TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ' SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1926. CITf SUPERINTENDENT C01PILES INFORMATION ON SCHOOLS FOR BENEFIT OF PARENTS AND PUPILS Statistical Data Shows Studies Cpen to Students in All Schools, Text Books to Be Used -Tuition Charges, Deposits, Etc. Schools Open Sept. 20 For tlio Information of parents and school children, M. S. liumni, oity school superintendent, 1ms compiled u great. l-al or statist! . cul inrornmtloit completely cover r ing mnttorH incident to tlio open : fug of tho city schools on Sep tember 20. ; , i Owing to the fact that tho city Is to occupy Its new high school building, and a complete reorganiz ation of tho schools Is necessury, there are many matters requiring , attention on the part of the pur " ents. Mr. Hatnui, ia li Is compilation, shows all tacts regarding the schools, Including a list of text books, studies open in the Junior and senior high school, tuition charges, deposits, uniforms, etc. The data is as follows: School Calendar 1926-1927 September 13th, 11th, JSlli, 10th .. Registration of Junior and Senior high school pupils. . September 20th School opens. -. October 28th, 29th Teachers In stitute. October 29lh First term ends. November 11th Armistice Day. November 26tb, 2ith Thanks giving holidays. December 10th Second term ' endB. December 23rd-Jnnuiiry 2nd ., Christmas holidays. ' Juuuary 2Stli Third term and first semester end. March 11th Fourth term ends. April 22nd Fifth term ends. June 3rd Sixth term and sec ond semester end. Elementary Schools, Grades 1-6 Truancy Law. Section 431) of the Oregon State School Codo, provides that, every parent or guardian having control of any child or children between aud Including the uges of nine and litleen yours, shall bo required to send such child or children to school during the time It is In ses- - siou and for the failure of comply ing with this act on tlio part or any. parent or guardian1 he shall bo llubld of a Hue u( not less than $u.0U nor mora than 25.00 or by Imprisonment In jail not Iohs than two nor more than ten days. - Tuition. AU persons of seuool ago whose T purouts or guardians are register- ed voters in school district No. 4, J .Douglas (County, Oregon, uro , en x UlluU to attend the public schools Tree of cliurge. Those who live out ' side of District No. 4 may bo nd .' mltted to tlie Uoseburg grade schools uiiou tho payment in ad- vunce of each semester's tuition, ' prior to September 20, 1920 unit " January 31, 1027, to tho Bchool -: clerk, ai tho rute of $22.60. por hu " meslor. ' Pupils permanently withdrawing "i , from school for unavoidable causes '. shall have refunded to them the tunition which would have been ; necessary for the remainder of the semester or year. t- First Grade Classes "' New classes in the lowes grade ' ot the primary department Bhnll be i formed at the Hose and ileilaon schools at tho beginning of each . semester. No pupil toninienclr.g ; tho work of the first year shall : enter Bchool during uny semester later than tho second Friday. Any " pupil becoming bIx years ot age ',. irior to November IbI, may enter - the Fall class while any pupil be- coming Blx years of age prior to .' Juno JHt may enter the second semester beginning class, provided there Is room lor the latter pupils. School Limits B class pupils living west of the railroad tracks shall attend school ; nt tho Fullerlon building. A class pupils shall attend tho Hose school, i: l'uplls In all grades who llvo on tho south side lit Wnslilngton 1 Blrect and south of this street and cast of the railroad trucks shall : attend school at the Hose building. ' Pupils living on the north side of ' Washington street, nml north from " this street and east of the railroad - tracks shall nllend school at the Benson building. Pupils on or near these boundary limits may bo transferred from one school (o an other If any grade becomes con gested. . -ryt Books And Supplies Each pupil shall be furnished by : , Ills parents with books ami ouu-i muiei-ins needeil in ine grime consult bis teacher beloro - chasing supplies. The following text books tiro '. used bv elementary grade pupils. , Other supplies should not be pur chased until after school opens: bucIi us cniyolas, lablets. pencils, pens, theme paper, url books, etc. Ink is furnished free by the dis trict, nnd no other ink should be brought to school. Books and Supplies Grade 111 New Beacon Prim er, Elson Primer. Primary Writ ing Lessons, 8 color Crayolas. lli ruled pencil tablet, soft pencil. Grade 1A Beacon First Header, Primary Writing Lessons, 8 color Crayolas, unruled pencil tablet, ! eoft pencil. Grade IIH Elson First Homier. Primary Writing Lessons, 8 color Crayolas, ruled pencil tablet, soft pencil. , , Grade HA. Heat-on Second Head or, Primary Writing Lessons. S color Crayolas, ruled pencil tab let, BOft pencil. Grades 1IIB and IHA Beacon Third Header, World Speller First book Shepherds Geography. Hamilton- Arithmetic flint book, Progressive Mnslo Series book one, Palmer Writing Hook. 16 col or CravolBB. pen hidder and No. 5 Palmer pens, ruled pencil tablet. Palmer paper, i color paluts, Corn- position hook, spelling (ablet. Urudd 1VB Bolenlus Fourth Reader, World Speller second book, Hrlgham Sc. McFurlane Geography, first book, Potter, Gillette Knglish book one, lluuilltou's Arithmetic first bouk, Progressiva Music Ser ies book i one, Palmer Willing book, pen .holder and No. 5 Pal mer peiiB, Palmer paper, pencil tablet, 4 color paints, Composition book, spelling tablet. Grade IVA Same as 1VB with the addition of Gordy's Stories of American History. Grades VII and VA Ilolenlus Fifth Header, World Speller sec ond book, Gordy's Stories of Am erican History, IJrlgliaiu & McFar Jnno Geography first book, Potter Ulllette English book one, Ha.-n"- tou's Arithmetic book one, Wins- low Heulthy Living Hook one, Sec ond tlook Progressive Music Ser ies, Palmer Writing Hook, Diction ary, 8 color paints, other supplies. as ror rourtli grade. Grades VIIJ and VIA DolenlUB Sixth Header, World Speller second book, Clurk-Down Oregon History, Hrlgham & McFurlane Geography second book, Potter-Gillette English bouk one, Hamilton's Arithmetic book ono, Wilson Healthy Living hook two, Progressive Music serleB second book, Palmer Writing Hook, Dictionary, other . supplies as for fifth grade. . Junior High School, Grades 7-9 Admission and Classification Any pupil who lur-satlsfactorlly completed the work of the sixth grade of any standard school may enter Roseburg Junior High School. At the discretion of both the superintendent ' aud principal, pupils over tho ugo for the elemen tary clUBses or who have fulled to make passing marks, may bo ao mllted, on condition, to the regu lar classes or to special subjects. Students having taken ninth grade work elsewhere will bo given full credit for same If the school attended Ib standardised by the Btalo department, of: public Instruc tion; otherwise examinations must be taken In nil subjects where cred it is doslrcd. m- Pupils coming from other dis tricts shall puy each semester in udvanco a tuition fee of $37.50. Classification depends upon the number of credits gained. Ninth grudors must have 18; eight grad ers 8.- 4 . - 11 "' School hours: Tardy hell, 8M0;- first period, 8:45-9:10: second period, 9:43-10:38; Activity period, 10:41-11:11; third period, 11:11 12:09; tardy bell, 1:05; fourth per iod, 1:10-2:05; fifth period 2:08 3:03; sixth period 3:0(i-l:0l. Study, under the direction of each teacher, will tuko up part of the time of each class period. Curriculum 7B ' Periods No. of Subject . r. Per week weeks English 6 Citizenship 6 ...5 5 6 2 Malhumatlcs Art Geography . Physical Ed Curriculum 7A Periods No. of Subject por week weeks '.ngltsh 5 18 Citizenship 5 18 Mathematics ..: o Music 5 18 9 9 18 enmaiishlp & Spell 5 hyslcnl Ed 2 Industrial ArlB 5 18 Home Economics 5 Curriculum 8B l'erlods Subject per week English Citizenship 5 Mathematics 5 Art 5 Geography 5 Physical Ed 2 Home Economics ....5 Public Speaking 6 Iditln and Spanish 5 Industrial Arts .... 5 Curriculum 8A ! Occupations. Glnn & Co. Mathe-1 ("Jinn & Co. Plane Geometry: lnir Periods No. of matlcs: Algebra-Wells Hurt, ell ,v- Arnold. Men III & Co. Caesar: per week weeks (first semester 19211-1927 only). Kelsey. Allyn Hnro'.i. Med. ...5 18! Latin: Smith's Latin Lessons. Ai- Mod. History: Kobinson. (linn & Subject English .... Cliizenshlp .Mathematics Music Penmanship Spell. hysical l-.d ,,imil, Economics Public Speaking . utillt- Sneiililni! . .. Latin and Spanish . Industrial Arts Curriculum. -9B Periods No. of Subject per week weeks English Junior Business Training Physical Ed Matheniniics Latin Physiology Home Economies .... Industrial Arts Farm Animals Curriculum IS 10 -A Periods No. of Subject English per week weeks 6 IS; Oooupa! Ions .. f is 1 2 i f, IS 5 is! 1 : -7 is ! Physical Ed. .. .Mathematics Latin Home Economics . Industrial Arts Farm Amnals Tho sign denotes that tno suo - Jects so marked are electlves. rtublects not so marked are com- pulsory for nil pupiiB. In the eighth grade, pupils must choose one of tho four electlves for their firth class. In the nlntn grade four electlves are provided for each sex, two of which must be i churn-n cuch semester. Each iuj1I have a clean cal education classes twice u week. These may be brought from home or will be furnished by the district freshly laundered, at tho cost of 75c each semester. Gymnasium suits. Including rub- her soled shoes, are to be provitl ed by all pupils. Hoys will use the usual gymnasium white shirt and trunks. Girls will weur white mid dies and Zlp-Knlck gym trunks. Olher styles of bloomers may be used If already purchased During tho coining year no mil- form dress will be worn by the girls. Requirements for Graduation Twenty seven credits are re- qulred for graduation, all of which chuiilca, Physical Education, must be gained by completing tho Grade 12-U -English, Trlgom required and necessary elective iotry, Spunlah, Virgil, C1vIcb. Plus- subject of the curriculum. A unit of credit Is earned by pursuing one subject five duyB per week for a semester. One half of u credit will bo given foe tho completion of u nine weeks course. Registration Students are to register for their first semester's work on the first four days of the week preceding the opening of school. Ninth grad ers will register on Monday and Tuesday, eight graders on Wednes day, and seventh graders on Thursday. Students uro urged to study tho curriculum nnd be ready to choose tholr electlves wllliou. undue delay. At registration time each pupil must deposit 75c for a locker pad lock. The lock will be furnished by tho district. At the close of tlio year (iOc will be returned when tlio pud lock Is checked In. At this time ulso the 75c for towels will bo paid by those who desire this service. Text Books 1026-1927 ' The following text books wllf be used In the Junior High School for the year 192(1-1927: All Largo loose leaf notebook, pen, pencil, dictionary. Ink furnish ed by district. 7-11 English, Potter Gilletle English Second Hook, Jr. II. S. lit erature Uk. I, 'Elson, Keck; Scott, Foreaman. Citizenship: Gordy's U. S. History Revised. Mathemat ics: Arithmetic, Schorllng-CIurk, World Hook Co. Art: 8 color paints. Geography: Hrlgham & McFurlnno Geography, second book. 7-A PoUer-Gllleilo English 'sec ond book; Jr. H. S. literature ilk. I, Elson-Keck; Scott, Foresnian. Citizenship: Gordy's U. S. History Hevised. .Mntheinulics: Arithmetic, Hamilton Hook Two. Music: Pro gressive Music Series Hook Three. Penmanship and Spelling: Palmer Writing Book; World Speller Third Hook aud Spelling Tablet. Indus trial Arts: To be selected. Home Economics: To be selected. 8-H. English: -Potter-Gillette English Second Hook; Jr. il. S. lit erature Bk. II, Elson-Keck; Scott, Foresmnn .Citizenship: Gordy s U. S. History Hevised. Mathematics: Aritmetlo Hamilton Hook Two. Art: 8 color paints. Home Econom ics: To bo selected. Pub. Speak ing: To be selected. Lalln and Spanish: To be selected, industrial Arts: To be selected. Geography: Hrigliam - McFarlano Geography Second Book. 8-A English: Potter-Gillette En glish Second Hook; Jr. 11. S. liter ature Bit. II, Elson-Keck; Scott, Forosnmu.. Citizenship; Communi ty CIvIcb Woodburn & Moran, Longman, Greeri Co. (First semes ter 8-A claaa use old civics lexlj. Mathematics: Arithmetic Hamilton Hook Two. Music: Progressive Mu sic Series Hook Three. Penman-1 ship aud Polling: Palnior Writing Students are to register tor their Hook; World Speller Third Hook : year's studies from 9:00' to 12 : 00 and Spelling Tablet. Hoinu Eco-lii. m. and 1:00 to 5:00 p. in. on the noinlcs: To ho selected. Public I first Ihree days of tho week pro Speaking: To bo selected. Latin ceding the opening of school. The and Spunish: To be selected. Indus- j seniors are to come on Monday; trial Arts: To bo selected. Uhe Juniors on Tuesday and liie 9-H English: Ward Sentence jsophuutores on Wednesday. Stu and Thenio, Scott, Forosmaii & Co. dents should register at the above Jr. 11. S. literature Hit. Ill, Elson - I Keck; Scott, l oresnian. Jr. Busl- ! uess Training: Junior Uuslu.s ITrulnlng with forms and blanks, Nichols, American iinoit l o. Maine- IS matlcs: Algebra, Kchorilng nnii ! Clark, World Hook Co. Laiin: No. of .Smith's Latin Lessons. Allyn and weeks : Bacon. Physiology: Conn-Huding- 18 ton Advanced Physiology, Silver. ISiBurdutt. Home Economics: To bo IS! selected. Industrial Arts: To be se- 9lected. Farm Animals: Farm Aul- 9 mills by Plumb, Webb Pub. Co. 18 D-A English: Ward Sutitenco .desire this service, and the chetn 18 land Theme, Scott, Foresniau & Co. ifstry fee must be deposited. ISljr. 11. S. lllerutuio Uk. Ill, Elson- Text Books IS Keck. Scott. Foreaman. Occupa-I Tenth Grade: English II1IV. lSjtlons: Uowln, Wheat ly. Brewer ! Clipplimer. Iturditt & Co.. Long. 5 JSilyn and Uncoil. General Science: .5 1-S'l'lessler Jr. Science and Manual, 5 9:itonJ. Sanborn & Co. Farm Anl- 5 Dennis:: Farm Animals by Plunih. 2 1S Webb Pub. Co. Home l'rom mics 6 l!aud Industrial Ails: To be select- 5 Is eil, 5 IS. Bonks should not be purchasci; 5 IS until after the pupil has registered. 5 IS, Senior High School, Grades 10-12 5 18; Admission and Classification Students will be admitted to lie- , 'lioseburg Senior High School who , I have gained li or more ninth gnu.e . ' rredlls. I Students having taken high IS! school work elsewhere will be giv 1S I en full credit for snme If the school LS'nttonded is standardised by C" ls I state department ot public instruc IS ttmi- otherwise examinations must is, be taken in all subjects where Is credit Is desired. Students coming ls from districts where high schools I,,,-,, maintained shall pay each se- ; ... In advance a tuition fee of $50. cinsslflcallon depenils upon the imher of rredlls gained. Seniors '"'school llours:Tardy bell. S:40; first period, S:4S-9:4: second per-!-4:t-IO:SS: Ihlnl pelietl. 1 1SI....',i ti.u. .ul.lK. norlnd. Ilr!l9- "Vo lsiivMin: liml'v hell, l": iR : fourth rfr- ;!o, i:10-3:0a: f in 11 periou. i.v.v 1 4. 0:i; oixth period. 3:m-4 -01- , study under the tiirecuoii en. n , iieacher. win isite. uv i""i (inl0 0( onoh class period, j , Curriculum Gratia 1- 'Knglisn. onirlry. Caessr. Medieval History.! commercial Geography, Zoology,- Industrial History, rubllc Speak ing, Bookkeeping, Homo Kconoui ics. Local Trades, Physical Educa tion, rurm Crops, Uiblo: Grude 10-A 'English, Plane Ge ometry, Caesar, Modern History. i liolany, Huokkecplug, Home Eco nomics, Farm Crops, " 'Physical Education. Grude 11-U English, Solid Ge ometry, Cicero, Spanish, Ameri can History, Uook keeping, Chemis try, Social Problems, Homo Eco nomics, Shorthand, Typewriting, Farm Mechanics. Physical Educn. lion. Grade Il-A English. Advnnced i Algebra. CIcuro. Spanish. Ameri- can History, Commercial Law, Chemistry, Home Economics, Shorthund, Typewriting. Farm Mu- ilea. Shorthand. Tvnewritlui!. Home , Economics, Physical Education. i Grade 12-A English, Spanish vjrgii, -civics, ruysics, Kuortnautl, Typewriting, Home Economics, Physical Education. Compulsory for all students. Each pupil must deposit 75c for a locker padlock. The lock will be furnished by tho district. At the close of the year GOcVIII be return ed when the padlock is checked iu. Each pupil must have, a clean towel for bathing use after Phys ical Education classes twice a week. These may be brought from Jiome or will be furnished by the district freshly luundered at the coHt of 75c each semester. Gymnasium Bults, Including rub ber soled shoes, are to be provided by all pupils. Hoys will use the usual gymnasium white shirt and trunks. Girls will wear white mid dles and ,lp-Knlck gym trunks. Other styles of bloomers, may bo used If already purchased. Requirements for Graduation Students eligible for diplomas must have completed with passing marks, three years of work in at least two major departments or subjects and two years of work In two other departments or Bttb- Jects. . Possible Major Subjects: Eng lish Latin, History (Including Civics), Science (Laboratory), Mathematics. Possible Minor Subjects: His tory. Science, Latin, Spanish, Mathematics, Agriculture, Short hand, Typewriting, Local Trades', Home Economics. Social Science: Occupations, Commercial Geography, Social Problems and Industrial History. Bookkeeping: Including Com mercial Law. . State College Entrance Re quirements ' A student should keep In mind the entrance requirements of the college ho plans to enter upon completing high school course, so thnt bo may oblain credit In the necessary subjects. The require ments of Oregon institutions are as follows: Enlrnnco to the colleges, uni versities, and normal schools of Oregon is contingent upon presen tation of 15 units, with at leadt 10 (except schoolH of commerce and business administration) units in. English, mathematics, foreign lan guages (including Latin), labora tory sciences and history (includ ing civics nnd economics). Die remaining five unils may be taken In any subject regularly or occasionally on'ercd in the high school couraa of study in tfili ! state credit being granted, however, for penmanship, spelling, military drill, physical training, or work which may be elassltied as largely a student activity. Registration Days ; time and have everything ready for the first day. The superintend. .cut and principal will he glad to help plan tho year's work. School will take up on .Monday, Sept. 20, 1926, At .regl stralion time each pupil must deposit 75c for a locker pad lock. The lock will be furnished by the district. At tile close of the year, line will ho returned when the padlock is checked in. At this time also the 75c fee for ; towels will be paid by those who Co. Comm. Cr-ogmphy: Coiunier. Geography. Hand. McNalty Co. ( HV- ivlsed). Zoology: Hegner "Practical ' Zoology" M-u-milian Co. Hotam : : lleren & Caldwell. Introduction lo nolnuy. C,hn & Co. Manual lor Itolii: Iroquois Laborato: y Note- book. Industrial History: Wells. Iml Hisl. of l S.. Macmillan Co. ; 1'nhllr Siiea'.lne: 'I o he elccl.-il. TIRE SPECIALS For This Week MILLER CORDS 30x3J CI. Ovcrsue ....$11.75 30x3 V S. S. Oversize ....$14.50 31x4 S. S. Ovcrsue $18.75 32x4 S. S. Oversize ....$19.75 3 3x4 S. S. Oversize ... $20.50 20x4.40 Balloon $13.75 30x4.95 Balloon $19.50 RELLIM CORD 30x3 V Oversize Cord 3 1 x4 Oversize Cord .. 32x4 Oversize Cord .. 29x4.40 Bnlloon 31x5.25 Balloon . $9.75 $14.65 $15.75 $10.75 $17.30 $19.90 30x5.77 Balloon All other sizes reduced proportionately. s Tire Shot) at Roscbiirsr Super Service Station Oak and Ross Ct. Roseb-jrg 'J ' eauty mroit Economy mormance . So Smooth - at these IburCeor $ Sedan-v y2TonTruck$375 Ch,.l Only " lTonTruckAS Chuiill Onlj AIUric. o.b. Flint, Mich. ' Phone 446 Q U A L ALL STORES TO CLOSE LABOR DAY. All stores "will be closed on 'Labor Day, Monday, Keptom- her 6, durinK the entire day, with th- exception of baker- les and butcher shops, which will remain open until 10 n. 111. No deliveries. There will be no issue of the Is'ews-Re- view on that date. noSKHL'RG AND DOUGLAS COUNTY MERCHANTS Ass'n a Bookeeplng I nnd II: 20th Century Stock No. 1, No. 9. No. 10, S. W. Pub. Co. Home Economics: To be selected. Local Trades: To be se lected. Farm Crops: Farm Crops and Soils, Cox, W iley & Sons. , Eleventh Grade: Euglish V and VI: Freshman and Sophomore Ba- ! snl Texts. Solid Geometry: Durell & Arnold. Merrill & Co. Cicero: GUnnlson & Hurley, Silver. Bur den & Co. Spanish I: Spanish I Hills & Ford. 11. C. Heath Co. American History: American His tory. Kile Revised. Henry Holt & ' Co. Bookkeeping III: 20th Century Stock, No. 7. No. 30. Southwestern . Vub. Co. Chemistry Chemistry & Us I'ses. . McPherson & Hender ' son, (linn. Manual: Laboratory Practice in Chemistry. MePherson, and Henderson 192 edition. Socinl Problems: Civic Sociology, Ross, Am. Book Co. Home Economics: Yet to be selected. Shorthand I: . Grose;. Gret-g Publishing Co. Type writing: Rational Revised, Gregg & Co. Farm Mechanics: Farm Engi neering. Robb-Degrends, Wiley & Sons. Commercial Law: Elements of Business Law, Huffcut & Bogert Glnn ft Co. I Twelfth Grade: English VII and VIII: Freshman and Sopohomore 'Basal Texts. Trigonometry: Went ', worth-Smith, American Book Co. i Spanish III: Dorado. Kay. Glnn S jt'o. Virgil: nFlreloush and Brown, 1 iRenj. H. Sanborn & Co. Civics: -jMagrmler. Allyn & Baron. Phys ilcs: Mllliken. Gnlo. rhyle, Glnn & Cn Phvsics Manual: Mllliken, Gale. Bishop, Glnn & Co. Short hand III: Gregg Meeo cuniies. G-ogg Co. Sewing 111: Yet to be selected. HAY WANTED. The undersigned will receive bids mil 11 5 p. m . Tuesday. Son tpfnlier "ih. for fip tons ot good hay to be delivered to the city ! barn. S. L. KIDDER, ' Chaitmaa Street Committiie. ' LmifPncesl Ocach or $ HANSEN 3 t , , j X I Jbr Economical Transportation t - so Powerful Because no other car provides such a remarkable combination of the modern features essential to motoring satisfaction, tens of thousands are daily asking themselves: "What more do we need in an , ,. automobile?" and are promptly and satisfactorily answering their own. question by purchasing . the Smoothest Chevrolet in Chevrolet history! , ; Brighter, more striking Duco colors the comfort . and smartness of enclosed Fisher bodies time proved economy and dependability brilliant acceleration, effortless control, abundant power, amazing smoothness at every speed all these, qualities are yours in today's Chevrolet at Chev- ; rolet's low prices! , , . Come in! Drive this splendid low-priced quality ; car! Learn why it is the overwhelming choice of buyers everywhere! ' ' " ' ' ' ' - - - . CHEVROLET-, GO. Rose Street I T Y A T :. : L0 W C t LODGE DIRECTORY : DE MOLAY CHAPTER Regular Communica tion, 2nd aud 4th Thurs days, Masonic HalL Eat barbecue sandwiches am live forever. Brand's Road Stand. Gulbratisen Is, $295 !(! & T 4 Notice tho comparative sizes of an ordinary Upright and the new small model Gulbranscn.Tone such as you would expect to find only in pianos of much larger she; beauty, petiteness, fine finish make it an ornament and center of attraction wherever placed; built to fit into most any cory nook. A Gulbran sen quality product through out, nationally priced, $295. Regular si:e Uprights $295, $350, $440; Grands, $785; Registering Pianos, $450, $530, $595, $700. This wonderful little Piano sotd on -easy terms almost a3 small as rent by Ott's Music Store Roseburg Oregon i SWXSWBi - ( Eagles, Roseburg Aerie Meets In Alaocabee ball, on Cass street on second and fourth Wednes day evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren in good stamlln? always welcome J. B. BAILEY, Jr., W. Pres. GEO. STALEY, Jr., P. W. Pres. B. F. GOODMAN, See. United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Meets at 476 S. Main second aud mourtb Tuesday evenings of each month All carpenters welcomed. T P HOLMES. Rec. Sao. EMERY COLE. Pres. Ldurel Chapter No. 31, AT M. . Meets every third Tuesday ol each month In Masonic Templo. All mam hers requested to attend ana visiting companions wel come. W. O. BURT, High Prie t W. F. HARRIS, Secretary. Jon's Daughters No. 8. Meets first and third Fridays at 7:30 p. . m. Masonic Temple. Master Ma sons and O. E. S. members al ways welcome. -. VERA McCLlNTOCK. Secy. . u. o. p., Philetarian Loage Nc 8 Meets In Odd Fellows Ten pie every Friday evening. Visit, ing brethren are always wol COTtl" ROLAND L. ANGST, N. G . A. J. OEDDES, Rec. Sec. 3 B. BAILEY. Fin. Sfo. A. F. & A. M., Laurel Lodge No 18. Regular communication! second aud fourth Wednesdays each month at Masnnlo Temple. Roseburg, Ore. Visitors wel come. J. M. THRONE, V7. lt. W. F. HARRIS. Sec. United Artisans Meets""ni K. P Hall first and . third Thurs days. Visiting members always welcome. MYRTLE BODLEY. M. A. MILDRED McCULLOCH, Treaa HFLLK STEPHENSON. Sec. w. 8. A. 6. T.'wT." RoseVuVgnRe view No. 11 Holds regular meat Ings on second and fourth Thurs days at 7:30 p. m. Visiting sis ters Invited to attend reviews Maccabee hall. Pine and Cas sireois. I RA RAPP, Com. JESSIE RAPP. Col. Roseburg Rcbekah Lodge No. 4f, I. O. O. F. Meets in Odd Feb lows Templs every ' week on Tuesday evening.' Visiting lum bers In good standing are cor- uiauy inviica 10 attend. MINNIE CLARK. N. G. t ! Asa.H'aV'' 9 Roseburg, Ore. ;;:CQ.S 8. P. O. Elks, Roseburg Lodge No, S2ff Hold regular communication : .-at the Elks Temple on each seo ond and fourth Thursdays eaca month. All members -requested to attend regularly; and all visit, ing brothers are cordially .invlt ed to attend. , IAR B. RIDDLE, E. R. J. T. GOODMAN. Secretary. ftoseburg Lodge No. 1037 L. O. O. M. Meets every Wednesda) night. Moose Hall, 248 N. Jack) Bon streeL Club rooms opes 7:S0 to 10 p. m. Vliiting oth jrs welcome. W. A. JBOGARD, Dictator. H. O. PARGETER, Secretary. JNO. M. THRONE. Treasurer, v. o. I'. M. Meots eacn second and fourth Thursday of eacn month, in Maccabee hall, con ner Cass and Pine streets. Visit ing KnlghtB always welcome. It. C. GOODMAN. Com. -O. W. RAPP. R. K. Union Encampment No. 9, 1. O. O. F. Meets In Odd Fellows Tem ple on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. Visiting Patri archs always welcome. FRED MILLER. C. P. W. r. WETHERELU Scribe. Neighbors of Woodcraft, Llloe Circle No. 49 Meets on flrsl and third Monday evenings, in K. of P. halL Visiting neighbors - invited to attend. TILLIE HUGHES, G. N. MARGARET WHITNEY. Clerfc O. 6. 8., Roseburg Chapter No. 3 Holds their regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays In each month. All sojourning broth ers and sisters are respectfully Invited to attend. ETHEL J. BURT, W. M. FRKE JOHNSON, Secretary. Pythian Sisters, Umpqua Temple, No. 4; Meets the second and fourth Monday evenings of each month, at the K. of 1. halL Vis itors always welcome. RACHEL MOSS, M. E. C. ' EVA MARKS. M. of R. C. ; MAY E. PARKER, M. of P. ; Woodmen of the World, Camp1 No 125 Meets In tho Odd Fellow! Hall In Roseburg every . flrsl and third Monday evening. Vis ltlng neighbors always welcoml M.M. MILLEILjClerfc knients of' Pythias, Alpha Lodg No. 47 Meets every Wednesdaj In Knights of Pythias hall, ISO Rose street Visitors always wel comed. .SAJT CHHfSTENSON. C, C. ROY O. YOUNO. M. F. . , E. E. WIMEERLY, K. R. C