if. ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12. 1927. ROSEBURG UNDERTAKING CO. Established 1801 t ; f ; M.:e: RITTER, Manager ' ' '" v -(-.- . , ' '. ' Founded end Maintained on' Efficient Service and Courtesy , , 'i ' : ' . i If-- . hhoM 284 ; Oakland Kane 8U. I i Last Times Today Libertv Theatre t - tv THEY'RE WILLIAM FOX ; ZANB GREY v&, OwjlUa OtRAOHTV'rWllilAM DAVIDSON V J ..:; , JERHY theGiant,' ' 7,14 Johii now . 1 ' Imnerial - " "GOLF WIDOWS" 10c ; if iFblesrr;Pathe News; Liberty Theatre iSpBlY MONDAYitOESDAV' ' m y Matinee Daily '2 :'l S ,'ff Ull ,: 1mv The Greatest n?N ' ' ' PatheNews Matinee 10c-25c I ..rT 1 MackSennctt 7". "A YANKEE DOODLE , Llcen.ed Lidy ' Embatmer I Matinee Daily 2:15 HERE You have never seen Tom Mix in . E a ,.. - .,'.; : I r- f ,V - I -' ,; v thriller; ' r-"' Comedv ;r t it ) 25c, War' Comedy ! '' ii 1 1 fi i ) Mutt and Jeff , . Evening 10c-35c i 17, V 'am .-y . UPSHAW URGES ' DEMOCRATS TO ' ; i JjAME DRY MAN - ' (Continued from page 1.) - supporting patrons."' ' The Improvement In congress since prohibition, Upshaw declared Is "glorious to contemplate." - H added that a congressman under the Influence of liquor ','ls as rare as a uay in June." ' ' The Georgian . declared talk of government regulated liquor Is idle. "There Is only one way to regu late the liquor shop," he said, "and that Is the way you regulnte a rattlesnake smash- its devilish head - with personal, town-wide, State-wide, nation-wide and world wide prohibition of the liquor traf fic." . Flash Flourished. ' Burlrig Ills valedictory today. Upshaw brandished In the air a quart whiskey bottle to punctuate charge that bootleggers were seeking to debauch ' congressmen. I Once he smelleu of; the bottle, igrlly placed it on a table and took a long drink of water. The house I roared. , I ' Then lie tnn!( lln nTtllilp nml Ijoldlng it in one hand while he neiu ;ne nottio in tbe other, shout ed to his colleagues to take their qholcc. No one volunteered-. ' When the 1 peorglan .' finished, Representative Schaefer, Republi can, Wisconsin, rose- to protest against using Lincoln's birthday iur proniuwon speech,, .. . . i ; PifciAKLiY OCCURS V ! ; ' ; IN U; S. SENATE : Y Continued from page l.V, the Democratic cloak, room to fight ,! Senalors . And , clerks . standing; uiiuij iiuervenea nna wneeier re turned, his .seat,., while, qipss Wnnl Into the cloak room, accom panied by Senator Robinson, of Ai buntaa, the- -Democratic leader. Versions of Quarrel, "Senator. Wheeler came over to me, livid with anger, and charged llinti I had violated our obligated word," i said ?the Virginian after ward, "I told Jilm he was a, liar and .grabbed him by both arms and Invited-him to come-Into the cloak room.'.'. i,i i .. i - , , , -. Senator Wheeler Bald; i i ,, "I met Senator Glass, in' front of the cloak room and said: 'You violated -yoUr understanding wltli mei'i Senntor- Glass blew up. and Bald : 'i'That'p a He, ithat's. a He,' i. "I replied, ,'I am not anytlilng. of the kind Then ho Invited mo in to ithe Jcloak s room-.V v i- i iWhooler- Insistedi that 'Glass did not hit him,' and that he Inul no In tention of hitting thai Virginian.-'' i - The Preliminary to r .1.1,1 1 Ifn debate beford 'th6 roll ' call. Bena'toi' Whoolor,1 wh0; is' opposed to the banUlng''blll,i accused 'Sen ators 'Glass and -Pepper, -Republi can', ' Pennsylvania, supporters! i of the bill, with 'riot Hvlnir-tiil to their ngroomenti of yesterday -to 'permlt him t6 speak for1 an lliour Ion ' the motion to -.call ,up ithe banking bill. . - Senator Glass replied '.that ho wasinot In tho chamber when Sen tttori -Wheeler I made ' the '-request and isooti as he heard about It; he made ' known ithat he would object. If ,8ondtor Wheeler discussed the tnonture for an hour ;Qlass said It would so delay action as to give the 'bill's opponents aid in a. filibuster.- i- i ' ; Text Book' Bill Passes. - i. . STAT10 HOUSI2, ' -iSuleni, Ore., fob.1 13. With RepreBentutives J..I O. Bailey, A. G. Rushlight, Hector Mncl'heiuon, i). C, Lewis and Walr ter Klnher lendlhH the fight, foil the free text book bill, tho house pass ed Iho measure today by a .vote of 35 to .21. The bill, If It becomes a law,-will provide that -districts so deali lng-inny-levy a tax with which to purchaso books.' . , ., i - j , -.' The economic wnsto of prlvato ' 'Casey V Rheumatic,, Remedy A BLOOD TONIC Drives out the poison, of Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lum bago, Swelling of the Joints. Sold on a money-back guaran . too at $1.60 per .bottle at . iMarsters Drug Co. The CHEAPEST MONEY ' for the choicest FARM LOANS , B simple Interest. Terms of 6, 7 or 10 years. Liberal re payment privileges. ..Usual com mission charges. Prompt ser vice. G. W. Young & Son LOANS IK Cass St. Phone 41T The Coast Auto Top & Umbrella Works Located at 123 N. Pine St., makes Auto Tops and Curtains. Umbrellas made to order and all repairs. CHIROPRACTORS Drugless Health Center "Complete Health Service" SULPHUR VAPOR BATHS DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist la the fitting ot Glasses. .-..-, lit Jacltsoa St purchase of books ' and sending them to the garret after .a year's use was stressed by Beveral speak ers, - - - -' - . -. "Whether'a savln'g Is direct' or Indirect, It Is an 'economic benefit to tbe state," declared Bailey, who produced figures to' show large savings had been effected instates and cities providing text . books that are passed on to .other . stu dents year after year. six states provide free books, he explained. "Thirteen states re quire their school districts to sup ply books and 21 states permit their districts to furnish books. Philadelphia has bad free text books for over 100 years." - , "I wish, I owned enough proper ty to produce sufficient taxes to buy books for, every child of the state,", commented .Rushlight. . Lewis held that the present law providing thaf free books be fur nished only to the Door child humiliated their recipient and their parents. . . Those attacking the- measure were Representatives Fred. Ger man, S. L. Stewart,. Edward Schul- merich, and Arthur McPhillins. They maintained that the measure would increase taxes, arid that the bill was wrong In principle. The house adjourned at noon to 10 a. in. Monday. When Senntor Mbser, shortly after .noon today, moved ' adjourn ment until Monday morning, Sen- aior uuu - moved an amendment mat tne senate adjourn until 2 o'clock this afternoon "and the amendment prevailed. Several members were heard to declare thut a quorum would not be pres ence .: :.: ,' -. v : , A bill introduced bv Senator: Dunne.j.providlng for the: - inspec tion, and regulating of automobile camps and the registration, of pa- irons oi camps was defeated after a senate, debate , todav, in, .which several sqnniqrs orunucd-.lt an a nuisance legislation. . ... , ,., . House bill 487. hv. Potter' nrn. hlbltlng fishing from boats in cer tain parts of the McKenzle rlvor was reported out By the , ;house committee on game late yesterdav with recommendation " that It do not pans; and then was withdrawn" by Potter. " ' . ; : I ' i ' ' NEW TODAY HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Make application at The ..Rexall Store. ' "' ,', . , ' ' FOR, SALIO The Golden Rule Bar-: . .nerhop, price, f 400. cash.; Mrs. jpnnspn, 811-Fleaer St. - FOR, SALE 10 , Plymouth. Rock PUllets,. ready, to lay, , each! Mr8..,Vligjl,Rust:Dlllaid. Qre.,' SALE OR TRADE for sheepT a mucn ,gpats, . fresh soon. H. GdlHert, Looking'. Glass. ., i, ., WANTED A;. 4 orB.h.ip. gas i eri"- gmei . till, good condition; . Phone 10F23 or write E. G. TroJello, Kl,,i..., COMPETENT woman .will, care for , jliifanV or- sijiaH .children, (,all or r- Imrl' -fillip, nnnnnnnhla- -Plinn B-i-n. . ... , . ; FOR. SALEBl'onzi) ,aud , BourbW iteu .gobblers, Valley.. Poultry . & t'toduce Co. 226 W. Oak. Phone ' i f.; i FO RRENTi-Clean well ifufnished : 6-ropnj house,-1 garage, garden groijnd, J25 pen month. Inquire 852 Hoover St. Phone 298, j f pp R SALE fAcroage Triver bot tnm nrange lund, pity property, restaurant,, and .barber shop. , Priced, to sell, Chas, ,,Kyes, - 826 N. Jackson St. . FOR RENT Two two-room u-,iart-luents, olOBe.iu, water and light furnished, 110.00. See LAW niCNCE AGENCY,, 125. Cass St. Plume 219. ; ' . '. ' S,TUA'YED'"or stolen frouv Ledbet ; tor track,, one buy qiarei 4 years old, white spot o!i face: Has new ' halter on. Reward. J: M. Weath 'erford, 317 Oak St., Rsbg. WANT A . LOAN OF $2500 OR $3000 Ou a down-town business , property worth f 16,000. .Will poy ' 8'o. See LAWRENCE, 'AGENCY, 125 Cuss Street. Phone 219. MALE HELP WANTED Wanted ; farmer or farmer's sou or man to , travel in country. Steady work, good profits, McConnon and Co., , Dept. C295, Winona, Minn. wmThl. LKUHUKN - CHICKS From selected- hens mated with record males.' Safe arrival guar anteed. Februnry, March, J12 - per hundred; expressage prepaid. .- Graham Hatchery, Hayward, Cal. FEMALE IIKLP'VANTKI-"Woik - at homo: $6 a dozen making '- scarfs. Experience'- unnecessary. ' No canvassing. Particulars for Stamp. Lirinit Service, Inc., 'Dept. ESS,' Lynn, Mass. DAIRYMAN I have for sale a registered Jersey bull two years old from henvy-produclng ances tors. See him If interested. Price $100. J. F. Bonebrnke, R. F. D. No. 2, 7 ml. N. W. Roseburg. TRADE If you have acreage or ranch property- you want to trade for city property see us. we have a list ot trades that will enable I you to select just what you want. J. C. Gerety, 420 Perkins Bldg. Phone 666. NO ARGUMENT has ever been advanced against saving money. We have the plan that Is safest and pays tho most profits. Send for our free booklet. DOUGLAS BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIA TION. Offices with Commercial Abstract Co. Phone245. MORTGAGE LOANS"wtthout brok erage. We make monthly pay ment loans, on Improved city property. Consult our mortgage department regarding the refin ancing your present loan. UMP QUA SAVINGS AND LOAN AS SOCIATION. Douglas Abstract Building. A RARE opportunity if you want a home of your very own and are willing to work a little, save a little, pay a little, and wait a little. 10 acres of well-drained. sub-Irrigated sandy loam 15 to 20 ft. deep on the beautiful S. Urnp qua. 7 ml. .out: -. Graveled road, daily mall. Would accept 1-10 cash, 1-10 labor, ' and give long time on remainder with yearly Installment to responsible per son. J. F. Bonebrnke, Route 2. i BROCCOLI GROWERS! ; - - ,. , r IF you have 'not . arranged for the handling o( your broc- coll we solicit-your member- ship in this exchangeprior to March 1st, ,'27. Our books V will not be open for new mem- bers during March and April, ,1927. UMPQUA.. BROCCOLI EXCHANGE. Foster Butner. Manager. HOUSE SPEEDS WORK TO CLEAR THE CALENDAR (Continued from page 1.) House bill 247, Cramer, provid ing that grazing districts west of the Cascades shall be by election of the people instead of by applica tion to the county courts. House bill 37. Potter-McCreadv. Howard and Senator Bell, increas ing salaries of Lane county offl cers, effectivo January 1, 1923. ' o ' . Good second hand safe for sale at Wharton Bros. o-: - BUILDING CLUB HOUSE 'At a special meeting of the Rose' burg Pistol and Rifle Club last night It was decided to erect a club house on the government range. Actual work on the construction started today. The club haa been in meed of quarters where they coniu nave shelter and have tar get practice and this will meet the requirements. They have planned ah active program for the coming year and the building so near town will be very convenient. -Try our buttermilk It's differ ent. Roseburg Dairy. Phone 186. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COM PANY hereby gives NOTICE that on January 13th.'1927. It filed with the Interstate Commerce- Commis sion, at Washington, D. C, its ap plication for a certificate that the present and , future public con venience and necessity require (a) the acquisition bv it of thn rnllrnnd of the Oregon arid California Rail road company which extends from the California-Oregon state line in a northerly direction to Portland, Oregon, with several branch lines, having a total mileage of 682.82 inlles, and, '(b) the acquisition of the railroad of the- Marion dnd Linn County Railroad Company, which extends from a- point near Hoover in an easterly direction to Idanha, a distance of 2.24 mlioo all in -the state of Oregon; 3 " ' o- I '. ..- Pure whole milk, and' ft" : nnnf. eurizedi Roseburg Dairy. Phone 168. . 7 -, i nov i 't : Shakespeare and lincoln w-.'.-i -Byr Aldon. Harness' According, to . a Journal, wlili-h the. writer ..sometimes -kept -during .1898. nna nvonlnir nfft. 1,A t.n.tf roaq in st. .Matnewr, thsptir XVI! these versesr ' i "And 'the ' dlsdliilei 'asked" ;him saying, 'wh' then say the scribes that Ellas- must firsfcome? "And Jeans answered and said comB-.and' restoro all 'things:, ' i';'.' come, unci restore all things; t "But I say unto you that Ellas is come . already ; and - they knew him not, but have done unto' him whatsoever' -they listed. Likewise shall also the son of'nian suffer of theim ' " : : o - ! i ""Then . the disciples ' understood that he spake' unto them of John the Baptist:" ' '. I' Tlie idea came to! him that Jesun ' helievi'iL' tho old prophet Ellas, who had been Head a great many years, was reborn as John the Baptist. , The Idea suggested ,b,thor . ideas which .took form In tile following, poem which was written the same evening.! . A- master-spirit1 wished to live .' '. ' In human form again on-earth. As- Shakespeare, laws of .life did i give "-. - - 1 "' ' To him another mortal birth. i'l -'"':-. ,, , ' : : . By - subconscious forces swayed, Shakespenre analyzed, portrayed Bhitua, who with friends allied Wounder Ceasar till he died. Shakespeare, seer-like, was aware That he had that day been there When the marble flobr grew red With the blood that Ceasar shed, j ., . .... When Brutus was sent back to live 'lit, human form again on earth As Booth, the laws of life did give - To hint another mortal birth. Back through ages by tho light Which he glimpsed with- mystic sight. Lincoln! when his mind had grown Conscious of the Truth, was shown That, before his present birth, Many, many times on earth, Gatng'ing wisdom more and 'more, He had lived and died before. Shakespeare's dranms. every verse, Booth! with thoughts reflectlug hearse. , Both! with thoughts reflecting "crime. Learned the place, the very tlnieJ just wnere L.incoin wouui appear, And decided to be near. , Booth! like Brutus, formed- his plan: Slew his country's greatest man. If Lincolu should 'desire to live In human form once more on earth; The highest law of life would give .To him another mortal birth. In some new and fearless' age Shakespeare's works some God- crowned sage For advancement of his race J Shall with greater works replace'. Lincoln-like, he shall ddiscern Hidden truths, which we shall , . learn. . . .. .. . , i And shall lead us on and on ; Td the gOlden gated dawd. - - --! Cottage cheese. Roseburg Dairy. Phone ISO. 'I Do you want a -business? Pick your1 choice-and come in 'and let us tell you all about It. ' No-.l. Drygoods and gro- ! ' eery store! ' ; ,- . ' ! No. U.'Hotel of seventy-two ! I .rooms: ' -' i No. a. ' Garage and storage. , No. 4. Grocery. Btore. No. 5. Rooming -bouse. - No. 6. Drygoods stare. ,- 1 1 No. 7. Service station. . No. 8. Restaurant. No.. 9 Pool-hall. M i' No. 10. Paint and wallpaper stock. ,. . . See N. Rice of RICE. & RICE. Grover Tlchenor Of Salem, dis trict manager forthe Woodmen pf the World, who has been spending some time in the city iq the inter ests of his' work, today received word of the arrival bt a nine-pound daughter. Mr. Tlchenor is receiving congratulations" from' ""his ' local friends on the event. The Ticheaors are well, known .throughout ' Ore gon. - AT THE ORIENTAL GARDENS r SATURDAY NITE Good Peppy Music . American Legion 3HestifeTlieatre Sunday M6nday( Tuesday i-J ii J Ma'tlnes pally i2"; 5; i - S,-It, CLAIRE WINDSOR FRANKKEENAM LLOYD HUGHES v' l WESTERN. t ' - "LONE PRAIRIE" .- V' '''.COMEDV" : 'Along Came Fido" MATIN EE J0c-16c EVENING 1f)c-20 Majestic Theatre Last Times jToday ) i Mntinee Daily 2:15 w!neserra 3feSILiNT IACCUSER 1 With ELEANOR B0ARDMAN Jack Boyle's Thrilling Story of Man Hunt Through Two Continents. . With Pttor th Croat aaa Raymond McKee Silent Flier No. 10 COMEDY "The Utile Pest" Matinee 10c-15e Evening 10e-20e : -' Another yt Dance I A DoePtctur. That'll' II "fiM W5 V Claw Your Emotion wmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmaammmmmMmmm 3 !Ahtlers" Theatre rS. TrwJ last times today - Have Perniaiicnt' Wave "" WhileTMrsTBell, is withjhe Beauty"Studio : ' '-t FOR ONE WEEK ONLY ' y Commencing Monday, Febru&ry 14 . , ' ' When you look your best you feel your bst, - ; -y-,'; nothing else ii so important - . f -. V.,-1:' ' ' ' i ? -v ' '' " ' ' Years of Experience- -. s . : ' J"-: i! ! --? ':' ' ' ." ; i The most beautiful wave with the newest machine ,, B'-:?i3EAUTY.;STUDIO ' Phone 2 1 2-J - ' Over Roseburg National Bank Prom Coast- F, O. Green, pf Marshfield, spent Friday in' Roseburg.. attendlng.to business "matters.- ' f Antlers Theatre SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY lliy 'l: ' Matinee Sunday,'2:15 f :" ,;;;"! II. Mil II " " . f ; ,. ; ; ',...,,,.'-,? . ; '. ' -; . 11- f ; l y ,'", ; TWO GREAT STARS, A;.GREAT STORyHE RESULT ' IS ' PER-. :i ii iHkSi&r ' --JbiteraationarNew li i tJ' i'1 ?'A Gomedyj ';Mop Along" Mj . ; v You'll never know what it is to laugh until you see ' , The ' . . ;'. Whole TwivTalMng Edward urrtTSTI''awT EVERETT 4 fal JOHN EMUBON Mi By the author of "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes." THE COLLEGIANS "Around the Bases" i COMEDY ' : THE LOST SOUL" ' ' 25c E. F. Hayes returned to Glen dale Friday evening after visiting , wfth frfen5s and 'transactings-b'usfc 1 ness' here "for thei day. ? -!'l AHIU 1O0T