klndshlp
wun tier own sex. Willi hor own
child, and .with those Ideals and
fancies seething beneath those im
pulsive often thoughtless hut set
doin vicious, wild outbursts.
Budgets for Pupils
How much allowance should
give my high school boy?
Answer .Mightly little. Hotter
start a boy early in life to earn
money in order that they may
learn how hard tho stuff is to get.
Paying Tor home chores is fairly
good. Hut doing work for money
In the neighborhood brings them
In contact wK'i people in order
Unit they may learn - to Influence
and be influenced by people. One.
school sends 1110 figures of neces
sary budgets.
Item Low Reasonable High
Carf are per
week $.00
$ 35 5.C5
.75 1.35
Lunches per
Hookt- per
year (this.
Is reduced
by amount
of resale ..1.00
Misce 1 1 a p
eons sup-
' plies per
year 3.1)0
Kxtiu - currl-
cular uctl- i
' vil les per
year .1.00
COO S.00
S.00 12.00
It's the Kxtia-curriciilar activi
ties whlrh eat up the cash. To
save elfort "I'apa. I want a dol
lar," could well be made a virtrola
record. The.-e activities have their
value but It's a wise principal who
guards against too heavy a drain
on the parental purse.
Every loyal high school child
Is educated lo believe that he must
buy a season ticket lo the fool bull
games support the tennis, make
every dance, go to the banquets,
make vvoryttiing better and
costlier than It was last year. The
whole Ihtnir Is lionneatcd wilji
! ,1ilc. o,w,l.l,.,,-.- .,,,.1 .i.,r,.,i.i.l
... ,'u , ' I. .,,.,',' ,1,... 11
,,nIa wa,
Mr- d Mrs. lien. Pitts tetulll
r, hS TOt-illir , tu,r i10n,0
Grants Pass atier spending n day
1,1 tM ''' looking after business
Painless Extmction
0 When Dtsirrd -
Pyorrhea Treated
Pbone 4$8 Mneonlc llldg.
The mouse that scampered down j
tho clock, was likely now more .
than a block away for whop the
Tinies yelled it ran riRht out of
sight. The Tines then all stopped
rikhl short. Said tjiowny "I don't
like tills sport. Although that tiling
was Just a mouse It filled mo up i
with f,.l,l '
Old Mother. Hubbard laughed
away and taid, ''It won't be back
today; 1 think the way yon Tinies
BCieanied will make It quite afraid.
And now that it Is safely gone,
why don't you play out on the
lawn?" The Tinies thought that
would be nice, so that's right
where they played.
The grass was soft and very
green. Tho Tinymltes enjoyed the
scene. They played a game of
hop and skip and jump for 'bout
an hour. Then Mother Hubbard
loudly cried, "You'd better hurry
here, , lufldo. Ifs . Rotting'- dark
right over head. I think it's going
to shower."
The Tinies figured she was right,
and so' they scrambled out of
sigh - Prom window glares ' they
watched the rain which started
In to fall. It wasn't very long un
til the grass and trees' had their
riM. Then C'lowuy glanced outside
and said, "It's stopped. I guess
that's all."
Theii they decided they should
leave, and t'oppy paid, "Say, I be
lieve I saw a funny looking sheep
down by that winding brook." The
others' cried, "We saw it too. The
very thing that wo should do Is
nimble down the graisy hill and
I ,a a rel11 Bood look
, The sheep they found was blaek
as coal; and Copy said, "Well, bloss
my soul, 'tis surely Ma-Ha-Black
Sheep that w have read about.
she often saw herself playing to!
acclaiming crowds in -wonderful '
music halls playing beautiful;
things as only a great artist can
play them. -
Hut Hilly was a department store
clerk and the only support of her
mother, so she sometimes thought
her chances of realizing her ambi
tion were slim. -' '
"If I were rich," she' used to
say to herself, "I could do it. If
; only I had the, money to pay for a
! great teacher and a good violin,
! nothing could stop me."
j.. Then Billy YVelis got her chance.
'A sudden, stroke of lurk that gave
I her a year in a gcueicous milllon
iairo's home;,. a year.wilh eveiy
Ithing that, money could buy beau-
titui clonics, a groat teacher, a
costly violin. She resolved to upend
her days in study and practice, , ,
Then slip met Dal Jtpmhine -and
ambition fled. All her thoughts
wore 'occupied by, him.' Her motliei
was forgotten and her precious
violin, and the inan she had loved.
I Under the spell of Ills glow ing eyes
sue could not study, she could not
work, she wns his adoring slave.
In her grasp was the opportun
ity of a lifetime to .realize her
long-chested ambition but she
wasted it. And then Billy learned
at last that . money could be a
curse as well, as a blessing, that
riches would kill great aspirations
as well ns further them. When sboi
found this out and then learned I The Illustrations are . specially
what wns In the sqhonilng- heart ot;l03l photographs, the characters
the handsome Dal ltonuilno, she being posed by members ot the
Tied from It all. She ran away 'Theatre Guild school, of New
where no one could find hor, 'York, an Institution which is, re-
where, ail alone she . could fight
her own battle and reclaim . her
great ambition "and face the world
once more with smiling lips and a
proud heart.
This forms the plot of one of the
most gripping storie sever written '
by Anne Austin, one of the most
brilliant newspaper serial writers
and magazino Contributors of the
country. .
The mystery story "All at Sea,"
now running In the Nows-Uevlew,
conies to an end witli tomorrows
issue, and arrangements have been
made to follow It immediately, with
WOW.l LovjEi Trite
X -fHAWK' -ff;E FOR
AMD ASriG.'b .
POT AWAV . vtil
b'OMc-Mre v.'e'o"uvire-Tb LIVE OVtR.
Iff- wool is ililck. What funny
stuff! And, say, it surely has en
ough for everyone who wants a
, ' 9
Very Important business lo-
night, Your presence needed,
Bring a fan along.
" ' ' ' '"'""" '.'
t Dance at ,K, it 'P.;. hall
Tuesday, April 12.
Annual 4 meeting of ' the'
Rosebm-g Country Club April
4th lit Uhipqua Hotel, 7:30
p. m. Matters . of Vital im-
portance 10 be -'discussed'."
Some -changes in by-laws to
be proposed. Every member
urged to be present. All
dues and installments otr
memberships musti be ' paid
by that date. Hemit to the
,C. A. LOCK WOOD. Pres..
"Daughters of . Midas." Head the
first chapter ami you will be In
trigued with tho .stylo and plot of
the chariniug story.
sponsible for some, of , the finest
plays and finest acting on the
American stage. . . .
The final declamation contest
j f0 Douglas county schools will be
hold In one place, tho Junior high
school auditorium, Saturday night,
April 2nd lit 7 :30.. Admission 10c
and 25c. Nearly ail sections of
Douglas county will bo represent
ed. . .
Edith Ackert,
Stipt. -Schools.
sou Woo? nhw 1 V
HAU 1U l.nnnn
Ci I - - I V
hit'. ' Of that there' is no doubt." .
(The Tinymltes see Goosey,. Goos
ey Gander in the next story.,'
POKTAND, Ore., March
The' will of Leon L. Vial, 62, wliu
made a fortune in Portland, was
filed -fur probate ,iu ., Judge.. ..,'1,'az-.
well's, court late .yesterday.' ' Tho
estate, consisting" of about'" $100,
000 lu Multnomah -county properlyi
was devised to tbo Title & Trust
company, the-.iucome to accrue to
the benefit of a1" brother, Paul J.
Vial of Portland, and 1 his three
children, and. three,. children of an
other brother now dead.
Innn Vlnl tl'hn fnrniQi-lir .i'a
nrlneliral owner of the I.nfavelln
htill,!mr nnrlimncit filvll.
!r,,i w.'.iiinnu,, 'rf
U,a,.i, ;K ... i,i,,. vi.,i. i
. Alexandria, Egypt. "He recently 'oa-
lablishod toinnorarv residence I In
lablishod temporary residence 1 in
France. ' - .-
"judge Tazwell appointed Earl
C. Ilronaugb executor of the will,
which was executed December 16,
192-1. --.'. , . .: . ,
,Tlie Leon L. Vial, mentioned' : In
the above dispatch, was ii. former
resident of tills city and is well
known by many local people. .
U S. Weather Iluroau, local of.
flee, Uoseburg, Oregon, 21 hours
ending 5 A.. M.
Relative humidity 5 p. m. yes. ' '10
Precip. in Inches and Hundredths
HiKhost temperature yesterday 52
Lowest temperature last night '30
Precipitation last-2 I hours 01
Total precip. since 1st monlli .01
Normal precip. for this month 2.48
Total precip. from Sept. 1, 1
1926, to date -'..31.49
Average precip. from Sept. 1,
1S77 .: ...27.7S
Tolal excess from Sept. 1.
396 : 3.71
Average precipitation .for 49
wet seasons, (September lo
May, inclusive) .: ... .31.12
Forecast for southwost. Oregon:
Probably rahl loifleht 'n'mi i,i...
'day. ...
AHTIIUK W. PDGli, Meteorologist
- By Willidms
had to BH Food
. . b.wtti