Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 15, 1926, Page 12, Image 12

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in "DEAR BRUTUS" Oct 18 and "OUTWARD BOUND" Jail. 24
TICKETS ON SALE NOW ; Tickets may be exchanged for reserved seats at
Chapman's Drug Store ! ; Pioneer Drug Store ; Antlers Theatre beginning noon Saturday, i,
Bubar's .'-r'7 ' October, 16
Out of Town Patrons GallMrs Ashcraft, Phone 177, ; Auspices Roseburg Woman's Club v
Season Tickets . . .... .... ... . . . . $2.50 and $2.00
Student Season Tickets. . .,. . !(;"; . $1
Single Tickets. . . . .:..:-..J&jMM&m
. T.(
. ei i
In Breaking of the departure of
Jlov. and Mrs. li. W. Achor, who
are moving to KoHi'burg tills
month, - Rev. Achor having; beon
culled as pastor of the Itosebui'K
. Presbyterlun church, the Wood
burn Independent carries the fol
lowing: After a pastorate of eight years
In Woodburn, where he hits been
In charge of the First Presbyterian
church, also the Ilethol Mission,
Itev. R. W. Achor has handed In
his resignation und wilt move with
his family on the 27th to Ituneburg,
whore he has accepted a call to be
pastor of the First Presbyterian
. church of that city with a member
ship of 330. He will preach his
i ;
. . r ..- ; ;
s i f y ; ( i
j" ,- " I . :
5 ' F I
! Ji'1 -
J it .!
farewell sermon iters' on . Sunday
morning, Octdbtef 2f. ( f ! i i v.
During his pastorate' In1 Wood
burn he has pqved la; citizen . of
much worth, utdjnfc in hei promo
tion of the city,! biking' an active
interest In every, religious and ipa
trlotlc move, aid espeoially addlntf
considerably to pe ; Prcsbytorlaii
membership roll. Ho .was mainly,
Instrumental In bringing' about, the
13000 addition to the church fund
ing and leaves the church' affairs
in better shape than -ever In its
history. He was ever ready to re
spond to calls to officiate at fun
erals and in cases of sickness and
bereavement. An able minister,
he was also n good pastor. The
departure of, such. a man from our
midst, here he was1 so highly es
teemed and admired by all, will be
deeply regretted. That the well
wishes, of all go, with him to his
new field' of labor Is well under
I 1 , 11
Sustained Quality
is refined to give satis
factory service in the ' ;
coldest temperatures
- - '- . ' - - ....'..
! . -'It -.
f1 1 ' V
Avaitnblc at all company
service stations and at the
best independent dealers
stood-by alli who. Know this be
loved, minister and 'pi his success
ful labor lir pehalt of community
andchurch:: -;(
. And also will be, much missed
his fco-worker. . Mrs. Achor. and the
boys) Jtichard and Itoy. Mrs.
Vll'lior. is. u uuugnier or -wuuucii-?rtttn,aitd
Mrs. E. J. Forsythe. Mrs.
-A'chori has; taken a deep Interest in
bee husband's work in Woodburn
and aided materially in Its accom
plishment. She is also president
of -the Carnegie Public Library of
Woodburn, a lady of high attain
ments and has been a great help
in all church societies.
Tion'f. lose; ntohey by discarding
shoes with worn soles ' or needing
other repairs. Bring 'em to me and
have their life doubled at small
cost. Chnjiles. 2H: North. JMaln,
real1 Kidder's store. . ' '
Myrtle Creek Church of Christ
You will be the loser if you miss
Bible School next Sunday at 10
o'clock. The morning sermon will
be "The Fiery Trial." Christian
Endeavor meets at 6:30. At 7:30,
rousing song service, and ' sermon
"When God Takes a Religious Cen
sus." W. E. Stram, Minister.
Free Methodist Church West
Roseburg, Harvard and TImpqua.
A pluce to worship the Lord in the
beauty of holiness. We are not
selfish ; come and worship with us.
You are Invited to come and bring
your friends. Fanaticism is not
i i.
allowed.1 We put 'no straps on
anyone. Every one s permitted to
sing,-pray or testify in the Spirit
of the Master. Sunday School at
9:45 a. m. 'Preaching at 10:45 a.
m. Subject "Holiness.". Evening
services at 7:30; Prayer Meeting
Thursday at 7:30 p. m. :
. ... OTTO FUSON, Pastor1. '
The International Bible 8tudents'
Association Bible study at 839
We8t.Frst street.- Sunday at 10:30
a: m, Subjeot for study will' be
"Who Will Honor Jehovah? 'God
Is pleased wit thhsoe who deligent
iy Seek. him. He makes known his
name and goodness to such. Few
are they, who understand the mean
ing or significance of the name of
God. Long ago the question was
asked:: "Who Is God?'1 Moses, be
ing directed to go to the children
of Israel with a message, asked
what he should say - is the name
of Qod." 'And God said onto Moses,
I am that I am; 'and he said, Thus
shalt thou say unto the children
of Israel, I am hath sent me unto
you." (Exodus 3:14) by this, we
understand not that God was or
will be, but that he Is now,.-ever
was and ever will be; without be
ginning and without end, from ever
lasting ' to everlasting. Psalm
9:2 ' Come and study with us..,
Cleveland All Day Meeting. An
all day meeting with basket dinner
will be . held at Cleveland Sunday,
17th. A' number: of , friends . from
Roseburg are expected to be pres
ent; Every one come. You will miss
a feast; ia: two ways if you, are ab
sent,. J ,-.1 ,'; . I, . " .
St. George's Spiixopal , Church,
Cass and Main streets, The twen
tieth Sunday after Trinity. ' Holy
communion at 7:30 a. m. Celebra
tion of holy communion and ser
mon at 11 a. m. Evening prayer
and sermon at 7:30, p, m. Church
Bchool at 9:45.i a., m. Bible class at
7:30 p. m. on Friday In the Parish
House.. Monday, Oct. 18th, S. Luke,
evangelist day, holy communlpn at
10i a. im.. Church of the Holy Spirit
at. SuUiorJIn. Evening prayer ahd
sermon, .at, ,7:30 p, ,m. pa the last
sunuay in uus siomn, uuipper ubi.
Church School every , Sunday at
10 a. m,. Ascension Chapel, Riddle.
Celebration of the holy communion
at 11 a.. m. on the last Sunday in
this inonthv October 31st. Church
school ; every Sunday , morning at
the chapel., . . - , , :. ,. : , i
Christian Church. Subject Sunday
morning, "Spiritual Worship." Sub
ject Sunday evening,,. 1'My , Ideal
Young Man." At the evening serv
ice letters will be rend from girls
who will tell what they expect In
their future husbands.. The. scout
troop will meet at the -churoh
Tuesday evening promptly at 7:30
p. m. i Wednesday evening prayer
service and orchestra : rehearsal.
Thursday evening the' male : quar
tette will practice at the H. L.
Boucock homo on Harrison avenue.
H. E. Mow, pastor. ,
First Baptist Church. Lane and
Rose. Frank B. Matthews, pastor.
Sunday, October 17th, 1926: 9:45
the Bible school. Going well now.
Invite, you to join us, if you are
not a metnber of any school. 11:00
Morning Worship.' Pastor preaches
a sermon on "Well Born." The
choir, under the capable leader
ship of Mrs.- Brandj sings: "Father
in Heaven," by Brlggs. Miss Gert
rude Wlckbam takes the solo. 6:30
B Y. Pi U. for young people. This
wJU be :an: open meeting for par
ents - and adults. Mrs. Gwen Sim
mons, leader. Juniors -also meet.
7:80 The' Evening Service." "Leap
ing the Barrier" is the sermon
topic of the pastor. The choir
sings "We Praise Thee," by Shaw
ker.' Mrs. Charles Brand, ; of the
Heinline Conservatory, 1b the choir
leader. Questions answered by the
pastor: 1. Is .the American Federa
tion of Labor "American"? 2. Does
the automobile hurt church atten
dance? 3. At what age lsi man at
his best? 4. Is state education God
less? We have a welcome for you.
Lutheran Mission, 214 E. Cass
St. Every first and third Sunday
of the month. Divine service 3 p.
m, A cordial welcome. We preach
Christ crucified. R. Trautmann,
pastor; 1065 ' Ferry St., ' Eugene,
Ore, r . . . .-
Catholic Church. Kane and Oak
streets. Oct 17th. Mass sand ser
mon at 8 a. m. Catechism classes
and Biblical instruction at 9:45 a.
m. High mass and sermon at 10:30
a. m. Rostary and benediction of
the Ml B. S. in the evening at
7:30. The October devotions will
continue each morning and even-'
ing as announced in church. '
The First Methodist Church, cor
ner of Main and Lane streets.
Joseph Knotts, pastor. The Sunday
school jiieets at 9:45. tlf you have
not joined a class yet, now is a
good time to commence. The junior
league meets at 3 p. m. The Ep
worth league and young, peoples
league meet at 6:30 p. m. The
morning sermon theme ' is "The
Voice of Jesus." The large chorus
rehoir' under the direction of Mrs.
X State Preu Comment t
Headlight Peril.
Among the biggest hogs of the
road are drivers who refuse to
dim. Most of them Ignore signals
to dim. Probably eight out of ten
drivers utterly, defiantly and bran-
enly disobey : tbe dimming regula.
-tion. Inability - to see ' the rond
means that if a driver goes ahead
he tempts fate. He courts an ac
cident 'He challenges death. In
ability to see the road and vehicles
on and about the road Is the most
frequent ' cause of accident. Yet,
drlvershurtle along at night with
their dazzling lights blinding every
driver coming from the opposite
direction. Whenever a life is snuf
fed nut in an accident from dazzling
lights it is murder. And the driver
ho 'refuses to dim is grllty of
murder, if not deliberate murdori
And the law should so ordain.
Portland Journal. , i
' More Cheap Politics.
Removal of. H. ft. Turner, , Vtnte
superintendent of public Instruc
tion, from the state text book com
mission, seems to be another sac
rifice of economy In the interest
of political expediency.,.. Naturally
the thousands of taxpayers who
have, been Informed by Governor
pierce himself that he Is giving
tne people an economical adminls-
tratlon. may be Interested in his
system of political intrigue which
takes, money from all of the tax
payers and benefits i only the select
tew who, have their nose "In the
political . feed bag.) Mr. Turner
make . the plain statement that at
a. meeting of the text book com
mission last year he was approach
ed by a ."good friend of the gover
nor" and asked to favor the adop
tion of-books from a certain pub
lisher, m. return for whioh the good
friend was to UBe-hiB Influence in
securing . the. appointment for Mr.
Turner of the office, of 'State' Butier-
intendent of public nstructlon: Mr.
Turner with two mother Imembers of
the board voted1 against-the higher
priced hooks, defeating the attempt
or me otner two members to sub.
stitute the new books. 1 ' ..-
As the : governor had publicly
promised to appoint the successful
candidate at the Democratic pri
maries to the position vacated by
Mr. unurciiiu, Mr. Turner became
superintendent of public instruc
tion. Ho also retained his position
on ' the text book commission, be
ing advised by his attorney that
he could hold both positions provid
ing he. drew no salary, from ; the
text book commission.' ' '
Here was a case where the Btate
was saving, the salary of a text
book commissioner who had al
ready saved the parents of the
school children . thousands of dol
lars iby his vote for cheaper .text
books. . Instead of broadcasting
this saving in- the usual . Pierce
method, the governor 'last week
removed Mr. Turner from his posi
tion for no cause that was not ap
parent four months ago, when he
was appointed superintendent' of
public instruction. Mr. Turner,
thinks that the move was made for
the purpose of injuring his candi
dacy before the electorate of the
state; as punishment for his re
fusal to be controlled by the gov
ernor's friend on the text book
The governor's ' action is so
thoroughly consistent with the
Pierce policy s of : playing ' politics
wth public, payrolls while preach
ing economy, that his excuse of
"strong pressure" will deceive 'no
one. Fortunately relief from this
disgraceful situation Is near at
hand and Oregon will soon replace
a political state administration with
one devoted to business - and to
effecting much needed economies
in the executive department of the
state. Portland Telegram. '
Cannot Exist In the Human Body.
It is preposterous: In fact it is a
shame to suffer .with inflamma
tory, muscular, sciatic rheumatism,
or neuritis. . ... .
"Trunk's Prescription does not
ruin the stomach, it does not de
press the heart Eat all the meat
and good food you wish while tak
ing Trunk's Prescription. Contains
no mercury, salicylate soda, oil win
tergreen or narcotics, but positively
relieves any kind of rheumatism or
gout on earth. What more do you
want? It is impossible to get some
thing better. Uric acid solvent and
superior liver medicine.
Trunk's Prescription sells for
$1.75 or 3 for only J6.00 at Fuller
tona' drug store.
C. S. Heinline, will sing the an
them "I Heard the Voice of Jesus
Say." The evening sermon theme
is "Our Religious Foundation."
The evening anthem will be "More
Love to Thee." Do not miss these
splendid services. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening. A cordial
Invitation Is . extended to. all,, par
tlcularly strangers. ' '
A new Ford delivery truck has
been secured by the Stubblefleld
all weather auto top company for
use in handling the product, the
demand .for "which IS rapidly '.in
creasing. The truck was delivered
today and - is being painted, pre
paratory to being put into servce.
It is expected that the full time
of a salesman will be demanded
In this territory at Once for the
taking of orders and making de
liveries, as the demand is increas
ing at such a pace that a big busi
ness Is certain. '
SNT it quite logical that
Mazola is , America's most
papular salad oil? A wliole-
somei clear,
..i v;. ' J j
i ! on presseu irpm. me nearcs ;
of rull'ripened corn kernels
a food: itself as delicious to ; ?
eat as the corn from which ,
it comes. : !:;: ,
Settle in your , own mind
and to the entire satisfaction
of your palate that the world
affords no finer, more delicious !
oil than Mazola and you will
always prefer it for its quality
as well as its economy.
L'll "C'D Send for new, beautifully . -'
illustrated Cook Book. It
contains over 100 recipes for preparing -1
delicious foods. Write Corn Products
, Refining Co., Dept. A, Argo, III.
V ; Corsets Made to Your Own Measure :.' "
Also the New Charts Combination Girdle and Brassieres for
- Wear With One-Piece Dress. '
i . , Satisfaction Guaranteed
MRS. JONES, 20 Perkins Bldg., 1 to 6 p. m. Phono 27-F-4
.The Big Surprise will come a year from now.
Phone 408
i 7 ; 12.50. PHOTO, FREE, ... TV,
One 8x10 Ivora mat finished
pbotqof yourself free with every
ordor of $6.00 or over to the early
Christmas customers from Get 1st
to' November aoth.? Your ; friends
can buy :anythin& Lyon can, give'
them except your" photo." A good
photo ie highly appreciated as a
present Our prices range from i
per dozen up. Satisfaction Is our
motto. G. W. Clark, Cass St Rose
burg Nat'I. Bank, Bldg. Phone 331.
. o , -
Bat barbecue sandwiches and
llvo forever.. Brand's Road Stand.
pure vegetable -v
rl'':' - lij l tJli'i'.'
f f .1. i 3 '
A. - .....X