ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ' ' FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1927: SIX n in : iji, -. I) i Ornithology! I via Roseburg Clergyman-Author Establishes' ' Dining Table ' For Wild Birds and is Rewarded With Many Hours:- 'j of Enjoyment by Their Liberal Patronage j S fly Dr. Louis Albert "Banks Some of the readers, of (he News Hevlew will remember ttiut 'one of my ten New Year's resolutions was: "I will keep dully record of the birds alighting In (ho ;haw Ihorne tree outside my study window." That I might keep that resolution the more effectively I took two window shutters, fast ened 'them together so as to make it table about thirty inches wide and six feet long. One end of this table was hinged to the wall of the house. I put a screw eye Into the other end to which I fastened a stronge .wire which ran through another screw eye set Immediate ly above the window huldlng the table at level where I can easily, by aid of a long handled rake, bring in empty dishes and push nut refilled ones, and so replenish the food on Hie table of my restau rant for what I like to call "God's wild chicltei.s." New Year's morning I set apart a regular diary for the birds and each day as 1 have sat by the win dow writing and reading, .1 have registered the birds as they came to eat at my table or to feast on the hawthorne berries or rest" In. my tree. I keep at my hand with in easy reach books In which ever)' , bird that ever visits Oregon Is : . described and pictured to' the life in his natural colors. In this way i , there Is no guess work or depon- j deuce on memory about my record. j I can turn to any day in llia.inontn and tell you lust what blrlB vlsit 3 ed mo that day. Thoro lire certain j. star boarders who have . been with , me every day in the month. The Oregon Juncoes, the Townsend . Fox Sparrows.. English Sparrows, ; Chestnut-hacked . Chickadees,' '-' the . Oregon Chickadees, the Oregon X Towhees,'. tho Ituaty Song Spar- '; rows and the Jtoblns have never failed to appear at the table. Then there are some others like the Golden Crowned Sparrow, a beautl f fill bird, and' tile California Jay, f1 the Slender Billed, Nuthutche that have missed only a vory few days, f - Then there are still others, the Oregon 1 Vesper 1 Sparrow, t h e 5 Varied Thrush or Alaskan ( Hobln 1 as It is often called, also a gpr- geously colored bird, 'the Golden Crowned Kinglet and. tho Huby -) Crowned Kinglet, which are' falr- , ies of birdland, the Had lireasted Sap Sticker,, the 'Clnlrtlner Wood ; pecker, who have gladdened', us '! several times.' This month' of Jan- i uary nasi heen specially, marked by the visit of largo flocks of Bo- hemian Wax Wings. These birds, t I. think the most hcautituj that J ' ever visited Oregon In winter, ' breed north of the Artlq Clrclu- In '., Alaska. They only coiiiq tsotith k ; now and then. . Tho last record ! before this winter was tho winter f , of 1019 and 1920, when they came s smith ns far as Seattle. But this ,.,n.wlntor they surprised us, in ltoso ' : burg on Jan. 3 and Willi only two or three -exceptions have visited ' us In groat flocks every day since imposed a tax of 50 cents per kllo and are still . here. . These birds " capacity on . hydroelectric feed almost entirely on fruit. Their native habitat ill Alaska abounds In wild , berries and when they come south they search out upplo , troes where apples Ht til hang or holly berries or hawthorno hur ries of which they are very fond. ..Their fondness for. Iheso red Haw , i thorno berries has given lis In our ! iioiiBB a great deal of pleiiBiiro as ,' , ,wo somotlmes have n hundred at i a time. Tho Bohemian Wax , Wing Is " n wondrous beauty. Ho Is slightly smaller that a Robin but looks like ho had Jtiat come from tho hand of ' an expert tailor, and wllji Ills do , ' coratlons of black and white anil yellow and red he gladdens your 1 eye. The Cedar Wax Wing which .breeds In Oregon along tho coast nnd Is often with us was here most of the month. ' Then thoro wore a number of visitors who only came once or twlco. Nolablo among these was that rare bird for this country, a Snowflnliu. I have no doubt that BIGAMIST-KILLER AFTER (Amih-IhIciI I'roM T.-n'tl Wire.) . LANCASTER, Wis., Feb. -I -'-William M. Coffoy was sentenced to life Imprisonment In the Wnu t pon penitentiary today when he pleaded guilty before- Circuit Judge Sherman D. Smnlley to a charge ot murdering Mrs. llattle Hales, to whom he was blgamotiHly married. Coffey, former bond salesman. , dismembered the victim's body and burled it in several graves In till er's woods, five miles from Platte vllle. He Is 50 years old. An Intntiiittlon for a greyhaired widow and the coveting of her modest fortune led Cofroy first tn - bigamy, then to murder ami final ly to the forgery which caused his arrest. When he met Mrs. Hales. 51. of La Crosse, he forgot his wife of 23 years In Madison and their three .children. After it swift courtship i Coffey married her nt Winona, Minn.. September 15. 1926. After a' four weeks' honeymoon. . Coffev. having obtained most Mrs1. Hales' funds, decided upon murder to hide his hlcamous mnr ; rlage. The slaying took place in a woods near here. A baseball bat and a hammer were used. -To allay the suspicions of Mrs. Hales' family. Coffey sent them letters purporting to have hoen written by his wife, slsnlnir them with a rubber stamp In Imitation otWier signature. Cafeteria Method his mother hatched out' the, egg from which he came far up along the frozen coast'of Labrador-.. But. : he wiib a wandering boy-and In his : adventures hit my table on a day when I had a lot of preferred stock bird seed on hand and it went right to tho spot, and I enjoyed him for over an hour. The while and black combination on his beautiful body seven Inches in length made me happy. I hope he comes back. Among others who came only for a day or two were the Wood Pe wee, the Cireen Backed Goldfinch, the. Purple House Finch, the Bed Shafted ' Flicker,, t h e Western Lark Sparrow, the Say Phoebe and a Hermit Thrush which ap pears only on the last day of the month. 1 . Nearly air of tho Iwenty-nlno varieties of thcHe wild birds vis iting the Hawthorne tree (luring January ate at my table except the Wax Wings. They have often alighted on the table but only to pick up the red berries dropped there. They pay no attention to the. other food. Such birds as King lets, Nuihutchers and Woodpeck ers eat only suet which I always have in abundance. Ground bread crusts or soaked bread, delight all the Sparrow and Jiincoo-families except the Oregon Vesper Spar row,' which greatly prefers soeds. Tho Jay bird ,and, tho Hobln eat either bread or suet but prefer mint 1 have been greatly Inter ested in the manners of the table among the- 'birds. The ; English Sparrow have a bad name and no one scoW to love them and thoy row abominably among themselves but' I have not Been ono fighting outsido . his tribe. The Juncoes scrap a good deal with each other but fly at no ono else. I expected the Hobln to give trouble but ho eats In tho midst of the smnller birds In perfect peace: ' But when a Jay bird flies into the tree on His wny to tho table every bird leaves the table Instantly, He does not attack. anyone. Ho does not need to. Ho ontfl In solitary grandeur, a gay and saucy bandit Hut' I enjoy him and nil the rest. MORE TRAFFIC RILLS ENLARGE SESSION WORK ' fCon'tlnucd from page 1) quiring that men receive physical examination when securing mnr rlagu license. ' Cnrrvlnc out tho suggestion of Speaker Cnrltln the! aulhoi'Hv pf .a, finnt of iit-nnosed rovenuo "bills yes,tenlay afternoon withdrew their,. tn'oasttre '10 .givo a cipar pain aoi (lie governor's proposed income lax and tllhing bills. This unloads the luxation nnd"" revonuo commit tees' hopier so that It can grind on the governor's grist. Representative' Rchulmerleh with draw his bill which would, have nlnnts in Oregon, Turner's Charges t-aii 'Fraud and- had faith were both absent when tho state text book commission met last November 15 and adopted text books for use In the schools, according to the find ings of tho special senate commit tee appointed to Investigate. Its findings were made known last night. Ono public hcnrlng' was held In the course of (he Inquiry. No company has n monopoly of. the text hook business in Oregon, the luvostlgulors found. . Court Bllf Killed. On grounds Hint the legislature has no right to dictate to the members of the supremo court how or what length they should write their opinions (he revision of laws committee of the senate to day roturned an adverse report on house hill 372 and it. was killed by luderiulle postponement. It was Introduced In the house by the committee on constitutional law and provided that, the supreme court wrlto memorandum opinions. The house passed a hill intro duced by ltepresenlatlve Graham. of Washington county mailing It a felony for any one to break out of jail or to nssist some oik1 rise to du KO. FATHER ATTORNEY ORCUTT SUFFERS, SECOND STROKE Allorney A. N. Circuit left this afternoon by automobile for .Port hind In rcsnonxo to a message an- uoimelug the critical lllqcss ot his father. J. If. Orcult. The elder Mr. Oreull, who la S3 yours of age. hist night suffered a second stroke of paralysis and Is In a very seri ous condition, according to the message received. He Is nt the tile homo of his daughter, Mrs. B. W. Cnolev. where he has been making his homo for a number of years. Mrs. A. N. Orcult Is going as far as t'orvallls Willi her hus band and will laler go on Into I'oi lbind to Join him there, but will first visit with their daughters at t'orvallls. -o- ASHLAND AND ROSEBURG . WILL PLAY BASKETBALL The ltnselmrg senior hlch school basketball team Is to play Ashland tonight at the local gym. The Ram.l Is expected to he a good ono. as the two tennis are retKirted to 1 of he evenlv matched. The basketball fans of the city have been afforded seme excellent exhibitions of the game this year, not only at the senior high school hut at the lurlor high school an well. After tho game tonight the senior high school will have only three moro home games this season. - The junior high school has a game scheduled with Cnmns Vnl-1 ley for Saturday night. (Auuvlatwl I'reid L.-aw-d Wire.) .. , TOHTLAND, Ore,., Feb 4. Good butler Is '-more plentiful In the lo cal market and prices are gagging. On the exchange today top grades are a, fraction lower while ordinary stock remained unchanged, nar rowing (the", margin' down to Jl cents between extra grade and firsts when ordinarily there should bo from 4 to 5 cents a pound dif ference.. . .' ' . 1 Extras, standards, and prime first are down a half cent at 45 cents, 445 cents and 44 cents re spectively. Cube, first are still holding at 43J cents. No change has- been made in print prices or butterfat bids but receipts continue Heavy and stocks are Inclined to accumulate. This may result In prices being revised downward In the nenr future. '' Medium grnde or pullet eggs and current, receipts are a .cent higher on the local exchange to day at 26 cents. Top grades re - THEY'RE ALL ALIKE ' ' ; -i- WWZ$7 too-0-1! I Your UNCLfc FeU.Oown W(' I tU woNt1 rSTP CA H AT M t " p pi BOOTES AND -HER BUDDIES ; ,, . ;,' ''': ; Good-bye, Pete "'"-IV -:-'-: ; B.!r Y .- .-. '," (XT ; II 7 f AVO-W-TOKHSW r 0T,?EtE- I I STTOwSl ( 6E ,TWS . TOOGVt - 6oo64ye"; ' 1 '. Vfoo KtiAtM-- wiivot-rc. Via .going vou'b cah't ao io.-- ookItomw-. ocs.myo&m to ' veajw6 yoo .sooT-b -- ?ete 1 Bl-S.'.WPS.WX WUA-T AWAYaooT', , p A MINUTE '0s GOT To TANTO. I "l'cA'O'c AT OMCE" SotA OV " I OOW'T KMOVO WIAAT.V: OH , I'M . ' ' A MATT' A ' T WB' V0W -ACV. ANOVACK: ' OfOBI- HOW TO . , So ': :':.'! S"ffe I -Z: I 1 K vw ? ' ' r'ZU ': r-r-: J so"' . www TOi- - . U-vr-., - . . fv Know- UJ-r-V -Lj- . my. ,. mm ,-wv mm Mjr::,mi.-; - .mi. FRECKLES " AND HIS FRIENDS ' '..'"'': ' ByBIosser , 7 T c t? : : . . r7. v, 1 t PROW OF OUR. - ( I'MSOWOA S'cdc ; P Uo AES - .f VWAITIMS FOR -O AS VUELL 60, CAUSE 1 XJSS ? lB'S . . ' J SES WAAT J7 A. VOL) WAITlMcj J A PAST VOE AlOT SOAJAJA .'.-- , 7a2B simce i. -.sti . 3. ixbs vjaitim' I y- z y CC? . aab.w (TCXt, ' ' -I ' ' ' ' , sjo"' ' . ' $ALESM AN . $ AM : Why, of Course . - - By Swan " A i know ir J vAMs RWAV, njLwy tiiWS . - ra-a -" -1 - i : " '. W.ftrfC' I) i"-' a-' " t rV-- " "- 1 ' ' - Ci.1 &J2ML ' J11 feS-, r' , -p?T- . s U,J?$ IIAVV i HeV VoOl'.-YoO BROKE. II l--- RONNitsG- HOMa,-ro ct Sr-' eA ! fwe. WFTttSMoON 1 J BOM. TfKlN0 S( 'W W .(POC-Le'S ' opf. cuuv? A covRe of ome's nX F0R e Mlwi . ' GO V cU ' i wMketeiAe-ory -reefiA is of -vJ.LJ WpoiN-rweMi: (KlJ-f sss Jr', ' W'W ' 1 ,o im rstMTKr y Tat r,OCL;r XfS1 .- - T e o) y ' C.l VWi-i F ' Sa. 1 main unchanged btft' tho market is holding firm at present, levels. Country dressed calves are weak and lower along the street. Bulk of sales now around 17 cents with an occasional fancy veal going at 1JJ cents. Choice light hogs are holding at the 17 cent level. PORTLAND, Ore., Feb., 4 Wholesale prices: - Bids to farmer: Milk steady. Best churning cream, 48 cents in valley, 49 cents net shippers' track ill zone 1: cream, delivered Port land Sufi 52 certs per pound. Kaw milk (4 per cent) J2.CU cwt., f. o. b. Portland. Poultry Bteady. Prices fully maintained Heavy hens 2502G; light 2021: springs nominal: broilers soft 31 ; pekin white ducks -week has added to the confidence 30; colored nominal; turkeys, live, j of. holders of foreign-wools here. 35; dressed 40Ct43. . ! London closed at the top for the l'otatoea weak, S1.2a$"l.S0 sack. . series and about five per cent Onions quiet, local ?2.75?j'3.00. -above opening, prices. Primary Nuts quiet,' Walnuts 273G: f 11-; markets tend against the buyer, belts 19(g20; almonds 22(25; j Mohair is more actrive but hard Brazil nuts 14l(i; Oregon chest- j ly changed In price. i , nuts 17J20; peanuts llfj14. Wool quotations tomorrow: f'ascara bark nominally steady,! Scoured basis: Oregon: North . : . " : r S cents lb,; Oregon ', grape root nominal. Hop3 quiet, 1926 fuggles 25; clusters 'lGt23; one year contracts 20; 3-y ear contracts 19, . , j BOSTON, Feb. 4 The Com jmerclal Bulletin, tomorrow will I say: t; . ... j There is a fair, steady demand j for - wool in the eastern seaboard I markets, which keeps prices very firm, although endeavors to ad j vance prices, except on some for- eign wools, have met with decided ! resistance on the part of the 'mills, land it is difficult to see -where '.prices are quotably dearer -this j week than last on domestic wools. The slight Increase in strength the foreign markets again this ern $1.0S1.05;;' fine '.and "fine medium clothing .90.95; valley number 'l, .90'g.B5. : ' ' - Mohairs: Best combing ,73 ,75; best carding .5S).60.) PORTLAND,! Ore., Feb. 4.-i Wheat: BBB hard white $1.37; hard white, bluestem, baart 1-36; federation, soft white, western white, northern spring $1.35; hard winter' $1.33; western red $1.30. W. O. CLINGER TO CONDUCT MODERN LA GRANDE HOTEL j (Auocbted Pre Lewd Wire.) LA GRANDE, Ore., Feb. A Fol lowing announcement that W. C. Becktell, : Portland realtor, .will build a six-story modern hotel here this spring and that the present proprietor of the Foley hotel will erect a seven-story hotel this year, Julius Roesch, local capital ist, announced today that 5252,000 had been subscribed by local peo ple for the purpose of building a six or seven-story hotel here this spring, -in -the -East Adams -section of the business district. Business men of the community feel confiddnt that a new hotel will result .from, the various projects but some iexpreBS ilouttt that more than one of the three will eventual: ly be builtv - : ', . ; ' ! L. S. - Week's, local realtor, re? Becktell that the -construction con ceived word, this '.morning' from I tract, would be let February -21 and that the, hotel has already been leased to JV. O, dinger, formerly of KOseburg, jor iu years. , , j LINDSEY'S IDEA FINDS SUPPORTER ; (AuocUted PreM "Ltuod Wire.) ' ' -. "DENVER, Colo., Feb. 4. The Denver Morning Post today quotes-. Mrs. E. Haldeman-JUllus, wire ot, the Kansas publisher and niece of Jan6 Addams. Chicago social work' er, as approving the "companionate I marriage" idea advanced by Judge Ben E'. Llhdsey ot tho Denver ju venile court., . Mrs. Haldeman-Julius, the . first adulu. publicly- to , endorse. the pudge's plan, declared her wlllinfj- ness, for her 16-year-old daughter 'to "outer into such a marriage as the first'step In' the selection of a uie, mate,; inej-osi sajs.. It U s legal marriage to be per formed by a clergy or a juj'ge precisely- as any marriage Is' today performed.; It 'h the exact oppo site of trial marriage' as that term is qommonly .oindaiKtood.'":' , ; . HOUSE HAS BILL? j i BASED ON IDEAS ' H V, OF PATTERSON ' " ' (Continued from page 1.) slon of the income tax proposal to the people at a' special election at an early date, may go. in . this after noon or may jje held back .until tho first of next week.i.v .' 1 ' -. . n ' V , We have a complete - stock ; dft" Planet Jr. seeders and hand culti vators. Wharton Bros, v j ! ; rr-o '. ' ', ; 5- .,