If Nbwskevbbw Pages 1 to 4 BUM pC DO U G tlC: OUNT VOL. XXVII NO. 188 OF ROSEBURG REVIEW ' ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, "; SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1926. VOL. XVII NO. 200 OF THE EVENING NEW8 Section Two '(Qjgjjg ' . .'..... f f " 1 CRUCIAL CAME OF coast cm Stanford and Washington, Both Ihus rar Unbeaten, . Will Clash; Oregon U. Plays Cougars. , (Associated Tress leased Wire.) SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 13. Eyes of far western football fans turned today to Palo Alto where the Cardinals of the Stanford University meet the Huskies of the University of Washington In what has developed into a pivotal game .of the Pacific coast confer ence. A win by Stanford would carry it to within reach of the confer ence title, the weak University of California eleven being its only re maining opponent in the confer--( ence'. A defeat would place It ori a level with four other schools that have lost one game. Despite the fact that the Cardinals are strong favorites to win, the Huskies de clared that they are out to repeat last year's victory. A second conference contest at t Pullman, Wash., between the Uni versity of Oregon and Washington Vtnte College, and an intersectional : clash between the University of Arizona and Occidental College at Los Angeles, are other features of the day's gridiron program. The. wolf pack of the University of Nevada attempts at Berkeley to be the sixth squad to down the 'University of California this sea- PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR XMAS CARDS . The News-Review exclusive job printing department is showing a nice Une of Christ- mas and New Lear announce- ments, both printed and en- graved. " Place your order at once. Don't wait until the last minute. Order now and pay for the work any time be- fore the first of the year. T PAY FULL FARE TO TO Oregon vs. Cougars. PULLMAN, Wash., Nov. 13 With three consecutive confer ence victories to their credit the Washington State College Cougars face the University of Oregon on a gridiron of mud in their home' coming game today. Following an early season loss to Southern California, victories over Montana, Idaho and Washing ton have made the Cougars slight favorites. Coach -Babe Holling- uerry of Washington State has predicted a hard game and declar ed "It will be not anybody s game until the final whistle blows." Rain for. two days has made the field soggy and even with fair weather in prospect a muddy field Is certain. Today's game Is the fourteenth between the Cougars and Oregon. The state college won six, lost four, and tied three of the previous games. The probable lineup Oregon position W. S. C. Pope I. e. Exley Dixon 1. t Dressel Hodgen 1. g. Kramer Carter c. Graham Kearns r. g. Smith Sinclair r. t. Spiedol Slauson r. e. Pafkhlll Woodie q. b. Meeker Burnell 1. h. Rohwer Ord ' r. h. Koenig Wetzel f. h. CnRtnfHnn - ' (Associated Press Leased Wire.) . CHICAGO, Nov. 13. Q u e e n Marie traveled toward Chicago and its four-day stop-over toduy, with only a two-hour halt at Spring field, to break the journey. She arranged to stop at Spring field long enough to place a wreath on 'the tomb of Abraham Lincoln, whose birthplace, near Louisville, Ky., she will visit next week. The queen's itinerary after the present tour is completed at Wash ington on November 24 is In doubt. Although it Is understood that the Southern Railway over which the royal party planned to travel to North Carolina and possibly Flori da, has refused to accept a nomi nal fee for the entourage, negotia tions are said to be continuing. Still further complications are presented in the request of sever al railroads that their special cars making up the queen's train be made available-for regular duty as soon as possible. Colonel John H. Carroll, in charge of the train, Is carrying on negotiations which he believes will keep the train virtually intact or provide substitute equipment. WALLOWA LAKE RESORT TO BE GREATLY ENLARGED. (Associated Press fcesjed Wire.) LA GRANDE. Oregon, November 13. The increase in the' capital derland Corporation from $50,000 to $150,000 was voted at a meet ing of twenty sockholders here last night. The additional capital will provide for modernizing of the resoit including installation or a golf course and tennis courts. MAJORITY VOTE OF BRITISH STRIKERS FAVORS NEW TERMS (Associated Press Leased. Wire.) i -LONDON, Nov. 13. Delegates representing the striking coal ml l ers, in conference here today, vct ed to refer the. government's stril o sottement proposals to tho varloi s districts with the recommendatk n that they be accepted. . Many of the delegates were dl 3 satisfled with the terms, and there was the possibility for a time that they might reject the proposals wtihout referring them to the. dis tricts. The card vote of the delegates was 432,000 in favor of recom mending that the district accept the terms, and 352,000 against the proposals. NEW RECORD FOR BULLDOGGING AT NEW YORK RODEO (Associated Press Leased Wire.) ' NEW YORK, November 13. Veteran cow punchers In a rodeo In Madison Sausre Garden claim to have established a new world's record In bulldogging steers, by downing ten in an average of 171 seconds. The cowboys declare that six and one half seconds is the world's recort for bulldogging one steer, but that two or three cowboys rarely come within strik ing distance of this mark in throw ing three different steers. ' Jbr Economical Transportation' ummi that CHICAGO READY WELCOME I 0 QUEEN II Problems of Etiquette Are Ironed Out on Eve of Her Arrival. HAND KISS IS TABOO Royal Nod Will Suffice to Acknowledge Acclaim of City; Aliens Protest .' "Subservience." x axrtfese Low Prices! CoacW$ar iaf Coupe . . . -QtsiQp Four Door $J7'3 X Sedan jf QjJ Landau All prkcs&o.b Flint, Michigan Small down payment and con venient terms. Ask about our 6 Ptwrchaic Certificate Plan. HANSEN Phone 446 are Astounding Values Offering elements of beauty, comfort, power and smoothness unrivalled in the low-priced field, Chev rolet closed cars have contributed largely to the sen sational increase in Chevrolet sales and the spectacular spread of Chevrolet popularity. , No other closed cars at the price offer the beauty, comfort and luxury of bodies by Fisher with their superiorities in craftsmanship, style and safety. Finished in modish shades of lustrous Duco roomy and attractively upholstered, Chevrolet closed cars offer every essential to the highest type of modern. . comfortable motoring. A single ride will reveal the astounding value which has made them the choice of so many hundreds of thousands of buyers. Come in J and get a demonstration! CHEVROLET CO. Rose Street Roseburg, Oregon h QUALITY AT LOW COST (Associated Press Leased Wire.) CHICAGO. Nov. 13. Chicago donned its best today for Queen Marie, albeit, somewhat self-con scious about the endeavor lo give her majesty a truly democratic, midWQstern welcome. Long before time for the queen s train to arrive, however, interna tional committees succeeded In ironing out all but a few minor problems encountered in planning a welcome thoroughly democratic but as thoroughly characteristic of the mlddlewest. The perplexity of city officials wondering whether to kiss the royal visitor's hand or merely clasp It. was disposed of by announcement that Queen Marie will hod her acknowledgement of Introductions and moBt of the wel coming committee found some way out of the difficulties occasioned by the queen's arrival. At the Inst moment, however, thero arose the matter of precedent In the presentation of the commit tee. It was suggested that the al phabetical order of names deter mine the presentation order, .but at once It was pointed out that Charles 'J. Vopeka, for ( several years United States mlnfste'r lo'Ru ninii In, would thus bo one of the last In the line. The deadlock was broken when someone submitted that "there Is no such thing as precedence In Chicago let's do it alphabetically and there was agreement. Tho city hall was slimed from top to bottom, for tho official wel come to the royal party Immedi ately after arrival at 5:30 p.- m. Chief Collins was named to pre cede n military guard to escort her majestv to the Lake Shore Drive hotel after a brief reception at the citv hall. . ' ' r On the eve of Queen Marie's ar rival It was' learned that Samuel Hill, northwestern millionaire who experienced some difficulties while the queen visited in the northwest, has hotel reservations here and ex pects to arrive by- train two hours after the' royal special gets In. The reservations for Mr. Hill arc not nt the Lake Shore Drive. The time also wos made tho oc casion for a statement from the chairman of the Bukovininn and Dessarabian committee of Chicago protesting ngalnst "the subservi ence ot Chicago officials to Queen Marie, the "royal symbol of ter rorism,' 'and demanded "cessation of terror against the national min orities in Rumania." ABSOLUTE i SAFETY Bouuglas Building & Loam Association UNDER STATE SUPERVISION AND CONTROL f nvqp OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS B. L. EDDY, President ....State Senator and Atty. at Law GEO. KOHLHAGEN Vice President. Dealer in Livestock and proprietor Kohlhagen Apartments and Economy Market. J. E. McCLINTOCK, Secretary President Commercial Abstract Co. B. W. STRONG, Treasurer J ..... President Umpqua Valley Bank F. H. CHURCHILL, Director President Churchill Hardware Co.. C. A. LOCKWOOD, Director President Lockwood Motor Co. DR. E. B. STEWART, Director Physician and Surgeon WAYNE E. JONES Manager Think of the future of yourself and your children. . Have you a college fund started ? " , ' f How much could you have saved in the past? , ' Let us show you the safest, surest and most profitable way to save your money or to own your home. a Write your name and ad- , dress on this coupon and mail to us and we will send you our booklet free ...of charge. It will show you the best way to save. , jF!ljp! iij. - ' i i I ! M -t DOUGLAS BUILDING & LOAN ASS'N Roseburg, Oregon Gentlemen: ' '.--- j- y .. f i i Please send your booklet. My - name Jt'.,l,,,;i'!ig,v,. ......... My P. O. address Is.-..,...,, - .. ..............,...,...... Myi biisine J . l s i I J' nVsVliilal.i.i...'..'... J u u ;..:.!..;..;. !l!lli!fi!!fi!!' hi i be affbrded for local, pqopie; to be come adqualntod with ! the ( new of ficers. ' ; i j i f j, j j . . o ' -' " Special dinner parties at Boswell Springs. Call and make reserva tions. Mr. nnd Mrs.'H. T. Hartley In charge. ' . : , , text kobkl k66Y met . U;: i-- ; i . i.M 1 j (Assocjttal. (.eased Wire.) . SALEM, Ore,, Ndv; ' 13.4-The State Textbook commission wtilch meets Monday to select a third of the text books to be used1 in Ore gon schools the next two 'years, will hold a preliminary meeting to day' for a isurvoy. of tho t books available from wfhtch selections nro to be .made and Also of the ' price lists submitted by the publishers. ; Axes, wedges and other wood outter'a supplies at Wharton Dros. Ivory beds J6.75 at Powell's. SPECIAL RELIGIOUS . SERVICES BEING HELD AT GREEN The services during the prist week which have been conducted nt tho Green school houne by Cap tain G. L. Hall, have aroused con siderable interest. It is planned to continue them another week. Each night with one exception there will be delega tions from each of the ItoseburR churches to furninh special music and otherwise make the meetings interesting. On Monday night friends from the South Methodist church will attend, while Tuesday night will be Presbyterian night. On Wednesday night the day school will put on a program in connection wflh a pie social which has been previously planned. Thursday night a delegation from the Baptist church will attend and on Friday night tho Methodist Episcopal church will have a dele gation present. It is also planned on Sunday, No vemher 21st to hold an all day meeting and basket dinner at which time It is hoped (hat sing ers from the Christian church will be present. NEW SALVATION ARMY OFFICERS LOCATED HERE Lieutenant Kelsey Prlnzlng and j Lieutenant George Eggert, of the Koseburg toO.ake over the local; work. Captain Humphrey having i been transferred to Albany. The new officials have arrived to take I tin thf.fr rluffoa antl am nnur In full I charge. A welcome service Is to be' holrl Kitnrlnv nvnnl n rr nt Q n'rlnnlr Mffl To All Rural Subscribers of The Roseburg News-Review A limited number of convenient mail boxes for rural mail delivery have been purchased by the News-Review for free distribution to its subscribers. The boxes are spe cially designed, made of heavy sheet metal, neatly painted and very serviceable. CALL AND GET ONE The offer is good to either old or new subscribers. No boxes sent by mail r-4-".: EH 5 -.t-T r at which time an opportunity will . .Jv.-