Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 21, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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."'. ROSEBURG NrWsikvifew.Tll'ESr)AY, siETEMB-R.2 f.. 1 926
Issued Dally Except Sunday
4 ' ' Bfriulier of Tile Avauolntvd 1'reae.
l The Associated I'i-uhh in exclusively entitled to the liso for ropubll
itlon of all newa dispatches credited Id It or not ollwn-wltiu credited to
Is paper and to nil local new publlwhed herein. All rltftiU of republics,
on of special dlupuluhca horalu are ulno ruse.-ved.
nterod as second clans mutter May IV, 1920, at the past office at
Roseburg, Oregon, under the Act of Marcb 2, 1879. .
ally, per year, by mall .
ally, six months, by mall .
ally, three mouths, by mall
ally, single month, by mall
llv. by carrier, per month
eekly News-Review, by mall, per
1 Tho country is now in for several weeks of intensive
ampaigninir. We shall as usual hear much fervid oratory,
nd bitter charges will be hurled back and forth. It will be
celared that tho nation is at the parting of the ways, that
t must choose between great perils on one hand, and a safe
nd prosperous course in the
tical chieftains, will call their opponents by implication
ascals or fools, and before election day wo shall hear a great
eal of hot talk, This spirit descends into every day con
ersation, and some people'have never been able to talk pol
ics on the street without getting mad about it. Such keen
lterest in politics riiay be better than, the absolute indiffer
ntism which so maiiy people manifest, who will not take the
ast trouble to vote at elections and primaries, and are will-
lg to shove off all responsibility on someone else. It at
?L.ast shows interest in tho duties of good citizenship, when
J people get excited over political questions and have firm and
"J"T'ggressive opinions. But the time has gone by when people
ould be convinced by wild and sweeping statements. The
ralors and editors who make such claims are sized up by
n.J.lie common sense of tho people as being unable to see these
'uestirins in an unprejudiced light. A speaker or writer is
lost convincing when ho seems to approach his subject in a
C ,nspassionate light, allow due weight to the arguments of
, , ,;is opponents, and gives them credit for what-ver good ideas
-' jlicy niay have. Having shown that spirit, he carries weight
vlien lie begins to state the points where lie feels' his own
arty and candidate have a more nearly correct attitude.
' o
i Fall undoubtedly the most beautiful season of the year
round these parts with its short colorful and' crisp days,
uggests a change not only in attire but in thoughts and
esires. To the wideawake business man the coming I days
""-pell opportunity in large, bold letters. And to those who are
uick enough to grasp it the dividends will bo handsome
hen the next season rolls around, says tho Portland Journal
f Commerce. ' ' ' '
" . Change your windows frequently feature the fast cool
-feather sellers to satisfy big appetites generated in the out-f-dooi's
at football games and other sports. If at all possible,
"r o up with the enthusiasm developed by this most virile of
n mcrican games it will establish you as a live wire in your
, . .cighborhood. 1 1
i vTake stock of your progress during tho hot summer
, Jionths and map out a campaign based on your failures and
' - accesses of the past three months and watch with satis
fiction tho steady r.i i::-ti;'g of yoiir sales.
Keep in mind, too, that the fall months are the ones in
jhich to build solid, substantial winter business for invar-
'v ibly those housewives who are pleased with you, your stock
aid your service at this season will bo with you when cold
.feather confines all shopping expeditions to the telephone.
' ii ' o '
Misfortune nnd misery do not lend themselves appropri
stely to jest and unsympathetic comment, but the plight of
urricano-swept Florida, long over boomed in a manner cal
culated to arouse tho envy of other localities less aggressivc-
y promoted, will not spare her from many a heartless quip
' - ;iid uncomplimentary allusion to what will bo regarded by
. omc as established evidence of her unfavorable location
cographically. The larger part of the nation, however, is
umane enough to refrain from jeering at a prostrate neigh
bor, and with this element tho uppermost thoughts are that
Florida is a part of our country, that her people are fellow
Americans and that in her present hour of dire need she is
- "esci v'mg of all he assistance that can be rendered her.
ho proclamation of the president of the United States, ap-
eahng for aid for Florida in the great calamity that has -rather (m(!,,r hll8 anvthing .', .f,',V T t1""1 . lo-vaU'- If
er.i!len her, will meet with a generous and prompt response. !' ,''.";;- -h'r '""-oh!i tZ,t Z
iegional differences and promotion competition do not count !.u,iiier can go shopping for her 'mgV!i T'"'1 ,ni'""
11 situations of this kind, and he who takes advantage o("ew ;'-' u"rUm w" '"! , 'if .vo feeMh'1t'l,'vourl lire' has
nth an opportunity to indulge in fancied witticism proves Z'u Jlthi'r S,'' "t hi',!1"
iniself a poor American citizen and a violator of the oldest i1"'-- "The fact thin we have ahso down' and spend an evening' with
.iw in the world the law of humanity. i "'."'!:'.. 1"":sl."":1 "u"" """""" t'".l,!'.-' ''' '" !"
Some parents say they can't help their chiM.-en with
heir school lessons, as methods of instruct ion anil text-
ooks are SO changed now.
1 ,, ...
-CL-p along With the things
-llOUItl UO able to throw light
(..: r....... a ,..; i.;i,...,.
iui ivu jiuni null 11 .111 aisiuj 1
istorv lessons vivid. Correct
, . . .... 1 ,,.: 1 ,
aenmaiisnip, aim ineir seliool
:le.' Tho old folks will also
,,uliMi,.llmi tV.i. tl.omi.l i.a
The increase in the cost of operatinj; the 1S slate iov
rnments has increased from about $r17.000.)()0 in 1017 to
1,01 1,000,000 last year. This may seem an astonishing
: isc 111 incso charge
p in that time, but th
j pointed out that something over $ 100,000,000 has been
pent the past year for highways, which is vastly more than
.-as spent in 1917 for this cause. Wo have turned millions
I automobiles loose 011 the roads, and wo must have hard
ui-faces for them. Cut business ability is needed to handle '
heso big expenditures more than ever before. . I
by The Newa-Revlew Co., I no.
I'roBldont and Manager
- 2.00
opposite direction. Many po.
lint, if intellio-ent imrcnls wilt
., ., . , .
the pupils are studying, they
on them. Kead them Stne
1 1 u 1... ,1
, 111,11 .-.((: m im; iii.iuu iiiomu
their faults in trninini.-n- nnd
11 , m i
papers will not seem so Ulster -
find that thev need a lot of thisiwashing it turns out without the
. The prices of everything have gone
111 . 1 , 1, r- ,
llllt does lldt account for It all. IUlt it
A' pleasing feature of the'
lic schools yesterday with the
school building was the perfect organization that went
along with each and every department in the system and the
smoothness with which tho 1243 pupils were handled. City
Superintendent M. S. Hamm is to be commended for the ef
ficient way in which he had
opening day. The outlook for
mighty encouraging and with
school building this city has taken constructive steps to bet
ter educational facilities throughout the entire system,
thereby maintaining a high standard of efficiency that
should be a great satisfaction to the taxpayers of this school
district.' ,
: A recent survey of the heads of 29 big railways, shows
that nearly all of them spent long years in learning the rail
road business from the bottom. Thirteen were college men
who took jobs with long hours and nominal pay,, while 16
had only public school educations, and worked up from jobs
as section hands, clerks and brakemon. An experience at
the manual trades is a very helpful thing to an ambitious
man. It would probably be found that most of the men who
have made good in a big way, did so because tiicy knew their
business from the ground floor up. The office job is softer,
but it often fails to show up the heart of a business .
' ' ' .' .' ' ' ' 0 : :.. ' ;
Quite a number of universities throughout the east are
discouraging the practice among students, of taking "auto
mobiles to school."'. It is claimed, the students who flivver
around do not get as high grades as those who use their
pedal extremities. !VVe think the' disclosure is quite right.
Also, that too many automobiles are in evidence-oh the pub
lic school grounds of this and other states. , : t,
'"'-.'. 1 ,' '' o
We don't want to; commercialize the misfortunes of
olhcr'people, but wo do want to say right, here, that Oregon
has all the accomplishments of the hurricane swept coast
beat seven ways for Sunday.; Here the elements never get
nway from the even tenure of .their ordinary habits--which
is just about correct twelve months in the year every year.
o ' i : ; : I . ; ;
Well, brace yourself for the verdict in the Dempsey
Tunney slugging match.. Tho big event is scheduled for
Thursday evening. . ,: ; ;,, ;.i!4 i i i L- '. . l:
in -' A -VT
A book abouc this bandit
author nobly planned it, it kept mo much enthused. , It
seems it is a libel to say that James was bad ; he often read
his Bible, he, was, a pious lad. When not engaged iin rob
bing, 'or' other'' lawless acts, he read, with; spirit throbbing,
all kinds of soulful tracts. His heart was-full "W kindness.
it made him sigh and groan, tiiat heathen ii'i their blindness,
bowed down to wood and stone. His soul would often quiv
er with deep and wearing pain, ho longed so to deliver the
land' from error's chain. But he had aunts and cousins who
looked to him for bread, and so he held up dozens, and shot
them full of lead. By tearing up the trackage he stopped the
railway train, and lifted wad and package from every weep
ing swain. And jf a wight resisted the bandit stern and
grim, James Wotted, weened and wisted that death would
do for him. His hands were red ahd reeking with blood in
business hours, but leisure found him seeking religion's fin
est flowers. Although his wordly measures were desperate
ly wrong, his mind was stored with treasures from Solomon,
his Song. The author strives to clear him of legends that
affright, and trying to revere him, I've sat up half the night.
But all his pious motions will not conceal the tale of how, be
tween devotions, he hit the murder trail. It is a common
trouble, the one the bandit had, to try to travel double with
good things aiid with bad. To sing the psalms on Sunday,
to grovel and to pi-ay, and then iro forth on Mnnrinv tr, rhnni
or rob or slay. Religion has no merit if laid aside at times,
if people only wear it between their sins and crimes. And
men who once were boosting this James, who'd rob a church,
will loatlie him, now he's roosting upon a holy perch.
New Idea in the
Horton Washer
Yearly models In nnloniohlles are
soniethlni; the buying public In cn-
tliejy familiar with, but llihi Idea
as applie.l to washing mid ii-onim-
iinncliines la Kumt-lhlng new. 11. la , '' ,lN,'n "-Review: 1 have of
I Wash.-r Wilson. Inc.. iinlzni Ion , .'''! '.'."'I'1 "r ,'""' S'"d l'l man
that has adapted this pollcv to tho "' 11:1,1 lo lllu liloi-ious Old
'isale of their nvmhuM
; - - u nasneia ami trailers .tin mic
maiMM. gtuuautecu, mode s,
junstrntp in competition w ith other
I "mr' . u,'al
isaiistaciion to us that we can actu-
j ally cut tho washing time in half,
' . " ' , ' . , V
""" i""
10 any oilier muclilne. Not onlv do
' ' l,l,v' l,lllt tremendous a.lvan-
,l"i:e. hut much of the success ot
i,n ii;tim l8 ,,u, , ,no ,,ean
sllgllloM tliitllliKo lo even tlio most
fi-ni'lln m-tlrlc
"Another Interesting bit of Inftir
IllllMllll lit llliliunll ll-.,a lu flml fli-.:t
Mortons worn maiuifactureil In' " , Manning, until recently a
1ST1, anil that Washer Wilson. ;"sl'le!U of Spokane, has leased
Z , SI
'of this type In the west. 'maintain -
tnir over 7G aliirea "
j " r 8lu"a-
.'Xalnleia Extraction
Cm Whin Dolrd
- Pyarrhta Curad - i
Phone 488 Maaonla UldR.
opening of the Ito'seburg pub
addition of the new high
planned his program for the
the present school year is
the addition of tho new high
I lately have ; perused : the
T 7- 4
"l"-u''lous OLD COUPLE
, Ami you will go home
mat i n
world is Jusl
as good and
uZ tmlv Z,
it ever was. tor you win havi
yenlng Willi one of Iho
grandest old couples In the world.
TO years as prutector, lover, nun -
' r -- 1 -.. seetiieart,
. ... ...aia mlK.
mg, loyally, so take off vour
hls and bow our heads In thanks
'"at ttiere is still a I'a and Ma Day
i'n the world. Thnnk tied
! a friend.
' -
the shop and equipment of lh(,
ltldille, Enterprise which recently
'. i i " ! -
"l,s,,l,,",,.1 ll'licatlon and Willi Myrt
I soon again start publication III BiP"11"
lilildlo paper. Mr. Manning has !"'"
had Oimslilernhlii viuiriii In
newspaper work ami should pro-l'lon built for the Sornes rooming
vide the community with a good house. , . . ... .. . , .''
newspaper. I !.ar( crows nt work, on Reeds-
port-Wlnchest-r Hay road. ,
Orders taken for fresh grape Oregon ami Washington will har
Julco from the Overland vineyard, vest 60,000,1)00 to 70,000,000 pounds
Leave containers at Brand's Road I prunes.
Stand. ' Cottage Grove Heavy machinery
Did You Ever ,
Stop to Think
By Edson R. Walte, Secretary of
the Shawnee,, Oklahpma, Board
of Commerce.
THAT every citizen should have
faith; In the homo city, aud Bliow
Itiulr 'laltb D' uotn words and ac
tions. ' .( i ; ... .
THAT men who express doubt
as to the future of their home city
are not usually the men who are
best able to gauge Its future. . .
THAT the citizens who push the
homo, city to the .front are those
who have unbounded confidence In
its ability to forge steadily ahead
in tho years -to come. Cities
peopled with this class of citizens
always. move ahead.
THAT In every city there are
people who should stop doing
things they ought not to do and
start doing tilings they should do.
THAT some men with high Ima
ginative minds who spend ihelr
time building air . castles .should
stop dreaming. Dreams never build.
People of the home city should
not be discouraged because some
dreamers wish to wait and watch
to see results secured by progres
sive citizens so they can reap Borne
benefits from their neighbors
work. Every city has dreamers.
Dreamers should wako up and
become a wide-awake, active part
of the homo city and do. their full
share towards Its upbuilding.
A city must have the thorough,
enorgotlc and practical coopera
tion of all Its citizens in order to
keep In tho march of modern pro
gress, , . . . ' ,
. (Copyright 1926.) ..
By Wickes Wamboldt
: It you found yourself the hus
band of a woman whose family
was rich and influential while
you had nothing and were nothing
and that woman and her family
treated you lightly, and poked fun
at you. aud made rather a joke of
you feven betore company, what
would you dp? Would you tell
them where to go and when to get
off? Would you slap the whole
hunch In the face, so to speak, and
turn your back on them or would
you take their digs and laughs as
just if part, of life's game, and go
on patiently, quietly ana pleasant
ly? :. , . .., .
Tho' reason I am stating such a
case :is because .1 just received a
letter.i from a man I have known
for ;tventy years. He married
girl qui of a wealthy and influen
tial 'fjiriiily. Ho was as. poor as a
matt Could he who was on a small
sulal-V.and had a mother and sis
ter to support. -The girl's, family
ilidn'tj think he stacked up so very
high. 1 They treated him as some-
thUig'tlhat Inspired humor. When
interest in life Jagged at homo, or
abroad ithey crawled onto him and
prodded him up. I used to won
dev. how he endured it, but he
never complained. He never , hit
back. Ho just took their knocks
with at sweet Humility.,
Then one day he got a chance
to go into business. And , there
was whore his, wife's . family . did
something for him besides kid him.
Perhaps they wore a little con
science stricken. Anyway, they
loaned him the money, to buy out
a concern that had fine prospects
hut no capital.
Ho prospered in his new .enter
prise, llo worked hard nnd lutein-
gently and economically. ,- The
first thing people knew he was In
dependently nch. The letter
reived today tells me he has re
tired from active buslnoss. The
most difficult things he does now
are to clip coupons and collect the
rents of the office buildings . he
owns, and to- hunt -nnd fish and
lour nround in his high-priced mo
tor ear. He Is having a corking
good time nnd his wife's family
It-cat him with respect too.
It is natural to treat with
Rpect. a man who has made good.
Hut here- Is the big Idea. Absol
utely that man won his success
through - literally accepting the
command to be meek. Had he
been resentful and rebellious the
chances are he would still be on
his little salary -with, nothing to
look forward to but a complicated
old age.
Mlhvniiklo Hand Forged Tool
Company here pays $5,000 a month
Med fori! New fireproof; Terminal
Hoi el. costing $147,000 finished..,
Sellwood Masonic, lodge . will
liulld $50,000 temple here.
Uosebuig New high school unit
costing $1110.000 furnished, opens
September 20. .
Mulanomah $440,000 store, office
mill apartment building started
here. .. j
Klamalh Falls Construction bo
gies on 110-foot viaduct, to cost
Kugeiie Keith Lumber Company
buys Loud sawmill at Higdon, Coos
! liar branch, for $25,000.
1 stato gnmo department has re-
1 leased 84 wild turkeys and 10,000
; pheasant, since June 1.
Wheeler Brighton section of
Roosevelt Highway, 2SS miles, to j
cost S120.0SO... - . I
Oregon spring wheat estimated :
nt 1. '.HI3.000 bushels and winter
wheat at 17.600,000.
Klamath Fnlls Cold Storage
ComiMliy will Increnso. plant to
make 6,000 tons Ice a year, to sup-1
ply 1'arlflc express cars.
Iliilnleri-Old . Menelfco j.umncr
company mil sue maj 00 usea lor
iB'TKt he.mlock mill. ., .
four blocks on Maple street,
street" will be graveled.
I ItOOdSPOrt tight-room CXlen-
Fragmentary lists of the
casualty victims at Miami, 4
norma, appearing in, press
dlspatcheB, aro being anxious- 4
ly scanned by R. W. Eaton,
mechanic at the Chrysler
4 agency in Roseburg, whose
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
4 and Mrs. Harry Hunirnnr, and
their child, former residents
4 of this city, moved to Miami 4
a year ago. Mr. Hummer, a
4 tool maker by trade,, was in
parinej-snip wun Mr. Eaton
at tho Chrysler agency. Inde-
finite Interruption" of tele- 4
: graph service with Miami ren-
ders It impossible , for Mr. 4
4 Eaton to get a message ot In- 4
qulry through and he Is watch-
Ing the published lists of vie-
4 tlms as they drift to the out-
4 side 'world in the hope that 4
none will contain the names of
his relatives. B. K. McLen-
don, local real estate dealer.
f is. also concerned , regarding
the safety ot his sister, who
4 resides a short distance from 4
MW-rt -. , t ... u . t
being taken to Mustek mine, Bo
hemia district.
Pdrtland Pacific Northwest Ra
dio Exposition is. set for September
21-25. . . , ., . ; ... ,
Salem FuceIo of eat-lv hons are
being sold, up to 5,2 cents a pound.
North l'owder payld Lee & Sons
ship 10 cars, lambs to Chicago.
saiem rnew lora Duyer pays
$25,000, for 31 Bilver foxes raised
here. .- , , ,t ....... , -
Steady demand for joggers in all
fir-producing Northwest. Several
big Oregon mills working two and
three shifts, . ... .". -
Pendleton $2,500,000 McKay re
servoir, will be completed this fall.
Salem Capital Business College
moves into new quarters.
Pacific Coast air mail, now in
operation, declared best route in
America. . .. . . . -
Columbia River district shipped
4,345,273 bushels wheat, during Au
gust. ., . . .
Portland OTegon-Paclfic line will
take several hundred tons Oregon
prunes to Europe. .
Bend Shevllu-Hixon ; Lumber
Company gives State deed to Lava
River cave park. - , .. " ,
Astoria .Coast cranberry, crop
will reach 40,000 to 50,000 boxes. .
Eugene Passenger train service
begins over Cascade line, Septem
ber 19. . 1 - ..
Portland Admiral Oriental Blue
Star lino adds three refrigerator
ships to service.
Portland Apple shipments to
United Kingdom are double those
of samo time last year.-
Bond Deschutes Light and
Power Company.. starts work on
$75,000 power distribution system.
, Lakovlew City plans complete
sewer system, to he built early
next year. . .. - ,
Contract lot for. 1.3 miles Crater
Lake rim road, for $35,420.
Wedtlerburn 11-mile Euchre
Creek, section of- Roosevelt High
way, will be graded and surfaced.
Cottago Grove Work begins, on
mammoth dry shed for Woodard
Lumber Co. . . , .
New berg Local stock, subscrip
tions assure building of $600,000
unit of paper mill. ....
Eugene Proposod new Presby
terian Church will seat 1,000 per
sons. McMlnnvlllc McMlnnville Tele
phone Company wilt move into new
office home, by October 15: -new
$10,000 switchboard to be installed.
Sheridan Local cannery will be
greatly enlarged for 1927, after
good run for 1926. -
Medford Pears, are being ship
ped out by trainload, up to 87 cars
a day., ..
Myrtle Point The School board
votes to erect , new grade school
building In 1927. ,. . . :
.Myrtle Point Shingle mill and
box factory will bo built 011 Halls
Creek. . 1 , . i . , ,
Wheelor "Westwood shingle mill
reopened ,for steady run. 1
Wheeler Westwood . Lumber
Company contracts for several roll-
I Inn fnnt nf Inn-a
Corvallts Construction begins
on Walters Insurance block of two
stores. .....
Klamath Falis Johu. Lasky sells
1,000 cattle and 850 tons hay, at
Merrill. ,. ... ...
Klamath County recently shipped
more than 90 cars cattle and sheep
In one day. .. .
Klamath County has 17 rurnl
schools with teachers' living quar
ters. Crook County sheriff will round
up Ill-fed rango horses for fertil
izer use.
Cottage drove $17,000 building
permits arc issued, during July and
. Junction City Large new play
shed built for grade schools. .
Klamath Falls Heavy tonnage
of wheat being received by local
mills.. . . f . r:
: Prlnovlle Railroad may be built
from here, to meet Herrick road
The Largait In the World.
Tho Coit About Half.
Settlement! the Best.
This la worth Investigating.
. D. S. Beals, Agency ,
109 So. Jackson St. Phone 628
Freckles If freckles were a dis
ease, or even a uisiigurement,, a
euro would likely be found for
them, but since they are iho na
tural thing to have during
months when the sun Is tho strong
est, no one should mind
They are nature's protection for
the skin and the health of the
body, just as tanning Is this same
protection. They are duo to color
pigment acting like a sun snaue 10
screen off tho strongest rays of the
sun. Then you bleach tho coloring
you lose the protection, and you
must neutralize the natural secre
tions In tho skin while all the
time new freckles will be forming
for the natural process will not
be stopped.
The result will likely ba a coars-
led skin very much dried .out "' , ', '.., ',. nftpr iile exer
om the acids or chemicals that! back of the neck after 1
would be needed to act upon, the
coloring and destroy It. 1 lie very
fair skin that 1b usually of a fine
texture must need the rrecmesio
preserve it from injury,, and to
health and the freBhneos, that
comes from living out in the sun
'Shine, the wind, and water, v - :
MIbs H. L. B. Try tincture or
green , soap as a shampoo , wheu
vnur hah- is verv oily, and fine
castile soap at all other times. It
Is possible that the mixture, you
are using now as a shampoo does
not aereo with your scalp. Do
not trv to lose more tnan hvb
pounds a month, and you will be I
fti f I
1 1 1 r 1 t
urtl A- KinKrnT(
' Breakfast
Left-Over Baked Pears
- - Cereal -
Ham-Potato Cakes Muffins
Coffee '
Luncheon . ,' - -French
Toast . . - - ; Syrup
Fruit Salad
Cookies -.. , Cocoa
Dinner .
Cold Roast Beef
Potatoes Beets
Baked Apples Thin Cream
One-Egg Chocolato Cake
Coffeo .
To make a one-egg chocolate lay
er cake, cream "one-third cup of
butter and gradually work into it
three-quarters of a cup of granu
lated Biigar. In a small bowl boat
the yolk of one egg till light and
to it add one-halt cup ot cold,
sweet milk. Combine the two mix
tures. Sift one and one-eighth cups
qt pastry flour with two teaspoons
of baking powder nnd a, pinch of
salt, and stir this also Into tho mix
ing bowl. Flavor with one. teaspoon
of vanilla, stir in one square -of bit
ter chocolate which has been melt
ed to the very soft stage and, last,
told in the stiffly whipped white
of one. egg.,, .
. , Baking the Cake: Even the least
experienced cook knows that mix
ing a cake is not the most critical
part of the proceeding. Baking is
of prime importance and many be
ginner housekeepers buy one of the
one-burner portable ovens which
. 1 mr yrJ '-!,. ? t
'"Kidneys," said tho herb man. .tho kidneys to the bladder.) En-"Flat-root,"
said the shoe doctor, ilargement and inflammation of tho
"Infected teeth," said the dentist, prostate may lead to backache, just
"Prostate," said tho Q. U. doctor, as can pelvic trouble in womon.
'Pelvic trouble," said the gyne- (Pelvic troubles in women are not
cologlst. . ! nearly so often the causu of back-
"Mal-adjustment," said the ostco-laciie as Is commonly thought.)
path. Mal-adjustment nnd impinged
Impinged nerves, ' assured the
"It don't ache," emphasized the
C. S.
"Overweight," piped Lulu Peters.
Medical Herald.
Now let mo comment briefly on I training that this implies and with
a few of these causes. special training in orthopedic sur-
Kidneii. If you wore to believe ' gery.
the ads of patent medicines, you i It don't ache! It's all right lo
would think that kidneys were thejsay It "don't ache" if it does not
cause of all backaches. This islead you to ignore investigating
not true. The fact of tho matter ;the cause, for. some trouble easily
is that inflammation of the kid-1 corrected in the beginning may
neys Is rarely the cause of ordln- go on to something serious. An
ary backache.. If the kidneys are jache of any kind is a symptom of
diseased so that they cause back-1 something wrong some place, and
ache, the host of such kidneys I it's a beneficent plan of Nature to
ccrtainly will know it for he Is a
mighty sick man.
Flat Feet, It throws' tho body
Into a wrong position, with the re
sultant strain. '
Infected Teeth. Yes. By furn
ishing germs and poisons which
Isottle In the Joints and muscles of
1 1 the spine (and elsewhere) and
cause low-grade inflammations.
I Prostate. The G. IT. doctor Is
'one who specializes in genlto-UB-inary
disorders. The prostate is a
gland situated atound the urethra
in the bladder of .men. (The ure
thra Is tho canal which leads from
the bladder to the outside, The
ureters are the tubes leading from
. My nar rolloweri;
Wnn ending for mtterUl witch offer yos, pleaa remember to
enclois a tamped, elf-addreaeed envelope hearloe; your full name ana
adrfreea. The pamphlet on reducing; and eralninR la the only one for
which ron malt encloee ten cents In stampa extra. Addreaa your letlnrf
to ma In care of thta paper. Make them aa brief aa poralbla. not over 30
worda, and type or write them legibly with Ink. Please alim your name
1 aa evidence of frood faith -wa will not uaa It In any way. Remember It la
Impoaalble for ma to dlaanoae for you or to answer you peraonally. I ap
preciate vary much the beautiful lMtera you aend ma and regret It te mr
poialble t. Kn too lnd(Tldj4 adyto.. Th questions- yon ulr will ba
I anawerad U 1 eoloma a aooa as possible tt tter ara af sanaral xtr
I tat. IVib-1 forest 1a slaia4. selail4r SSTslSM It T smat aas,
ts s m U Ulansu im I ksvn cKwb .....
building up your health so you
could not look unnaturul.
Ullly To reduce a doublo chin,
throw your head fur back between
your shoulders and go through U
the motions of chewing until you
have fully exercised all tho mus-
cles ot the throat and chin.
For the lump at tho back of tho
neck, you can massage it with
vnur finEer tins, which will act
as an exorcise dooB, and for a
special exercise, place your arms
out to the right and to the left on
the left on a level with the Bhoul
ders, bend elbows and bring fore
arm .back and place finger lips on
the edge of the snouiuera, uuu
then rotate the shoulders forward
and back till all the muscles of
the neck are fully exercised.
Apply very cold wator or Ice to
tracts the pores and will nuke
the skin firm, so it will not have
any tendency to Bag after the fat
ty . tissue have Deeu uuaui uuu.
A. A. I do not think a condition
of nearsightedness , would cause
putfiness under the' eyes; usually
this comes from the liver or kid
neys. ThlB .would also account for ,
the circles under tho eyes, I think
;. -i.niii.i en to the. doctor and
get the right treatment for the
doing something to correct your
nearsighted vision, o1" n-
upwi. uu. --------
Tomorrow A Youthful Chin.
have a glass door (tho kind of oven
which is used on kerosene oil
ranges) so that they may see how
the cake is baking without opening
tho oven door. Thus, they will de
tect nnv tendency to burn. Or they
lean immediately remove tho cake
I from the oven when they see It has
shrunk from the sides of the pan
sufficiently, giving evidence that it
! is done through.
By iising a Fahrenhoit oven ther
mometer, however, one can be '.rea
sonably sure of accurate halting.
After scraping the chocolate bat
ter into two buttered layer, cake
pans (I do not use wax paper be
tween this cake and Its pan, as il
seldom sticks), slip the pan into
'a' very liot oven' (between 500 mid
650 dog'rees Fahrenheit) and keep
it at this same temperature for 211
or 25 minutes. It will be safe ta
peok in the oven aftor 20 minutes.
'Layer cake pans very In size, and
it. Is best to use rather small onea
for this cako say, the eight-by
eight-lnch-ln-diameter size. Other
wise the layers will not be very
high. (It desired this cako may be
baked In a square single sheet.)
Chocolate Frosting for a Two
Layer Cake:" Into a bowl put ono
and one-half cups of confectioner's
sugar. Crush out lumps with a po
tato masher, then stir In one table
spoon of dry cocoa powder. In a
cup mix one-half teaspoon of vanil
la with two tablespoons of cold
water. Add this liquid to the sugar
cocoa mixture. Stir well and add
one tablespoon of butter melted,
Mien spread between and on top
the hot layers.
Tomorrow Baby's Sacque and Cap
It in rTn. . rm lti m
nerves. Yes, but very rarely for
ordinary backaches. Be very care
ful who does the adjusting and tin
cloos tho impinging! See that they
are regular physicians with tho
preliminary education and after-
Overweight! Well, 'nuf said
- You know what I think about
overweight. It can cause moi:t
any old trouble.
(By the way, while we're on
overweight, we might mention
1 that we have a "million-dollar"
'booklet on the subject. Thoso
who are in need of it may have
It by Rending a fully aelf-addreas-
ed, stamped envelope and ten
cents In stamps, with request. Al
low two weoks for its receipt.)
Mrs. K. You . should have
Uiorough physical examination
. (Continued on page 7.)
' lfr V JIXT WI