ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1926. THREE mimm. Lggy I When Winter .Corned ITALY TIGHTENED IE (AuocEntod I'ress Leased Wire.) .. ROME, Nov. 5. Sweeping meas ures to protect the Fascist regime from the activities of its enemies were approved today by the cabi net, sitting under the presidency of Premier Mussolini. The ministers adopted a provis ion making plots against the life, liberty and integrity of the pre mier and members of the royal family, and plots against the gov- rnment and the state punishable by death. They also approved penalizing by imprisonment, varying from five to more than thirty years, any ef fort by an Italian or foreigner to in jure Italy in fact or by propaganda. Membership in any organization against fascism aiso win oe pun- ishable by heavy imprisonment jveany a oozen spec uc i-ts reiai- ing to oirecc or inuireci activities against the regime will render the offenders liable to jail terms and; perpetual Interdiction from public office. All nnnnnnta nllnmlnn ..i.t. v.o.,. ,..!.. evasion. Other provisions incli.ftd: Revo- rntlnn fnr nn InHplemilnnf a norlnd of the licenses of all acwspapp!) antagonistic to the regime. Dis - solution of all clubs aJd associa- SPREAD a slice of bread. From actual test, acknowl edge the honest goodness that is wrapped up in the one-pound cartons of Gem- Nut Margarine 'I You will like its flavor ( you !iare sure of, its whole- sbnieness. A real spread for bread. ' Swift & Company U. S. A. Makers tions suspected of being nnll- Fascist. Institution of police dead lines for persons suspected of an ti-Fascism. Inauguration of a ser vice of special political investiga tion at the headquarters of every legion of the Fascist militia. I STATE'S OFFICERS (Associated Truss Leased Wire.) HELENA, Mont., Nov. 5. Mon tana's state prohibition law en- I forcement officers, halted in their activities by the majorily given the measure providing for repeal of the state liquor law, have been in structed to make no more raids and report no more arrests. Under orders of Attorney General L. A. ! Foot, who declared repeal of the siuio uuuui i. uiuutu, . . ..h-i-tlon I Impossible when cases are called"-. .". ,,' , ' in,, , in me uecen.uer i..-,... m u inci cuum uio uijo5"!""" Ue vote Its attention to cleaning up old cases. Cases now before the courts which cannot be disposed of be - fore December, probably will be It, S?m undo- hinh ti j be prosecuted, the onicial vx I plained. Q -o Ilcljieanfsetate CoIIpeb. founded 1S58, "K theHldnst ngiicWural col lege in the country. of Premium Oleomargarine COOK WOULD KEEP BUTLER I JOB AS Cll (Aawrt'iiitod Press Leased Wire.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 5 Presi dent Coolidgo sees even less rea son for William M. Kmler to retire as chairman of the Republican Na tional committee, now that he has been defeated for re-election to the senate than before the elections, While it was made clear today at the White House that Mr. ( ool idge had not discussed the matter witli Mr. ltutler, it was pointed out that he would now have more time to devote to the chairmanship than when lie was occupied witli' his duties as a senator. Insofar as the ructions nre ( - O" - ooriHMl, the priHitinnt be H-vefl "jo t of national Kentlnn'iit, to I the ileni'-e that it could be f tirnisli- vs pro vided hy tht olection to tM liotis1 - ,f r(,1)o(.s,,ntatlvel, o,,,,!,,.,) - Uni0 everv district in every state and not by the senate eli'Clion, I in wlilrli nnlv nnp-tliird ot the iu the conn, .as represcntcd VOIQ. I ' n ..Buslness Visitor John Wilson of Yoncallit was a business visitor In this city today Mrs. Wilson who received Injuries npment of the mining Industry in In an auto accident on the corner1, the district will begin In earnest of Douglas and Jackson streets laatjas soon as the plant is ready for week, is Improving. operations. From Myrtle Point C. C. Curler of Myrtle Po!nt was a business visitor in this city over Thursday. From Mild G. Sutherland of Mllo Is hero for a day or so to look after business affairs and visit with friends. From Riddle Mrs. Fred Hall of Kiddle was in Roseburg Thursday afternoon visit ing with friends ami attending to business matters. From Meirose Miss Amelia Galla of Melroso was in this city yesterday after noon shopping and transacting' bus iness. Visitor Here li. S. HolKiger, Ford dealer at Klamath Falls, was a business vis itor libro over Thursday night. Visitor In Town 0. I). Hartley of Canyonville was in this city today for a lew hours attending to business affairs and visiting friends. Visiting Here Mrs. H. J. iJoering and son ot Glide, nro spending a few days in Itoseburg visiting with friends. In This Morning Mrs. Kate McDauiels of Ten mile, was a visitor in Hoseburg tlds morning and wns looking ' af ter business matters and shopping. Here From Eugene Mrs. C. F. Harpster of Eugene, former Hoseburg matron, is hero for a few days to visit with her daughter, Airs. Fred Lockwood, and friends. To Coast Over Week End E. McCormick left by auto this morning for North llend where ho will visit with a son over the week end. Condition Reported Same Tho condition ot Will Singleton, who was taken to tho Good Samari tan hospital in Portland a week ago, is reported lo be about tho same. Mr. Singleton will undergo a major operation as soon as his health permits. Back From Reedsport Ur.1 Richard Thompson, Miss Natalie Markwitz and Miss Cora llaertsch of the Douglas County Health unit liavo returned from Iteedsport where they spent tho first part of the week In health work. , ; Speaker At Green Sunday i i Mrs. A. 0. Marsters.i Pouuty pres ident ot Uio W. C. T. U. and .statu speaker, will be nt tho Green school houso Sunday afternoon" at " 3 o'clock. A good attendance of W, ("!. T. V. members is urged and llirt public has been extended a cordial invitation to attend. ' Child Breaks Arm in Fall The 5-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Roberts of Melrose sustained a broken left" arm late yesterday evening when a wagon seat, into which sho had climbed, overturned, causing her to fall lo tho ground. The child was brought to Hoseburg today for medical at tention, .i Will Hold Shoot Sunday Tho Bhoot lo be held Sunday morning at the government range east of town by the Hoseburg Pis tol and Rifle Club gives promise of being one of the best of the yenr. It Is very probable another one will be planned for the near future. Home From Washinpton Mr. and Mrs. J. IT. Short have returned to their home in Dixon- vlllo after spending some time in Tenlno, Washington, where they visited their daughter, Mrs. T. J. Whilaker their daughter, Mrs. T. J. days In Portland witli friends. Garrison in Portland Woll pleased with the results of tho senatorial election in Douglas county Is T. P.. Garrison, a banker of Hoseburg, who arrived in Port land yesterday Tho outcome of tho election in that county was a surprise to political observers In other counties because of tho in sistent claims of many Douglns citizens, that it would go for Stanfieid, Independent. Sleiwer, re publican, carried tho county. Morning Oregonian. Another DnHer Here IC. O. Thompson, of Los Angeles an experienced oil well driller, ar rived in Itoseburg early this morn ing nnd will go to work at once at T.oeper Dome. The management has arranged for three shifts, nnd will prosecute the work in future the full 21 hours each day. Mr. Thomp son will have charge of ono of the shifts. "Things are looking mighty (rood at T.eeper Dome," was all the comment that Manager Cur rier had to make tills morning when asked about the situation there. Minlnq Men In Town f. TT Slutifor wll 1nnirn Pnn. 1 vnm-HIn minine'man. fiml K. per- j Wf.nt. a rncent arrival In thin corni- riuiyonvilie dfstrinf. Mr. Dorwont is putting in a flotation process Tint. in the old flour mill bulld-j lugs at Canyonville, and expects! (o have it in ..eration early In ! January. With installation of mod-1 ern machln'jjjv these gentlemen be- lleve that thvy will be ablQlo save; Ihe fine gold, silver and platinum j that Is found in the quartz of that; locality. A numbrof mining men I are interested in the k there,! nil of them believe that devel- To San, Francisco- Mrs. R. D. Oliver and son left miu-weeR ror San - Francisco to spend the winter with her parents. Mr. Oliver, who is a mining engi neer, will be in eastern Oregon un til spring and will join his wife and family in California then. Visitor This Morning Miss Helen Cardwell of Umpqua was in Hoseburg this morning vis iting with friends and shopping. Arundel, piano tuner. 1'hone 189-L. FUNERAL ROSEBURG MAN HELD TODAY Tho funeral of W. P. Wetheroll was held at 4 o'clock thi3 after noon at fiie I. O .0. F. hall, the Hoseburg Undertaking company in charge. The body was tnken to tho hall at noon today and lay In stnto under guard of members of tho canton until the services, which were under I the auspices of Plille larian Lodge No. S, I. O. O. F. Hov. Joseph Knotts officiated. The cas ket was banked witli many beauti ful floral offerings and the hall was filled with a host of friends of tho deceased. The Umpqua Chiefs a:id Squaws and members of the Odd Fellows attended in bodies. Tho body will be escorted to Rogue Hiver Saturday morning for burial. MRS. ANNA DOUD BURIED TODAY The funeral of Mrs. Anna Doud, Douglas county woman, who died in Portland, was held this after noon nt 2 o'clock at the Ten Mile church, the Roseburg Undertaking company In charge and Rev. Joseph Knotts officiating. There were many beautiful floral offerings from tho many friends of the fami ly. The body was laid to rest at tho Ten Mile cemetery. ; . ABERDEEN EDITOR VISITS ' IN CITY ON WAY SOUTH W. A. Hupp, editor of tho Aber deen Wtorld, published . at Aber deen, Washington, was a visitor at Thia nrnnnn anH Q7n nf-if1. tt.n I undersigned to one quart can of interior uioss Finish, any color, and a special Paint Brush, j j Name... I Address. SPECIAL OFFER ' Clip the Coupon t f Toocqunlnt yju with -( , Acme Quality, we are TiiukiiiB fpceial offer , for a short time only Brighten the kitchen with Acme Interior Gloss Finish Acme Interior Gloss Fin ish is a dependable pro duct of cheerful colors. Easy to wash. No glare. Covers the surface like a flat paint. We recommend Interior Gloss Finish unreservedly for interior surfaces walls, ceilings, woodwork. It is the perfect kitchen finish does not absorb grease, dirt or moisture. ACMEQUAL1TY Paint Varnish Let us tell you more about it. And be sure to see us before you tackle any paint problem. Our estimate and assistance will probably savebothmoney and time for you. D. P. FISHER 403 West Cass St. Roseburg, Ore. Phone 668-J He Who Knows SAYS Rose Garage Mo'dern Engine Cleaning, Car Washing, Vacuum Cleaning, Qreasing and Oiling o Makes Long Life for the Car Dr. Decker doctors your tires. Kelly-Springfield iCHotta miles. Quality and service makes customers always. We never close. Rose Garage Phone 66 3 Is the pantry stocked with such items as spuds, sugar, a case of milk, peas, corn and pineapple. Get quantity prices at Stone's and note the savings made SATURDAY MORNING BARGAINS CREME OIL TOILET SOAP Limit 5 RAISINS Thompson's Seed ' less, 4 lbs i PRODUCE VALUES FOR THE DAY LETTUCE Solid heads, 2 for SWEET SPUDS 6 CELERY Large bunches, well bleached, 2 SPUDS Netted Gems, 'cwt. .. ONIONS 'sack ; LARD 8 lbs i shortening 's lbs jSALAD OIL Bulk, bring container, gai BACON Eastern, 'b. .. .... .:...: j BACON BACK ; 3 Light; lb. .. J . 1; BACON SQUARES lb. .. : $5.00 Orders California and ' Oregon BURNS Cover with wet baking soda afterwards apply gently , WICKS V VapoRub; OvtrSt Million Jars UttJ Ymarly Roaebiug todny, enjoylnp; a visit Willi ins irimm, J. a. i-ianniiK, ir- ..Inln. r.1 II... IT.tiitnnn T-Tnlnl Tift Hupp In on his way to Los Angolus, whoro Iim Is purclinsiiiK additional equipment for the mechnnicnl de partment of his newspaper. Mrs. Klipp is accompanying nun on ine trip, which is being made by nuto. FOOTBALL TEAM AND ROOTERS TO COAST The Hoseburg high school foot ball team and Coach Turner In I cars furnished by local business ; men, left this morning for North Bend where they will meet the high i school football team ot that city ! thlB afternoon. The entire squad , of players made the trip and were accompnnlcd by about 25 students j and rooters. The Corvallls high , school team was In KoBeburg this I morning enroute to Medford whore tho boys will clash with the Med-.' ford players on Saturday. The team staged a workout on Fiulay fluid from 12 to 12:30. IT OF SPITE WRECK ( Aiwwltd PrcM 1111 W(r.) MEDFORD, Ore., Nov. 5. Tho sheriff's office In Its Investigation of the accident on the Pacific hich-i wav last Sunday in which MIbb : Edith Myers of this city wns forc ed from tho road, meeting with serious Injuries, when her sedan crashed Into b phone pole, has come to the conclusion, that she wns the "victim of a cruel jest, at best, ind possibly an attempt to kill." The driver of the "hit and run" enr. Is said by the authorities to have deliberately struck the Myers car and to have returned and shouted derisively at Miss Myers as sho lay Injured at the side of the road, nnd made no effort to as sist her. The authorities nro also Investigates the report that Miss Myers declined to let one of the three men In thry ffiar act as an es cort Saturday nlsTit when he la al leged to have made throats. o At a wine tasting contest In Wlesbnden. Oermnny, It was found that, though hock Is generally not believed to he preservahle beyond (10 years, a large number of choice wines hnd retained tholr qualities over a hundreifcffeara. POP CORN 3 lbs. . 33c 5c CORN STARCH 4 pkgs lbs. MERCHANDISE VALUES $2.85 CORN Standard quality, 2 cans, 25c; case, .. PEAS Wonderful value, 2 cans 25c; case TOMATOES Large cans, 3 for .. $2,15 $i;75 $1.69 BULK MINCE MEAT Best quality, 2 lbs. ... a $1.50 OLEO Swift's 2 lbs. SMOKED MEATS 38c HAMS Large Swift's Prem; ium, half or whole, lb............. 35c COTTAGES lb. .: J.;.:.:.L 27c SALT SIDE ib. , : Delivered Free-Sugar Excepted.' '!', , , w Ptf III jpf ir -' -- p: '"'"' Here is the last word in range con struction. Embodies years of range mak- ' " ing experience. Fuel saving guaranteed. Furnished with beautiful enamel trim. See "The range you will be proud of" at Off Store Now. Ask for free illustrated folder in colors, Parslow Furniture Company 111 North Sfackson Street Rosebui Oregon Phone 116 Best quality, 25c 25c ..15c 23c bunches : ...15c $2.95 $2.95 40c 35c 55c 37c 38c Eastern, 27C ill 1' Wast' tarR,' i if)". Roseburg, Orcg ort ) I I i . f 4 ( V "i 51 L